
  • Version 7.1.5
  • Published
  • 8.26 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for ssri



function checkData

checkData: (
data: string | Buffer | NodeJS.TypedArray,
sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
opts?: {
strict?: boolean | undefined;
error?: boolean | undefined;
size?: number | undefined;
pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
) => Hash | false;

    function checkStream

    checkStream: {
    stream: Readable,
    sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
    opts?: {
    strict?: boolean | undefined;
    options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
    size?: number | undefined;
    pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
    ): Promise<Hash>;
    stream: Readable,
    sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
    opts?: {
    strict?: boolean;
    options?: readonly string[];
    size?: number;
    pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
    Promise?: PromiseConstructorLike;
    ): PromiseLike<Hash>;

      function create

      create: (opts?: {
      strict?: boolean | undefined;
      options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
      algorithms?: readonly string[] | undefined;
      }) => CryptoHash;

        function fromData

        fromData: (
        data: string | Buffer | NodeJS.TypedArray | DataView,
        opts?: {
        strict?: boolean | undefined;
        options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
        algorithms?: readonly string[] | undefined;
        ) => IntegrityMap;

          function fromHex

          fromHex: {
          hexDigest: string,
          algorithm: string,
          opts?: {
          single?: false | undefined;
          strict?: boolean | undefined;
          options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
          ): IntegrityMap;
          hexDigest: string,
          algorithm: string,
          opts?: { single: true; strict?: boolean; options?: readonly string[] }
          ): Hash;
          hexDigest: string,
          algorithm: string,
          opts?: { single?: boolean; strict?: boolean; options?: readonly string[] }
          ): IntegrityMap | Hash;

            function fromStream

            fromStream: {
            stream: Readable,
            opts?: {
            strict?: boolean | undefined;
            options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
            algorithms?: readonly string[] | undefined;
            ): Promise<IntegrityMap>;
            stream: Readable,
            opts?: {
            strict?: boolean;
            options?: readonly string[];
            algorithms?: readonly string[];
            Promise?: PromiseConstructorLike;
            ): PromiseLike<IntegrityMap>;

              function integrityStream

              integrityStream: (opts?: {
              single?: boolean | undefined;
              strict?: boolean | undefined;
              options?: readonly string[] | undefined;
              algorithms?: readonly string[] | undefined;
              integrity?: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike | undefined;
              size?: number | undefined;
              pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
              }) => Transform;

                function parse

                parse: {
                sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                opts?: { single?: false | undefined; strict?: boolean | undefined }
                ): IntegrityMap;
                sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                opts?: { single: true; strict?: boolean }
                ): Hash;
                sri: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                opts?: { single?: boolean; strict?: boolean }
                ): IntegrityMap | Hash;

                  function stringify

                  stringify: (
                  obj: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                  opts?: { strict?: boolean | undefined; sep?: string | undefined }
                  ) => string;


                    class Hash

                    class Hash implements HashLike {}


                      constructor(hash: string, opts?: { strict?: boolean | undefined });

                        property algorithm

                        algorithm: string;

                          property digest

                          digest: string;

                            property isHash

                            isHash: boolean;

                              property options

                              options?: string[];

                                property source

                                source: string;

                                  method hexDigest

                                  hexDigest: () => string;

                                    method toJSON

                                    toJSON: () => string;

                                      method toString

                                      toString: (opts?: { strict?: boolean | undefined }) => string;

                                        class Integrity

                                        class Integrity {}

                                          property isIntegrity

                                          isIntegrity: boolean;

                                            method concat

                                            concat: (
                                            integrity: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                                            opts?: { strict?: boolean | undefined }
                                            ) => IntegrityMap;

                                              method hexDigest

                                              hexDigest: () => string;

                                                method match

                                                match: (
                                                integrity: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                                                opts?: {
                                                strict?: boolean | undefined;
                                                pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
                                                ) => Hash | false;

                                                  method merge

                                                  merge: (
                                                  otherIntegrity?: string | IntegrityLike | HashLike,
                                                  opts?: { single?: boolean | undefined; strict?: boolean | undefined }
                                                  ) => void;
                                                  • Safely merges another IntegrityLike or integrity string into an Integrity object.

                                                  method pickAlgorithm

                                                  pickAlgorithm: (opts?: {
                                                  pickAlgorithm?: (algo1: string, algo2: string) => string;
                                                  }) => string;

                                                    method toJSON

                                                    toJSON: () => string;

                                                      method toString

                                                      toString: (opts?: {
                                                      strict?: boolean | undefined;
                                                      sep?: string | undefined;
                                                      }) => string;


                                                        interface HashLike

                                                        interface HashLike {}

                                                          property algorithm

                                                          algorithm: string;

                                                            property digest

                                                            digest: string;

                                                              property options

                                                              options?: string[] | undefined;

                                                                interface IntegrityLike

                                                                interface IntegrityLike {}

                                                                  index signature

                                                                  [algorithm: string]: HashLike[];

                                                                    Type Aliases

                                                                    type IntegrityMap

                                                                    type IntegrityMap = Integrity & IntegrityLike;

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                                                                      No peer dependencies.


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