- Version 2.48.12
- Published
- 19.8 kB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/request
yarn add @types/request
pnpm add @types/request
TypeScript definitions for request
- agent
- agentClass
- agentOptions
- auth
- aws
- baseUrl
- body
- ca
- callback
- cert
- encoding
- family
- followAllRedirects
- followOriginalHttpMethod
- followRedirect
- forever
- form
- formData
- gzip
- har
- hawk
- headers
- host
- jar
- json
- jsonReplacer
- jsonReviver
- key
- localAddress
- maxRedirects
- method
- multipart
- oauth
- passphrase
- pool
- port
- postambleCRLF
- preambleCRLF
- proxy
- qs
- qsParseOptions
- qsStringifyOptions
- rejectUnauthorized
- removeRefererHeader
- strictSSL
- time
- timeout
- tunnel
- useQuerystring
- withCredentials
- abort()
- agent
- auth()
- aws()
- body
- ca
- callback
- cert
- debug()
- destroy()
- dests
- elapsedTime
- encoding
- end()
- explicitMethod
- followAllRedirects
- followOriginalHttpMethod
- form()
- gzip
- har
- hawk()
- headers
- host
- href
- jar()
- json()
- key
- localAddress
- maxRedirects
- method
- multipart()
- oauth()
- on()
- passphrase
- path
- pause()
- pipeDest()
- pool
- port
- postambleCRLF
- preambleCRLF
- proxy
- qs()
- readable
- rejectUnauthorized
- removeRefererHeader
- response
- resume()
- setHost
- src
- startTime
- startTimeNow
- strictSSL
- time
- timeout
- timing
- timings
- toJSON()
- tunnel
- uri
- withCredentials
- writable
- write()
Type Aliases
variable request
var request: request.RequestAPI< request.Request, request.CoreOptions, request.RequiredUriUrl>;
interface AuthOptions
interface AuthOptions {}
interface AWSOptions
interface AWSOptions {}
interface CookieJar
interface CookieJar {}
method getCookies
getCookies: (uri: string | Url) => Cookie[];
method getCookieString
getCookieString: (uri: string | Url) => string;
method setCookie
setCookie: ( cookieOrStr: Cookie | string, uri: string | Url, options?: tough.CookieJar.SetCookieOptions) => void;
interface CoreOptions
interface CoreOptions {}
property agent
agent?: http.Agent | https.Agent | undefined;
property agentClass
agentClass?: any;
property agentOptions
agentOptions?: http.AgentOptions | https.AgentOptions | undefined;
property auth
auth?: AuthOptions | undefined;
property aws
aws?: AWSOptions | undefined;
property baseUrl
baseUrl?: string | undefined;
property body
body?: any;
property ca
ca?: string | Buffer | string[] | Buffer[] | undefined;
property callback
callback?: RequestCallback | undefined;
property cert
cert?: Buffer | undefined;
property encoding
encoding?: string | null | undefined;
property family
family?: 4 | 6 | undefined;
property followAllRedirects
followAllRedirects?: boolean | undefined;
property followOriginalHttpMethod
followOriginalHttpMethod?: boolean | undefined;
property followRedirect
followRedirect?: | boolean | ((response: http.IncomingMessage) => boolean) | undefined;
property forever
forever?: any;
property form
form?: { [key: string]: any } | string | undefined;
property formData
formData?: { [key: string]: any } | undefined;
property gzip
gzip?: boolean | undefined;
property har
har?: HttpArchiveRequest | undefined;
property hawk
hawk?: HawkOptions | undefined;
property headers
headers?: Headers | undefined;
property host
host?: string | undefined;
property jar
jar?: CookieJar | boolean | undefined;
property json
json?: any;
property jsonReplacer
jsonReplacer?: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
property jsonReviver
jsonReviver?: ((key: string, value: any) => any) | undefined;
property key
key?: Buffer | undefined;
property localAddress
localAddress?: string | undefined;
property maxRedirects
maxRedirects?: number | undefined;
property method
method?: string | undefined;
property multipart
multipart?: RequestPart[] | Multipart | undefined;
property oauth
oauth?: OAuthOptions | undefined;
property passphrase
passphrase?: string | undefined;
property pool
pool?: PoolOptions | undefined;
property port
port?: number | undefined;
property postambleCRLF
postambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
property preambleCRLF
preambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
property proxy
proxy?: any;
property qs
qs?: any;
property qsParseOptions
qsParseOptions?: any;
property qsStringifyOptions
qsStringifyOptions?: any;
property rejectUnauthorized
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined;
property removeRefererHeader
removeRefererHeader?: boolean | undefined;
property strictSSL
strictSSL?: boolean | undefined;
property time
time?: boolean | undefined;
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
property tunnel
tunnel?: boolean | undefined;
property useQuerystring
useQuerystring?: boolean | undefined;
property withCredentials
withCredentials?: boolean | undefined;
interface DefaultUriUrlRequestApi
interface DefaultUriUrlRequestApi< TRequest extends Request, TOptions extends CoreOptions, TUriUrlOptions> extends RequestAPI<TRequest, TOptions, TUriUrlOptions> {}
method defaults
defaults: ( options: TOptions) => DefaultUriUrlRequestApi<TRequest, TOptions, OptionalUriUrl>;
method del
del: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method delete
delete: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method get
get: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method head
head: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method patch
patch: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method post
post: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method put
put: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
call signature
(callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
interface ExtraPoolOptions
interface ExtraPoolOptions {}
property maxSockets
maxSockets?: number | undefined;
interface HawkOptions
interface HawkOptions {}
property credentials
credentials: any;
interface Headers
interface Headers {}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface HttpArchiveRequest
interface HttpArchiveRequest {}
interface Multipart
interface Multipart {}
interface NameValuePair
interface NameValuePair {}
interface OAuthOptions
interface OAuthOptions {}
property body_hash
body_hash?: true | string | undefined;
property callback
callback?: string | undefined;
property consumer_key
consumer_key?: string | undefined;
property consumer_secret
consumer_secret?: string | undefined;
property token
token?: string | undefined;
property token_secret
token_secret?: string | undefined;
property transport_method
transport_method?: 'body' | 'header' | 'query' | undefined;
property verifier
verifier?: string | undefined;
interface Request
interface Request extends caseless.Httpified, stream.Stream {}
property agent
agent: false | http.Agent | https.Agent;
property body
body: Buffer | Buffer[] | string | string[] | stream.Readable;
property ca
ca?: string | Buffer | string[] | Buffer[] | undefined;
property callback
callback?: RequestCallback | undefined;
property cert
cert?: Buffer | undefined;
property dests
dests: stream.Readable[];
property elapsedTime
elapsedTime?: number | undefined;
property encoding
encoding?: string | null | undefined;
property explicitMethod
explicitMethod?: true | undefined;
property followAllRedirects
followAllRedirects?: boolean | undefined;
property followOriginalHttpMethod
followOriginalHttpMethod?: boolean | undefined;
property gzip
gzip?: boolean | undefined;
property har
har?: HttpArchiveRequest | undefined;
property headers
headers: Headers;
property host
host?: string | undefined;
property href
href: string;
property key
key?: Buffer | undefined;
property localAddress
localAddress?: string | undefined;
property maxRedirects
maxRedirects?: number | undefined;
property method
method: string;
property passphrase
passphrase?: string | undefined;
property path
path: string;
property pool
pool: PoolOptions;
property port
port?: number | undefined;
property postambleCRLF
postambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
property preambleCRLF
preambleCRLF?: boolean | undefined;
property proxy
proxy: null | string | Url;
property readable
readable: boolean;
property rejectUnauthorized
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean | undefined;
property removeRefererHeader
removeRefererHeader?: boolean | undefined;
property response
response?: Response | undefined;
property setHost
setHost: boolean;
property src
src?: stream.Readable | undefined;
property startTime
startTime?: number | undefined;
property startTimeNow
startTimeNow?: number | undefined;
property strictSSL
strictSSL?: boolean | undefined;
property time
time?: boolean | undefined;
property timeout
timeout?: number | undefined;
property timing
timing?: boolean | undefined;
property timings
timings?: | { socket: number; lookup: number; connect: number; response: number; end: number; } | undefined;
property tunnel
tunnel: boolean;
property uri
uri: Url & { href: string; pathname: string };
property withCredentials
withCredentials?: boolean | undefined;
property writable
writable: boolean;
method abort
abort: () => void;
method auth
auth: ( username: string, password: string, sendImmediately?: boolean, bearer?: string) => Request;
method aws
aws: (opts: AWSOptions, now?: boolean) => Request;
method debug
debug: (...args: any[]) => void;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method end
end: { (cb?: () => void): any; (chunk: any, cb?: () => void): any; (str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: () => void): any;};
method form
form: { (): FormData; (form: any): Request };
method hawk
hawk: (opts: HawkOptions) => void;
method jar
jar: (jar: CookieJar) => Request;
method json
json: (val: any) => Request;
method multipart
multipart: (multipart: RequestPart[]) => Request;
method oauth
oauth: (oauth: OAuthOptions) => Request;
method on
on: { (event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; (event: 'request', listener: (req: http.ClientRequest) => void): this; (event: 'response', listener: (resp: Response) => void): this; (event: 'data', listener: (data: any) => void): this; (event: 'error', listener: (e: Error) => void): this; (event: 'complete', listener: (resp: Response, body?: any) => void): this; (event: 'pipe', listener: (src: stream.Readable) => void): this; (event: 'socket', listener: (src: net.Socket) => void): this;};
method pause
pause: () => void;
method pipeDest
pipeDest: (dest: any) => void;
method qs
qs: (q: object, clobber?: boolean) => Request;
method resume
resume: () => void;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => RequestAsJSON;
method write
write: { (buffer: Buffer | string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): boolean; (str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: (err?: Error) => void): boolean;};
interface RequestAPI
interface RequestAPI< TRequest extends Request, TOptions extends CoreOptions, TUriUrlOptions> {}
property debug
debug: boolean;
method cookie
cookie: (str: string) => Cookie | undefined;
method defaults
defaults: { (options: TOptions): RequestAPI<TRequest, TOptions, RequiredUriUrl>; (options: RequiredUriUrl & TOptions): DefaultUriUrlRequestApi< TRequest, TOptions, OptionalUriUrl >;};
method del
del: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method delete
delete: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method forever
forever: (agentOptions: any, optionsArg: any) => TRequest;
method get
get: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method head
head: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method initParams
initParams: { ( uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback ): RequiredUriUrl & TOptions; ( uriOrOpts: string | (RequiredUriUrl & TOptions), callback?: RequestCallback ): RequiredUriUrl & TOptions;};
method jar
jar: (store?: any) => CookieJar;
method patch
patch: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method post
post: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
method put
put: { (uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest; (options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;};
call signature
(uri: string, options?: TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
call signature
(uri: string, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
call signature
(options: TUriUrlOptions & TOptions, callback?: RequestCallback): TRequest;
interface RequestAsJSON
interface RequestAsJSON {}
interface RequestPart
interface RequestPart {}
interface Response
interface Response extends http.IncomingMessage {}
property body
body: any;
property caseless
caseless: caseless.Caseless;
property elapsedTime
elapsedTime?: number | undefined;
property request
request: Request;
property statusCode
statusCode: number;
property statusMessage
statusMessage: string;
property timingPhases
timingPhases?: | { wait: number; dns: number; tcp: number; firstByte: number; download: number; total: number; } | undefined;
property timings
timings?: | { socket: number; lookup: number; connect: number; response: number; end: number; } | undefined;
property timingStart
timingStart?: number | undefined;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => ResponseAsJSON;
interface ResponseAsJSON
interface ResponseAsJSON {}
property body
body: any;
property headers
headers: Headers;
property request
request: RequestAsJSON;
property statusCode
statusCode: number;
interface UriOptions
interface UriOptions {}
property uri
uri: string | Url;
interface UrlOptions
interface UrlOptions {}
property url
url: string | Url;
Type Aliases
type Cookie
type Cookie = tough.Cookie;
type MultipartBody
type MultipartBody = string | Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array;
type OptionalUriUrl
type OptionalUriUrl = RequiredUriUrl | {};
type Options
type Options = OptionsWithUri | OptionsWithUrl;
type OptionsWithUri
type OptionsWithUri = UriOptions & CoreOptions;
type OptionsWithUrl
type OptionsWithUrl = UrlOptions & CoreOptions;
type PoolOptions
type PoolOptions = | false | ({ [key: string]: http.Agent | https.Agent } & ExtraPoolOptions) | ExtraPoolOptions;
type RequestCallback
type RequestCallback = (error: any, response: Response, body: any) => void;
type RequestResponse
type RequestResponse = Response;
type RequiredUriUrl
type RequiredUriUrl = UriOptions | UrlOptions;
type ResponseRequest
type ResponseRequest = Request;
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