
  • Version 17.0.33
  • Published
  • 60.4 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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TypeScript definitions for yargs




Type Aliases


variable yargs

var yargs: yargs.Argv<{}>;


    interface Argv

    interface Argv<T = {}> {}
    • The type parameter T is the expected shape of the parsed options. Arguments<T> is those options plus _ and $0, and an indexer falling back to unknown for unknown options.

      For the return type / argv property, we create a mapped type over Arguments<T> to simplify the inferred type signature in client code.

    property argv

    | {
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    | Promise<{
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    • Get the arguments as a plain old object.

      Arguments without a corresponding flag show up in the argv._ array.

      The script name or node command is available at argv.$0 similarly to how $0 works in bash or perl.

      If yargs is executed in an environment that embeds node and there's no script name (e.g. Electron or nw.js), it will ignore the first parameter since it expects it to be the script name. In order to override this behavior, use .parse(process.argv.slice(1)) instead of .argv and the first parameter won't be ignored.

    property parsed

    parsed: DetailedArguments | false;
    • If the arguments have not been parsed, this property is false.

      If the arguments have been parsed, this contain detailed parsed arguments.

    method alias

    alias: {
    <K1 extends keyof T, K2 extends string>(
    shortName: K1,
    longName: K2 | readonly K2[]
    ): Argv<T & { [key in K2]: T[K1] }>;
    <K1 extends keyof T, K2 extends string>(
    shortName: K2,
    longName: K1 | readonly K1[]
    ): Argv<T & { [key in K2]: T[K1] }>;
    shortName: string | readonly string[],
    longName: string | readonly string[]
    ): Argv<T>;
    (aliases: { [shortName: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>;
    • Set key names as equivalent such that updates to a key will propagate to aliases and vice-versa.

      Optionally .alias() can take an object that maps keys to aliases. Each key of this object should be the canonical version of the option, and each value should be a string or an array of strings.

    method array

    array: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToArray<T[key]> }
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: (string | number)[] }
    • Tell the parser to interpret key as an array. If .array('foo') is set, --foo foo bar will be parsed as ['foo', 'bar'] rather than as 'foo'. Also, if you use the option multiple times all the values will be flattened in one array so --foo foo --foo bar will be parsed as ['foo', 'bar']

      When the option is used with a positional, use -- to tell yargs to stop adding values to the array.

    method boolean

    boolean: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: boolean }
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: boolean }>;
    • Interpret key as a boolean. If a non-flag option follows key in process.argv, that string won't get set as the value of key.

      key will default to false, unless a default(key, undefined) is explicitly set.

      If key is an array, interpret all the elements as booleans.

    method check

    check: (
    func: (argv: Arguments<T>, aliases: { [alias: string]: string }) => any,
    global?: boolean
    ) => Argv<T>;
    • Check that certain conditions are met in the provided arguments.

      Parameter func

      Called with two arguments, the parsed argv hash and an array of options and their aliases. If func throws or returns a non-truthy value, show the thrown error, usage information, and exit.

      Parameter global

      Indicates whether check() should be enabled both at the top-level and for each sub-command.

    method choices

    choices: {
    <K extends keyof T, C extends readonly any[]>(key: K, values: C): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: C[number] }
    <K extends string, C extends readonly any[]>(key: K, values: C): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: C[number] }
    <C extends { [key: string]: readonly any[] }>(choices: C): Argv<
    Omit<T, keyof C> & { [key in keyof C]: C[key][number] }
    • Limit valid values for key to a predefined set of choices, given as an array or as an individual value. If this method is called multiple times, all enumerated values will be merged together. Choices are generally strings or numbers, and value matching is case-sensitive.

      Optionally .choices() can take an object that maps multiple keys to their choices.

      Choices can also be specified as choices in the object given to option().

    method coerce

    coerce: {
    <K extends keyof T, V>(key: K | readonly K[], func: (arg: any) => V): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: V }
    <K extends string, V>(key: K | readonly K[], func: (arg: any) => V): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: V }
    <O extends { [key: string]: (arg: any) => any }>(opts: O): Argv<
    Omit<T, keyof O> & { [key in keyof O]: ReturnType<O[key]> }
    • Provide a synchronous function to coerce or transform the value(s) given on the command line for key.

      The coercion function should accept one argument, representing the parsed value from the command line, and should return a new value or throw an error. The returned value will be used as the value for key (or one of its aliases) in argv.

      If the function throws, the error will be treated as a validation failure, delegating to either a custom .fail() handler or printing the error message in the console.

      Coercion will be applied to a value after all other modifications, such as .normalize().

      Optionally .coerce() can take an object that maps several keys to their respective coercion function.

      You can also map the same function to several keys at one time. Just pass an array of keys as the first argument to .coerce().

      If you are using dot-notion or arrays, .e.g., user.email and user.password, coercion will be applied to the final object that has been parsed

    method command

    command: {
    <U = T>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    description: string,
    builder?: BuilderCallback<T, U>,
    handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>,
    middlewares?: Array<MiddlewareFunction<U>>,
    deprecated?: boolean | string
    ): Argv<T>;
    <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    description: string,
    builder?: O,
    handler?: (
    args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>
    ) => void | Promise<void>,
    middlewares?: MiddlewareFunction<O>[],
    deprecated?: string | boolean
    ): Argv<T>;
    <U = any>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    description: string,
    module: CommandModule<T, U>
    ): Argv<T>;
    <U = T>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    showInHelp: false,
    builder?: BuilderCallback<T, U>,
    handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>,
    middlewares?: MiddlewareFunction<U>[],
    deprecated?: string | boolean
    ): Argv<T>;
    <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    showInHelp: false,
    builder?: O,
    handler?: (
    args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>
    ) => void | Promise<void>
    ): Argv<T>;
    <U = any>(
    command: string | readonly string[],
    showInHelp: false,
    module: CommandModule<T, U>
    ): Argv<T>;
    <U = any>(module: CommandModule<T, U>): Argv<T>;
    <U = any>(modules: CommandModule<T, U>[]): Argv<T>;
    • Define the commands exposed by your application.

      Parameter command

      Should be a string representing the command or an array of strings representing the command and its aliases.

      Parameter description

      Use to provide a description for each command your application accepts (the values stored in argv._). Set description to false to create a hidden command. Hidden commands don't show up in the help output and aren't available for completion.

      Parameter builder

      Object to give hints about the options that your command accepts. Can also be a function. This function is executed with a yargs instance, and can be used to provide advanced command specific help.

      Note that when void is returned, the handler argv object type will not include command-specific arguments.

      Parameter handler

      Function, which will be executed with the parsed argv object.

    method commandDir

    commandDir: (dir: string, opts?: RequireDirectoryOptions) => Argv<T>;
    • Apply command modules from a directory relative to the module calling this method.

    method completion

    completion: {
    (): Argv<T>;
    (cmd: string, func?: AsyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>;
    (cmd: string, func?: SyncCompletionFunction): Argv<T>;
    (cmd: string, func?: PromiseCompletionFunction): Argv<T>;
    (cmd: string, func?: FallbackCompletionFunction): Argv<T>;
    cmd: string,
    description?: string | false,
    func?: AsyncCompletionFunction
    ): Argv<T>;
    cmd: string,
    description?: string | false,
    func?: SyncCompletionFunction
    ): Argv<T>;
    cmd: string,
    description?: string | false,
    func?: PromiseCompletionFunction
    ): Argv<T>;
    cmd: string,
    description?: string | false,
    func?: FallbackCompletionFunction
    ): Argv<T>;
    • Enable bash/zsh-completion shortcuts for commands and options.

      If invoked without parameters, .completion() will make completion the command to output the completion script.

      Parameter cmd

      When present in argv._, will result in the .bashrc or .zshrc completion script being outputted. To enable bash/zsh completions, concat the generated script to your .bashrc or .bash_profile (or .zshrc for zsh).

      Parameter description

      Provide a description in your usage instructions for the command that generates the completion scripts.

      Parameter func

      Rather than relying on yargs' default completion functionality, which shiver me timbers is pretty awesome, you can provide your own completion method.

    method config

    config: {
    (): Argv<T>;
    key: string | readonly string[],
    description?: string,
    parseFn?: (configPath: string) => object
    ): Argv<T>;
    key: string | readonly string[],
    parseFn: (configPath: string) => object
    ): Argv<T>;
    (explicitConfigurationObject: object): Argv<T>;
    • Tells the parser that if the option specified by key is passed in, it should be interpreted as a path to a JSON config file. The file is loaded and parsed, and its properties are set as arguments. Because the file is loaded using Node's require(), the filename MUST end in .json to be interpreted correctly.

      If invoked without parameters, .config() will make --config the option to pass the JSON config file.

      Parameter description

      Provided to customize the config (key) option in the usage string.

      Parameter explicitConfigurationObject

      An explicit configuration object

    method conflicts

    conflicts: {
    (key: string, value: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>;
    (conflicts: { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>;
    • Given the key x is set, the key y must not be set. y can either be a single string or an array of argument names that x conflicts with.

      Optionally .conflicts() can accept an object specifying multiple conflicting keys.

    method count

    count: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: number }
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: number }>;
    • Interpret key as a boolean flag, but set its parsed value to the number of flag occurrences rather than true or false. Default value is thus 0.

    method default

    default: {
    <K extends keyof T, V>(key: K, value: V, description?: string): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: V }
    <K extends string, V>(key: K, value: V, description?: string): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: V }
    <D extends { [key: string]: any }>(defaults: D, description?: string): Argv<
    Omit<T, keyof D> & D
    • Set argv[key] to value if no option was specified in process.argv.

      Optionally .default() can take an object that maps keys to default values.

      The default value can be a function which returns a value. The name of the function will be used in the usage string.

      Optionally, description can also be provided and will take precedence over displaying the value in the usage instructions.

    method demand

    demand: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
    Defined<T, K>
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: unknown }
    (key: string | readonly string[], required?: boolean): Argv<T>;
    (positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>;
    (positionals: number, required?: boolean): Argv<T>;
    (positionals: number, max: number, msg?: string): Argv<T>;
    • Deprecated

      since version 6.6.0 Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead

    method demandCommand

    demandCommand: {
    (): Argv<T>;
    (min: number, minMsg?: string): Argv<T>;
    (min: number, max?: number, minMsg?: string, maxMsg?: string): Argv<T>;
    • Demand in context of commands. You can demand a minimum and a maximum number a user can have within your program, as well as provide corresponding error messages if either of the demands is not met.

    method demandOption

    demandOption: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
    Defined<T, K>
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: unknown }
    (key: string | readonly string[], demand?: boolean): Argv<T>;
    • Parameter key

      If is a string, show the usage information and exit if key wasn't specified in process.argv. If is an array, demand each element.

      Parameter msg

      If string is given, it will be printed when the argument is missing, instead of the standard error message.

      Parameter demand

      Controls whether the option is demanded; this is useful when using .options() to specify command line parameters.

    method deprecateOption

    deprecateOption: (option: string, msg?: string) => Argv<T>;
    • Shows a [deprecated] notice in front of the option

    method describe

    describe: {
    (key: string | readonly string[], description: string): Argv<T>;
    (descriptions: { [key: string]: string }): Argv<T>;
    • Describe a key for the generated usage information.

      Optionally .describe() can take an object that maps keys to descriptions.

    method detectLocale

    detectLocale: (detect: boolean) => Argv<T>;
    • Should yargs attempt to detect the os' locale? Defaults to true.

    method env

    env: { (): Argv<T>; (prefix: string): Argv<T>; (enable: boolean): Argv<T> };
    • Tell yargs to parse environment variables matching the given prefix and apply them to argv as though they were command line arguments.

      Use the "__" separator in the environment variable to indicate nested options. (e.g. prefix_nested__foo => nested.foo)

      If this method is called with no argument or with an empty string or with true, then all env vars will be applied to argv.

      Program arguments are defined in this order of precedence: 1. Command line args 2. Env vars 3. Config file/objects 4. Configured defaults

      Env var parsing is disabled by default, but you can also explicitly disable it by calling .env(false), e.g. if you need to undo previous configuration.

    method epilog

    epilog: (msg: string) => Argv<T>;
    • A message to print at the end of the usage instructions

    method epilogue

    epilogue: (msg: string) => Argv<T>;
    • A message to print at the end of the usage instructions

    method example

    example: {
    (command: string, description: string): Argv<T>;
    (command: readonly [string, string?][]): Argv<T>;
    • Give some example invocations of your program. Inside cmd, the string $0 will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the present script similar to how $0 works in bash or perl. Examples will be printed out as part of the help message.

    method exit

    exit: (code: number, err: Error) => void;
    • Manually indicate that the program should exit, and provide context about why we wanted to exit. Follows the behavior set by .exitProcess().

    method exitProcess

    exitProcess: (enabled: boolean) => Argv<T>;
    • By default, yargs exits the process when the user passes a help flag, the user uses the .version functionality, validation fails, or the command handler fails. Calling .exitProcess(false) disables this behavior, enabling further actions after yargs have been validated.

    method fail

    fail: (
    func: boolean | ((msg: string, err: Error, yargs: Argv<T>) => any)
    ) => Argv<T>;
    • Method to execute when a failure occurs, rather than printing the failure message.

      Parameter func

      Is called with the failure message that would have been printed, the Error instance originally thrown and yargs state when the failure occurred.

    method getCompletion

    getCompletion: {
    args: readonly string[],
    done: (err: Error | null, completions: readonly string[]) => void
    ): Argv<T>;
    (args: readonly string[], done?: never): Promise<readonly string[]>;
    • Allows to programmatically get completion choices for any line.

      Parameter args

      An array of the words in the command line to complete.

      Parameter done

      The callback to be called with the resulting completions.

    method getHelp

    getHelp: () => Promise<string>;
    • Returns a promise which resolves to a string containing the help text.

    method global

    global: (key: string | readonly string[]) => Argv<T>;
    • Indicate that an option (or group of options) should not be reset when a command is executed

      Options default to being global.

    method group

    group: (key: string | readonly string[], groupName: string) => Argv<T>;
    • Given a key, or an array of keys, places options under an alternative heading when displaying usage instructions

    method help

    help: {
    (): Argv<T>;
    (enableExplicit: boolean): Argv<T>;
    (option: string, enableExplicit: boolean): Argv<T>;
    (option: string, description?: string, enableExplicit?: boolean): Argv<T>;
    • Configure an (e.g. --help) and implicit command that displays the usage string and exits the process. By default yargs enables help on the --help option.

      Note that any multi-char aliases (e.g. help) used for the help option will also be used for the implicit command. If there are no multi-char aliases (e.g. h), then all single-char aliases will be used for the command.

      If invoked without parameters, .help() will use --help as the option and help as the implicit command to trigger help output.

      Parameter description

      Customizes the description of the help option in the usage string.

      Parameter enableExplicit

      If false is provided, it will disable --help.

    method hide

    hide: (key: string) => Argv<T>;
    • Hides a key from the generated usage information. Unless a --show-hidden option is also passed with --help (see showHidden()).

    method implies

    implies: {
    (key: string, value: string | readonly string[]): Argv<T>;
    (implies: { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }): Argv<T>;
    • Given the key x is set, it is required that the key y is set. y can either be the name of an argument to imply, a number indicating the position of an argument or an array of multiple implications to associate with x`.

      Optionally .implies() can accept an object specifying multiple implications.

    method locale

    locale: { (): string; (loc: string): Argv<T> };
    • Return the locale that yargs is currently using.

      By default, yargs will auto-detect the operating system's locale so that yargs-generated help content will display in the user's language.

    • Override the auto-detected locale from the user's operating system with a static locale. Note that the OS locale can be modified by setting/exporting the LC_ALL environment variable.

    method middleware

    middleware: (
    callbacks: MiddlewareFunction<T> | ReadonlyArray<MiddlewareFunction<T>>,
    applyBeforeValidation?: boolean
    ) => Argv<T>;
    • Define global middleware functions to be called first, in list order, for all cli command.

      Parameter callbacks

      Can be a function or a list of functions. Each callback gets passed a reference to argv.

      Parameter applyBeforeValidation

      Set to true to apply middleware before validation. This will execute the middleware prior to validation checks, but after parsing.

    method nargs

    nargs: {
    (key: string, count: number): Argv<T>;
    (nargs: { [key: string]: number }): Argv<T>;
    • The number of arguments that should be consumed after a key. This can be a useful hint to prevent parsing ambiguity.

      Optionally .nargs() can take an object of key/narg pairs.

    method normalize

    normalize: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToString<T[key]> }
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: string }>;
    • The key provided represents a path and should have path.normalize() applied.

    method number

    number: {
    <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToNumber<T[key]> }
    <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: number }>;
    • Tell the parser to always interpret key as a number.

      If key is an array, all elements will be parsed as numbers.

      If the option is given on the command line without a value, argv will be populated with undefined.

      If the value given on the command line cannot be parsed as a number, argv will be populated with NaN.

      Note that decimals, hexadecimals, and scientific notation are all accepted.

    method onFinishCommand

    onFinishCommand: (func: (result: any) => void) => Argv<T>;
    • Method to execute when a command finishes successfully.

      Parameter func

      Is called with the successful result of the command that finished.

    method option

    option: {
    <K extends keyof T, O extends Options>(key: K, options: O): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> } & Alias<O>
    <K extends string, O extends Options>(key: K, options: O): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> } & Alias<O>
    <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(options: O): Argv<
    Omit<T, keyof O> & InferredOptionTypes<O> & Alias<O>
    • This method can be used to make yargs aware of options that could exist. You can also pass an opt object which can hold further customization, like .alias(), .demandOption() etc. for that option.

    method options

    options: {
    <K extends keyof T, O extends Options>(key: K, options: O): Argv<
    Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }
    <K extends string, O extends Options>(key: K, options: O): Argv<
    T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }
    <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(options: O): Argv<
    Omit<T, keyof O> & InferredOptionTypes<O>
    • This method can be used to make yargs aware of options that could exist. You can also pass an opt object which can hold further customization, like .alias(), .demandOption() etc. for that option.

    method parse

    parse: {
    | {
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    | Promise<{
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    arg: string | readonly string[],
    context?: object,
    parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>
    | {
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    | Promise<{
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    • Parse args instead of process.argv. Returns the argv object. args may either be a pre-processed argv array, or a raw argument string.

      Note: Providing a callback to parse() disables the exitProcess setting until after the callback is invoked.

      Parameter context

      Provides a useful mechanism for passing state information to commands

    method parseAsync

    parseAsync: {
    (): Promise<{
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
    arg: string | readonly string[],
    context?: object,
    parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>
    ): Promise<{
    [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
    | key
    | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];

      method parserConfiguration

      parserConfiguration: (
      configuration: Partial<ParserConfigurationOptions>
      ) => Argv<T>;
      • Allows to configure advanced yargs features.

      method parseSync

      parseSync: {
      (): {
      [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
      | key
      | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];
      arg: string | readonly string[],
      context?: object,
      parseCallback?: ParseCallback<T>
      ): {
      [key in keyof Arguments<T> as
      | key
      | CamelCaseKey<key>]: Arguments<T>[key];

        method pkgConf

        pkgConf: (key: string | readonly string[], cwd?: string) => Argv<T>;
        • Similar to config(), indicates that yargs should interpret the object from the specified key in package.json as a configuration object.

          Parameter cwd

          If provided, the package.json will be read from this location

        method positional

        positional: {
        <K extends keyof T, O extends PositionalOptions>(key: K, opt: O): Argv<
        Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }
        <K extends string, O extends PositionalOptions>(key: K, opt: O): Argv<
        T & { [key in K]: InferredOptionType<O> }
        • Allows you to configure a command's positional arguments with an API similar to .option(). .positional() should be called in a command's builder function, and is not available on the top-level yargs instance. If so, it will throw an error.

        method recommendCommands

        recommendCommands: () => Argv<T>;
        • Should yargs provide suggestions regarding similar commands if no matching command is found?

        method require

        require: {
        <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
        Defined<T, K>
        (key: string, msg: string): Argv<T>;
        (key: string, required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (keys: readonly number[], msg: string): Argv<T>;
        (keys: readonly number[], required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (positionals: number, required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>;
        • Deprecated

          since version 6.6.0 Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead

        method required

        required: {
        <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[], msg?: string | true): Argv<
        Defined<T, K>
        (key: string, msg: string): Argv<T>;
        (key: string, required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (keys: readonly number[], msg: string): Argv<T>;
        (keys: readonly number[], required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (positionals: number, required: boolean): Argv<T>;
        (positionals: number, msg: string): Argv<T>;
        • Deprecated

          since version 6.6.0 Use '.demandCommand()' or '.demandOption()' instead

        method requiresArg

        requiresArg: (key: string | readonly string[]) => Argv<T>;

          method scriptName

          scriptName: ($0: string) => Argv<T>;
          • Set the name of your script ($0). Default is the base filename executed by node (process.argv[1])

          method showCompletionScript

          showCompletionScript: () => Argv<T>;
          • Generate a bash completion script. Users of your application can install this script in their .bashrc, and yargs will provide completion shortcuts for commands and options.

          method showHelp

          showHelp: {
          (consoleLevel?: string): Argv<T>;
          (printCallback: (s: string) => void): Argv<T>;
          • Print the usage data using the console function consoleLevel for printing.

            Parameter consoleLevel

          • Provide the usage data as a string.

            Parameter printCallback

            a function with a single argument.

          method showHelpOnFail

          showHelpOnFail: (enable: boolean, message?: string) => Argv<T>;
          • By default, yargs outputs a usage string if any error is detected. Use the .showHelpOnFail() method to customize this behavior.

            Parameter enable

            If false, the usage string is not output.

            Parameter message

            Message that is output after the error message.

          method showHidden

          showHidden: {
          (option?: string | boolean): Argv<T>;
          (option: string, description?: string): Argv<T>;
          • Configure the --show-hidden option that displays the hidden keys (see hide()).

            Parameter option

            If boolean, it enables/disables this option altogether. i.e. hidden keys will be permanently hidden if first argument is false. If string it changes the key name ("--show-hidden").

            Parameter description

            Changes the default description ("Show hidden options")

          method showVersion

          showVersion: (level?: 'error' | 'log' | ((message: string) => void)) => Argv<T>;
          • Print the version data using the console function consoleLevel or the specified function.

            Parameter level

          method skipValidation

          skipValidation: (key: string | readonly string[]) => Argv<T>;
          • Specifies either a single option key (string), or an array of options. If any of the options is present, yargs validation is skipped.

          method strict

          strict: { (): Argv<T>; (enabled: boolean): Argv<T> };
          • Any command-line argument given that is not demanded, or does not have a corresponding description, will be reported as an error.

            Unrecognized commands will also be reported as errors.

          method strictCommands

          strictCommands: { (): Argv<T>; (enabled: boolean): Argv<T> };
          • Similar to .strict(), except that it only applies to unrecognized commands. A user can still provide arbitrary options, but unknown positional commands will raise an error.

          method strictOptions

          strictOptions: { (): Argv<T>; (enabled: boolean): Argv<T> };
          • Similar to .strict(), except that it only applies to unrecognized options. A user can still provide arbitrary positional options, but unknown options will raise an error.

          method string

          string: {
          <K extends keyof T>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<
          Omit<T, K> & { [key in K]: ToString<T[key]> }
          <K extends string>(key: K | readonly K[]): Argv<T & { [key in K]: string }>;
          • Tell the parser logic not to interpret key as a number or boolean. This can be useful if you need to preserve leading zeros in an input.

            If key is an array, interpret all the elements as strings.

            .string('_') will result in non-hyphenated arguments being interpreted as strings, regardless of whether they resemble numbers.

          method terminalWidth

          terminalWidth: () => number;

            method updateLocale

            updateLocale: (obj: { [key: string]: string }) => Argv<T>;

              method updateStrings

              updateStrings: (obj: { [key: string]: string }) => Argv<T>;
              • Override the default strings used by yargs with the key/value pairs provided in obj

                If you explicitly specify a locale(), you should do so before calling updateStrings().

              method usage

              usage: {
              (message: string): Argv<T>;
              command: string | readonly string[],
              description: string,
              builder?: (args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>,
              handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>
              ): Argv<T>;
              command: string | readonly string[],
              showInHelp: boolean,
              builder?: (args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>,
              handler?: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>
              ): Argv<T>;
              <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(
              command: string | readonly string[],
              description: string,
              builder?: O,
              handler?: (
              args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>
              ) => void | Promise<void>
              ): Argv<T>;
              <O extends { [key: string]: Options }>(
              command: string | readonly string[],
              showInHelp: boolean,
              builder?: O,
              handler?: (
              args: ArgumentsCamelCase<InferredOptionTypes<O>>
              ) => void | Promise<void>
              ): Argv<T>;
              • Set a usage message to show which commands to use. Inside message, the string $0 will get interpolated to the current script name or node command for the present script similar to how $0 works in bash or perl.

                If the optional description/builder/handler are provided, .usage() acts an an alias for .command(). This allows you to use .usage() to configure the default command that will be run as an entry-point to your application and allows you to provide configuration for the positional arguments accepted by your program:

              method version

              version: {
              (): Argv<T>;
              (version: string): Argv<T>;
              (enable: boolean): Argv<T>;
              (optionKey: string, version: string): Argv<T>;
              (optionKey: string, description: string, version: string): Argv<T>;
              • Add an option (e.g. --version) that displays the version number (given by the version parameter) and exits the process. By default yargs enables version for the --version option.

                If no arguments are passed to version (.version()), yargs will parse the package.json of your module and use its version value.

                If the boolean argument false is provided, it will disable --version.

              method wrap

              wrap: (columns: number | null) => Argv<T>;
              • Format usage output to wrap at columns many columns.

                By default wrap will be set to Math.min(80, windowWidth). Use .wrap(null) to specify no column limit (no right-align). Use .wrap(yargs.terminalWidth()) to maximize the width of yargs' usage instructions.

              call signature

              (args?: readonly string[] | string, cwd?: string): Argv<T>;

                interface CommandModule

                interface CommandModule<T = {}, U = {}> {}

                  property aliases

                  aliases?: readonly string[] | string | undefined;
                  • array of strings (or a single string) representing aliases of exports.command, positional args defined in an alias are ignored

                  property builder

                  builder?: CommandBuilder<T, U> | undefined;
                  • object declaring the options the command accepts, or a function accepting and returning a yargs instance

                  property command

                  command?: readonly string[] | string | undefined;
                  • string (or array of strings) that executes this command when given on the command line, first string may contain positional args

                  property deprecated

                  deprecated?: boolean | string | undefined;
                  • boolean (or string) to show deprecation notice

                  property describe

                  describe?: string | false | undefined;
                  • string used as the description for the command in help text, use false for a hidden command

                  property handler

                  handler: (args: ArgumentsCamelCase<U>) => void | Promise<void>;
                  • a function which will be passed the parsed argv.

                  interface Options

                  interface Options {}

                    property alias

                    alias?: string | readonly string[] | undefined;
                    • string or array of strings, alias(es) for the canonical option key, see alias()

                    property array

                    array?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as an array, see array()

                    property boolean

                    boolean?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as a boolean flag, see boolean()

                    property choices

                    choices?: Choices | undefined;
                    • value or array of values, limit valid option arguments to a predefined set, see choices()

                    property coerce

                    coerce?: ((arg: any) => any) | undefined;
                    • function, coerce or transform parsed command line values into another value, see coerce()

                    property config

                    config?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as a path to a JSON config file, see config()

                    property configParser

                    configParser?: ((configPath: string) => object) | undefined;
                    • function, provide a custom config parsing function, see config()

                    property conflicts

                    | string
                    | readonly string[]
                    | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }
                    | undefined;
                    • string or object, require certain keys not to be set, see conflicts()

                    property count

                    count?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as a count of boolean flags, see count()

                    property default

                    default?: any;
                    • value, set a default value for the option, see default()

                    property defaultDescription

                    defaultDescription?: string | undefined;
                    • string, use this description for the default value in help content, see default()

                    property demand

                    demand?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • Deprecated

                      since version 6.6.0 Use 'demandOption' instead

                    property demandOption

                    demandOption?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • boolean or string, demand the option be given, with optional error message, see demandOption()

                    property deprecate

                    deprecate?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • boolean or string, mark the argument as deprecated, see deprecateOption()

                    property deprecated

                    deprecated?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • boolean or string, mark the argument as deprecated, see deprecateOption()

                    property desc

                    desc?: string | undefined;
                    • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                    property describe

                    describe?: string | undefined;
                    • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                    property description

                    description?: string | undefined;
                    • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                    property global

                    global?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, indicate that this key should not be reset when a command is invoked, see global()

                    property group

                    group?: string | undefined;
                    • string, when displaying usage instructions place the option under an alternative group heading, see group()

                    property hidden

                    hidden?: boolean | undefined;
                    • don't display option in help output.

                    property implies

                    | string
                    | readonly string[]
                    | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }
                    | undefined;
                    • string or object, require certain keys to be set, see implies()

                    property nargs

                    nargs?: number | undefined;
                    • number, specify how many arguments should be consumed for the option, see nargs()

                    property normalize

                    normalize?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, apply path.normalize() to the option, see normalize()

                    property number

                    number?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as a number, number()

                    property require

                    require?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • Deprecated

                      since version 6.6.0 Use 'demandOption' instead

                    property required

                    required?: boolean | string | undefined;
                    • Deprecated

                      since version 6.6.0 Use 'demandOption' instead

                    property requiresArg

                    requiresArg?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, require the option be specified with a value, see requiresArg()

                    property skipValidation

                    skipValidation?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, skips validation if the option is present, see skipValidation()

                    property string

                    string?: boolean | undefined;
                    • boolean, interpret option as a string, see string()

                    property type

                    type?: 'array' | 'count' | PositionalOptionsType | undefined;

                      interface PositionalOptions

                      interface PositionalOptions {}

                        property alias

                        alias?: string | readonly string[] | undefined;
                        • string or array of strings, see alias()

                        property array

                        array?: boolean | undefined;
                        • boolean, interpret option as an array, see array()

                        property choices

                        choices?: Choices | undefined;
                        • value or array of values, limit valid option arguments to a predefined set, see choices()

                        property coerce

                        coerce?: ((arg: any) => any) | undefined;
                        • function, coerce or transform parsed command line values into another value, see coerce()

                        property conflicts

                        | string
                        | readonly string[]
                        | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }
                        | undefined;
                        • string or object, require certain keys not to be set, see conflicts()

                        property default

                        default?: any;
                        • value, set a default value for the option, see default()

                        property demandOption

                        demandOption?: boolean | string | undefined;
                        • boolean or string, demand the option be given, with optional error message, see demandOption()

                        property desc

                        desc?: string | undefined;
                        • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                        property describe

                        describe?: string | undefined;
                        • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                        property description

                        description?: string | undefined;
                        • string, the option description for help content, see describe()

                        property implies

                        | string
                        | readonly string[]
                        | { [key: string]: string | readonly string[] }
                        | undefined;
                        • string or object, require certain keys to be set, see implies()

                        property normalize

                        normalize?: boolean | undefined;
                        • boolean, apply path.normalize() to the option, see normalize()

                        property type

                        type?: PositionalOptionsType | undefined;

                          interface RequireDirectoryOptions

                          interface RequireDirectoryOptions {}

                            property exclude

                            exclude?: RegExp | ((pathToFile: string) => boolean) | undefined;
                            • Blacklist certain modules.

                            property extensions

                            extensions?: readonly string[] | undefined;
                            • The types of files to look for when requiring command modules.

                            property include

                            include?: RegExp | ((pathToFile: string) => boolean) | undefined;
                            • Whitelist certain modules

                            property recurse

                            recurse?: boolean | undefined;
                            • Look for command modules in all subdirectories and apply them as a flattened (non-hierarchical) list.

                            property visit

                            | ((commandObject: any, pathToFile?: string, filename?: string) => any)
                            | undefined;
                            • A synchronous function called for each command module encountered. Accepts commandObject, pathToFile, and filename as arguments. Returns commandObject to include the command; any falsy value to exclude/skip it.

                            Type Aliases

                            type Alias

                            type Alias<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends { alias: infer T }
                            ? T extends Exclude<string, T>
                            ? { [key in T]: InferredOptionType<O> }
                            : {}
                            : {};

                              type Arguments

                              type Arguments<T = {}> = T & {
                              /** Non-option arguments */
                              _: Array<string | number>;
                              /** The script name or node command */
                              $0: string;
                              /** All remaining options */
                              [argName: string]: unknown;

                                type ArgumentsCamelCase

                                type ArgumentsCamelCase<T = {}> = {
                                [key in keyof T as key | CamelCaseKey<key>]: T[key];
                                } & {
                                /** Non-option arguments */
                                _: Array<string | number>;
                                /** The script name or node command */
                                $0: string;
                                /** All remaining options */
                                [argName: string]: unknown;
                                • Arguments type, with camelcased keys

                                type AsyncCompletionFunction

                                type AsyncCompletionFunction = (
                                current: string,
                                argv: any,
                                done: (completion: readonly string[]) => void
                                ) => void;

                                  type BuilderArguments

                                  type BuilderArguments<
                                  T extends (...args: any) => R,
                                  R = ReturnType<T>
                                  > = R extends Argv<infer X>
                                  ? ArgumentsCamelCase<X>
                                  : {} | R extends PromiseLike<Argv<infer X>>
                                  ? ArgumentsCamelCase<X>
                                  : {};

                                    type BuilderCallback

                                    type BuilderCallback<T, R> =
                                    | ((args: Argv<T>) => PromiseLike<Argv<R>>)
                                    | ((args: Argv<T>) => Argv<R>)
                                    | ((args: Argv<T>) => void);

                                      type CamelCase

                                      type CamelCase<S extends string> = string extends S
                                      ? string
                                      : S extends `${infer T}-${infer U}`
                                      ? `${T}${PascalCase<U>}`
                                      : S;
                                      • Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'fooBar'

                                      type CamelCaseKey

                                      type CamelCaseKey<K extends PropertyKey> = K extends string
                                      ? Exclude<CamelCase<K>, ''>
                                      : K;
                                      • Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'fooBar', allowing all PropertyKey types

                                      type Choices

                                      type Choices = ReadonlyArray<string | number | true | undefined>;

                                        type CommandBuilder

                                        type CommandBuilder<T = {}, U = {}> =
                                        | { [key: string]: Options }
                                        | ((args: Argv<T>) => Argv<U>)
                                        | ((args: Argv<T>) => PromiseLike<Argv<U>>);

                                          type CompletionCallback

                                          type CompletionCallback = (
                                          err: Error | null,
                                          completions: string[] | undefined
                                          ) => void;

                                            type Defined

                                            type Defined<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
                                            [key in K]: Exclude<T[key], undefined>;
                                            • Remove undefined as a possible value for keys K in T

                                            type FallbackCompletionFunction

                                            type FallbackCompletionFunction = (
                                            current: string,
                                            argv: any,
                                            completionFilter: (onCompleted?: CompletionCallback) => any,
                                            done: (completions: string[]) => any
                                            ) => void;

                                              type InferredOptionType

                                              type InferredOptionType<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> =
                                              // Handle special cases first
                                              O extends { coerce: (arg: any) => infer T }
                                              ? IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true
                                              ? T
                                              : T | undefined
                                              : O extends
                                              | { type: 'count'; default: infer D }
                                              | { count: true; default: infer D }
                                              ? number | Exclude<D, undefined>
                                              : O extends { type: 'count' } | { count: true }
                                              ? number
                                              : // Try to infer type with InferredOptionTypePrimitive
                                              IsUnknown<InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O>> extends false
                                              ? InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O>
                                              : // Use the type of `default` as the last resort
                                              O extends { default: infer D }
                                              ? Exclude<D, undefined>
                                              : unknown;

                                                type InferredOptionTypeInner

                                                type InferredOptionTypeInner<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends {
                                                type: 'array';
                                                choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C>;
                                                ? C[]
                                                : O extends { type: 'array'; string: true }
                                                ? string[]
                                                : O extends { type: 'array'; number: true }
                                                ? number[]
                                                : O extends { type: 'array'; normalize: true }
                                                ? string[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C> }
                                                ? C[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; type: 'string' }
                                                ? string[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; type: 'number' }
                                                ? number[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; string: true }
                                                ? string[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; number: true }
                                                ? number[]
                                                : O extends { array: true; normalize: true }
                                                ? string[]
                                                : O extends { choices: ReadonlyArray<infer C> }
                                                ? C
                                                : O extends { type: 'array' }
                                                ? Array<string | number>
                                                : O extends { type: 'boolean' }
                                                ? boolean
                                                : O extends { type: 'number' }
                                                ? number
                                                : O extends { type: 'string' }
                                                ? string
                                                : O extends { array: true }
                                                ? Array<string | number>
                                                : O extends { boolean: true }
                                                ? boolean
                                                : O extends { number: true }
                                                ? number
                                                : O extends { string: true }
                                                ? string
                                                : O extends { normalize: true }
                                                ? string
                                                : unknown;

                                                  type InferredOptionTypePrimitive

                                                  type InferredOptionTypePrimitive<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends {
                                                  default: infer D;
                                                  ? IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true
                                                  ? InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | Exclude<D, undefined>
                                                  : InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | D
                                                  : IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O> extends true
                                                  ? InferredOptionTypeInner<O>
                                                  : InferredOptionTypeInner<O> | undefined;

                                                    type InferredOptionTypes

                                                    type InferredOptionTypes<O extends { [key: string]: Options }> = {
                                                    [key in keyof O]: InferredOptionType<O[key]>;

                                                      type IsAny

                                                      type IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;

                                                        type IsRequiredOrHasDefault

                                                        type IsRequiredOrHasDefault<O extends Options | PositionalOptions> = O extends
                                                        | { required: string | true }
                                                        | { require: string | true }
                                                        | { demand: string | true }
                                                        | { demandOption: string | true }
                                                        | { default: {} }
                                                        ? true
                                                        : false;

                                                          type IsUnknown

                                                          type IsUnknown<T> = IsAny<T> extends true ? false : unknown extends T ? true : false;

                                                            type MiddlewareFunction

                                                            type MiddlewareFunction<T = {}> = (
                                                            args: ArgumentsCamelCase<T>
                                                            ) => void | Promise<void>;

                                                              type Omit

                                                              type Omit<T, K> = { [key in Exclude<keyof T, K>]: T[key] };
                                                              • Remove keys K in T

                                                              type ParseCallback

                                                              type ParseCallback<T = {}> = (
                                                              err: Error | undefined,
                                                              argv: ArgumentsCamelCase<T>,
                                                              output: string
                                                              ) => void | Promise<void>;

                                                                type ParserConfigurationOptions

                                                                type ParserConfigurationOptions = Configuration & {
                                                                /** Sort commands alphabetically. Default is `false` */
                                                                'sort-commands': boolean;

                                                                  type PascalCase

                                                                  type PascalCase<S extends string> = string extends S
                                                                  ? string
                                                                  : S extends `${infer T}-${infer U}`
                                                                  ? `${Capitalize<T>}${PascalCase<U>}`
                                                                  : Capitalize<S>;
                                                                  • Convert literal string types like 'foo-bar' to 'FooBar'

                                                                  type PositionalOptionsType

                                                                  type PositionalOptionsType = 'boolean' | 'number' | 'string';

                                                                    type PromiseCompletionFunction

                                                                    type PromiseCompletionFunction = (current: string, argv: any) => Promise<string[]>;

                                                                      type SyncCompletionFunction

                                                                      type SyncCompletionFunction = (current: string, argv: any) => string[];

                                                                        type ToArray

                                                                        type ToArray<T> = Array<Exclude<T, undefined>> | Extract<T, undefined>;
                                                                        • Convert T to T[] and T | undefined to T[] | undefined

                                                                        type ToNumber

                                                                        type ToNumber<T> =
                                                                        | (Exclude<T, undefined> extends any[] ? number[] : number)
                                                                        | Extract<T, undefined>;
                                                                        • Gives number[] if T is an array type, otherwise number. Preserves | undefined.

                                                                        type ToString

                                                                        type ToString<T> =
                                                                        | (Exclude<T, undefined> extends any[] ? string[] : string)
                                                                        | Extract<T, undefined>;
                                                                        • Gives string[] if T is an array type, otherwise string. Preserves | undefined.

                                                                        Package Files (1)

                                                                        Dependencies (1)

                                                                        Dev Dependencies (0)

                                                                        No dev dependencies.

                                                                        Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                        No peer dependencies.


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