- Version 1.6.6
- Published
- 853 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i apollo-cache-inmemory
yarn add apollo-cache-inmemory
pnpm add apollo-cache-inmemory
Core abstract of Caching layer for Apollo Client
Type Aliases
function assertIdValue
assertIdValue: (idValue: IdValue) => void;
function defaultDataIdFromObject
defaultDataIdFromObject: (result: any) => string | null;
function defaultNormalizedCacheFactory
defaultNormalizedCacheFactory: (seed?: NormalizedCacheObject) => NormalizedCache;
function enhanceErrorWithDocument
enhanceErrorWithDocument: (error: Error, document: DocumentNode) => WriteError;
class HeuristicFragmentMatcher
class HeuristicFragmentMatcher implements FragmentMatcherInterface {}
method canBypassInit
canBypassInit: () => boolean;
method ensureReady
ensureReady: () => Promise<void>;
method match
match: ( idValue: IdValue, typeCondition: string, context: ReadStoreContext) => boolean | 'heuristic';
class InMemoryCache
class InMemoryCache extends ApolloCache<NormalizedCacheObject> {}
constructor(config?: InMemoryCacheConfig);
property config
protected config: InMemoryCacheConfig;
method broadcastWatches
protected broadcastWatches: () => void;
method diff
diff: <T>(query: Cache.DiffOptions) => Cache.DiffResult<T>;
method evict
evict: (query: Cache.EvictOptions) => Cache.EvictionResult;
method extract
extract: (optimistic?: boolean) => NormalizedCacheObject;
method performTransaction
performTransaction: ( transaction: Transaction<NormalizedCacheObject>, optimisticId?: string) => void;
method read
read: <T>(options: Cache.ReadOptions) => T | null;
method recordOptimisticTransaction
recordOptimisticTransaction: ( transaction: Transaction<NormalizedCacheObject>, id: string) => void;
method removeOptimistic
removeOptimistic: (idToRemove: string) => void;
method reset
reset: () => Promise<void>;
method restore
restore: (data: NormalizedCacheObject) => this;
method transformDocument
transformDocument: (document: DocumentNode) => DocumentNode;
method watch
watch: (watch: Cache.WatchOptions) => () => void;
method write
write: (write: Cache.WriteOptions) => void;
class IntrospectionFragmentMatcher
class IntrospectionFragmentMatcher implements FragmentMatcherInterface {}
constructor(options?: { introspectionQueryResultData?: IntrospectionResultData;});
method match
match: ( idValue: IdValue, typeCondition: string, context: ReadStoreContext) => boolean;
class ObjectCache
class ObjectCache implements NormalizedCache {}
constructor(data?: NormalizedCacheObject);
property data
protected data: NormalizedCacheObject;
method clear
clear: () => void;
method delete
delete: (dataId: string) => void;
method get
get: (dataId: string) => StoreObject;
method replace
replace: (newData: NormalizedCacheObject) => void;
method set
set: (dataId: string, value: StoreObject) => void;
method toObject
toObject: () => NormalizedCacheObject;
class StoreReader
class StoreReader {}
constructor({ cacheKeyRoot, freezeResults }?: StoreReaderConfig);
method diffQueryAgainstStore
diffQueryAgainstStore: <T>({ store, query, variables, previousResult, returnPartialData, rootId, fragmentMatcherFunction, config,}: DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions) => Cache.DiffResult<T>;
method readQueryFromStore
readQueryFromStore: <QueryType>( options: ReadQueryOptions) => QueryType | undefined;
class StoreWriter
class StoreWriter {}
method writeQueryToStore
writeQueryToStore: ({ query, result, store, variables, dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction,}: { query: DocumentNode; result: Object; store?: NormalizedCache; variables?: Object; dataIdFromObject?: IdGetter; fragmentMatcherFunction?: FragmentMatcher;}) => NormalizedCache;
method writeResultToStore
writeResultToStore: ({ dataId, result, document, store, variables, dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction,}: { dataId: string; result: any; document: DocumentNode; store?: NormalizedCache; variables?: Object; dataIdFromObject?: IdGetter; fragmentMatcherFunction?: FragmentMatcher;}) => NormalizedCache;
method writeSelectionSetToStore
writeSelectionSetToStore: ({ result, dataId, selectionSet, context,}: { dataId: string; result: any; selectionSet: SelectionSetNode; context: WriteContext;}) => NormalizedCache;
class WriteError
class WriteError extends Error {}
property type
type: string;
interface FragmentMatcherInterface
interface FragmentMatcherInterface {}
method match
match: ( idValue: IdValue, typeCondition: string, context: ReadStoreContext) => boolean | 'heuristic';
interface IdGetterObj
interface IdGetterObj extends Object {}
property id
id?: string;
interface InMemoryCacheConfig
interface InMemoryCacheConfig extends ApolloReducerConfig {}
property freezeResults
freezeResults?: boolean;
property resultCaching
resultCaching?: boolean;
interface NormalizedCache
interface NormalizedCache {}
method clear
clear: () => void;
method delete
delete: (dataId: string) => void;
method get
get: (dataId: string) => StoreObject;
method replace
replace: (newData: NormalizedCacheObject) => void;
method set
set: (dataId: string, value: StoreObject) => void;
method toObject
toObject: () => NormalizedCacheObject;
interface NormalizedCacheObject
interface NormalizedCacheObject {}
index signature
[dataId: string]: StoreObject | undefined;
interface StoreObject
interface StoreObject {}
index signature
[storeFieldKey: string]: StoreValue;
interface StoreReaderConfig
interface StoreReaderConfig {}
property cacheKeyRoot
cacheKeyRoot?: KeyTrie<object>;
property freezeResults
freezeResults?: boolean;
Type Aliases
type ApolloReducerConfig
type ApolloReducerConfig = { dataIdFromObject?: IdGetter; fragmentMatcher?: FragmentMatcherInterface; addTypename?: boolean; cacheRedirects?: CacheResolverMap;};
type CacheResolver
type CacheResolver = ( rootValue: any, args: { [argName: string]: any; }, context: any) => any;
type CacheResolverMap
type CacheResolverMap = { [typeName: string]: { [fieldName: string]: CacheResolver; };};
type CustomResolver
type CustomResolver = CacheResolver;
type CustomResolverMap
type CustomResolverMap = CacheResolverMap;
type DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions
type DiffQueryAgainstStoreOptions = ReadQueryOptions & { returnPartialData?: boolean;};
type ExecResult
type ExecResult<R = any> = { result: R; missing?: ExecResultMissingField[];};
type ExecResultMissingField
type ExecResultMissingField = { object: StoreObject; fieldName: string; tolerable: boolean;};
type FragmentMatcher
type FragmentMatcher = ( rootValue: any, typeCondition: string, context: ReadStoreContext) => boolean | 'heuristic';
type IdGetter
type IdGetter = (value: IdGetterObj) => string | null | undefined;
type IntrospectionResultData
type IntrospectionResultData = { __schema: { types: { kind: string; name: string; possibleTypes: { name: string; }[]; }[]; };};
type OptimisticStoreItem
type OptimisticStoreItem = { id: string; data: NormalizedCacheObject; transaction: Transaction<NormalizedCacheObject>;};
type PossibleTypesMap
type PossibleTypesMap = { [key: string]: string[];};
type ReadQueryOptions
type ReadQueryOptions = { store: NormalizedCache; query: DocumentNode; fragmentMatcherFunction?: FragmentMatcher; variables?: Object; previousResult?: any; rootId?: string; config?: ApolloReducerConfig;};
type ReadStoreContext
type ReadStoreContext = { readonly store: NormalizedCache; readonly cacheRedirects: CacheResolverMap; readonly dataIdFromObject?: IdGetter;};
type VariableMap
type VariableMap = { [name: string]: any;};
type WriteContext
type WriteContext = { readonly store: NormalizedCache; readonly processedData?: { [x: string]: FieldNode[]; }; readonly variables?: any; readonly dataIdFromObject?: IdGetter; readonly fragmentMap?: FragmentMap; readonly fragmentMatcherFunction?: FragmentMatcher;};
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