- Version 0.4.14
- Published
- 7 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i @types/xml2js
yarn add @types/xml2js
pnpm add @types/xml2js
TypeScript definitions for xml2js
variable defaults
const defaults: { '0.1': Options; '0.2': OptionsV2 };
function parseString
parseString: { ( str: convertableToString, callback: (err: Error | null, result: any) => void ): void; ( str: convertableToString, options: ParserOptions, callback: (err: Error, result: any) => void ): void;};
function parseStringPromise
parseStringPromise: ( str: convertableToString, options?: ParserOptions) => Promise<any>;
class Builder
class Builder {}
constructor(options?: BuilderOptions);
method buildObject
buildObject: (rootObj: any) => string;
class Parser
class Parser extends EventEmitter {}
constructor(options?: ParserOptions);
method parseString
parseString: ( str: convertableToString, cb?: (error: Error | null, result: any) => void) => void;
method parseStringPromise
parseStringPromise: (str: convertableToString) => Promise<any>;
method reset
reset: () => void;
class ValidationError
class ValidationError extends Error {}
constructor(message: string);
interface BuilderOptions
interface BuilderOptions {}
property allowSurrogateChars
allowSurrogateChars?: boolean | undefined;
property attrkey
attrkey?: string | undefined;
property cdata
cdata?: boolean | undefined;
property charkey
charkey?: string | undefined;
property doctype
doctype?: any;
property headless
headless?: boolean | undefined;
property renderOpts
renderOpts?: RenderOptions | undefined;
property rootName
rootName?: string | undefined;
property xmldec
xmldec?: XmlDeclarationAttributes | undefined;
interface convertableToString
interface convertableToString {}
method toString
toString: () => string;
interface ParserOptions
interface ParserOptions {}
property async
async?: boolean | undefined;
property attrkey
attrkey?: string | undefined;
property attrNameProcessors
attrNameProcessors?: Array<(name: string) => any> | undefined;
property attrValueProcessors
attrValueProcessors?: Array<(value: string, name: string) => any> | undefined;
property charkey
charkey?: string | undefined;
property charsAsChildren
charsAsChildren?: boolean | undefined;
property childkey
childkey?: string | undefined;
property chunkSize
chunkSize?: number | undefined;
property emptyTag
emptyTag?: (() => any) | string;
property explicitArray
explicitArray?: boolean | undefined;
property explicitCharkey
explicitCharkey?: boolean | undefined;
property explicitChildren
explicitChildren?: boolean | undefined;
property explicitRoot
explicitRoot?: boolean | undefined;
property ignoreAttrs
ignoreAttrs?: boolean | undefined;
property includeWhiteChars
includeWhiteChars?: boolean | undefined;
property mergeAttrs
mergeAttrs?: boolean | undefined;
property normalize
normalize?: boolean | undefined;
property normalizeTags
normalizeTags?: boolean | undefined;
property preserveChildrenOrder
preserveChildrenOrder?: boolean | undefined;
property strict
strict?: boolean | undefined;
property tagNameProcessors
tagNameProcessors?: Array<(name: string) => any> | undefined;
property trim
trim?: boolean | undefined;
property validator
validator?: Function | undefined;
property valueProcessors
valueProcessors?: Array<(value: string, name: string) => any> | undefined;
property xmlns
xmlns?: boolean | undefined;
interface RenderOptions
interface RenderOptions {}
interface XmlDeclarationAttributes
interface XmlDeclarationAttributes {}
property encoding
encoding?: string | undefined;
property standalone
standalone?: boolean | undefined;
property version
version: string;
Type Aliases
namespace processors
module 'lib/processors.d.ts' {}
function firstCharLowerCase
firstCharLowerCase: (name: string) => string;
function normalize
normalize: (name: string) => string;
function parseBooleans
parseBooleans: (name: string) => boolean;
function parseNumbers
parseNumbers: (name: string) => number;
function stripPrefix
stripPrefix: (name: string) => string;
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