
  • Version 1.8.8
  • Published
  • 25.8 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for react-window





Type Aliases


function areEqual

areEqual: (prevProps: Readonly<object>, nextProps: Readonly<object>) => boolean;
  • Custom comparison function for React.memo(). It knows to compare individual style props and ignore the wrapper object.

    See Also

    • https://reactjs.org/docs/react-api.html#reactmemo

function shouldComponentUpdate

shouldComponentUpdate: <P = {}, S = {}>(
this: { props: P; state: S },
nextProps: Readonly<P>,
nextState: Readonly<S>
) => boolean;
  • Custom shouldComponentUpdate for class components. It knows to compare individual style props and ignore the wrapper object.

    See Also

    • https://reactjs.org/docs/react-component.html#shouldcomponentupdate


class FixedSizeGrid

class FixedSizeGrid<T = any> extends Component<FixedSizeGridProps<T>> {}

    method scrollTo

    scrollTo: (params: { scrollLeft?: number; scrollTop?: number }) => void;
    • Scroll to the specified offsets.

    method scrollToItem

    scrollToItem: (params: {
    align?: Align | undefined;
    columnIndex?: number | undefined;
    rowIndex?: number | undefined;
    }) => void;
    • Scroll to the specified item.

      By default, the Grid will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying an align property. Acceptable values are:

      - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) - smart - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the grid. - center - Center align the item within the grid. - end - Align the item to the bottom, right hand side of the grid. - start - Align the item to the top, left hand of the grid.

      If either columnIndex or rowIndex are omitted, scrollLeft or scrollTop will be unchanged (respectively).

    class FixedSizeList

    class FixedSizeList<T = any> extends Component<FixedSizeListProps<T>> {}

      method scrollTo

      scrollTo: (scrollOffset: number) => void;
      • Scroll to the specified offset (scrollTop or scrollLeft, depending on the direction prop).

      method scrollToItem

      scrollToItem: (index: number, align?: Align) => void;
      • Scroll to the specified item.

        By default, the List will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying a second alignment parameter. Acceptable values are:

        - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) - smart - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the list. - center - Center align the item within the list. - end - Align the item to the end of the list (the bottom for vertical lists or the right for horizontal lists). - start - Align the item to the beginning of the list (the top for vertical lists or the left for horizontal lists).

      class VariableSizeGrid

      class VariableSizeGrid<T = any> extends Component<VariableSizeGridProps<T>> {}

        method resetAfterColumnIndex

        resetAfterColumnIndex: (index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean) => void;
        • VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each column index for performance purposes. This method clears that cached data for all columns after (and including) the specified index. It should be called whenever a column's width changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.)

          By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter.

        method resetAfterIndices

        resetAfterIndices: (params: {
        columnIndex: number;
        rowIndex: number;
        shouldForceUpdate?: boolean | undefined;
        }) => void;
        • VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each item for performance purposes. This method clears that cached data for all items after (and including) the specified indices. It should be called whenever an items size changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.)

          By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, specify a value of false for the optional shouldForceUpdate parameter.

        method resetAfterRowIndex

        resetAfterRowIndex: (index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean) => void;
        • VariableSizeGrid caches offsets and measurements for each row index for performance purposes. This method clears that cached data for all rows after (and including) the specified index. It should be called whenever a row's height changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.)

          By default the grid will automatically re-render after the index is reset. If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter.

        method scrollTo

        scrollTo: (params: { scrollLeft?: number; scrollTop?: number }) => void;
        • Scroll to the specified offsets.

        method scrollToItem

        scrollToItem: (params: {
        align?: Align | undefined;
        columnIndex?: number | undefined;
        rowIndex?: number | undefined;
        }) => void;
        • Scroll to the specified item.

          By default, the Grid will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying an align property. Acceptable values are:

          - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) - smart - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the grid. - center - Center align the item within the grid. - end - Align the item to the bottom, right hand side of the grid. - start - Align the item to the top, left hand of the grid.

          If either columnIndex or rowIndex are omitted, scrollLeft or scrollTop will be unchanged (respectively).

        class VariableSizeList

        class VariableSizeList<T = any> extends Component<VariableSizeListProps<T>> {}

          method resetAfterIndex

          resetAfterIndex: (index: number, shouldForceUpdate?: boolean) => void;
          • VariableSizeList caches offsets and measurements for each index for performance purposes. This method clears that cached data for all items after (and including) the specified index. It should be called whenever a item's size changes. (Note that this is not a typical occurrence.)

            By default the list will automatically re-render after the index is reset. If you would like to delay this re-render until e.g. a state update has completed in the parent component, specify a value of false for the second, optional parameter.

          method scrollTo

          scrollTo: (scrollOffset: number) => void;
          • Scroll to the specified offset (scrollTop or scrollLeft, depending on the direction prop).

          method scrollToItem

          scrollToItem: (index: number, align?: Align) => void;
          • Scroll to the specified item.

            By default, the List will scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. You can control the alignment of the item though by specifying a second alignment parameter. Acceptable values are:

            - auto (default) - Scroll as little as possible to ensure the item is visible. (If the item is already visible, it won't scroll at all.) - smart - If the item is already visible, don't scroll at all. - If it is less than one viewport away, scroll as little as possible so that it becomes visible. - If it is more than one viewport away, scroll so that it is centered within the list. - center - Center align the item within the list. - end - Align the item to the end of the list (the bottom for vertical lists or the right for horizontal lists). - start - Align the item to the beginning of the list (the top for vertical lists or the left for horizontal lists).


          interface CommonProps

          interface CommonProps<T = any> {}

            property className

            className?: string | undefined;
            • Optional CSS class to attach to outermost element.

            property innerElementType

            innerElementType?: ReactElementType | undefined;
            • Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the inner container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used.

            property innerRef

            innerRef?: Ref<any> | undefined;
            • Ref to attach to the inner container element. This is an advanced property.

            property innerTagName

            innerTagName?: string | undefined;
            • Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the inner container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used.


              since 1.4.0

            property itemData

            itemData?: T | undefined;
            • Contextual data to be passed to the item renderer as a data prop. This is a light-weight alternative to React's built-in context API.

              Item data is useful for item renderers that are class components.

            property outerElementType

            outerElementType?: ReactElementType | undefined;
            • Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the outer container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used.

            property outerRef

            outerRef?: Ref<any> | undefined;
            • Ref to attach to the outer container element. This is an advanced property.

            property outerTagName

            outerTagName?: string | undefined;
            • Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the outer container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used.


              since 1.4.0

            property style

            style?: CSSProperties | undefined;
            • Optional inline style to attach to outermost element.

            property useIsScrolling

            useIsScrolling?: boolean | undefined;
            • Adds an additional isScrolling parameter to the children render function. This parameter can be used to show a placeholder row or column while the list is being scrolled.

              Note that using this parameter will result in an additional render call after scrolling has stopped (when isScrolling changes from true to false).

            interface FixedSizeGridProps

            interface FixedSizeGridProps<T = any> extends GridProps<T> {}

              property columnWidth

              columnWidth: number;
              • Width of an individual column within the grid.

              property rowHeight

              rowHeight: number;
              • Height of an individual row within the grid.

              interface FixedSizeListProps

              interface FixedSizeListProps<T = any> extends ListProps<T> {}

                property itemSize

                itemSize: number;
                • Size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width.

                interface GridChildComponentProps

                interface GridChildComponentProps<T = any> {}

                  property columnIndex

                  columnIndex: number;

                    property data

                    data: T;

                      property isScrolling

                      isScrolling?: boolean | undefined;

                        property rowIndex

                        rowIndex: number;

                          property style

                          style: CSSProperties;

                            interface GridOnItemsRenderedProps

                            interface GridOnItemsRenderedProps {}

                              property overscanColumnStartIndex

                              overscanColumnStartIndex: number;

                                property overscanColumnStopIndex

                                overscanColumnStopIndex: number;

                                  property overscanRowStartIndex

                                  overscanRowStartIndex: number;

                                    property overscanRowStopIndex

                                    overscanRowStopIndex: number;

                                      property visibleColumnStartIndex

                                      visibleColumnStartIndex: number;

                                        property visibleColumnStopIndex

                                        visibleColumnStopIndex: number;

                                          property visibleRowStartIndex

                                          visibleRowStartIndex: number;

                                            property visibleRowStopIndex

                                            visibleRowStopIndex: number;

                                              interface GridOnScrollProps

                                              interface GridOnScrollProps {}

                                                property horizontalScrollDirection

                                                horizontalScrollDirection: ScrollDirection;

                                                  property scrollLeft

                                                  scrollLeft: number;

                                                    property scrollTop

                                                    scrollTop: number;

                                                      property scrollUpdateWasRequested

                                                      scrollUpdateWasRequested: boolean;

                                                        property verticalScrollDirection

                                                        verticalScrollDirection: ScrollDirection;

                                                          interface GridProps

                                                          interface GridProps<T = any> extends CommonProps<T> {}

                                                            property children

                                                            children: ComponentType<GridChildComponentProps<T>>;
                                                            • React component responsible for rendering the individual item specified by an index prop. This component also receives a style prop (used for positioning).

                                                              If useIsScrolling is enabled for the list, the component also receives an additional isScrolling boolean prop.

                                                            property columnCount

                                                            columnCount: number;
                                                            • Number of columns in the grid. Note that only a few columns will be rendered and displayed at a time.

                                                            property direction

                                                            direction?: CSSDirection | undefined;
                                                            • Determines the direction of text and horizontal scrolling.

                                                              This property also automatically sets the CSS direction style for the grid component.


                                                            property height

                                                            height: number;
                                                            • Height of the grid. This affects the number of rows that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time.

                                                            property initialScrollLeft

                                                            initialScrollLeft?: number | undefined;
                                                            • Horizontal scroll offset for initial render.

                                                            property initialScrollTop

                                                            initialScrollTop?: number | undefined;
                                                            • Vertical scroll offset for initial render.

                                                            property itemKey

                                                            itemKey?: GridItemKeySelector<T> | undefined;
                                                            • By default, grids will use an item's indices as its key. This is okay if:

                                                              - Your collections of items is never sorted or modified - Your item renderer is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent

                                                              If your grid does not satisfy the above constraints, use the itemKey property to specify your own keys for items.

                                                            property onItemsRendered

                                                            onItemsRendered?: ((props: GridOnItemsRenderedProps) => any) | undefined;
                                                            • Called when the items rendered by the grid change.

                                                            property onScroll

                                                            onScroll?: ((props: GridOnScrollProps) => any) | undefined;
                                                            • Called when the grid scroll positions changes, as a result of user scrolling or scroll-to method calls.

                                                            property overscanColumnCount

                                                            overscanColumnCount?: number | undefined;
                                                            • The number of columns to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons:

                                                              - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling.

                                                              Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item.

                                                            property overscanColumnsCount

                                                            overscanColumnsCount?: number | undefined;
                                                            • Deprecated

                                                              since version 1.8.2, please use overscanColumnCount

                                                            property overscanCount

                                                            overscanCount?: number | undefined;
                                                            • The number of items (rows or columns) to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons:

                                                              - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling.

                                                              Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item.


                                                              since version 1.4.0

                                                            property overscanRowCount

                                                            overscanRowCount?: number | undefined;
                                                            • The number of rows to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons:

                                                              - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling.

                                                              Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, grid overscans by one item.

                                                            property overscanRowsCount

                                                            overscanRowsCount?: number | undefined;
                                                            • Deprecated

                                                              since version 1.8.2, please use overscanRowCount

                                                            property rowCount

                                                            rowCount: number;
                                                            • Number of rows in the grid. Note that only a few rows will be rendered and displayed at a time.

                                                            property width

                                                            width: number;
                                                            • Width of the grid. This affects the number of columns that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time.

                                                            interface ListChildComponentProps

                                                            interface ListChildComponentProps<T = any> {}

                                                              property data

                                                              data: T;

                                                                property index

                                                                index: number;

                                                                  property isScrolling

                                                                  isScrolling?: boolean | undefined;

                                                                    property style

                                                                    style: CSSProperties;

                                                                      interface ListOnItemsRenderedProps

                                                                      interface ListOnItemsRenderedProps {}

                                                                        property overscanStartIndex

                                                                        overscanStartIndex: number;

                                                                          property overscanStopIndex

                                                                          overscanStopIndex: number;

                                                                            property visibleStartIndex

                                                                            visibleStartIndex: number;

                                                                              property visibleStopIndex

                                                                              visibleStopIndex: number;

                                                                                interface ListOnScrollProps

                                                                                interface ListOnScrollProps {}

                                                                                  property scrollDirection

                                                                                  scrollDirection: ScrollDirection;

                                                                                    property scrollOffset

                                                                                    scrollOffset: number;

                                                                                      property scrollUpdateWasRequested

                                                                                      scrollUpdateWasRequested: boolean;

                                                                                        interface ListProps

                                                                                        interface ListProps<T = any> extends CommonProps<T> {}

                                                                                          property children

                                                                                          children: ComponentType<ListChildComponentProps<T>>;
                                                                                          • React component responsible for rendering the individual item specified by an index prop. This component also receives a style prop (used for positioning).

                                                                                            If useIsScrolling is enabled for the list, the component also receives an additional isScrolling boolean prop.

                                                                                          property direction

                                                                                          direction?: CSSDirection | Direction | undefined;
                                                                                          • Determines the direction of text and horizontal scrolling.

                                                                                            This property also automatically sets the CSS direction style for the list component.

                                                                                            Specifying "horizontal" or "vertical" for this value is deprecated. Use "layout" prop instead.


                                                                                          property height

                                                                                          height: number | string;
                                                                                          • Height of the list.

                                                                                            For vertical lists, this must be a number. It affects the number of rows that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time.

                                                                                            For horizontal lists, this can be a number or a string (e.g. "50%").

                                                                                          property initialScrollOffset

                                                                                          initialScrollOffset?: number | undefined;
                                                                                          • Scroll offset for initial render.

                                                                                            For vertical lists, this affects scrollTop. For horizontal lists, this affects scrollLeft.

                                                                                          property itemCount

                                                                                          itemCount: number;
                                                                                          • Total number of items in the list. Note that only a few items will be rendered and displayed at a time.

                                                                                          property itemKey

                                                                                          itemKey?: ListItemKeySelector<T> | undefined;
                                                                                          • By default, lists will use an item's index as its key. This is okay if:

                                                                                            - Your collections of items is never sorted or modified - Your item renderer is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent

                                                                                            If your list does not satisfy the above constraints, use the itemKey property to specify your own keys for items

                                                                                          property layout

                                                                                          layout?: Layout | undefined;
                                                                                          • Layout/orientation of the list.

                                                                                            Acceptable values are: - "vertical" (default) - Up/down scrolling. - "horizontal" - Left/right scrolling.

                                                                                            Note that lists may scroll in both directions (depending on CSS) but content will only be windowed in the layout direction specified.

                                                                                          property onItemsRendered

                                                                                          onItemsRendered?: ((props: ListOnItemsRenderedProps) => any) | undefined;
                                                                                          • Called when the items rendered by the list change.

                                                                                          property onScroll

                                                                                          onScroll?: ((props: ListOnScrollProps) => any) | undefined;
                                                                                          • Called when the list scroll positions changes, as a result of user scrolling or scroll-to method calls.

                                                                                          property overscanCount

                                                                                          overscanCount?: number | undefined;
                                                                                          • The number of items (rows or columns) to render outside of the visible area. This property can be important for two reasons:

                                                                                            - Overscanning by one row or column allows the tab key to focus on the next (not yet visible) item. - Overscanning slightly can reduce or prevent a flash of empty space when a user first starts scrolling.

                                                                                            Note that overscanning too much can negatively impact performance. By default, List overscans by one item.

                                                                                          property width

                                                                                          width: number | string;
                                                                                          • Width of the list.

                                                                                            For horizontal lists, this must be a number. It affects the number of columns that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time.

                                                                                            For vertical lists, this can be a number or a string (e.g. "50%").

                                                                                          interface VariableSizeGridProps

                                                                                          interface VariableSizeGridProps<T = any> extends GridProps<T> {}

                                                                                            property columnWidth

                                                                                            columnWidth: (index: number) => number;
                                                                                            • Returns the width of the specified column.

                                                                                            property estimatedColumnWidth

                                                                                            estimatedColumnWidth?: number | undefined;
                                                                                            • Average (or estimated) column width for unrendered columns.

                                                                                              This value is used to calculated the estimated total width of a Grid before its columns have all been measured. The estimated width impacts user scrolling behavior. It is updated whenever new columns are measured.

                                                                                            property estimatedRowHeight

                                                                                            estimatedRowHeight?: number | undefined;
                                                                                            • Average (or estimated) row height for unrendered rows.

                                                                                              This value is used to calculated the estimated total height of a Grid before its rows have all been measured. The estimated height impacts user scrolling behavior. It is updated whenever new rows are measured.

                                                                                            property rowHeight

                                                                                            rowHeight: (index: number) => number;
                                                                                            • Returns the height of the specified row.

                                                                                            interface VariableSizeListProps

                                                                                            interface VariableSizeListProps<T = any> extends ListProps<T> {}

                                                                                              property estimatedItemSize

                                                                                              estimatedItemSize?: number | undefined;
                                                                                              • Estimated size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width.

                                                                                                This value is used to calculated the estimated total size of a list before its items have all been measured. The total size impacts user scrolling behavior. It is updated whenever new items are measured.

                                                                                              property itemSize

                                                                                              itemSize: (index: number) => number;
                                                                                              • Returns the size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width.

                                                                                              Type Aliases

                                                                                              type Align

                                                                                              type Align = 'auto' | 'smart' | 'center' | 'end' | 'start';

                                                                                                type CSSDirection

                                                                                                type CSSDirection = 'ltr' | 'rtl';

                                                                                                  type Direction

                                                                                                  type Direction = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';

                                                                                                    type GridItemKeySelector

                                                                                                    type GridItemKeySelector<T = any> = (params: {
                                                                                                    columnIndex: number;
                                                                                                    rowIndex: number;
                                                                                                    data: T;
                                                                                                    }) => Key;

                                                                                                      type Layout

                                                                                                      type Layout = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';

                                                                                                        type ListItemKeySelector

                                                                                                        type ListItemKeySelector<T = any> = (index: number, data: T) => Key;

                                                                                                          type ReactElementType

                                                                                                          type ReactElementType = FunctionComponent<any> | ComponentClass<any> | string;

                                                                                                            type ScrollDirection

                                                                                                            type ScrollDirection = 'forward' | 'backward';

                                                                                                              Package Files (1)

                                                                                                              Dependencies (1)

                                                                                                              Dev Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                              No dev dependencies.

                                                                                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                              No peer dependencies.


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