
  • Version 4.23.2
  • Published
  • 62.9 kB
  • 4 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i browserslist
yarn add browserslist
pnpm add browserslist


Share target browsers between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset



variable aliases

let aliases: { [alias: string]: string };
  • Browser names aliases.

variable cache

let cache: { [feature: string]: { [name: string]: { [version: string]: string } } };

    variable data

    let data: {
    [browser: string]: {
    name: string;
    versions: string[];
    released: string[];
    releaseDate: { [version: string]: number };

      variable defaults

      let defaults: readonly string[];
      • Default browsers query

      variable desktopNames

      let desktopNames: { [browser: string]: string };
      • Can I Use only provides a few versions for some browsers (e.g. and_chr).

        Fallback to a similar browser for unknown versions.

      variable nodeVersions

      let nodeVersions: string[];

        variable usage

        let usage: { [country: string]: Usage; global?: Usage; custom?: Usage | null };

          variable versionAliases

          let versionAliases: { [browser: string]: { [version: string]: string } };
          • Aliases to work with joined versions like ios_saf 7.0-7.1.


          function browserslist

          browserslist: typeof browserslist;
          • Return array of browsers by selection queries.

            browserslist('IE >= 10, IE 8') //=> ['ie 11', 'ie 10', 'ie 8']

            Parameter queries

            Browser queries.

            Parameter opts



            Array with browser names in Can I Use.

          function clearCaches

          clearCaches: () => void;

            function coverage

            coverage: (browsers: readonly string[], stats?: StatsOptions) => number;
            • Return browsers market coverage.

              browserslist.coverage(browserslist('> 1% in US'), 'US') //=> 83.1

              Parameter browsers

              Browsers names in Can I Use.

              Parameter stats

              Which statistics should be used.


              Total market coverage for all selected browsers.

            function findConfig

            findConfig: (...pathSegments: string[]) => Config | undefined;

              function loadConfig

              loadConfig: (options: LoadConfigOptions) => string[] | undefined;

                function parse

                parse: (
                queries?: string | readonly string[] | null,
                opts?: browserslist.Options
                ) => Query[];
                • Get queries AST to analyze the config content.

                  Parameter queries

                  Browser queries.

                  Parameter opts



                  An array of the data of each query in the config.

                function parseConfig

                parseConfig: (string: string) => Config;

                  function readConfig

                  readConfig: (file: string) => Config;


                    interface LoadConfigOptions

                    interface LoadConfigOptions {}

                      property config

                      config?: string;

                        property env

                        env?: string;

                          property path

                          path?: string;

                            interface Options

                            interface Options {}

                              property config

                              config?: string;
                              • Path to config file with queries.

                              property dangerousExtend

                              dangerousExtend?: boolean;
                              • Disable security checks for extend query.

                              property env

                              env?: string;
                              • Processing environment. It will be used to take right queries from config file.

                              property ignoreUnknownVersions

                              ignoreUnknownVersions?: boolean;
                              • Do not throw on unknown version in direct query.

                              property mobileToDesktop

                              mobileToDesktop?: boolean;
                              • Alias mobile browsers to the desktop version when Can I Use doesn’t have data about the specified version.

                              property path

                              path?: string | false;
                              • Path to processed file. It will be used to find config files.

                              property stats

                              stats?: Stats | string;
                              • Custom browser usage statistics for "> 1% in my stats" query.

                              property throwOnMissing

                              throwOnMissing?: boolean;
                              • Throw an error if env is not found.

                              interface Query

                              interface Query {}

                                property compose

                                compose: 'or' | 'and';

                                  property not

                                  not?: true;

                                    property query

                                    query: string;

                                      property type

                                      type: string;

                                        interface Stats

                                        interface Stats {}

                                          index signature

                                          [browser: string]: {
                                          [version: string]: number;

                                            interface Usage

                                            interface Usage {}

                                              index signature

                                              [version: string]: number;

                                                Type Aliases

                                                type Config

                                                type Config = {
                                                defaults: string[];
                                                [section: string]: string[] | undefined;

                                                  type StatsOptions

                                                  type StatsOptions = string | 'my stats' | Stats | { dataByBrowser: Stats };
                                                  • Which statistics should be used. Country code or custom statistics. Pass "my stats" to load statistics from Browserslist files.


                                                  namespace global

                                                  namespace global {}

                                                    namespace global.NodeJS

                                                    namespace global.NodeJS {}

                                                      interface ProcessEnv

                                                      interface ProcessEnv {}

                                                        property BROWSERSLIST

                                                        BROWSERSLIST?: string;

                                                          property BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG

                                                          BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG?: string;

                                                            property BROWSERSLIST_DANGEROUS_EXTEND

                                                            BROWSERSLIST_DANGEROUS_EXTEND?: string;

                                                              property BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE

                                                              BROWSERSLIST_DISABLE_CACHE?: string;

                                                                property BROWSERSLIST_ENV

                                                                BROWSERSLIST_ENV?: string;

                                                                  property BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA

                                                                  BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA?: string;

                                                                    property BROWSERSLIST_ROOT_PATH

                                                                    BROWSERSLIST_ROOT_PATH?: string;

                                                                      property BROWSERSLIST_STATS

                                                                      BROWSERSLIST_STATS?: string;

                                                                        Package Files (1)

                                                                        Dependencies (4)

                                                                        Dev Dependencies (0)

                                                                        No dev dependencies.

                                                                        Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                        No peer dependencies.


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