- Version 3.0.4
- Published
- 5.85 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for to-regex
interface Options
interface Options {}
property cache
cache?: boolean;
Generated regex is cached based on the provided string and options. As a result, runtime compilation only happens once per pattern (as long as options are also the same), which can result in dramatic speed improvements.
This also helps with debugging, since adding options and pattern are added to the generated regex. true
property contains
contains?: boolean;
Generate a regex that will match any string that contains the given pattern. By default, regex is strict will only return true for exact matches.
property flags
flags?: string;
Define the flags you want to use on the generated regex.
property negate
negate?: boolean;
Create a regex that will match everything except the given pattern.
property nocase
nocase?: boolean;
Adds the i flag, to enable case-insensitive matching.
property safe
safe?: boolean;
Check the generated regular expression with safe-regex and throw an error if the regex is potentially unsafe.
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