- Version 1.19.25
- Published
- 15.6 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
npm i @types/urijs
yarn add @types/urijs
pnpm add @types/urijs
TypeScript definitions for urijs
- absoluteTo()
- addFragment()
- addQuery()
- addSearch()
- authority()
- clone()
- directory()
- domain()
- duplicateQueryParameters()
- equals()
- escapeQuerySpace()
- filename()
- fragment()
- fragmentPrefix()
- hash()
- hasQuery()
- hasSearch()
- host()
- hostname()
- href()
- is()
- iso8859()
- normalize()
- normalizeFragment()
- normalizeHash()
- normalizeHostname()
- normalizePath()
- normalizePathname()
- normalizePort()
- normalizeProtocol()
- normalizeQuery()
- normalizeSearch()
- origin()
- password()
- path()
- pathname()
- port()
- preventInvalidHostname()
- protocol()
- query()
- readable()
- relativeTo()
- removeQuery()
- removeSearch()
- resource()
- scheme()
- search()
- segment()
- segmentCoded()
- setQuery()
- setSearch()
- subdomain()
- suffix()
- tld()
- unicode()
- userinfo()
- username()
- valueOf()
Type Aliases
variable URI
const URI: { (value?: string | URI.URIOptions | HTMLElement, base?: string | URI): URI; new (value?: string | URI.URIOptions | HTMLElement, base?: string | URI): URI; addQuery(data: URI.QueryDataMap, prop: string, value: string): object; addQuery(data: URI.QueryDataMap, qryObj: object): object; build(parts: URI.URIOptions): string; buildAuthority(parts: { username?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; hostname?: string | undefined; port?: string | undefined; }): string; buildHost(parts: { hostname?: string | undefined; port?: string | undefined; }): string; buildQuery( data: URI.QueryDataMap, duplicateQueryParameters?: boolean, escapeQuerySpace?: boolean ): string; buildUserinfo(parts: { username?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; }): string; commonPath(path1: string, path2: string): string; decode(str: string): string; decodeQuery(qry: string): string; duplicateQueryParameters: boolean; encode(str: string): string; encodeQuery(qry: string): string; encodeReserved(str: string): string; escapeQuerySpace: boolean; expand?: (template: string, vals: object) => string; iso8859(): void; joinPaths(...paths: Array<string | URI>): URI; parse(url: string): URI.Parts; parseAuthority( url: string, parts: { username?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined; hostname?: string | undefined; port?: string | undefined; } ): string; parseHost( url: string, parts: { hostname?: string | undefined; port?: string | undefined } ): string; parseQuery(url: string): URI.QueryDataMap; parseUserinfo( url: string, parts: { username?: string | undefined; password?: string | undefined } ): string; preventInvalidHostname: boolean; removeQuery(data: object, prop: string, value: string): object; removeQuery(data: object, props: string[] | object): object; unicode(): void; withinString( source: string, func: (url: string, start: number, end: number, source: string) => string ): string;};
interface Parts
interface Parts extends URIOptions {}
property duplicateQueryParameters
duplicateQueryParameters: boolean;
property escapeQuerySpace
escapeQuerySpace: boolean;
property preventInvalidHostname
preventInvalidHostname: boolean;
interface ReadonlyURI
interface ReadonlyURI {}
method authority
authority: () => string;
method clone
clone: () => URI;
method directory
directory: (dir?: boolean) => string;
method domain
domain: (domain?: boolean) => string;
method equals
equals: (url?: string | ReadonlyURI | URI) => boolean;
method filename
filename: (file?: boolean) => string;
method fragment
fragment: () => string;
method hash
hash: () => string;
method hasQuery
hasQuery: ( name: any, value?: | string | number | boolean | RegExp | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | ((...args: any[]) => any), withinArray?: boolean) => boolean;
method hasSearch
hasSearch: ( name: any, value?: | string | number | boolean | RegExp | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | ((...args: any[]) => any), withinArray?: boolean) => boolean;
method host
host: () => string;
method hostname
hostname: () => string;
method href
href: () => string;
method is
is: ( qry: | 'relative' | 'absolute' | 'urn' | 'url' | 'domain' | 'name' | 'sld' | 'idn' | 'punycode' | 'ip' | 'ip4' | 'ipv4' | 'inet4' | 'ip6' | 'ipv6' | 'inet6') => boolean;
method origin
origin: () => string;
method password
password: () => string;
method path
path: (path?: boolean) => string;
method pathname
pathname: (path?: boolean) => string;
method port
port: () => string;
method protocol
protocol: () => string;
method query
query: { (): string; (v: boolean): Partial<Record<string, any>> };
method readable
readable: () => string;
method resource
resource: () => string;
method scheme
scheme: () => string;
method search
search: { (): string; (v: boolean): Partial<Record<string, any>> };
method segment
segment: { (): string[]; (position: number): string };
method segmentCoded
segmentCoded: { (): string[]; (position: number): string };
method subdomain
subdomain: () => string;
method suffix
suffix: (suffix?: boolean) => string;
method tld
tld: (tld?: boolean) => string;
method userinfo
userinfo: () => string;
method username
username: () => string;
method valueOf
valueOf: () => string;
interface URI
interface URI {}
method absoluteTo
absoluteTo: (path: string | URI) => URI;
method addFragment
addFragment: (fragment: string) => URI;
method addQuery
addQuery: { (qry: string | URI.QueryDataMap): URI; (qry: string, value: any): URI;};
method addSearch
addSearch: { (qry: string | URI.QueryDataMap): URI; (key: string, value: any): URI;};
method authority
authority: { (): string; (authority: string): URI };
method clone
clone: () => URI;
method directory
directory: { (dir?: boolean): string; (dir: string): URI };
method domain
domain: { (domain?: boolean): string; (domain: string): URI };
method duplicateQueryParameters
duplicateQueryParameters: (val: boolean) => URI;
method equals
equals: (url?: string | URI) => boolean;
method escapeQuerySpace
escapeQuerySpace: (val: boolean) => URI;
method filename
filename: { (file?: boolean): string; (file: string): URI };
method fragment
fragment: { (): string; (fragment: string): URI };
method fragmentPrefix
fragmentPrefix: (prefix: string) => URI;
method hash
hash: { (): string; (hash: string): URI };
method hasQuery
hasQuery: ( name: any, value?: | string | number | boolean | RegExp | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | ((...args: any[]) => any), withinArray?: boolean) => boolean;
method hasSearch
hasSearch: ( name: any, value?: | string | number | boolean | RegExp | string[] | number[] | boolean[] | ((...args: any[]) => any), withinArray?: boolean) => boolean;
method host
host: { (): string; (host: string): URI };
method hostname
hostname: { (): string; (hostname: string): URI };
method href
href: { (): string; (url: string): void };
method is
is: ( qry: | 'relative' | 'absolute' | 'urn' | 'url' | 'domain' | 'name' | 'sld' | 'idn' | 'punycode' | 'ip' | 'ip4' | 'ipv4' | 'inet4' | 'ip6' | 'ipv6' | 'inet6') => boolean;
method iso8859
iso8859: () => URI;
method normalize
normalize: () => URI;
method normalizeFragment
normalizeFragment: () => URI;
method normalizeHash
normalizeHash: () => URI;
method normalizeHostname
normalizeHostname: () => URI;
method normalizePath
normalizePath: () => URI;
method normalizePathname
normalizePathname: () => URI;
method normalizePort
normalizePort: () => URI;
method normalizeProtocol
normalizeProtocol: () => URI;
method normalizeQuery
normalizeQuery: () => URI;
method normalizeSearch
normalizeSearch: () => URI;
method origin
origin: { (): string; (uri: string | URI): URI };
method password
password: { (): string; (pw: string): URI };
method path
path: { (path?: boolean): string; (path: string): URI };
method pathname
pathname: { (path?: boolean): string; (path: string): URI };
method port
port: { (): string; (port: string): URI };
method preventInvalidHostname
preventInvalidHostname: (val: boolean) => URI;
method protocol
protocol: { (): string; (protocol: string): URI };
method query
query: { (): string; ( qry: | string | Partial<Record<string, any>> | (( qryObject: Partial<Record<string, any>> ) => void | Partial<Record<string, any>>) ): URI; (v: boolean): Partial<Record<string, any>>;};
method readable
readable: () => string;
method relativeTo
relativeTo: (path: string) => URI;
method removeQuery
removeQuery: { (qry: string | URI.QueryDataMap): URI; (name: string, value: string): URI;};
method removeSearch
removeSearch: { (qry: string | URI.QueryDataMap): URI; (name: string, value: string): URI;};
method resource
resource: { (): string; (resource: string): URI };
method scheme
scheme: { (): string; (protocol: string): URI };
method search
search: { (): string; ( qry: | string | Partial<Record<string, any>> | (( qryObject: Partial<Record<string, any>> ) => void | Partial<Record<string, any>>) ): URI; (v: boolean): Partial<Record<string, any>>;};
method segment
segment: { (): string[]; (segments: string | string[]): URI; (position: number): string; (position: number, level: string): URI;};
method segmentCoded
segmentCoded: { (): string[]; (segments: string | string[]): URI; (position: number): string; (position: number, level: string): URI;};
method setQuery
setQuery: { (key: string, value: any): URI; (qry: Partial<Record<string, any>>): URI;};
method setSearch
setSearch: { (key: string, value: any): URI; (qry: Partial<Record<string, any>>): URI;};
method subdomain
subdomain: { (): string; (subdomain: string): URI };
method suffix
suffix: { (suffix?: boolean): string; (suffix: string): URI };
method tld
tld: { (tld?: boolean): string; (tld: string): URI };
method unicode
unicode: () => URI;
method userinfo
userinfo: { (): string; (userinfo: string): URI };
method username
username: { (): string; (uname: string): URI };
method valueOf
valueOf: () => string;
interface URIOptions
interface URIOptions {}
property fragment
fragment?: string | undefined;
property hostname
hostname?: string | undefined;
property password
password?: string | undefined;
property path
path?: string | undefined;
property port
port?: string | undefined;
property protocol
protocol?: string | undefined;
property query
query?: string | undefined;
property urn
urn?: boolean | undefined;
property username
username?: string | undefined;
Type Aliases
type QueryDataMap
type QueryDataMap = Partial<Record<string, any>>;
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