
  • Version 4.15.0
  • Published
  • 368 kB
  • 10 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i botkit
yarn add botkit
pnpm add botkit


Building Blocks for Building Bots



class Botkit

class Botkit {}
  • Create a new instance of Botkit to define the controller for a conversational app. To connect Botkit to a chat platform, pass in a fully configured adapter. If one is not specified, Botkit will expose an adapter for the Microsoft Bot Framework.


constructor(config: BotkitConfiguration);
  • Create a new Botkit instance and optionally specify a platform-specific adapter. By default, Botkit will create a [BotFrameworkAdapter](

    const controller = new Botkit({
    adapter: some_adapter,
    webhook_uri: '/api/messages',
    controller.on('message', async(bot, message) => {
    // do something!

    Parameter config

    Configuration for this instance of Botkit

property adapter

adapter: any;
  • Any BotBuilder-compatible adapter - defaults to a [BotFrameworkAdapter](

property dialogSet

dialogSet: DialogSet;
  • A BotBuilder DialogSet that serves as the top level dialog container for the Botkit app

property http

http: any;
  • A direct reference to the underlying HTTP server object

property middleware

middleware: { spawn: any; ingest: any; send: any; receive: any; interpret: any };
  • Middleware endpoints available for plugins and features to extend Botkit. Endpoints available are: spawn, ingest, receive, send.

    To bind a middleware function to Botkit:

    controller.middleware.receive.use(function(bot, message, next) {
    // do something with bot or message
    // always call next, or your bot will freeze!

property PATH

PATH: string;
  • The path of the main Botkit SDK, used to generate relative paths

property plugins

readonly plugins: { [key: string]: any };
  • Access plugin extension methods. After a plugin calls controller.addPluginExtension('foo', extension_methods), the extension will then be available at

property storage

storage: Storage;
  • a BotBuilder storage driver - defaults to MemoryStorage

property version

version: string;
  • The current version of Botkit Core

property webserver

webserver: any;
  • An Express webserver

method addDep

addDep: (name: string) => void;
  • (For use by Botkit plugins only) - Add a dependency to Botkit's bootup process that must be marked as completed using completeDep(). Botkit's controller.ready() function will not fire until all dependencies have been marked complete.

    For example, a plugin that needs to do an asynchronous task before Botkit proceeds might do:

    somethingAsync().then(function() {

    Parameter name

    The name of the dependency that is being loaded.

method addDialog

addDialog: (dialog: Dialog) => void;
  • Add a dialog to the bot, making it accessible via bot.beginDialog(dialog_id)

    // Create a dialog -- `BotkitConversation` is just one way to create a dialog
    const my_dialog = new BotkitConversation('my_dialog', controller);
    // Add the dialog to the Botkit controller
    // Later on, trigger the dialog into action!
    controller.on('message', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.beginDialog('my_dialog');

    Parameter dialog

    A dialog to be added to the bot's dialog set

method addPluginExtension

addPluginExtension: (name: string, extension: any) => void;
  • (Plugins only) Extend Botkit's controller with new functionality and make it available globally via the controller object.

    // define the extension interface
    let extension = {
    stuff: () => { return 'stuff' }
    // register the extension
    controller.addPluginExtension('foo', extension);
    // call extension;

    Parameter name

    name of plugin

    Parameter extension

    an object containing methods

method afterDialog

afterDialog: (dialog: Dialog | string, handler: BotkitHandler) => void;
  • Bind a handler to the end of a dialog. NOTE: bot worker cannot use bot.reply(), must use bot.send()

    [Learn more about handling end-of-conversation](../docs/

    Parameter dialog

    the dialog object or the id of the dialog

    Parameter handler

    a handler function in the form async(bot, dialog_results) => {}

method completeDep

completeDep: (name: string) => boolean;
  • (For use by plugins only) - Mark a bootup dependency as loaded and ready to use Botkit's controller.ready() function will not fire until all dependencies have been marked complete.

    Parameter name

    The name of the dependency that has completed loading.

method getConfig

getConfig: (key?: string) => any;
  • Get a value from the configuration.

    For example:

    // get entire config object
    let config = controller.getConfig();
    // get a specific value from the config
    let webhook_uri = controller.getConfig('webhook_uri');

    Parameter key

    The name of a value stored in the configuration


    {any} The value stored in the configuration (or null if absent)

method getLocalView

getLocalView: (path_to_view: any) => string;
  • Convert a local path from a plugin folder to a full path relative to the webserver's main views folder. Allows a plugin to bundle views/layouts and make them available to the webserver's renderer.

    Parameter path_to_view

    something like path.join(__dirname,'views')

method handleTurn

handleTurn: (turnContext: TurnContext) => Promise<any>;
  • Accepts the result of a BotBuilder adapter's processActivity() method and processes it into a Botkit-style message and BotWorker instance which is then used to test for triggers and emit events. NOTE: This method should only be used in custom adapters that receive messages through mechanisms other than the main webhook endpoint (such as those received via websocket, for example)

    Parameter turnContext

    a TurnContext representing an incoming message, typically created by an adapter's processActivity() method.

method hears

hears: (
| string
| RegExp
| (string | RegExp | ((message: BotkitMessage) => Promise<boolean>))[]
| ((message: BotkitMessage) => Promise<boolean>),
events: string | string[],
handler: BotkitHandler
) => void;
  • Instruct your bot to listen for a pattern, and do something when that pattern is heard. Patterns will be "heard" only if the message is not already handled by an in-progress dialog. To "hear" patterns _before_ dialogs are processed, use controller.interrupts() instead.

    For example:

    // listen for a simple keyword
    controller.hears('hello','message', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.reply(message,'I heard you say hello.');
    // listen for a regular expression
    controller.hears(new RegExp(/^[A-Z\s]+$/), 'message', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.reply(message,'I heard a message IN ALL CAPS.');
    // listen using a function
    controller.hears(async (message) => { return (message.intent === 'hello') }, 'message', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.reply(message,'This message matches the hello intent.');

    Parameter patterns

    One or more string, regular expression, or test function

    Parameter events

    A list of event types that should be evaluated for the given patterns

    Parameter handler

    a function that will be called should the pattern be matched

method interrupts

interrupts: (
| string
| RegExp
| (string | RegExp | ((message: BotkitMessage) => Promise<boolean>))[]
| RegExp[]
| ((message: BotkitMessage) => Promise<boolean>),
events: string | string[],
handler: BotkitHandler
) => void;
  • Instruct your bot to listen for a pattern, and do something when that pattern is heard. Interruptions work just like "hears" triggers, but fire _before_ the dialog system is engaged, and thus handlers will interrupt the normal flow of messages through the processing pipeline.

    controller.interrupts('help','message', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.reply(message,'Before anything else, you need some help!')

    Parameter patterns

    One or more string, regular expression, or test function

    Parameter events

    A list of event types that should be evaluated for the given patterns

    Parameter handler

    a function that will be called should the pattern be matched

method loadModule

loadModule: (p: string) => void;
  • Load a Botkit feature module

    Parameter p

    path to module file

method loadModules

loadModules: (p: string, exts?: string[]) => void;
  • Load all Botkit feature modules located in a given folder.

    controller.ready(() => {
    // load all modules from sub-folder features/

    Parameter p

    path to a folder of module files

    Parameter exts

    the extensions that you would like to load (default: ['.js'])

method on

on: (events: string | string[], handler: BotkitHandler) => void;
  • Bind a handler function to one or more events.

    controller.on('conversationUpdate', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.reply(message,'I received a conversationUpdate event.');

    Parameter events

    One or more event names

    Parameter handler

    a handler function that will fire whenever one of the named events is received.

method publicFolder

publicFolder: (alias: any, path: any) => void;
  • Expose a folder to the web as a set of static files. Useful for plugins that need to bundle additional assets!

    // make content of the local public folder available at http://MYBOTURL/public/myplugin
    controller.publicFolder('/public/myplugin', __dirname + '/public);

    Parameter alias

    the public alias ie /myfiles

    Parameter path

    the actual path something like __dirname + '/public'

method ready

ready: (handler: () => any) => void;
  • Use controller.ready() to wrap any calls that require components loaded during the bootup process. This will ensure that the calls will not be made until all of the components have successfully been initialized.

    For example:

    controller.ready(() => {
    controller.loadModules(__dirname + '/features');

    Parameter handler

    A function to run when Botkit is booted and ready to run.

method saveState

saveState: (bot: BotWorker) => Promise<void>;
  • Save the current conversation state pertaining to a given BotWorker's activities. Note: this is normally called internally and is only required when state changes happen outside of the normal processing flow.

    Parameter bot

    a BotWorker instance created using controller.spawn()

method shutdown

shutdown: () => Promise<void>;
  • Shutdown the webserver and prepare to terminate the app. Causes Botkit to first emit a special shutdown event, process any bound handlers, and then finally terminate the webserver. Bind any necessary cleanup helpers to the shutdown event - for example, close the connection to mongo.

    await controller.shutdown();
    controller.on('shutdown', async() => {
    console.log('Bot is shutting down!');

method spawn

spawn: (config?: any, custom_adapter?: BotAdapter) => Promise<BotWorker>;
  • Create a platform-specific BotWorker instance that can be used to respond to messages or generate new outbound messages. The spawned bot contains all information required to process outbound messages and handle dialog state, and may also contain extensions for handling platform-specific events or activities.

    Parameter config

    Preferably receives a DialogContext, though can also receive a TurnContext. If excluded, must call bot.changeContext(reference) before calling any other method.

    Parameter adapter

    An optional reference to a specific adapter from which the bot will be spawned. If not specified, will use the adapter from which the configuration object originates. Required for spawning proactive bots in a multi-adapter scenario.

method trigger

trigger: (
event: string,
bot?: BotWorker,
message?: BotkitMessage
) => Promise<any>;
  • Trigger an event to be fired. This will cause any bound handlers to be executed. Note: This is normally used internally, but can be used to emit custom events.

    // fire a custom event
    controller.trigger('my_custom_event', bot, message);
    // handle the custom event
    controller.on('my_custom_event', async(bot, message) => {
    //... do something

    Parameter event

    the name of the event

    Parameter bot

    a BotWorker instance created using controller.spawn()

    Parameter message

    An incoming message or event

method usePlugin

usePlugin: (
plugin_or_function: ((botkit: Botkit) => BotkitPlugin) | BotkitPlugin
) => void;
  • Load a plugin module and bind all included middlewares to their respective endpoints.

    Parameter plugin_or_function

    A plugin module in the form of function(botkit) {...} that returns {name, middlewares, init} or an object in the same form.

class BotkitConversation

class BotkitConversation<O extends object = {}> extends Dialog<O> {}
  • An extension on the [BotBuilder Dialog Class]( that provides a Botkit-friendly interface for defining and interacting with multi-message dialogs. Dialogs can be constructed using say(), ask() and other helper methods.

    // define the structure of your dialog...
    const convo = new BotkitConversation('foo', controller);
    convo.ask('What is your name?', async(answer, convo, bot) => {
    await bot.say('Your name is ' + answer);
    // later on, trigger this dialog by its id
    controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
    await bot.beginDialog('foo');


constructor(dialogId: string, controller: Botkit);
  • Create a new BotkitConversation object

    Parameter dialogId

    A unique identifier for this dialog, used to later trigger this dialog

    Parameter controller

    A pointer to the main Botkit controller

property script

script: any;
  • A map of every message in the dialog, broken into threads

method addAction

addAction: (action: string, thread_name?: string) => BotkitConversation;
  • An an action to the conversation timeline. This can be used to go to switch threads or end the dialog.

    When provided the name of another thread in the conversation, this will cause the bot to go immediately to that thread.

    Otherwise, use one of the following keywords: * stop * repeat * complete * timeout

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    // go to a thread called "next_thread"
    // end the conversation and mark as successful

    Parameter action

    An action or thread name

    Parameter thread_name

    The name of the thread to which this action is added. Defaults to default

method addChildDialog

addChildDialog: (
dialog_id: string,
key_name?: string,
thread_name?: string
) => BotkitConversation;
  • Cause the dialog to call a child dialog, wait for it to complete, then store the results in a variable and resume the parent dialog. Use this to [combine multiple dialogs into bigger interactions.](../

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    // define a profile collection dialog
    let profileDialog = new BotkitConversation('PROFILE_DIALOG', controller);
    profileDialog.ask('What is your name?', async(res, convo, bot) => {}, {key: 'name'});
    profileDialog.ask('What is your age?', async(res, convo, bot) => {}, {key: 'age'});
    profileDialog.ask('What is your location?', async(res, convo, bot) => {}, {key: 'location'});
    let onboard = new BotkitConversation('ONBOARDING', controller);
    onboard.say('Hello! It is time to collect your profile data.');
    onboard.addChildDialog('PROFILE_DIALOG', 'profile');
    onboard.say('Hello, {{}}! Onboarding is complete.');

    Parameter dialog_id

    the id of another dialog

    Parameter key_name

    the variable name in which to store the results of the child dialog. if not provided, defaults to dialog_id.

    Parameter thread_name

    the name of a thread to which this call should be added. defaults to 'default'

method addGotoDialog

addGotoDialog: (dialog_id: string, thread_name?: string) => BotkitConversation;
  • Cause the current dialog to handoff to another dialog. The parent dialog will not resume when the child dialog completes. However, the afterDialog event will not fire for the parent dialog until all child dialogs complete. Use this to [combine multiple dialogs into bigger interactions.](../

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    let parent = new BotkitConversation('parent', controller);
    let child = new BotkitConversation('child', controller);
    parent.say('Moving on....');

    Parameter dialog_id

    the id of another dialog

    Parameter thread_name

    the name of a thread to which this call should be added. defaults to 'default'

method addMessage

addMessage: (
message: Partial<BotkitMessageTemplate> | string,
thread_name: string
) => BotkitConversation;
  • Add a message template to a specific thread. Messages added with say() and addMessage() will be sent one after another without a pause.

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    let conversation = new BotkitConversation('welcome', controller);
    conversation.say('Hello! Welcome to my app.');
    conversation.say('Let us get started...');
    // pass in a message with an action that will cause gotoThread to be called...
    conversation.addMessage('This is a different thread completely', 'continuation');

    Parameter message

    Message template to be sent

    Parameter thread_name

    Name of thread to which message will be added

method addQuestion

addQuestion: (
message: Partial<BotkitMessageTemplate> | string,
handlers: BotkitConvoHandler | BotkitConvoTrigger[],
key: { key: string } | string | null,
thread_name: string
) => BotkitConversation;
  • Identical to [ask()](#ask), but accepts the name of a thread to which the question is added.

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    Parameter message

    A message that will be used as the prompt

    Parameter handlers

    One or more handler functions defining possible conditional actions based on the response to the question

    Parameter key

    Name of variable to store response in.

    Parameter thread_name

    Name of thread to which message will be added

method after

after: (handler: (results: any, bot: BotWorker) => void) => void;
  • Bind a function to run after the dialog has completed. The first parameter to the handler will include a hash of all variables set and values collected from the user during the conversation. The second parameter to the handler is a BotWorker object that can be used to start new dialogs or take other actions.

    [Learn more about handling end of conversation](../

    let convo = new BotkitConversation(MY_CONVO, controller);
    convo.ask('What is your name?', [], 'name');
    convo.ask('What is your age?', [], 'age');
    convo.ask('What is your favorite color?', [], 'color');
    convo.after(async(results, bot) => {
    // handle, results.age, results.color

    Parameter handler

    in the form async(results, bot) { ... }

method ask

ask: (
message: Partial<BotkitMessageTemplate> | string,
handlers: BotkitConvoHandler | BotkitConvoTrigger[],
key: { key: string } | string | null
) => BotkitConversation;
  • Add a question to the default thread. In addition to a message template, receives either a single handler function to call when an answer is provided, or an array of handlers paired with trigger patterns. When providing multiple conditions to test, developers may also provide a handler marked as the default choice.

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    // ask a question, handle the response with a function
    convo.ask('What is your name?', async(response, convo, bot, full_message) => {
    await bot.say('Oh your name is ' + response);
    }, {key: 'name'});
    // ask a question, evaluate answer, take conditional action based on response
    convo.ask('Do you want to eat a taco?', [
    pattern: 'yes',
    type: 'string',
    handler: async(response_text, convo, bot, full_message) => {
    return await convo.gotoThread('yes_taco');
    pattern: 'no',
    type: 'string',
    handler: async(response_text, convo, bot, full_message) => {
    return await convo.gotoThread('no_taco');
    default: true,
    handler: async(response_text, convo, bot, full_message) => {
    await bot.say('I do not understand your response!');
    // start over!
    return await convo.repeat();
    ], {key: 'tacos'});

    Parameter message

    a message that will be used as the prompt

    Parameter handlers

    one or more handler functions defining possible conditional actions based on the response to the question.

    Parameter key

    name of variable to store response in.

method before

before: (
thread_name: string,
handler: (convo: BotkitDialogWrapper, bot: BotWorker) => Promise<any>
) => void;
  • Register a handler function that will fire before a given thread begins. Use this hook to set variables, call APIs, or change the flow of the conversation using convo.gotoThread

    convo.addMessage('This is the foo thread: var == {{}}', 'foo');
    convo.before('foo', async(convo, bot) => {
    // set a variable here that can be used in the message template
    convo.setVar('foo','THIS IS FOO');

    Parameter thread_name

    A valid thread defined in this conversation

    Parameter handler

    A handler function in the form async(convo, bot) => { ... }

method beginDialog

beginDialog: (dc: DialogContext, options: any) => Promise<any>;
  • Called automatically when a dialog begins. Do not call this directly!

    Parameter dc

    the current DialogContext

    Parameter options

    an object containing initialization parameters passed to the dialog. may include thread which will cause the dialog to begin with that thread instead of the default thread.

method continueDialog

continueDialog: (dc: DialogContext) => Promise<any>;
  • Called automatically when an already active dialog is continued. Do not call this directly!

    Parameter dc

    the current DialogContext

method end

end: (dc: DialogContext) => Promise<DialogTurnStatus>;
  • Automatically called when the the dialog ends and causes any handlers bound using after() to fire. Do not call this directly!

    Parameter dc

    The current DialogContext

    Parameter value

    The final value collected by the dialog.

method onChange

onChange: (
variable: string,
handler: (response: any, convo: any, bot: any) => Promise<any>
) => void;
  • Bind a function to run whenever a user answers a specific question. Can be used to validate input and take conditional actions.

    convo.ask('What is your name?', [], 'name');
    convo.onChange('name', async(response, convo, bot) => {
    // user changed their name!
    // do something...

    Parameter variable

    name of the variable to watch for changes

    Parameter handler

    a handler function that will fire whenever a user's response is used to change the value of the watched variable

method resumeDialog

resumeDialog: (dc: any, reason: any, result: any) => Promise<any>;
  • Called automatically when a dialog moves forward a step. Do not call this directly!

    Parameter dc

    The current DialogContext

    Parameter reason

    Reason for resuming the dialog

    Parameter result

    Result of previous step

method say

say: (message: Partial<BotkitMessageTemplate> | string) => BotkitConversation;
  • Add a non-interactive message to the default thread. Messages added with say() and addMessage() will _not_ wait for a response, will be sent one after another without a pause.

    [Learn more about building conversations &rarr;](../

    let conversation = new BotkitConversation('welcome', controller);
    conversation.say('Hello! Welcome to my app.');
    conversation.say('Let us get started...');

    Parameter message

    Message template to be sent

class BotkitDialogWrapper

class BotkitDialogWrapper {}
  • This class is used to provide easy access to common actions taken on active BotkitConversation instances. These objects are passed into handlers bound to BotkitConversations using .before .onChange and conditional handler functions passed to .ask and .addQuestion Grants access to convo.vars convo.gotoThread() convo.setVar() and convo.repeat().


constructor(dc: DialogContext, step: BotkitConversationStep);

    property vars

    vars: { [key: string]: any };
    • An object containing variables and user responses from this conversation.

    method gotoThread

    gotoThread: (thread: string) => Promise<void>;
    • Jump immediately to the first message in a different thread.

      Parameter thread

      Name of a thread

    method repeat

    repeat: () => Promise<void>;
    • Repeat the last message sent on the next turn.

    method setVar

    setVar: (key: any, val: any) => void;
    • Set the value of a variable that will be available to messages in the conversation. Equivalent to convo.vars.key = val; Results in {{vars.key}} being replaced with the value in val.

      Parameter key

      the name of the variable

      Parameter val

      the value for the variable

    method stop

    stop: () => Promise<void>;
    • Stop the dialog.

    class BotkitTestClient

    class BotkitTestClient {}
    • A client for testing dialogs in isolation.


    channelId: string,
    bot: Botkit,
    dialogToTest: string | string[],
    initialDialogOptions?: any,
    middlewares?: Middleware[],
    conversationState?: ConversationState
    • Create a BotkitTestClient to test a dialog without having to create a full-fledged adapter.

      let client = new BotkitTestClient('test', bot, MY_DIALOG, MY_OPTIONS);
      let reply = await client.sendActivity('first message');
      assert.strictEqual(reply.text, 'first reply', 'reply failed');

      Parameter channelId

      The channelId to be used for the test. Use 'emulator' or 'test' if you are uncertain of the channel you are targeting. Otherwise, it is recommended that you use the id for the channel(s) your bot will be using and write a test case for each channel.

      Parameter bot

      (Required) The Botkit bot that has the skill to test.

      Parameter dialogToTest

      (Required) The identifier of the skill to test in the bot.

      Parameter initialDialogOptions

      (Optional) additional argument(s) to pass to the dialog being started.

      Parameter middlewares

      (Optional) a stack of middleware to be run when testing

      Parameter conversationState

      (Optional) A ConversationState instance to use in the test client


    testAdapter: TestAdapter,
    bot: Botkit,
    dialogToTest: string | string[],
    initialDialogOptions?: any,
    middlewares?: Middleware[],
    conversationState?: ConversationState

      property conversationState

      conversationState: ConversationState;

        property dialogTurnResult

        dialogTurnResult: DialogTurnResult;

          method getNextReply

          getNextReply: () => Activity;
          • Get the next reply waiting to be delivered (if one exists)

          method sendActivity

          sendActivity: (activity: Partial<Activity> | string) => Promise<any>;
          • Send an activity into the dialog.

            Parameter activity

            an activity potentially with text

            DialogTest.send('hello').assertReply('hello yourself').then(done);


            a TestFlow that can be used to assert replies etc

          class BotWorker

          class BotWorker {}
          • A base class for a bot instance, an object that contains the information and functionality for taking action in response to an incoming message. Note that adapters are likely to extend this class with additional platform-specific methods - refer to the adapter documentation for these extensions.


          constructor(controller: Botkit, config: any);
          • Create a new BotWorker instance. Do not call this directly - instead, use [controller.spawn()](#spawn).

            Parameter controller

            A pointer to the main Botkit controller

            Parameter config

            An object typically containing { dialogContext, reference, context, activity }

          property controller

          readonly controller: Botkit;
          • Get a reference to the main Botkit controller.

          method beginDialog

          beginDialog: (id: string, options?: any) => Promise<void>;
          • Begin a pre-defined dialog by specifying its id. The dialog will be started in the same context (same user, same channel) in which the original incoming message was received. [See "Using Dialogs" in the core documentation.](../

            controller.hears('hello', 'message', async(bot, message) => {
            await bot.beginDialog(GREETINGS_DIALOG);

            Parameter id

            id of dialog

            Parameter options

            object containing options to be passed into the dialog

          method cancelAllDialogs

          cancelAllDialogs: () => Promise<DialogTurnResult>;
          • Cancel any and all active dialogs for the current user/context.

          method changeContext

          changeContext: (reference: ConversationReference) => Promise<BotWorker>;
          • Alter the context in which a bot instance will send messages. Use this method to create or adjust a bot instance so that it can send messages to a predefined user/channel combination.

            // get the reference field and store it.
            const saved_reference = message.reference;
            // later on...
            let bot = await controller.spawn();

            Parameter reference

            A [ConversationReference](, most likely captured from an incoming message and stored for use in proactive messaging scenarios.

          method ensureMessageFormat

          ensureMessageFormat: (message: Partial<BotkitMessage> | string) => Activity;
          • Take a crudely-formed Botkit message with any sort of field (may just be a string, may be a partial message object) and map it into a beautiful BotFramework Activity. Any fields not found in the Activity definition will be moved to activity.channelData. message a string or partial outgoing message object


            a properly formed Activity object

          method getActiveDialog

          getActiveDialog: () => Dialog | undefined;
          • Get a reference to the active dialog


            a reference to the active dialog or undefined if no dialog is active

          method getConfig

          getConfig: (key?: string) => any;
          • Get a value from the BotWorker's configuration.

            let original_context = bot.getConfig('context');
            await original_context.sendActivity('send directly using the adapter instead of Botkit');

            Parameter key

            The name of a value stored in the configuration


            {any} The value stored in the configuration (or null if absent)

          method hasActiveDialog

          hasActiveDialog: () => boolean;
          • Check if any dialog is active or not


            true if there is an active dialog, otherwise false

          method httpBody

          httpBody: (body: any) => void;
          • Set the http response body for this turn. Use this to define the response value when the platform requires a synchronous response to the incoming webhook.

            Example handling of a /slash command from Slack:

            controller.on('slash_command', async(bot, message) => {
            bot.httpBody('This is a reply to the slash command.');

            Parameter body

            (any) a value that will be returned as the http response body

          method httpStatus

          httpStatus: (status: number) => void;
          • Set the http response status code for this turn

            controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
            // respond with a 500 error code for some reason!

            Parameter status

            a valid http status code like 200 202 301 500 etc

          method isDialogActive

          isDialogActive: (id: string) => boolean;
          • Check to see if a given dialog is currently active in the stack

            Parameter id

            The id of a dialog to look for in the dialog stack


            true if dialog with id is located anywhere in the dialog stack

          method replaceDialog

          replaceDialog: (id: string, options?: any) => Promise<void>;
          • Replace any active dialogs with a new a pre-defined dialog by specifying its id. The dialog will be started in the same context (same user, same channel) in which the original incoming message was received. [See "Using Dialogs" in the core documentation.](../

            controller.hears('hello', 'message', async(bot, message) => {
            await bot.replaceDialog(GREETINGS_DIALOG);

            Parameter id

            id of dialog

            Parameter options

            object containing options to be passed into the dialog

          method reply

          reply: (
          src: Partial<BotkitMessage>,
          resp: Partial<BotkitMessage> | string
          ) => Promise<any>;
          • Reply to an incoming message. Message will be sent using the context of the source message, which may in some cases be different than the context used to spawn the bot.

            Note that like [bot.say()](#say), reply() can take a string or a message object.

            controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
            await bot.reply(message, 'I received an event and am replying to it.');

            Parameter src

            An incoming message, usually passed in to a handler function

            Parameter resp

            A string containing the text of a reply, or more fully formed message object


            Return value will contain the results of the send action, typically {id: <id of message>}

          method say

          say: (message: Partial<BotkitMessage> | string) => Promise<any>;
          • Send a message using whatever context the bot was spawned in or set using [changeContext()](#changecontext) -- or more likely, one of the platform-specific helpers like [startPrivateConversation()](../reference/ (Slack), [startConversationWithUser()](../reference/ (Twilio SMS), and [startConversationWithUser()](../reference/ (Facebook Messenger). Be sure to check the platform documentation for others - most adapters include at least one.

            Simple use in event handler (acts the same as bot.reply)

            controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
            await bot.say('I received an event!');

            Use with a freshly spawned bot and bot.changeContext:

            let bot = controller.spawn(OPTIONS);
            bot.say('ALERT! I have some news.');

            Use with multi-field message object:

            controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
            text: 'I heard an event',
            attachments: [
            title: message.type,
            text: `The message was of type ${ message.type }`,
            // ...

            Parameter message

            A string containing the text of a reply, or more fully formed message object


            Return value will contain the results of the send action, typically {id: <id of message>}

          method startConversationWithUser

          startConversationWithUser: (reference: any) => Promise<void>;

            class TeamsBotWorker

            class TeamsBotWorker extends BotWorker {}
            • This is a specialized version of [Botkit's core BotWorker class]( that includes additional methods for interacting with Microsoft Teams. It includes all functionality from the base class, as well as the extension methods below. This BotWorker is used with the built-in Bot Framework adapter.

            property teams

            teams: TeamsInfo;
            • Grants access to the TeamsInfo helper class See:

            method replyWithTaskInfo

            replyWithTaskInfo: (message: BotkitMessage, taskInfo: any) => Promise<any>;
            • Reply to a Teams task module task/fetch or task/submit with a task module response. See

              Parameter message

              Parameter taskInfo

              an object in the form {type, value}

            class TeamsInvokeMiddleware

            class TeamsInvokeMiddleware extends MiddlewareSet {}
            • When used, causes Botkit to emit special events for teams "invokes" Based on This allows Botkit bots to respond directly to task/fetch or task/submit events, as an example. To use this, bind it to the adapter before creating the Botkit controller:

              const Botkit = new Botkit({...});
              botkit.adapter.use(new TeamsInvokeMiddleware());
              // can bind directly to task/fetch, task/submit and other invoke types used by teams
              controller.on('task/fetch', async(bot, message) => {
              await bot.replyWithTaskInfo(message, taskInfo);

            method onTurn

            onTurn: (context: TurnContext, next: () => Promise<any>) => Promise<void>;
            • Not for direct use - implements the MiddlewareSet's required onTurn function used to process the event

              Parameter context

              Parameter next


            interface BotkitConfiguration

            interface BotkitConfiguration {}
            • Defines the options used when instantiating Botkit to create the main app controller with new Botkit(options)

            property adapter

            adapter?: any;
            • A fully configured BotBuilder Adapter, such as botbuilder-adapter-slack or botbuilder-adapter-web The adapter is responsible for translating platform-specific messages into the format understood by Botkit and BotBuilder.

            property adapterConfig

            adapterConfig?: {
            [key: string]: any;
            • If using the BotFramework service, options included in adapterConfig will be passed to the new Adapter when created internally. See [BotFrameworkAdapterSettings](

            property dialogStateProperty

            dialogStateProperty?: string;
            • Name of the dialogState property in the ConversationState that will be used to automatically track the dialog state. Defaults to dialogState.

            property disable_console

            disable_console?: boolean;
            • Disable messages normally sent to the console during startup.

            property disable_webserver

            disable_webserver?: boolean;
            • Disable webserver. If true, Botkit will not create a webserver or expose any webhook endpoints automatically. Defaults to false.

            property jsonLimit

            jsonLimit?: string;
            • Limit of the size of incoming JSON payloads parsed by the Express bodyParser. Defaults to '100kb'

            property storage

            storage?: Storage;
            • A Storage interface compatible with [this specification]( Defaults to the ephemeral [MemoryStorage]( implementation.

            property urlEncodedLimit

            urlEncodedLimit?: string;
            • Limit of the size of incoming URL encoded payloads parsed by the Express bodyParser. Defaults to '100kb'

            property webhook_uri

            webhook_uri?: string;
            • Path used to create incoming webhook URI. Defaults to /api/messages

            property webserver

            webserver?: any;
            • An instance of Express used to define web endpoints. If not specified, one will be created internally. Note: only use your own Express if you absolutely must for some reason. Otherwise, use controller.webserver

            property webserver_middlewares

            webserver_middlewares?: any[];
            • An array of middlewares that will be automatically bound to the webserver. Should be in the form (req, res, next) => {}

            interface BotkitConversationStep

            interface BotkitConversationStep {}

              property index

              index: number;
              • The number pointing to the current message in the current thread in this dialog's script

              property next

              next: (stepResult: any) => Promise<any>;
              • A function to call when the step is completed.

              property options

              options: any;
              • A pointer to any options passed into the dialog when it began

              property reason

              reason: DialogReason;
              • The reason for this step being called

              property result

              result: any;
              • The results of the previous turn

              property state

              state: any;
              • A pointer to the current dialog state

              property thread

              thread: string;
              • The name of the current thread

              property threadLength

              threadLength: number;
              • The length of the current thread

              property values

              values: any;
              • A pointer directly to state.values

              interface BotkitHandler

              interface BotkitHandler {}
              • A handler function passed into hears() or on() that receives a [BotWorker](#botworker) instance and a [BotkitMessage](#botkitmessage). Should be defined as an async function and/or return a Promise.

                The form of these handlers should be:

                async (bot, message) => {
                // stuff.

                For example:

                controller.on('event', async(bot, message) => {
                // do somethign using bot and message like...
                await bot.reply(message,'Received an event.');

              call signature

              (bot: BotWorker, message: BotkitMessage): Promise<any>;

                interface BotkitMessage

                interface BotkitMessage {}
                • Defines the expected form of a message or event object being handled by Botkit. Will also contain any additional fields including in the incoming payload.

                property channel

                channel: string;
                • Unique identifier of the room/channel/space in which the message was sent. Typically contains the platform specific designator for that channel.

                property incoming_message

                incoming_message: Activity;
                • The original incoming [BotBuilder Activity]( object as created by the adapter.

                property reference

                reference: ConversationReference;
                • A full [ConversationReference]( object that defines the address of the message and all information necessary to send messages back to the originating location. Can be stored for later use, and used with [bot.changeContext()](#changeContext) to send proactive messages.

                property text

                text?: string;
                • Text of the message sent by the user (or primary value in case of button click)

                property type

                type: string;
                • The type of event, in most cases defined by the messaging channel or adapter

                property user

                user: string;
                • Unique identifier of user who sent the message. Typically contains the platform specific user id.

                property value

                value?: string;
                • Any value field received from the platform

                index signature

                [key: string]: any;
                • Any additional fields found in the incoming payload from the messaging platform.

                interface BotkitPlugin

                interface BotkitPlugin {}
                • An interface for plugins that can contain multiple middlewares as well as an init function.

                property init

                init?: (botkit: Botkit) => void;

                  property middlewares

                  middlewares?: {
                  [key: string]: any[];

                    property name

                    name: string;

                      index signature

                      [key: string]: any;

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