
  • Version 2.14.0
  • Published
  • 186 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • Apache-2.0 license


npm i ask-sdk-core
yarn add ask-sdk-core
pnpm add ask-sdk-core


Core package for Alexa Skills Kit SDK






Type Aliases


variable SkillBuilders

const SkillBuilders: { custom(): CustomSkillBuilder };
  • Provider for skill builders.

variable ViewportDpiGroupOrder

const ViewportDpiGroupOrder: ViewportDpiGroup[];

    variable ViewportSizeGroupOrder

    const ViewportSizeGroupOrder: ViewportSizeGroup[];


      function egressFromComponent

      egressFromComponent: (
      actionName: string,
      egressInput: {
      intentName?: string;
      handle?: (input: HandlerInput) => Response | Promise<Response>;
      ) => RequestHandler;

        function escapeXmlCharacters

        escapeXmlCharacters: (input: string) => string;
        • return the string with all invalid XML characters escaped

          Parameter input

        function getAccountLinkingAccessToken

        getAccountLinkingAccessToken: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the account linking access token from the request.

          The method retrieves the user's accessToken from the input request. Once a user successfully enables a skill and links their Alexa account to the skill, the input request will have the user's access token. A null value is returned if there is no access token in the input request. More information on this can be found here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getApiAccessToken

        getApiAccessToken: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the API access token from the request.

          The method retrieves the apiAccessToken from the input request, which has the encapsulated information of permissions granted by the user. This token can be used to call Alexa-specific APIs. More information about this can be found here:

          The SDK automatically injects this value into service client instances retrieved from the services.ServiceClientFactory

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getDeviceId

        getDeviceId: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the device ID from the request.

          The method retrieves the deviceId property from the input request. This value uniquely identifies the device and is generally used as input for some Alexa-specific API calls. More information about this can be found here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getDialogState

        getDialogState: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => DialogState;
        • Retrieves the dialog state from the request.

          The method retrieves the dialogState from the intent request, if the skill's interaction model includes a dialog model. This can be used to determine the current status of user conversation and return the appropriate dialog directives if the conversation is not yet complete. More information on dialog management can be found here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getIntentName

        getIntentName: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the name of the intent from the request.

          The method retrieves the intent name from the input request, only if the input request is an IntentRequest.

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getLocale

        getLocale: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the locale from the request.

          The method returns the locale value present in the request. More information about the locale can be found here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getRequest

        getRequest: <T extends Request>(requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => T;
        • Get request object.

          We can set a specific type to the response by using the generics

          Parameter requestEnvelope


          Example 1

          const intentRequest = getRequest<IntentRequest>(requestEnvelope)

        function getRequestType

        getRequestType: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the type of the request.

          The method retrieves the request type of the input request. More information about the different request types are mentioned here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getSimpleSlotValues

        getSimpleSlotValues: (slotValue: SlotValue) => SimpleSlotValue[];
        • Returns all the SimpleSlotValues from the given SlotValue.

          Parameter slotValue


        function getSlot

        getSlot: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope, slotName: string) => Slot;
        • Returns the Slot for the given slot name from the request.

          This method attempts to retrieve the requested Slot from the incoming request. If the slot does not exist in the request, a null value will be returned.

          Parameter requestEnvelope

          Parameter slotName


        function getSlotValue

        getSlotValue: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope, slotName: string) => string;
        • Returns the value from the given Slot in the request.

          This method attempts to retrieve the requested Slot's value from the incoming request. If the slot does not exist in the request, a null will be returned.

          Parameter requestEnvelope

          Parameter slotName


        function getSlotValueV2

        getSlotValueV2: (
        requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope,
        slotName: string
        ) => SlotValue;
        • Returns the SlotValue from the given Slot in the request.

          SlotValue will exist for slots using multiple slot value feature. And this method attempts to retrieve the requested Slot's SlotValue from the incoming request. If the slot or slot.slotValue does not exist in the request, null will be returned.

          Parameter requestEnvelope

          Parameter slotName


        function getSupportedInterfaces

        getSupportedInterfaces: (
        requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope
        ) => SupportedInterfaces;
        • Retrieves the SupportedInterfaces from the request.

          This method returns an object listing each interface that the device supports. For example, if supportedInterfaces includes AudioPlayer, then you know that the device supports streaming audio using the AudioPlayer interface.

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getUserId

        getUserId: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => string;
        • Retrieves the user ID from the request.

          The method retrieves the userId property from the input request. This value uniquely identifies the user and is generally used as input for some Alexa-specific API calls. More information about this can be found here:

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getViewportDpiGroup

        getViewportDpiGroup: (dpi: number) => ViewportDpiGroup;

        function getViewportOrientation

        getViewportOrientation: (width: number, height: number) => ViewportOrientation;
        • return the ViewportOrientation of given width and height value

          Parameter width

          Parameter height


        function getViewportProfile

        getViewportProfile: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => ViewportProfile;
        • return the ViewportProfile of given request envelope

          Parameter requestEnvelope


        function getViewportSizeGroup

        getViewportSizeGroup: (size: number) => ViewportSizeGroup;

        function isNewSession

        isNewSession: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => boolean;
        • Returns whether the request is a new session.

          The method retrieves the new value from the input request's session, which indicates if it's a new session or not. More information can be found here :

          Parameter requestEnvelope

        function launchComponent

        launchComponent: (options?: {
        utteranceSetName?: string;
        slots?: { [key: string]: Slot };
        isUserUtteranceInput?: boolean;
        }) => dialog.DelegateRequestDirective;


          class AttributesManagerFactory

          class AttributesManagerFactory {}
          • Provider for attributes that can be stored on three levels: request, session and persistence.

          method init

          static init: (options: {
          requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope;
          persistenceAdapter?: PersistenceAdapter;
          }) => AttributesManager;

            class BaseSkillFactory

            class BaseSkillFactory {}

              method init

              static init: () => BaseSkillBuilder;

                class ComponentInterface

                abstract class ComponentInterface {}

                  property egress

                  static egress: (egressInput: {
                  intentName?: string;
                  callBack?: (input: HandlerInput) => Response | Promise<Response>;
                  }) => RequestHandler;

                    property launch

                    static launch: (options?: {
                    slots?: { [key: string]: Slot };
                    isUserUtteranceInput?: boolean;
                    }) => Directive;

                      class CustomSkillFactory

                      class CustomSkillFactory {}

                      method init

                      static init: () => CustomSkillBuilder;

                        class DefaultApiClient

                        class DefaultApiClient implements ApiClient {}
                        • Default implementation of services.ApiClient which uses the native HTTP/HTTPS library of Node.JS.

                        method invoke

                        invoke: (request: ApiClientRequest) => Promise<ApiClientResponse>;
                        • Dispatches a request to an API endpoint described in the request. An ApiClient is expected to resolve the Promise in the case an API returns a non-200 HTTP status code. The responsibility of translating a particular response code to an error lies with the caller to invoke.

                          Parameter request

                          request to dispatch to the ApiClient


                          {Promise<services.ApiClientResponse>} response from the ApiClient

                        class DelegateToIntentHandler

                        class DelegateToIntentHandler implements CustomSkillRequestHandler {}

                          method canHandle

                          canHandle: (input: HandlerInput) => boolean;

                            method handle

                            handle: (input: HandlerInput) => Response | Promise<Response>;

                              class ImageHelper

                              class ImageHelper {}
                              • Responsible for building image object using ask-sdk-model in Alexa skills kit display interface

                              property image

                              protected image: Image;

                                method addImageInstance

                                addImageInstance: (
                                url: string,
                                size?: interfaces.display.ImageSize,
                                widthPixels?: number,
                                heightPixels?: number
                                ) => this;
                                • Add image instance in image object

                                  Parameter url

                                  source of the image

                                  Parameter size

                                  size of the image. Accepted values: X_SMALL: Displayed within extra small containers SMALL: Displayed within small containers MEDIUM: Displayed within medium containers LARGE: Displayed within large containers X_LARGE Displayed within extra large containers By default, for Echo Show, size takes the value X_SMALL. If the other size values are included, then the order of precedence for displaying images begins with X_LARGE and proceeds downward, which means that larger images will be downscaled for display on Echo Show if provided. For the best user experience, include the appropriately sized image, and do not include larger images.

                                  Parameter widthPixels

                                  widthPixels of the image

                                  Parameter heightPixels

                                  heightPixels of the image



                                method getImage

                                getImage: () => Image;
                                • Returns


                                method withDescription

                                withDescription: (description: string) => this;
                                • Sets content description in image object

                                  Parameter description

                                  text used to describe the image for a screen reader



                                class PlainTextContentHelper

                                class PlainTextContentHelper extends TextContentHelper {}
                                • Responsible for building plain text content object using ask-sdk-model in Alexa skills kit display interface



                                  method getTextContent

                                  getTextContent: () => interfaces.display.TextContent;
                                  • Returns


                                  class ResponseFactory

                                  class ResponseFactory {}
                                  • Responsible for building JSON responses using ask-sdk-model as per the Alexa skills kit interface

                                  method init

                                  static init: () => ResponseBuilder;

                                    class RichTextContentHelper

                                    class RichTextContentHelper extends TextContentHelper {}
                                    • Responsible for building rich text content object using ask-sdk-model in Alexa skills kit display interface



                                      method getTextContent

                                      getTextContent: () => TextContent;
                                      • Returns


                                      class Skill

                                      class CustomSkill implements Skill<RequestEnvelope, ResponseEnvelope> {}
                                      • Top level container for request dispatcher.


                                      constructor(skillConfiguration: CustomSkillConfiguration);

                                        property apiClient

                                        protected apiClient: ApiClient;

                                          property customUserAgent

                                          protected customUserAgent: string;

                                            property persistenceAdapter

                                            protected persistenceAdapter: PersistenceAdapter;

                                              property requestDispatcher

                                              protected requestDispatcher: RequestDispatcher<HandlerInput, Response>;

                                                property skillId

                                                protected skillId: string;

                                                  method appendAdditionalUserAgent

                                                  appendAdditionalUserAgent: (userAgent: string) => void;
                                                  • Append additional user agent info

                                                    Parameter userAgent

                                                  method invoke

                                                  invoke: (
                                                  requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope,
                                                  context?: any
                                                  ) => Promise<ResponseEnvelope>;
                                                  • Invokes the dispatcher to handler the request envelope and construct the handler input.

                                                    Parameter requestEnvelope

                                                    Parameter context

                                                  method supports

                                                  supports: (input: any, context?: any) => boolean;
                                                  • Determines if the skill can support the specific request type.

                                                    Parameter input

                                                    Parameter context

                                                  class TextContentHelper

                                                  abstract class TextContentHelper {}
                                                  • An abstract class responsible for building text content object using ask-sdk-model in Alexa skills kit display interface

                                                  property primaryText

                                                  protected primaryText: string;

                                                    property secondaryText

                                                    protected secondaryText: string;

                                                      property tertiaryText

                                                      protected tertiaryText: string;

                                                        method getTextContent

                                                        abstract getTextContent: () => TextContent;
                                                        • Returns


                                                        method withPrimaryText

                                                        withPrimaryText: (primaryText: string) => this;
                                                        • Parameter primaryText



                                                        method withSecondaryText

                                                        withSecondaryText: (secondaryText: string) => this;
                                                        • Parameter secondaryText



                                                        method withTertiaryText

                                                        withTertiaryText: (tertiaryText: string) => this;
                                                        • Parameter tertiaryText




                                                        interface AttributesManager

                                                        interface AttributesManager {}
                                                        • An interface handling three level attributes: request, session and persistence.

                                                        method deletePersistentAttributes

                                                        deletePersistentAttributes: () => Promise<void>;
                                                        • Delete persistent attributes from the persistent layer if a persistence adapter is provided. {Promise}

                                                        method getPersistentAttributes

                                                        getPersistentAttributes: (
                                                        useSessionCache?: boolean,
                                                        defaultAttributes?: { [key: string]: any }
                                                        ) => Promise<{ [key: string]: any }>;
                                                        • Provides persistent attributes retrieved and cached from persistence adapter, provide false to useSessionCache to ignore values cached from previous invocations.

                                                          Parameter useSessionCache


                                                          {Promise<Object.<string, any>>}

                                                        method getRequestAttributes

                                                        getRequestAttributes: () => { [key: string]: any };
                                                        • Provides request attributes for the request life cycle.


                                                          {Object.<string, any>}

                                                        method getSessionAttributes

                                                        getSessionAttributes: <T = { [key: string]: any }>() => T;
                                                        • Provides session attributes extracted from request envelope.


                                                          {Object.<string, any>}

                                                        method savePersistentAttributes

                                                        savePersistentAttributes: () => Promise<void>;
                                                        • Save persistent attributes to the persistence layer if a persistence adapter is provided. {Promise}

                                                        method setPersistentAttributes

                                                        setPersistentAttributes: (persistentAttributes: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
                                                        • Overwrites and caches the persistent attributes value. Note no persistence layer calls are being made in this function.

                                                          Parameter persistentAttributes



                                                        method setRequestAttributes

                                                        setRequestAttributes: (requestAttributes: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
                                                        • Overwrites the request attributes value.

                                                          Parameter requestAttributes



                                                        method setSessionAttributes

                                                        setSessionAttributes: (sessionAttributes: { [key: string]: any }) => void;
                                                        • Overwrites the session attributes value.

                                                          Parameter sessionAttributes



                                                        interface BaseSkillBuilder

                                                        interface BaseSkillBuilder {}
                                                        • An interface containing help functions to build a CustomSkill.

                                                        method addErrorHandler

                                                        addErrorHandler: (
                                                        matcher: (input: HandlerInput, error: Error) => Promise<boolean> | boolean,
                                                        executor: (input: HandlerInput, error: Error) => Promise<Response> | Response
                                                        ) => this;

                                                          method addErrorHandlers

                                                          addErrorHandlers: (...errorHandlers: CustomSkillErrorHandler[]) => this;

                                                            method addRequestHandler

                                                            addRequestHandler: (
                                                            matcher: string | ((input: HandlerInput) => Promise<boolean> | boolean),
                                                            executor: (input: HandlerInput) => Promise<Response> | Response
                                                            ) => this;

                                                              method addRequestHandlers

                                                              addRequestHandlers: (...requestHandlers: CustomSkillRequestHandler[]) => this;

                                                                method addRequestInterceptors

                                                                addRequestInterceptors: (
                                                                ...executors: (
                                                                | CustomSkillRequestInterceptor
                                                                | ((input: HandlerInput) => Promise<void> | void)
                                                                ) => this;

                                                                  method addResponseInterceptors

                                                                  addResponseInterceptors: (
                                                                  ...executors: (
                                                                  | CustomSkillResponseInterceptor
                                                                  | ((input: HandlerInput, response?: Response) => Promise<void> | void)
                                                                  ) => this;

                                                                    method create

                                                                    create: () => CustomSkill;

                                                                      method getSkillConfiguration

                                                                      getSkillConfiguration: () => CustomSkillConfiguration;

                                                                        method lambda

                                                                        lambda: () => LambdaHandler;

                                                                          method withCustomUserAgent

                                                                          withCustomUserAgent: (customUserAgent: string) => this;

                                                                            method withSkillId

                                                                            withSkillId: (skillId: string) => this;

                                                                              interface CustomSkillBuilder

                                                                              interface CustomSkillBuilder extends BaseSkillBuilder {}
                                                                              • An interface which helps building a customized skill.

                                                                              method withApiClient

                                                                              withApiClient: (apiClient: ApiClient) => this;

                                                                                method withPersistenceAdapter

                                                                                withPersistenceAdapter: (persistenceAdapter: PersistenceAdapter) => this;

                                                                                  interface ErrorHandler

                                                                                  interface CustomSkillErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler<HandlerInput, Response> {}

                                                                                    interface HandlerInput

                                                                                    interface HandlerInput {}

                                                                                    property attributesManager

                                                                                    attributesManager: AttributesManager;

                                                                                      property context

                                                                                      context?: any;

                                                                                        property requestEnvelope

                                                                                        requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope;

                                                                                          property responseBuilder

                                                                                          responseBuilder: ResponseBuilder;

                                                                                            property serviceClientFactory

                                                                                            serviceClientFactory?: ServiceClientFactory;

                                                                                              interface PersistenceAdapter

                                                                                              interface PersistenceAdapter {}
                                                                                              • An interface for storing and retrieving persistent attributes from persistence tier given request envelope.

                                                                                              method deleteAttributes

                                                                                              deleteAttributes: (requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope) => Promise<void>;

                                                                                                method getAttributes

                                                                                                getAttributes: (
                                                                                                requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope
                                                                                                ) => Promise<{ [key: string]: any }>;

                                                                                                  method saveAttributes

                                                                                                  saveAttributes: (
                                                                                                  requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope,
                                                                                                  attributes: { [key: string]: any }
                                                                                                  ) => Promise<void>;

                                                                                                    interface RequestHandler

                                                                                                    interface CustomSkillRequestHandler extends RequestHandler<HandlerInput, Response> {}

                                                                                                      interface RequestInterceptor

                                                                                                      interface CustomSkillRequestInterceptor extends RequestInterceptor<HandlerInput> {}

                                                                                                        interface ResponseBuilder

                                                                                                        interface ResponseBuilder {}
                                                                                                        • An interface which helps building a response.

                                                                                                        method addAudioPlayerClearQueueDirective

                                                                                                        addAudioPlayerClearQueueDirective: (
                                                                                                        clearBehavior: interfaces.audioplayer.ClearBehavior
                                                                                                        ) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds an AudioPlayer ClearQueue directive - clear the queue without stopping the currently playing stream, or clear the queue and stop any currently playing stream.

                                                                                                          Parameter clearBehavior

                                                                                                          Describes the clear queue behavior. Accepted values: CLEAR_ENQUEUED: clears the queue and continues to play the currently playing stream CLEAR_ALL: clears the entire playback queue and stops the currently playing stream (if applicable).



                                                                                                        method addAudioPlayerPlayDirective

                                                                                                        addAudioPlayerPlayDirective: (
                                                                                                        playBehavior: interfaces.audioplayer.PlayBehavior,
                                                                                                        url: string,
                                                                                                        token: string,
                                                                                                        offsetInMilliseconds: number,
                                                                                                        expectedPreviousToken?: string,
                                                                                                        audioItemMetadata?: AudioItemMetadata
                                                                                                        ) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds an AudioPlayer play directive

                                                                                                          Parameter playBehavior

                                                                                                          Describes playback behavior. Accepted values: REPLACE_ALL: Immediately begin playback of the specified stream, and replace current and enqueued streams. ENQUEUE: Add the specified stream to the end of the current queue. This does not impact the currently playing stream. REPLACE_ENQUEUED: Replace all streams in the queue. This does not impact the currently playing stream.

                                                                                                          Parameter url

                                                                                                          Identifies the location of audio content at a remote HTTPS location. The audio file must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint. HTTPS is required, and the domain hosting the files must present a valid, trusted SSL certificate. Self-signed certificates cannot be used. The supported formats for the audio file include AAC/MP4, MP3, HLS, PLS and M3U. Bitrates: 16kbps to 384 kbps.

                                                                                                          Parameter token

                                                                                                          A token that represents the audio stream. This token cannot exceed 1024 characters

                                                                                                          Parameter offsetInMilliseconds

                                                                                                          The timestamp in the stream from which Alexa should begin playback. Set to 0 to start playing the stream from the beginning. Set to any other value to start playback from that associated point in the stream

                                                                                                          Parameter expectedPreviousToken

                                                                                                          A token that represents the expected previous stream. This property is required and allowed only when the playBehavior is ENQUEUE. This is used to prevent potential race conditions if requests to progress through a playlist and change tracks occur at the same time.

                                                                                                          Parameter audioItemMetadata

                                                                                                          Metadata that can be displayed on screen enabled devices



                                                                                                        method addAudioPlayerStopDirective

                                                                                                        addAudioPlayerStopDirective: () => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds an AudioPlayer Stop directive - Stops the current audio Playback



                                                                                                        method addConfirmIntentDirective

                                                                                                        addConfirmIntentDirective: (updatedIntent?: Intent) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a Dialog confirmIntent directive to response

                                                                                                          Parameter updatedIntent



                                                                                                        method addConfirmSlotDirective

                                                                                                        addConfirmSlotDirective: (slotToConfirm: string, updatedIntent?: Intent) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a Dialog confirmSlot directive to response

                                                                                                          Parameter slotToConfirm

                                                                                                          Parameter updatedIntent



                                                                                                        method addDelegateDirective

                                                                                                        addDelegateDirective: (updatedIntent?: Intent) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a Dialog delegate directive to response

                                                                                                          Parameter updatedIntent



                                                                                                        method addDirective

                                                                                                        addDirective: (directive: Directive) => this;
                                                                                                        • Helper method for adding directives to responses

                                                                                                          Parameter directive

                                                                                                          the directive send back to Alexa device



                                                                                                        method addDirectiveToReprompt

                                                                                                        addDirectiveToReprompt: (directive: Directive) => this;
                                                                                                        • Helper method for adding directives to reprompt

                                                                                                          Parameter directive

                                                                                                          the directive sent back to Alexa device



                                                                                                        method addElicitSlotDirective

                                                                                                        addElicitSlotDirective: (slotToElicit: string, updatedIntent?: Intent) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a Dialog elicitSlot directive to response

                                                                                                          Parameter slotToElicit

                                                                                                          Parameter updatedIntent



                                                                                                        method addExperimentTrigger

                                                                                                        addExperimentTrigger: (experimentId: string) => this;
                                                                                                        • Helper method for adding experimentation trigger to responses

                                                                                                          Parameter experimentId

                                                                                                          the id of the experiment that was triggered



                                                                                                        method addHintDirective

                                                                                                        addHintDirective: (text: string) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a hint directive - show a hint on the screen of the echo show

                                                                                                          Parameter text

                                                                                                          plain text to show on the hint



                                                                                                        method addRenderTemplateDirective

                                                                                                        addRenderTemplateDirective: (template: interfaces.display.Template) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a Display RenderTemplate Directive

                                                                                                          Parameter template



                                                                                                        method addVideoAppLaunchDirective

                                                                                                        addVideoAppLaunchDirective: (
                                                                                                        source: string,
                                                                                                        title?: string,
                                                                                                        subtitle?: string
                                                                                                        ) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds a VideoApp play directive to play a video

                                                                                                          Parameter source

                                                                                                          Identifies the location of video content at a remote HTTPS location. The video file must be hosted at an Internet-accessible HTTPS endpoint.

                                                                                                          Parameter title

                                                                                                          (optional) title that can be displayed on VideoApp.

                                                                                                          Parameter subtitle

                                                                                                          (optional) subtitle that can be displayed on VideoApp.



                                                                                                        method getResponse

                                                                                                        getResponse: () => Response;
                                                                                                        • Returns the response object



                                                                                                        method reprompt

                                                                                                        reprompt: (repromptSpeechOutput: string, playBehavior?: ui.PlayBehavior) => this;
                                                                                                        • Has alexa listen for speech from the user. If the user doesn't respond within 8 seconds then has alexa reprompt with the provided reprompt speech

                                                                                                          Parameter repromptSpeechOutput

                                                                                                          Parameter playBehavior



                                                                                                        method speak

                                                                                                        speak: (speechOutput: string, playBehavior?: ui.PlayBehavior) => this;
                                                                                                        • Has Alexa say the provided speech to the user

                                                                                                          Parameter speechOutput

                                                                                                          Parameter playBehavior



                                                                                                        method withApiResponse

                                                                                                        withApiResponse: (apiResponse: any) => this;
                                                                                                        • Helper method for adding Api response in the response

                                                                                                          Parameter apiResponse



                                                                                                        method withAskForPermissionsConsentCard

                                                                                                        withAskForPermissionsConsentCard: (permissionArray: string[]) => this;
                                                                                                        • Renders an askForPermissionsConsent card

                                                                                                          Parameter permissionArray



                                                                                                        method withCanFulfillIntent

                                                                                                        withCanFulfillIntent: (canFulfillIntent: CanFulfillIntent) => this;
                                                                                                        • Adds canFulfillIntent to response.

                                                                                                          Parameter canFulfillIntent


                                                                                                        method withLinkAccountCard

                                                                                                        withLinkAccountCard: () => this;
                                                                                                        • Renders a link account card



                                                                                                        method withShouldEndSession

                                                                                                        withShouldEndSession: (val: boolean) => this;
                                                                                                        • Sets shouldEndSession value to null/false/true

                                                                                                          Parameter val



                                                                                                        method withSimpleCard

                                                                                                        withSimpleCard: (cardTitle: string, cardContent: string) => this;
                                                                                                        • Renders a simple card with the following title and content

                                                                                                          Parameter cardTitle

                                                                                                          Parameter cardContent



                                                                                                        method withStandardCard

                                                                                                        withStandardCard: (
                                                                                                        cardTitle: string,
                                                                                                        cardContent: string,
                                                                                                        smallImageUrl?: string,
                                                                                                        largeImageUrl?: string
                                                                                                        ) => this;
                                                                                                        • Renders a standard card with the following title, content and image

                                                                                                          Parameter cardTitle

                                                                                                          Parameter cardContent

                                                                                                          Parameter smallImageUrl

                                                                                                          Parameter largeImageUrl



                                                                                                        interface ResponseInterceptor

                                                                                                        interface CustomSkillResponseInterceptor
                                                                                                        extends ResponseInterceptor<HandlerInput, Response> {}

                                                                                                          interface SkillConfiguration

                                                                                                          interface CustomSkillConfiguration
                                                                                                          extends RuntimeConfiguration<HandlerInput, Response> {}
                                                                                                          • An interfaces that represents the standard components needed to build CustomSkill.

                                                                                                          property apiClient

                                                                                                          apiClient?: services.ApiClient;

                                                                                                            property customUserAgent

                                                                                                            customUserAgent?: string;

                                                                                                              property persistenceAdapter

                                                                                                              persistenceAdapter?: PersistenceAdapter;

                                                                                                                property skillId

                                                                                                                skillId?: string;

                                                                                                                  Type Aliases

                                                                                                                  type LambdaHandler

                                                                                                                  type LambdaHandler = (
                                                                                                                  requestEnvelope: RequestEnvelope,
                                                                                                                  context: any,
                                                                                                                  callback: (err: Error, result?: any) => void
                                                                                                                  ) => void;
                                                                                                                  • Type definition of LambdaHandler which contains inputs received in lambda function.

                                                                                                                  type ViewportDpiGroup

                                                                                                                  type ViewportDpiGroup = 'XLOW' | 'LOW' | 'MEDIUM' | 'HIGH' | 'XHIGH' | 'XXHIGH';

                                                                                                                    type ViewportOrientation

                                                                                                                    type ViewportOrientation = 'EQUAL' | 'LANDSCAPE' | 'PORTRAIT';

                                                                                                                      type ViewportProfile

                                                                                                                      type ViewportProfile =
                                                                                                                      | 'HUB-ROUND-SMALL'
                                                                                                                      | 'HUB-LANDSCAPE-SMALL'
                                                                                                                      | 'HUB-LANDSCAPE-MEDIUM'
                                                                                                                      | 'HUB-LANDSCAPE-LARGE'
                                                                                                                      | 'MOBILE-LANDSCAPE-SMALL'
                                                                                                                      | 'MOBILE-PORTRAIT-SMALL'
                                                                                                                      | 'MOBILE-LANDSCAPE-MEDIUM'
                                                                                                                      | 'MOBILE-PORTRAIT-MEDIUM'
                                                                                                                      | 'TV-LANDSCAPE-XLARGE'
                                                                                                                      | 'TV-PORTRAIT-MEDIUM'
                                                                                                                      | 'TV-LANDSCAPE-MEDIUM'
                                                                                                                      | 'UNKNOWN-VIEWPORT-PROFILE';

                                                                                                                        type ViewportSizeGroup

                                                                                                                        type ViewportSizeGroup = 'XSMALL' | 'SMALL' | 'MEDIUM' | 'LARGE' | 'XLARGE';

                                                                                                                          Package Files (29)

                                                                                                                          Dependencies (1)

                                                                                                                          Dev Dependencies (17)

                                                                                                                          Peer Dependencies (1)


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