- Version 0.170.0
- Published
- 1.32 MB
- 6 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/three
yarn add @types/three
pnpm add @types/three
TypeScript definitions for three
- ACESFilmicToneMapping
- AddEquation
- AdditiveAnimationBlendMode
- AdditiveBlending
- AddOperation
- AgXToneMapping
- AlphaFormat
- AlwaysCompare
- AlwaysDepth
- AlwaysStencilFunc
- AnimationUtils
- AttachedBindMode
- BackSide
- BasicDepthPacking
- BasicShadowMap
- ByteType
- Cache
- CineonToneMapping
- ClampToEdgeWrapping
- ColorManagement
- ConstantAlphaFactor
- ConstantColorFactor
- CubeReflectionMapping
- CubeRefractionMapping
- CubeUVReflectionMapping
- CullFaceBack
- CullFaceFront
- CullFaceFrontBack
- CullFaceNone
- CustomBlending
- CustomToneMapping
- DataUtils
- DecrementStencilOp
- DecrementWrapStencilOp
- DefaultLoadingManager
- DepthFormat
- DepthStencilFormat
- DetachedBindMode
- DoubleSide
- DstAlphaFactor
- DstColorFactor
- DynamicCopyUsage
- DynamicDrawUsage
- DynamicReadUsage
- EqualCompare
- EqualDepth
- EqualStencilFunc
- EquirectangularReflectionMapping
- EquirectangularRefractionMapping
- FloatType
- FrontSide
- GreaterCompare
- GreaterDepth
- GreaterEqualCompare
- GreaterEqualDepth
- GreaterEqualStencilFunc
- GreaterStencilFunc
- HalfFloatType
- IncrementStencilOp
- IncrementWrapStencilOp
- InterpolateDiscrete
- InterpolateLinear
- InterpolateSmooth
- IntType
- InvertStencilOp
- KeepStencilOp
- LessCompare
- LessDepth
- LessEqualCompare
- LessEqualDepth
- LessEqualStencilFunc
- LessStencilFunc
- LinearFilter
- LinearMipmapLinearFilter
- LinearMipMapLinearFilter
- LinearMipmapNearestFilter
- LinearMipMapNearestFilter
- LinearSRGBColorSpace
- LinearToneMapping
- LinearTransfer
- LoopOnce
- LoopPingPong
- LoopRepeat
- LuminanceAlphaFormat
- LuminanceFormat
- MathUtils
- MaxEquation
- MinEquation
- MirroredRepeatWrapping
- MixOperation
- MultiplyBlending
- MultiplyOperation
- NearestFilter
- NearestMipmapLinearFilter
- NearestMipMapLinearFilter
- NearestMipmapNearestFilter
- NearestMipMapNearestFilter
- NeutralToneMapping
- NeverCompare
- NeverDepth
- NeverStencilFunc
- NoBlending
- NoColorSpace
- NormalAnimationBlendMode
- NormalBlending
- NotEqualCompare
- NotEqualDepth
- NotEqualStencilFunc
- NoToneMapping
- ObjectSpaceNormalMap
- OneFactor
- OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor
- OneMinusConstantColorFactor
- OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
- OneMinusDstColorFactor
- OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
- OneMinusSrcColorFactor
- PCFShadowMap
- PCFSoftShadowMap
- RED_RGTC1_Format
- RedFormat
- RedIntegerFormat
- ReinhardToneMapping
- RepeatWrapping
- ReplaceStencilOp
- ReverseSubtractEquation
- RGB_ETC1_Format
- RGB_ETC2_Format
- RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format
- RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format
- RGBA_BPTC_Format
- RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
- RGBADepthPacking
- RGBAFormat
- RGBAIntegerFormat
- RGBDepthPacking
- RGBFormat
- RGBIntegerFormat
- RGDepthPacking
- RGFormat
- RGIntegerFormat
- ShaderChunk
- ShaderLib
- ShortType
- SrcAlphaFactor
- SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
- SrcColorFactor
- SRGBColorSpace
- SRGBTransfer
- StaticCopyUsage
- StaticDrawUsage
- StaticReadUsage
- StreamCopyUsage
- StreamDrawUsage
- StreamReadUsage
- SubtractEquation
- SubtractiveBlending
- TangentSpaceNormalMap
- TextureUtils
- TriangleFanDrawMode
- TrianglesDrawMode
- TriangleStripDrawMode
- UniformsLib
- UniformsUtils
- UnsignedByteType
- UnsignedInt248Type
- UnsignedInt5999Type
- UnsignedIntType
- UnsignedShort4444Type
- UnsignedShort5551Type
- UnsignedShortType
- UVMapping
- VSMShadowMap
- WebGLCoordinateSystem
- WebGPUCoordinateSystem
- WrapAroundEnding
- ZeroCurvatureEnding
- ZeroFactor
- ZeroSlopeEnding
- ZeroStencilOp
- blendMode
- clampWhenFinished
- crossFadeFrom()
- crossFadeTo()
- enabled
- fadeIn()
- fadeOut()
- getClip()
- getEffectiveTimeScale()
- getEffectiveWeight()
- getMixer()
- getRoot()
- halt()
- isRunning()
- isScheduled()
- loop
- paused
- play()
- repetitions
- reset()
- setDuration()
- setEffectiveTimeScale()
- setEffectiveWeight()
- setLoop()
- startAt()
- stop()
- stopFading()
- stopWarping()
- syncWith()
- time
- timeScale
- warp()
- weight
- zeroSlopeAtEnd
- zeroSlopeAtStart
- autoplay
- buffer
- connect()
- context
- detune
- disconnect()
- duration
- filters
- gain
- getDetune()
- getFilter()
- getFilters()
- getLoop()
- getOutput()
- getPlaybackRate()
- getVolume()
- hasPlaybackControl
- isPlaying
- listener
- loop
- loopEnd
- loopStart
- offset
- onEnded()
- pause()
- play()
- playbackRate
- setBuffer()
- setDetune()
- setFilter()
- setFilters()
- setLoop()
- setLoopEnd()
- setLoopStart()
- setMediaElementSource()
- setMediaStreamSource()
- setNodeSource()
- setPlaybackRate()
- setVolume()
- source
- sourceType
- stop()
- type
- addGeometry()
- addInstance()
- boundingBox
- boundingSphere
- computeBoundingBox()
- computeBoundingSphere()
- customSort
- deleteGeometry()
- deleteInstance()
- dispose()
- getBoundingBoxAt()
- getBoundingSphereAt()
- getColorAt()
- getGeometryIdAt()
- getGeometryRangeAt()
- getMatrixAt()
- getVisibleAt()
- instanceCount
- isBatchedMesh
- maxInstanceCount
- optimize()
- perObjectFrustumCulled
- setColorAt()
- setCustomSort()
- setGeometryAt()
- setGeometryIdAt()
- setGeometrySize()
- setInstanceCount()
- setMatrixAt()
- setVisibleAt()
- sortObjects
- unusedIndexCount
- unusedVertexCount
- applyMatrix4()
- clampPoint()
- clone()
- containsBox()
- containsPoint()
- copy()
- distanceToPoint()
- empty()
- equals()
- expandByObject()
- expandByPoint()
- expandByScalar()
- expandByVector()
- getBoundingSphere()
- getCenter()
- getParameter()
- getSize()
- intersect()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectsPlane()
- intersectsSphere()
- intersectsTriangle()
- isBox3
- isEmpty()
- isIntersectionBox()
- isIntersectionSphere()
- makeEmpty()
- max
- min
- set()
- setFromArray()
- setFromBufferAttribute()
- setFromCenterAndSize()
- setFromObject()
- setFromPoints()
- translate()
- union()
- addUpdateRange()
- applyMatrix3()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyNormalMatrix()
- array
- clearUpdateRanges()
- clone()
- copy()
- copyArray()
- copyAt()
- count
- getComponent()
- getW()
- getX()
- getY()
- getZ()
- gpuType
- isBufferAttribute
- itemSize
- name
- normalized
- onUpload()
- onUploadCallback
- set()
- setComponent()
- setUsage()
- setW()
- setX()
- setXY()
- setXYZ()
- setXYZW()
- setY()
- setZ()
- toJSON()
- transformDirection()
- updateRanges
- usage
- version
- addGroup()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyQuaternion()
- attributes
- boundingBox
- boundingSphere
- center()
- clearGroups()
- clone()
- computeBoundingBox()
- computeBoundingSphere()
- computeTangents()
- computeVertexNormals()
- copy()
- deleteAttribute()
- dispose()
- drawRange
- getAttribute()
- getIndex()
- getIndirect()
- groups
- hasAttribute()
- id
- index
- indirect
- isBufferGeometry
- lookAt()
- morphAttributes
- morphTargetsRelative
- name
- normalizeNormals()
- rotateX()
- rotateY()
- rotateZ()
- scale()
- setAttribute()
- setDrawRange()
- setFromPoints()
- setIndex()
- setIndirect()
- toJSON()
- toNonIndexed()
- translate()
- type
- userData
- uuid
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addColors()
- addScalar()
- applyMatrix3()
- b
- clone()
- convertLinearToSRGB()
- convertSRGBToLinear()
- copy()
- copyLinearToSRGB()
- copySRGBToLinear()
- equals()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- g
- getHex()
- getHexString()
- getHSL()
- getRGB()
- getStyle()
- isColor
- lerp()
- lerpColors()
- lerpHSL()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- offsetHSL()
- r
- set()
- setColorName()
- setFromVector3()
- setHex()
- setHSL()
- setRGB()
- setScalar()
- setStyle()
- sub()
- toArray()
- toJSON()
- alphaHash
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- clipIntersection
- clippingPlanes
- clipShadows
- clone()
- colorWrite
- copy()
- customProgramCacheKey()
- defines
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dispose()
- dithering
- forceSinglePass
- id
- isMaterial
- name
- onBeforeCompile()
- onBeforeRender()
- onBuild()
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- setValues()
- shadowSide
- side
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- toJSON()
- toneMapped
- transparent
- type
- type
- userData
- uuid
- version
- vertexColors
- visible
- clone()
- copy()
- determinant()
- elements
- equals()
- extractBasis()
- fromArray()
- getNormalMatrix()
- identity()
- invert()
- isMatrix3
- makeRotation()
- makeScale()
- makeTranslation()
- multiply()
- multiplyMatrices()
- multiplyScalar()
- premultiply()
- rotate()
- scale()
- set()
- setFromMatrix4()
- setUvTransform()
- toArray()
- translate()
- transpose()
- transposeIntoArray()
- clone()
- compose()
- copy()
- copyPosition()
- decompose()
- determinant()
- elements
- equals()
- extractBasis()
- extractRotation()
- fromArray()
- getMaxScaleOnAxis()
- identity()
- invert()
- isMatrix4
- lookAt()
- makeBasis()
- makeOrthographic()
- makePerspective()
- makeRotationAxis()
- makeRotationFromEuler()
- makeRotationFromQuaternion()
- makeRotationX()
- makeRotationY()
- makeRotationZ()
- makeScale()
- makeShear()
- makeTranslation()
- multiply()
- multiplyMatrices()
- multiplyScalar()
- premultiply()
- scale()
- set()
- setFromMatrix3()
- setPosition()
- toArray()
- transpose()
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshLambertMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- setValues()
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshPhongMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metal
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- setValues()
- shininess
- specular
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- defines
- dispersion
- ior
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- isMeshPhysicalMaterial
- reflectivity
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenColorMap
- sheenRoughness
- sheenRoughnessMap
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- defines
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- isMeshStandardMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- setValues()
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- defines
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- fog
- gradientMap
- isMeshToonMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- setValues()
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- add()
- animations
- applyMatrix4()
- applyQuaternion()
- attach()
- castShadow
- children
- clear()
- clone()
- copy()
- customDepthMaterial
- customDistanceMaterial
- frustumCulled
- getObjectById()
- getObjectByName()
- getObjectByProperty()
- getObjectsByProperty()
- getWorldDirection()
- getWorldPosition()
- getWorldQuaternion()
- getWorldScale()
- id
- isObject3D
- layers
- localToWorld()
- lookAt()
- matrix
- matrixAutoUpdate
- matrixWorld
- matrixWorldAutoUpdate
- matrixWorldNeedsUpdate
- modelViewMatrix
- name
- normalMatrix
- onAfterRender()
- onAfterShadow()
- onBeforeRender()
- onBeforeShadow()
- parent
- position
- quaternion
- raycast()
- receiveShadow
- remove()
- removeFromParent()
- renderOrder
- rotateOnAxis()
- rotateOnWorldAxis()
- rotateX()
- rotateY()
- rotateZ()
- rotation
- scale
- setRotationFromAxisAngle()
- setRotationFromEuler()
- setRotationFromMatrix()
- setRotationFromQuaternion()
- toJSON()
- translateOnAxis()
- translateX()
- translateY()
- translateZ()
- traverse()
- traverseAncestors()
- traverseVisible()
- type
- up
- updateMatrix()
- updateMatrixWorld()
- updateWorldMatrix()
- userData
- uuid
- visible
- worldToLocal()
- applyMatrix4()
- clone()
- constant
- coplanarPoint()
- copy()
- distanceToPoint()
- distanceToSphere()
- equals()
- intersectLine()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectsLine()
- intersectsSphere()
- isIntersectionLine()
- isPlane
- negate()
- normal
- normalize()
- projectPoint()
- set()
- setComponents()
- setFromCoplanarPoints()
- setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint()
- translate()
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- angleTo()
- clone()
- conjugate()
- copy()
- dot()
- equals()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- identity()
- invert()
- isQuaternion
- length()
- lengthSq()
- multiply()
- multiplyQuaternions()
- multiplyQuaternionsFlat()
- normalize()
- premultiply()
- random()
- rotateTowards()
- set()
- setFromAxisAngle()
- setFromEuler()
- setFromRotationMatrix()
- setFromUnitVectors()
- slerp()
- slerpFlat()
- slerpQuaternions()
- toArray()
- toJSON()
- w
- x
- y
- z
- applyMatrix4()
- at()
- clone()
- closestPointToPoint()
- copy()
- direction
- distanceSqToPoint()
- distanceSqToSegment()
- distanceToPlane()
- distanceToPoint()
- equals()
- intersectBox()
- intersectPlane()
- intersectsBox()
- intersectSphere()
- intersectsPlane()
- intersectsSphere()
- intersectTriangle()
- isIntersectionBox()
- isIntersectionPlane()
- isIntersectionSphere()
- lookAt()
- origin
- recast()
- set()
- anisotropy
- center
- channel
- clone()
- colorSpace
- copy()
- dispose()
- flipY
- format
- generateMipmaps
- id
- image
- internalFormat
- isRenderTargetTexture
- isTexture
- magFilter
- mapping
- matrix
- matrixAutoUpdate
- minFilter
- mipmaps
- name
- offset
- onUpdate
- pmremVersion
- premultiplyAlpha
- repeat
- rotation
- source
- toJSON()
- transformUv()
- type
- unpackAlignment
- updateMatrix()
- userData
- uuid
- version
- wrapS
- wrapT
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- angle()
- angleTo()
- applyMatrix3()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampLength()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- cross()
- distanceTo()
- distanceToSquared()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- height
- isVector2
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanDistanceTo()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- negate()
- normalize()
- random()
- rotateAround()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setComponent()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setX()
- setY()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- width
- x
- y
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- angleTo()
- applyAxisAngle()
- applyEuler()
- applyMatrix3()
- applyMatrix4()
- applyNormalMatrix()
- applyQuaternion()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampLength()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- cross()
- crossVectors()
- distanceTo()
- distanceToSquared()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- isVector3
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanDistanceTo()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- multiplyVectors()
- negate()
- normalize()
- project()
- projectOnPlane()
- projectOnVector()
- random()
- randomDirection()
- reflect()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setComponent()
- setFromColor()
- setFromCylindrical()
- setFromCylindricalCoords()
- setFromEuler()
- setFromMatrix3Column()
- setFromMatrixColumn()
- setFromMatrixPosition()
- setFromMatrixScale()
- setFromSpherical()
- setFromSphericalCoords()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setX()
- setY()
- setZ()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- transformDirection()
- unproject()
- x
- y
- z
- [Symbol.iterator]()
- add()
- addScalar()
- addScaledVector()
- addVectors()
- applyMatrix4()
- ceil()
- clamp()
- clampScalar()
- clone()
- copy()
- divide()
- divideScalar()
- dot()
- equals()
- floor()
- fromArray()
- fromBufferAttribute()
- getComponent()
- height
- isVector4
- length()
- lengthSq()
- lerp()
- lerpVectors()
- manhattanLength()
- max()
- min()
- multiply()
- multiplyScalar()
- negate()
- normalize()
- random()
- round()
- roundToZero()
- set()
- setAxisAngleFromQuaternion()
- setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix()
- setComponent()
- setFromMatrixPosition()
- setLength()
- setScalar()
- setW()
- setX()
- setY()
- setZ()
- sub()
- subScalar()
- subVectors()
- toArray()
- w
- width
- x
- y
- z
- animate()
- autoClear
- autoClearColor
- autoClearDepth
- autoClearStencil
- capabilities
- clear()
- clearColor()
- clearDepth()
- clearStencil()
- clearTarget()
- clippingPlanes
- compile
- compileAsync
- coordinateSystem
- copyFramebufferToTexture()
- copyTextureToTexture()
- copyTextureToTexture3D()
- debug
- dispose()
- domElement
- enableScissorTest()
- extensions
- forceContextLoss()
- forceContextRestore()
- getActiveCubeFace()
- getActiveMipmapLevel()
- getClearAlpha()
- getClearColor()
- getContext()
- getContextAttributes()
- getCurrentRenderTarget()
- getCurrentViewport()
- getDrawingBufferSize()
- getMaxAnisotropy()
- getPixelRatio()
- getPrecision()
- getRenderTarget()
- getScissor()
- getScissorTest()
- getSize()
- getViewport()
- info
- initRenderTarget()
- initTexture()
- localClippingEnabled
- outputColorSpace
- pixelRatio
- properties
- readRenderTargetPixels()
- readRenderTargetPixelsAsync()
- render()
- renderBufferDirect()
- renderLists
- resetGLState()
- resetState()
- setAnimationLoop()
- setClearAlpha()
- setClearColor()
- setDrawingBufferSize()
- setOpaqueSort()
- setPixelRatio()
- setRenderTarget()
- setScissor()
- setScissorTest()
- setSize()
- setTransparentSort()
- setViewport()
- shadowMap
- shadowMapCullFace
- shadowMapEnabled
- shadowMapType
- sortObjects
- state
- supportsBlendMinMax()
- supportsCompressedTexturePVRTC()
- supportsCompressedTextureS3TC()
- supportsFloatTextures()
- supportsHalfFloatTextures()
- supportsInstancedArrays()
- supportsStandardDerivatives()
- supportsVertexTextures()
- toneMapping
- toneMappingExposure
- vr
- xr
- cameraAutoUpdate
- dispose
- enabled
- getBaseLayer
- getBinding
- getCamera
- getController
- getControllerGrip
- getDepthSensingMesh
- getDepthTexture
- getEnvironmentBlendMode
- getFoveation
- getFrame
- getHand
- getReferenceSpace
- getSession
- hasDepthSensing
- isPresenting
- setAnimationLoop
- setFoveation
- setFramebufferScaleFactor
- setReferenceSpace
- setReferenceSpaceType
- setSession
- updateCamera
- alphaHash
- alphaMap
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- color
- colorWrite
- combine
- dashSize
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dispersion
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- dithering
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- forceSinglePass
- gapSize
- gradientMap
- images
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- linewidth
- map
- matcap
- metadata
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- name
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- premultipliedAlpha
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- rotation
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- scale
- shadowSide
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenRoughness
- shininess
- side
- size
- sizeAttenuation
- specular
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- specularMap
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- textures
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- toneMapped
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- transparent
- type
- userData
- uuid
- vertexColors
- visible
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaHash
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- blendAlpha
- blendColor
- blendDst
- blendDstAlpha
- blendEquation
- blendEquationAlpha
- blending
- blendSrc
- blendSrcAlpha
- clipIntersection
- clippingPlanes
- clipShadows
- colorWrite
- defines
- depthFunc
- depthTest
- depthWrite
- dithering
- forceSinglePass
- format
- name
- opacity
- polygonOffset
- polygonOffsetFactor
- polygonOffsetUnits
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- shadowSide
- side
- stencilFail
- stencilFunc
- stencilFuncMask
- stencilRef
- stencilWrite
- stencilWriteMask
- stencilZFail
- stencilZPass
- toneMapped
- transparent
- userData
- vertexColors
- visible
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalScale
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- combine
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- opacity
- reflectivity
- refractionRatio
- shininess
- specular
- specularMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinecap
- wireframeLinejoin
- wireframeLinewidth
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyRotation
- attenuationColor
- attenuationDistance
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalScale
- clearcoatRoughness
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- dispersion
- ior
- iridescence
- iridescenceIOR
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessRange
- reflectivity
- sheen
- sheenColor
- sheenColorMap
- sheenRoughness
- sheenRoughnessMap
- specularColor
- specularColorMap
- specularIntensity
- specularIntensityMap
- thickness
- thicknessMap
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- alphaMap
- aoMap
- aoMapIntensity
- bumpMap
- bumpScale
- color
- displacementBias
- displacementMap
- displacementScale
- emissive
- emissiveIntensity
- emissiveMap
- envMap
- envMapIntensity
- envMapRotation
- flatShading
- fog
- lightMap
- lightMapIntensity
- map
- metalness
- metalnessMap
- normalMap
- normalMapType
- normalScale
- roughness
- roughnessMap
- wireframe
- wireframeLinewidth
- alphaHash
- alphaMap
- alphaMapUv
- alphaTest
- alphaToCoverage
- anisotropy
- anisotropyMap
- anisotropyMapUv
- aoMap
- aoMapUv
- batching
- batchingColor
- bumpMap
- bumpMapUv
- clearcoat
- clearcoatMap
- clearcoatMapUv
- clearcoatNormalMap
- clearcoatNormalMapUv
- clearcoatRoughnessMap
- clearcoatRoughnessMapUv
- combine
- customFragmentShaderID
- customProgramCacheKey
- customVertexShaderID
- decodeVideoTexture
- decodeVideoTextureEmissive
- defines
- depthPacking
- dispersion
- displacementMap
- displacementMapUv
- dithering
- doubleSided
- emissiveMap
- emissiveMapUv
- envMap
- envMapCubeUVHeight
- envMapMode
- extensionClipCullDistance
- extensionMultiDraw
- flatShading
- flipSided
- fog
- fogExp2
- fragmentShader
- glslVersion
- gradientMap
- index0AttributeName
- instancing
- instancingColor
- instancingMorph
- iridescence
- iridescenceMap
- iridescenceMapUv
- iridescenceThicknessMap
- iridescenceThicknessMapUv
- isRawShaderMaterial
- lightMap
- lightMapUv
- logarithmicDepthBuffer
- map
- mapUv
- matcap
- metalnessMap
- metalnessMapUv
- morphColors
- morphNormals
- morphTargets
- morphTargetsCount
- morphTextureStride
- normalMap
- normalMapObjectSpace
- normalMapTangentSpace
- normalMapUv
- numClipIntersection
- numClippingPlanes
- numDirLights
- numDirLightShadows
- numHemiLights
- numLightProbes
- numPointLights
- numPointLightShadows
- numRectAreaLights
- numSpotLightMaps
- numSpotLights
- numSpotLightShadows
- numSpotLightShadowsWithMaps
- opaque
- outputColorSpace
- pointsUvs
- precision
- premultipliedAlpha
- rendererExtensionParallelShaderCompile
- reverseDepthBuffer
- roughnessMap
- roughnessMapUv
- shaderID
- shaderName
- shaderType
- shadowMapEnabled
- shadowMapType
- sheen
- sheenColorMap
- sheenColorMapUv
- sheenRoughnessMap
- sheenRoughnessMapUv
- sizeAttenuation
- skinning
- specularColorMap
- specularColorMapUv
- specularIntensityMap
- specularIntensityMapUv
- specularMap
- specularMapUv
- supportsVertexTextures
- thicknessMap
- thicknessMapUv
- toneMapping
- transmission
- transmissionMap
- transmissionMapUv
- useDepthPacking
- useFog
- vertexAlphas
- vertexColors
- vertexShader
- vertexTangents
- vertexUv1s
- vertexUv2s
- vertexUv3s
Type Aliases
- AnimationActionLoopStyles
- AnimationBlendMode
- AnyMapping
- AnyPixelFormat
- AttributeGPUType
- BindMode
- Blending
- BlendingDstFactor
- BlendingEquation
- BlendingSrcFactor
- ColorRepresentation
- ColorSpace
- ColorSpaceTransfer
- Combine
- CompressedPixelFormat
- CoordinateSystem
- CubeTextureMapping
- CullFace
- CurveType
- DepthModes
- DepthPackingStrategies
- DepthTexturePixelFormat
- EulerOrder
- EulerTuple
- EventListener
- GLSLVersion
- InterpolationEndingModes
- InterpolationModes
- MagnificationTextureFilter
- Mapping
- Matrix2Tuple
- Matrix3Tuple
- Matrix4Tuple
- MinificationTextureFilter
- NormalBufferAttributes
- NormalMapTypes
- NormalOrGLBufferAttributes
- PixelFormat
- PixelFormatGPU
- QuaternionTuple
- SerializedImage
- ShaderMaterialUniformJSON
- ShadowMapType
- Side
- StencilFunc
- StencilOp
- TextureComparisonFunction
- TextureDataType
- TextureFilter
- ToneMapping
- TrianglesDrawModes
- TypedArray
- Usage
- Vector2Tuple
- Vector3Tuple
- Vector4Tuple
- WebXRArrayCamera
- WebXRCamera
- Wrapping
- XRControllerEventType
- XRHandJoints
variable ACESFilmicToneMapping
const ACESFilmicToneMapping: number;
variable AddEquation
const AddEquation: number;
variable AdditiveAnimationBlendMode
const AdditiveAnimationBlendMode: number;
variable AdditiveBlending
const AdditiveBlending: number;
variable AddOperation
const AddOperation: number;
variable AgXToneMapping
const AgXToneMapping: number;
variable AlphaFormat
const AlphaFormat: number;
AlphaFormat discards the red, green and blue components and reads just the alpha component.
variable AlwaysCompare
const AlwaysCompare: number;
variable AlwaysDepth
const AlwaysDepth: number;
variable AlwaysStencilFunc
const AlwaysStencilFunc: number;
variable AnimationUtils
const AnimationUtils: { convertArray: typeof convertArray; isTypedArray: typeof isTypedArray; getKeyframeOrder: typeof getKeyframeOrder; sortedArray: typeof sortedArray; flattenJSON: typeof flattenJSON; subclip: typeof subclip; makeClipAdditive: typeof makeClipAdditive;};
variable AttachedBindMode
const AttachedBindMode: string;
variable BackSide
const BackSide: number;
variable BasicDepthPacking
const BasicDepthPacking: number;
variable BasicShadowMap
const BasicShadowMap: number;
variable ByteType
const ByteType: number;
variable Cache
const Cache: { enabled: boolean; files: any; add(key: string, file: any): void; get(key: string): any; remove(key: string): void; clear(): void;};
variable CineonToneMapping
const CineonToneMapping: number;
variable ClampToEdgeWrapping
const ClampToEdgeWrapping: number;
With ClampToEdgeWrapping the last pixel of the texture stretches to the edge of the mesh.
This is the _default_ value and behaver for Wrapping Mapping.
variable ColorManagement
const ColorManagement: ColorManagement;
variable ConstantAlphaFactor
const ConstantAlphaFactor: number;
variable ConstantColorFactor
const ConstantColorFactor: number;
variable CubeReflectionMapping
const CubeReflectionMapping: number;
This is the _default_ value and behaver for Cube Texture Mapping.
variable CubeRefractionMapping
const CubeRefractionMapping: number;
variable CubeUVReflectionMapping
const CubeUVReflectionMapping: number;
variable CullFaceBack
const CullFaceBack: number;
variable CullFaceFront
const CullFaceFront: number;
variable CullFaceFrontBack
const CullFaceFrontBack: number;
variable CullFaceNone
const CullFaceNone: number;
variable CustomBlending
const CustomBlending: number;
variable CustomToneMapping
const CustomToneMapping: number;
variable DataUtils
const DataUtils: { toHalfFloat: typeof toHalfFloat; fromHalfFloat: typeof fromHalfFloat;};
variable DecrementStencilOp
const DecrementStencilOp: number;
variable DecrementWrapStencilOp
const DecrementWrapStencilOp: number;
variable DefaultLoadingManager
const DefaultLoadingManager: LoadingManager;
variable DepthFormat
const DepthFormat: number;
DepthFormat reads each element as a single depth value, converts it to floating point, and clamps to the range
This is the default for THREE.DepthTexture.
variable DepthStencilFormat
const DepthStencilFormat: number;
DepthStencilFormat reads each element is a pair of depth and stencil values. The depth component of the pair is interpreted as in DepthFormat. The stencil component is interpreted based on the depth + stencil internal format.
variable DetachedBindMode
const DetachedBindMode: string;
variable DoubleSide
const DoubleSide: number;
variable DstAlphaFactor
const DstAlphaFactor: number;
variable DstColorFactor
const DstColorFactor: number;
variable DynamicCopyUsage
const DynamicCopyUsage: number;
variable DynamicDrawUsage
const DynamicDrawUsage: number;
variable DynamicReadUsage
const DynamicReadUsage: number;
variable EqualCompare
const EqualCompare: number;
variable EqualDepth
const EqualDepth: number;
variable EqualStencilFunc
const EqualStencilFunc: number;
variable EquirectangularReflectionMapping
const EquirectangularReflectionMapping: number;
variable EquirectangularRefractionMapping
const EquirectangularRefractionMapping: number;
variable FloatType
const FloatType: number;
variable FrontSide
const FrontSide: number;
variable GLSL1
const GLSL1: string;
variable GLSL3
const GLSL3: string;
variable GreaterCompare
const GreaterCompare: number;
variable GreaterDepth
const GreaterDepth: number;
variable GreaterEqualCompare
const GreaterEqualCompare: number;
variable GreaterEqualDepth
const GreaterEqualDepth: number;
variable GreaterEqualStencilFunc
const GreaterEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable GreaterStencilFunc
const GreaterStencilFunc: number;
variable HalfFloatType
const HalfFloatType: number;
variable IncrementStencilOp
const IncrementStencilOp: number;
variable IncrementWrapStencilOp
const IncrementWrapStencilOp: number;
variable InterpolateDiscrete
const InterpolateDiscrete: number;
variable InterpolateLinear
const InterpolateLinear: number;
variable InterpolateSmooth
const InterpolateSmooth: number;
variable IntType
const IntType: number;
variable InvertStencilOp
const InvertStencilOp: number;
variable KeepStencilOp
const KeepStencilOp: number;
variable LessCompare
const LessCompare: number;
variable LessDepth
const LessDepth: number;
variable LessEqualCompare
const LessEqualCompare: number;
variable LessEqualDepth
const LessEqualDepth: number;
variable LessEqualStencilFunc
const LessEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable LessStencilFunc
const LessStencilFunc: number;
variable LinearFilter
const LinearFilter: number;
LinearFilter returns the weighted average of the four texture elements that are closest to the specified texture coordinates, and can include items wrapped or repeated from other parts of a texture, depending on the values of wrapS and wrapT, and on the exact mapping.
variable LinearMipmapLinearFilter
const LinearMipmapLinearFilter: number;
LinearMipmapLinearFilter is the default and chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable LinearMipMapLinearFilter
const LinearMipMapLinearFilter: number;
LinearMipMapLinearFilter is the default and chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable LinearMipmapNearestFilter
const LinearMipmapNearestFilter: number;
LinearMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion (a weighted average of the four texels that are closest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable LinearMipMapNearestFilter
const LinearMipMapNearestFilter: number;
LinearMipMapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the LinearFilter criterion (a weighted average of the four texels that are closest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable LinearSRGBColorSpace
const LinearSRGBColorSpace: string;
variable LinearToneMapping
const LinearToneMapping: number;
variable LinearTransfer
const LinearTransfer: string;
variable LoopOnce
const LoopOnce: number;
variable LoopPingPong
const LoopPingPong: number;
variable LoopRepeat
const LoopRepeat: number;
variable LuminanceAlphaFormat
const LuminanceAlphaFormat: number;
LuminanceAlphaFormat reads each element as a luminance/alpha double. The same process occurs as for the LuminanceFormat, except that the alpha channel may have values other than
variable LuminanceFormat
const LuminanceFormat: number;
LuminanceFormat reads each element as a single luminance component. This is then converted to a floating point, clamped to the range
, and then assembled into an RGBA element by placing the luminance value in the red, green and blue channels, and attaching1.0
to the alpha channel.
variable MathUtils
const MathUtils: { DEG2RAD: typeof DEG2RAD; RAD2DEG: typeof RAD2DEG; generateUUID: typeof generateUUID; clamp: typeof clamp; euclideanModulo: typeof euclideanModulo; mapLinear: typeof mapLinear; inverseLerp: typeof inverseLerp; lerp: typeof lerp; damp: typeof damp; pingpong: typeof pingpong; smoothstep: typeof smoothstep; smootherstep: typeof smootherstep; randInt: typeof randInt; randFloat: typeof randFloat; randFloatSpread: typeof randFloatSpread; seededRandom: typeof seededRandom; degToRad: typeof degToRad; radToDeg: typeof radToDeg; isPowerOfTwo: typeof isPowerOfTwo; ceilPowerOfTwo: typeof ceilPowerOfTwo; floorPowerOfTwo: typeof floorPowerOfTwo; setQuaternionFromProperEuler: typeof setQuaternionFromProperEuler; normalize: typeof normalize; denormalize: typeof denormalize;};
variable MaxEquation
const MaxEquation: number;
variable MinEquation
const MinEquation: number;
variable MirroredRepeatWrapping
const MirroredRepeatWrapping: number;
With MirroredRepeatWrapping the texture will repeats to infinity, mirroring on each repeat.
variable MixOperation
const MixOperation: number;
variable MultiplyBlending
const MultiplyBlending: number;
variable MultiplyOperation
const MultiplyOperation: number;
variable NearestFilter
const NearestFilter: number;
NearestFilter returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan distance) to the specified texture coordinates.
variable NearestMipmapLinearFilter
const NearestMipmapLinearFilter: number;
NearestMipmapLinearFilter chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable NearestMipMapLinearFilter
const NearestMipMapLinearFilter: number;
NearestMipMapLinearFilter chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion to produce a texture value from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.
variable NearestMipmapNearestFilter
const NearestMipmapNearestFilter: number;
NearestMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion (the texel nearest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable NearestMipMapNearestFilter
const NearestMipMapNearestFilter: number;
NearestMipmapNearestFilter chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of the pixel being textured and uses the NearestFilter criterion (the texel nearest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.
variable NeutralToneMapping
const NeutralToneMapping: number;
variable NeverCompare
const NeverCompare: number;
variable NeverDepth
const NeverDepth: number;
variable NeverStencilFunc
const NeverStencilFunc: number;
variable NoBlending
const NoBlending: number;
variable NoColorSpace
const NoColorSpace: string;
variable NormalAnimationBlendMode
const NormalAnimationBlendMode: number;
variable NormalBlending
const NormalBlending: number;
variable NotEqualCompare
const NotEqualCompare: number;
variable NotEqualDepth
const NotEqualDepth: number;
variable NotEqualStencilFunc
const NotEqualStencilFunc: number;
variable NoToneMapping
const NoToneMapping: number;
variable ObjectSpaceNormalMap
const ObjectSpaceNormalMap: number;
variable OneFactor
const OneFactor: number;
variable OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor
const OneMinusConstantAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusConstantColorFactor
const OneMinusConstantColorFactor: number;
variable OneMinusDstAlphaFactor
const OneMinusDstAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusDstColorFactor
const OneMinusDstColorFactor: number;
variable OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
const OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor: number;
variable OneMinusSrcColorFactor
const OneMinusSrcColorFactor: number;
variable PCFShadowMap
const PCFShadowMap: number;
variable PCFSoftShadowMap
const PCFSoftShadowMap: number;
variable RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format
const RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format: number;
variable RED_RGTC1_Format
const RED_RGTC1_Format: number;
variable RedFormat
const RedFormat: number;
RedFormat discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component.
variable RedIntegerFormat
const RedIntegerFormat: number;
RedIntegerFormat discards the green and blue components and reads just the red component. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
variable ReinhardToneMapping
const ReinhardToneMapping: number;
variable RepeatWrapping
const RepeatWrapping: number;
With RepeatWrapping the texture will simply repeat to infinity.
variable ReplaceStencilOp
const ReplaceStencilOp: number;
variable ReverseSubtractEquation
const ReverseSubtractEquation: number;
variable REVISION
const REVISION: string;
variable RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_Format
const RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_Format: number;
variable RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_Format
const RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_Format: number;
variable RGB_ETC1_Format
const RGB_ETC1_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGB_ETC2_Format
const RGB_ETC2_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
const RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: number;
RGB compression in 2-bit mode. One block for each 8×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
const RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: number;
RGB compression in 4-bit mode. One block for each 4×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
const RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format: number;
A DXT1-compressed image in an RGB image format.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x10_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_10x8_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_12x10_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_12x12_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_4x4_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_5x4_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_5x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_6x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_6x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x5_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x6_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format
const RGBA_ASTC_8x8_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_BPTC_Format
const RGBA_BPTC_Format: number;
Require support for the _EXT_texture_compression_bptc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format
const RGBA_ETC2_EAC_Format: number;
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1_ (ETC1) or _WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc_ (ETC2) WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format
const RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format: number;
RGBA compression in 2-bit mode. One block for each 8×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format
const RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format: number;
RGBA compression in 4-bit mode. One block for each 4×4 pixels.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_Format: number;
A DXT1-compressed image in an RGB image format with a simple on/off alpha value.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format: number;
A DXT3-compressed image in an RGBA image format. Compared to a 32-bit RGBA texture, it offers 4:1 compression.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
const RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format: number;
A DXT5-compressed image in an RGBA image format. It also provides a 4:1 compression, but differs to the DXT3 compression in how the alpha compression is done.
Require support for the _WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_ WebGL extension.
variable RGBADepthPacking
const RGBADepthPacking: number;
variable RGBAFormat
const RGBAFormat: number;
RGBAFormat is the default and reads the red, green, blue and alpha components.
variable RGBAIntegerFormat
const RGBAIntegerFormat: number;
RGBAIntegerFormat reads the red, green, blue and alpha component
This is the default for THREE.Texture.
variable RGBDepthPacking
const RGBDepthPacking: number;
variable RGBFormat
const RGBFormat: number;
variable RGBIntegerFormat
const RGBIntegerFormat: number;
RGBIntegerFormat discrads the alpha components and reads the red, green, and blue components.
variable RGDepthPacking
const RGDepthPacking: number;
variable RGFormat
const RGFormat: number;
RGFormat discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components.
variable RGIntegerFormat
const RGIntegerFormat: number;
RGIntegerFormat discards the alpha, and blue components and reads the red, and green components. The texels are read as integers instead of floating point.
variable ShaderChunk
const ShaderChunk: { alphahash_fragment: string; alphahash_pars_fragment: string; alphamap_fragment: string; alphamap_pars_fragment: string; alphatest_fragment: string; alphatest_pars_fragment: string; aomap_fragment: string; aomap_pars_fragment: string; batching_pars_vertex: string; begin_vertex: string; beginnormal_vertex: string; bsdfs: string; iridescence_fragment: string; bumpmap_pars_fragment: string; clipping_planes_fragment: string; clipping_planes_pars_fragment: string; clipping_planes_pars_vertex: string; clipping_planes_vertex: string; color_fragment: string; color_pars_fragment: string; color_pars_vertex: string; color_vertex: string; common: string; cube_uv_reflection_fragment: string; defaultnormal_vertex: string; displacementmap_pars_vertex: string; displacementmap_vertex: string; emissivemap_fragment: string; emissivemap_pars_fragment: string; colorspace_fragment: string; colorspace_pars_fragment: string; envmap_fragment: string; envmap_common_pars_fragment: string; envmap_pars_fragment: string; envmap_pars_vertex: string; envmap_physical_pars_fragment: string; envmap_vertex: string; fog_vertex: string; fog_pars_vertex: string; fog_fragment: string; fog_pars_fragment: string; gradientmap_pars_fragment: string; lightmap_pars_fragment: string; lights_lambert_fragment: string; lights_lambert_pars_fragment: string; lights_pars_begin: string; lights_toon_fragment: string; lights_toon_pars_fragment: string; lights_phong_fragment: string; lights_phong_pars_fragment: string; lights_physical_fragment: string; lights_physical_pars_fragment: string; lights_fragment_begin: string; lights_fragment_maps: string; lights_fragment_end: string; logdepthbuf_fragment: string; logdepthbuf_pars_fragment: string; logdepthbuf_pars_vertex: string; logdepthbuf_vertex: string; map_fragment: string; map_pars_fragment: string; map_particle_fragment: string; map_particle_pars_fragment: string; metalnessmap_fragment: string; metalnessmap_pars_fragment: string; morphcolor_vertex: string; morphnormal_vertex: string; morphtarget_pars_vertex: string; morphtarget_vertex: string; normal_fragment_begin: string; normal_fragment_maps: string; normal_pars_fragment: string; normal_pars_vertex: string; normal_vertex: string; normalmap_pars_fragment: string; clearcoat_normal_fragment_begin: string; clearcoat_normal_fragment_maps: string; clearcoat_pars_fragment: string; iridescence_pars_fragment: string; opaque_fragment: string; packing: string; premultiplied_alpha_fragment: string; project_vertex: string; dithering_fragment: string; dithering_pars_fragment: string; roughnessmap_fragment: string; roughnessmap_pars_fragment: string; shadowmap_pars_fragment: string; shadowmap_pars_vertex: string; shadowmap_vertex: string; shadowmask_pars_fragment: string; skinbase_vertex: string; skinning_pars_vertex: string; skinning_vertex: string; skinnormal_vertex: string; specularmap_fragment: string; specularmap_pars_fragment: string; tonemapping_fragment: string; tonemapping_pars_fragment: string; transmission_fragment: string; transmission_pars_fragment: string; uv_pars_fragment: string; uv_pars_vertex: string; uv_vertex: string; worldpos_vertex: string; background_vert: string; background_frag: string; backgroundCube_vert: string; backgroundCube_frag: string; cube_vert: string; cube_frag: string; depth_vert: string; depth_frag: string; distanceRGBA_vert: string; distanceRGBA_frag: string; equirect_vert: string; equirect_frag: string; linedashed_vert: string; linedashed_frag: string; meshbasic_vert: string; meshbasic_frag: string; meshlambert_vert: string; meshlambert_frag: string; meshmatcap_vert: string; meshmatcap_frag: string; meshnormal_vert: string; meshnormal_frag: string; meshphong_vert: string; meshphong_frag: string; meshphysical_vert: string; meshphysical_frag: string; meshtoon_vert: string; meshtoon_frag: string; points_vert: string; points_frag: string; shadow_vert: string; shadow_frag: string; sprite_vert: string; sprite_frag: string;};
variable ShaderLib
const ShaderLib: { [name: string]: ShaderLibShader; basic: ShaderLibShader; lambert: ShaderLibShader; phong: ShaderLibShader; standard: ShaderLibShader; matcap: ShaderLibShader; points: ShaderLibShader; dashed: ShaderLibShader; depth: ShaderLibShader; normal: ShaderLibShader; sprite: ShaderLibShader; background: ShaderLibShader; cube: ShaderLibShader; equirect: ShaderLibShader; distanceRGBA: ShaderLibShader; shadow: ShaderLibShader; physical: ShaderLibShader;};
variable ShortType
const ShortType: number;
variable SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format
const SIGNED_RED_GREEN_RGTC2_Format: number;
variable SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_Format
const SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_Format: number;
variable SrcAlphaFactor
const SrcAlphaFactor: number;
variable SrcAlphaSaturateFactor
const SrcAlphaSaturateFactor: number;
variable SrcColorFactor
const SrcColorFactor: number;
variable SRGBColorSpace
const SRGBColorSpace: string;
variable SRGBTransfer
const SRGBTransfer: string;
variable StaticCopyUsage
const StaticCopyUsage: number;
variable StaticDrawUsage
const StaticDrawUsage: number;
variable StaticReadUsage
const StaticReadUsage: number;
variable StreamCopyUsage
const StreamCopyUsage: number;
variable StreamDrawUsage
const StreamDrawUsage: number;
variable StreamReadUsage
const StreamReadUsage: number;
variable SubtractEquation
const SubtractEquation: number;
variable SubtractiveBlending
const SubtractiveBlending: number;
variable TangentSpaceNormalMap
const TangentSpaceNormalMap: number;
variable TextureUtils
const TextureUtils: { contain: typeof contain; cover: typeof cover; fill: typeof fill; getByteLength: typeof getByteLength;};
A class containing utility functions for textures.
variable TriangleFanDrawMode
const TriangleFanDrawMode: number;
variable TrianglesDrawMode
const TrianglesDrawMode: number;
variable TriangleStripDrawMode
const TriangleStripDrawMode: number;
variable UniformsLib
const UniformsLib: { common: { diffuse: IUniform<Color>; opacity: IUniform<number>; map: IUniform<unknown>; mapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; alphaMap: IUniform<unknown>; alphaMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; alphaTest: IUniform<number>; }; specularmap: { specularMap: IUniform<unknown>; specularMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; envmap: { envMap: IUniform<unknown>; envMapRotation: IUniform<Matrix3>; flipEnvMap: IUniform<number>; reflectivity: IUniform<number>; ior: IUniform<number>; refractRatio: IUniform<number>; }; aomap: { aoMap: IUniform<unknown>; aoMapIntensity: IUniform<number>; aoMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; lightmap: { lightMap: IUniform<number>; lightMapIntensity: IUniform<number>; lightMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; bumpmap: { bumpMap: IUniform<unknown>; bumpMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; bumpScale: IUniform<number>; }; normalmap: { normalMap: IUniform<unknown>; normalMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; normalScale: IUniform<Vector2>; }; displacementmap: { displacementMap: IUniform<unknown>; displacementMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; displacementScale: IUniform<number>; displacementBias: IUniform<number>; }; emissivemap: { emissiveMap: IUniform<unknown>; emissiveMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; metalnessmap: { metalnessMap: IUniform<unknown>; metalnessMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; roughnessmap: { roughnessMap: IUniform<unknown>; roughnessMapTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; gradientmap: { gradientMap: IUniform<unknown> }; fog: { fogDensity: IUniform<number>; fogNear: IUniform<number>; fogFar: IUniform<number>; fogColor: IUniform<Color>; }; lights: { ambientLightColor: IUniform<unknown[]>; lightProbe: IUniform<unknown[]>; directionalLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { direction: {}; color: {} }; }; directionalLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; }; }; directionalShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; directionalShadowMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; direction: {}; distance: {}; coneCos: {}; penumbraCos: {}; decay: {}; }; }; spotLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; }; }; spotLightMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; spotLightMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; pointLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; decay: {}; distance: {} }; }; pointLightShadows: { value: unknown[]; properties: { shadowIntensity: number; shadowBias: {}; shadowNormalBias: {}; shadowRadius: {}; shadowMapSize: {}; shadowCameraNear: {}; shadowCameraFar: {}; }; }; pointShadowMap: IUniform<unknown[]>; pointShadowMatrix: IUniform<unknown[]>; hemisphereLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { direction: {}; skycolor: {}; groundColor: {} }; }; rectAreaLights: { value: unknown[]; properties: { color: {}; position: {}; width: {}; height: {} }; }; ltc_1: IUniform<unknown>; ltc_2: IUniform<unknown>; }; points: { diffuse: IUniform<Color>; opacity: IUniform<number>; size: IUniform<number>; scale: IUniform<number>; map: IUniform<unknown>; alphaMap: IUniform<unknown>; alphaTest: IUniform<number>; uvTransform: IUniform<Matrix3>; }; sprite: