- Version 1.0.4
- Published
- 4.43 kB
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- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for setimmediate
function clearImmediate
clearImmediate: (handle: number) => void;
Aborts the specified macrotask before it's run.
Parameter handle
The ID of the macrotask to remove from the macrotask queue.
function setImmediate
setImmediate: <T extends unknown[]>( callback: (...args: T) => void, ...args: T) => number;
Schedules a macrotask to run after the current events have been processed.
Unlike microtasks (scheduled using the Node 0.10+
API), where scheduling additional microtasks inside a microtask will cause them to be run inside the same microtask checkpoint, any macrotasks scheduled inside a macrotask will not be executed until the next iteration of the event loop.Parameter callback
The macrotask to schedule.
Parameter args
The arguments to pass to the macrotask callback.
The ID of the macrotask, which can be used to abort the macrotask with
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