- Version 8.3.11
- Published
- 36.5 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/redux-form
yarn add @types/redux-form
pnpm add @types/redux-form
TypeScript definitions for redux-form
- arrayInsert()
- arrayMove()
- arrayPop()
- arrayPush()
- arrayRemove()
- arrayRemoveAll()
- arrayShift()
- arraySplice()
- arraySwap()
- arrayUnshift()
- autofill()
- blur()
- change()
- clearAsyncError()
- clearFields()
- clearSubmit()
- clearSubmitErrors()
- destroy()
- focus()
- formValues()
- formValueSelector()
- initialize()
- reduxForm()
- registerField()
- reset()
- resetSection()
- setSubmitFailed()
- setSubmitSucceeded()
- startAsyncValidation()
- startSubmit()
- stopAsyncValidation()
- stopSubmit()
- submit()
- touch()
- unregisterField()
- untouch()
- updateSyncErrors()
- updateSyncWarnings()
- asyncBlurFields
- asyncChangeFields
- asyncValidate()
- destroyOnUnmount
- enableReinitialize
- forceUnregisterOnUnmount
- form
- getFormState
- immutableProps
- initialValues
- keepDirtyOnReinitialize
- keepValues
- onChange()
- onSubmit
- onSubmitFail()
- onSubmitSuccess()
- persistentSubmitErrors
- propNamespace
- pure
- shouldAsyncValidate()
- shouldError()
- shouldValidate()
- shouldWarn()
- submitAsSideEffect
- touchOnBlur
- touchOnChange
- updateUnregisteredFields
- validate()
- warn()
- array
- arrayInsert
- arrayMove
- arrayPop
- arrayPush
- arrayRemove
- arrayRemoveAll
- arrayShift
- arraySplice
- arraySwap
- arrayUnshift
- autofill
- blur
- change
- clearAsyncError
- clearFields
- clearSubmit
- clearSubmitErrors
- destroy
- dispatch
- focus
- initialize
- registerField
- reset
- resetSection
- setSubmitFailed
- setSubmitSucceeded
- startAsyncValidation
- startSubmit
- stopAsyncValidation
- stopSubmit
- submit
- touch
- unregisterField
- untouch
- updateSyncErrors
- updateSyncWarnings
Type Aliases
- ArrayInsertAction
- ArrayMoveAction
- ArrayPopAction
- ArrayPushAction
- ArrayRemoveAction
- ArrayRemoveAllAction
- ArrayShiftAction
- ArraySpliceAction
- ArraySwapAction
- ArrayUnshiftAction
- AutoFillAction
- BaseFieldArrayProps
- BlurAction
- BooleanSelector
- ChangeAction
- ClearAsyncErrorAction
- ClearFieldsAction
- ClearSubmitAction
- ClearSubmitErrorsAction
- DataSelector
- DecoratedFormProps
- DecoratedFormState
- DestroyAction
- ErrorSelector
- EventHandler
- EventWithDataHandler
- FieldIterate
- FieldsWarnerOrValidator
- FieldType
- FocusAction
- Formatter
- FormDecorator
- FormErrors
- FormOrFieldsBooleanSelector
- FormProps
- FormSubmitHandler
- FormWarnings
- GenericFieldHTMLAttributes
- GetFormState
- InitializeAction
- NamesSelector
- Normalizer
- Omit
- Parser
- RegisterFieldAction
- ResetAction
- ResetSectionAction
- SetSubmitFailedAction
- SetSubmitSucceededAction
- StartAsyncValidationAction
- StartSubmitAction
- StopAsyncValidationAction
- StopSubmitAction
- SubmitAction
- TouchAction
- UnregisterFieldAction
- UntouchAction
- UpdateSyncErrorsAction
- UpdateSyncWarningsAction
- Validator
variable actionTypes
const actionTypes: ActionTypes;
variable FormName
const FormName: FunctionComponent<FormNameProps>;
variable getFormAsyncErrors
const getFormAsyncErrors: ErrorSelector<{}, {}, string>;
variable getFormError
const getFormError: ErrorSelector<{}, {}, string>;
variable getFormInitialValues
const getFormInitialValues: DataSelector<{}, {}>;
variable getFormMeta
const getFormMeta: DataSelector<{}, {}>;
variable getFormNames
const getFormNames: NamesSelector<{}>;
variable getFormSubmitErrors
const getFormSubmitErrors: ErrorSelector<{}, {}, string>;
variable getFormSyncErrors
const getFormSyncErrors: ErrorSelector<{}, {}, string>;
variable getFormSyncWarnings
const getFormSyncWarnings: ErrorSelector<{}, {}, string>;
variable getFormValues
const getFormValues: DataSelector<{}, {}>;
variable hasSubmitFailed
const hasSubmitFailed: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable hasSubmitSucceeded
const hasSubmitSucceeded: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isAsyncValidating
const isAsyncValidating: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isDirty
const isDirty: FormOrFieldsBooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isInvalid
const isInvalid: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isPristine
const isPristine: FormOrFieldsBooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isSubmitting
const isSubmitting: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable isValid
const isValid: BooleanSelector<{}>;
variable reducer
const reducer: FormReducer;
variable ReduxFormContext
const ReduxFormContext: Context<FormContext>;
function arrayInsert
arrayInsert: ( form: string, field: string, index: number, value: any) => FormAction;
function arrayMove
arrayMove: (form: string, field: string, from: number, to: number) => FormAction;
function arrayPop
arrayPop: (form: string, field: string) => FormAction;
function arrayPush
arrayPush: (form: string, field: string, value: any) => FormAction;
function arrayRemove
arrayRemove: (form: string, field: string, index: number) => FormAction;
function arrayRemoveAll
arrayRemoveAll: (form: string, field: string) => FormAction;
function arrayShift
arrayShift: (form: string, field: string) => FormAction;
function arraySplice
arraySplice: ( form: string, field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any) => FormAction;
function arraySwap
arraySwap: ( form: string, field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number) => FormAction;
function arrayUnshift
arrayUnshift: (form: string, field: string, value: any) => FormAction;
function autofill
autofill: (form: string, field: string, value: any) => FormAction;
function blur
blur: (form: string, field: string, value: any, touch?: boolean) => FormAction;
function change
change: ( form: string, field: string, value: any, touch?: boolean, persistentSubmitErrors?: boolean) => FormAction;
function clearAsyncError
clearAsyncError: (form: string, field: string) => FormAction;
function clearFields
clearFields: ( form: string, keepTouched: boolean, persistentSubmitErrors: boolean, ...fields: string[]) => FormAction;
function clearSubmit
clearSubmit: (form: string) => FormAction;
function clearSubmitErrors
clearSubmitErrors: (form: string) => FormAction;
function destroy
destroy: (...form: string[]) => FormAction;
function focus
focus: (form: string, field: string) => FormAction;
function formValues
formValues: { <Values, P = {}>(obj: Values): ( component: ComponentType<P & { [K in keyof Values]: any }> ) => ComponentClass<P & { [K in keyof Values]: any }>; <FormData = {}, K extends keyof FormData = keyof FormData, P = {}>( ...names: K[] ): ( component: ComponentType<P & Pick<FormData, K>> ) => ComponentClass<P & Pick<FormData, K>>;};
function formValueSelector
formValueSelector: <State = {}>( form: string, getFormState?: (state: State) => FormStateMap) => (state: State, ...field: string[]) => any;
function initialize
initialize: { ( form: string, data: any, keepDirty?: boolean, options?: Partial<InitializeOptions> ): FormAction; (form: string, data: any, options?: Partial<InitializeOptions>): FormAction;};
function reduxForm
reduxForm: <FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string>( config: | ConfigProps<FormData, P, ErrorType> | Partial<ConfigProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>>) => FormDecorator<FormData, P, ErrorType>;
function registerField
registerField: (form: string, name: string, type: FieldType) => FormAction;
function reset
reset: (form: string) => FormAction;
function resetSection
resetSection: (form: string, ...sections: string[]) => FormAction;
function setSubmitFailed
setSubmitFailed: (form: string, ...fields: string[]) => FormAction;
function setSubmitSucceeded
setSubmitSucceeded: (form: string, ...fields: string[]) => FormAction;
function startAsyncValidation
startAsyncValidation: (form: string) => FormAction;
function startSubmit
startSubmit: (form: string) => FormAction;
function stopAsyncValidation
stopAsyncValidation: (form: string, errors?: FormErrors<any, any>) => FormAction;
function stopSubmit
stopSubmit: (form: string, errors?: FormErrors<any, any>) => FormAction;
function submit
submit: (form: string) => FormAction;
function touch
touch: (form: string, ...fields: string[]) => FormAction;
function unregisterField
unregisterField: (form: string, name: string) => FormAction;
function untouch
untouch: (form: string, ...fields: string[]) => FormAction;
function updateSyncErrors
updateSyncErrors: <T = any>( form: string, syncErrors: FormErrors<any, T>, error: T) => FormAction;
function updateSyncWarnings
updateSyncWarnings: <T = any>( form: string, syncWarnings: FormWarnings<any, T>, warning: T) => FormAction;
class Field
class Field< P extends GenericFieldHTMLAttributes | BaseFieldProps = | GenericFieldHTMLAttributes | BaseFieldProps> extends Component<P> {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property value
value: any;
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component<WrappedFieldProps & P>;
class FieldArray
class FieldArray<P = {}, FieldValue = any> extends Component<BaseFieldArrayProps<P, FieldValue>> implements GenericFieldArray<FieldValue, P> {}
property name
name: string;
property valid
valid: boolean;
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component<WrappedFieldArrayProps<FieldValue> & P>;
class Fields
class Fields<P = {}> extends Component<BaseFieldsProps<P> & P> implements GenericFields<P> {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property names
names: string[];
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property values
values: { [name: string]: any };
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component< BaseFieldsProps<{}> & WrappedFieldsProps & P>;
class Form
class Form<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> extends Component<FormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>> implements GenericForm<FormData, P, ErrorType> {}
class FormSection
class FormSection<P = {}> extends Component<FormSectionProps<P> & P> {}
class GenericForm
class GenericForm<FormData, P, ErrorType> extends Component< FormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>> {}
class SubmissionError
class SubmissionError<FormData = {}, ErrorType = string> extends Error {}
constructor(errors: { [P in keyof FormData]?: any } & ErrorOther<ErrorType>);
property errors
errors: { [P in keyof FormData]?: any } & ErrorOther<ErrorType>;
interface ActionTypes
interface ActionTypes {}
property ARRAY_MOVE
ARRAY_MOVE: string;
property ARRAY_POP
ARRAY_POP: string;
property ARRAY_PUSH
ARRAY_PUSH: string;
property ARRAY_SHIFT
ARRAY_SHIFT: string;
property ARRAY_SWAP
ARRAY_SWAP: string;
property AUTOFILL
AUTOFILL: string;
property BLUR
BLUR: string;
property CHANGE
CHANGE: string;
property DESTROY
DESTROY: string;
property FOCUS
FOCUS: string;
property RESET
RESET: string;
property STOP_SUBMIT
STOP_SUBMIT: string;
property SUBMIT
SUBMIT: string;
property TOUCH
TOUCH: string;
property UNTOUCH
UNTOUCH: string;
interface AsyncValidateCallback
interface AsyncValidateCallback<FormData, ErrorType> {}
property asyncErrors
asyncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType> | undefined;
property blurredField
blurredField?: string | undefined;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property syncValidationPasses
syncValidationPasses: boolean;
property trigger
trigger: 'blur' | 'submit';
interface BaseFieldProps
interface BaseFieldProps<P = {}> extends Partial<CommonFieldProps> {}
property component
component?: | ComponentType<WrappedFieldProps & P> | 'input' | 'select' | 'textarea' | undefined;
property format
format?: Formatter | null | undefined;
property forwardRef
forwardRef?: boolean | undefined;
property immutableProps
immutableProps?: string[] | undefined;
property name
name: string;
property normalize
normalize?: Normalizer | undefined;
property parse
parse?: Parser | undefined;
property props
props?: P | undefined;
property validate
validate?: Validator | Validator[] | undefined;
property warn
warn?: Validator | Validator[] | undefined;
interface BaseFieldsProps
interface BaseFieldsProps<P = {}> {}
property component
component?: ComponentType<any> | undefined;
property format
format?: Formatter | null | undefined;
property forwardRef
forwardRef?: boolean | undefined;
property names
names: string[];
property parse
parse?: Parser | undefined;
property props
props?: P | undefined;
property validate
validate?: FieldsWarnerOrValidator | undefined;
property warn
warn?: FieldsWarnerOrValidator | undefined;
interface CommonFieldInputProps
interface CommonFieldInputProps {}
property name
name: string;
property onDragStart
onDragStart: EventHandler<DragEvent<any>>;
property onDrop
onDrop: EventHandler<DragEvent<any>>;
property onFocus
onFocus: EventHandler<FocusEvent<any>>;
interface CommonFieldProps
interface CommonFieldProps extends CommonFieldInputProps {}
interface ConfigProps
interface ConfigProps<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> {}
property asyncBlurFields
asyncBlurFields?: string[] | undefined;
property asyncChangeFields
asyncChangeFields?: string[] | undefined;
property destroyOnUnmount
destroyOnUnmount?: boolean | undefined;
property enableReinitialize
enableReinitialize?: boolean | undefined;
property forceUnregisterOnUnmount
forceUnregisterOnUnmount?: boolean | undefined;
property form
form: string;
property getFormState
getFormState?: GetFormState | undefined;
property immutableProps
immutableProps?: string[] | undefined;
property initialValues
initialValues?: Partial<FormData> | undefined;
property keepDirtyOnReinitialize
keepDirtyOnReinitialize?: boolean | undefined;
property keepValues
keepValues?: boolean | undefined;
property onSubmit
onSubmit?: | FormSubmitHandler<FormData, P, ErrorType> | SubmitHandler<FormData, P, ErrorType> | undefined;
property persistentSubmitErrors
persistentSubmitErrors?: boolean | undefined;
property propNamespace
propNamespace?: string | undefined;
property pure
pure?: boolean | undefined;
property submitAsSideEffect
submitAsSideEffect?: boolean | undefined;
property touchOnBlur
touchOnBlur?: boolean | undefined;
property touchOnChange
touchOnChange?: boolean | undefined;
property updateUnregisteredFields
updateUnregisteredFields?: boolean | undefined;
method asyncValidate
asyncValidate: ( values: FormData, dispatch: Dispatch<any>, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>, blurredField: string) => Promise<any>;
method onChange
onChange: ( values: Partial<FormData>, dispatch: Dispatch<any>, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>, previousValues: Partial<FormData>) => void;
method onSubmitFail
onSubmitFail: ( errors: FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType> | undefined, dispatch: Dispatch<any>, submitError: any, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => void;
method onSubmitSuccess
onSubmitSuccess: ( result: any, dispatch: Dispatch<any>, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => void;
method shouldAsyncValidate
shouldAsyncValidate: ( params: AsyncValidateCallback<FormData, ErrorType>) => boolean;
method shouldError
shouldError: (params: ValidateCallback<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => boolean;
method shouldValidate
shouldValidate: (params: ValidateCallback<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => boolean;
method shouldWarn
shouldWarn: (params: ValidateCallback<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => boolean;
method validate
validate: ( values: FormData, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType>;
method warn
warn: ( values: FormData, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>) => FormWarnings<FormData>;
interface DecoratedComponentClass
interface DecoratedComponentClass<FormData, P> {}
construct signature
new (props?: P, context?: any): FormInstance<FormData, P>;
interface DecoratedFormActions
interface DecoratedFormActions<ErrorType> {}
property array
array: InjectedArrayProps;
property arrayInsert
arrayInsert: ArrayInsertAction;
property arrayMove
arrayMove: ArrayMoveAction;
property arrayPop
arrayPop: ArrayPopAction;
property arrayPush
arrayPush: ArrayPushAction;
property arrayRemove
arrayRemove: ArrayRemoveAction;
property arrayRemoveAll
arrayRemoveAll: ArrayRemoveAllAction;
property arrayShift
arrayShift: ArrayShiftAction;
property arraySplice
arraySplice: ArraySpliceAction;
property arraySwap
arraySwap: ArraySwapAction;
property arrayUnshift
arrayUnshift: ArrayUnshiftAction;
property autofill
autofill: AutoFillAction;
property blur
blur: BlurAction;
property change
change: ChangeAction;
property clearAsyncError
clearAsyncError: ClearAsyncErrorAction;
property clearFields
clearFields: ClearFieldsAction;
property clearSubmit
clearSubmit: ClearSubmitAction;
property clearSubmitErrors
clearSubmitErrors: ClearSubmitErrorsAction;
property destroy
destroy: DestroyAction;
property dispatch
dispatch: Dispatch;
property focus
focus: FocusAction;
property initialize
initialize: InitializeAction<ErrorType>;
property registerField
registerField: RegisterFieldAction;
property reset
reset: ResetAction;
property resetSection
resetSection: ResetSectionAction;
property setSubmitFailed
setSubmitFailed: SetSubmitFailedAction;
property setSubmitSucceeded
setSubmitSucceeded: SetSubmitSucceededAction;
property startAsyncValidation
startAsyncValidation: StartAsyncValidationAction;
property startSubmit
startSubmit: StartSubmitAction;
property stopAsyncValidation
stopAsyncValidation: StopAsyncValidationAction<ErrorType>;
property stopSubmit
stopSubmit: StopSubmitAction<ErrorType>;
property submit
submit: SubmitAction;
property touch
touch: TouchAction;
property unregisterField
unregisterField: UnregisterFieldAction;
property untouch
untouch: UntouchAction;
property updateSyncErrors
updateSyncErrors: UpdateSyncErrorsAction<ErrorType>;
property updateSyncWarnings
updateSyncWarnings: UpdateSyncWarningsAction<ErrorType>;
interface ErrorOther
interface ErrorOther<T = string> {}
interface EventOrValueHandler
interface EventOrValueHandler<Event> extends EventHandler<Event> {}
call signature
(value: any): void;
interface FieldArrayFieldsProps
interface FieldArrayFieldsProps<FieldValue> {}
property length
length: number;
property name
name: string;
method forEach
forEach: (callback: FieldIterate<FieldValue>) => void;
method get
get: (index: number) => FieldValue;
method getAll
getAll: () => FieldValue[];
method insert
insert: (index: number, value: FieldValue) => void;
method map
map: <R>(callback: FieldIterate<FieldValue, R>) => R[];
method move
move: (from: number, to: number) => void;
method pop
pop: () => FieldValue;
method push
push: (value: FieldValue) => void;
method remove
remove: (index: number) => void;
method removeAll
removeAll: () => void;
method shift
shift: () => FieldValue;
method splice
splice: (index: number, removeNum: number | null, value: FieldValue) => void;
method swap
swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void;
method unshift
unshift: (value: FieldValue) => void;
interface FieldArrayMetaProps
interface FieldArrayMetaProps {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property error
error?: any;
property form
form: string;
property invalid
invalid: boolean;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property submitFailed
submitFailed: boolean;
property submitting
submitting: boolean;
property valid
valid: boolean;
property warning
warning?: any;
interface FieldState
interface FieldState {}
interface FormAction
interface FormAction extends Action {}
interface FormContext
interface FormContext {}
property asyncValidate
asyncValidate: { (name?: string, value?: any, trigger?: 'blur' | 'change'): Promise<any>;};
property blur
blur: (name: string, value: any) => void;
property change
change: (name: string, value: any) => void;
property focus
focus: (name: string) => void;
property form
form: string;
property getFormState
getFormState: GetFormState;
property getValues
getValues: { (): any };
property prefixName
prefixName?: string | undefined;
property register
register: ( name: string, type: string, getValidator?: () => Validator | Validator[], getWarner?: () => Validator | Validator[]) => void;
property registerInnerOnSubmit
registerInnerOnSubmit: (innerOnSubmit: () => void) => void;
property sectionPrefix
sectionPrefix?: string | undefined;
property unregister
unregister: (name: string) => void;
interface FormInstance
interface FormInstance<FormData, P> extends Component<P> {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property invalid
invalid: boolean;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property registeredFields
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
property valid
valid: boolean;
property values
values: Partial<FormData>;
property wrappedInstance
wrappedInstance?: HTMLElement | undefined;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method resetSection
resetSection: (...sections: string[]) => void;
method submit
submit: () => Promise<any>;
interface FormNameProps
interface FormNameProps {}
property children
children: (props: { form: string; sectionPrefix?: string | undefined;}) => ReactNode;
interface FormReducer
interface FormReducer extends Reducer<FormStateMap> {}
method plugin
plugin: (reducers: FormReducerMapObject) => Reducer<FormStateMap>;
interface FormReducerMapObject
interface FormReducerMapObject {}
index signature
[formName: string]: Reducer<any>;
interface FormSectionProps
interface FormSectionProps<P> {}
interface FormState
interface FormState {}
property active
active?: string | undefined;
property anyTouched
anyTouched?: boolean | undefined;
property error
error?: any;
property fields
fields?: { [name: string]: FieldState } | undefined;
property registeredFields
registeredFields: RegisteredFieldState[];
property submitErrors
submitErrors?: { [fieldName: string]: string } | undefined;
property submitFailed
submitFailed?: boolean | undefined;
property submitting
submitting?: boolean | undefined;
property values
values?: { [fieldName: string]: any } | undefined;
interface FormStateMap
interface FormStateMap {}
index signature
[formName: string]: FormState;
interface FormSubmitProp
interface FormSubmitProp<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> {}
property onSubmit
onSubmit?: FormSubmitHandler<FormData, P, ErrorType> | undefined;
interface GenericField
interface GenericField<P> extends Component<BaseFieldProps<P> & P> {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property value
value: any;
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component<WrappedFieldProps & P>;
interface GenericFieldArray
interface GenericFieldArray<FieldValue = any, P = {}> extends Component<BaseFieldArrayProps<P, FieldValue>> {}
property name
name: string;
property valid
valid: boolean;
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component<WrappedFieldArrayProps<FieldValue> & P>;
interface GenericFields
interface GenericFields<P> extends Component<BaseFieldsProps<P> & P> {}
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property names
names: string[];
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property values
values: { [name: string]: any };
method getRenderedComponent
getRenderedComponent: () => Component< BaseFieldsProps<{}> & WrappedFieldsProps & P>;
interface InitializeOptions
interface InitializeOptions {}
property keepDirty
keepDirty: boolean;
property keepSubmitSucceeded
keepSubmitSucceeded: boolean;
property keepValues
keepValues: boolean;
property updateUnregisteredFields
updateUnregisteredFields: boolean;
interface InjectedArrayProps
interface InjectedArrayProps {}
method insert
insert: (field: string, index: number, value: any) => void;
method move
move: (field: string, from: number, to: number) => void;
method pop
pop: (field: string) => void;
method push
push: (field: string, value: any) => void;
method remove
remove: (field: string, index: number) => void;
method removeAll
removeAll: (field: string) => void;
method shift
shift: (field: string) => void;
method splice
splice: (field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any) => void;
method swap
swap: (field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number) => void;
method unshift
unshift: (field: string, value: any) => void;
interface InjectedFormProps
interface InjectedFormProps<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> {}
property anyTouched
anyTouched: boolean;
property array
array: InjectedArrayProps;
property asyncValidating
asyncValidating: string | boolean;
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property error
error: ErrorType;
property form
form: string;
property handleSubmit
handleSubmit: SubmitHandler<FormData, P, ErrorType>;
property initialized
initialized: boolean;
property initialValues
initialValues: Partial<FormData>;
property invalid
invalid: boolean;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property submitFailed
submitFailed: boolean;
property submitSucceeded
submitSucceeded: boolean;
property submitting
submitting: boolean;
property valid
valid: boolean;
property warning
warning: any;
method asyncValidate
asyncValidate: () => void;
method autofill
autofill: (field: string, value: any) => void;
method blur
blur: (field: string, value: any) => void;
method change
change: (field: string, value: any) => void;
method clearAsyncError
clearAsyncError: (field: string) => void;
method clearSubmit
clearSubmit: () => void;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method initialize
initialize: (data: Partial<FormData>) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method touch
touch: (...field: string[]) => void;
method untouch
untouch: (...field: string[]) => void;
interface RegisteredField
interface RegisteredField {}
interface RegisteredFieldState
interface RegisteredFieldState {}
interface SubmitHandler
interface SubmitHandler<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> {}
call signature
( submit: FormSubmitHandler<FormData, P, ErrorType>, props?: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>, valid?: boolean, asyncValidate?: any, fields?: string[]): any;
call signature
(event: SyntheticEvent<any>): void;
interface ValidateCallback
interface ValidateCallback<FormData, P, ErrorType> {}
property fieldValidatorKeys
fieldValidatorKeys: string[];
property initialRender
initialRender: boolean;
property lastFieldValidatorKeys
lastFieldValidatorKeys: string[];
property nextProps
nextProps: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>;
property props
props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>;
property structure
structure: any;
property values
values: FormData;
interface WarningOther
interface WarningOther<T = void> {}
interface WrappedFieldArrayProps
interface WrappedFieldArrayProps<FieldValue = any> {}
interface WrappedFieldInputProps
interface WrappedFieldInputProps extends CommonFieldInputProps {}
interface WrappedFieldMetaProps
interface WrappedFieldMetaProps {}
property active
active?: boolean | undefined;
property asyncValidating
asyncValidating: boolean;
property autofilled
autofilled: boolean;
property dirty
dirty: boolean;
property dispatch
dispatch: Dispatch<any>;
property error
error?: any;
property form
form: string;
property initial
initial: any;
property invalid
invalid: boolean;
property pristine
pristine: boolean;
property submitFailed
submitFailed: boolean;
property submitting
submitting: boolean;
property touched
touched: boolean;
property valid
valid: boolean;
property visited
visited: boolean;
property warning
warning?: any;
interface WrappedFieldProps
interface WrappedFieldProps {}
interface WrappedFieldsProps
interface WrappedFieldsProps {}
index signature
[name: string]: WrappedFieldsProps & WrappedFieldProps;
interface WrappedReduxFormContext
interface WrappedReduxFormContext {}
Type Aliases
type ArrayInsertAction
type ArrayInsertAction = (field: string, index: number, value: any) => void;
type ArrayMoveAction
type ArrayMoveAction = (field: string, from: number, to: number) => void;
type ArrayPopAction
type ArrayPopAction = (field: string) => void;
type ArrayPushAction
type ArrayPushAction = (field: string, value: any) => void;
type ArrayRemoveAction
type ArrayRemoveAction = (field: string, index: number) => void;
type ArrayRemoveAllAction
type ArrayRemoveAllAction = (field: string) => void;
type ArrayShiftAction
type ArrayShiftAction = (field: string) => void;
type ArraySpliceAction
type ArraySpliceAction = ( field: string, index: number, removeNum: number, value: any) => void;
type ArraySwapAction
type ArraySwapAction = (field: string, indexA: number, indexB: number) => void;
type ArrayUnshiftAction
type ArrayUnshiftAction = (field: string, value: any) => void;
type AutoFillAction
type AutoFillAction = (field: string, value: any) => void;
type BaseFieldArrayProps
type BaseFieldArrayProps<P = {}, FieldValue = any> = (P | { props?: P }) & _BaseFieldArrayProps<P, FieldValue>;
type BlurAction
type BlurAction = (field: string, value: any) => void;
type BooleanSelector
type BooleanSelector<State = {}> = ( formName: string, getFormState?: GetFormState) => (state: State) => boolean;
type ChangeAction
type ChangeAction = (field: string, value: any) => void;
type ClearAsyncErrorAction
type ClearAsyncErrorAction = (field: string) => void;
type ClearFieldsAction
type ClearFieldsAction = ( keepTouched: boolean, persistentSubmitErrors: boolean, ...fields: string[]) => void;
type ClearSubmitAction
type ClearSubmitAction = () => void;
type ClearSubmitErrorsAction
type ClearSubmitErrorsAction = () => void;
type DataSelector
type DataSelector<FormData = {}, State = {}> = ( formName: string, getFormState?: GetFormState) => (state: State) => FormData;
type DecoratedFormProps
type DecoratedFormProps<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> = P & Partial<ConfigProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>> & Partial<DecoratedFormState<FormData, ErrorType>> & Partial<DecoratedFormActions<ErrorType>> & { _reduxForm?: WrappedReduxFormContext | undefined; };
type DecoratedFormState
type DecoratedFormState<FormData, ErrorType> = FormState & { asyncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType> | undefined; asyncValidating: boolean; dirty: boolean; error?: any; initialized: boolean; invalid: boolean; pristine: boolean; submitSucceeded: boolean; syncErrors?: FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType> | undefined; syncWarnings?: FormWarnings<any, any> | undefined; triggerSubmit?: boolean | undefined; valid: boolean; validExceptSubmit: boolean; warning?: any;};
type DestroyAction
type DestroyAction = () => void;
type ErrorSelector
type ErrorSelector<FormData = {}, State = {}, ErrorType = string> = ( formName: string, getFormState?: GetFormState) => (state: State) => FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType>;
type EventHandler
type EventHandler<Event> = (event: Event, name?: string) => void;
type EventWithDataHandler
type EventWithDataHandler<Event> = ( event?: Event, newValue?: any, previousValue?: any, name?: string) => void;
type FieldIterate
type FieldIterate<FieldValue, R = void> = ( name: string, index: number, fields: FieldArrayFieldsProps<FieldValue>) => R;
type FieldsWarnerOrValidator
type FieldsWarnerOrValidator = | Validator | Validator[] | { [name: string]: Validator | Validator[] };
type FieldType
type FieldType = 'Field' | 'FieldArray';
type FocusAction
type FocusAction = (field: string) => void;
type Formatter
type Formatter = (value: any, name: string) => any;
type FormDecorator
type FormDecorator<FormData, P, ErrorType = string> = ( component: ComponentType<P & InjectedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>>) => DecoratedComponentClass<FormData, DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType>>;
type FormErrors
type FormErrors<FormData = {}, T = string> = { [P in keyof FormData]?: ReactElement | T;} & ErrorOther<T>;
type FormOrFieldsBooleanSelector
type FormOrFieldsBooleanSelector<State = {}> = ( formName: string, getFormState?: GetFormState) => (state: State, ...fields: string[]) => boolean;
type FormProps
type FormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType = string> = Omit< FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>, 'onSubmit'> & FormSubmitProp<FormData, P, ErrorType>;
type FormSubmitHandler
type FormSubmitHandler<FormData = {}, P = {}, ErrorType = string> = ( values: FormData, dispatch: Dispatch<any>, props: DecoratedFormProps<FormData, P, ErrorType> // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type) => void | FormErrors<FormData, ErrorType> | Promise<any>;
type FormWarnings
type FormWarnings<FormData = {}, T = void> = { [P in keyof FormData]?: ReactElement | string | WarningOther<T>;};
type GenericFieldHTMLAttributes
type GenericFieldHTMLAttributes = | InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> | SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement> | TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>;
type GetFormState
type GetFormState = (state: any) => FormStateMap;
type InitializeAction
type InitializeAction<FormData> = ( initialValues: Partial<FormData>, keepDirty: boolean, otherMeta?: any) => void;
type NamesSelector
type NamesSelector<State = {}> = ( getFormState?: GetFormState) => (state: State) => string[];
type Normalizer
type Normalizer = ( value: any, previousValue?: any, allValues?: any, previousAllValues?: any) => any;
type Omit
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick< T, ({ [P in keyof T]: P } & { [P in K]: never } & { [x: string]: never; [x: number]: never; })[keyof T]>;
type Parser
type Parser = (value: any, name: string) => any;
type RegisterFieldAction
type RegisterFieldAction = (name: string, type: FieldType) => void;
type ResetAction
type ResetAction = () => void;
type ResetSectionAction
type ResetSectionAction = () => void;
type SetSubmitFailedAction
type SetSubmitFailedAction = (...fields: string[]) => void;
type SetSubmitSucceededAction
type SetSubmitSucceededAction = (...fields: string[]) => void;
type StartAsyncValidationAction
type StartAsyncValidationAction = (field: string) => void;
type StartSubmitAction
type StartSubmitAction = () => void;
type StopAsyncValidationAction
type StopAsyncValidationAction<ErrorType> = (errors?: FormErrors<ErrorType>) => void;
type StopSubmitAction
type StopSubmitAction<ErrorType> = (errors?: FormErrors<ErrorType>) => void;
type SubmitAction
type SubmitAction = () => void;
type TouchAction
type TouchAction = (...fields: string[]) => void;
type UnregisterFieldAction
type UnregisterFieldAction = (name: string, destroyOnUnmount?: boolean) => void;
type UntouchAction
type UntouchAction = (...fields: string[]) => void;
type UpdateSyncErrorsAction
type UpdateSyncErrorsAction<ErrorType> = ( syncErrors?: FormErrors<ErrorType>, error?: any) => void;
type UpdateSyncWarningsAction
type UpdateSyncWarningsAction<ErrorType> = ( syncErrors?: FormErrors<ErrorType>, error?: any) => void;
type Validator
type Validator = (value: any, allValues?: any, props?: any, name?: any) => any;
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