
  • Version 0.5.1
  • Published
  • 776 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors



function classToClassFromExist

classToClassFromExist: {
<T>(object: T, fromObject: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
<T>(object: T, fromObjects: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): T[];
  • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Uses given plain object as source object (it means fills given plain object with data from class object). Also works with arrays.


    This function is being removed. The current implementation is incorrect as it modifies the source object.

function classToPlain

classToPlain: {
<T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): Record<string, any>;
<T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): Record<string, any>[];
  • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Also works with arrays.


    Function name changed, use the instanceToPlain method instead.

function classToPlainFromExist

classToPlainFromExist: {
object: T,
plainObject: Record<string, any>,
options?: ClassTransformOptions
): Record<string, any>;
object: T,
plainObjects: Record<string, any>[],
options?: ClassTransformOptions
): Record<string, any>[];
  • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Uses given plain object as source object (it means fills given plain object with data from class object). Also works with arrays.


    This function is being removed.

function deserialize

deserialize: <T>(
cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
json: string,
options?: ClassTransformOptions
) => T;
  • Deserializes given JSON string to a object of the given class.


    This function is being removed. Please use the following instead:

    instanceToClass(cls, JSON.parse(json), options)

function deserializeArray

deserializeArray: <T>(
cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
json: string,
options?: ClassTransformOptions
) => T[];
  • Deserializes given JSON string to an array of objects of the given class.


    This function is being removed. Please use the following instead:

    JSON.parse(json).map(value => instanceToClass(cls, value, options))

function Exclude

Exclude: (options?: ExcludeOptions) => PropertyDecorator & ClassDecorator;
  • Marks the given class or property as excluded. By default the property is excluded in both constructorToPlain and plainToConstructor transformations. It can be limited to only one direction via using the toPlainOnly or toClassOnly option.

    Can be applied to class definitions and properties.

function Expose

Expose: (options?: ExposeOptions) => PropertyDecorator & ClassDecorator;
  • Marks the given class or property as included. By default the property is included in both constructorToPlain and plainToConstructor transformations. It can be limited to only one direction via using the toPlainOnly or toClassOnly option.

    Can be applied to class definitions and properties.

function instanceToInstance

instanceToInstance: {
<T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
<T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): T[];
  • Converts class (constructor) object to new class (constructor) object. Also works with arrays.

function instanceToPlain

instanceToPlain: {
<T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): Record<string, any>;
<T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): Record<string, any>[];
  • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Also works with arrays.

function plainToClass

plainToClass: {
<T, V>(
cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
plain: V[],
options?: ClassTransformOptions
): T[];
<T, V>(cls: ClassConstructor<T>, plain: V, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
  • Converts plain (literal) object to class (constructor) object. Also works with arrays.


    Function name changed, use the plainToInstance method instead.

function plainToClassFromExist

plainToClassFromExist: {
<T, V>(clsObject: T[], plain: V[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): T[];
<T, V>(clsObject: T, plain: V, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
  • Converts plain (literal) object to class (constructor) object. Uses given object as source object (it means fills given object with data from plain object). Also works with arrays.


    This function is being removed. The current implementation is incorrect as it modifies the source object.

function plainToInstance

plainToInstance: {
<T, V>(
cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
plain: V[],
options?: ClassTransformOptions
): T[];
<T, V>(cls: ClassConstructor<T>, plain: V, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
  • Converts plain (literal) object to class (constructor) object. Also works with arrays.

function serialize

serialize: {
<T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): string;
<T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): string;
  • Serializes given object to a JSON string.


    This function is being removed. Please use

    JSON.stringify(instanceToPlain(object, options))

function Transform

Transform: (
transformFn: (params: TransformFnParams) => any,
options?: TransformOptions
) => PropertyDecorator;
  • Defines a custom logic for value transformation.

    Can be applied to properties only.

function TransformInstanceToInstance

TransformInstanceToInstance: (params?: ClassTransformOptions) => MethodDecorator;
  • Return the class instance only with the exposed properties.

    Can be applied to functions and getters/setters only.

function TransformInstanceToPlain

TransformInstanceToPlain: (params?: ClassTransformOptions) => MethodDecorator;
  • Transform the object from class to plain object and return only with the exposed properties.

    Can be applied to functions and getters/setters only.

function TransformPlainToInstance

TransformPlainToInstance: (
classType: ClassConstructor<any>,
params?: ClassTransformOptions
) => MethodDecorator;
  • Return the class instance only with the exposed properties.

    Can be applied to functions and getters/setters only.

function Type

Type: (
typeFunction?: (type?: TypeHelpOptions) => Function,
options?: TypeOptions
) => PropertyDecorator;
  • Specifies a type of the property. The given TypeFunction can return a constructor. A discriminator can be given in the options.

    Can be applied to properties only.


class ClassTransformer

class ClassTransformer {}

    method classToClassFromExist

    classToClassFromExist: {
    <T>(object: T, fromObject: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
    <T>(object: T, fromObjects: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): T[];
    • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Uses given plain object as source object (it means fills given plain object with data from class object). Also works with arrays.

    method classToPlainFromExist

    classToPlainFromExist: {
    <T extends Record<string, any>, P>(
    object: T,
    plainObject: P,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T;
    <T extends Record<string, any>, P>(
    object: T,
    plainObjects: P[],
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T[];
    • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Uses given plain object as source object (it means fills given plain object with data from class object). Also works with arrays.

    method deserialize

    deserialize: <T>(
    cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
    json: string,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ) => T;
    • Deserializes given JSON string to a object of the given class.

    method deserializeArray

    deserializeArray: <T>(
    cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
    json: string,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ) => T[];
    • Deserializes given JSON string to an array of objects of the given class.

    method instanceToInstance

    instanceToInstance: {
    <T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): T;
    <T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): T[];
    • Converts class (constructor) object to new class (constructor) object. Also works with arrays.

    method instanceToPlain

    instanceToPlain: {
    <T extends Record<string, any>>(
    object: T,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): Record<string, any>;
    <T extends Record<string, any>>(
    object: T[],
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): Record<string, any>[];
    • Converts class (constructor) object to plain (literal) object. Also works with arrays.

    method plainToClassFromExist

    plainToClassFromExist: {
    <T extends Record<string, any>, V extends any[]>(
    clsObject: T,
    plain: V,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T;
    <T extends Record<string, any>, V>(
    clsObject: T,
    plain: V,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T[];
    • Converts plain (literal) object to class (constructor) object. Uses given object as source object (it means fills given object with data from plain object). Also works with arrays.

    method plainToInstance

    plainToInstance: {
    <T extends Record<string, any>, V extends any[]>(
    cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
    plain: V,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T[];
    <T extends Record<string, any>, V>(
    cls: ClassConstructor<T>,
    plain: V,
    options?: ClassTransformOptions
    ): T;
    • Converts plain (literal) object to class (constructor) object. Also works with arrays.

    method serialize

    serialize: {
    <T>(object: T, options?: ClassTransformOptions): string;
    <T>(object: T[], options?: ClassTransformOptions): string;
    • Serializes given object to a JSON string.


    interface ClassTransformOptions

    interface ClassTransformOptions {}
    • Options to be passed during transformation.

    property enableCircularCheck

    enableCircularCheck?: boolean;
    • If set to true then class transformer will perform a circular check. (circular check is turned off by default) This option is useful when you know for sure that your types might have a circular dependency.

    property enableImplicitConversion

    enableImplicitConversion?: boolean;
    • If set to true then class transformer will try to convert properties implicitly to their target type based on their typing information.

      DEFAULT: false

    property excludeExtraneousValues

    excludeExtraneousValues?: boolean;
    • Indicates if extraneous properties should be excluded from the value when converting a plain value to a class.

      This option requires that each property on the target class has at least one @Expose or @Exclude decorator assigned from this library.

    property excludePrefixes

    excludePrefixes?: string[];
    • Excludes properties with the given prefixes. For example, if you mark your private properties with "_" and "__" you can set this option's value to ["_", "__"] and all private properties will be skipped. This works only for "exposeAll" strategy.

    property exposeDefaultValues

    exposeDefaultValues?: boolean;
    • If set to true then class transformer will take default values for unprovided fields. This is useful when you convert a plain object to a class and have an optional field with a default value.

    property exposeUnsetFields

    exposeUnsetFields?: boolean;
    • When set to true, fields with undefined as value will be included in class to plain transformation. Otherwise those fields will be omitted from the result.

      DEFAULT: true

    property groups

    groups?: string[];
    • Only properties with given groups gonna be transformed.

    property ignoreDecorators

    ignoreDecorators?: boolean;
    • If set to true then class transformer will ignore the effect of all and decorators. This option is useful if you want to kinda clone your object but do not apply decorators affects.

      __NOTE:__ You may still have to add the decorators to make other options work.

    property strategy

    strategy?: 'excludeAll' | 'exposeAll';
    • Exclusion strategy. By default exposeAll is used, which means that it will expose all properties are transformed by default.

    property targetMaps

    targetMaps?: TargetMap[];
    • Target maps allows to set a Types of the transforming object without using decorator. This is useful when you are transforming external classes, or if you already have type metadata for objects and you don't want to set it up again.

    property version

    version?: number;
    • Only properties with "since" > version < "until" gonna be transformed.

    interface DiscriminatorDescriptor

    interface DiscriminatorDescriptor {}
    • Discriminator object containing the type information to select a proper type during transformation when a discriminator property is provided.

    property property

    property: string;
    • The name of the property which holds the type information in the received object.

    property subTypes

    subTypes: {
    * Name of the type.
    name: string;
    * A class constructor which can be used to create the object.
    value: ClassConstructor<any>;
    • List of the available types. The transformer will try to lookup the object with the same key as the value received in the defined discriminator property and create an instance of the defined class.

    interface ExcludeMetadata

    interface ExcludeMetadata {}
    • This object represents metadata assigned to a property via the decorator.

    property options

    options: ExcludeOptions;
    • Options passed to the operator for this property.

    property propertyName

    propertyName: string | undefined;
    • The property name this metadata belongs to on the target (class or property).

      Note: If the decorator is applied to a class the propertyName will be undefined.

    property target

    target: Function;

      interface ExcludeOptions

      interface ExcludeOptions {}
      • Possible transformation options for the decorator.

      property toClassOnly

      toClassOnly?: boolean;
      • Expose this property only when transforming from plain to class instance.

      property toPlainOnly

      toPlainOnly?: boolean;
      • Expose this property only when transforming from class instance to plain object.

      interface ExposeMetadata

      interface ExposeMetadata {}
      • This object represents metadata assigned to a property via the decorator.

      property options

      options: ExposeOptions;
      • Options passed to the operator for this property.

      property propertyName

      propertyName: string | undefined;
      • The property name this metadata belongs to on the target (class or property).

        Note: If the decorator is applied to a class the propertyName will be undefined.

      property target

      target: Function;

        interface ExposeOptions

        interface ExposeOptions {}
        • Possible transformation options for the decorator.

        property groups

        groups?: string[];
        • List of transformation groups this property belongs to. When set, the property will be exposed only when transform is called with one of the groups specified.


          instanceToPlain(payload, { groups: ['user'] });

        property name

        name?: string;
        • Name of property on the target object to expose the value of this property.

        property since

        since?: number;
        • First version where this property should be exposed.


          instanceToPlain(payload, { version: 1.0 });

        property toClassOnly

        toClassOnly?: boolean;
        • Expose this property only when transforming from plain to class instance.

        property toPlainOnly

        toPlainOnly?: boolean;
        • Expose this property only when transforming from class instance to plain object.

        property until

        until?: number;
        • Last version where this property should be exposed.


          instanceToPlain(payload, { version: 1.0 });

        interface TargetMap

        interface TargetMap {}
        • Allows to specify a map of Types in the object without using decorator. This is useful when you have external classes.

        property properties

        properties: {
        [key: string]: Function;
        • List of properties and their Types.

        property target

        target: Function;
        • Target which Types are being specified.

        interface TransformFnParams

        interface TransformFnParams {}

          property key

          key: string;

            property obj

            obj: any;

              property options

              options: ClassTransformOptions;

                property type

                type: TransformationType;

                  property value

                  value: any;

                    interface TransformMetadata

                    interface TransformMetadata {}
                    • This object represents metadata assigned to a property via the decorator.

                    property options

                    options: TransformOptions;
                    • Options passed to the operator for this property.

                    property propertyName

                    propertyName: string;
                    • The property name this metadata belongs to on the target (property only).

                    property target

                    target: Function;

                      property transformFn

                      transformFn: (params: TransformFnParams) => any;
                      • The custom transformation function provided by the user in the decorator.

                      interface TransformOptions

                      interface TransformOptions {}
                      • Possible transformation options for the decorator.

                      property groups

                      groups?: string[];
                      • List of transformation groups this property belongs to. When set, the property will be exposed only when transform is called with one of the groups specified.


                        instanceToPlain(payload, { groups: ['user'] });

                      property since

                      since?: number;
                      • First version where this property should be exposed.


                        instanceToPlain(payload, { version: 1.0 });

                      property toClassOnly

                      toClassOnly?: boolean;
                      • Expose this property only when transforming from plain to class instance.

                      property toPlainOnly

                      toPlainOnly?: boolean;
                      • Expose this property only when transforming from class instance to plain object.

                      property until

                      until?: number;
                      • Last version where this property should be exposed.


                        instanceToPlain(payload, { version: 1.0 });

                      interface TypeHelpOptions

                      interface TypeHelpOptions {}

                        property newObject

                        newObject: any;

                          property object

                          object: Record<string, any>;

                            property property

                            property: string;

                              interface TypeMetadata

                              interface TypeMetadata {}
                              • This object represents metadata assigned to a property via the decorator.

                              property options

                              options: TypeOptions;
                              • Options passed to the operator for this property.

                              property propertyName

                              propertyName: string;
                              • The property name this metadata belongs to on the target (property only).

                              property reflectedType

                              reflectedType: any;
                              • The type guessed from assigned Reflect metadata ('design:type')

                              property target

                              target: Function;

                                property typeFunction

                                typeFunction: (options?: TypeHelpOptions) => Function;
                                • The custom function provided by the user in the decorator which returns the target type for the transformation.

                                interface TypeOptions

                                interface TypeOptions {}
                                • Possible transformation options for the decorator.

                                property discriminator

                                discriminator?: DiscriminatorDescriptor;
                                • Optional discriminator object, when provided the property value will be initialized according to the specified object.

                                property keepDiscriminatorProperty

                                keepDiscriminatorProperty?: boolean;
                                • Indicates whether to keep the discriminator property on the transformed object or not. Disabled by default.



                                enum TransformationType

                                enum TransformationType {
                                PLAIN_TO_CLASS = 0,
                                CLASS_TO_PLAIN = 1,
                                CLASS_TO_CLASS = 2,

                                  member CLASS_TO_CLASS

                                  CLASS_TO_CLASS = 2

                                    member CLASS_TO_PLAIN

                                    CLASS_TO_PLAIN = 1

                                      member PLAIN_TO_CLASS

                                      PLAIN_TO_CLASS = 0

                                        Type Aliases

                                        type ClassConstructor

                                        type ClassConstructor<T> = {
                                        new (...args: any[]): T;

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