- Version 11.33.0
- Published
- 7.9 MB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i contentful-management
yarn add contentful-management
pnpm add contentful-management
Contentful Management API SDK. Allows you to create instances of a client with access to the Contentful Content Management API.
Type Aliases
- AccessTokenProp
- AnnotationAssignment
- ApiKeyProps
- AppAccessTokenProps
- AppAction
- AppActionCallProps
- AppActionCategoryProps
- AppActionCategoryType
- AppActionParameterDefinition
- AppActionProps
- AppActionType
- AppBundleFile
- AppBundleProps
- AppDefinition
- AppDefinitionProps
- AppDetailsProps
- AppEventSubscriptionProps
- AppInstallationProps
- AppKeyProps
- AppLocation
- AppSignedRequestProps
- AppSigningSecretProps
- AppUploadProps
- AssetKeyProps
- AssetProps
- BulkActionPayload
- BulkActionType
- ClientAPI
- ClientParams
- CommentProps
- ConceptProps
- ConceptSchemeProps
- ContentTypeMetadata
- ContentTypeProps
- CreateApiKeyProps
- CreateAppAccessTokenProps
- CreateAppActionCallProps
- CreateAppActionProps
- CreateAppBundleProps
- CreateAppDefinitionProps
- CreateAppDetailsProps
- CreateAppEventSubscriptionProps
- CreateAppInstallationProps
- CreateAppKeyProps
- CreateAppSignedRequestProps
- CreateAppSigningSecretProps
- CreateAssetKeyProps
- CreateAssetProps
- CreateCommentProps
- CreateConceptProps
- CreateConceptSchemeProps
- CreateContentTypeProps
- CreateEntryProps
- CreateEnvironmentAliasProps
- CreateEnvironmentProps
- CreateEnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps
- CreateEnvironmentTemplateProps
- CreateLocaleProps
- CreateOrganizationInvitationProps
- CreatePATProps
- CreatePersonalAccessTokenProps
- CreateRoleProps
- CreateSpaceMembershipProps
- CreateTagProps
- CreateTaskProps
- CreateTeamMembershipProps
- CreateTeamProps
- CreateTeamSpaceMembershipProps
- CreateUIExtensionProps
- CreateWebhooksProps
- CreateWithResponseParams
- CreateWorkflowDefinitionParams
- CreateWorkflowDefinitionProps
- CreateWorkflowProps
- CreateWorkflowStepProps
- DefinedParameters
- DeleteCommentParams
- DeleteConceptParams
- DeleteConceptSchemeParams
- DeleteWorkflowDefinitionParams
- DeleteWorkflowParams
- EditorInterfaceProps
- EditorLayoutItem
- EntryProps
- Environment
- EnvironmentAliasProps
- EnvironmentProps
- EnvironmentTemplate
- EnvironmentTemplateInstallation
- EnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps
- EnvironmentTemplateInstallationStatus
- EnvironmentTemplateParams
- EnvironmentTemplateProps
- EnvironmentTemplateValidationProps
- FieldType
- FreeFormParameters
- FunctionProps
- GetAppActionCallDetailsParams
- GetAppActionCallParams
- GetAppActionParams
- GetAppActionsForEnvParams
- GetAppBundleParams
- GetAppDefinitionParams
- GetAppInstallationParams
- GetAppInstallationsForOrgParams
- GetAppKeyParams
- GetAppUploadParams
- GetBulkActionParams
- GetCommentParams
- GetCommentParentEntityParams
- GetConceptDescendantsParams
- GetConceptParams
- GetConceptSchemeParams
- GetContentTypeParams
- GetEditorInterfaceParams
- GetEntryParams
- GetEnvironmentTemplateParams
- GetExtensionParams
- GetManyCommentsParams
- GetManyConceptParams
- GetManyConceptSchemeParams
- GetOrganizationMembershipParams
- GetOrganizationParams
- GetReleaseParams
- GetResourceProviderParams
- GetSnapshotForContentTypeParams
- GetSnapshotForEntryParams
- GetSpaceEnvAliasParams
- GetSpaceEnvironmentParams
- GetSpaceEnvironmentUploadParams
- GetSpaceMembershipProps
- GetSpaceParams
- GetTagParams
- GetTaskParams
- GetTeamMembershipParams
- GetTeamParams
- GetTeamSpaceMembershipParams
- GetUIConfigParams
- GetUserUIConfigParams
- GetWebhookCallDetailsUrl
- GetWebhookParams
- GetWorkflowDefinitionParams
- GetWorkflowParams
- Hint
- IconType
- InstallationParameterType
- ISO8601Timestamp
- KeyValueMap
- LocaleProps
- MakeRequest
- MakeRequestWithUserAgent
- MRActions
- MROpts
- MRReturn
- Organization
- OrganizationInvitationProps
- OrganizationMembershipProps
- OrganizationProp
- PaginationQueryParams
- ParameterOption
- ParameterType
- PersonalAccessTokenProp
- PlainClientAPI
- PlainClientDefaultParams
- PreviewApiKeyProps
- QueryParams
- ReleaseActionSysProps
- ReleaseActionTypes
- ReleaseMetadata
- ReleaseReferenceFilters
- ReleaseSysProps
- ResourceProviderProps
- RichTextCommentProps
- RoleProps
- ScheduledActionProps
- ScheduledActionSysProps
- SnapshotProps
- Space
- SpaceMemberProps
- SpaceMembershipProps
- SpaceProps
- SpaceQueryParams
- TagProps
- TagVisibility
- TaskProps
- TeamMembershipProps
- TeamProps
- TeamSpaceMembershipProps
- UIConfigProps
- UIExtensionProps
- UpdateCommentProps
- UpdateConceptParams
- UpdateConceptSchemeParams
- UpdateTaskProps
- UpdateWebhookProps
- UpdateWorkflowDefinitionParams
- UpdateWorkflowDefinitionProps
- UpdateWorkflowProps
- UpdateWorkflowStepProps
- UploadProps
- UpsertResourceProviderProps
- UpsertWebhookSigningSecretPayload
- UsageProps
- UserProps
- UserUIConfigProps
- ValidateEnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps
- ValidationFinding
- WebhookCallRequest
- WebhookFilter
- WebhookProps
- WebhookSigningSecretProps
- WebhookTransformation
- WithResourceName
- WorkflowDefinitionProps
- WorkflowDefinitionQueryOptions
- WorkflowDefinitionSysProps
- WorkflowDefinitionValidationLink
- WorkflowProps
- WorkflowQueryOptions
- WorkflowsChangelogEntryProps
- WorkflowsChangelogQueryOptions
- WorkflowStepAction
- WorkflowStepAppAction
- WorkflowStepEmailAction
- WorkflowStepEmailActionRecipient
- WorkflowStepPermissionActors
- WorkflowStepProps
- WorkflowStepTaskAction
variable ReleaseReferenceFilters
const ReleaseReferenceFilters: typeof ScheduledActionReferenceFilters;
function asIterator
asIterator: <P extends QueryParams, T, F extends IterableFn<P, T>>( fn: F, params: ParamsType<F>) => AsyncIterable<T>;
function createClient
createClient: { (params: ClientOptions): ClientAPI; (params: any, opts: { type: 'plain'; defaults?: DefaultParams }): PlainClientAPI; ( params: any, opts: { type?: 'plain'; alphaFeatures: string[]; defaults?: DefaultParams } ): | { getEnvironmentTemplates: ( organizationId: string, query?: BasicCursorPaginationOptions & { select?: string } ) => Promise< CursorPaginatedCollection< EnvironmentTemplate, EnvironmentTemplateProps > >; getEnvironmentTemplate: ({ organizationId, environmentTemplateId, version, query, }: GetOrganizationParams & { environmentTemplateId: string } & { version?: number; query?: { select?: string }; }) => Promise<EnvironmentTemplate>; createEnvironmentTemplate: ( organizationId: string, environmentTemplateData: CreateEnvironmentTemplateProps ) => Promise<EnvironmentTemplate>; getSpaces: ( query?: QueryOptions ) => Promise<Collection<Space, SpaceProps>>; getSpace: (spaceId: string) => Promise<Space>; createSpace: ( spaceData: CreateSpaceProps, organizationId: string ) => Promise<Space>; getOrganization: (id: string) => Promise<Organization>; getOrganizations: ( query?: PaginationQueryOptions ) => Promise<Collection<Organization, OrganizationProp>>; getCurrentUser: <T = UserProps>(params?: QueryParams) => Promise<T>; getAppDefinition: ( params: GetAppDefinitionParams ) => Promise<AppDefinition>; createPersonalAccessToken: ( data: CreatePersonalAccessTokenProps ) => Promise<PersonalAccessToken>; getPersonalAccessToken: ( tokenId: string ) => Promise<PersonalAccessToken>; getPersonalAccessTokens: () => Promise< Collection<PersonalAccessToken, PersonalAccessTokenProp> >; getAccessToken: (tokenId: string) => Promise<AccessToken>; getAccessTokens: () => Promise< Collection<AccessToken, AccessTokenProp> >; getOrganizationAccessTokens: ( organizationId: string, query?: QueryOptions ) => Promise<Collection<AccessToken, AccessTokenProp>>; getOrganizationUsage: ( organizationId: string, query?: QueryOptions ) => Promise<Collection<Usage, UsageProps>>; getSpaceUsage: ( organizationId: string, query?: UsageQuery ) => Promise<Collection<Usage, UsageProps>>; rawRequest: ({ url, ...config }: any) => Promise<any>; } | PlainClientAPI;};
Create a client instance
Parameter params
Client initialization parameters
const client = contentfulManagement.createClient({accessToken: 'myAccessToken'})Deprecated
option is no longer supported. Please use the function without this option.
function fetchAll
fetchAll: < Params extends ExpectedParams, Entity, F extends FetchFn<Params, Entity>>( fetchFn: FetchFn<Params, Entity>, params: ParamsType<Params, F>) => Promise<Entity[]>;
Parameters for endpoint methods that can be paginated are inconsistent,
will only work with the more common version of supplying the limit, skip, and pageNext parameters via a distinctquery
property in the parameters.
function isDraft
isDraft: (data: { sys: MetaSysProps }) => boolean;
function isPublished
isPublished: (data: { sys: MetaSysProps }) => boolean;
function isUpdated
isUpdated: (data: { sys: MetaSysProps }) => boolean;
class RestAdapter
class RestAdapter implements Adapter {}
constructor(params: any);
method makeRequest
makeRequest: <R>({ entityType, action: actionInput, params, payload, headers, userAgent,}: MakeRequestOptions) => Promise<R>;
interface AccessToken
interface AccessToken extends AccessTokenProp, DefaultElements<AccessTokenProp> {}
method revoke
revoke: () => Promise<AccessToken>;
Revokes access token Object the revoked access token
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: <content_management_api_key> })
client.getAccessToken('') .then((AccessToken) => { return accessToken.revoke() }) .catch(console.error) ```
interface Adapter
interface Adapter {}
property makeRequest
makeRequest: MakeRequestWithUserAgent;
interface ApiKey
interface ApiKey extends ApiKeyProps, DefaultElements<ApiKeyProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getApiKey()) .then((apiKey) => apiKey.delete()) .then(() => console.log('apikey deleted')) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<ApiKey>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getApiKey()) .then((apiKey) => { = 'New name' return apiKey.update() }) .then(apiKey => console.log( .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppAccessToken
interface AppAccessToken extends AppAccessTokenProps, DefaultElements<AppAccessTokenProps> {}
interface AppActionCall
interface AppActionCall extends AppActionCallProps, DefaultElements<AppActionCallProps> {}
interface AppBundle
interface AppBundle extends AppBundleProps, DefaultElements<AppBundleProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('<org_id>') .then((org) => org.getAppDefinition('<app_def_id>')) .then((appDefinition) => appDefinition.getAppBundle('')) .then((appBundle) => appBundle.delete()) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppDetails
interface AppDetails extends AppDetailsProps, DefaultElements<AppDetailsProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getOrganization('<organization_id>') .then((organization) => organization.getAppDetails()) .then((appDetails) => appDetails.delete()) .then(() => console.log('appDetails deleted')) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppEventSubscription
interface AppEventSubscription extends AppEventSubscriptionProps, DefaultElements<AppEventSubscriptionProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getOrganization('<organization_id>') .then((organization) => organization.getAppEventSubscription()) .then((eventSubscription) => eventSubscription.delete()) .then(() => console.log('eventSubscription deleted')) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppInstallation
interface AppInstallation extends AppInstallationProps, DefaultElements<AppInstallationProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getAppInstallation('<app_definition_id>')) .then((appInstallation) => appInstallation.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
App installation deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<AppInstallation>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getAppInstallation('<app_definition_id>')) .then((appInstallation) => { appInstallation.parameters.someParameter = 'New Value' return appInstallation.update() }) .then((appInstallation) => console.log(
App installation ${} was updated
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppKey
interface AppKey extends AppKeyProps, DefaultElements<AppKeyProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getOrganization('<organization_id>') .then((organization) => organization.getAppKey()) .then((signingSecret) => signingSecret.delete()) .then(() => console.log('signingSecret deleted')) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppSignedRequest
interface AppSignedRequest extends AppSignedRequestProps, DefaultElements<AppSignedRequestProps> {}
interface AppSigningSecret
interface AppSigningSecret extends AppSigningSecretProps, DefaultElements<AppSigningSecretProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' }) client.getOrganization('<organization_id>') .then((organization) => organization.getAppSigningSecret()) .then((signingSecret) => signingSecret.delete()) .then(() => console.log('signingSecret deleted')) .catch(console.error) ```
interface AppUpload
interface AppUpload extends AppUploadProps, DefaultElements<AppUploadProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('<org_id>') .then((org) => org.getAppUpload('<app_upload_id>')) .then((appUpload) => appUpload.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
App Upload deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface Asset
interface Asset extends AssetProps, DefaultElements<AssetProps>, AssetApi {}
interface AssetFileProp
interface AssetFileProp {}
interface AssetKey
interface AssetKey extends AssetKeyProps, DefaultElements<AssetKeyProps> {}
interface BaseCollection
interface BaseCollection<T> {}
interface BasicCursorPaginationOptions
interface BasicCursorPaginationOptions extends Omit<BasicQueryOptions, 'skip'> {}
interface BasicMetaSysProps
interface BasicMetaSysProps {}
interface BasicQueryOptions
interface BasicQueryOptions {}
interface BulkAction
interface BulkAction<T extends BulkActionPayload = any> extends BulkActionProps<T>, BulkActionApiMethods, DefaultElements<BulkActionProps<T>> {}
interface BulkActionProps
interface BulkActionProps<TPayload extends BulkActionPayload = any> {}
The object returned by the BulkActions API
interface BulkActionPublishPayload
interface BulkActionPublishPayload extends MakeRequestPayload {}
property entities
entities: { sys?: { type: 'Array'; }; items: Collection<VersionedLink<Entity>>;};
interface BulkActionUnpublishPayload
interface BulkActionUnpublishPayload extends MakeRequestPayload {}
property entities
entities: { sys?: { type: 'Array'; }; items: Collection<Link<Entity>>;};
interface BulkActionValidatePayload
interface BulkActionValidatePayload extends MakeRequestPayload {}
interface Collection
interface Collection<T, TPlain> extends CollectionProp<T>, DefaultElements<CollectionProp<TPlain>> {}
interface CollectionProp
interface CollectionProp<TObj> {}
interface Comment
interface Comment extends CommentProps, DefaultElements<CommentProps>, CommentApi {}
interface ContentFields
interface ContentFields<T = KeyValueMap> extends Item {}
property allowedResources
allowedResources?: ContentTypeAllowedResources[];
property apiName
apiName?: string;
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: T;
property deleted
deleted?: boolean;
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
property id
id: string;
property items
items?: Item;
property localized
localized: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property omitted
omitted?: boolean;
property required
required: boolean;
interface ContentfulEntryResource
interface ContentfulEntryResource {}
property contentTypes
contentTypes: string[];
property source
source: string;
property type
type: 'Contentful:Entry';
interface ContentType
interface ContentType extends ContentTypeProps, DefaultElements<ContentTypeProps>, ContentTypeApi {}
interface ContentTypeFieldValidation
interface ContentTypeFieldValidation {}
property assetFileSize
assetFileSize?: NumRange;
property assetImageDimensions
assetImageDimensions?: { width?: NumRange; height?: NumRange;};
property dateRange
dateRange?: DateRange;
property enabledMarks
enabledMarks?: string[];
property enabledNodeTypes
enabledNodeTypes?: (`${BLOCKS}` | `${INLINES}`)[];
property in
in?: (string | number)[];
property linkContentType
linkContentType?: string[];
property linkMimetypeGroup
linkMimetypeGroup?: string[];
property message
message?: string | null;
property nodes
nodes?: NodesValidation;
property prohibitRegexp
prohibitRegexp?: RegExp;
property range
range?: NumRange;
property regexp
regexp?: RegExp;
property size
size?: NumRange;
property unique
unique?: boolean;
interface ContentTypeTemplateProps
interface ContentTypeTemplateProps extends Omit<ContentTypeProps, 'sys'> {}
interface Control
interface Control extends WidgetConfig {}
property fieldId
fieldId: string;
ID of the customized field
interface CursorPaginatedCollection
interface CursorPaginatedCollection<T, TPlain> extends CursorPaginatedCollectionProp<T>, DefaultElements<CursorPaginatedCollectionProp<TPlain>> {}
interface CursorPaginatedCollectionProp
interface CursorPaginatedCollectionProp<TObj> extends Omit<CollectionProp<TObj>, 'total' | 'skip'> {}
property pages
pages?: { next?: string; prev?: string;};
interface DefaultElements
interface DefaultElements<TPlainObject extends object = object> {}
method toPlainObject
toPlainObject: () => TPlainObject;
interface Editor
interface Editor {}
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
Widget will be enabled if disabled property is missing
property settings
settings?: DefinedParameters;
Instance parameter values
property widgetId
widgetId: string;
ID of the widget used
property widgetNamespace
widgetNamespace: string;
Type of the widget used
interface EditorInterface
interface EditorInterface extends EditorInterfaceProps, DefaultElements<EditorInterfaceProps> {}
method getControlForField
getControlForField: (id: string) => null | Control;
Gets a control for a specific field control object for specific field
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')).then((environment) => environment.getContentType('<contentType_id>')).then((contentType) => contentType.getEditorInterface()).then((editorInterface) => {control = editorInterface.getControlForField('<field-id>')console.log(control)}).catch(console.error)
method update
update: () => Promise<EditorInterface>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')).then((environment) => environment.getContentType('<contentType_id>')).then((contentType) => contentType.getEditorInterface()).then((editorInterface) => {editorInterface.controls[0] = { "fieldId": "title", "widgetId": "singleLine"}editorInterface.editors = [{ "widgetId": "custom-widget", "widgetNamespace": "app" }]return editorInterface.update()}).catch(console.error)
interface EditorInterfaceTemplateProps
interface EditorInterfaceTemplateProps extends Omit<EditorInterfaceProps, 'sys'> {}
property contentTypeTemplate
contentTypeTemplate: Link<'ContentTypeTemplate'>;
interface EntityMetaSysProps
interface EntityMetaSysProps extends MetaSysProps {}
property contentType
contentType: SysLink;
property environment
environment: SysLink;
property firstPublishedAt
firstPublishedAt?: string;
property locale
locale?: string;
property publishedAt
publishedAt?: string;
property publishedBy
publishedBy?: Link<'User'> | Link<'AppDefinition'>;
property publishedCounter
publishedCounter?: number;
property space
space: SysLink;
interface Entry
interface Entry extends EntryProps, DefaultElements<EntryProps>, ContentfulEntryApi {}
interface EntryFieldLocation
interface EntryFieldLocation {}
property fieldTypes
fieldTypes: FieldType[];
property location
location: 'entry-field';
interface EntryMetaSysProps
interface EntryMetaSysProps extends EntityMetaSysProps {}
property automationTags
automationTags: Link<'Tag'>[];
interface EnvironmentAlias
interface EnvironmentAlias extends EnvironmentAliasProps, DefaultElements<EnvironmentAliasProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. EnvironmentAlias delete {Promise} Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getEnvironmentAlias('<environment_alias_id>')).then((alias) => {return alias.delete()}).then(() => console.log(`Alias deleted.`)).catch(console.error)
method update
update: () => Promise<EnvironmentAlias>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties. Currently, you can only change the id of the alias's underlying environment. See the example below. EnvironmentAlias update {Promise} Object returned from the server with updated changes.
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getEnvironmentAlias('<environment_alias_id>')).then((alias) => { = '<environment_id>'return alias.update()}).then((alias) => console.log(`alias ${} updated.`)).catch(console.error)
interface ExternalResource
interface ExternalResource {}
property type
type: string;
interface FieldGroupItem
interface FieldGroupItem {}
interface GroupControl
interface GroupControl extends WidgetConfig {}
property groupId
groupId: string;
ID of the customized field group
interface Link
interface Link<T extends string> {}
Link is a reference object to another entity that can be resolved using tools such as contentful-resolve
property sys
sys: { type: 'Link'; linkType: T; id: string;};
interface Locale
interface Locale extends LocaleProps, DefaultElements<LocaleProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getLocale('<locale_id>')) .then((locale) => locale.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
locale deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<Locale>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getLocale('<locale_id>')) .then((locale) => { = 'New locale name' return locale.update() }) .then((locale) => console.log(
locale ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface MakeRequestOptions
interface MakeRequestOptions {}
interface MakeRequestPayload
interface MakeRequestPayload {}
Base interface for all Payload interfaces. Used as part of the MakeRequestOptions to simplify payload definitions.
interface MetadataProps
interface MetadataProps {}
interface MetaLinkProps
interface MetaLinkProps {}
interface MetaSysProps
interface MetaSysProps extends BasicMetaSysProps {}
property archivedAt
archivedAt?: string;
property archivedBy
archivedBy?: SysLink;
property archivedVersion
archivedVersion?: number;
property deletedAt
deletedAt?: string;
property deletedBy
deletedBy?: SysLink;
property deletedVersion
deletedVersion?: number;
property publishedVersion
publishedVersion?: number;
property space
space?: SysLink;
property status
status?: SysLink;
interface NavigationItem
interface NavigationItem {}
interface OrganizationInvitation
interface OrganizationInvitation extends OrganizationInvitationProps, DefaultElements<OrganizationInvitationProps> {}
interface OrganizationMembership
interface OrganizationMembership extends OrganizationMembershipProps, DefaultElements<OrganizationMembershipProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. @example```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organization_id') .then(org => org.getOrganizationMembership('organizationMembership_id')) .then((organizationMembership) => { organizationMembership.delete(); }) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<OrganizationMembership>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organization_id') .then(org => org.getOrganizationMembership('organizationMembership_id')) .then((organizationMembership) => { organizationMembership.role = 'member'; organizationMembership.update(); }) .catch(console.error)
interface PageLocation
interface PageLocation {}
property location
location: 'page';
property navigationItem
navigationItem?: NavigationItem;
interface PaginationQueryOptions
interface PaginationQueryOptions {}
interface ParameterDefinition
interface ParameterDefinition<T = ParameterType> {}
property default
default?: boolean | string | number;
property description
description?: string;
property id
id: string;
property labels
labels?: { empty?: string; true?: string; false?: string;};
property name
name: string;
property options
options?: ParameterOption[];
property required
required?: boolean;
property type
type: T;
interface PersonalAccessToken
interface PersonalAccessToken extends PersonalAccessTokenProp, DefaultElements<PersonalAccessTokenProp> {}
method revoke
revoke: () => Promise<PersonalAccessToken>;
Revokes a personal access token Object the revoked personal access token
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: <content_management_api_key> })
client.getPersonalAccessToken('') .then((personalAccessToken) => { return personalAccessToken.revoke() }) .catch(console.error) ```
interface PreviewApiKey
interface PreviewApiKey extends PreviewApiKeyProps, DefaultElements<PreviewApiKeyProps> {}
interface QueryOptions
interface QueryOptions extends PaginationQueryOptions {}
property content_type
content_type?: string;
property include
include?: number;
property links_to_entry
links_to_entry?: string;
property select
select?: string;
index signature
[key: string]: any;
interface QueryOptions
interface QueryOptions extends BasicQueryOptions {}
property content_type
content_type?: string;
property include
include?: number;
property select
select?: string;
interface Release
interface Release extends ReleaseProps, ReleaseApiMethods, DefaultElements<ReleaseProps> {}
interface ReleaseAction
interface ReleaseAction<T extends ReleaseActionTypes = any> extends ReleaseActionProps<T>, ReleaseActionApiMethods, DefaultElements<ReleaseActionProps<T>> {}
interface ReleaseActionProps
interface ReleaseActionProps<T extends ReleaseActionTypes = any> {}
The object returned by the Releases API
interface ReleaseActionQueryOptions
interface ReleaseActionQueryOptions {}
property '[in]'
'[in]'?: string;
Find Release Actions by using a comma-separated list of Ids
property '[in]'
'[in]'?: string;
property 'sys.status[in]'
'sys.status[in]'?: string;
property 'sys.status[nin]'
'sys.status[nin]'?: string;
property action
action?: ReleaseActionTypes;
property limit
limit?: number;
Limit of how many records are returned in the query result 100
property order
order?: string;
property uniqueBy
uniqueBy?: string;
Get unique results by this field. Currently supports
interface ReleasePayload
interface ReleasePayload extends MakeRequestPayload {}
interface ReleaseProps
interface ReleaseProps {}
The object returned by the Releases API
interface ReleaseQueryOptions
interface ReleaseQueryOptions {}
property '[in]'
'[in]'?: string;
Find releases containing the specified, comma-separated entities. Requires
property 'entities.sys.linkType'
'entities.sys.linkType'?: string;
Find releases filtered by the Entity type (Asset, Entry)
property 'entities[exists]'
'entities[exists]'?: boolean;
Filter by empty Releases (exists=false) or Releases with items (exists=true)
property '[in]'
'[in]'?: string;
Comma-separated list of user Ids to find releases by creator
property '[in]'
'[in]'?: string;
Comma-separated list of Ids to find (inclusion)
property '[nin]'
'[nin]'?: string;
Comma-separated list of ids to exclude from the query
property 'sys.status[in]'
'sys.status[in]'?: ReleaseStatus;
Comma-separated filter (inclusion) by Release status (active, archived)
property 'sys.status[nin]'
'sys.status[nin]'?: ReleaseStatus;
Comma-separated filter (exclusion) by Release status (active, archived)
property 'title[match]'
'title[match]'?: string;
Find releases using full text phrase and term matching
property limit
limit?: number;
Limit how many records are returned in the result 100
property order
order?: string;
Order releases Supported values include -
property pageNext
pageNext?: string;
If present, will return results based on a pagination cursor
interface ReleaseValidateOptions
interface ReleaseValidateOptions {}
property payload
payload?: ReleaseValidatePayload;
property processingOptions
processingOptions?: AsyncActionProcessingOptions;
interface ResourceLink
interface ResourceLink<T extends string> {}
ResourceLink is a reference object to another entity outside of the current space/environment
property sys
sys: { type: 'ResourceLink'; linkType: T; urn: string;};
interface ResourceProvider
interface ResourceProvider extends ResourceProviderProps, DefaultElements<ResourceProviderProps> {}
interface RichTextCommentDocument
interface RichTextCommentDocument extends Node {}
interface Role
interface Role extends RoleProps, DefaultElements<RoleProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Role delete {Promise} Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getRole('<role_id>')) .then((role) => role.delete()) .then((role) => console.log(
role deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<Role>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getRole('<roles_id>')) .then((roles) => { = 'New role name' return roles.update() }) .then((roles) => console.log(
roles ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface ScheduledAction
interface ScheduledAction extends ScheduledActionProps, DefaultElements<ScheduledActionProps>, ScheduledActionApi {}
interface SidebarItem
interface SidebarItem {}
property disabled
disabled?: boolean;
Widget will be enabled if disabled property is missing
property settings
settings?: DefinedParameters;
Instance parameter values
property widgetId
widgetId: string;
ID of the widget used
property widgetNamespace
widgetNamespace: string;
Type of the widget used
interface SimpleLocation
interface SimpleLocation {}
property location
location: LocationType;
interface Snapshot
interface Snapshot<T> extends SnapshotProps<T>, DefaultElements<SnapshotProps<T>> {}
interface SpaceMember
interface SpaceMember extends SpaceMemberProps, DefaultElements<SpaceMemberProps> {}
interface SpaceMembership
interface SpaceMembership extends SpaceMembershipProps, DefaultElements<SpaceMembershipProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getSpaceMembership('<spaceMembership_id>')) .then((spaceMembership) => spaceMembership.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
spaceMembership deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<SpaceMembership>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getSpaceMembership('<spaceMembership_id>')) .then((spaceMembership) => { = 'new space membership name' }) .then((spaceMembership) => console.log(
spaceMembership ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface SpaceQueryOptions
interface SpaceQueryOptions extends PaginationQueryOptions {}
property spaceId
spaceId?: string;
interface Tag
interface Tag extends TagProps, DefaultElements<TagProps>, TagApi {}
interface Task
interface Task extends TaskProps, DefaultElements<TaskProps>, TaskApi {}
interface Team
interface Team extends TeamProps, DefaultElements<TeamProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organization_id') .then(org => org.getOrganizationMembership('organizationMembership_id')) .then((team) => { team.delete(); }) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<Team>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organization_id') .then(org => org.getTeam('team_id')) .then((team) => { team.description = 'new description'; team.update(); }) .catch(console.error) ```
interface TeamMembership
interface TeamMembership extends TeamMembershipProps, DefaultElements<TeamMembershipProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organizationId') .then(org => org.getTeamMembership('teamId', 'teamMembershipId')) .then((teamMembership) => { teamMembership.delete(); }) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<TeamMembership>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getOrganization('organizationId') .then(org => org.getTeamMembership('teamId', 'teamMembershipId')) .then((teamMembership) => { teamMembership.admin = true; teamMembership.update(); }) .catch(console.error) ```
interface TeamSpaceMembership
interface TeamSpaceMembership extends TeamSpaceMembershipProps, DefaultElements<TeamSpaceMembershipProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getTeamSpaceMembership('<team_space_membership_id>')) .then((teamSpaceMembership) => teamSpaceMembership.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
spaceMembership deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<TeamSpaceMembership>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getTeamSpaceMembership('team_space_membership_id')) .then((teamSpaceMembership) => { item.roles = [ { sys: { type: 'Link', linkType: 'Role', id: 'role_id' } } ] }) .then((spaceMembership) => console.log(
spaceMembership ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface UIConfig
interface UIConfig extends UIConfigProps, DefaultElements<UIConfigProps> {}
interface UIExtension
interface Extension extends ExtensionProps, DefaultElements<ExtensionProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getUiExtension('<ui_extension_id>')) .then((extension) => extension.delete()) .then(() => console.log(
UI Extension deleted.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
method update
update: () => Promise<Extension>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
Example 1
```javascript const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getUiExtension('<ui_extension_id>')) .then((extension) => { = 'New UI Extension name' return extension.update() }) .then((extension) => console.log(
UI Extension ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error) ```
interface Upload
interface Upload extends UploadProps, DefaultElements<UploadProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
Example 1
const contentful = require('contentful-management')
const client = contentful.createClient({ accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' })
client.getSpace('<space_id>') .then((space) => space.getEnvironment('<environment_id>')) .then((environment) => environment.getUpload('<upload_id>')) .then((upload) => upload.delete()) .then((upload) => console.log(
upload ${} updated.
)) .catch(console.error)
interface Usage
interface Usage extends UsageProps, DefaultElements<UsageProps> {}
interface User
interface User extends UserProps, DefaultElements<UserProps> {}
interface UserUIConfig
interface UserUIConfig extends UserUIConfigProps, DefaultElements<UserUIConfigProps> {}
interface VersionedLink
interface VersionedLink<T extends string> {}
property sys
sys: { type: 'Link'; linkType: T; id: string; version: number;};
interface WebHooks
interface WebHooks extends WebhookProps, DefaultElements<WebhookProps> {}
method delete
delete: () => Promise<void>;
Deletes this object on the server. Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled.
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>')).then((webhook) => webhook.delete()).then((webhook) => console.log(`webhook ${} updated.`)).catch(console.error)
method getCall
getCall: (id: string) => Promise<WebhookCallDetailsProps>;
Webhook call with specific id. See for more details Promise for call details
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>')).then((webhook) => webhook.getCall('<call-id>')).then((webhookCall) => console.log(webhookCall)).catch(console.error)
method getCalls
getCalls: () => Promise<CollectionProp<WebhookCallOverviewProps>>;
List of the most recent webhook calls. See for more details. Promise for list of calls
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>')).then((webhook) => webhook.getCalls()).then((response) => console.log(response.items)) // webhook calls.catch(console.error)
method getHealth
getHealth: () => Promise<WebhookHealthProps>;
Overview of the health of webhook calls. See for more details. Promise for health info
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>')).then((webhook) => webhook.getHealth()).then((webhookHealth) => console.log(webhookHealth)).catch(console.error)
method update
update: () => Promise<WebHooks>;
Sends an update to the server with any changes made to the object's properties Object returned from the server with updated changes.
const contentful = require('contentful-management')const client = contentful.createClient({accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>'})client.getSpace('<space_id>').then((space) => space.getWebhook('<webhook_id>')).then((webhook) => { = 'new webhook name'return webhook.update()}).then((webhook) => console.log(`webhook ${} updated.`)).catch(console.error)
interface Workflow
interface Workflow extends WorkflowProps, DefaultElements<WorkflowProps>, WorkflowApi {}
interface WorkflowDefinition
interface WorkflowDefinition extends WorkflowDefinitionProps, DefaultElements<WorkflowDefinitionProps>, WorkflowDefinitionApi {}
interface WorkflowsChangelogEntry
interface WorkflowsChangelogEntry extends WorkflowsChangelogEntryProps, DefaultElements<WorkflowsChangelogEntryProps> {}
interface WorkflowStepPermission
interface WorkflowStepPermission {}
property configuration
configuration: { actors: WorkflowStepPermissionActors; action: WorkflowStepPermissionAction; effect: WorkflowStepPermissionEffect;};
property type
type: WorkflowStepPermissionType;
enum BulkActionStatus
enum BulkActionStatus { created = 'created', inProgress = 'inProgress', succeeded = 'succeeded', failed = 'failed',}
Represents the state of the BulkAction
member created
created = 'created'
BulkAction is pending execution
member failed
failed = 'failed'
BulkAction failed to complete (terminal state)
member inProgress
inProgress = 'inProgress'
BulkAction has been started and pending completion
member succeeded
succeeded = 'succeeded'
BulkAction was completed successfully (terminal state)
enum ScheduledActionReferenceFilters
enum ScheduledActionReferenceFilters { contentTypeAnnotationNotIn = 'sys.contentType.metadata.annotations.ContentType[nin]',}
member contentTypeAnnotationNotIn
contentTypeAnnotationNotIn = 'sys.contentType.metadata.annotations.ContentType[nin]'
enum WorkflowStepActionType
enum WorkflowStepActionType { App = 'app', Email = 'email', Task = 'task',}
enum WorkflowStepPermissionAction
enum WorkflowStepPermissionAction { Edit = 'edit', Publish = 'publish', Delete = 'delete',}
enum WorkflowStepPermissionEffect
enum WorkflowStepPermissionEffect { Allow = 'allow', Deny = 'deny',}
enum WorkflowStepPermissionType
enum WorkflowStepPermissionType { EntityPermission = 'entity_permission', WorkflowPermission = 'workflow_permission',}
member EntityPermission
EntityPermission = 'entity_permission'
member WorkflowPermission
WorkflowPermission = 'workflow_permission'
Type Aliases
type AccessTokenProp
type AccessTokenProp = { sys: AccessTokenSysProps; name: string; scopes: 'content_management_manage'[]; revokedAt: null | string; token?: string;};
type AnnotationAssignment
type AnnotationAssignment = Link<'Annotation'> & { parameters?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;};
type ApiKeyProps
type ApiKeyProps = { sys: MetaSysProps; name: string; accessToken: string; environments: { sys: MetaLinkProps; }[]; preview_api_key: { sys: MetaLinkProps; }; description?: string; policies?: { effect: string; action: string; }[];};
type AppAccessTokenProps
type AppAccessTokenProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppAccessTokenSys; /** * Token for an app installation in a space environment */ token: string;};
type AppAction
type AppAction = AppActionProps & DefaultElements<AppActionProps> & { /** * Deletes this object on the server. * @return Promise for the deletion. It contains no data, but the Promise error case should be handled. * @example ```javascript * const contentful = require('contentful-management') * * const client = contentful.createClient({ * accessToken: '<content_management_api_key>' * }) * * client.getOrganization('<org_id>') * .then((org) => org.getAppDefinition('<app_def_id>')) * .then((appDefinition) => appDefinition.getAppAction('<app-action-id>')) * .then((appAction) => appAction.delete()) * .catch(console.error) * ``` */ delete(): Promise<void>; };
type AppActionCallProps
type AppActionCallProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppActionCallSys;};
type AppActionCategoryProps
type AppActionCategoryProps = { sys: { id: AppActionCategoryType; type: 'AppActionCategory'; version: string; }; name: string; description: string; parameters?: AppActionParameterDefinition[];};
type AppActionCategoryType
type AppActionCategoryType = AppActionCategory['category'];
type AppActionParameterDefinition
type AppActionParameterDefinition = Omit<ParameterDefinition, 'labels'>;
type AppActionProps
type AppActionProps = AppActionCategory & { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppActionSys; /** * Url that will be called when the action is invoked */ url: string; /** * Human readable name for the action */ name: string; /** * Human readable description of the action */ description?: string; /** * Type of the action, defaults to endpoint if not provided * endpoint: action is sent to specified URL * function: deprecated, use function-invocation instead * function-invocation: action invokes a contentful function */ type?: AppActionType;};
type AppActionType
type AppActionType = 'endpoint' | 'function' | 'function-invocation';
type AppBundleFile
type AppBundleFile = { name: string; size: number; md5: string;};
type AppBundleProps
type AppBundleProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppBundleSys; /** * List of all the files that are in this bundle */ files: AppBundleFile[]; /** * A comment that describes this bundle */ comment?: string;};
type AppDefinition
type AppDefinition = ContentfulAppDefinitionAPI & AppDefinitionProps & DefaultElements<AppDefinitionProps>;
type AppDefinitionProps
type AppDefinitionProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: BasicMetaSysProps & { organization: SysLink; shared: boolean; }; /** * App name */ name: string; /** * URL where the root HTML document of the app can be found */ src?: string; /** * Link to an AppBundle */ bundle?: Link<'AppBundle'>; /** * Locations where the app can be installed */ locations?: AppLocation[]; /** * Instance parameter definitions */ parameters?: { instance?: ParameterDefinition[]; installation?: ParameterDefinition<InstallationParameterType>[]; };};
type AppDetailsProps
type AppDetailsProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppDetailsSys; /** * An Icon that represents the App */ icon?: AppIcon;};
type AppEventSubscriptionProps
type AppEventSubscriptionProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppEventSubscriptionSys; /** Subscription url that will receive events */ targetUrl: string; /** List of topics to subscribe to */ topics: string[];};
type AppInstallationProps
type AppInstallationProps = { sys: Omit<BasicMetaSysProps, 'id'> & { appDefinition: SysLink; environment: SysLink; space: SysLink; }; /** * Free-form installation parameters (API limits stringified length to 32KB) */ parameters?: FreeFormParameters;};
type AppKeyProps
type AppKeyProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppKeySys; /** * JSON Web Key */ jwk: JWK; /** * If generated, private key is returned */ generated?: { /** * Base64 PEM */ privateKey: string; };};
type AppLocation
type AppLocation = SimpleLocation | EntryFieldLocation | PageLocation;
type AppSignedRequestProps
type AppSignedRequestProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppSignedRequestSys; /** new headers to be included in the request */ additionalHeaders: { 'x-contentful-signature': string; 'x-contentful-signed-headers': string; 'x-contentful-timestamp': string; 'x-contentful-space-id': string; 'x-contentful-environment-id': string; 'x-contentful-user-id': string; };};
type AppSigningSecretProps
type AppSigningSecretProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: AppSigningSecretSys; /** The last four characters of the signing secret */ redactedValue: string;};
type AppUploadProps
type AppUploadProps = { sys: AppUploadSys & { expiresAt: string; organization: SysLink; };};
type AssetKeyProps
type AssetKeyProps = { /** A JWT describing a policy; needs to be attached to signed URLs */ policy: string; /** A secret key to be used for signing URLs */ secret: string;};
type AssetProps
type AssetProps = { sys: EntityMetaSysProps; fields: { /** Title for this asset */ title: { [key: string]: string; }; /** Description for this asset */ description?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** File object for this asset */ file: { [key: string]: { fileName: string; contentType: string; /** Url where the file is available to be downloaded from, into the Contentful asset system. After the asset is processed this field is gone. */ upload?: string; /** Url where the file is available at the Contentful media asset system. This field won't be available until the asset is processed. */ url?: string; /** Details for the file, depending on file type (example: image size in bytes, etc) */ details?: Record<string, any>; uploadFrom?: Record<string, any>; }; }; }; metadata?: MetadataProps;};
type BulkActionPayload
type BulkActionPayload = | BulkActionPublishPayload | BulkActionUnpublishPayload | BulkActionValidatePayload;
type BulkActionType
type BulkActionType = 'publish' | 'unpublish' | 'validate';
type ClientAPI
type ClientAPI = ReturnType<typeof createClientApi>;
type ClientParams
type ClientParams = RestAdapterParams & UserAgentParams;
type CommentProps
type CommentProps = { sys: CommentSysProps; body: string; status: CommentStatus;};
type ConceptProps
type ConceptProps<Locales extends string = string> = LocalizedEntity< Omit<Concept, 'conceptSchemes'>, | 'prefLabel' | 'altLabels' | 'hiddenLabels' | 'definition' | 'historyNote' | 'editorialNote' | 'example' | 'note' | 'scopeNote', Locales>;
type ConceptSchemeProps
type ConceptSchemeProps<Locales extends string = string> = LocalizedEntity< ConceptScheme, 'prefLabel' | 'definition', Locales>;
type ContentTypeMetadata
type ContentTypeMetadata = { annotations?: RequireAtLeastOne< { ContentType?: AnnotationAssignment[]; ContentTypeField?: Record<string, AnnotationAssignment[]>; }, 'ContentType' | 'ContentTypeField' >; taxonomy?: Array<Link<'TaxonomyConcept'> | Link<'TaxonomyConceptScheme'>>;};
type ContentTypeProps
type ContentTypeProps = { sys: BasicMetaSysProps & { space: SysLink; environment: SysLink; firstPublishedAt?: string; publishedCounter?: number; publishedVersion?: number; }; name: string; description: string; /** Field used as the main display field for Entries */ displayField: string; /** All the fields contained in this Content Type */ fields: ContentFields[]; metadata?: ContentTypeMetadata;};
type CreateApiKeyProps
type CreateApiKeyProps = Pick<ApiKeyProps, 'name' | 'environments' | 'description'>;
type CreateAppAccessTokenProps
type CreateAppAccessTokenProps = { /** * JSON Web Token */ jwt: string;};
type CreateAppActionCallProps
type CreateAppActionCallProps = { /** The body for the call */ parameters: { [key: string]: any; };};
type CreateAppActionProps
type CreateAppActionProps = AppActionCategory & { url: string; name: string; description?: string; type?: AppActionType;};
type CreateAppBundleProps
type CreateAppBundleProps = { appUploadId: string; comment?: string; actions?: ActionManifestProps[]; functions?: FunctionManifestProps[];};
type CreateAppDefinitionProps
type CreateAppDefinitionProps = SetOptional< Except<AppDefinitionProps, 'sys' | 'bundle'>, 'src' | 'locations'>;
type CreateAppDetailsProps
type CreateAppDetailsProps = { /** * An Icon that represents the App */ icon?: AppIcon;};
type CreateAppEventSubscriptionProps
type CreateAppEventSubscriptionProps = Except<AppEventSubscriptionProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateAppInstallationProps
type CreateAppInstallationProps = Except<AppInstallationProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateAppKeyProps
type CreateAppKeyProps = { /** * Toggle for automatic private key generation */ generate?: boolean; /** * JSON Web Key, required if generate is falsy */ jwk?: JWK;};
type CreateAppSignedRequestProps
type CreateAppSignedRequestProps = { /** the request method */ method: 'GET' | 'PUT' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'HEAD'; /** the path of the request method */ path: string; /** optional stringified body of the request */ body?: string; /** optional headers of the request */ headers?: Record<string, string>;};
type CreateAppSigningSecretProps
type CreateAppSigningSecretProps = { /** A 64 character matching the regular expression /^[0-9a-zA-Z+/=_-]+$/ */ value: string;};
type CreateAssetKeyProps
type CreateAssetKeyProps = { /** (required) UNIX timestamp in the future (but not more than 48 hours from now) */ expiresAt: number;};
type CreateAssetProps
type CreateAssetProps = Omit<AssetProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateCommentProps
type CreateCommentProps = Omit<CommentProps, 'sys' | 'status'> & { status?: CommentStatus;};
type CreateConceptProps
type CreateConceptProps = Partial<Omit<ConceptProps, 'sys'>> & Pick<ConceptProps, 'prefLabel'>;
type CreateConceptSchemeProps
type CreateConceptSchemeProps = Partial<Omit<ConceptSchemeProps, 'sys'>> & Pick<ConceptSchemeProps, 'prefLabel'>;
type CreateContentTypeProps
type CreateContentTypeProps = SetOptional< Except<ContentTypeProps, 'sys'>, 'description' | 'displayField'>;
type CreateEntryProps
type CreateEntryProps<TFields = KeyValueMap> = Omit<EntryProps<TFields>, 'sys'>;
type CreateEnvironmentAliasProps
type CreateEnvironmentAliasProps = Omit<EnvironmentAliasProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateEnvironmentProps
type CreateEnvironmentProps = Partial<Omit<EnvironmentProps, 'sys'>>;
type CreateEnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps
type CreateEnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps = { version: number; takeover?: { items: Link<'ContentType'>[]; }; changeSet?: Link<'ChangeSet'>;};
type CreateEnvironmentTemplateProps
type CreateEnvironmentTemplateProps = Omit<EnvironmentTemplateProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateLocaleProps
type CreateLocaleProps = Omit< SetOptional< Except<LocaleProps, 'sys'>, 'optional' | 'contentManagementApi' | 'default' | 'contentDeliveryApi' >, 'internal_code'>;
type CreateOrganizationInvitationProps
type CreateOrganizationInvitationProps = Omit<OrganizationInvitationProps, 'sys'>;
type CreatePATProps
type CreatePersonalAccessTokenProps = Pick<AccessToken, 'name' | 'scopes'> & { expiresIn: number;};
type CreatePersonalAccessTokenProps
type CreatePersonalAccessTokenProps = Pick< PersonalAccessToken, 'name' | 'scopes'> & { expiresIn?: number;};
type CreateRoleProps
type CreateRoleProps = Omit<RoleProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateSpaceMembershipProps
type CreateSpaceMembershipProps = Omit<SpaceMembershipProps, 'sys' | 'user'> & { email: string;};
type CreateTagProps
type CreateTagProps = Omit<TagProps, 'sys'> & { sys: Pick<TagSysProps, 'visibility'>;};
type CreateTaskProps
type CreateTaskProps = Omit<TaskProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateTeamMembershipProps
type CreateTeamMembershipProps = Omit<TeamMembershipProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateTeamProps
type CreateTeamProps = Omit<TeamProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateTeamSpaceMembershipProps
type CreateTeamSpaceMembershipProps = Omit<TeamSpaceMembershipProps, 'sys'>;
type CreateUIExtensionProps
type CreateExtensionProps = { extension: RequireExactlyOne< SetRequired<ExtensionProps['extension'], 'name' | 'fieldTypes' | 'sidebar'>, 'src' | 'srcdoc' >;};
type CreateWebhooksProps
type CreateWebhooksProps = SetOptional< Except<WebhookProps, 'sys'>, 'headers' | 'active'>;
type CreateWithResponseParams
type CreateWithResponseParams = GetAppActionCallParams & { retries?: number; retryInterval?: number;};
type CreateWorkflowDefinitionParams
type CreateWorkflowDefinitionParams = GetSpaceEnvironmentParams;
type CreateWorkflowDefinitionProps
type CreateWorkflowDefinitionProps = Omit< WorkflowDefinitionProps, 'sys' | 'steps'> & { steps: CreateWorkflowStepProps[];};
type CreateWorkflowProps
type CreateWorkflowProps = Omit<WorkflowProps, 'sys'> & { entity: Link<'Entry'>; workflowDefinition: Link<'WorkflowDefinition'>;};
type CreateWorkflowStepProps
type CreateWorkflowStepProps = Omit<WorkflowStepProps, 'id'>;
type DefinedParameters
type DefinedParameters = Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
type DeleteCommentParams
type DeleteCommentParams = GetCommentParams & { version: number;};
type DeleteConceptParams
type DeleteConceptParams = GetOrganizationParams & { conceptId: string; version: number;};
type DeleteConceptSchemeParams
type DeleteConceptSchemeParams = GetOrganizationParams & { conceptSchemeId: string; version: number;};
type DeleteWorkflowDefinitionParams
type DeleteWorkflowDefinitionParams = GetWorkflowDefinitionParams & { version: number;};
type DeleteWorkflowParams
type DeleteWorkflowParams = GetWorkflowParams & { version: number;};
type EditorInterfaceProps
type EditorInterfaceProps = { sys: MetaSysProps & { space: { sys: MetaLinkProps; }; environment: { sys: MetaLinkProps; }; contentType: { sys: MetaLinkProps; }; }; /** * Array of fields and their associated widgetId */ controls?: Control[]; /** * Array of field groups and their associated widgetId */ groupControls?: GroupControl[]; /** * Array of editors. Defaults will be used if property is missing. */ editors?: Editor[]; /** * Legacy singular editor override */ editor?: Editor; /** * Array of editor layout field groups */ editorLayout?: FieldGroupItem[]; /** * Array of sidebar widgets. Defaults will be used if property is missing. */ sidebar?: SidebarItem[];};
type EditorLayoutItem
type EditorLayoutItem = FieldItem | FieldGroupItem;
type EntryProps
type EntryProps<T = KeyValueMap> = { sys: EntryMetaSysProps; metadata?: MetadataProps; fields: T;};
type Environment
type Environment = ContentfulEnvironmentAPI & EnvironmentProps & DefaultElements<EnvironmentProps>;
type EnvironmentAliasProps
type EnvironmentAliasProps = { /** * System meta data */ sys: BasicMetaSysProps & { space: SysLink; }; environment: { sys: MetaLinkProps; };};
type EnvironmentProps
type EnvironmentProps = { /** * System metadata */ sys: EnvironmentMetaSys; /** * Name of the environment */ name: string;};
type EnvironmentTemplate
type EnvironmentTemplate = EnvironmentTemplateProps & DefaultElements<EnvironmentTemplateProps> & ContentfulEnvironmentTemplateApi;
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallation
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallation = EnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps & DefaultElements<EnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps>;
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallationProps = { sys: BasicMetaSysProps & { type: 'EnvironmentTemplateInstallation'; space: Link<'Space'>; template: VersionedLink<'Template'>; status: EnvironmentTemplateInstallationStatus; createdAt: ISO8601Timestamp; updatedAt: ISO8601Timestamp; createdBy: Link<'User' | 'AppDefinition'>; updatedBy: Link<'User' | 'AppDefinition'>; completedAt?: ISO8601Timestamp; errors?: JsonArray; environment: Link<'Environment'>; version: number; };};
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallationStatus
type EnvironmentTemplateInstallationStatus = keyof typeof EnvironmentTemplateInstallationStatuses;
type EnvironmentTemplateParams
type EnvironmentTemplateParams = { spaceId: string; environmentId: string; environmentTemplateId: string;};
type EnvironmentTemplateProps
type EnvironmentTemplateProps = { sys: BasicMetaSysProps & { version: number; organization: Link<'Organization'>; }; name: string; description?: string; versionName: string; versionDescription?: string; entities: { contentTypeTemplates: Array<ContentTypeTemplateProps>; editorInterfaceTemplates: Array<EditorInterfaceTemplateProps>; };};
type EnvironmentTemplateValidationProps
type EnvironmentTemplateValidationProps<T = ValidationFinding> = { sys: { type: 'Array'; environment: Link<'Environment'>; space: Link<'Space'>; changeSet: Link<'ChangeSet'>; }; items: T[];};
type FieldType
type FieldType = | { type: 'Symbol'; } | { type: 'Text'; } | { type: 'RichText'; } | { type: 'Integer'; } | { type: 'Number'; } | { type: 'Date'; } | { type: 'Boolean'; } | { type: 'Object'; } | { type: 'Location'; } | { type: 'Link'; linkType: 'Asset'; } | { type: 'Link'; linkType: 'Entry'; } | { type: 'ResourceLink'; linkType: string; } | { type: 'Array'; items: { type: 'Symbol'; }; } | { type: 'Array'; items: { type: 'Link'; linkType: 'Entry'; }; } | { type: 'Array'; items: { type: 'ResourceLink'; linkType: string; }; } | { type: 'Array'; items: { type: 'Link'; linkType: 'Asset'; }; };
type FreeFormParameters
type FreeFormParameters = | Record<string, any> | Array<any> | number | string | boolean;
type FunctionProps
type FunctionProps = { sys: { id: string; type: 'Function'; createdBy: Link<'User'>; createdAt: string; updatedBy: Link<'User'>; updatedAt: string; organization: Link<'Organization'>; appDefinition: Link<'AppDefinition'>; }; name: string; description: string; path: string; accepts: string[]; allowNetworks?: string[];};