- Version 0.47.16
- Published
- 120 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/slate
yarn add @types/slate
pnpm add @types/slate
TypeScript definitions for slate
- addAnnotation()
- addMark()
- addMarkAtRange()
- addMarkByKey()
- addMarkByPath()
- addMarks()
- addMarksAtRange()
- addMarksByPath()
- applyOperation()
- blur()
- command()
- controller
- delete()
- deleteAtRange()
- deleteBackward()
- deleteBackwardAtRange()
- deleteCharBackward()
- deleteCharBackwardAtRange()
- deleteCharForward()
- deleteCharForwardAtRange()
- deleteForward()
- deleteForwardAtRange()
- deleteLineBackward()
- deleteLineBackwardAtRange()
- deleteLineForward()
- deleteLineForwardAtRange()
- deleteWordBackward()
- deleteWordBackwardAtRange()
- deleteWordForward()
- deleteWordForwardAtRange()
- deselect()
- flip()
- flush()
- focus()
- hasCommand()
- hasQuery()
- insertBlock()
- insertBlockAtRange()
- insertFragment()
- insertFragmentAtRange()
- insertFragmentByKey()
- insertFragmentByPath()
- insertInline()
- insertInlineAtRange()
- insertNodeByKey()
- insertNodeByPath()
- insertText()
- insertTextAtRange()
- insertTextByKey()
- insertTextByPath()
- isEditor()
- mergeNodeByKey()
- mergeNodeByPath()
- middleware
- moveAnchorBackward()
- moveAnchorForward()
- moveAnchorTo()
- moveAnchorToEndOfBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfDocument()
- moveAnchorToEndOfInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextText()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNode()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveAnchorToEndOfText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfDocument()
- moveAnchorToStartOfInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNode()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfText()
- moveAnchorWordBackward()
- moveAnchorWordForward()
- moveBackward()
- moveEndBackward()
- moveEndForward()
- moveEndTo()
- moveEndToEndOfBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfDocument()
- moveEndToEndOfInline()
- moveEndToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfNextInline()
- moveEndToEndOfNextText()
- moveEndToEndOfNode()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveEndToEndOfText()
- moveEndToStartOfBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfDocument()
- moveEndToStartOfInline()
- moveEndToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfNextInline()
- moveEndToStartOfNextText()
- moveEndToStartOfNode()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveEndToStartOfText()
- moveEndWordBackward()
- moveEndWordForward()
- moveFocusBackward()
- moveFocusForward()
- moveFocusTo()
- moveFocusToEndOfBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfDocument()
- moveFocusToEndOfInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextText()
- moveFocusToEndOfNode()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveFocusToEndOfText()
- moveFocusToStartOfBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfDocument()
- moveFocusToStartOfInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextText()
- moveFocusToStartOfNode()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveFocusToStartOfText()
- moveFocusWordBackward()
- moveFocusWordForward()
- moveForward()
- moveNodeByKey()
- moveNodeByPath()
- moveStartBackward()
- moveStartForward()
- moveStartTo()
- moveStartToEndOfBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfDocument()
- moveStartToEndOfInline()
- moveStartToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfNextInline()
- moveStartToEndOfNextText()
- moveStartToEndOfNode()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveStartToEndOfText()
- moveStartToStartOfBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfDocument()
- moveStartToStartOfInline()
- moveStartToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfNextInline()
- moveStartToStartOfNextText()
- moveStartToStartOfNode()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveStartToStartOfText()
- moveStartWordBackward()
- moveStartWordForward()
- moveTo()
- moveToAnchor()
- moveToEnd()
- moveToEndOfBlock()
- moveToEndOfDocument()
- moveToEndOfInline()
- moveToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveToEndOfNextInline()
- moveToEndOfNextText()
- moveToEndOfNode()
- moveToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveToEndOfText()
- moveToFocus()
- moveToRangeOfDocument()
- moveToRangeOfNode()
- moveToStart()
- moveToStartOfBlock()
- moveToStartOfDocument()
- moveToStartOfInline()
- moveToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveToStartOfNextInline()
- moveToStartOfNextText()
- moveToStartOfNode()
- moveToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveToStartOfText()
- moveWordBackward()
- moveWordForward()
- normalize()
- object
- onChange
- operations
- plugins
- query()
- readOnly
- redo()
- registerCommand()
- registerQuery()
- removeAllMarksByKey()
- removeAllMarksByPath()
- removeAnnotation()
- removeMark()
- removeMarkAtRange()
- removeMarkByKey()
- removeMarkByPath()
- removeMarksByPath()
- removeNodeByKey()
- removeNodeByPath()
- removeTextByKey()
- removeTextByPath()
- replaceMark()
- replaceNodeByKey()
- replaceNodeByPath()
- replaceTextByKey()
- replaceTextByPath()
- run()
- save()
- select()
- setAnchor()
- setAnnotation()
- setBlocks()
- setBlocksAtRange()
- setData()
- setEnd()
- setFocus()
- setInlines()
- setInlinesAtRange()
- setMarkByKey()
- setMarkByPath()
- setNodeByKey()
- setNodeByPath()
- setReadOnly()
- setStart()
- setTextByKey()
- setTextByPath()
- setValue()
- snapshotSelection()
- splitBlock()
- splitBlockAtRange()
- splitDescendantsByKey()
- splitDescendantsByPath()
- splitInline()
- splitInlineAtRange()
- splitNodeByKey()
- splitNodeByPath()
- toggleMark()
- toggleMarkAtRange()
- undo()
- unwrapBlock()
- unwrapBlockAtRange()
- unwrapBlockByKey()
- unwrapBlockByPath()
- unwrapChildrenByKey()
- unwrapChildrenByPath()
- unwrapInline()
- unwrapInlineAtRange()
- unwrapInlineByKey()
- unwrapInlineByPath()
- unwrapNodeByKey()
- unwrapNodeByPath()
- value
- withoutMerging()
- withoutNormalizing()
- withoutSaving()
- wrapBlock()
- wrapBlockAtRange()
- wrapBlockByKey()
- wrapBlockByPath()
- wrapInline()
- wrapInlineAtRange()
- wrapInlineByKey()
- wrapInlineByPath()
- wrapNodeByKey()
- wrapNodeByPath()
- wrapText()
- wrapTextAtRange()
- create()
- createProperties()
- fromJS()
- fromJSON()
- isAfterPoint()
- isAfterRange()
- isAtEndOfNode()
- isAtEndofRange()
- isAtStartOfNode()
- isAtStartOfRange()
- isBeforePoint()
- isBeforeRange()
- isInNode()
- isInRange()
- isPoint()
- isSet
- isUnset
- key
- moveBackward()
- moveForward()
- moveTo()
- moveToEndOfNode()
- moveToStartOfNode()
- normalize()
- object
- offset
- path
- setKey()
- setOffset()
- setPath()
- toJS()
- toJSON()
- unset()
- addMark()
- addMarks()
- create()
- createList()
- fromJS()
- fromJSON()
- getFirstText()
- getKeysToPathsTable()
- getLastText()
- getLeaves()
- getNode()
- getPath()
- getText()
- hasNode()
- insertText()
- isText()
- isTextList()
- key
- marks
- mergeText()
- normalize()
- object
- regenerateKey()
- removeMark()
- removeText()
- resolvePath()
- setMark()
- splitText()
- text
- toJS()
- toJSON()
- validate()
- activeMarks
- addAnnotation()
- addMark()
- anchorBlock
- anchorInline
- anchorText
- annotations
- blocks
- create()
- createProperties()
- data
- document
- endBlock
- endInline
- endText
- focusBlock
- focusInline
- focusText
- fragment
- fromJS()
- fromJSON()
- inlines
- insertNode()
- insertText()
- isValue()
- mapPoints()
- mapRanges()
- marks
- mergeNode()
- moveNode()
- nextBlock
- nextInline
- nextText
- object
- previousBlock
- previousInline
- previousText
- removeAnnotation()
- removeMark()
- removeNode()
- removeText()
- selection
- setAnnotation()
- setMark()
- setNode()
- setProperties()
- setSelection()
- splitNode()
- startBlock
- startInline
- startText
- texts
- toJS()
- toJSON()
- addAnnotation()
- addMark()
- addMarkAtRange()
- addMarkByKey()
- addMarkByPath()
- addMarks()
- addMarksAtRange()
- addMarksByPath()
- applyOperation()
- blur()
- command()
- delete()
- deleteAtRange()
- deleteBackward()
- deleteBackwardAtRange()
- deleteCharBackward()
- deleteCharBackwardAtRange()
- deleteCharForward()
- deleteCharForwardAtRange()
- deleteForward()
- deleteForwardAtRange()
- deleteLineBackward()
- deleteLineBackwardAtRange()
- deleteLineForward()
- deleteLineForwardAtRange()
- deleteWordBackward()
- deleteWordBackwardAtRange()
- deleteWordForward()
- deleteWordForwardAtRange()
- deselect()
- flip()
- focus()
- hasCommand()
- hasQuery()
- insertBlock()
- insertBlockAtRange()
- insertFragment()
- insertFragmentAtRange()
- insertFragmentByKey()
- insertFragmentByPath()
- insertInline()
- insertInlineAtRange()
- insertNodeByKey()
- insertNodeByPath()
- insertText()
- insertTextAtRange()
- insertTextByKey()
- insertTextByPath()
- mergeNodeByKey()
- mergeNodeByPath()
- moveAnchorBackward()
- moveAnchorForward()
- moveAnchorTo()
- moveAnchorToEndOfBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfDocument()
- moveAnchorToEndOfInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNextText()
- moveAnchorToEndOfNode()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveAnchorToEndOfText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfDocument()
- moveAnchorToStartOfInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNextText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfNode()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveAnchorToStartOfText()
- moveAnchorWordBackward()
- moveAnchorWordForward()
- moveBackward()
- moveEndBackward()
- moveEndForward()
- moveEndTo()
- moveEndToEndOfBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfDocument()
- moveEndToEndOfInline()
- moveEndToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfNextInline()
- moveEndToEndOfNextText()
- moveEndToEndOfNode()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveEndToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveEndToEndOfText()
- moveEndToStartOfBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfDocument()
- moveEndToStartOfInline()
- moveEndToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfNextInline()
- moveEndToStartOfNextText()
- moveEndToStartOfNode()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveEndToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveEndToStartOfText()
- moveEndWordBackward()
- moveEndWordForward()
- moveFocusBackward()
- moveFocusForward()
- moveFocusTo()
- moveFocusToEndOfBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfDocument()
- moveFocusToEndOfInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfNextText()
- moveFocusToEndOfNode()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveFocusToEndOfText()
- moveFocusToStartOfBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfDocument()
- moveFocusToStartOfInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfNextText()
- moveFocusToStartOfNode()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveFocusToStartOfText()
- moveFocusWordBackward()
- moveFocusWordForward()
- moveForward()
- moveNodeByKey()
- moveNodeByPath()
- moveStartBackward()
- moveStartForward()
- moveStartTo()
- moveStartToEndOfBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfDocument()
- moveStartToEndOfInline()
- moveStartToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfNextInline()
- moveStartToEndOfNextText()
- moveStartToEndOfNode()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveStartToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveStartToEndOfText()
- moveStartToStartOfBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfDocument()
- moveStartToStartOfInline()
- moveStartToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfNextInline()
- moveStartToStartOfNextText()
- moveStartToStartOfNode()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveStartToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveStartToStartOfText()
- moveStartWordBackward()
- moveStartWordForward()
- moveTo()
- moveToAnchor()
- moveToEnd()
- moveToEndOfBlock()
- moveToEndOfDocument()
- moveToEndOfInline()
- moveToEndOfNextBlock()
- moveToEndOfNextInline()
- moveToEndOfNextText()
- moveToEndOfNode()
- moveToEndOfPreviousBlock()
- moveToEndOfPreviousInline()
- moveToEndOfPreviousText()
- moveToEndOfText()
- moveToFocus()
- moveToRangeOfDocument()
- moveToRangeOfNode()
- moveToStart()
- moveToStartOfBlock()
- moveToStartOfDocument()
- moveToStartOfInline()
- moveToStartOfNextBlock()
- moveToStartOfNextInline()
- moveToStartOfNextText()
- moveToStartOfNode()
- moveToStartOfPreviousBlock()
- moveToStartOfPreviousInline()
- moveToStartOfPreviousText()
- moveToStartOfText()
- moveWordBackward()
- moveWordForward()
- normalize()
- query()
- redo()
- registerCommand()
- registerQuery()
- removeAllMarksByKey()
- removeAllMarksByPath()
- removeAnnotation()
- removeMark()
- removeMarkAtRange()
- removeMarkByKey()
- removeMarkByPath()
- removeMarksByPath()
- removeNodeByKey()
- removeNodeByPath()
- removeTextByKey()
- removeTextByPath()
- replaceMark()
- replaceNodeByKey()
- replaceNodeByPath()
- replaceTextByKey()
- replaceTextByPath()
- run()
- save()
- select()
- setAnchor()
- setAnnotation()
- setBlocks()
- setBlocksAtRange()
- setData()
- setEnd()
- setFocus()
- setInlines()
- setInlinesAtRange()
- setMarkByKey()
- setMarkByPath()
- setNodeByKey()
- setNodeByPath()
- setStart()
- setTextByKey()
- setTextByPath()
- snapshotSelection()
- splitBlock()
- splitBlockAtRange()
- splitDescendantsByKey()
- splitDescendantsByPath()
- splitInline()
- splitInlineAtRange()
- splitNodeByKey()
- splitNodeByPath()
- toggleMark()
- toggleMarkAtRange()
- undo()
- unwrapBlock()
- unwrapBlockAtRange()
- unwrapBlockByKey()
- unwrapBlockByPath()
- unwrapChildrenByKey()
- unwrapChildrenByPath()
- unwrapInline()
- unwrapInlineAtRange()
- unwrapInlineByKey()
- unwrapInlineByPath()
- unwrapNodeByKey()
- unwrapNodeByPath()
- withoutMerging()
- withoutNormalizing()
- withoutSaving()
- wrapBlock()
- wrapBlockAtRange()
- wrapBlockByKey()
- wrapBlockByPath()
- wrapInline()
- wrapInlineAtRange()
- wrapInlineByKey()
- wrapInlineByPath()
- wrapNodeByKey()
- wrapNodeByPath()
- wrapText()
- wrapTextAtRange()
Type Aliases
class AddAnnotationOperation
class AddAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class AddMarkOperation
class AddMarkOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class Annotation
class Annotation extends BaseRange {}
property anchor
anchor: Point;
property data
data: Data;
property focus
focus: Point;
property key
key: string;
property object
object: string;
property type
type: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: Annotation | AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON) => Annotation;
method createMap
static createMap: (elements?: any) => Immutable.Map<string, Annotation>;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( attrs: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation) => AnnotationProperties;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON) => Annotation;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: ( properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON) => Annotation;
method isAnnotation
static isAnnotation: (maybeAnnotation: any) => maybeAnnotation is Annotation;
method setProperties
setProperties: ( properties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation) => Annotation;
method toJS
toJS: () => AnnotationJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => AnnotationJSON;
class BaseOperation
class BaseOperation extends Immutable.Record({}) {}
property object
object: string;
property type
type: string;
method apply
apply: (value: Value) => Value;
method create
static create: ( attrs?: Operation | OperationProperties | OperationJSON) => Operation;
method createList
static createList: () => | Immutable.List<Operation | OperationProperties | OperationJSON> | Array<Operation | OperationProperties | OperationJSON>;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (object: OperationProperties | OperationJSON) => Operation;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (object: OperationProperties | OperationJSON) => Operation;
method invert
invert: () => this;
method isOperation
static isOperation: (maybeOperation: any) => maybeOperation is Operation;
method isOperationList
static isOperationList: ( maybeOperationList: any) => maybeOperationList is Immutable.List<Operation>;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => OperationJSON;
class Block
class Block extends BaseNode {}
property nodes
nodes: Immutable.List<Block | Inline | Text>;
property object
object: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string) => Block;
method createList
static createList: ( array?: | Array<BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string> | Immutable.List<BlockProperties | BlockJSON | Block | string>) => Immutable.List<Block>;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: BlockJSON | BlockProperties | Block) => Block;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: BlockJSON | BlockProperties | Block) => Block;
method isBlock
static isBlock: (maybeBlock: any) => maybeBlock is Block;
method isBlockList
static isBlockList: ( maybeBlockList: any) => maybeBlockList is Immutable.List<Block>;
method toJS
toJS: () => BlockJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => BlockJSON;
class Decoration
class Decoration extends BaseRange {}
property anchor
anchor: Point;
property data
data: Data;
property focus
focus: Point;
property object
object: string;
property type
type: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Decoration;
method createList
static createList: ( elements?: | Array<RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType> | Immutable.List<RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType>) => Immutable.List<Decoration>;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( attrs: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => DecorationProperties;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: { (properties: DecorationJSON & { mark?: MarkJSON | undefined }): Decoration; (properties: DecorationJSON & { mark?: MarkJSON }): Decoration;};
method isDecoration
static isDecoration: (maybeDecoration: any) => maybeDecoration is Decoration;
method setProperties
setProperties: ( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Decoration;
method toJS
toJS: () => DecorationJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => DecorationJSON;
class Document
class Document extends BaseNode {}
property object
object: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: | DocumentProperties | DocumentJSON | Document | Array<NodeJSON | NodeProperties | Node> | Immutable.List<NodeJSON | NodeProperties | Node>) => Document;
method fromJS
static fromJS: ( properties: DocumentJSON | DocumentProperties | Document) => Document;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: ( properties: DocumentJSON | DocumentProperties | Document) => Document;
method isDocument
static isDocument: (maybeDocument: any) => maybeDocument is Document;
method toJS
toJS: () => DocumentJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => DocumentJSON;
class Editor
class Editor implements Controller {}
constructor(attributes: EditorProperties<Editor>, options?: EditorOptions);
property controller
controller: Controller;
property middleware
middleware: {};
property object
object: string;
property onChange
onChange: (change: { operations: Immutable.List<Operation>; value: Value;}) => void;
property operations
operations: Immutable.List<Operation>;
property plugins
plugins: Plugin<Editor>[];
property readOnly
readOnly: boolean;
property value
value: Value;
method addAnnotation
addAnnotation: ( annotation: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation) => Editor;
method addMark
addMark: (mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method addMarkAtRange
addMarkAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | Mark) => Editor;
method addMarkByKey
addMarkByKey: ( key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method addMarkByPath
addMarkByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method addMarks
addMarks: ( mark: | Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method addMarksAtRange
addMarksAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, marks: | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method addMarksByPath
addMarksByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method applyOperation
applyOperation: ( operation: Operation | OperationJSON | OperationProperties) => Editor;
method blur
blur: () => Editor;
method command
command: (type: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]) => Editor;
method delete
delete: () => Editor;
method deleteAtRange
deleteAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteBackward
deleteBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method deleteBackwardAtRange
deleteBackwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, n?: number) => Editor;
method deleteCharBackward
deleteCharBackward: () => Editor;
method deleteCharBackwardAtRange
deleteCharBackwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteCharForward
deleteCharForward: () => Editor;
method deleteCharForwardAtRange
deleteCharForwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteForward
deleteForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method deleteForwardAtRange
deleteForwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, n?: number) => Editor;
method deleteLineBackward
deleteLineBackward: () => Editor;
method deleteLineBackwardAtRange
deleteLineBackwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteLineForward
deleteLineForward: () => Editor;
method deleteLineForwardAtRange
deleteLineForwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteWordBackward
deleteWordBackward: () => Editor;
method deleteWordBackwardAtRange
deleteWordBackwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deleteWordForward
deleteWordForward: () => Editor;
method deleteWordForwardAtRange
deleteWordForwardAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Editor;
method deselect
deselect: () => Editor;
method flip
flip: () => Editor;
method flush
flush: () => Editor;
Synchronously flush the current changes to editor, calling onChange. In normal operation you never need to use this method! Reserved for testing.
method focus
focus: () => Editor;
method hasCommand
hasCommand: (type: string) => boolean;
method hasQuery
hasQuery: (type: string) => boolean;
method insertBlock
insertBlock: (block: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method insertBlockAtRange
insertBlockAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, block: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method insertFragment
insertFragment: (fragment: Document) => Editor;
method insertFragmentAtRange
insertFragmentAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, fragment: Document) => Editor;
method insertFragmentByKey
insertFragmentByKey: (key: string, index: number, fragment: Document) => Editor;
method insertFragmentByPath
insertFragmentByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, index: number, fragment: Document) => Editor;
method insertInline
insertInline: ( inline: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method insertInlineAtRange
insertInlineAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, inline: Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method insertNodeByKey
insertNodeByKey: ( key: string, index: number, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method insertNodeByPath
insertNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, index: number, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method insertText
insertText: ( text: string, marks?: | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method insertTextAtRange
insertTextAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, text: string) => Editor;
method insertTextByKey
insertTextByKey: ( key: string, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method insertTextByPath
insertTextByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, text: string, marks?: | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method isEditor
isEditor: (maybeEditor: any) => maybeEditor is Editor;
method mergeNodeByKey
mergeNodeByKey: (key: string) => Editor;
method mergeNodeByPath
mergeNodeByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number>) => Editor;
method moveAnchorBackward
moveAnchorBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveAnchorForward
moveAnchorForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveAnchorTo
moveAnchorTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, offset?: number) => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfBlock
moveAnchorToEndOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfDocument
moveAnchorToEndOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfInline
moveAnchorToEndOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock
moveAnchorToEndOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline
moveAnchorToEndOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfNextText
moveAnchorToEndOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfNode
moveAnchorToEndOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock
moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline
moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText
moveAnchorToEndOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToEndOfText
moveAnchorToEndOfText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfBlock
moveAnchorToStartOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfDocument
moveAnchorToStartOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfInline
moveAnchorToStartOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock
moveAnchorToStartOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline
moveAnchorToStartOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfNextText
moveAnchorToStartOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfNode
moveAnchorToStartOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock
moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline
moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText
moveAnchorToStartOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorToStartOfText
moveAnchorToStartOfText: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorWordBackward
moveAnchorWordBackward: () => Editor;
method moveAnchorWordForward
moveAnchorWordForward: () => Editor;
method moveBackward
moveBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveEndBackward
moveEndBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveEndForward
moveEndForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveEndTo
moveEndTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, offset?: number) => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfBlock
moveEndToEndOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfDocument
moveEndToEndOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfInline
moveEndToEndOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfNextBlock
moveEndToEndOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfNextInline
moveEndToEndOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfNextText
moveEndToEndOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfNode
moveEndToEndOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock
moveEndToEndOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline
moveEndToEndOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfPreviousText
moveEndToEndOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveEndToEndOfText
moveEndToEndOfText: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfBlock
moveEndToStartOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfDocument
moveEndToStartOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfInline
moveEndToStartOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfNextBlock
moveEndToStartOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfNextInline
moveEndToStartOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfNextText
moveEndToStartOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfNode
moveEndToStartOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock
moveEndToStartOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline
moveEndToStartOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfPreviousText
moveEndToStartOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveEndToStartOfText
moveEndToStartOfText: () => Editor;
method moveEndWordBackward
moveEndWordBackward: () => Editor;
method moveEndWordForward
moveEndWordForward: () => Editor;
method moveFocusBackward
moveFocusBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveFocusForward
moveFocusForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveFocusTo
moveFocusTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, offset?: number) => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfBlock
moveFocusToEndOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfDocument
moveFocusToEndOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfInline
moveFocusToEndOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock
moveFocusToEndOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfNextInline
moveFocusToEndOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfNextText
moveFocusToEndOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfNode
moveFocusToEndOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock
moveFocusToEndOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline
moveFocusToEndOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText
moveFocusToEndOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToEndOfText
moveFocusToEndOfText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfBlock
moveFocusToStartOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfDocument
moveFocusToStartOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfInline
moveFocusToStartOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock
moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfNextInline
moveFocusToStartOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfNextText
moveFocusToStartOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfNode
moveFocusToStartOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock
moveFocusToStartOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline
moveFocusToStartOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText
moveFocusToStartOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusToStartOfText
moveFocusToStartOfText: () => Editor;
method moveFocusWordBackward
moveFocusWordBackward: () => Editor;
method moveFocusWordForward
moveFocusWordForward: () => Editor;
method moveForward
moveForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveNodeByKey
moveNodeByKey: (key: string, newKey: string, newIndex: number) => Editor;
method moveNodeByPath
moveNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, newPath: Immutable.List<number>, newIndex: number) => Editor;
method moveStartBackward
moveStartBackward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveStartForward
moveStartForward: (n?: number) => Editor;
method moveStartTo
moveStartTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, n?: number) => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfBlock
moveStartToEndOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfDocument
moveStartToEndOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfInline
moveStartToEndOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfNextBlock
moveStartToEndOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfNextInline
moveStartToEndOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfNextText
moveStartToEndOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfNode
moveStartToEndOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock
moveStartToEndOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline
moveStartToEndOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfPreviousText
moveStartToEndOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveStartToEndOfText
moveStartToEndOfText: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfBlock
moveStartToStartOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfDocument
moveStartToStartOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfInline
moveStartToStartOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfNextBlock
moveStartToStartOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfNextInline
moveStartToStartOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfNextText
moveStartToStartOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfNode
moveStartToStartOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock
moveStartToStartOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline
moveStartToStartOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfPreviousText
moveStartToStartOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveStartToStartOfText
moveStartToStartOfText: () => Editor;
method moveStartWordBackward
moveStartWordBackward: () => Editor;
method moveStartWordForward
moveStartWordForward: () => Editor;
method moveTo
moveTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, offset?: number) => Editor;
method moveToAnchor
moveToAnchor: () => Editor;
method moveToEnd
moveToEnd: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfBlock
moveToEndOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfDocument
moveToEndOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfInline
moveToEndOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfNextBlock
moveToEndOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfNextInline
moveToEndOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfNextText
moveToEndOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfNode
moveToEndOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveToEndOfPreviousBlock
moveToEndOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfPreviousInline
moveToEndOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfPreviousText
moveToEndOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveToEndOfText
moveToEndOfText: () => Editor;
method moveToFocus
moveToFocus: () => Editor;
method moveToRangeOfDocument
moveToRangeOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveToRangeOfNode
moveToRangeOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveToStart
moveToStart: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfBlock
moveToStartOfBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfDocument
moveToStartOfDocument: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfInline
moveToStartOfInline: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfNextBlock
moveToStartOfNextBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfNextInline
moveToStartOfNextInline: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfNextText
moveToStartOfNextText: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfNode
moveToStartOfNode: (node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method moveToStartOfPreviousBlock
moveToStartOfPreviousBlock: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfPreviousInline
moveToStartOfPreviousInline: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfPreviousText
moveToStartOfPreviousText: () => Editor;
method moveToStartOfText
moveToStartOfText: () => Editor;
method moveWordBackward
moveWordBackward: () => Editor;
method moveWordForward
moveWordForward: () => Editor;
method normalize
normalize: () => Editor;
method query
query: (query: string | ((...args: any[]) => any), ...args: any[]) => any;
method redo
redo: () => Editor;
method registerCommand
registerCommand: (command: string) => Editor;
method registerQuery
registerQuery: (query: string) => Editor;
method removeAllMarksByKey
removeAllMarksByKey: (key: string) => Editor;
method removeAllMarksByPath
removeAllMarksByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number>) => Editor;
method removeAnnotation
removeAnnotation: ( annotation: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation) => Editor;
method removeMark
removeMark: (mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method removeMarkAtRange
removeMarkAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method removeMarkByKey
removeMarkByKey: ( key: string, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method removeMarkByPath
removeMarkByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method removeMarksByPath
removeMarksByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, marks: | Array<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark> | Immutable.Set<string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark>) => Editor;
method removeNodeByKey
removeNodeByKey: (key: string) => Editor;
method removeNodeByPath
removeNodeByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number>) => Editor;
method removeTextByKey
removeTextByKey: (key: string, offset: number, length: number) => Editor;
method removeTextByPath
removeTextByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number) => Editor;
method replaceMark
replaceMark: ( mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newMark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method replaceNodeByKey
replaceNodeByKey: ( key: string, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method replaceNodeByPath
replaceNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, newNode: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method replaceTextByKey
replaceTextByKey: ( key: string, node: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method replaceTextByPath
replaceTextByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, text: string, marks?: Immutable.Set<Mark> | Mark[]) => Editor;
method run
run: (key: string, ...args: any[]) => Editor;
method save
save: (operation: Operation) => void;
method select
select: ( properties: string | RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, options?: { snapshot?: boolean | undefined }) => Editor;
method setAnchor
setAnchor: (point: Point) => void;
method setAnnotation
setAnnotation: ( annotation: Annotation, newProperties: AnnotationProperties | AnnotationJSON | Annotation) => Editor;
method setBlocks
setBlocks: (properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method setBlocksAtRange
setBlocksAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method setData
setData: (data: Data) => Editor;
method setEnd
setEnd: (point: Point) => void;
method setFocus
setFocus: (point: Point) => void;
method setInlines
setInlines: (properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties) => Editor;
method setInlinesAtRange
setInlinesAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method setMarkByKey
setMarkByKey: ( key: string, offset: number, length: number, properties: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newProperties: | string | Partial<MarkProperties> | Partial<MarkJSON> | Partial<Mark>) => Editor;
method setMarkByPath
setMarkByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, offset: number, length: number, properties: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark, newProperties: | string | Partial<MarkProperties> | Partial<MarkJSON> | Partial<Mark>) => Editor;
method setNodeByKey
setNodeByKey: ( key: string, properties: string | Partial<BlockProperties> | Partial<InlineProperties>) => Editor;
method setNodeByPath
setNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, newProperties: string | NodeProperties) => Editor;
method setReadOnly
setReadOnly: (readOnly: boolean) => Editor;
method setStart
setStart: (point: Point) => void;
method setTextByKey
setTextByKey: (key: string, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>) => Editor;
method setTextByPath
setTextByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, text: string, marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>) => Editor;
method setValue
setValue: (value: Value, options?: { normalize: boolean }) => Editor;
Set the editor's value state. You can optionally provide a normalize option to either for the editor to completely re-normalize the new value based on its schema or not. By default, the editor will re-normalize only if the value is not equal to its previously seen value (which it knows was normalized).
method snapshotSelection
snapshotSelection: () => Editor;
method splitBlock
splitBlock: (depth?: number) => Editor;
method splitBlockAtRange
splitBlockAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, height?: number) => Editor;
method splitDescendantsByKey
splitDescendantsByKey: ( key: string, textKey: string, textOffset: number) => Editor;
method splitDescendantsByPath
splitDescendantsByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, textPath: Immutable.List<number>, textOffset: number) => Editor;
method splitInline
splitInline: (depth: number) => Editor;
method splitInlineAtRange
splitInlineAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, height?: number) => Editor;
method splitNodeByKey
splitNodeByKey: (key: string, offset: number) => Editor;
method splitNodeByPath
splitNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, position: number, options?: { target?: number | undefined }) => Editor;
method toggleMark
toggleMark: (mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method toggleMarkAtRange
toggleMarkAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, mark: string | MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Editor;
method undo
undo: () => Editor;
method unwrapBlock
unwrapBlock: ( properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method unwrapBlockAtRange
unwrapBlockAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method unwrapBlockByKey
unwrapBlockByKey: (key: string, properties: string | BlockProperties) => Editor;
method unwrapBlockByPath
unwrapBlockByPath: (path: Path, properties: string | BlockProperties) => Editor;
method unwrapChildrenByKey
unwrapChildrenByKey: (key: string) => Editor;
method unwrapChildrenByPath
unwrapChildrenByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number> | number[]) => Editor;
method unwrapInline
unwrapInline: ( properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method unwrapInlineAtRange
unwrapInlineAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method unwrapInlineByKey
unwrapInlineByKey: ( key: string, properties: string | InlineProperties) => Editor;
method unwrapInlineByPath
unwrapInlineByPath: ( path: Path, properties: string | InlineProperties) => Editor;
method unwrapNodeByKey
unwrapNodeByKey: (key: string) => Editor;
method unwrapNodeByPath
unwrapNodeByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number>) => Editor;
method withoutMerging
withoutMerging: (fn: () => void) => Editor;
method withoutNormalizing
withoutNormalizing: (fn: () => void) => Editor;
method withoutSaving
withoutSaving: (fn: () => void) => Editor;
method wrapBlock
wrapBlock: (properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method wrapBlockAtRange
wrapBlockAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Block | BlockProperties | BlockJSON) => Editor;
method wrapBlockByKey
wrapBlockByKey: (key: string, properties: string | BlockProperties) => Editor;
method wrapBlockByPath
wrapBlockByPath: (path: Immutable.List<number>, block: string | Block) => Editor;
method wrapInline
wrapInline: ( properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method wrapInlineAtRange
wrapInlineAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, properties: string | Inline | InlineProperties | InlineJSON) => Editor;
method wrapInlineByKey
wrapInlineByKey: (key: string, properties: string | InlineProperties) => Editor;
method wrapInlineByPath
wrapInlineByPath: (path: Path, properties: string | InlineProperties) => Editor;
method wrapNodeByKey
wrapNodeByKey: (key: string, parent: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method wrapNodeByPath
wrapNodeByPath: ( path: Immutable.List<number>, parent: Block | Document | Inline | Text) => Editor;
method wrapText
wrapText: (prefix: string, suffix?: string) => Editor;
method wrapTextAtRange
wrapTextAtRange: ( range: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType, prefix: string, suffix?: string) => Editor;
class Inline
class Inline extends BaseNode {}
property nodes
nodes: Immutable.List<Inline | Text>;
property object
object: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string) => Inline;
method createList
static createList: ( elements?: | Immutable.List<InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string> | Array<InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline | string>) => Immutable.List<Inline>;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline) => Inline;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: InlineProperties | InlineJSON | Inline) => Inline;
method isInline
static isInline: (maybeInline: any) => maybeInline is Inline;
method isInlineList
static isInlineList: ( maybeInlineList: any) => maybeInlineList is Immutable.List<Inline>;
method toJS
toJS: () => InlineJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => InlineJSON;
class InsertNodeOperation
class InsertNodeOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class InsertTextOperation
class InsertTextOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class Leaf
class Leaf extends Immutable.Record({}) {}
property marks
marks: any;
property object
object: string;
property text
text: string;
method addMark
addMark: (mark: Mark) => Leaf;
method addMarks
addMarks: (marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>) => Leaf;
method create
static create: (properties: LeafProperties | LeafJSON | Leaf) => Leaf;
method createLeaves
static createLeaves: (leaves: Immutable.List<Leaf>) => Immutable.List<Leaf>;
method createList
static createList: ( attrs?: | Array<LeafProperties | LeafJSON | Leaf> | Immutable.List<LeafProperties | LeafJSON | Leaf>) => Immutable.List<Leaf>;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: LeafJSON | LeafProperties) => Leaf;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: LeafJSON | LeafProperties) => Leaf;
method insertText
insertText: (offset: number, string: string) => Leaf;
method isLeaf
static isLeaf: (maybeLeaf: any) => maybeLeaf is Leaf;
method isLeafList
static isLeafList: (maybeLeafList: any) => maybeLeafList is Immutable.List<Leaf>;
method removeMark
removeMark: (mark: Mark) => Leaf;
method splitLeaves
static splitLeaves: ( leaves: Immutable.List<Leaf>, offset: number) => Array<Immutable.List<Leaf>>;
method toJS
toJS: () => LeafJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => LeafJSON;
method updateMark
updateMark: (mark: Mark, newMark: Mark) => Leaf;
class Mark
class Mark extends Immutable.Record({}) {}
property data
data: Data;
property object
object: string;
property type
type: string;
method create
static create: (properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string) => Mark;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( attrs: Partial<MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string>) => MarkProperties;
method createSet
static createSet: ( element?: | Array<MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string> | Immutable.Set<MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark | string>) => Immutable.Set<Mark>;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Mark;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: MarkProperties | MarkJSON | Mark) => Mark;
method isMark
static isMark: (maybeMark: any) => maybeMark is Mark;
method isMarkSet
static isMarkSet: (maybeMarkSet: any) => maybeMarkSet is Immutable.Set<Mark>;
method toJS
toJS: () => MarkJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => MarkJSON;
class MergeNodeOperation
class MergeNodeOperation extends BaseOperation {}
property data
data: Data;
property path
path: Immutable.List<number>;
property position
position: number;
property properties
properties: NodeProperties;
property type
type: string;
class MoveNodeOperation
class MoveNodeOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class Point
class Point extends Immutable.Record({}) {}
property isSet
readonly isSet: boolean;
property isUnset
readonly isUnset: boolean;
property key
key: string;
property object
object: string;
property offset
offset: number;
property path
path: Immutable.List<number>;
method create
static create: (properties: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point) => Point;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( properties: PointProperties | PointJSON | Point) => Point;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: PointJSON | PointProperties) => Point;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: PointJSON | PointProperties) => Point;
method isAfterPoint
isAfterPoint: (point: Point) => boolean;
method isAfterRange
isAfterRange: (range: RangeType) => boolean;
method isAtEndOfNode
isAtEndOfNode: (node: Node) => boolean;
method isAtEndofRange
isAtEndofRange: (range: RangeType) => boolean;
method isAtStartOfNode
isAtStartOfNode: (node: Node) => boolean;
method isAtStartOfRange
isAtStartOfRange: (range: RangeType) => boolean;
method isBeforePoint
isBeforePoint: (point: Point) => boolean;
method isBeforeRange
isBeforeRange: (range: RangeType) => boolean;
method isInNode
isInNode: (node: Node) => boolean;
method isInRange
isInRange: (range: RangeType) => boolean;
method isPoint
static isPoint: (maybePoint: any) => maybePoint is Point;
method moveBackward
moveBackward: (n?: number) => this;
method moveForward
moveForward: (n?: number) => this;
method moveTo
moveTo: ( path: string | number | Immutable.List<number>, offset?: number) => this;
method moveToEndOfNode
moveToEndOfNode: (node: Node) => this;
method moveToStartOfNode
moveToStartOfNode: (node: Node) => this;
method normalize
normalize: (node: Node) => this;
method setKey
setKey: (key: string) => this;
method setOffset
setOffset: (offset: number) => this;
method setPath
setPath: (path: Immutable.List<number> | number[]) => this;
method toJS
toJS: (options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }) => PointJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: (options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }) => PointJSON;
method unset
unset: () => this;
class Range
class Range extends BaseRange {}
property anchor
anchor: Point;
property focus
focus: Point;
property object
object: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Range;
method createList
static createList: ( elements?: | Array<RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType> | Immutable.List<RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType>) => Immutable.List<Range>;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( attrs: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => RangeProperties;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: RangeTypeJSON) => Range;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: RangeTypeJSON) => Range;
method isRange
static isRange: (maybeRange: any) => maybeRange is RangeType;
method toJS
toJS: (options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }) => RangeJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: (options?: { preserveKeys?: boolean | undefined }) => RangeJSON;
class RemoveAnnotationOperation
class RemoveAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class RemoveMarkOperation
class RemoveMarkOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class RemoveNodeOperation
class RemoveNodeOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class RemoveTextOperation
class RemoveTextOperation extends BaseOperation {}
class Selection
class Selection extends BaseRange {}
property anchor
anchor: Point;
property focus
focus: Point;
property isBlurred
readonly isBlurred: boolean;
property isFocused
isFocused: boolean;
property marks
marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>;
property object
object: string;
method create
static create: ( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType) => Selection;
method createProperties
static createProperties: ( attrs: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string) => SelectionProperties;
method fromJS
static fromJS: (properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON) => Selection;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON) => Selection;
method isSelection
isSelection: (maybeSelection: any) => maybeSelection is Selection;
method setIsFocused
setIsFocused: (value: boolean) => Selection;
method setMarks
setMarks: (marks: Immutable.Set<Mark>) => Selection;
method setProperties
setProperties: ( properties: RangeTypeProperties | RangeTypeJSON | RangeType | string) => Selection;
method toJS
toJS: () => SelectionJSON;
method toJSON
toJSON: () => SelectionJSON;
class SetAnnotationOperation
class SetAnnotationOperation extends BaseOperation {}