- Version 33.0.4
- Published
- 21.3 MB
- 1 dependency
- Commercial license
npm i ag-grid-enterprise
yarn add ag-grid-enterprise
pnpm add ag-grid-enterprise
Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / Typescript / React / Angular / Vue
- AdvancedFilterModule
- AllEnterpriseModule
- CellSelectionModule
- ClipboardModule
- ColumnMenuModule
- ColumnsToolPanelModule
- ContextMenuModule
- ExcelExportModule
- FiltersToolPanelModule
- GridChartsModule
- GroupFilterModule
- IntegratedChartsModule
- MasterDetailModule
- MenuModule
- MultiFilterModule
- PivotModule
- RangeSelectionModule
- RichSelectModule
- RowGroupingModule
- RowGroupingPanelModule
- ServerSideRowModelApiModule
- ServerSideRowModelModule
- SetFilterModule
- SideBarModule
- SparklinesModule
- StatusBarModule
- TreeDataModule
- ViewportRowModelModule
- afterGuiAttached()
- afterGuiDetached()
- applyModel()
- areModelsEqual()
- createBodyTemplate()
- destroy()
- doesFilterPass()
- filterType
- getAgComponents()
- getCssIdentifier()
- getFilterKeys()
- getFilterValues()
- getFormattedValue()
- getMiniFilter()
- getModelAsString()
- getModelFromUi()
- getPositionableElement()
- getValueModel()
- getValues()
- handleCancelEnd()
- handleKeyDown()
- isModelValid()
- onAnyFilterChanged()
- onNewRowsLoaded()
- postConstruct()
- refresh()
- refreshFilterValues()
- refreshVirtualList()
- resetFilterValues()
- resetUiToActiveModel()
- resetUiToDefaults()
- setFilterValues()
- setMiniFilter()
- setModel()
- setModelIntoUi()
- setParams()
- updateUiVisibility()
- wireBeans()
variable AdvancedFilterModule
const AdvancedFilterModule: _ModuleWithApi<_AdvancedFilterGridApi>;
Filtering -> Advanced Filter enableAdvanced Filter
variable AllEnterpriseModule
const AllEnterpriseModule: any;
All Enterprise and Community features Registers all the Grid features: Community and Enterprise. If using Integrated Charts or Sparklines then the relevant AG Charts module must be provided.
Example 1
// All Enterprise features import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; import { AllEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise';
ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ AllEnterpriseModule ]);
Example 2
// All Enterprise features including Integrated Charts and Sparklines import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; import { AgChartsEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-charts-enterprise'; import { AllEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise';
ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ AllEnterpriseModule.with(AgChartsEnterpriseModule) ]);
variable CellSelectionModule
const CellSelectionModule: _ModuleWithApi<_CellSelectionGridApi>;
Selection -> Cell Selection cellSelection
variable ClipboardModule
const ClipboardModule: _ModuleWithApi<_ClipboardGridApi>;
Import & Export -> Clipboard
variable ColumnMenuModule
const ColumnMenuModule: _ModuleWithApi<_ColumnChooserGridApi>;
Accessories -> Column Menu
variable ColumnsToolPanelModule
const ColumnsToolPanelModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Accessories -> Columns Tool Panel
variable ContextMenuModule
const ContextMenuModule: _ModuleWithApi<_ContextMenuGridApi>;
Accessories -> Context Menu
variable ExcelExportModule
const ExcelExportModule: _ModuleWithApi<_ExcelExportGridApi>;
Import & Export -> Excel
variable FiltersToolPanelModule
const FiltersToolPanelModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Accessories -> Filters Tool Panel
variable GridChartsModule
const GridChartsModule: _ModuleWithApi<_GridChartsGridApi>;
v33 Deprecated as of v33, please use
variable GroupFilterModule
const GroupFilterModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Row Grouping -> Filtering
variable IntegratedChartsModule
const IntegratedChartsModule: any;
Integrated Charts Requires the AG Charts library to be provided to this module via the
method. The AG Charts module can be imported from eitherag-charts-community
.Example 1
import { AgChartsEnterpriseModule } from 'ag-charts-enterprise'; import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; import { IntegratedChartsModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise';
ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ IntegratedChartsModule.with(AgChartsEnterpriseModule) ]);
variable MasterDetailModule
const MasterDetailModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Master Detail masterDetail
variable MenuModule
const MenuModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Accessories -> Column Menu / Context Menu
variable MultiFilterModule
const MultiFilterModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Filtering -> Multi Filter
variable PivotModule
const PivotModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Pivoting pivot, enablePivot pivotMode
variable RangeSelectionModule
const RangeSelectionModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
v33 Use
variable RichSelectModule
const RichSelectModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Editing -> Rich Select Editor
variable RowGroupingModule
const RowGroupingModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Row Grouping enableRowGroup, rowGroup, rowGroupIndex
variable RowGroupingPanelModule
const RowGroupingPanelModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Row Grouping -> Row Group Panel
variable ServerSideRowModelApiModule
const ServerSideRowModelApiModule: _ModuleWithApi<_ServerSideRowModelGridApi<any>>;
Server-Side Row Model
variable ServerSideRowModelModule
const ServerSideRowModelModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Server-Side Row Model
variable SetFilterModule
const SetFilterModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Filtering -> Set Filter
variable SideBarModule
const SideBarModule: _ModuleWithApi<_SideBarGridApi<any>>;
Accessories -> Side Bar sideBar
variable SparklinesModule
const SparklinesModule: any;
Sparklines Requires the AG Charts library to be provided to this module via the
method. The AG Charts module can be imported from eitherag-charts-community
.Example 1
import { AgChartsCommunityModule } from 'ag-charts-community'; import { ModuleRegistry } from 'ag-grid-community'; import { SparklinesModule } from 'ag-grid-enterprise';
ModuleRegistry.registerModules([ SparklinesModule.with(AgChartsCommunityModule) ]);
variable StatusBarModule
const StatusBarModule: _ModuleWithApi<_StatusBarGridApi>;
Accessories -> Status Bar statusBar
variable TreeDataModule
const TreeDataModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Tree Data treeData
variable ViewportRowModelModule
const ViewportRowModelModule: _ModuleWithoutApi;
Viewport Row Model
function exportMultipleSheetsAsExcel
exportMultipleSheetsAsExcel: (params: ExcelExportMultipleSheetParams) => void;
function getMultipleSheetsAsExcel
getMultipleSheetsAsExcel: ( params: ExcelExportMultipleSheetParams) => Blob | undefined;
class LicenseManager
class GridLicenseManager extends BeanStub implements NamedBean, IWatermark {}
property beanName
beanName: string;
method getLicenseDetails
static getLicenseDetails: ( licenseKey: string) => | { licenseKey: string; valid: boolean; missing: boolean; currentLicenseType: string; incorrectLicenseType?: undefined; suppliedLicenseType?: undefined; expiry?: undefined; expired?: undefined; version?: undefined; isTrial?: undefined; trialExpired?: undefined; } | { licenseKey: string; valid: false; incorrectLicenseType: boolean; currentLicenseType: string; suppliedLicenseType: string | undefined; missing?: undefined; expiry?: undefined; expired?: undefined; version?: undefined; isTrial?: undefined; trialExpired?: undefined; } | { licenseKey: string; valid: true; expiry: string; expired: boolean | undefined; version: string | null; isTrial: boolean | null; trialExpired: undefined; incorrectLicenseType: boolean; currentLicenseType: string; suppliedLicenseType: string | undefined; missing?: undefined; };
method getWatermarkMessage
getWatermarkMessage: () => string;
method getWatermarkSelector
getWatermarkSelector: () => ComponentSelector;
method isDisplayWatermark
isDisplayWatermark: () => boolean;
method postConstruct
postConstruct: () => void;
method setChartsLicenseManager
static setChartsLicenseManager: (chartsLicenseManager: ILicenseManager) => void;
method setLicenseKey
static setLicenseKey: (licenseKey: string) => void;
method validateLicense
validateLicense: () => void;
class MultiFilter
class MultiFilter extends TabGuardComp implements IFilterComp, IMultiFilter {}
method afterGuiAttached
afterGuiAttached: (params?: IAfterGuiAttachedParams) => void;
method afterGuiDetached
afterGuiDetached: () => void;
method applyModel
applyModel: (source?: 'api' | 'ui' | 'rowDataUpdated') => boolean;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method doesFilterPass
doesFilterPass: ( params: IDoesFilterPassParams, filterToSkip?: IFilterComp) => boolean;
method getChildFilterInstance
getChildFilterInstance: (index: number) => IFilterComp | undefined;
method getLastActiveFilterIndex
getLastActiveFilterIndex: () => number | null;
method getModel
getModel: () => ProvidedFilterModel | null;
method getModelAsString
getModelAsString: (model: IMultiFilterModel) => string;
method getModelFromUi
getModelFromUi: () => IMultiFilterModel | null;
method init
init: (params: MultiFilterParams) => AgPromise<void>;
method isFilterActive
isFilterActive: () => boolean;
method onAnyFilterChanged
onAnyFilterChanged: () => void;
method onFocusIn
protected onFocusIn: (e: FocusEvent) => void;
method onNewRowsLoaded
onNewRowsLoaded: () => void;
method postConstruct
postConstruct: () => void;
method setModel
setModel: (model: IMultiFilterModel | null) => AgPromise<void>;
class SetFilter
class SetFilter<V = string> extends ProvidedFilter<SetFilterModel, V> implements ISetFilter<V> {}
Parameter V
type of value in the Set Filter
property filterType
protected filterType: string;
method afterGuiAttached
afterGuiAttached: (params?: IAfterGuiAttachedParams) => void;
method afterGuiDetached
afterGuiDetached: () => void;
method applyModel
applyModel: (source?: 'api' | 'ui' | 'rowDataUpdated') => boolean;
method areModelsEqual
protected areModelsEqual: (a: SetFilterModel, b: SetFilterModel) => boolean;
method createBodyTemplate
protected createBodyTemplate: () => string;
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method doesFilterPass
doesFilterPass: (params: IDoesFilterPassParams) => boolean;
method getAgComponents
protected getAgComponents: () => ComponentSelector[];
method getCssIdentifier
protected getCssIdentifier: () => string;
method getFilterKeys
getFilterKeys: () => SetFilterModelValue;
method getFilterValues
getFilterValues: () => (V | null)[];
method getFormattedValue
getFormattedValue: (key: string | null) => string | null;
method getMiniFilter
getMiniFilter: () => string | null;
method getModelAsString
getModelAsString: (model: SetFilterModel) => string;
method getModelFromUi
getModelFromUi: () => SetFilterModel | null;
method getPositionableElement
protected getPositionableElement: () => HTMLElement;
method getValueModel
getValueModel: () => SetValueModel<V>;
method getValues
getValues: () => SetFilterModelValue;
method handleCancelEnd
protected handleCancelEnd: (e: Event) => void;
method handleKeyDown
protected handleKeyDown: (e: KeyboardEvent) => void;
method isModelValid
protected isModelValid: (model: SetFilterModel) => boolean;
method onAnyFilterChanged
onAnyFilterChanged: () => void;
method onNewRowsLoaded
onNewRowsLoaded: () => void;
method postConstruct
postConstruct: () => void;
method refresh
refresh: (params: SetFilterParams<any, V>) => boolean;
method refreshFilterValues
refreshFilterValues: () => void;
method refreshVirtualList
refreshVirtualList: () => void;
method resetFilterValues
resetFilterValues: () => void;
Public method provided so the user can reset the values of the filter once that it has started.
method resetUiToActiveModel
protected resetUiToActiveModel: ( currentModel: SetFilterModel | null, afterUiUpdatedFunc?: () => void) => void;
method resetUiToDefaults
protected resetUiToDefaults: () => AgPromise<void>;
method setFilterValues
setFilterValues: (values: (V | null)[]) => void;
Public method provided so the user can change the value of the filter once the filter has been already started
Parameter values
The values to use.
method setMiniFilter
setMiniFilter: (newMiniFilter: string | null) => void;
method setModel
setModel: (model: SetFilterModel | null) => AgPromise<void>;
method setModelIntoUi
protected setModelIntoUi: (model: SetFilterModel | null) => AgPromise<void>;
method setParams
setParams: (params: SetFilterParams<any, V>) => void;
method updateUiVisibility
protected updateUiVisibility: () => void;
method wireBeans
wireBeans: (beans: BeanCollection) => void;
Package Files (26)
- dist/types/src/advancedFilter/advancedFilterModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/allEnterpriseModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/charts/integratedChartsModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/clipboard/clipboardModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/columnToolPanel/columnsToolPanelModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/excelExport/excelCreator.d.ts
- dist/types/src/excelExport/excelExportModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/filterToolPanel/filtersToolPanelModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/license/gridLicenseManager.d.ts
- dist/types/src/main.d.ts
- dist/types/src/masterDetail/masterDetailModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/menu/menuModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/multiFilter/multiFilter.d.ts
- dist/types/src/multiFilter/multiFilterModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/pivot/pivotModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/rangeSelection/rangeSelectionModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/richSelect/richSelectModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/rowGrouping/rowGroupingModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/serverSideRowModel/serverSideRowModelModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/setFilter/setFilter.d.ts
- dist/types/src/setFilter/setFilterModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/sideBar/sideBarModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/sparkline/sparklinesModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/statusBar/statusBarModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/treeData/treeDataModule.d.ts
- dist/types/src/viewportRowModel/viewportRowModelModule.d.ts
Dependencies (1)
Dev Dependencies (15)
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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