- Version 9.1.2
- Published
- 406 kB
- 7 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i concurrently
yarn add concurrently
pnpm add concurrently
Run commands concurrently
Type Aliases
function concurrently
concurrently: typeof concurrently;
function createConcurrently
createConcurrently: ( baseCommands: ConcurrentlyCommandInput[], baseOptions?: Partial<ConcurrentlyOptions>) => ConcurrentlyResult;
Core concurrently functionality -- spawns the given commands concurrently and returns the commands themselves + the result according to the specified success condition.
See Also
class Command
class Command implements CommandInfo {}
constructor( { index, name, command, prefixColor, env, cwd, ipc, }: CommandInfo & { index: number }, spawnOpts: SpawnOptions, spawn: SpawnCommand, killProcess: KillProcess);
property close
readonly close: Rx.Subject<CloseEvent>;
property command
readonly command: string;
property cwd
readonly cwd?: string;
property env
readonly env: Record<string, unknown>;
property error
readonly error: Rx.Subject<unknown>;
property exited
exited: boolean;
property index
readonly index: number;
property ipc
readonly ipc?: number;
property killed
killed: boolean;
property messages
readonly messages: { incoming: Rx.Subject<MessageEvent>; outgoing: Rx.ReplaySubject<OutgoingMessageEvent>;};
property name
readonly name: string;
property pid
pid?: number;
property prefixColor
readonly prefixColor?: string;
property process
process?: any;
property state
state: CommandState;
property stderr
readonly stderr: Rx.Subject<Buffer>;
property stdin
stdin?: Writable;
property stdout
readonly stdout: Rx.Subject<Buffer>;
property timer
readonly timer: Rx.Subject<TimerEvent>;
method canKill
static canKill: ( command: Command) => command is Command & { pid: number; process: ChildProcess };
Detects whether a command can be killed.
Also works as a type guard on the input
method kill
kill: (code?: string) => void;
Kills this command, optionally specifying a signal to send to it.
method send
send: ( message: object, handle?: SendHandle, options?: MessageOptions) => Promise<void>;
Sends a message to the underlying process once it starts.
Promise that resolves when the message is sent, or rejects if it fails to deliver the message.
If the command doesn't have an IPC channel enabled
method start
start: () => void;
Starts this command, piping output, error and close events onto the corresponding observables.
class InputHandler
class InputHandler implements FlowController {}
Sends input from concurrently through to commands.
Input can start with a command identifier, in which case it will be sent to that specific command. For instance,
will sendbla
to command at index0
, andserver:stop
will sendstop
to command with nameserver
.If the input doesn't start with a command identifier, it is then always sent to the default target.
constructor({ defaultInputTarget, inputStream, pauseInputStreamOnFinish, logger,}: { inputStream?: Readable; logger: Logger; defaultInputTarget?: CommandIdentifier; pauseInputStreamOnFinish?: boolean;});
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[]; onFinish?: () => void | undefined;};
class KillOnSignal
class KillOnSignal implements FlowController {}
Watches the main concurrently process for signals and sends the same signal down to each spawned command.
constructor({ process, abortController,}: { process: EventEmitter; abortController?: AbortController;});
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[]; onFinish: () => void };
class KillOthers
class KillOthers implements FlowController {}
Sends a SIGTERM signal to all commands when one of the commands exits with a matching condition.
constructor({ logger, abortController, conditions, killSignal,}: { logger: Logger; abortController?: AbortController; conditions: ProcessCloseCondition | ProcessCloseCondition[]; killSignal: string | undefined;});
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };
class LogError
class LogError implements FlowController {}
Logs when commands failed executing, e.g. due to the executable not existing in the system.
constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };
class LogExit
class LogExit implements FlowController {}
Logs the exit code/signal of commands.
constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };
class Logger
class Logger {}
constructor({ hide, prefixFormat, commandLength, raw, timestampFormat,}: { hide?: CommandIdentifier[]; raw?: boolean; prefixFormat?: string; commandLength?: number; timestampFormat?: string;});
property output
readonly output: Rx.Subject<{ command: Command | undefined; text: string }>;
Observable that emits when there's been output logged. If
is isundefined
, then the log is for a global event.
method colorText
colorText: (command: Command, text: string) => string;
method emit
emit: (command: Command | undefined, text: string) => void;
method getPrefix
getPrefix: (command: Command) => string;
method getPrefixContent
getPrefixContent: ( command: Command) => { type: 'default' | 'template'; value: string } | undefined;
method log
log: (prefix: string, text: string, command?: Command) => void;
method logCommandEvent
logCommandEvent: (text: string, command: Command) => void;
Logs an event for a command (e.g. start, stop).
If raw mode is on, then nothing is logged.
method logCommandText
logCommandText: (text: string, command: Command) => void;
method logGlobalEvent
logGlobalEvent: (text: string) => void;
Logs a global event (e.g. sending signals to processes).
If raw mode is on, then nothing is logged.
method logTable
logTable: (tableContents: Record<string, unknown>[]) => void;
Logs a table from an input object array, like
.Each row is a single input item, and they are presented in the input order.
method setPrefixLength
setPrefixLength: (length: number) => void;
method toggleColors
toggleColors: (on: boolean) => void;
Toggles colors on/off globally.
class LogOutput
class LogOutput implements FlowController {}
Logs the stdout and stderr output of commands.
constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };
class LogTimings
class LogTimings implements FlowController {}
Logs timing information about commands as they start/stop and then a summary when all commands finish.
constructor({ logger, timestampFormat,}: { logger?: Logger; timestampFormat?: string;});
method handle
handle: ( commands: Command[]) => | { commands: Command[]; onFinish?: undefined } | { commands: Command[]; onFinish: () => void };
method mapCloseEventToTimingInfo
static mapCloseEventToTimingInfo: ({ command, timings, killed, exitCode,}: CloseEvent) => TimingInfo;
class RestartProcess
class RestartProcess implements FlowController {}
Restarts commands that fail up to a defined number of times.
constructor({ delay, tries, logger, scheduler,}: { delay?: RestartDelay; tries?: number; logger: Logger; scheduler?: Rx.SchedulerLike;});
property tries
readonly tries: number;
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };
interface CloseEvent
interface CloseEvent {}
property command
command: CommandInfo;
property exitCode
exitCode: string | number;
The exit code or signal for the command.
property index
index: number;
The command's index among all commands ran.
property killed
killed: boolean;
Whether the command exited because it was killed.
property timings
timings: { startDate: Date; endDate: Date; durationSeconds: number;};
interface FlowController
interface FlowController {}
Interface for a class that controls and/or watches the behavior of commands.
This may include logging their output, creating interactions between them, or changing when they actually finish.
method handle
handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[]; onFinish?: () => void | Promise<void>;};
interface TimerEvent
interface TimerEvent {}
Type Aliases
type CommandIdentifier
type CommandIdentifier = string | number;
Identifier for a command; if string, it's the command's name, if number, it's the index.
type ConcurrentlyCommandInput
type ConcurrentlyCommandInput = | string | ({ command: string; } & Partial<CommandInfo>);
A command that is to be passed into
. If value is a string, then that's the command's command line. Fine grained options can be defined by using the object format.
type ConcurrentlyOptions
type ConcurrentlyOptions = Omit<BaseConcurrentlyOptions, 'abortSignal' | 'hide'> & { /** * Which command(s) should have their output hidden. */ hide?: CommandIdentifier | CommandIdentifier[]; /** * The prefix format to use when logging a command's output. * Defaults to the command's index. */ prefix?: string; /** * How many characters should a prefix have at most, used when the prefix format is `command`. */ prefixLength?: number; /** * Pads short prefixes with spaces so that all prefixes have the same length. */ padPrefix?: boolean; /** * Whether output should be formatted to include prefixes and whether "event" logs will be logged. */ raw?: boolean; /** * Date format used when logging date/time. * @see */ timestampFormat?: string; defaultInputTarget?: CommandIdentifier; inputStream?: Readable; handleInput?: boolean; pauseInputStreamOnFinish?: boolean; /** * How much time in milliseconds to wait before restarting a command. * * @see RestartProcess */ restartDelay?: RestartDelay; /** * How many times commands should be restarted when they exit with a failure. * * @see RestartProcess */ restartTries?: number; /** * Under which condition(s) should other commands be killed when the first one exits. * * @see KillOthers */ killOthers?: ProcessCloseCondition | ProcessCloseCondition[]; /** * Whether to output timing information for processes. * * @see LogTimings */ timings?: boolean; /** * Clean up command(s) to execute before exiting concurrently. * These won't be prefixed and don't affect concurrently's exit code. */ teardown?: readonly string[]; /** * List of additional arguments passed that will get replaced in each command. * If not defined, no argument replacing will happen. */ additionalArguments?: string[];};
type ConcurrentlyResult
type ConcurrentlyResult = { /** * All commands created and ran by concurrently. */ commands: Command[]; /** * A promise that resolves when concurrently ran successfully according to the specified * success condition, or reject otherwise. * * Both the resolved and rejected value is a list of all the close events for commands that * spawned; commands that didn't spawn are filtered out. */ result: Promise<CloseEvent[]>;};
Package Files (14)
- dist/src/command.d.ts
- dist/src/concurrently.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/flow-controller.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/input-handler.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/kill-on-signal.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/kill-others.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/log-error.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/log-exit.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/log-output.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/log-timings.d.ts
- dist/src/flow-control/restart-process.d.ts
- dist/src/index.d.ts
- dist/src/logger.d.ts
- index.d.ts
Dependencies (7)
Dev Dependencies (29)
- @hirez_io/observer-spy
- @jest/types
- @swc/core
- @swc/jest
- @types/jest
- @types/lodash
- @types/node
- @types/shell-quote
- @types/supports-color
- @types/yargs
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- coveralls-next
- ctrlc-wrapper
- esbuild
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort
- husky
- jest
- jest-create-mock-instance
- lint-staged
- prettier
- safe-publish-latest
- string-argv
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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