- Version 4.1.6
- Published
- 6.55 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/swagger-ui-express
yarn add @types/swagger-ui-express
pnpm add @types/swagger-ui-express
TypeScript definitions for swagger-ui-express
variable serve
const serve: RequestHandler[];
Returns handlers for serving Swagger UI files. This includes the custom initialization JS file and static files of Swagger UI.
Express handlers that process requests and return files for Swagger UI.
function generateHTML
generateHTML: { ( swaggerDoc?: JsonObject, opts?: SwaggerUiOptions, options?: SwaggerOptions, customCss?: string, customfavIcon?: string, swaggerUrl?: string, customSiteTitle?: string ): string; (swaggerDoc?: JsonObject, isExplorer?: boolean): RequestHandler;};
Generates the custom HTML page for the UI API.
Parameter swaggerDoc
JSON object with the API schema.
Parameter opts
swagger-ui-express options.
Parameter options
custom Swagger options.
Parameter customCss
string with a custom CSS to embed into the page.
Parameter customfavIcon
link to a custom favicon.
Parameter swaggerUrl
URL of the Swagger API schema, can be specified instead of the swaggerDoc.
Parameter customSiteTitle
custom title for a page.
the generated HTML page.
function serveFiles
serveFiles: ( swaggerDoc?: JsonObject, opts?: SwaggerUiOptions) => RequestHandler[];
Returns handlers for serving Swagger UI files. This includes custom initialization js file and static files of Swagger UI. Additional options object is passed to Swagger UI.
Parameter swaggerDoc
JSON object with the Swagger API schema.
Parameter opts
options to pass to Swagger UI.
Express handlers that process requests and return files for Swagger UI.
function serveWithOptions
serveWithOptions: (options: ServeStaticOptions) => RequestHandler[];
Returns handlers for serving Swagger UI files. This includes custom initialization js file and static files of Swagger UI. Additional options are passed to the
middleware.Parameter options
options object that is passed to the
Express handlers that process requests and return files for Swagger UI.
function setup
setup: { ( swaggerDoc?: JsonObject, opts?: SwaggerUiOptions, options?: SwaggerOptions, customCss?: string, customfavIcon?: string, swaggerUrl?: string, customSiteTitle?: string ): RequestHandler; (swaggerDoc?: JsonObject, isExplorer?: boolean): RequestHandler;};
Creates a middleware function that returns the pre-generated HTML file for the Swagger UI page.
Parameter swaggerDoc
JSON object with the API schema.
Parameter opts
swagger-ui-express options.
Parameter options
custom Swagger options.
Parameter customCss
string with a custom CSS to embed into the page.
Parameter customfavIcon
link to a custom favicon.
Parameter swaggerUrl
URL of the Swagger API schema, can be specified instead of the swaggerDoc.
Parameter customSiteTitle
custom title for a page.
an express middleware function that returns the generated HTML page.
interface JsonObject
interface JsonObject {}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface SwaggerOptions
interface SwaggerOptions {}
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface SwaggerUiOptions
interface SwaggerUiOptions {}
property customCss
customCss?: string | undefined;
property customCssUrl
customCssUrl?: string | undefined;
property customfavIcon
customfavIcon?: string | undefined;
property customJs
customJs?: string | undefined;
property customSiteTitle
customSiteTitle?: string | undefined;
property explorer
explorer?: boolean | undefined;
property isExplorer
isExplorer?: boolean | undefined;
property swaggerOptions
swaggerOptions?: SwaggerOptions | undefined;
property swaggerUrl
swaggerUrl?: string | undefined;
property swaggerUrls
swaggerUrls?: string[] | undefined;
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