
  • Version 8.2.2
  • Published
  • 122 kB
  • 9 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i concurrently
yarn add concurrently
pnpm add concurrently


Run commands concurrently



function _default

_default: (
commands: ConcurrentlyCommandInput[],
options?: Partial<ConcurrentlyOptions>
) => ConcurrentlyResult;

    function concurrently

    concurrently: (
    baseCommands: ConcurrentlyCommandInput[],
    baseOptions?: Partial<ConcurrentlyOptions>
    ) => ConcurrentlyResult;
    • Core concurrently functionality -- spawns the given commands concurrently and returns the commands themselves + the result according to the specified success condition.

      See Also

      • CompletionListener


    class Command

    class Command implements CommandInfo {}


      }: CommandInfo & { index: number },
      spawnOpts: SpawnOptions,
      spawn: SpawnCommand,
      killProcess: KillProcess

        property close

        readonly close: Rx.Subject<CloseEvent>;

          property command

          readonly command: string;

          property cwd

          readonly cwd?: string;

          property env

          readonly env: Record<string, unknown>;

          property error

          readonly error: Rx.Subject<unknown>;

            property exited

            exited: boolean;

              property index

              readonly index: number;

                property killable

                readonly killable: boolean;
                • Deprecated

                property killed

                killed: boolean;

                  property name

                  readonly name: string;

                  property pid

                  pid?: number;

                    property prefixColor

                    readonly prefixColor?: string;

                    property process

                    process?: any;

                      property stderr

                      readonly stderr: Rx.Subject<Buffer>;

                        property stdin

                        stdin?: Writable;

                          property stdout

                          readonly stdout: Rx.Subject<Buffer>;

                            property timer

                            readonly timer: Rx.Subject<TimerEvent>;

                              method canKill

                              static canKill: (
                              command: Command
                              ) => command is Command & { pid: number; process: ChildProcess };
                              • Detects whether a command can be killed.

                                Also works as a type guard on the input command.

                              method kill

                              kill: (code?: string) => void;
                              • Kills this command, optionally specifying a signal to send to it.

                              method start

                              start: () => void;
                              • Starts this command, piping output, error and close events onto the corresponding observables.

                              class InputHandler

                              class InputHandler implements FlowController {}
                              • Sends input from concurrently through to commands.

                                Input can start with a command identifier, in which case it will be sent to that specific command. For instance, 0:bla will send bla to command at index 0, and server:stop will send stop to command with name server.

                                If the input doesn't start with a command identifier, it is then always sent to the default target.


                              }: {
                              inputStream?: Readable;
                              logger: Logger;
                              defaultInputTarget?: CommandIdentifier;
                              pauseInputStreamOnFinish?: boolean;

                                method handle

                                handle: (commands: Command[]) => {
                                commands: Command[];
                                onFinish?: () => void | undefined;

                                  class KillOnSignal

                                  class KillOnSignal implements FlowController {}
                                  • Watches the main concurrently process for signals and sends the same signal down to each spawned command.


                                  constructor({ process }: { process: EventEmitter });

                                    method handle

                                    handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };

                                      class KillOthers

                                      class KillOthers implements FlowController {}
                                      • Sends a SIGTERM signal to all commands when one of the commands exits with a matching condition.


                                      }: {
                                      logger: Logger;
                                      conditions: ProcessCloseCondition | ProcessCloseCondition[];
                                      killSignal: string | undefined;

                                        method handle

                                        handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };

                                          class LogError

                                          class LogError implements FlowController {}
                                          • Logs when commands failed executing, e.g. due to the executable not existing in the system.


                                          constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });

                                            method handle

                                            handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };

                                              class LogExit

                                              class LogExit implements FlowController {}
                                              • Logs the exit code/signal of commands.


                                              constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });

                                                method handle

                                                handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };

                                                  class Logger

                                                  class Logger {}


                                                    }: {
                                                    hide?: CommandIdentifier | CommandIdentifier[];
                                                    raw?: boolean;
                                                    prefixFormat?: string;
                                                    prefixLength?: number;
                                                    timestampFormat?: string;

                                                      property output

                                                      readonly output: Rx.Subject<{ command: Command | undefined; text: string }>;
                                                      • Observable that emits when there's been output logged. If command is is undefined, then the log is for a global event.

                                                      method colorText

                                                      colorText: (command: Command, text: string) => string;

                                                        method emit

                                                        emit: (command: Command | undefined, text: string) => void;

                                                          method getPrefix

                                                          getPrefix: (command: Command) => string;

                                                            method log

                                                            log: (prefix: string, text: string, command?: Command) => void;

                                                              method logCommandEvent

                                                              logCommandEvent: (text: string, command: Command) => void;
                                                              • Logs an event for a command (e.g. start, stop).

                                                                If raw mode is on, then nothing is logged.

                                                              method logCommandText

                                                              logCommandText: (text: string, command: Command) => void;

                                                                method logGlobalEvent

                                                                logGlobalEvent: (text: string) => void;
                                                                • Logs a global event (e.g. sending signals to processes).

                                                                  If raw mode is on, then nothing is logged.

                                                                method logTable

                                                                logTable: (tableContents: Record<string, unknown>[]) => void;
                                                                • Logs a table from an input object array, like console.table.

                                                                  Each row is a single input item, and they are presented in the input order.

                                                                class LogOutput

                                                                class LogOutput implements FlowController {}
                                                                • Logs the stdout and stderr output of commands.


                                                                constructor({ logger }: { logger: Logger });

                                                                  method handle

                                                                  handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };

                                                                    class LogTimings

                                                                    class LogTimings implements FlowController {}
                                                                    • Logs timing information about commands as they start/stop and then a summary when all commands finish.


                                                                    }: {
                                                                    logger?: Logger;
                                                                    timestampFormat?: string;

                                                                      method handle

                                                                      handle: (
                                                                      commands: Command[]
                                                                      ) =>
                                                                      | { commands: Command[]; onFinish?: undefined }
                                                                      | { commands: Command[]; onFinish: () => void };

                                                                        method mapCloseEventToTimingInfo

                                                                        static mapCloseEventToTimingInfo: ({
                                                                        }: CloseEvent) => TimingInfo;

                                                                          class RestartProcess

                                                                          class RestartProcess implements FlowController {}
                                                                          • Restarts commands that fail up to a defined number of times.


                                                                          }: {
                                                                          delay?: number;
                                                                          tries?: number;
                                                                          logger: Logger;
                                                                          scheduler?: Rx.SchedulerLike;

                                                                            property delay

                                                                            readonly delay: number;

                                                                              property tries

                                                                              readonly tries: number;

                                                                                method handle

                                                                                handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[] };


                                                                                  interface CloseEvent

                                                                                  interface CloseEvent {}

                                                                                    property command

                                                                                    command: CommandInfo;

                                                                                      property exitCode

                                                                                      exitCode: string | number;
                                                                                      • The exit code or signal for the command.

                                                                                      property index

                                                                                      index: number;
                                                                                      • The command's index among all commands ran.

                                                                                      property killed

                                                                                      killed: boolean;
                                                                                      • Whether the command exited because it was killed.

                                                                                      property timings

                                                                                      timings: {
                                                                                      startDate: Date;
                                                                                      endDate: Date;
                                                                                      durationSeconds: number;

                                                                                        interface FlowController

                                                                                        interface FlowController {}
                                                                                        • Interface for a class that controls and/or watches the behavior of commands.

                                                                                          This may include logging their output, creating interactions between them, or changing when they actually finish.

                                                                                        method handle

                                                                                        handle: (commands: Command[]) => { commands: Command[]; onFinish?: () => void };

                                                                                          interface TimerEvent

                                                                                          interface TimerEvent {}

                                                                                            property endDate

                                                                                            endDate?: Date;

                                                                                              property startDate

                                                                                              startDate: Date;

                                                                                                Type Aliases

                                                                                                type CommandIdentifier

                                                                                                type CommandIdentifier = string | number;
                                                                                                • Identifier for a command; if string, it's the command's name, if number, it's the index.

                                                                                                type ConcurrentlyCommandInput

                                                                                                type ConcurrentlyCommandInput =
                                                                                                | string
                                                                                                | ({
                                                                                                command: string;
                                                                                                } & Partial<CommandInfo>);
                                                                                                • A command that is to be passed into concurrently(). If value is a string, then that's the command's command line. Fine grained options can be defined by using the object format.

                                                                                                type ConcurrentlyOptions

                                                                                                type ConcurrentlyOptions = BaseConcurrentlyOptions & {
                                                                                                * Which command(s) should have their output hidden.
                                                                                                hide?: CommandIdentifier | CommandIdentifier[];
                                                                                                * The prefix format to use when logging a command's output.
                                                                                                * Defaults to the command's index.
                                                                                                prefix?: string;
                                                                                                * How many characters should a prefix have at most, used when the prefix format is `command`.
                                                                                                prefixLength?: number;
                                                                                                * Whether output should be formatted to include prefixes and whether "event" logs will be logged.
                                                                                                raw?: boolean;
                                                                                                * Date format used when logging date/time.
                                                                                                * @see
                                                                                                timestampFormat?: string;
                                                                                                defaultInputTarget?: CommandIdentifier;
                                                                                                inputStream?: Readable;
                                                                                                handleInput?: boolean;
                                                                                                pauseInputStreamOnFinish?: boolean;
                                                                                                * How much time in milliseconds to wait before restarting a command.
                                                                                                * @see RestartProcess
                                                                                                restartDelay?: number;
                                                                                                * How many times commands should be restarted when they exit with a failure.
                                                                                                * @see RestartProcess
                                                                                                restartTries?: number;
                                                                                                * Under which condition(s) should other commands be killed when the first one exits.
                                                                                                * @see KillOthers
                                                                                                killOthers?: ProcessCloseCondition | ProcessCloseCondition[];
                                                                                                * Whether to output timing information for processes.
                                                                                                * @see LogTimings
                                                                                                timings?: boolean;
                                                                                                * List of additional arguments passed that will get replaced in each command.
                                                                                                * If not defined, no argument replacing will happen.
                                                                                                additionalArguments?: string[];

                                                                                                  type ConcurrentlyResult

                                                                                                  type ConcurrentlyResult = {
                                                                                                  * All commands created and ran by concurrently.
                                                                                                  commands: Command[];
                                                                                                  * A promise that resolves when concurrently ran successfully according to the specified
                                                                                                  * success condition, or reject otherwise.
                                                                                                  * Both the resolved and rejected value is the list of all command's close events.
                                                                                                  result: Promise<CloseEvent[]>;

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