- Version 2.4.41
- Published
- 20.7 kB
- No dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for when
function When
When: typeof When;
namespace when
module 'when' {}
function all
all: <T>(promisesOrValues: any[]) => Promise<T>;
Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied promisesOrValues have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array containing the resolution values of each of the promisesOrValues.
Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
function attempt
attempt: { <T>(f: _.Fn0<T>): Promise<T>; <A1, T>(f: _.Fn1<A1, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, T>( f: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>( f: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>( f: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | Promise<A4> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>( f: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | Promise<A4>, arg5: A5 | Promise<A5> ): Promise<T>;};
function defer
defer: <T>() => Deferred<T>;
Creates a {promise, resolver} pair, either or both of which may be given out safely to consumers. The resolver has resolve, reject, and progress. The promise has then plus extended promise API.
function iterate
iterate: <U>( f: (seed: U) => U | Promise<U>, predicate: (value: U) => boolean, handler: (value: U) => Promise<any> | void, seed: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<U>;
Generates a potentially infinite stream of promises by repeatedly calling f until predicate becomes true.
Parameter f
function that, given a seed, returns the next value or a promise for it.
Parameter predicate
function that receives the current iteration value, and should return truthy when the iterating should stop
Parameter handler
function that receives each value as it is produced by f. It may return a promise to delay the next iteration.
Parameter seed
initial value provided to the handler, and first f invocation. May be a promise.
function join
join: { <T>(...promises: Array<Promise<T>>): Promise<T[]>; <T>(...promises: any[]): Promise<T[]>;};
Joins multiple promises into a single returned promise. a promise that will fulfill when *all* the input promises have fulfilled, or will reject when *any one* of the input promises rejects.
function lift
lift: { <T>(f: _.Fn0<T>): _.LiftedFn0<T>; <A1, T>(f: _.Fn1<A1, T>): _.LiftedFn1<A1, T>; <A1, A2, T>(f: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T>): _.LiftedFn2<A1, A2, T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>(f: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T>): _.LiftedFn3<A1, A2, A3, T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>(f: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>): _.LiftedFn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>(f: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>): _.LiftedFn5< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T >;};
function map
map: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], mapFunc: (value: any, index: number) => any) => Promise<T>;
Promise-aware array map function, similar to
, but input array may contain promises or values.Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
Parameter mapFunc
map function which may return a promise or value
a promise that will fulfill with an array of mapped values or reject if any input promise rejects.
function promise
promise: <T>( resolver: (resolve: (value: T) => void, reject: (reason: any) => void) => void) => Promise<T>;
function reduce
reduce: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], reduceFunc: (reduction: T, value: any, index: number) => T | Promise<T>, initialValue: T) => Promise<T>;
Traditional reduce function, similar to
, but input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may be a promise for the starting value.Parameter promisesOrValues
array or promise for an array of anything, may contain a mix of promises and values.
Parameter reduceFunc
function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:number):*} f reduce function
a promise that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reduceRight
reduceRight: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], reduceFunc: (reduction: T, value: any, index: number) => T | Promise<T>, initialValue: T) => Promise<T>;
Traditional reduce function, similar to
, but input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may be a promise for the starting value.Parameter promisesOrValues
array or promise for an array of anything, may contain a mix of promises and values.
Parameter reduceFunc
function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:number):*} f reduce function
a promise that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reject
reject: <T>(reason: any) => Promise<T>;
function resolve
resolve: { (): Promise<void>; <T>(promiseOrValue: T | Promise<T> | Thenable<T>): Promise<T>;};
Returns a resolved promise. The returned promise will be - fulfilled with promiseOrValue if it is a value, or - if promiseOrValue is a promise - fulfilled with promiseOrValue's value after it is fulfilled - rejected with promiseOrValue's reason after it is rejected
function settle
settle: <T>(promisesOrValues: any[]) => Promise<Array<Descriptor<T>>>;
Returns a promise for an array containing the same number of elements as the input array. Each element is a descriptor object describing of the outcome of the corresponding element in the input. The returned promise will only reject if array itself is a rejected promise. Otherwise, it will always fulfill with an array of descriptors. This is in contrast to when.all, which will reject if any element of array rejects.
Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
function unfold
unfold: <T, U>( unspool: ( seed: U ) => | [T | Promise<T>, U | Promise<U>] | Promise<[T | Promise<T>, U | Promise<U>]>, predicate: (value: U) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, handler: (value: T) => Promise<any> | void, seed: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<void>;
Similar to when/iterate, when.unfold generates a potentially infinite stream of promises by repeatedly calling unspool until predicate becomes true. when.unfold allows you to thread additional state information through the iteration.
Parameter unspool
function that, given a seed, returns a [valueToSendToHandler, newSeed] pair. May return an array, array of promises, promise for an array, or promise for an array of promises.
Parameter predicate
function that receives the current seed, and should return truthy when the unfold should stop
Parameter handler
function that receives the valueToSendToHandler of the current iteration. This function can process valueToSendToHandler in whatever way you need. It may return a promise to delay the next iteration of the unfold.
Parameter seed
initial value provided to the first unspool invocation. May be a promise.
function When
When: typeof When;
interface Deferred
interface Deferred<T> {}
interface FulfilledDescriptor
interface FulfilledDescriptor<T> {}
interface PendingDescriptor
interface PendingDescriptor {}
property state
state: 'pending';
interface Promise
interface Promise<T> {}
method catch
catch: { <U>(onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>): Promise<U>; <U>( filter: (reason: any) => boolean, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>; <U>( exceptionType: any, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>;};
method delay
delay: (milliseconds: number) => Promise<T>;
method done
done: <U>( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => void, onRejected?: (reason: any) => void) => void;
method else
else: (value: T) => Promise<T>;
method ensure
ensure: (onFulfilledOrRejected: Function) => Promise<T>;
method finally
finally: (onFulfilledOrRejected: Function) => Promise<T>;
method fold
fold: <U, V>( combine: (value1: T, value2: V) => U | Promise<U>, value2: V | Promise<V>) => Promise<U>;
method inspect
inspect: () => Snapshot<T>;
method orElse
orElse: (value: T) => Promise<T>;
method otherwise
otherwise: { <U>(onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>): Promise<U>; <U>( predicate: (reason: any) => boolean, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>; <U>( exceptionType: any, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>;};
method spread
spread: { <T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn0<Promise<T> | T>): Promise<T>; <A1, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn1<A1, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>( onFulfilled: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T | Promise<T>> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>( onFulfilled: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T | Promise<T>> ): Promise<T>;};
method tap
tap: (onFulfilledSideEffect: (value: T) => void) => Promise<T>;
method then
then: { <TResult1, TResult2>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => TResult1 | Thenable<TResult1>, onRejected: (reason: any) => TResult2 | Thenable<TResult2>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>; <TResult>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onRejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<TResult>; <TResult>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => T | Thenable<T>, onRejected: (reason: any) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<T | TResult>; ( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => T | Thenable<T>, onRejected?: (reason: any) => T | Thenable<T>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<T>;};
method timeout
timeout: (milliseconds: number, reason?: any) => Promise<T>;
method with
with: (thisArg: any) => Promise<T>;
method withThis
withThis: (thisArg: any) => Promise<T>;
method yield
yield: <U>(value: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<U>;
interface RejectedDescriptor
interface RejectedDescriptor {}
interface Thenable
interface Thenable<T> {}
method then
then: <U>( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => U, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U) => Thenable<U>;
type Descriptor
type Descriptor<T> = FulfilledDescriptor<T> | RejectedDescriptor;
Describes the outcome of a promise. state may be one of: "fulfilled" - the promise has resolved "rejected" - the promise has rejected
type Snapshot
type Snapshot<T> = FulfilledDescriptor<T> | RejectedDescriptor | PendingDescriptor;
Snapshot which describes the status of a promise. state may be one of: "fulfilled" - the promise has resolved "rejected" - the promise has rejected "pending" - the promise is still pending to resolve/reject
namespace When
namespace When {}
function all
all: <T>(promisesOrValues: any[]) => Promise<T>;
Return a promise that will resolve only once all the supplied promisesOrValues have resolved. The resolution value of the returned promise will be an array containing the resolution values of each of the promisesOrValues.
Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
function attempt
attempt: { <T>(f: _.Fn0<T>): Promise<T>; <A1, T>(f: _.Fn1<A1, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, T>( f: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>( f: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>( f: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | Promise<A4> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>( f: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>, arg1: A1 | Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | Promise<A4>, arg5: A5 | Promise<A5> ): Promise<T>;};
function defer
defer: <T>() => Deferred<T>;
Creates a {promise, resolver} pair, either or both of which may be given out safely to consumers. The resolver has resolve, reject, and progress. The promise has then plus extended promise API.
function iterate
iterate: <U>( f: (seed: U) => U | Promise<U>, predicate: (value: U) => boolean, handler: (value: U) => Promise<any> | void, seed: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<U>;
Generates a potentially infinite stream of promises by repeatedly calling f until predicate becomes true.
Parameter f
function that, given a seed, returns the next value or a promise for it.
Parameter predicate
function that receives the current iteration value, and should return truthy when the iterating should stop
Parameter handler
function that receives each value as it is produced by f. It may return a promise to delay the next iteration.
Parameter seed
initial value provided to the handler, and first f invocation. May be a promise.
function join
join: { <T>(...promises: Array<Promise<T>>): Promise<T[]>; <T>(...promises: any[]): Promise<T[]>;};
Joins multiple promises into a single returned promise. a promise that will fulfill when *all* the input promises have fulfilled, or will reject when *any one* of the input promises rejects.
function lift
lift: { <T>(f: _.Fn0<T>): _.LiftedFn0<T>; <A1, T>(f: _.Fn1<A1, T>): _.LiftedFn1<A1, T>; <A1, A2, T>(f: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T>): _.LiftedFn2<A1, A2, T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>(f: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T>): _.LiftedFn3<A1, A2, A3, T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>(f: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>): _.LiftedFn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>(f: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>): _.LiftedFn5< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T >;};
function map
map: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], mapFunc: (value: any, index: number) => any) => Promise<T>;
Promise-aware array map function, similar to
, but input array may contain promises or values.Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
Parameter mapFunc
map function which may return a promise or value
a promise that will fulfill with an array of mapped values or reject if any input promise rejects.
function promise
promise: <T>( resolver: (resolve: (value: T) => void, reject: (reason: any) => void) => void) => Promise<T>;
function reduce
reduce: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], reduceFunc: (reduction: T, value: any, index: number) => T | Promise<T>, initialValue: T) => Promise<T>;
Traditional reduce function, similar to
, but input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may be a promise for the starting value.Parameter promisesOrValues
array or promise for an array of anything, may contain a mix of promises and values.
Parameter reduceFunc
function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:number):*} f reduce function
a promise that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reduceRight
reduceRight: <T>( promisesOrValues: any[], reduceFunc: (reduction: T, value: any, index: number) => T | Promise<T>, initialValue: T) => Promise<T>;
Traditional reduce function, similar to
, but input may contain promises and/or values, and reduceFunc may return either a value or a promise, *and* initialValue may be a promise for the starting value.Parameter promisesOrValues
array or promise for an array of anything, may contain a mix of promises and values.
Parameter reduceFunc
function(accumulated:*, x:*, index:number):*} f reduce function
a promise that will resolve to the final reduced value
function reject
reject: <T>(reason: any) => Promise<T>;
function resolve
resolve: { (): Promise<void>; <T>(promiseOrValue: T | Promise<T> | Thenable<T>): Promise<T>;};
Returns a resolved promise. The returned promise will be - fulfilled with promiseOrValue if it is a value, or - if promiseOrValue is a promise - fulfilled with promiseOrValue's value after it is fulfilled - rejected with promiseOrValue's reason after it is rejected
function settle
settle: <T>(promisesOrValues: any[]) => Promise<Array<Descriptor<T>>>;
Returns a promise for an array containing the same number of elements as the input array. Each element is a descriptor object describing of the outcome of the corresponding element in the input. The returned promise will only reject if array itself is a rejected promise. Otherwise, it will always fulfill with an array of descriptors. This is in contrast to when.all, which will reject if any element of array rejects.
Parameter promisesOrValues
array of anything, may contain a mix of Promises and values
function unfold
unfold: <T, U>( unspool: ( seed: U ) => | [T | Promise<T>, U | Promise<U>] | Promise<[T | Promise<T>, U | Promise<U>]>, predicate: (value: U) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, handler: (value: T) => Promise<any> | void, seed: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<void>;
Similar to when/iterate, when.unfold generates a potentially infinite stream of promises by repeatedly calling unspool until predicate becomes true. when.unfold allows you to thread additional state information through the iteration.
Parameter unspool
function that, given a seed, returns a [valueToSendToHandler, newSeed] pair. May return an array, array of promises, promise for an array, or promise for an array of promises.
Parameter predicate
function that receives the current seed, and should return truthy when the unfold should stop
Parameter handler
function that receives the valueToSendToHandler of the current iteration. This function can process valueToSendToHandler in whatever way you need. It may return a promise to delay the next iteration of the unfold.
Parameter seed
initial value provided to the first unspool invocation. May be a promise.
interface Deferred
interface Deferred<T> {}
interface FulfilledDescriptor
interface FulfilledDescriptor<T> {}
interface PendingDescriptor
interface PendingDescriptor {}
property state
state: 'pending';
interface Promise
interface Promise<T> {}
method catch
catch: { <U>(onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>): Promise<U>; <U>( filter: (reason: any) => boolean, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>; <U>( exceptionType: any, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>;};
method delay
delay: (milliseconds: number) => Promise<T>;
method done
done: <U>( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => void, onRejected?: (reason: any) => void) => void;
method else
else: (value: T) => Promise<T>;
method ensure
ensure: (onFulfilledOrRejected: Function) => Promise<T>;
method finally
finally: (onFulfilledOrRejected: Function) => Promise<T>;
method fold
fold: <U, V>( combine: (value1: T, value2: V) => U | Promise<U>, value2: V | Promise<V>) => Promise<U>;
method inspect
inspect: () => Snapshot<T>;
method orElse
orElse: (value: T) => Promise<T>;
method otherwise
otherwise: { <U>(onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U>): Promise<U>; <U>( predicate: (reason: any) => boolean, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>; <U>( exceptionType: any, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U | Promise<U> ): Promise<U>;};
method spread
spread: { <T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn0<Promise<T> | T>): Promise<T>; <A1, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn1<A1, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn2<A1, A2, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>(onFulfilled: _.Fn3<A1, A2, A3, T | Promise<T>>): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>( onFulfilled: _.Fn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T | Promise<T>> ): Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>( onFulfilled: _.Fn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T | Promise<T>> ): Promise<T>;};
method tap
tap: (onFulfilledSideEffect: (value: T) => void) => Promise<T>;
method then
then: { <TResult1, TResult2>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => TResult1 | Thenable<TResult1>, onRejected: (reason: any) => TResult2 | Thenable<TResult2>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>; <TResult>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onRejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<TResult>; <TResult>( onFulfilled: (value: T) => T | Thenable<T>, onRejected: (reason: any) => TResult | Thenable<TResult>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<T | TResult>; ( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => T | Thenable<T>, onRejected?: (reason: any) => T | Thenable<T>, onProgress?: (update: any) => void ): Promise<T>;};
method timeout
timeout: (milliseconds: number, reason?: any) => Promise<T>;
method with
with: (thisArg: any) => Promise<T>;
method withThis
withThis: (thisArg: any) => Promise<T>;
method yield
yield: <U>(value: U | Promise<U>) => Promise<U>;
interface RejectedDescriptor
interface RejectedDescriptor {}
interface Thenable
interface Thenable<T> {}
method then
then: <U>( onFulfilled?: (value: T) => U, onRejected?: (reason: any) => U) => Thenable<U>;
type Descriptor
type Descriptor<T> = FulfilledDescriptor<T> | RejectedDescriptor;
Describes the outcome of a promise. state may be one of: "fulfilled" - the promise has resolved "rejected" - the promise has rejected
type Snapshot
type Snapshot<T> = FulfilledDescriptor<T> | RejectedDescriptor | PendingDescriptor;
Snapshot which describes the status of a promise. state may be one of: "fulfilled" - the promise has resolved "rejected" - the promise has rejected "pending" - the promise is still pending to resolve/reject
namespace when/node
module 'when/node' {}
function apply
apply: { <T>(fn: _.NodeFn0<T>, args: any[] | IArguments): when.Promise<T>; <T>(fn: _.NodeFn1<any, T>, args: IArguments | any[]): when.Promise<T>; <T>(fn: _.NodeFn2<any, any, T>, args: IArguments | any[]): when.Promise<T>; <T>(fn: _.NodeFn3<any, any, any, T>, args: IArguments | any[]): when.Promise<T>; <T>( fn: _.NodeFn4<any, any, any, any, T>, args: IArguments | any[] ): when.Promise<T>; <T>( fn: _.NodeFn5<any, any, any, any, any, T>, args: IArguments | any[] ): when.Promise<T>;};
function bindCallback
bindCallback: <TArg>( arg: when.Promise<TArg>, callback: (err: any, arg: TArg) => void) => when.Promise<TArg>;
function call
call: { <T>(fn: _.NodeFn0<T>): when.Promise<T>; <A1, T>(fn: _.NodeFn1<A1, T>, arg1: A1 | when.Promise<A1>): when.Promise<T>; <A1, A2, T>( fn: _.NodeFn2<A1, A2, T>, arg1: A1 | when.Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | when.Promise<A2> ): when.Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>( fn: _.NodeFn3<A1, A2, A3, T>, arg1: A1 | when.Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | when.Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | when.Promise<A3> ): when.Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>( fn: _.NodeFn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>, arg1: A1 | when.Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | when.Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | when.Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | when.Promise<A4> ): when.Promise<T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>( fn: _.NodeFn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>, arg1: A1 | when.Promise<A1>, arg2: A2 | when.Promise<A2>, arg3: A3 | when.Promise<A3>, arg4: A4 | when.Promise<A4>, arg5: A5 | when.Promise<A5> ): when.Promise<T>;};
function createCallback
createCallback: <TArg>( resolver: Resolver<TArg>) => (err: any, arg: TArg) => void;
function lift
lift: { <T>(fn: _.NodeFn0<T>): _.LiftedFn0<T>; <A1, T>(fn: _.NodeFn1<A1, T>): _.LiftedFn1<A1, T>; <A1, A2, T>(fn: _.NodeFn2<A1, A2, T>): _.LiftedFn2<A1, A2, T>; <A1, A2, A3, T>(fn: _.NodeFn3<A1, A2, A3, T>): _.LiftedFn3<A1, A2, A3, T>; <A1, A2, A3, A4, T>(fn: _.NodeFn4<A1, A2, A3, A4, T>): _.LiftedFn4< A1, A2, A3, A4, T >; <A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>(fn: _.NodeFn5<A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T>): _.LiftedFn5< A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, T >;};
function liftAll
liftAll: ( srcApi: any, transform?: (destApi: any, liftedFunc: Function, name: string) => any, destApi?: any) => any;
function liftCallback
liftCallback: <TArg>( callback: (err: any, arg: TArg) => void) => (value: when.Promise<TArg>) => when.Promise<TArg>;
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