
  • Version 11.12.0
  • Published
  • 151 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • Artistic-2.0 license


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pnpm add assert-helpers


Common utilities and helpers to make testing assertions easier



function bool

bool: (value: any) => boolean | null;
  • Convert a value to its boolean equivalent

function color

color: (value: any, color: Function) => string;
  • Applies the color to the value if desired

function completeViaCallback

completeViaCallback: (
value: any,
delay?: number
) => (complete: (error: null, result: typeof value) => void) => void;
  • Generate a callback that will receive a completion callback whcih it will call with the specified result after the specified delay.

function contains

contains: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Checks to see if the actual result contains the expected result .

function deepEqual

deepEqual: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Same as assert.deepStrictEqual in that it performs a deep strict equals check, but if a failure occurs it will output detailed information

function equal

equal: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Same as assert.strictEqual in that it performs a strict equals check, but if a failure occurs it will output detailed information

function errorEqual

errorEqual: (
actualError: any,
expectedError: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Checks to see if an error was as expected, if a failure occurs it will output detailed information

function errorViaCallback

errorViaCallback: (
error: Error | string,
delay?: number
) => (complete: (error: Error | string) => void) => void;
  • Generate a callback that will receive a completion callback which it will call with the passed error after the specified delay.

function expectErrorViaCallback

expectErrorViaCallback: (
expected: Error | string,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => (actual: Error | string) => void;
  • Generate a callback that will check its error (the actual error) against the passed error (the expected error). If a failure occurs it will output detailed information.

function expectErrorViaFunction

expectErrorViaFunction: () => never;

function expectFunctionToThrow

expectFunctionToThrow: () => never;

function expectThrowViaFunction

expectThrowViaFunction: (
expected: Error | string,
fn: () => never,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void;
  • Expect the passed function to throw an error at some point.

function expectViaCallback

expectViaCallback: (...expected: any) => (...actual: any) => void;
  • Generate a callback that will check the arguments it received with the arguments specified, if a failure occurs it will output detailed information.

function gt

gt: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Is greater than

function gte

gte: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Is greater than or equal to

function inspect

inspect: (value: any, opts?: any) => string;
  • Return a stringified version of the value with indentation and colors where applicable. Colors will be applied if the environment supports it (--no-colors not present and TTY). For the available options, refer to for Node.js

function isNode

isNode: () => boolean;
  • Whether or not we are running in the node environment

function isTTY

isTTY: () => boolean;
  • Whether or not stdout and stderr are interactive.

function log

log: (...args: any) => void;
  • Log the inspected values of each of the arguments to stdout

function logComparison

logComparison: (actual: any, expected: any, error: Error | string | any) => void;
  • Output a comparison of the failed result to stderr

function lt

lt: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Is less than

function lte

lte: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Is less than or equal to

function notContains

notContains: (
actual: any,
expected: any,
testName?: string,
next?: Errback
) => void | never;
  • Checks to see if the actual result does not contain the expected result .

function nullish

nullish: (actual: any, testName?: string, next?: Errback) => void;
  • Ensure what is passed is undefined or null, otherwise fail and output what it is

function returnErrorViaCallback

returnErrorViaCallback: (error?: Error | string) => () => Error;
  • Generate a callback that return an error instance with the specified message/error.

function returnViaCallback

returnViaCallback: (value: any) => () => typeof value;
  • Generate a callback that will return the specified value.

function throwErrorViaCallback

throwErrorViaCallback: (error?: Error | string) => () => never;
  • Generate a callback that throw an error instance with the specified message/error.

function undef

undef: (actual: any, testName?: string, next?: Errback) => void;
  • Ensure what is passed is undefined, otherwise fail and output what it is

function useColors

useColors: () => boolean;
  • Whether or not colors are desired on this environment

function wait

wait: (delay: number, fn: (...args: any[]) => void) => NodeJS.Timeout;
  • Alias for setTimeout with paramaters reversed.

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