- Version 8.17.1
- Published
- 1.03 MB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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Another JSON Schema Validator
Type Aliases
variable nil
const nil: _Code;
class Ajv
class Ajv extends AjvCore {}
method defaultMeta
defaultMeta: () => string | AnySchemaObject | undefined;
class CodeGen
class CodeGen {}
constructor(extScope: ValueScope, opts?: CodeGenOptions);
method add
add: (lhs: Code, rhs: SafeExpr) => CodeGen;
method assign
assign: (lhs: Code, rhs: SafeExpr, sideEffects?: boolean) => CodeGen;
method block
block: (body?: Block, nodeCount?: number) => CodeGen;
method break
break: (label?: Code) => CodeGen;
method code
code: (c: Block | SafeExpr) => CodeGen;
method const
const: (nameOrPrefix: Name | string, rhs: SafeExpr, _constant?: boolean) => Name;
method else
else: () => CodeGen;
method elseIf
elseIf: (condition: Code | boolean) => CodeGen;
method endBlock
endBlock: (nodeCount?: number) => CodeGen;
method endFor
endFor: () => CodeGen;
method endFunc
endFunc: () => CodeGen;
method endIf
endIf: () => CodeGen;
method for
for: (iteration: Code, forBody?: Block) => CodeGen;
method forIn
forIn: ( nameOrPrefix: Name | string, obj: Code, forBody: (item: Name) => void, varKind?: Code) => CodeGen;
method forOf
forOf: ( nameOrPrefix: Name | string, iterable: Code, forBody: (item: Name) => void, varKind?: Code) => CodeGen;
method forRange
forRange: ( nameOrPrefix: Name | string, from: SafeExpr, to: SafeExpr, forBody: (index: Name) => void, varKind?: Code) => CodeGen;
method func
func: (name: Name, args?: Code, async?: boolean, funcBody?: Block) => CodeGen;
method getScopeValue
getScopeValue: (prefix: string, keyOrRef: unknown) => ValueScopeName | undefined;
method if
if: (condition: Code | boolean, thenBody?: Block, elseBody?: Block) => CodeGen;
method label
label: (label: Name) => CodeGen;
method let
let: (nameOrPrefix: Name | string, rhs?: SafeExpr, _constant?: boolean) => Name;
method name
name: (prefix: string) => Name;
method object
object: (...keyValues: [Name | string, SafeExpr | string][]) => _Code;
method optimize
optimize: (n?: number) => void;
method return
return: (value: Block | SafeExpr) => CodeGen;
method scopeCode
scopeCode: () => Code;
method scopeName
scopeName: (prefix: string) => ValueScopeName;
method scopeRefs
scopeRefs: (scopeName: Name) => Code;
method scopeValue
scopeValue: (prefixOrName: ValueScopeName | string, value: NameValue) => Name;
method throw
throw: (error: Code) => CodeGen;
method toString
toString: () => string;
method try
try: ( tryBody: Block, catchCode?: (e: Name) => void, finallyCode?: Block) => CodeGen;
method var
var: (nameOrPrefix: Name | string, rhs?: SafeExpr, _constant?: boolean) => Name;
class KeywordCxt
class KeywordCxt implements KeywordErrorCxt {}
constructor(it: SchemaObjCxt, def: AddedKeywordDefinition, keyword: string);
property $data
readonly $data?: string | false;
property allErrors
readonly allErrors?: boolean;
property data
readonly data: Name;
property def
readonly def: AddedKeywordDefinition;
property errsCount
readonly errsCount?: Name;
property gen
readonly gen: CodeGen;
property it
readonly it: SchemaObjCxt;
property keyword
readonly keyword: string;
property params
params: KeywordCxtParams;
property parentSchema
readonly parentSchema: AnySchemaObject;
property schema
schema: any;
property schemaCode
readonly schemaCode: number | boolean | Code;
property schemaType
readonly schemaType: ( | 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'object' | 'integer' | 'null' | 'array')[];
property schemaValue
readonly schemaValue: number | boolean | Code;
method $dataError
$dataError: () => void;
method block$data
block$data: (valid: Name, codeBlock: () => void, $dataValid?: Code) => void;
method check$data
check$data: (valid?: Name, $dataValid?: Code) => void;
method error
error: ( append?: boolean, errorParams?: KeywordCxtParams, errorPaths?: ErrorPaths) => void;
method fail
fail: (condition?: Code) => void;
method fail$data
fail$data: (condition: Code) => void;
method failResult
failResult: ( condition: Code, successAction?: () => void, failAction?: () => void) => void;
method invalid$data
invalid$data: () => Code;
method mergeEvaluated
mergeEvaluated: (schemaCxt: SchemaCxt, toName?: typeof Name) => void;
method mergeValidEvaluated
mergeValidEvaluated: (schemaCxt: SchemaCxt, valid: Name) => boolean | void;
method ok
ok: (cond: Code | boolean) => void;
method pass
pass: (condition: Code, failAction?: () => void) => void;
method reset
reset: () => void;
method result
result: ( condition: Code, successAction?: () => void, failAction?: () => void) => void;
method setParams
setParams: (obj: KeywordCxtParams, assign?: true) => void;
method subschema
subschema: (appl: SubschemaArgs, valid: Name) => SchemaCxt;
class MissingRefError
class MissingRefError extends Error {}
constructor(resolver: UriResolver, baseId: string, ref: string, msg?: string);
property missingRef
readonly missingRef: string;
property missingSchema
readonly missingSchema: string;
class Name
class Name extends _CodeOrName {}
constructor(s: string);
property names
readonly names: UsedNames;
property str
readonly str: string;
method emptyStr
emptyStr: () => boolean;
method toString
toString: () => string;
class ValidationError
class ValidationError extends Error {}
constructor( errors: Partial<ErrorObject<string, Record<string, any>, unknown>>[]);
property ajv
readonly ajv: boolean;
property errors
readonly errors: Partial<ErrorObject<string, Record<string, any>, unknown>>[];
property validation
readonly validation: boolean;
interface AsyncFormatDefinition
interface AsyncFormatDefinition<T extends string | number> {}
interface AsyncSchema
interface AsyncSchema extends _SchemaObject {}
property $async
$async: true;
interface AsyncValidateFunction
interface AsyncValidateFunction<T = unknown> extends ValidateFunction<T> {}
property $async
$async: true;
call signature
(...args: Parameters<ValidateFunction<T>>): Promise<T>;
interface CodeGenOptions
interface CodeGenOptions {}
property es5
es5?: boolean;
property lines
lines?: boolean;
property ownProperties
ownProperties?: boolean;
interface CodeKeywordDefinition
interface CodeKeywordDefinition extends _KeywordDef {}
property code
code: (cxt: KeywordCxt, ruleType?: string) => void;
property trackErrors
trackErrors?: boolean;
interface CodeOptions
interface CodeOptions {}
interface ErrorObject
interface ErrorObject< K extends string = string, P = Record<string, any>, S = unknown> {}
property data
data?: unknown;
property instancePath
instancePath: string;
property keyword
keyword: K;
property message
message?: string;
property params
params: P;
property parentSchema
parentSchema?: AnySchemaObject;
property propertyName
propertyName?: string;
property schema
schema?: S;
property schemaPath
schemaPath: string;
interface ErrorsTextOptions
interface ErrorsTextOptions {}
interface FormatDefinition
interface FormatDefinition<T extends string | number> {}
interface FuncKeywordDefinition
interface FuncKeywordDefinition extends _KeywordDef {}
interface KeywordErrorDefinition
interface KeywordErrorDefinition {}
interface Logger
interface Logger {}
interface MacroKeywordDefinition
interface MacroKeywordDefinition extends FuncKeywordDefinition {}
property macro
macro: MacroKeywordFunc;
interface Plugin
interface Plugin<Opts> {}
call signature
(ajv: Ajv, options?: Opts): Ajv;
index signature
[prop: string]: any;
interface SchemaCxt
interface SchemaCxt {}
property allErrors
readonly allErrors?: boolean;
property baseId
baseId: string;
property compositeRule
readonly compositeRule?: boolean;
property createErrors
readonly createErrors?: boolean;
property data
readonly data: Name;
property dataLevel
readonly dataLevel: number;
property dataNames
readonly dataNames: Name[];
property dataPathArr
readonly dataPathArr: (Code | number)[];
property dataTypes
dataTypes: JSONType[];
property definedProperties
definedProperties: Set<string>;
property errorPath
readonly errorPath: Code;
property errSchemaPath
readonly errSchemaPath: string;
property evaluated
evaluated?: Name;
property gen
readonly gen: CodeGen;
property items
items?: EvaluatedItems | Name;
property jtdDiscriminator
jtdDiscriminator?: string;
property jtdMetadata
jtdMetadata?: boolean;
property opts
readonly opts: InstanceOptions;
property parentData
readonly parentData: Name;
property parentDataProperty
readonly parentDataProperty: Code | number;
property propertyName
readonly propertyName?: Name;
property props
props?: EvaluatedProperties | Name;
property rootId
readonly rootId: string;
property schema
readonly schema: AnySchema;
property schemaEnv
readonly schemaEnv: SchemaEnv;
property schemaPath
readonly schemaPath: Code;
property self
readonly self: Ajv;
property topSchemaRef
readonly topSchemaRef: Code;
property validateName
readonly validateName: Name;
property ValidationError
readonly ValidationError?: Name;
interface SchemaObjCxt
interface SchemaObjCxt extends SchemaCxt {}
property schema
readonly schema: AnySchemaObject;
interface SchemaObject
interface SchemaObject extends _SchemaObject {}
property $async
$async?: false;
property $id
$id?: string;
property $schema
$schema?: string;
property id
id?: string;
index signature
[x: string]: any;
interface SchemaValidateFunction
interface SchemaValidateFunction {}
property errors
errors?: Partial<ErrorObject>[];
call signature
( schema: any, data: any, parentSchema?: AnySchemaObject, dataCxt?: DataValidationCxt): boolean | Promise<any>;
interface ValidateFunction
interface ValidateFunction<T = unknown> {}
Type Aliases
type AnySchema
type AnySchema = Schema | AsyncSchema;
type AnySchemaObject
type AnySchemaObject = SchemaObject | AsyncSchema;
type Code
type Code = _Code | Name;
type DefinedError
type DefinedError = | TypeError | ApplicatorKeywordError | ValidationKeywordError | FormatError | UnevaluatedPropertiesError | UnevaluatedItemsError | DependentRequiredError | DiscriminatorError;
type ErrorNoParams
type ErrorNoParams<K extends string, S = unknown> = ErrorObject< K, Record<string, never>, S>;
type Format
type Format = AddedFormat | string;
type InstanceOptions
type InstanceOptions = Options & RequiredInstanceOptions;
type JSONSchemaType
type JSONSchemaType<T> = StrictNullChecksWrapper< 'JSONSchemaType', UncheckedJSONSchemaType<T, false>>;
type JSONType
type JSONType = (typeof _jsonTypes)[number];
type KeywordDefinition
type KeywordDefinition = | CodeKeywordDefinition | FuncKeywordDefinition | MacroKeywordDefinition;
type Options
type Options = CurrentOptions & DeprecatedOptions;
type Schema
type Schema = SchemaObject | boolean;
type Vocabulary
type Vocabulary = (KeywordDefinition | string)[];
Package Files (12)
- dist/ajv.d.ts
- dist/compile/codegen/code.d.ts
- dist/compile/codegen/index.d.ts
- dist/compile/index.d.ts
- dist/compile/ref_error.d.ts
- dist/compile/rules.d.ts
- dist/compile/validate/index.d.ts
- dist/core.d.ts
- dist/runtime/validation_error.d.ts
- dist/types/index.d.ts
- dist/types/json-schema.d.ts
- dist/vocabularies/errors.d.ts
Dependencies (4)
Dev Dependencies (41)
- @ajv-validator/config
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs
- @rollup/plugin-json
- @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
- @rollup/plugin-typescript
- @types/chai
- @types/mocha
- @types/node
- @types/require-from-string
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- ajv-formats
- browserify
- chai
- cross-env
- dayjs
- dayjs-plugin-utc
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- glob
- husky
- if-node-version
- jimp
- js-beautify
- json-schema-test
- karma
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-mocha
- lint-staged
- mocha
- module-from-string
- node-fetch
- nyc
- prettier
- re2
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-terser
- ts-node
- tsify
- typescript
- uri-js
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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