
  • Version 1.4.7
  • Published
  • 8.54 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for signale



variable signale

const signale: signale.SignaleBase<signale.DefaultMethods> &
Record<signale.DefaultMethods, signale.LoggerFunc> & {
Signale: signale.SignaleConstructor;
SignaleConfig: signale.SignaleConfig;
SignaleOptions: signale.SignaleOptions;
DefaultMethods: signale.DefaultMethods;


    interface CommandType

    interface CommandType {}

      property badge

      badge: string;
      • The icon corresponding to the logger.

      property color

      color: string;
      • The color of the label, can be any of the foreground colors supported by [chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk#colors).

      property label

      label: string;
      • The label used to identify the type of the logger.

      property logLevel

      logLevel?: string | undefined;

        property stream

        stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream | NodeJS.WriteStream[] | undefined;

          interface SignaleBase

          interface SignaleBase<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> {}

            method addSecrets

            addSecrets: (secrets: string[] | number[]) => void;
            • Adds new secrets/sensitive-information to the targeted Signale instance.

              Parameter secrets

              Array holding the secrets/sensitive-information to be filtered out.

            method clearSecrets

            clearSecrets: () => void;
            • Removes all secrets/sensitive-information from the targeted Signale instance.

            method config

            config: (configObj: SignaleConfig) => Signale<TTypes>;
            • Sets the configuration of an instance overriding any existing global or local configuration.

              Parameter configObj

              Can hold any of the documented options.

            method disable

            disable: () => void;
            • Disables the logging functionality of all loggers belonging to a specific instance.

            method enable

            enable: () => void;
            • Enables the logging functionality of all loggers belonging to a specific instance.

            method isEnabled

            isEnabled: () => boolean;
            • Checks whether the logging functionality of a specific instance is enabled.


              a boolean that describes whether or not the logger is enabled.

            method scope

            scope: (...name: string[]) => Signale<TTypes>;
            • Defines the scope name of the logger.

              Parameter name

              Can be one or more comma delimited strings.

            method time

            time: (label?: string) => string;
            • Sets a timers and accepts an optional label. If none provided the timer will receive a unique label automatically.

              Parameter label

              Label corresponding to the timer. Each timer must have its own unique label.


              a string corresponding to the timer label.

            method timeEnd

            timeEnd: (
            label?: string,
            span?: number
            ) => { label: string; span?: number | undefined };
            • Deactivates the timer to which the given label corresponds. If no label is provided the most recent timer, that was created without providing a label, will be deactivated.

              Parameter label

              Label corresponding to the timer, each timer has its own unique label.

              Parameter span

              Total running time.

            method unscope

            unscope: () => void;
            • Clears the scope name of the logger.

            interface SignaleConfig

            interface SignaleConfig {}

              property displayBadge

              displayBadge?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the badge of the logger.

              property displayDate

              displayDate?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the current local date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

              property displayFilename

              displayFilename?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the name of the file that the logger is reporting from.

              property displayLabel

              displayLabel?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the label of the logger.

              property displayScope

              displayScope?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the scope name of the logger.

              property displayTimestamp

              displayTimestamp?: boolean | undefined;
              • Display the current local time in HH:MM:SS format.

              property underlineLabel

              underlineLabel?: boolean | undefined;
              • Underline the logger label.

              property underlineMessage

              underlineMessage?: boolean | undefined;
              • Underline the logger message.

              property underlinePrefix

              underlinePrefix?: boolean | undefined;

                property underlineSuffix

                underlineSuffix?: boolean | undefined;

                  property uppercaseLabel

                  uppercaseLabel?: boolean | undefined;

                    interface SignaleConstructor

                    interface SignaleConstructor {}

                      construct signature

                      new <TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods>(
                      options?: SignaleOptions<TTypes>
                      ): Signale<TTypes>;

                        interface SignaleOptions

                        interface SignaleOptions<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> {}

                          property config

                          config?: SignaleConfig | undefined;
                          • Sets the configuration of an instance overriding any existing global or local configuration.

                          property disabled

                          disabled?: boolean | undefined;

                            property interactive

                            interactive?: boolean | undefined;

                              property logLevel

                              logLevel?: string | undefined;

                                property scope

                                scope?: string | undefined;
                                • Name of the scope.

                                property secrets

                                secrets?: Array<string | number> | undefined;

                                  property stream

                                  stream?: NodeJS.WriteStream | NodeJS.WriteStream[] | undefined;
                                  • Destination to which the data is written, can be any valid [Writable stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_writable_streams).

                                  property timers

                                  timers?: Map<string, Date> | undefined;

                                    property types

                                    types?: Partial<Record<TTypes, CommandType>> | undefined;
                                    • Holds the configuration of the custom and default loggers.

                                    Type Aliases

                                    type DefaultMethods

                                    type DefaultMethods =
                                    | 'await'
                                    | 'complete'
                                    | 'error'
                                    | 'debug'
                                    | 'fatal'
                                    | 'fav'
                                    | 'info'
                                    | 'note'
                                    | 'pause'
                                    | 'pending'
                                    | 'star'
                                    | 'start'
                                    | 'success'
                                    | 'warn'
                                    | 'watch'
                                    | 'log';

                                      type LoggerFunc

                                      type LoggerFunc = (message?: any, ...optionalArgs: any[]) => void;

                                        type Signale

                                        type Signale<TTypes extends string = DefaultMethods> = SignaleBase<TTypes> &
                                        Record<TTypes, LoggerFunc> &
                                        Record<DefaultMethods, LoggerFunc>;

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