
  • Version 2.34.0
  • Published
  • 288 kB
  • 37 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Command line tool for Apollo GraphQL



function gitInfo

gitInfo: (log: Command) => Promise<GitContext | undefined>;

    function sanitizeGitRemote

    sanitizeGitRemote: (remote?: string | undefined) => any;


      class ClientCommand

      abstract class ClientCommand extends ProjectCommand {}


        constructor(argv: any, config: any);

          property flags

          static flags: {
          clientReferenceId: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          clientName: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          clientVersion: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          tag: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          variant: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          graph: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          queries: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          includes: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          excludes: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          tagName: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          config: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          header: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          endpoint: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          key: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
          engine: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;

            property project

            project: GraphQLClientProject;

              class ProjectCommand

              abstract class ProjectCommand extends Command {}

                property configMap

                protected configMap?: (flags: any) => DeepPartial<ApolloConfig>;

                  property DEPRECATION_MSG

                  static DEPRECATION_MSG: string;

                    property flags

                    static flags: {
                    config: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
                    header: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
                    endpoint: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
                    key: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;
                    engine: flags.IOptionFlag<string>;

                      property project

                      project: GraphQLProject;

                        property tasks

                        tasks: ListrTask[];

                          property type

                          protected type: 'service' | 'client';

                            method catch

                            catch: (err: any) => Promise<void>;

                              method createConfig

                              protected createConfig: (flags: Flags) => Promise<ApolloConfig | undefined>;

                                method createService

                                protected createService: (config: ApolloConfig, flags: Flags) => void;

                                  method finally

                                  finally: (err: any) => Promise<void>;

                                    method init

                                    init: () => Promise<void>;

                                      method printDeprecationWarning

                                      protected printDeprecationWarning: () => void;

                                        method runTasks

                                        runTasks: <Result>(
                                        generateTasks: (context: ProjectContext) => ListrTask[],
                                        options?: any
                                        ) => Promise<Result>;


                                          interface ClientCommandFlags

                                          interface ClientCommandFlags extends Flags {}

                                            property clientName

                                            clientName?: string;

                                              property clientReferenceId

                                              clientReferenceId?: string;

                                                property clientVersion

                                                clientVersion?: string;

                                                  property excludes

                                                  excludes?: string;

                                                    property includes

                                                    includes?: string;

                                                      property queries

                                                      queries?: string;

                                                        property tagName

                                                        tagName?: string;

                                                          interface Commit

                                                          interface Commit {}

                                                            property authorEmail

                                                            authorEmail: string | null;

                                                              property authorName

                                                              authorName: string | null;

                                                                interface Flags

                                                                interface Flags {}

                                                                  property config

                                                                  config?: string;

                                                                    property endpoint

                                                                    endpoint?: string;

                                                                      property engine

                                                                      engine?: string;

                                                                        property graph

                                                                        graph?: string;

                                                                          property header

                                                                          header?: string[];

                                                                            property key

                                                                            key?: string;

                                                                              property localSchemaFile

                                                                              localSchemaFile?: string;

                                                                                property skipSSLValidation

                                                                                skipSSLValidation?: boolean;

                                                                                  property tag

                                                                                  tag?: string;

                                                                                    property variant

                                                                                    variant?: string;

                                                                                      interface GitContext

                                                                                      interface GitContext {}

                                                                                        property branch

                                                                                        branch?: string;

                                                                                          property commit

                                                                                          commit?: string;

                                                                                            property committer

                                                                                            committer?: string;

                                                                                              property message

                                                                                              message?: string;

                                                                                                property remoteUrl

                                                                                                remoteUrl?: string;

                                                                                                  interface ProjectContext

                                                                                                  interface ProjectContext<Flags = any, Args = any> {}

                                                                                                    property args

                                                                                                    args: Args;

                                                                                                      property config

                                                                                                      config: ApolloConfig;

                                                                                                        property flags

                                                                                                        flags: Flags;

                                                                                                          property project

                                                                                                          project: GraphQLProject;

                                                                                                            Package Files (3)

                                                                                                            Dependencies (37)

                                                                                                            Dev Dependencies (1)

                                                                                                            Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                            No peer dependencies.


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