
  • Version 6.2.1
  • Published
  • 17.6 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i ansi-escapes
yarn add ansi-escapes
pnpm add ansi-escapes


ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal



variable ansiEscapes

const ansiEscapes: {
cursorTo(x: number, y?: number): string;
cursorMove(x: number, y?: number): string;
cursorUp(count?: number): string;
cursorDown(count?: number): string;
cursorForward(count?: number): string;
cursorBackward(count?: number): string;
cursorLeft: string;
cursorSavePosition: string;
cursorRestorePosition: string;
cursorGetPosition: string;
cursorNextLine: string;
cursorPrevLine: string;
cursorHide: string;
cursorShow: string;
eraseLines(count: number): string;
eraseEndLine: string;
eraseStartLine: string;
eraseLine: string;
eraseDown: string;
eraseUp: string;
eraseScreen: string;
scrollUp: string;
scrollDown: string;
clearScreen: string;
clearTerminal: string;
enterAlternativeScreen: string;
exitAlternativeScreen: string;
beep: string;
link(text: string, url: string): string;
image(buffer: Buffer, options?: ImageOptions): string;
iTerm: {
setCwd(cwd?: string): string;
annotation(message: string, options?: AnnotationOptions): string;

    Type Aliases

    type AnnotationOptions

    type AnnotationOptions = {
    Nonzero number of columns to annotate.
    Default: The remainder of the line.
    readonly length?: number;
    Starting X coordinate.
    Must be used with `y` and `length`.
    Default: The cursor position
    readonly x?: number;
    Starting Y coordinate.
    Must be used with `x` and `length`.
    Default: Cursor position.
    readonly y?: number;
    Create a "hidden" annotation.
    Annotations created this way can be shown using the "Show Annotations" iTerm command.
    readonly isHidden?: boolean;

      type ImageOptions

      type ImageOptions = {
      The width is given as a number followed by a unit, or the word `'auto'`.
      - `N`: N character cells.
      - `Npx`: N pixels.
      - `N%`: N percent of the session's width or height.
      - `auto`: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension.
      readonly width?: LiteralUnion<'auto', number | string>;
      The height is given as a number followed by a unit, or the word `'auto'`.
      - `N`: N character cells.
      - `Npx`: N pixels.
      - `N%`: N percent of the session's width or height.
      - `auto`: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension.
      readonly height?: LiteralUnion<'auto', number | string>;
      @default true
      readonly preserveAspectRatio?: boolean;

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        No peer dependencies.


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