- Version 32.1.0
- Published
- 834 kB
- 1 dependency
- MIT license
npm i ag-grid-angular
yarn add ag-grid-angular
pnpm add ag-grid-angular
<div align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset=""/> <source
- accentedSort
- advancedFilterBuilderParams
- advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged
- advancedFilterModel
- advancedFilterParent
- aggFuncs
- aggregateOnlyChangedColumns
- alignedGrids
- allowContextMenuWithControlKey
- allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel
- allowShowChangeAfterFilter
- alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel
- alwaysMultiSort
- alwaysShowHorizontalScroll
- alwaysShowVerticalScroll
- animateRows
- api
- applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg
- asyncTransactionsFlushed
- asyncTransactionWaitMillis
- autoGroupColumnDef
- autoSizePadding
- autoSizeStrategy
- blockLoadDebounceMillis
- bodyScroll
- bodyScrollEnd
- cacheBlockSize
- cacheOverflowSize
- cacheQuickFilter
- cellClicked
- cellContextMenu
- cellDoubleClicked
- cellEditingStarted
- cellEditingStopped
- cellEditRequest
- cellFadeDelay
- cellFadeDuration
- cellFlashDelay
- cellFlashDuration
- cellFocused
- cellKeyDown
- cellMouseDown
- cellMouseOut
- cellMouseOver
- cellValueChanged
- chartCreated
- chartDestroyed
- chartMenuItems
- chartOptionsChanged
- chartRangeSelectionChanged
- chartThemeOverrides
- chartThemes
- chartToolPanelsDef
- clipboardDelimiter
- colResizeDefault
- columnDefs
- columnEverythingChanged
- columnGroupOpened
- columnHeaderClicked
- columnHeaderContextMenu
- columnHeaderMouseLeave
- columnHeaderMouseOver
- columnHoverHighlight
- columnMenu
- columnMenuVisibleChanged
- columnMoved
- columnPinned
- columnPivotChanged
- columnPivotModeChanged
- columnResized
- columnRowGroupChanged
- columnTypes
- columnValueChanged
- columnVisible
- components
- componentStateChanged
- context
- contextMenuVisibleChanged
- copyGroupHeadersToClipboard
- copyHeadersToClipboard
- createChartContainer
- customChartThemes
- cutEnd
- cutStart
- datasource
- dataTypeDefinitions
- debounceVerticalScrollbar
- debug
- defaultColDef
- defaultColGroupDef
- defaultCsvExportParams
- defaultExcelExportParams
- deltaSort
- detailCellRenderer
- detailCellRendererParams
- detailRowAutoHeight
- detailRowHeight
- displayedColumnsChanged
- doesExternalFilterPass
- domLayout
- dragStarted
- dragStopped
- editType
- embedFullWidthRows
- enableAdvancedFilter
- enableBrowserTooltips
- enableCellChangeFlash
- enableCellEditingOnBackspace
- enableCellExpressions
- enableCellTextSelection
- enableCharts
- enableFillHandle
- enableGroupEdit
- enableRangeHandle
- enableRangeSelection
- enableRtl
- ensureDomOrder
- enterNavigatesVertically
- enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit
- excelStyles
- excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering
- expandOrCollapseAll
- fillEnd
- fillHandleDirection
- fillOperation
- fillStart
- filterChanged
- filterModified
- filterOpened
- firstDataRendered
- floatingFiltersHeight
- focusGridInnerElement
- fullWidthCellRenderer
- fullWidthCellRendererParams
- functionsReadOnly
- getBusinessKeyForNode
- getChartToolbarItems
- getChildCount
- getContextMenuItems
- getDataPath
- getDocument
- getGroupRowAgg
- getLocaleText
- getMainMenuItems
- getRowClass
- getRowHeight
- getRowId
- getRowStyle
- getServerSideGroupKey
- getServerSideGroupLevelParams
- grandTotalRow
- gridColumnsChanged
- gridId
- gridOptions
- gridReady
- gridSizeChanged
- groupAggFiltering
- groupAllowUnbalanced
- groupDefaultExpanded
- groupDisplayType
- groupHeaderHeight
- groupHideOpenParents
- groupIncludeFooter
- groupIncludeTotalFooter
- groupLockGroupColumns
- groupMaintainOrder
- groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren
- groupRemoveSingleChildren
- groupRowRenderer
- groupRowRendererParams
- groupSelectsChildren
- groupSelectsFiltered
- groupSuppressBlankHeader
- groupTotalRow
- headerFocused
- headerHeight
- icons
- includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter
- includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter
- infiniteInitialRowCount
- initialGroupOrderComparator
- initialState
- isApplyServerSideTransaction
- isEmitterUsed()
- isExternalFilterPresent
- isFullWidthRow
- isGroupOpenByDefault
- isRowMaster
- isRowSelectable
- isServerSideGroup
- isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault
- keepDetailRows
- keepDetailRowsCount
- loading
- loadingCellRenderer
- loadingCellRendererParams
- loadingCellRendererSelector
- loadingOverlayComponent
- loadingOverlayComponentParams
- localeText
- maintainColumnOrder
- masterDetail
- maxBlocksInCache
- maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests
- modelUpdated
- modules
- multiSortKey
- navigateToNextCell
- navigateToNextHeader
- newColumnsLoaded
- ngAcceptInputType_accentedSort
- ngAcceptInputType_aggregateOnlyChangedColumns
- ngAcceptInputType_allowContextMenuWithControlKey
- ngAcceptInputType_allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel
- ngAcceptInputType_allowShowChangeAfterFilter
- ngAcceptInputType_alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel
- ngAcceptInputType_alwaysMultiSort
- ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowHorizontalScroll
- ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowVerticalScroll
- ngAcceptInputType_animateRows
- ngAcceptInputType_applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg
- ngAcceptInputType_cacheQuickFilter
- ngAcceptInputType_columnHoverHighlight
- ngAcceptInputType_copyGroupHeadersToClipboard
- ngAcceptInputType_copyHeadersToClipboard
- ngAcceptInputType_debounceVerticalScrollbar
- ngAcceptInputType_debug
- ngAcceptInputType_deltaSort
- ngAcceptInputType_detailRowAutoHeight
- ngAcceptInputType_embedFullWidthRows
- ngAcceptInputType_enableAdvancedFilter
- ngAcceptInputType_enableBrowserTooltips
- ngAcceptInputType_enableCellChangeFlash
- ngAcceptInputType_enableCellEditingOnBackspace
- ngAcceptInputType_enableCellExpressions
- ngAcceptInputType_enableCellTextSelection
- ngAcceptInputType_enableCharts
- ngAcceptInputType_enableFillHandle
- ngAcceptInputType_enableGroupEdit
- ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeHandle
- ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeSelection
- ngAcceptInputType_enableRtl
- ngAcceptInputType_ensureDomOrder
- ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVertically
- ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit
- ngAcceptInputType_excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering
- ngAcceptInputType_functionsReadOnly
- ngAcceptInputType_groupAllowUnbalanced
- ngAcceptInputType_groupHideOpenParents
- ngAcceptInputType_groupIncludeTotalFooter
- ngAcceptInputType_groupMaintainOrder
- ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren
- ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveSingleChildren
- ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsChildren
- ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsFiltered
- ngAcceptInputType_groupSuppressBlankHeader
- ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter
- ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter
- ngAcceptInputType_keepDetailRows
- ngAcceptInputType_loading
- ngAcceptInputType_maintainColumnOrder
- ngAcceptInputType_masterDetail
- ngAcceptInputType_paginateChildRows
- ngAcceptInputType_pagination
- ngAcceptInputType_paginationAutoPageSize
- ngAcceptInputType_pivotMode
- ngAcceptInputType_pivotSuppressAutoColumn
- ngAcceptInputType_preventDefaultOnContextMenu
- ngAcceptInputType_purgeClosedRowNodes
- ngAcceptInputType_readOnlyEdit
- ngAcceptInputType_removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn
- ngAcceptInputType_resetRowDataOnUpdate
- ngAcceptInputType_rowDragEntireRow
- ngAcceptInputType_rowDragManaged
- ngAcceptInputType_rowDragMultiRow
- ngAcceptInputType_rowGroupPanelSuppressSort
- ngAcceptInputType_rowMultiSelectWithClick
- ngAcceptInputType_serverSideEnableClientSideSort
- ngAcceptInputType_serverSideFilterOnServer
- ngAcceptInputType_serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups
- ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortAllLevels
- ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortOnServer
- ngAcceptInputType_showOpenedGroup
- ngAcceptInputType_singleClickEdit
- ngAcceptInputType_skipHeaderOnAutoSize
- ngAcceptInputType_stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAdvancedFilterEval
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFilteredOnly
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFuncInHeader
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAnimationFrame
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAsyncEvents
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressAutoSize
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressBrowserResizeObserver
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressCellFocus
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressChangeDetection
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressClearOnFillReduction
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressClickEdit
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardApi
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardPaste
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnMoveAnimation
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnVirtualisation
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressContextMenu
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopyRowsToClipboard
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopySingleCellRanges
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressCsvExport
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressCutToClipboard
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressExcelExport
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressExpandablePivotGroups
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressFieldDotNotation
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressFocusAfterRefresh
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupMaintainValueType
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupRowsSticky
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressHeaderFocus
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressHorizontalScroll
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressLoadingOverlay
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMenuHide
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMiddleClickScrolls
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMovableColumns
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMoveWhenRowDragging
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiRangeSelection
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiSort
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressNoRowsOverlay
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressPaginationPanel
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressPropertyNamesCheck
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowClickSelection
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDeselection
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDrag
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowGroupHidesColumns
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowHoverHighlight
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowTransform
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowVirtualisation
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollOnNewData
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll
- ngAcceptInputType_suppressTouch
- ngAcceptInputType_tooltipInteraction
- ngAcceptInputType_tooltipMouseTrack
- ngAcceptInputType_treeData
- ngAcceptInputType_undoRedoCellEditing
- ngAcceptInputType_unSortIcon
- ngAcceptInputType_valueCache
- ngAcceptInputType_valueCacheNeverExpires
- ngAfterViewInit()
- ngOnChanges()
- ngOnDestroy()
- noRowsOverlayComponent
- noRowsOverlayComponentParams
- overlayLoadingTemplate
- overlayNoRowsTemplate
- ɵcmp
- ɵfac
- paginateChildRows
- pagination
- paginationAutoPageSize
- paginationChanged
- paginationNumberFormatter
- paginationPageSize
- paginationPageSizeSelector
- pasteEnd
- pasteStart
- pinnedBottomRowData
- pinnedRowDataChanged
- pinnedTopRowData
- pivotColumnGroupTotals
- pivotDefaultExpanded
- pivotGroupHeaderHeight
- pivotHeaderHeight
- pivotMaxColumnsExceeded
- pivotMaxGeneratedColumns
- pivotMode
- pivotPanelShow
- pivotRowTotals
- pivotSuppressAutoColumn
- popupParent
- postProcessPopup
- postSortRows
- preventDefaultOnContextMenu
- processCellForClipboard
- processCellFromClipboard
- processDataFromClipboard
- processGroupHeaderForClipboard
- processHeaderForClipboard
- processPivotResultColDef
- processPivotResultColGroupDef
- processRowPostCreate
- processUnpinnedColumns
- purgeClosedRowNodes
- quickFilterMatcher
- quickFilterParser
- quickFilterText
- rangeDeleteEnd
- rangeDeleteStart
- rangeSelectionChanged
- readOnlyEdit
- redoEnded
- redoStarted
- removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn
- resetRowDataOnUpdate
- rowBuffer
- rowClass
- rowClassRules
- rowClicked
- rowData
- rowDataUpdated
- rowDoubleClicked
- rowDragEnd
- rowDragEnter
- rowDragEntireRow
- rowDragLeave
- rowDragManaged
- rowDragMove
- rowDragMultiRow
- rowDragText
- rowEditingStarted
- rowEditingStopped
- rowGroupOpened
- rowGroupPanelShow
- rowGroupPanelSuppressSort
- rowHeight
- rowModelType
- rowMultiSelectWithClick
- rowSelected
- rowSelection
- rowStyle
- rowValueChanged
- scrollbarWidth
- selectionChanged
- sendToClipboard
- serverSideDatasource
- serverSideEnableClientSideSort
- serverSideFilterOnServer
- serverSideInitialRowCount
- serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups
- serverSidePivotResultFieldSeparator
- serverSideSortAllLevels
- serverSideSortOnServer
- showOpenedGroup
- sideBar
- singleClickEdit
- skipHeaderOnAutoSize
- sortChanged
- sortingOrder
- stateUpdated
- statusBar
- stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus
- storeRefreshed
- suppressAdvancedFilterEval
- suppressAggFilteredOnly
- suppressAggFuncInHeader
- suppressAnimationFrame
- suppressAsyncEvents
- suppressAutoSize
- suppressBrowserResizeObserver
- suppressCellFocus
- suppressChangeDetection
- suppressClearOnFillReduction
- suppressClickEdit
- suppressClipboardApi
- suppressClipboardPaste
- suppressColumnMoveAnimation
- suppressColumnVirtualisation
- suppressContextMenu
- suppressCopyRowsToClipboard
- suppressCopySingleCellRanges
- suppressCsvExport
- suppressCutToClipboard
- suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns
- suppressExcelExport
- suppressExpandablePivotGroups
- suppressFieldDotNotation
- suppressFocusAfterRefresh
- suppressGroupMaintainValueType
- suppressGroupRowsSticky
- suppressHeaderFocus
- suppressHorizontalScroll
- suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste
- suppressLoadingOverlay
- suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder
- suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup
- suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction
- suppressMenuHide
- suppressMiddleClickScrolls
- suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction
- suppressMovableColumns
- suppressMoveWhenRowDragging
- suppressMultiRangeSelection
- suppressMultiSort
- suppressNoRowsOverlay
- suppressPaginationPanel
- suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel
- suppressPropertyNamesCheck
- suppressRowClickSelection
- suppressRowDeselection
- suppressRowDrag
- suppressRowGroupHidesColumns
- suppressRowHoverHighlight
- suppressRowTransform
- suppressRowVirtualisation
- suppressScrollOnNewData
- suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen
- suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow
- suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll
- suppressStickyTotalRow
- suppressTouch
- tabIndex
- tabToNextCell
- tabToNextHeader
- toolPanelSizeChanged
- toolPanelVisibleChanged
- tooltipHide
- tooltipHideDelay
- tooltipInteraction
- tooltipMouseTrack
- tooltipShow
- tooltipShowDelay
- tooltipShowMode
- tooltipTrigger
- treeData
- treeDataDisplayType
- undoEnded
- undoRedoCellEditing
- undoRedoCellEditingLimit
- undoStarted
- unSortIcon
- valueCache
- valueCacheNeverExpires
- viewportChanged
- viewportDatasource
- viewportRowModelBufferSize
- viewportRowModelPageSize
- virtualColumnsChanged
- virtualRowRemoved
class AgGridAngular
class AgGridAngular<TData = any, TColDef extends ColDef<TData> = ColDef<any>> implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {}
constructor( elementDef: ElementRef, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, angularFrameworkOverrides: AngularFrameworkOverrides, frameworkComponentWrapper: AngularFrameworkComponentWrapper);
property accentedSort
accentedSort: boolean;
Set to
to specify that the sort should take accented characters into account. If this feature is turned on the sort will be slower. false
property advancedFilterBuilderParams
advancedFilterBuilderParams: any;
Customise the parameters passed to the Advanced Filter Builder.
property advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged
advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged: EventEmitter< AdvancedFilterBuilderVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
Advanced Filter Builder visibility has changed (opened or closed).
property advancedFilterModel
advancedFilterModel: any;
As of v31, use
property advancedFilterParent
advancedFilterParent: HTMLElement;
DOM element to use as the parent for the Advanced Filter to allow it to appear outside of the grid. Set to
to appear inside the grid.
property aggFuncs
aggFuncs: { [key: string]: IAggFunc<TData> };
A map of 'function name' to 'function' for custom aggregation functions.
property aggregateOnlyChangedColumns
aggregateOnlyChangedColumns: boolean;
When using change detection, only the updated column will be re-aggregated. false
property alignedGrids
alignedGrids: AlignedGrid[] | (() => AlignedGrid[]);
A list of grids to treat as Aligned Grids. Provide a list if the grids / apis already exist or return via a callback to allow the aligned grids to be retrieved asynchronously. If grids are aligned then the columns and horizontal scrolling will be kept in sync.
property allowContextMenuWithControlKey
allowContextMenuWithControlKey: boolean;
Allows context menu to show, even when
key is held down. false
property allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel
allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: boolean;
Allow reordering and pinning columns by dragging columns from the Columns Tool Panel to the grid. false
property allowShowChangeAfterFilter
allowShowChangeAfterFilter: boolean;
Set to
to have cells flash after data changes even when the change is due to filtering. false
property alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel
alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel: boolean;
When using aggregations, the grid will always calculate the root level aggregation value. false
property alwaysMultiSort
alwaysMultiSort: boolean;
Set to
to always multi-sort when the user clicks a column header, regardless of key presses. false
property alwaysShowHorizontalScroll
alwaysShowHorizontalScroll: boolean;
Set to
to always show the horizontal scrollbar. false
property alwaysShowVerticalScroll
alwaysShowVerticalScroll: boolean;
Set to
to always show the vertical scrollbar. false
property animateRows
animateRows: boolean;
Set to
to disable Row Animation which is enabled by default. true
property api
api: GridApi<TData>;
Grid Api available after onGridReady event has fired.
property applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg
applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg: boolean;
When pivoting, Quick Filter is only applied on the pivoted data (or aggregated data if
groupAggFiltering = true
). Set totrue
to apply Quick Filter before pivoting (/aggregating) instead. false
property asyncTransactionsFlushed
asyncTransactionsFlushed: EventEmitter<AsyncTransactionsFlushedEvent<TData>>;
Async transactions have been applied. Contains a list of all transaction results.
property asyncTransactionWaitMillis
asyncTransactionWaitMillis: number;
How many milliseconds to wait before executing a batch of async transactions.
property autoGroupColumnDef
autoGroupColumnDef: any;
Allows specifying the group 'auto column' if you are not happy with the default. If grouping, this column definition is included as the first column in the grid. If not grouping, this column is not included.
property autoSizePadding
autoSizePadding: number;
Number of pixels to add to a column width after the [auto-sizing](./column-sizing/#auto-size-columns-to-fit-cell-contents) calculation. Set this if you want to add extra room to accommodate (for example) sort icons, or some other dynamic nature of the header. 20
property autoSizeStrategy
autoSizeStrategy: any;
Auto-size the columns when the grid is loaded. Can size to fit the grid width, fit a provided width, or fit the cell contents.
property blockLoadDebounceMillis
blockLoadDebounceMillis: number;
How many milliseconds to wait before loading a block. Useful when scrolling over many blocks, as it prevents blocks loading until scrolling has settled.
property bodyScroll
bodyScroll: EventEmitter<BodyScrollEvent<TData>>;
The body was scrolled horizontally or vertically.
property bodyScrollEnd
bodyScrollEnd: EventEmitter<BodyScrollEndEvent<TData>>;
Main body of the grid has stopped scrolling, either horizontally or vertically.
property cacheBlockSize
cacheBlockSize: number;
How many rows for each block in the store, i.e. how many rows returned from the server at a time. 100
property cacheOverflowSize
cacheOverflowSize: number;
How many extra blank rows to display to the user at the end of the dataset, which sets the vertical scroll and then allows the grid to request viewing more rows of data. 1
property cacheQuickFilter
cacheQuickFilter: boolean;
Set to
to turn on the Quick Filter cache, used to improve performance when using the Quick Filter. false
property cellClicked
cellClicked: EventEmitter<CellClickedEvent<TData>>;
Cell is clicked.
property cellContextMenu
cellContextMenu: EventEmitter<CellContextMenuEvent<TData>>;
Cell is right clicked.
property cellDoubleClicked
cellDoubleClicked: EventEmitter<CellDoubleClickedEvent<TData>>;
Cell is double clicked.
property cellEditingStarted
cellEditingStarted: EventEmitter<CellEditingStartedEvent<TData>>;
Editing a cell has started.
property cellEditingStopped
cellEditingStopped: EventEmitter<CellEditingStoppedEvent<TData>>;
Editing a cell has stopped.
property cellEditRequest
cellEditRequest: EventEmitter<CellEditRequestEvent<TData>>;
Value has changed after editing. Only fires when
property cellFadeDelay
cellFadeDelay: number;
v31.1 - use
property cellFadeDuration
cellFadeDuration: number;
Sets the duration in milliseconds of how long the "flashed" state animation takes to fade away after the timer set by
has completed. 1000
property cellFlashDelay
cellFlashDelay: number;
v31.1 - use
property cellFlashDuration
cellFlashDuration: number;
Sets the duration in milliseconds of how long a cell should remain in its "flashed" state. If
, the cell will not flash. 500
property cellFocused
cellFocused: EventEmitter<CellFocusedEvent<TData>>;
Cell is focused.
property cellKeyDown
cellKeyDown: EventEmitter<any>;
DOM event
happened on a cell.
property cellMouseDown
cellMouseDown: EventEmitter<CellMouseDownEvent<TData>>;
Mouse down on cell.
property cellMouseOut
cellMouseOut: EventEmitter<CellMouseOutEvent<TData>>;
Mouse left cell.
property cellMouseOver
cellMouseOver: EventEmitter<CellMouseOverEvent<TData>>;
Mouse entered cell.
property cellValueChanged
cellValueChanged: EventEmitter<CellValueChangedEvent<TData>>;
Value has changed after editing (this event will not fire if editing was cancelled, eg ESC was pressed) or if cell value has changed as a result of cut, paste, cell clear (pressing Delete key), fill handle, copy range down, undo and redo.
property chartCreated
chartCreated: EventEmitter<ChartCreatedEvent<TData>>;
A chart has been created.
property chartDestroyed
chartDestroyed: EventEmitter<ChartDestroyedEvent<TData>>;
A chart has been destroyed.
property chartMenuItems
chartMenuItems: any;
Get chart menu items. Only applies when using AG Charts Enterprise.
property chartOptionsChanged
chartOptionsChanged: EventEmitter<ChartOptionsChangedEvent<TData>>;
Formatting changes have been made by users through the Customize Panel.
property chartRangeSelectionChanged
chartRangeSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<ChartRangeSelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
The data range for the chart has been changed.
property chartThemeOverrides
chartThemeOverrides: any;
Chart theme overrides applied to all themes.
property chartThemes
chartThemes: string[];
The list of chart themes that a user can choose from in the chart panel. ['ag-default', 'ag-material', 'ag-sheets', 'ag-polychroma', 'ag-vivid'];
property chartToolPanelsDef
chartToolPanelsDef: any;
Allows customisation of the Chart Tool Panels, such as changing the tool panels visibility and order, as well as choosing which charts should be displayed in the chart panel.
property clipboardDelimiter
clipboardDelimiter: string;
Specify the delimiter to use when copying to clipboard. '\t'
property colResizeDefault
colResizeDefault: string;
Set to
to have shift-resize as the default resize operation (same as user holding downShift
while resizing).
property columnDefs
columnDefs: any[];
Array of Column / Column Group definitions.
property columnEverythingChanged
columnEverythingChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnEverythingChangedEvent<TData>>;
Shotgun - gets called when either a) new columns are set or b)
is used, so everything has changed.
property columnGroupOpened
columnGroupOpened: EventEmitter<ColumnGroupOpenedEvent<TData>>;
A column group was opened / closed.
property columnHeaderClicked
columnHeaderClicked: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderClickedEvent<TData>>;
A click is performed on a column header.
property columnHeaderContextMenu
columnHeaderContextMenu: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderContextMenuEvent<TData>>;
A context menu action, such as right-click or context menu key press, is performed on a column header.
property columnHeaderMouseLeave
columnHeaderMouseLeave: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderMouseLeaveEvent<TData>>;
A mouse cursor is moved out of a column header.
property columnHeaderMouseOver
columnHeaderMouseOver: EventEmitter<ColumnHeaderMouseOverEvent<TData>>;
A mouse cursor is initially moved over a column header.
property columnHoverHighlight
columnHoverHighlight: boolean;
Set to
to highlight columns by adding theag-column-hover
CSS class. false
property columnMenu
columnMenu: 'legacy' | 'new';
Changes the display type of the column menu.
just displays the main list of menu items.'legacy'
displays a tabbed menu. 'new'
property columnMenuVisibleChanged
columnMenuVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnMenuVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
The column menu visibility has changed. Fires twice if switching between tabs - once with the old tab and once with the new tab.
property columnMoved
columnMoved: EventEmitter<ColumnMovedEvent<TData>>;
A column was moved.
property columnPinned
columnPinned: EventEmitter<ColumnPinnedEvent<TData>>;
A column, or group of columns, was pinned / unpinned.
property columnPivotChanged
columnPivotChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnPivotChangedEvent<TData>>;
A pivot column was added, removed or order changed.
property columnPivotModeChanged
columnPivotModeChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnPivotModeChangedEvent<TData>>;
The pivot mode flag was changed.
property columnResized
columnResized: EventEmitter<ColumnResizedEvent<TData>>;
A column was resized.
property columnRowGroupChanged
columnRowGroupChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnRowGroupChangedEvent<TData>>;
A row group column was added, removed or reordered.
property columnTypes
columnTypes: { [key: string]: ColTypeDef<TData> };
An object map of custom column types which contain groups of properties that column definitions can reuse by referencing in their
property columnValueChanged
columnValueChanged: EventEmitter<ColumnValueChangedEvent<TData>>;
A value column was added or removed.
property columnVisible
columnVisible: EventEmitter<ColumnVisibleEvent<TData>>;
A column, or group of columns, was hidden / shown.
property components
components: { [p: string]: any };
A map of component names to components.
property componentStateChanged
componentStateChanged: EventEmitter<ComponentStateChangedEvent<TData>>;
Only used by Angular, React and VueJS AG Grid components (not used if doing plain JavaScript). If the grid receives changes due to bound properties, this event fires after the grid has finished processing the change.
property context
context: any;
Provides a context object that is provided to different callbacks the grid uses. Used for passing additional information to the callbacks used by your application.
property contextMenuVisibleChanged
contextMenuVisibleChanged: EventEmitter<ContextMenuVisibleChangedEvent<TData>>;
The context menu visibility has changed (opened or closed).
property copyGroupHeadersToClipboard
copyGroupHeadersToClipboard: boolean;
Set to
to also include group headers when copying to clipboard usingCtrl + C
clipboard. false
property copyHeadersToClipboard
copyHeadersToClipboard: boolean;
Set to
to also include headers when copying to clipboard usingCtrl + C
clipboard. false
property createChartContainer
createChartContainer: (params: ChartRefParams<TData>) => void;
Callback to enable displaying the chart in an alternative chart container.
property customChartThemes
customChartThemes: { [name: string]: AgChartTheme };
A map containing custom chart themes.
property cutEnd
cutEnd: EventEmitter<CutEndEvent<TData>>;
Cut operation has ended.
property cutStart
cutStart: EventEmitter<CutStartEvent<TData>>;
Cut operation has started.
property datasource
datasource: any;
Provide the datasource for infinite scrolling.
property dataTypeDefinitions
dataTypeDefinitions: { [cellDataType: string]: DataTypeDefinition<TData> };
An object map of cell data types to their definitions. Cell data types can either override/update the pre-defined data types (
), or can be custom data types.
property debounceVerticalScrollbar
debounceVerticalScrollbar: boolean;
Set to
to debounce the vertical scrollbar. Can provide smoother scrolling on slow machines. false
property debug
debug: boolean;
Set this to
to enable debug information from the grid and related components. Will result in additional logging being output, but very useful when investigating problems. false
property defaultColDef
defaultColDef: any;
A default column definition. Items defined in the actual column definitions get precedence.
property defaultColGroupDef
defaultColGroupDef: any;
A default column group definition. All column group definitions will use these properties. Items defined in the actual column group definition get precedence.
property defaultCsvExportParams
defaultCsvExportParams: any;
A default configuration object used to export to CSV.
property defaultExcelExportParams
defaultExcelExportParams: any;
A default configuration object used to export to Excel.
property deltaSort
deltaSort: boolean;
When enabled, sorts only the rows added/updated by a transaction. false
property detailCellRenderer
detailCellRenderer: any;
Provide a custom
to use when a master row is expanded. See [Detail Cell Renderer]( for framework specific implementation details.
property detailCellRendererParams
detailCellRendererParams: any;
Specifies the params to be used by the Detail Cell Renderer. Can also be a function that provides the params to enable dynamic definitions of the params.
property detailRowAutoHeight
detailRowAutoHeight: boolean;
Set to
to have the detail grid dynamically change it's height to fit it's rows.
property detailRowHeight
detailRowHeight: number;
Set fixed height in pixels for each detail row.
property displayedColumnsChanged
displayedColumnsChanged: EventEmitter<DisplayedColumnsChangedEvent<TData>>;
The list of displayed columns changed. This can result from columns open / close, column move, pivot, group, etc.
property doesExternalFilterPass
doesExternalFilterPass: (node: IRowNode<TData>) => boolean;
Should return
if external filter passes, otherwisefalse
property domLayout
domLayout: any;
Switch between layout options:
. 'normal'
property dragStarted
dragStarted: EventEmitter<DragStartedEvent<TData>>;
When dragging starts. This could be any action that uses the grid's Drag and Drop service, e.g. Column Moving, Column Resizing, Range Selection, Fill Handle, etc.
property dragStopped
dragStopped: EventEmitter<DragStoppedEvent<TData>>;
When dragging stops. This could be any action that uses the grid's Drag and Drop service, e.g. Column Moving, Column Resizing, Range Selection, Fill Handle, etc.
property editType
editType: string;
Set to
to enable Full Row Editing. Otherwise leave blank to edit one cell at a time.
property embedFullWidthRows
embedFullWidthRows: boolean;
Set to
to have the Full Width Rows embedded in grid's main container so they can be scrolled horizontally.
property enableAdvancedFilter
enableAdvancedFilter: boolean;
Set to true to enable the Advanced Filter. false
property enableBrowserTooltips
enableBrowserTooltips: boolean;
Set to
to use the browser's default tooltip instead of using the grid's Tooltip Component. false
property enableCellChangeFlash
enableCellChangeFlash: boolean;
Set to
to have cells flash after data changes. falseDeprecated
31.2 use
in theColDef
for all columns.
property enableCellEditingOnBackspace
enableCellEditingOnBackspace: boolean;
Forces Cell Editing to start when backspace is pressed. This is only relevant for MacOS users.
property enableCellExpressions
enableCellExpressions: boolean;
Set to
to allow cell expressions. false
property enableCellTextSelection
enableCellTextSelection: boolean;
Set to
to be able to select the text within cells.**Note:** When this is set to
, the clipboard service is disabled and only selected text is copied. false
property enableCharts
enableCharts: boolean;
Set to
to Enable Charts. false
property enableFillHandle
enableFillHandle: boolean;
Set to
to enable the Fill Handle. false
property enableGroupEdit
enableGroupEdit: boolean;
property enableRangeHandle
enableRangeHandle: boolean;
Set to
to enable the Range Handle. false
property enableRangeSelection
enableRangeSelection: boolean;
Set to
to enable Range Selection. false
property enableRtl
enableRtl: boolean;
Set to
to operate the grid in RTL (Right to Left) mode. false
property ensureDomOrder
ensureDomOrder: boolean;
, the order of rows and columns in the DOM are consistent with what is on screen. Disables row animations. false
property enterNavigatesVertically
enterNavigatesVertically: boolean;
Set to
along withenterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit
to have Excel-style behaviour for theEnter
key. i.e. pressing theEnter
key will move down to the cell beneath andShift+Enter
will move up to the cell above. false
property enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit
enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit: boolean;
Set to
along withenterNavigatesVertically
to have Excel-style behaviour for the 'Enter' key. i.e. pressing the Enter key will move down to the cell beneath and Shift+Enter key will move up to the cell above. false
property excelStyles
excelStyles: ExcelStyle[];
A list (array) of Excel styles to be used when exporting to Excel with styles.
property excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering
excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering: boolean;
Set to
to override the default tree data filtering behaviour to instead exclude child nodes from filter results. false
property expandOrCollapseAll
expandOrCollapseAll: EventEmitter<ExpandOrCollapseAllEvent<TData>>;
Fired when calling either of the API methods
property fillEnd
fillEnd: EventEmitter<FillEndEvent<TData>>;
Fill operation has ended.
property fillHandleDirection
fillHandleDirection: 'x' | 'y' | 'xy';
Set to
to force the fill handle direction to horizontal, or set to'y'
to force the fill handle direction to vertical. 'xy'
property fillOperation
fillOperation: (params: FillOperationParams<TData>) => any;
Callback to fill values instead of simply copying values or increasing number values using linear progression.
property fillStart
fillStart: EventEmitter<FillStartEvent<TData>>;
Fill operation has started.
property filterChanged
filterChanged: EventEmitter<FilterChangedEvent<TData>>;
Filter has been modified and applied.
property filterModified
filterModified: EventEmitter<FilterModifiedEvent<TData>>;
Filter was modified but not applied. Used when filters have 'Apply' buttons.
property filterOpened
filterOpened: EventEmitter<FilterOpenedEvent<TData>>;
Filter has been opened.
property firstDataRendered
firstDataRendered: EventEmitter<FirstDataRenderedEvent<TData>>;
Fired the first time data is rendered into the grid. Use this event if you want to auto resize columns based on their contents
property floatingFiltersHeight
floatingFiltersHeight: number;
The height in pixels for the row containing the floating filters. If not specified, it uses the theme value of
property focusGridInnerElement
focusGridInnerElement: (params: FocusGridInnerElementParams<TData>) => boolean;
Allows overriding the element that will be focused when the grid receives focus from outside elements (tabbing into the grid).
if this function should override the grid's default behavior,False
to allow the grid's default behavior.
property fullWidthCellRenderer
fullWidthCellRenderer: any;
Provide your own cell renderer component to use for full width rows. See [Full Width Rows]( for framework specific implementation details.
property fullWidthCellRendererParams
fullWidthCellRendererParams: any;
Customise the parameters provided to the
property functionsReadOnly
functionsReadOnly: boolean;
, then row group, pivot and value aggregation will be read-only from the GUI. The grid will display what values are used for each, but will not allow the user to change the selection. false
property getBusinessKeyForNode
getBusinessKeyForNode: (node: IRowNode<TData>) => string;
Return a business key for the node. If implemented, each row in the DOM will have an attribute
is what you return as the business key. This is useful for automated testing, as it provides a way for your tool to identify rows based on unique business keys.
property getChartToolbarItems
getChartToolbarItems: any;
Callback to be used to customise the chart toolbar items.
property getChildCount
getChildCount: (dataItem: any) => number;
Allows setting the child count for a group row.
property getContextMenuItems
getContextMenuItems: any;
For customising the context menu.
property getDataPath
getDataPath: any;
Callback to be used when working with Tree Data when
treeData = true
property getDocument
getDocument: () => Document;
Allows overriding what
is used. Currently used by Drag and Drop (may extend to other places in the future). Use this when you want the grid to use a differentdocument
than the one available on the global scope. This can happen if docking out components (something which Electron supports)
property getGroupRowAgg
getGroupRowAgg: (params: GetGroupRowAggParams<TData>) => any;
Callback to use when you need access to more then the current column for aggregation.
property getLocaleText
getLocaleText: (params: GetLocaleTextParams<TData>) => string;
A callback for localising text within the grid.
property getMainMenuItems
getMainMenuItems: any;
For customising the main 'column header' menu.
property getRowClass
getRowClass: (params: RowClassParams<TData>) => string | string[] | undefined;
Callback version of property
to set class(es) for each row individually. Function should return either a string (class name), array of strings (array of class names) or undefined for no class.
property getRowHeight
getRowHeight: (params: RowHeightParams<TData>) => number | undefined | null;
Callback version of property
to set height for each row individually. Function should return a positive number of pixels, or returnnull
to use the default row height.
property getRowId
getRowId: any;
Provide a pure function that returns a string ID to uniquely identify a given row. This enables the grid to work optimally with data changes and updates.
property getRowStyle
getRowStyle: (params: RowClassParams<TData>) => RowStyle | undefined;
Callback version of property
to set style for each row individually. Function should return an object of CSS values or undefined for no styles.
property getServerSideGroupKey
getServerSideGroupKey: any;
SSRM Tree Data: Allows specifying group keys.
property getServerSideGroupLevelParams
getServerSideGroupLevelParams: ( params: GetServerSideGroupLevelParamsParams) => ServerSideGroupLevelParams;
Allows providing different params for different levels of grouping.
property grandTotalRow
grandTotalRow: 'top' | 'bottom';
When provided, an extra grand total row will be inserted into the grid at the specified position. This row displays the aggregate totals of all rows in the grid.
property gridColumnsChanged
gridColumnsChanged: EventEmitter<GridColumnsChangedEvent<TData>>;
The list of grid columns changed.
property gridId
gridId: string;
Provide a custom
for this instance of the grid. Value will be set on the root DOM node using the attributegrid-id
as well as being accessible via thegridApi.getGridId()
property gridOptions
gridOptions: any;
Provided an initial gridOptions configuration to the component. If a property is specified in both gridOptions and via component binding the component binding takes precedence.
property gridReady
gridReady: EventEmitter<GridReadyEvent<TData>>;
The grid has initialised and is ready for most api calls, but may not be fully rendered yet
property gridSizeChanged
gridSizeChanged: EventEmitter<GridSizeChangedEvent<TData>>;
The size of the grid
has changed. In other words, the grid was resized.
property groupAggFiltering
groupAggFiltering: any;
Set to determine whether filters should be applied on aggregated group values. false
property groupAllowUnbalanced
groupAllowUnbalanced: boolean;
Set to
to prevent the grid from creating a '(Blanks)' group for nodes which do not belong to a group, and display the unbalanced nodes alongside group nodes. false
property groupDefaultExpanded
groupDefaultExpanded: number;
If grouping, set to the number of levels to expand by default, e.g.
for none,1
for first level only, etc. Set to-1
to expand everything. 0
property groupDisplayType
groupDisplayType: any;
Specifies how the results of row grouping should be displayed.
The options are:
: single group column automatically added by the grid. -'multipleColumns'
: a group column per row group is added automatically. -'groupRows'
: group rows are automatically added instead of group columns. -'custom'
: informs the grid that group columns will be provided.
property groupHeaderHeight
groupHeaderHeight: number;
The height in pixels for the rows containing header column groups. If not specified, it uses
property groupHideOpenParents
groupHideOpenParents: boolean;
Set to
to hide parents that are open. When used with multiple columns for showing groups, it can give a more pleasing user experience. false
property groupIncludeFooter
groupIncludeFooter: any;
If grouping, this controls whether to show a group footer when the group is expanded. If
, then by default, the footer will contain aggregate data (if any) when shown and the header will be blank. When closed, the header will contain the aggregate data regardless of this setting (as the footer is hidden anyway). This is handy for 'total' rows, that are displayed below the data when the group is open, and alongside the group when it is closed. If a callback function is provided, it can used to select which groups will have a footer added. falseDeprecated
v31.3 - use
property groupIncludeTotalFooter
groupIncludeTotalFooter: boolean;
Set to
to show a 'grand total' group footer across all groups. falseDeprecated
v31.3 - use
property groupLockGroupColumns
groupLockGroupColumns: number;
If grouping, locks the group settings of a number of columns, e.g.
for no group locking.1
for first group column locked,-1
for all group columns locked. 0
property groupMaintainOrder
groupMaintainOrder: boolean;
, preserves the current group order when sorting on non-group columns. false
property groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren
groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren: boolean;
Set to
to collapse lowest level groups that only have one child. false
property groupRemoveSingleChildren
groupRemoveSingleChildren: boolean;
Set to
to collapse groups that only have one child. false
property groupRowRenderer
groupRowRenderer: any;
Provide the Cell Renderer to use when
groupDisplayType = 'groupRows'
. See [Group Row Cell Renderer]( for framework specific implementation details.
property groupRowRendererParams
groupRowRendererParams: any;
Customise the parameters provided to the
property groupSelectsChildren
groupSelectsChildren: boolean;
, if you select a group, the children of the group will also be selected. false
property groupSelectsFiltered
groupSelectsFiltered: boolean;
If using
, then only the children that pass the current filter will get selected. false
property groupSuppressBlankHeader
groupSuppressBlankHeader: boolean;
, and showing footer, aggregate data will always be displayed at both the header and footer levels. This stops the possibly undesirable behaviour of the header details 'jumping' to the footer on expand. false
property groupTotalRow
groupTotalRow: any;
When provided, an extra row group total row will be inserted into row groups at the specified position, to display when the group is expanded. This row will contain the aggregate values for the group. If a callback function is provided, it can be used to selectively determine which groups will have a total row added.
property headerFocused
headerFocused: EventEmitter<HeaderFocusedEvent<TData>>;
Header is focused.
property headerHeight
headerHeight: number;
The height in pixels for the row containing the column label header. If not specified, it uses the theme value of
property icons
icons: { [key: string]: string | ((...args: any[]) => any) };
Icons to use inside the grid instead of the grid's default icons.
property includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter
includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter: boolean;
Hidden columns are excluded from the Advanced Filter by default. To include hidden columns, set to
. false
property includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter
includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter: boolean;
Hidden columns are excluded from the Quick Filter by default. To include hidden columns, set to
. false
property infiniteInitialRowCount
infiniteInitialRowCount: number;
How many extra blank rows to display to the user at the end of the dataset, which sets the vertical scroll and then allows the grid to request viewing more rows of data. 1
property initialGroupOrderComparator
initialGroupOrderComparator: ( params: InitialGroupOrderComparatorParams<TData>) => number;
Allows default sorting of groups.
property initialState
initialState: any;
Initial state for the grid. Only read once on initialization. Can be used in conjunction with
to save and restore grid state.
property isApplyServerSideTransaction
isApplyServerSideTransaction: any;
Allows cancelling transactions.
property isExternalFilterPresent
isExternalFilterPresent: ( params: IsExternalFilterPresentParams<TData>) => boolean;
Grid calls this method to know if an external filter is present.
property isFullWidthRow
isFullWidthRow: (params: IsFullWidthRowParams<TData>) => boolean;
Tells the grid if this row should be rendered as full width.
property isGroupOpenByDefault
isGroupOpenByDefault: (params: IsGroupOpenByDefaultParams<TData>) => boolean;
(Client-side Row Model only) Allows groups to be open by default.
property isRowMaster
isRowMaster: any;
Callback to be used with Master Detail to determine if a row should be a master row. If
is returned no detail row will exist for this row.
property isRowSelectable
isRowSelectable: any;
Callback to be used to determine which rows are selectable. By default rows are selectable, so return
to make a row un-selectable.
property isServerSideGroup
isServerSideGroup: any;
SSRM Tree Data: Allows specifying which rows are expandable.
property isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault
isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault: ( params: IsServerSideGroupOpenByDefaultParams) => boolean;
Allows groups to be open by default.
property keepDetailRows
keepDetailRows: boolean;
Set to
to keep detail rows for when they are displayed again. false
property keepDetailRowsCount
keepDetailRowsCount: number;
Sets the number of details rows to keep. 10
property loading
loading: boolean;
Show or hide the loading overlay.
property loadingCellRenderer
loadingCellRenderer: any;
Provide your own loading cell renderer to use when data is loading via a DataSource. See [Loading Cell Renderer]( for framework specific implementation details.
property loadingCellRendererParams
loadingCellRendererParams: any;
Params to be passed to the
property loadingCellRendererSelector
loadingCellRendererSelector: any;
Callback to select which loading cell renderer to be used when data is loading via a DataSource.
property loadingOverlayComponent
loadingOverlayComponent: any;
Provide a custom loading overlay component.
property loadingOverlayComponentParams
loadingOverlayComponentParams: any;
Customise the parameters provided to the loading overlay component.
property localeText
localeText: { [key: string]: string };
A map of key->value pairs for localising text within the grid.
property maintainColumnOrder
maintainColumnOrder: boolean;
Keeps the order of Columns maintained after new Column Definitions are updated. false
property masterDetail
masterDetail: boolean;
Set to
to enable Master Detail. false
property maxBlocksInCache
maxBlocksInCache: number;
How many blocks to keep in the store. Default is no limit, so every requested block is kept. Use this if you have memory concerns, and blocks that were least recently viewed will be purged when the limit is hit. The grid will additionally make sure it has all the blocks needed to display what is currently visible, in case this property is set to a low value.
property maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests
maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests: number;
How many requests to hit the server with concurrently. If the max is reached, requests are queued. Set to
for no maximum restriction on requests. 2
property modelUpdated
modelUpdated: EventEmitter<ModelUpdatedEvent<TData>>;
Displayed rows have changed. Triggered after sort, filter or tree expand / collapse events.
property modules
modules: Module[];
Used to register AG Grid Modules directly with this instance of the grid. See [Providing Modules To Individual Grids]( for more information.
property multiSortKey
multiSortKey: string;
Set to
to have multi sorting work using theCtrl
(orCommand ⌘
for Mac) key.
property navigateToNextCell
navigateToNextCell: ( params: NavigateToNextCellParams<TData>) => CellPosition | null;
Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits navigation (arrow) key when a cell is focused. Return the next Cell position to navigate to or
to stay on current cell.
property navigateToNextHeader
navigateToNextHeader: ( params: NavigateToNextHeaderParams<TData>) => HeaderPosition | null;
Allows overriding the default behaviour for when user hits navigation (arrow) key when a header is focused. Return the next Header position to navigate to or
to stay on current header.
property newColumnsLoaded
newColumnsLoaded: EventEmitter<NewColumnsLoadedEvent<TData>>;
User set new columns.
property ngAcceptInputType_accentedSort
static ngAcceptInputType_accentedSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_aggregateOnlyChangedColumns
static ngAcceptInputType_aggregateOnlyChangedColumns: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_allowContextMenuWithControlKey
static ngAcceptInputType_allowContextMenuWithControlKey: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel
static ngAcceptInputType_allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_allowShowChangeAfterFilter
static ngAcceptInputType_allowShowChangeAfterFilter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel
static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_alwaysMultiSort
static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysMultiSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowHorizontalScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowHorizontalScroll: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowVerticalScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_alwaysShowVerticalScroll: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_animateRows
static ngAcceptInputType_animateRows: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg
static ngAcceptInputType_applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_cacheQuickFilter
static ngAcceptInputType_cacheQuickFilter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_columnHoverHighlight
static ngAcceptInputType_columnHoverHighlight: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_copyGroupHeadersToClipboard
static ngAcceptInputType_copyGroupHeadersToClipboard: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_copyHeadersToClipboard
static ngAcceptInputType_copyHeadersToClipboard: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_debounceVerticalScrollbar
static ngAcceptInputType_debounceVerticalScrollbar: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_debug
static ngAcceptInputType_debug: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_deltaSort
static ngAcceptInputType_deltaSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_detailRowAutoHeight
static ngAcceptInputType_detailRowAutoHeight: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_embedFullWidthRows
static ngAcceptInputType_embedFullWidthRows: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableAdvancedFilter
static ngAcceptInputType_enableAdvancedFilter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableBrowserTooltips
static ngAcceptInputType_enableBrowserTooltips: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableCellChangeFlash
static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellChangeFlash: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableCellEditingOnBackspace
static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellEditingOnBackspace: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableCellExpressions
static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellExpressions: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableCellTextSelection
static ngAcceptInputType_enableCellTextSelection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableCharts
static ngAcceptInputType_enableCharts: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableFillHandle
static ngAcceptInputType_enableFillHandle: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableGroupEdit
static ngAcceptInputType_enableGroupEdit: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeHandle
static ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeHandle: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeSelection
static ngAcceptInputType_enableRangeSelection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enableRtl
static ngAcceptInputType_enableRtl: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_ensureDomOrder
static ngAcceptInputType_ensureDomOrder: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVertically
static ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVertically: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit
static ngAcceptInputType_enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering
static ngAcceptInputType_excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_functionsReadOnly
static ngAcceptInputType_functionsReadOnly: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupAllowUnbalanced
static ngAcceptInputType_groupAllowUnbalanced: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupHideOpenParents
static ngAcceptInputType_groupHideOpenParents: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupIncludeTotalFooter
static ngAcceptInputType_groupIncludeTotalFooter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupMaintainOrder
static ngAcceptInputType_groupMaintainOrder: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren
static ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveSingleChildren
static ngAcceptInputType_groupRemoveSingleChildren: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsChildren
static ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsChildren: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsFiltered
static ngAcceptInputType_groupSelectsFiltered: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_groupSuppressBlankHeader
static ngAcceptInputType_groupSuppressBlankHeader: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter
static ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter
static ngAcceptInputType_includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_keepDetailRows
static ngAcceptInputType_keepDetailRows: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_loading
static ngAcceptInputType_loading: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_maintainColumnOrder
static ngAcceptInputType_maintainColumnOrder: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_masterDetail
static ngAcceptInputType_masterDetail: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_paginateChildRows
static ngAcceptInputType_paginateChildRows: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_pagination
static ngAcceptInputType_pagination: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_paginationAutoPageSize
static ngAcceptInputType_paginationAutoPageSize: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_pivotMode
static ngAcceptInputType_pivotMode: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_pivotSuppressAutoColumn
static ngAcceptInputType_pivotSuppressAutoColumn: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_preventDefaultOnContextMenu
static ngAcceptInputType_preventDefaultOnContextMenu: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_purgeClosedRowNodes
static ngAcceptInputType_purgeClosedRowNodes: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_readOnlyEdit
static ngAcceptInputType_readOnlyEdit: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn
static ngAcceptInputType_removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_resetRowDataOnUpdate
static ngAcceptInputType_resetRowDataOnUpdate: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_rowDragEntireRow
static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragEntireRow: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_rowDragManaged
static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragManaged: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_rowDragMultiRow
static ngAcceptInputType_rowDragMultiRow: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_rowGroupPanelSuppressSort
static ngAcceptInputType_rowGroupPanelSuppressSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_rowMultiSelectWithClick
static ngAcceptInputType_rowMultiSelectWithClick: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_serverSideEnableClientSideSort
static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideEnableClientSideSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_serverSideFilterOnServer
static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideFilterOnServer: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups
static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortAllLevels
static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortAllLevels: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortOnServer
static ngAcceptInputType_serverSideSortOnServer: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_showOpenedGroup
static ngAcceptInputType_showOpenedGroup: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_singleClickEdit
static ngAcceptInputType_singleClickEdit: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_skipHeaderOnAutoSize
static ngAcceptInputType_skipHeaderOnAutoSize: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus
static ngAcceptInputType_stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAdvancedFilterEval
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAdvancedFilterEval: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFilteredOnly
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFilteredOnly: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFuncInHeader
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAggFuncInHeader: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAnimationFrame
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAnimationFrame: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAsyncEvents
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAsyncEvents: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressAutoSize
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressAutoSize: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressBrowserResizeObserver
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressBrowserResizeObserver: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressCellFocus
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCellFocus: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressChangeDetection
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressChangeDetection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressClearOnFillReduction
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClearOnFillReduction: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressClickEdit
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClickEdit: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardApi
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardApi: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardPaste
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressClipboardPaste: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnMoveAnimation
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnMoveAnimation: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnVirtualisation
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressColumnVirtualisation: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressContextMenu
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressContextMenu: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopyRowsToClipboard
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopyRowsToClipboard: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopySingleCellRanges
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCopySingleCellRanges: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressCsvExport
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCsvExport: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressCutToClipboard
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressCutToClipboard: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressExcelExport
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressExcelExport: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressExpandablePivotGroups
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressExpandablePivotGroups: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressFieldDotNotation
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressFieldDotNotation: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressFocusAfterRefresh
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressFocusAfterRefresh: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupMaintainValueType
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupMaintainValueType: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupRowsSticky
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressGroupRowsSticky: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressHeaderFocus
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressHeaderFocus: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressHorizontalScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressHorizontalScroll: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressLoadingOverlay
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressLoadingOverlay: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMenuHide
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMenuHide: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMiddleClickScrolls
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMiddleClickScrolls: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMovableColumns
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMovableColumns: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMoveWhenRowDragging
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMoveWhenRowDragging: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiRangeSelection
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiRangeSelection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiSort
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressMultiSort: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressNoRowsOverlay
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressNoRowsOverlay: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressPaginationPanel
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPaginationPanel: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressPropertyNamesCheck
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressPropertyNamesCheck: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowClickSelection
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowClickSelection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDeselection
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDeselection: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDrag
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowDrag: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowGroupHidesColumns
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowGroupHidesColumns: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowHoverHighlight
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowHoverHighlight: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowTransform
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowTransform: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowVirtualisation
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressRowVirtualisation: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollOnNewData
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollOnNewData: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_suppressTouch
static ngAcceptInputType_suppressTouch: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_tooltipInteraction
static ngAcceptInputType_tooltipInteraction: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_tooltipMouseTrack
static ngAcceptInputType_tooltipMouseTrack: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_treeData
static ngAcceptInputType_treeData: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_undoRedoCellEditing
static ngAcceptInputType_undoRedoCellEditing: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_unSortIcon
static ngAcceptInputType_unSortIcon: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_valueCache
static ngAcceptInputType_valueCache: boolean | '';
property ngAcceptInputType_valueCacheNeverExpires
static ngAcceptInputType_valueCacheNeverExpires: boolean | '';
property noRowsOverlayComponent
noRowsOverlayComponent: any;
Provide a custom no-rows overlay component.
property noRowsOverlayComponentParams
noRowsOverlayComponentParams: any;
Customise the parameters provided to the no-rows overlay component.
property overlayLoadingTemplate
overlayLoadingTemplate: string;
Provide a HTML string to override the default loading overlay. Supports non-empty plain text or HTML with a single root element.
property overlayNoRowsTemplate
overlayNoRowsTemplate: string;
Provide a HTML string to override the default no-rows overlay. Supports non-empty plain text or HTML with a single root element.
property ɵcmp
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration< AgGridAngular<any, any>, 'ag-grid-angular', never, { gridOptions: { alias: 'gridOptions'; required: false }; modules: { alias: 'modules'; required: false }; statusBar: { alias: 'statusBar'; required: false }; sideBar: { alias: 'sideBar'; required: false }; suppressContextMenu: { alias: 'suppressContextMenu'; required: false }; preventDefaultOnContextMenu: { alias: 'preventDefaultOnContextMenu'; required: false; }; allowContextMenuWithControlKey: { alias: 'allowContextMenuWithControlKey'; required: false; }; columnMenu: { alias: 'columnMenu'; required: false }; suppressMenuHide: { alias: 'suppressMenuHide'; required: false }; enableBrowserTooltips: { alias: 'enableBrowserTooltips'; required: false; }; tooltipTrigger: { alias: 'tooltipTrigger'; required: false }; tooltipShowDelay: { alias: 'tooltipShowDelay'; required: false }; tooltipHideDelay: { alias: 'tooltipHideDelay'; required: false }; tooltipMouseTrack: { alias: 'tooltipMouseTrack'; required: false }; tooltipShowMode: { alias: 'tooltipShowMode'; required: false }; tooltipInteraction: { alias: 'tooltipInteraction'; required: false }; popupParent: { alias: 'popupParent'; required: false }; copyHeadersToClipboard: { alias: 'copyHeadersToClipboard'; required: false; }; copyGroupHeadersToClipboard: { alias: 'copyGroupHeadersToClipboard'; required: false; }; clipboardDelimiter: { alias: 'clipboardDelimiter'; required: false }; suppressCopyRowsToClipboard: { alias: 'suppressCopyRowsToClipboard'; required: false; }; suppressCopySingleCellRanges: { alias: 'suppressCopySingleCellRanges'; required: false; }; suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste: { alias: 'suppressLastEmptyLineOnPaste'; required: false; }; suppressClipboardPaste: { alias: 'suppressClipboardPaste'; required: false; }; suppressClipboardApi: { alias: 'suppressClipboardApi'; required: false }; suppressCutToClipboard: { alias: 'suppressCutToClipboard'; required: false; }; columnDefs: { alias: 'columnDefs'; required: false }; defaultColDef: { alias: 'defaultColDef'; required: false }; defaultColGroupDef: { alias: 'defaultColGroupDef'; required: false }; columnTypes: { alias: 'columnTypes'; required: false }; dataTypeDefinitions: { alias: 'dataTypeDefinitions'; required: false }; maintainColumnOrder: { alias: 'maintainColumnOrder'; required: false }; suppressFieldDotNotation: { alias: 'suppressFieldDotNotation'; required: false; }; headerHeight: { alias: 'headerHeight'; required: false }; groupHeaderHeight: { alias: 'groupHeaderHeight'; required: false }; floatingFiltersHeight: { alias: 'floatingFiltersHeight'; required: false; }; pivotHeaderHeight: { alias: 'pivotHeaderHeight'; required: false }; pivotGroupHeaderHeight: { alias: 'pivotGroupHeaderHeight'; required: false; }; allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel: { alias: 'allowDragFromColumnsToolPanel'; required: false; }; suppressMovableColumns: { alias: 'suppressMovableColumns'; required: false; }; suppressColumnMoveAnimation: { alias: 'suppressColumnMoveAnimation'; required: false; }; suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns: { alias: 'suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns'; required: false; }; suppressRowGroupHidesColumns: { alias: 'suppressRowGroupHidesColumns'; required: false; }; colResizeDefault: { alias: 'colResizeDefault'; required: false }; suppressAutoSize: { alias: 'suppressAutoSize'; required: false }; autoSizePadding: { alias: 'autoSizePadding'; required: false }; skipHeaderOnAutoSize: { alias: 'skipHeaderOnAutoSize'; required: false }; autoSizeStrategy: { alias: 'autoSizeStrategy'; required: false }; components: { alias: 'components'; required: false }; editType: { alias: 'editType'; required: false }; singleClickEdit: { alias: 'singleClickEdit'; required: false }; suppressClickEdit: { alias: 'suppressClickEdit'; required: false }; readOnlyEdit: { alias: 'readOnlyEdit'; required: false }; stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus: { alias: 'stopEditingWhenCellsLoseFocus'; required: false; }; enterNavigatesVertically: { alias: 'enterNavigatesVertically'; required: false; }; enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit: { alias: 'enterNavigatesVerticallyAfterEdit'; required: false; }; enableCellEditingOnBackspace: { alias: 'enableCellEditingOnBackspace'; required: false; }; undoRedoCellEditing: { alias: 'undoRedoCellEditing'; required: false }; undoRedoCellEditingLimit: { alias: 'undoRedoCellEditingLimit'; required: false; }; defaultCsvExportParams: { alias: 'defaultCsvExportParams'; required: false; }; suppressCsvExport: { alias: 'suppressCsvExport'; required: false }; defaultExcelExportParams: { alias: 'defaultExcelExportParams'; required: false; }; suppressExcelExport: { alias: 'suppressExcelExport'; required: false }; excelStyles: { alias: 'excelStyles'; required: false }; quickFilterText: { alias: 'quickFilterText'; required: false }; cacheQuickFilter: { alias: 'cacheQuickFilter'; required: false }; includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter: { alias: 'includeHiddenColumnsInQuickFilter'; required: false; }; quickFilterParser: { alias: 'quickFilterParser'; required: false }; quickFilterMatcher: { alias: 'quickFilterMatcher'; required: false }; applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg: { alias: 'applyQuickFilterBeforePivotOrAgg'; required: false; }; excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering: { alias: 'excludeChildrenWhenTreeDataFiltering'; required: false; }; enableAdvancedFilter: { alias: 'enableAdvancedFilter'; required: false }; advancedFilterModel: { alias: 'advancedFilterModel'; required: false }; includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter: { alias: 'includeHiddenColumnsInAdvancedFilter'; required: false; }; advancedFilterParent: { alias: 'advancedFilterParent'; required: false }; advancedFilterBuilderParams: { alias: 'advancedFilterBuilderParams'; required: false; }; suppressAdvancedFilterEval: { alias: 'suppressAdvancedFilterEval'; required: false; }; enableCharts: { alias: 'enableCharts'; required: false }; chartThemes: { alias: 'chartThemes'; required: false }; customChartThemes: { alias: 'customChartThemes'; required: false }; chartThemeOverrides: { alias: 'chartThemeOverrides'; required: false }; chartToolPanelsDef: { alias: 'chartToolPanelsDef'; required: false }; chartMenuItems: { alias: 'chartMenuItems'; required: false }; loadingCellRenderer: { alias: 'loadingCellRenderer'; required: false }; loadingCellRendererParams: { alias: 'loadingCellRendererParams'; required: false; }; loadingCellRendererSelector: { alias: 'loadingCellRendererSelector'; required: false; }; localeText: { alias: 'localeText'; required: false }; masterDetail: { alias: 'masterDetail'; required: false }; keepDetailRows: { alias: 'keepDetailRows'; required: false }; keepDetailRowsCount: { alias: 'keepDetailRowsCount'; required: false }; detailCellRenderer: { alias: 'detailCellRenderer'; required: false }; detailCellRendererParams: { alias: 'detailCellRendererParams'; required: false; }; detailRowHeight: { alias: 'detailRowHeight'; required: false }; detailRowAutoHeight: { alias: 'detailRowAutoHeight'; required: false }; context: { alias: 'context'; required: false }; alignedGrids: { alias: 'alignedGrids'; required: false }; tabIndex: { alias: 'tabIndex'; required: false }; rowBuffer: { alias: 'rowBuffer'; required: false }; valueCache: { alias: 'valueCache'; required: false }; valueCacheNeverExpires: { alias: 'valueCacheNeverExpires'; required: false; }; enableCellExpressions: { alias: 'enableCellExpressions'; required: false; }; suppressTouch: { alias: 'suppressTouch'; required: false }; suppressFocusAfterRefresh: { alias: 'suppressFocusAfterRefresh'; required: false; }; suppressAsyncEvents: { alias: 'suppressAsyncEvents'; required: false }; suppressBrowserResizeObserver: { alias: 'suppressBrowserResizeObserver'; required: false; }; suppressPropertyNamesCheck: { alias: 'suppressPropertyNamesCheck'; required: false; }; suppressChangeDetection: { alias: 'suppressChangeDetection'; required: false; }; debug: { alias: 'debug'; required: false }; loading: { alias: 'loading'; required: false }; overlayLoadingTemplate: { alias: 'overlayLoadingTemplate'; required: false; }; loadingOverlayComponent: { alias: 'loadingOverlayComponent'; required: false; }; loadingOverlayComponentParams: { alias: 'loadingOverlayComponentParams'; required: false; }; suppressLoadingOverlay: { alias: 'suppressLoadingOverlay'; required: false; }; overlayNoRowsTemplate: { alias: 'overlayNoRowsTemplate'; required: false; }; noRowsOverlayComponent: { alias: 'noRowsOverlayComponent'; required: false; }; noRowsOverlayComponentParams: { alias: 'noRowsOverlayComponentParams'; required: false; }; suppressNoRowsOverlay: { alias: 'suppressNoRowsOverlay'; required: false; }; pagination: { alias: 'pagination'; required: false }; paginationPageSize: { alias: 'paginationPageSize'; required: false }; paginationPageSizeSelector: { alias: 'paginationPageSizeSelector'; required: false; }; paginationAutoPageSize: { alias: 'paginationAutoPageSize'; required: false; }; paginateChildRows: { alias: 'paginateChildRows'; required: false }; suppressPaginationPanel: { alias: 'suppressPaginationPanel'; required: false; }; pivotMode: { alias: 'pivotMode'; required: false }; pivotPanelShow: { alias: 'pivotPanelShow'; required: false }; pivotMaxGeneratedColumns: { alias: 'pivotMaxGeneratedColumns'; required: false; }; pivotDefaultExpanded: { alias: 'pivotDefaultExpanded'; required: false }; pivotColumnGroupTotals: { alias: 'pivotColumnGroupTotals'; required: false; }; pivotRowTotals: { alias: 'pivotRowTotals'; required: false }; pivotSuppressAutoColumn: { alias: 'pivotSuppressAutoColumn'; required: false; }; suppressExpandablePivotGroups: { alias: 'suppressExpandablePivotGroups'; required: false; }; functionsReadOnly: { alias: 'functionsReadOnly'; required: false }; aggFuncs: { alias: 'aggFuncs'; required: false }; suppressAggFuncInHeader: { alias: 'suppressAggFuncInHeader'; required: false; }; alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel: { alias: 'alwaysAggregateAtRootLevel'; required: false; }; aggregateOnlyChangedColumns: { alias: 'aggregateOnlyChangedColumns'; required: false; }; suppressAggFilteredOnly: { alias: 'suppressAggFilteredOnly'; required: false; }; removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn: { alias: 'removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn'; required: false; }; animateRows: { alias: 'animateRows'; required: false }; enableCellChangeFlash: { alias: 'enableCellChangeFlash'; required: false; }; cellFlashDuration: { alias: 'cellFlashDuration'; required: false }; cellFlashDelay: { alias: 'cellFlashDelay'; required: false }; cellFadeDuration: { alias: 'cellFadeDuration'; required: false }; cellFadeDelay: { alias: 'cellFadeDelay'; required: false }; allowShowChangeAfterFilter: { alias: 'allowShowChangeAfterFilter'; required: false; }; domLayout: { alias: 'domLayout'; required: false }; ensureDomOrder: { alias: 'ensureDomOrder'; required: false }; enableRtl: { alias: 'enableRtl'; required: false }; suppressColumnVirtualisation: { alias: 'suppressColumnVirtualisation'; required: false; }; suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction: { alias: 'suppressMaxRenderedRowRestriction'; required: false; }; suppressRowVirtualisation: { alias: 'suppressRowVirtualisation'; required: false; }; rowDragManaged: { alias: 'rowDragManaged'; required: false }; suppressRowDrag: { alias: 'suppressRowDrag'; required: false }; suppressMoveWhenRowDragging: { alias: 'suppressMoveWhenRowDragging'; required: false; }; rowDragEntireRow: { alias: 'rowDragEntireRow'; required: false }; rowDragMultiRow: { alias: 'rowDragMultiRow'; required: false }; rowDragText: { alias: 'rowDragText'; required: false }; fullWidthCellRenderer: { alias: 'fullWidthCellRenderer'; required: false; }; fullWidthCellRendererParams: { alias: 'fullWidthCellRendererParams'; required: false; }; embedFullWidthRows: { alias: 'embedFullWidthRows'; required: false }; suppressGroupMaintainValueType: { alias: 'suppressGroupMaintainValueType'; required: false; }; groupDisplayType: { alias: 'groupDisplayType'; required: false }; groupDefaultExpanded: { alias: 'groupDefaultExpanded'; required: false }; autoGroupColumnDef: { alias: 'autoGroupColumnDef'; required: false }; groupMaintainOrder: { alias: 'groupMaintainOrder'; required: false }; groupSelectsChildren: { alias: 'groupSelectsChildren'; required: false }; groupLockGroupColumns: { alias: 'groupLockGroupColumns'; required: false; }; groupAggFiltering: { alias: 'groupAggFiltering'; required: false }; groupIncludeFooter: { alias: 'groupIncludeFooter'; required: false }; groupIncludeTotalFooter: { alias: 'groupIncludeTotalFooter'; required: false; }; groupTotalRow: { alias: 'groupTotalRow'; required: false }; grandTotalRow: { alias: 'grandTotalRow'; required: false }; suppressStickyTotalRow: { alias: 'suppressStickyTotalRow'; required: false; }; groupSuppressBlankHeader: { alias: 'groupSuppressBlankHeader'; required: false; }; groupSelectsFiltered: { alias: 'groupSelectsFiltered'; required: false }; showOpenedGroup: { alias: 'showOpenedGroup'; required: false }; groupRemoveSingleChildren: { alias: 'groupRemoveSingleChildren'; required: false; }; groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren: { alias: 'groupRemoveLowestSingleChildren'; required: false; }; groupHideOpenParents: { alias: 'groupHideOpenParents'; required: false }; groupAllowUnbalanced: { alias: 'groupAllowUnbalanced'; required: false }; rowGroupPanelShow: { alias: 'rowGroupPanelShow'; required: false }; groupRowRenderer: { alias: 'groupRowRenderer'; required: false }; groupRowRendererParams: { alias: 'groupRowRendererParams'; required: false; }; suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup: { alias: 'suppressMakeColumnVisibleAfterUnGroup'; required: false; }; treeData: { alias: 'treeData'; required: false }; rowGroupPanelSuppressSort: { alias: 'rowGroupPanelSuppressSort'; required: false; }; suppressGroupRowsSticky: { alias: 'suppressGroupRowsSticky'; required: false; }; pinnedTopRowData: { alias: 'pinnedTopRowData'; required: false }; pinnedBottomRowData: { alias: 'pinnedBottomRowData'; required: false }; rowModelType: { alias: 'rowModelType'; required: false }; rowData: { alias: 'rowData'; required: false }; asyncTransactionWaitMillis: { alias: 'asyncTransactionWaitMillis'; required: false; }; suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction: { alias: 'suppressModelUpdateAfterUpdateTransaction'; required: false; }; datasource: { alias: 'datasource'; required: false }; cacheOverflowSize: { alias: 'cacheOverflowSize'; required: false }; infiniteInitialRowCount: { alias: 'infiniteInitialRowCount'; required: false; }; serverSideInitialRowCount: { alias: 'serverSideInitialRowCount'; required: false; }; suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll: { alias: 'suppressServerSideInfiniteScroll'; required: false; }; suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow: { alias: 'suppressServerSideFullWidthLoadingRow'; required: false; }; cacheBlockSize: { alias: 'cacheBlockSize'; required: false }; maxBlocksInCache: { alias: 'maxBlocksInCache'; required: false }; maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests: { alias: 'maxConcurrentDatasourceRequests'; required: false; }; blockLoadDebounceMillis: { alias: 'blockLoadDebounceMillis'; required: false; }; purgeClosedRowNodes: { alias: 'purgeClosedRowNodes'; required: false }; serverSideDatasource: { alias: 'serverSideDatasource'; required: false }; serverSideSortAllLevels: { alias: 'serverSideSortAllLevels'; required: false; }; serverSideEnableClientSideSort: { alias: 'serverSideEnableClientSideSort'; required: false; }; serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups: { alias: 'serverSideOnlyRefreshFilteredGroups'; required: false; }; serverSideSortOnServer: { alias: 'serverSideSortOnServer'; required: false; }; serverSideFilterOnServer: { alias: 'serverSideFilterOnServer'; required: false; }; serverSidePivotResultFieldSeparator: { alias: 'serverSidePivotResultFieldSeparator'; required: false; }; viewportDatasource: { alias: 'viewportDatasource'; required: false }; viewportRowModelPageSize: { alias: 'viewportRowModelPageSize'; required: false; }; viewportRowModelBufferSize: { alias: 'viewportRowModelBufferSize'; required: false; }; alwaysShowHorizontalScroll: { alias: 'alwaysShowHorizontalScroll'; required: false; }; alwaysShowVerticalScroll: { alias: 'alwaysShowVerticalScroll'; required: false; }; debounceVerticalScrollbar: { alias: 'debounceVerticalScrollbar'; required: false; }; suppressHorizontalScroll: { alias: 'suppressHorizontalScroll'; required: false; }; suppressScrollOnNewData: { alias: 'suppressScrollOnNewData'; required: false; }; suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen: { alias: 'suppressScrollWhenPopupsAreOpen'; required: false; }; suppressAnimationFrame: { alias: 'suppressAnimationFrame'; required: false; }; suppressMiddleClickScrolls: { alias: 'suppressMiddleClickScrolls'; required: false; }; suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel: { alias: 'suppressPreventDefaultOnMouseWheel'; required: false; }; scrollbarWidth: { alias: 'scrollbarWidth'; required: false }; rowSelection: { alias: 'rowSelection'; required: false }; rowMultiSelectWithClick: { alias: 'rowMultiSelectWithClick'; required: false; }; suppressRowDeselection: { alias: 'suppressRowDeselection'; required: false; }; suppressRowClickSelection: { alias: 'suppressRowClickSelection'; required: false; }; suppressCellFocus: { alias: 'suppressCellFocus'; required: false }; suppressHeaderFocus: { alias: 'suppressHeaderFocus'; required: false }; suppressMultiRangeSelection: { alias: 'suppressMultiRangeSelection'; required: false; }; enableCellTextSelection: { alias: 'enableCellTextSelection'; required: false; }; enableRangeSelection: { alias: 'enableRangeSelection'; required: false }; enableRangeHandle: { alias: 'enableRangeHandle'; required: false }; enableFillHandle: { alias: 'enableFillHandle'; required: false }; fillHandleDirection: { alias: 'fillHandleDirection'; required: false }; suppressClearOnFillReduction: { alias: 'suppressClearOnFillReduction'; required: false; }; sortingOrder: { alias: 'sortingOrder'; required: false }; accentedSort: { alias: 'accentedSort'; required: false }; unSortIcon: { alias: 'unSortIcon'; required: false }; suppressMultiSort: { alias: 'suppressMultiSort'; required: false }; alwaysMultiSort: { alias: 'alwaysMultiSort'; required: false }; multiSortKey: { alias: 'multiSortKey'; required: false }; suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder: { alias: 'suppressMaintainUnsortedOrder'; required: false; }; icons: { alias: 'icons'; required: false }; rowHeight: { alias: 'rowHeight'; required: false }; rowStyle: { alias: 'rowStyle'; required: false }; rowClass: { alias: 'rowClass'; required: false }; rowClassRules: { alias: 'rowClassRules'; required: false }; suppressRowHoverHighlight: { alias: 'suppressRowHoverHighlight'; required: false; }; suppressRowTransform: { alias: 'suppressRowTransform'; required: false }; columnHoverHighlight: { alias: 'columnHoverHighlight'; required: false }; gridId: { alias: 'gridId'; required: false }; deltaSort: { alias: 'deltaSort'; required: false }; treeDataDisplayType: { alias: 'treeDataDisplayType'; required: false }; enableGroupEdit: { alias: 'enableGroupEdit'; required: false }; initialState: { alias: 'initialState'; required: false }; getContextMenuItems: { alias: 'getContextMenuItems'; required: false }; getMainMenuItems: { alias: 'getMainMenuItems'; required: false }; postProcessPopup: { alias: 'postProcessPopup'; required: false }; processUnpinnedColumns: { alias: 'processUnpinnedColumns'; required: false; }; processCellForClipboard: { alias: 'processCellForClipboard'; required: false; }; processHeaderForClipboard: { alias: 'processHeaderForClipboard'; required: false; }; processGroupHeaderForClipboard: { alias: 'processGroupHeaderForClipboard'; required: false; }; processCellFromClipboard: { alias: 'processCellFromClipboard'; required: false; }; sendToClipboard: { alias: 'sendToClipboard'; required: false }; processDataFromClipboard: { alias: 'processDataFromClipboard'; required: false; }; isExternalFilterPresent: { alias: 'isExternalFilterPresent'; required: false; }; doesExternalFilterPass: { alias: 'doesExternalFilterPass'; required: false; }; getChartToolbarItems: { alias: 'getChartToolbarItems'; required: false }; createChartContainer: { alias: 'createChartContainer'; required: false }; focusGridInnerElement: { alias: 'focusGridInnerElement'; required: false; }; navigateToNextHeader: { alias: 'navigateToNextHeader'; required: false }; tabToNextHeader: { alias: 'tabToNextHeader'; required: false }; navigateToNextCell: { alias: 'navigateToNextCell'; required: false }; tabToNextCell: { alias: 'tabToNextCell'; required: false }; getLocaleText: { alias: 'getLocaleText'; required: false }; getDocument: { alias: 'getDocument'; required: false }; paginationNumberFormatter: { alias: 'paginationNumberFormatter'; required: false; }; getGroupRowAgg: { alias: 'getGroupRowAgg'; required: false }; isGroupOpenByDefault: { alias: 'isGroupOpenByDefault'; required: false }; initialGroupOrderComparator: { alias: 'initialGroupOrderComparator'; required: false; }; processPivotResultColDef: { alias: 'processPivotResultColDef'; required: false; }; processPivotResultColGroupDef: { alias: 'processPivotResultColGroupDef'; required: false; }; getDataPath: { alias: 'getDataPath'; required: false }; getChildCount: { alias: 'getChildCount'; required: false }; getServerSideGroupLevelParams: { alias: 'getServerSideGroupLevelParams'; required: false; }; isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault: { alias: 'isServerSideGroupOpenByDefault'; required: false; }; isApplyServerSideTransaction: { alias: 'isApplyServerSideTransaction'; required: false; }; isServerSideGroup: { alias: 'isServerSideGroup'; required: false }; getServerSideGroupKey: { alias: 'getServerSideGroupKey'; required: false; }; getBusinessKeyForNode: { alias: 'getBusinessKeyForNode'; required: false; }; getRowId: { alias: 'getRowId'; required: false }; resetRowDataOnUpdate: { alias: 'resetRowDataOnUpdate'; required: false }; processRowPostCreate: { alias: 'processRowPostCreate'; required: false }; isRowSelectable: { alias: 'isRowSelectable'; required: false }; isRowMaster: { alias: 'isRowMaster'; required: false }; fillOperation: { alias: 'fillOperation'; required: false }; postSortRows: { alias: 'postSortRows'; required: false }; getRowStyle: { alias: 'getRowStyle'; required: false }; getRowClass: { alias: 'getRowClass'; required: false }; getRowHeight: { alias: 'getRowHeight'; required: false }; isFullWidthRow: { alias: 'isFullWidthRow'; required: false }; }, { toolPanelVisibleChanged: 'toolPanelVisibleChanged'; toolPanelSizeChanged: 'toolPanelSizeChanged'; columnMenuVisibleChanged: 'columnMenuVisibleChanged'; contextMenuVisibleChanged: 'contextMenuVisibleChanged'; cutStart: 'cutStart'; cutEnd: 'cutEnd'; pasteStart: 'pasteStart'; pasteEnd: 'pasteEnd'; columnVisible: 'columnVisible'; columnPinned: 'columnPinned'; columnResized: 'columnResized'; columnMoved: 'columnMoved'; columnValueChanged: 'columnValueChanged'; columnPivotModeChanged: 'columnPivotModeChanged'; columnPivotChanged: 'columnPivotChanged'; columnGroupOpened: 'columnGroupOpened'; newColumnsLoaded: 'newColumnsLoaded'; gridColumnsChanged: 'gridColumnsChanged'; displayedColumnsChanged: 'displayedColumnsChanged'; virtualColumnsChanged: 'virtualColumnsChanged'; columnEverythingChanged: 'columnEverythingChanged'; columnHeaderMouseOver: 'columnHeaderMouseOver'; columnHeaderMouseLeave: 'columnHeaderMouseLeave'; columnHeaderClicked: 'columnHeaderClicked'; columnHeaderContextMenu: 'columnHeaderContextMenu'; componentStateChanged: 'componentStateChanged'; cellValueChanged: 'cellValueChanged'; cellEditRequest: 'cellEditRequest'; rowValueChanged: 'rowValueChanged'; cellEditingStarted: 'cellEditingStarted'; cellEditingStopped: 'cellEditingStopped'; rowEditingStarted: 'rowEditingStarted'; rowEditingStopped: 'rowEditingStopped'; undoStarted: 'undoStarted'; undoEnded: 'undoEnded'; redoStarted: 'redoStarted'; redoEnded: 'redoEnded'; rangeDeleteStart: 'rangeDeleteStart'; rangeDeleteEnd: 'rangeDeleteEnd'; fillStart: 'fillStart'; fillEnd: 'fillEnd'; filterOpened: 'filterOpened'; filterChanged: 'filterChanged'; filterModified: 'filterModified'; advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged: 'advancedFilterBuilderVisibleChanged'; chartCreated: 'chartCreated'; chartRangeSelectionChanged: 'chartRangeSelectionChanged'; chartOptionsChanged: 'chartOptionsChanged'; chartDestroyed: 'chartDestroyed'; cellKeyDown: 'cellKeyDown'; gridReady: 'gridReady'; firstDataRendered: 'firstDataRendered'; gridSizeChanged: 'gridSizeChanged'; modelUpdated: 'modelUpdated'; virtualRowRemoved: 'virtualRowRemoved'; viewportChanged: 'viewportChanged'; bodyScroll: 'bodyScroll'; bodyScrollEnd: 'bodyScrollEnd'; dragStarted: 'dragStarted'; dragStopped: 'dragStopped'; stateUpdated: 'stateUpdated'; paginationChanged: 'paginationChanged'; rowDragEnter: 'rowDragEnter'; rowDragMove: 'rowDragMove'; rowDragLeave: 'rowDragLeave'; rowDragEnd: 'rowDragEnd'; columnRowGroupChanged: 'columnRowGroupChanged'; rowGroupOpened: 'rowGroupOpened'; expandOrCollapseAll: 'expandOrCollapseAll'; pivotMaxColumnsExceeded: 'pivotMaxColumnsExceeded'; pinnedRowDataChanged: 'pinnedRowDataChanged'; rowDataUpdated: 'rowDataUpdated'; asyncTransactionsFlushed: 'asyncTransactionsFlushed'; storeRefreshed: 'storeRefreshed'; headerFocused: 'headerFocused'; cellClicked: 'cellClicked'; cellDoubleClicked: 'cellDoubleClicked'; cellFocused: 'cellFocused'; cellMouseOver: 'cellMouseOver'; cellMouseOut: 'cellMouseOut'; cellMouseDown: 'cellMouseDown'; rowClicked: 'rowClicked'; rowDoubleClicked: 'rowDoubleClicked'; rowSelected: 'rowSelected'; selectionChanged: 'selectionChanged'; cellContextMenu: 'cellContextMenu'; rangeSelectionChanged: 'rangeSelectionChanged'; tooltipShow: 'tooltipShow'; tooltipHide: 'tooltipHide'; sortChanged: 'sortChanged'; }, never, never, true, never>;
property ɵfac
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<AgGridAngular<any, any>, never>;
property paginateChildRows
paginateChildRows: boolean;
Set to
to have pages split children of groups when using Row Grouping or detail rows with Master Detail. false
property pagination
pagination: boolean;
Set whether pagination is enabled. false
property paginationAutoPageSize
paginationAutoPageSize: boolean;
Set to
so that the number of rows to load per page is automatically adjusted by the grid so each page shows enough rows to just fill the area designated for the grid. Iffalse
is used. false
property paginationChanged
paginationChanged: EventEmitter<PaginationChangedEvent<TData>>;
Triggered every time the paging state changes. Some of the most common scenarios for this event to be triggered are:
- The page size changes. - The current shown page is changed. - New data is loaded onto the grid.
property paginationNumberFormatter
paginationNumberFormatter: ( params: PaginationNumberFormatterParams<TData>) => string;
Allows user to format the numbers in the pagination panel, i.e. 'row count' and 'page number' labels. This is for pagination panel only, to format numbers inside the grid's cells (i.e. your data), then use
in the column definitions.
property paginationPageSize
paginationPageSize: number;
How many rows to load per page. If
is specified, this property is ignored. 100
property paginationPageSizeSelector
paginationPageSizeSelector: boolean | number[];
Determines if the page size selector is shown in the pagination panel or not. Set to an array of values to show the page size selector with custom list of possible page sizes. Set to
to show the page size selector with the default page sizes[20, 50, 100]
. Set tofalse
to hide the page size selector. true
property pasteEnd
pasteEnd: EventEmitter<PasteEndEvent<TData>>;
Paste operation has ended.
property pasteStart
pasteStart: EventEmitter<PasteStartEvent<TData>>;
Paste operation has started.
property pinnedBottomRowData
pinnedBottomRowData: any[];
Data to be displayed as pinned bottom rows in the grid.
property pinnedRowDataChanged
pinnedRowDataChanged: EventEmitter<PinnedRowDataChangedEvent<TData>>;
The client has set new pinned row data into the grid.
property pinnedTopRowData
pinnedTopRowData: any[];
Data to be displayed as pinned top rows in the grid.
property pivotColumnGroupTotals
pivotColumnGroupTotals: 'before' | 'after';
When set and the grid is in pivot mode, automatically calculated totals will appear within the Pivot Column Groups, in the position specified.
property pivotDefaultExpanded
pivotDefaultExpanded: number;
If pivoting, set to the number of column group levels to expand by default, e.g.
for none,1
for first level only, etc. Set to-1
to expand everything. 0
property pivotGroupHeaderHeight
pivotGroupHeaderHeight: number;
The height in pixels for the row containing header column groups when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses
property pivotHeaderHeight
pivotHeaderHeight: number;
The height in pixels for the row containing the columns when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses
property pivotMaxColumnsExceeded
pivotMaxColumnsExceeded: EventEmitter<PivotMaxColumnsExceededEvent<TData>>;
Exceeded the
limit when generating columns.
property pivotMaxGeneratedColumns
pivotMaxGeneratedColumns: number;
The maximum number of generated columns before the grid halts execution. Upon reaching this number, the grid halts generation of columns and triggers a
for no limit. -1
property pivotMode
pivotMode: boolean;
Set to
to enable pivot mode. false
property pivotPanelShow
pivotPanelShow: 'always' | 'onlyWhenPivoting' | 'never';
When to show the 'pivot panel' (where you drag rows to pivot) at the top. Note that the pivot panel will never show if
is off. 'never'
property pivotRowTotals
pivotRowTotals: 'before' | 'after';
When set and the grid is in pivot mode, automatically calculated totals will appear for each value column in the position specified.
property pivotSuppressAutoColumn
pivotSuppressAutoColumn: boolean;
, the grid will not swap in the grouping column when pivoting. Useful if pivoting using Server Side Row Model or Viewport Row Model and you want full control of all columns including the group column. false
property popupParent
popupParent: HTMLElement;
DOM element to use as the popup parent for grid popups (context menu, column menu etc).
property postProcessPopup
postProcessPopup: (params: PostProcessPopupParams<TData>) => void;
Allows user to process popups after they are created. Applications can use this if they want to, for example, reposition the popup.
property postSortRows
postSortRows: (params: PostSortRowsParams<TData>) => void;
Callback to perform additional sorting after the grid has sorted the rows.
property preventDefaultOnContextMenu
preventDefaultOnContextMenu: boolean;
When using
, you can use theonCellContextMenu
function to provide your own code to handle cellcontextmenu
events. This flag is useful to prevent the browser from showing its default context menu. false
property processCellForClipboard
processCellForClipboard: (params: ProcessCellForExportParams<TData>) => any;
Allows you to process cells for the clipboard. Handy if for example you have
objects that need to have a particular format if importing into Excel.
property processCellFromClipboard
processCellFromClipboard: (params: ProcessCellForExportParams<TData>) => any;
Allows you to process cells from the clipboard. Handy if for example you have number fields, and want to block non-numbers from getting into the grid.
property processDataFromClipboard
processDataFromClipboard: ( params: ProcessDataFromClipboardParams<TData>) => string[][] | null;
Allows complete control of the paste operation, including cancelling the operation (so nothing happens) or replacing the data with other data.
property processGroupHeaderForClipboard
processGroupHeaderForClipboard: ( params: ProcessGroupHeaderForExportParams<TData>) => any;
Allows you to process group header values for the clipboard.
property processHeaderForClipboard
processHeaderForClipboard: (params: ProcessHeaderForExportParams<TData>) => any;
Allows you to process header values for the clipboard.
property processPivotResultColDef
processPivotResultColDef: (colDef: ColDef<TData>) => void;
Callback to be used with pivoting, to allow changing the second column definition.
property processPivotResultColGroupDef
processPivotResultColGroupDef: (colGroupDef: ColGroupDef<TData>) => void;
Callback to be used with pivoting, to allow changing the second column group definition.
property processRowPostCreate
processRowPostCreate: (params: ProcessRowParams<TData>) => void;
Callback fired after the row is rendered into the DOM. Should not be used to initiate side effects.
property processUnpinnedColumns
processUnpinnedColumns: ( params: ProcessUnpinnedColumnsParams<TData>) => Column[];
Allows the user to process the columns being removed from the pinned section because the viewport is too small to accommodate them. Returns an array of columns to be removed from the pinned areas.
property purgeClosedRowNodes
purgeClosedRowNodes: boolean;
When enabled, closing group rows will remove children of that row. Next time the row is opened, child rows will be read from the datasource again. This property only applies when there is Row Grouping or Tree Data. false
property quickFilterMatcher
quickFilterMatcher: ( quickFilterParts: string[], rowQuickFilterAggregateText: string) => boolean;
Changes the matching logic for whether a row passes the Quick Filter.
property quickFilterParser
quickFilterParser: (quickFilter: string) => string[];
Changes how the Quick Filter splits the Quick Filter text into search terms.
property quickFilterText
quickFilterText: string;
Rows are filtered using this text as a Quick Filter.
property rangeDeleteEnd
rangeDeleteEnd: EventEmitter<RangeDeleteEndEvent<TData>>;
Range delete operation (cell clear) has ended.
property rangeDeleteStart
rangeDeleteStart: EventEmitter<RangeDeleteStartEvent<TData>>;
Range delete operation (cell clear) has started.
property rangeSelectionChanged
rangeSelectionChanged: EventEmitter<RangeSelectionChangedEvent<TData>>;
A change to range selection has occurred.
property readOnlyEdit
readOnlyEdit: boolean;
Set to
to stop the grid updating data afterEdit
andFill Handle
operations. When this is set, it is intended the application will update the data, eg in an external immutable store, and then pass the new dataset to the grid. **Note:**rowNode.setDataValue()
does not update the value of the cell when this isTrue
, it firesonCellEditRequest
instead. false
property redoEnded
redoEnded: EventEmitter<RedoEndedEvent<TData>>;
Redo operation has ended.
property redoStarted
redoStarted: EventEmitter<RedoStartedEvent<TData>>;
Redo operation has started.
property removePivotHeaderRowWhenSingleValueColumn