
  • Version 4.4.4
  • Published
  • 36.4 MB
  • 2 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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The official Couchbase Node.js Client Library.







Type Aliases


variable cbppMetadata

const cbppMetadata: string;

    variable cbppVersion

    const cbppVersion: string;
    • Exposes the underlying couchbase++ library version that is being used by the SDK to perform I/O with the cluster.

    variable lcbVersion

    const lcbVersion: string;
    • Exposes the underlying couchbase++ library version that is being used by the SDK to perform I/O with the cluster.


      Use cbppVersion instead.


    function connect

    connect: (
    connStr: string,
    options?: ConnectOptions,
    callback?: NodeCallback<Cluster>
    ) => Promise<Cluster>;
    • Acts as the entrypoint into the rest of the library. Connecting to the cluster and exposing the various services and features.

      Parameter connStr

      The connection string to use to connect to the cluster.

      Parameter options

      Optional parameters for this operation.

      Parameter callback

      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution. Core

    function enableProtocolLoggerToSaveNetworkTrafficToFile

    enableProtocolLoggerToSaveNetworkTrafficToFile: (filename: string) => void;
    • Volatile: This API is subject to change at any time.

      Exposes the underlying couchbase++ library protocol logger. This method is for logging/debugging purposes and must be used with caution as network details will be logged to the provided file.

      Parameter filename

      Name of file protocol logger will save logging details.

    function shutdownLogger

    shutdownLogger: () => void;
    • Volatile: This API is subject to change at any time.

      Shutdowns the underlying couchbase++ logger.


    class AmbiguousTimeoutError

    class AmbiguousTimeoutError extends TimeoutError {}
    • Indicates that an ambiguous timeout has occured. The outcome of the operation is unknown, and it is possible that it completed after the generation of this error.

      Error Handling


    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

      class AnalyticsDataset

      class AnalyticsDataset {}
      • Contains a specific dataset configuration for the analytics service.


      property bucketName

      bucketName: string;
      • The name of the bucket that this dataset includes.

      property dataverseName

      dataverseName: string;
      • The name of the dataverse that this dataset exists within.

      property linkName

      linkName: string;
      • The name of the link that is associated with this dataset.

      property name

      name: string;
      • The name of the dataset.

      class AnalyticsErrorContext

      class AnalyticsErrorContext extends ErrorContext {}
      • The error context information for an analytics query operation.

        Error Handling

      property client_context_id

      client_context_id: string;
      • The client context id which was sent to the service for correlation between requests and responses.

      property http_response_body

      http_response_body: string;
      • The http response body which was received.

      property http_response_code

      http_response_code: number;
      • The http response status code which was received.

      property parameters

      parameters: any;
      • A list of the parameters in use for the operation.

      property statement

      statement: string;
      • The statement that was being executed when the error occured.

      class AnalyticsIndex

      class AnalyticsIndex {}
      • Contains a specific index configuration for the analytics service.


      property datasetName

      datasetName: string;
      • The name of the dataset this index belongs to.

      property dataverseName

      dataverseName: string;
      • The name of the dataverse this index belongs to.

      property isPrimary

      isPrimary: boolean;
      • Whether or not this is a primary index or not.

      property name

      name: string;
      • The name of the index.

      class AnalyticsIndexManager

      class AnalyticsIndexManager {}
      • AnalyticsIndexManager provides an interface for performing management operations against the analytics service of the cluster.


      connectLink: {
      linkStr: string,
      options?: ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ): Promise<void>;
      options?: ConnectAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ): Promise<void>;
      • Connects a not yet connected link.

        Parameter linkStr

        The name of the link to connect.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.


        Use the other overload instead.

      • Connects a not yet connected link.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method createDataset

      createDataset: (
      bucketName: string,
      datasetName: string,
      options?: CreateAnalyticsDatasetOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Creates a new dataset.

        Parameter bucketName

        The name of the bucket to create this dataset of.

        Parameter datasetName

        The name of the new dataset.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method createDataverse

      createDataverse: (
      dataverseName: string,
      options?: CreateAnalyticsDataverseOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Creates a new dataverse.

        Parameter dataverseName

        The name of the dataverse to create.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method createIndex

      createIndex: (
      datasetName: string,
      indexName: string,
      fields: { [key: string]: string },
      options?: CreateAnalyticsIndexOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Creates a new index.

        Parameter datasetName

        The name of the dataset to create this index on.

        Parameter indexName

        The name of index to create.

        Parameter fields

        A map of fields that the index should contain.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      createLink: (
      link: IAnalyticsLink,
      options?: CreateAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Creates a new analytics remote link.

        Parameter link

        The settings for the link to create.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      disconnectLink: {
      linkStr: string,
      options?: DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ): Promise<void>;
      options?: DisconnectAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ): Promise<void>;
      • Disconnects a previously connected link.

        Parameter linkStr

        The name of the link to disconnect.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.


        Use the other overload instead.

      • Disconnects a previously connected link.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method dropDataset

      dropDataset: (
      datasetName: string,
      options?: DropAnalyticsDatasetOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Drops a previously created dataset.

        Parameter datasetName

        The name of the dataset to drop.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method dropDataverse

      dropDataverse: (
      dataverseName: string,
      options?: DropAnalyticsDataverseOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Drops a previously created dataverse.

        Parameter dataverseName

        The name of the dataverse to drop.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method dropIndex

      dropIndex: (
      datasetName: string,
      indexName: string,
      options?: DropAnalyticsIndexOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Drops a previously created index.

        Parameter datasetName

        The name of the dataset containing the index to drop.

        Parameter indexName

        The name of the index to drop.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      dropLink: (
      linkName: string,
      dataverseName: string,
      options?: DropAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Drops an existing analytics remote link.

        Parameter linkName

        The name of the link to drop.

        Parameter dataverseName

        The dataverse containing the link to drop.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method getAllDatasets

      getAllDatasets: (
      options?: GetAllAnalyticsDatasetsOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<AnalyticsDataset[]>
      ) => Promise<AnalyticsDataset[]>;
      • Returns a list of all existing datasets.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method getAllIndexes

      getAllIndexes: (
      options?: GetAllAnalyticsIndexesOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<AnalyticsIndex[]>
      ) => Promise<AnalyticsIndex[]>;
      • Returns a list of all existing indexes.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      getAllLinks: (
      options?: GetAllAnalyticsLinksOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<AnalyticsLink[]>
      ) => Promise<AnalyticsLink[]>;
      • Returns a list of existing analytics remote links.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      method getPendingMutations

      getPendingMutations: (
      options?: GetPendingAnalyticsMutationsOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<{ [k: string]: { [k: string]: number } }>
      ) => Promise<{ [k: string]: { [k: string]: number } }>;
      • Returns a list of all pending mutations.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      replaceLink: (
      link: IAnalyticsLink,
      options?: ReplaceAnalyticsLinkOptions,
      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
      ) => Promise<void>;
      • Replaces an existing analytics remote link.

        Parameter link

        The settings for the updated link.

        Parameter options

        Optional parameters for this operation.

        Parameter callback

        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

      abstract class AnalyticsLink implements IAnalyticsLink {}
      • This is a base class for specific link configurations for the analytics service.

      property dataverse

      dataverse: string;
      • The dataverse that this link belongs to.

      property linkType

      linkType: AnalyticsLinkType;
      • Specifies what type of analytics link this represents.

      property name

      name: string;
      • The name of this link.

      method validate

      abstract validate: () => void;
      • Validates the link.

      class AnalyticsMetaData

      class AnalyticsMetaData {}
      • Contains the meta-data that is returend from an analytics query.


      property clientContextId

      clientContextId: string;
      • The client context id which is assoicated with the executed query.

      property metrics

      metrics: AnalyticsMetrics;
      • Various metrics which are made available by the query engine.

      property requestId

      requestId: string;
      • The request ID which is associated with the executed query.

      property signature

      signature?: any;
      • Provides the signature of the query.

      property status

      status: AnalyticsStatus;
      • The status of the query at the time the query meta-data was generated.

      property warnings

      warnings: AnalyticsWarning[];
      • Any warnings that occurred during the execution of the query.

      class AnalyticsMetrics

      class AnalyticsMetrics {}
      • Contains various metrics that are returned by the server following the execution of an analytics query.


      property elapsedTime

      elapsedTime: number;
      • The total amount of time spent running the query, in milliseconds.

      property errorCount

      errorCount: number;
      • The total number of errors which were encountered during the execution of the query.

      property executionTime

      executionTime: number;
      • The total amount of time spent executing the query, in milliseconds.

      property processedObjects

      processedObjects: number;
      • The total number of objects that were processed as part of execution of the query.

      property resultCount

      resultCount: number;
      • The total number of rows which were part of the result set.

      property resultSize

      resultSize: number;
      • The total number of bytes which were generated as part of the result set.

      property warningCount

      warningCount: number;
      • The total number of warnings which were encountered during the execution of the query.

      class AnalyticsResult

      class AnalyticsResult<TRow = any> {}
      • Contains the results of an analytics query.


      property meta

      meta: AnalyticsMetaData;
      • The meta-data which has been returned by the query.

      property rows

      rows: TRow[];
      • The rows which have been returned by the query.

      class AnalyticsWarning

      class AnalyticsWarning {}
      • Contains information about a warning which occurred during the execution of an analytics query.


      property code

      code: number;
      • The numeric code associated with the warning which occurred.

      property message

      message: string;
      • A human readable representation of the warning which occurred.

      class AuthenticationFailureError

      class AuthenticationFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
      • Indicates that an error occurred authenticating the user to the cluster.

        Error Handling


      constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);
        class AzureExternalAnalyticsLink
        extends AnalyticsLink
        implements IAzureExternalAnalyticsLink {}
        • Provides information about a analytics remote S3 link.

        property accountKey

        accountKey?: string;
        • The Azure blob storage account key.

        property accountName

        accountName?: string;
        • The Azure blob storage account name.

        property blobEndpoint

        blobEndpoint?: string;
        • The Azure blob storage endpoint.

        property connectionString

        connectionString?: string;
        • The connection string to use to connect to the external Azure store.

        property dataverse

        dataverse: string;
        • The dataverse that this link belongs to.

        property endpointSuffix

        endpointSuffix?: string;
        • The Azure blob endpoint suffix.

        property linkType

        linkType: string;
        • Specifies what type of analytics link this represents.

        property name

        name: string;
        • The name of this link.

        property sharedAccessSignature

        sharedAccessSignature?: string;
        • The shared access signature to use for authentication.

        method validate

        validate: () => void;
        • Validates the AzureExternalAnalyticsLink.

        class BinaryCollection

        class BinaryCollection {}
        • Exposes a number of binary-level operations against a collection. These operations do not adhere to the standard JSON-centric behaviour of the SDK.


        method append

        append: (
        key: string,
        value: string | Buffer,
        options?: AppendOptions,
        callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
        ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
        • Appends the specified value to the end of the specified key.

          Parameter key

          The key to append to.

          Parameter value

          The value to adjoin to the end of the document.

          Parameter options

          Optional parameters for this operation.

          Parameter callback

          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

        method decrement

        decrement: (
        key: string,
        delta: number,
        options?: DecrementOptions,
        callback?: NodeCallback<CounterResult>
        ) => Promise<CounterResult>;
        • Decrements the ASCII value of the specified key by the amount indicated in the delta parameter.

          Parameter key

          The key to increment.

          Parameter delta

          The amount to increment the key.

          Parameter options

          Optional parameters for this operation.

          Parameter callback

          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

        method increment

        increment: (
        key: string,
        delta: number,
        options?: IncrementOptions,
        callback?: NodeCallback<CounterResult>
        ) => Promise<CounterResult>;
        • Increments the ASCII value of the specified key by the amount indicated in the delta parameter.

          Parameter key

          The key to increment.

          Parameter delta

          The amount to increment the key.

          Parameter options

          Optional parameters for this operation.

          Parameter callback

          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

        method prepend

        prepend: (
        key: string,
        value: string | Buffer,
        options?: PrependOptions,
        callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
        ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
        • Prepends the specified value to the beginning of the specified key.

          Parameter key

          The key to prepend to.

          Parameter value

          The value to adjoin to the beginning of the document.

          Parameter options

          Optional parameters for this operation.

          Parameter callback

          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

        class BooleanFieldSearchQuery

        class BooleanFieldSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
        • Represents a boolean-field search query.

          Full Text Search

        method boost

        boost: (boost: number) => BooleanFieldSearchQuery;

          method field

          field: (field: string) => BooleanFieldSearchQuery;

            class BooleanSearchQuery

            class BooleanSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
            • Represents a boolean search query.

              Full Text Search

            method boost

            boost: (boost: number) => BooleanSearchQuery;

              method must

              must: (query: ConjunctionSearchQuery) => BooleanSearchQuery;

                method mustNot

                mustNot: (query: DisjunctionSearchQuery) => BooleanSearchQuery;

                  method should

                  should: (query: DisjunctionSearchQuery) => BooleanSearchQuery;

                    method shouldMin

                    shouldMin: (shouldMin: number) => BooleanSearchQuery;

                      method toJSON

                      toJSON: () => any;

                        class Bucket

                        class Bucket {}
                        • Exposes the operations which are available to be performed against a bucket. Namely the ability to access to Collections as well as performing management operations against the bucket.


                        property name

                        readonly name: string;
                        • The name of the bucket this Bucket object references.

                        method collection

                        collection: (collectionName: string) => Collection;
                        • Creates a Collection object reference to a specific collection.

                          Parameter collectionName

                          The name of the collection to reference.

                        method collections

                        collections: () => CollectionManager;
                        • Returns a CollectionManager which can be used to manage the collections of this bucket.

                        method defaultCollection

                        defaultCollection: () => Collection;
                        • Creates a Collection object reference to the default collection.

                        method defaultScope

                        defaultScope: () => Scope;
                        • Creates a Scope object reference to the default scope.

                        method ping

                        ping: (
                        options?: PingOptions,
                        callback?: NodeCallback<PingResult>
                        ) => Promise<PingResult>;
                        • Performs a ping operation against the cluster. Pinging the bucket services which are specified (or all services if none are specified). Returns a report which describes the outcome of the ping operations which were performed.

                          Parameter options

                          Optional parameters for this operation.

                          Parameter callback

                          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                        method scope

                        scope: (scopeName: string) => Scope;
                        • Creates a Scope object reference to a specific scope.

                          Parameter scopeName

                          The name of the scope to reference.

                        method viewIndexes

                        viewIndexes: () => ViewIndexManager;
                        • Returns a ViewIndexManager which can be used to manage the view indexes of this bucket.

                        method viewQuery

                        viewQuery: <TValue = any, TKey = any>(
                        designDoc: string,
                        viewName: string,
                        options?: ViewQueryOptions,
                        callback?: NodeCallback<ViewResult<TValue, TKey>>
                        ) => StreamableRowPromise<
                        ViewResult<TValue, TKey>,
                        ViewRow<TValue, TKey>,
                        • Executes a view query.

                          Parameter designDoc

                          The name of the design document containing the view to execute.

                          Parameter viewName

                          The name of the view to execute.

                          Parameter options

                          Optional parameters for this operation.

                          Parameter callback

                          A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                        class BucketExistsError

                        class BucketExistsError extends CouchbaseError {}
                        • Indicates that the referenced bucket already exists, but the operation expected it to not exist.

                          Error Handling


                        constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                          class BucketManager

                          class BucketManager {}
                          • BucketManager provides an interface for adding/removing/updating buckets within the cluster.


                          method createBucket

                          createBucket: (
                          settings: ICreateBucketSettings,
                          options?: CreateBucketOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                          ) => Promise<void>;
                          • Creates a new bucket.

                            Parameter settings

                            The settings to use for the new bucket.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          method dropBucket

                          dropBucket: (
                          bucketName: string,
                          options?: DropBucketOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                          ) => Promise<void>;
                          • Drops an existing bucket.

                            Parameter bucketName

                            The name of the bucket to drop.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          method flushBucket

                          flushBucket: (
                          bucketName: string,
                          options?: FlushBucketOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                          ) => Promise<void>;
                          • Flushes the bucket, deleting all the existing data that is stored in it.

                            Parameter bucketName

                            The name of the bucket to flush.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          method getAllBuckets

                          getAllBuckets: (
                          options?: GetAllBucketsOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<BucketSettings[]>
                          ) => Promise<BucketSettings[]>;
                          • Returns a list of existing buckets in the cluster.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          method getBucket

                          getBucket: (
                          bucketName: string,
                          options?: GetBucketOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<BucketSettings>
                          ) => Promise<BucketSettings>;
                          • Fetches the settings in use for a specified bucket.

                            Parameter bucketName

                            The name of the bucket to fetch settings for.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          method updateBucket

                          updateBucket: (
                          settings: BucketSettings,
                          options?: UpdateBucketOptions,
                          callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                          ) => Promise<void>;
                          • Updates the settings for an existing bucket.

                            Parameter settings

                            The new settings to use for the bucket.

                            Parameter options

                            Optional parameters for this operation.

                            Parameter callback

                            A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                          class BucketNotFlushableError

                          class BucketNotFlushableError extends CouchbaseError {}
                          • Indicates that the bucket could not be flushed due to not having the flush option enabled. This option can be dynamically adjusted.

                            Error Handling


                          constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                            class BucketNotFoundError

                            class BucketNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                            • Indicates that the bucket being referenced does not exist.

                              Error Handling


                            constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                              class BucketSettings

                              class BucketSettings implements IBucketSettings {}
                              • Represents the configured options for a bucket.


                              property bucketType

                              bucketType?: BucketType;
                              • Specifies the type of bucket that should be used.

                              property compressionMode

                              compressionMode?: CompressionMode;
                              • Specifies the compression mode that should be used.

                              property durabilityMinLevel

                              readonly durabilityMinLevel: string;

                              property ejectionMethod

                              ejectionMethod: string;

                              property evictionPolicy

                              evictionPolicy?: EvictionPolicy;
                              • Specifies the ejection method that should be used.

                              property flushEnabled

                              flushEnabled?: boolean;
                              • Whether the flush operation (truncating all data in the bucket) should be enabled.

                              property historyRetentionBytes

                              historyRetentionBytes?: number;
                              • Specifies the maximum history retention in bytes on all collections in this bucket.

                              property historyRetentionCollectionDefault

                              historyRetentionCollectionDefault?: boolean;
                              • Specifies the default history retention on all collections in this bucket. Only available on Magma Buckets.

                                See Also

                              property historyRetentionDuration

                              historyRetentionDuration?: number;
                              • Specifies the maximum duration in seconds to be covered by the change history that is written to disk for all collections in this bucket.

                              property maxExpiry

                              maxExpiry?: number;
                              • Specifies the maximum expiry time that any document should be permitted to have. Any documents stored with an expiry configured higher than this will be forced to this number.

                              property maxTTL

                              maxTTL: number;

                              property minimumDurabilityLevel

                              minimumDurabilityLevel?: DurabilityLevel;
                              • Specifies the minimum durability level that should be used for any write operations which are performed against this bucket.

                              property name

                              name: string;
                              • The name of the bucket.

                              property numReplicas

                              numReplicas?: number;
                              • The number of replicas that should exist for this bucket.

                              property ramQuotaMB

                              ramQuotaMB: number;
                              • The amount of RAM which should be allocated to this bucket, expressed in megabytes.

                              property replicaIndexes

                              replicaIndexes?: boolean;
                              • Whether the indexes on this bucket should be replicated.

                              property storageBackend

                              storageBackend?: string;
                              • Specifies the storage backend to use for the bucket.

                              class CasMismatchError

                              class CasMismatchError extends CouchbaseError {}
                              • Indicates that a CAS mismatch occurred. This means that the document has changed since the last access and should be fetched again before attempting to make further changes.

                                Error Handling


                              constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                class CertificateAuthenticator

                                class CertificateAuthenticator implements ICertificateAuthenticator {}
                                • CertificateAuthenticator implements a simple ICertificateAuthenticator.



                                constructor(certificatePath: string, keyPath: string);
                                • Constructs this CertificateAuthenticator with the passed certificate and key paths.

                                  Parameter certificatePath

                                  The certificate path to initialize this authenticator with.

                                  Parameter keyPath

                                  The key path to initialize this authenticator with.

                                property certificatePath

                                certificatePath: string;
                                • The path to the certificate which should be used for certificate authentication.

                                property keyPath

                                keyPath: string;
                                • The path to the key which should be used for certificate authentication.

                                class Cluster

                                class Cluster {}
                                • Exposes the operations which are available to be performed against a cluster. Namely the ability to access to Buckets as well as performing management operations against the cluster.


                                method analyticsIndexes

                                analyticsIndexes: () => AnalyticsIndexManager;
                                • Returns a AnalyticsIndexManager which can be used to manage the analytics indexes of this cluster.

                                method analyticsQuery

                                analyticsQuery: <TRow = any>(
                                statement: string,
                                options?: AnalyticsQueryOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<AnalyticsResult<TRow>>
                                ) => StreamableRowPromise<AnalyticsResult<TRow>, TRow, AnalyticsMetaData>;
                                • Executes an analytics query against the cluster.

                                  Parameter statement

                                  The analytics statement to execute.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method bucket

                                bucket: (bucketName: string) => Bucket;
                                • Creates a Bucket object reference to a specific bucket.

                                  Parameter bucketName

                                  The name of the bucket to reference.

                                method buckets

                                buckets: () => BucketManager;
                                • Returns a BucketManager which can be used to manage the buckets of this cluster.

                                method close

                                close: (callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                • Shuts down this cluster object. Cleaning up all resources associated with it.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method diagnostics

                                diagnostics: (
                                options?: DiagnosticsOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<DiagnosticsResult>
                                ) => Promise<DiagnosticsResult>;
                                • Returns a diagnostics report about the currently active connections with the cluster. Includes information about remote and local addresses, last activity, and other diagnostics information.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method eventingFunctions

                                eventingFunctions: () => EventingFunctionManager;
                                • Returns a EventingFunctionManager which can be used to manage the eventing functions of this cluster. Uncommitted: This API is subject to change in the future.

                                method ping

                                ping: (
                                options?: PingOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<PingResult>
                                ) => Promise<PingResult>;
                                • Performs a ping operation against the cluster. Pinging the services which are specified (or all services if none are specified). Returns a report which describes the outcome of the ping operations which were performed.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method query

                                query: <TRow = any>(
                                statement: string,
                                options?: QueryOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<QueryResult<TRow>>
                                ) => StreamableRowPromise<QueryResult<TRow>, TRow, QueryMetaData>;
                                • Executes a N1QL query against the cluster.

                                  Parameter statement

                                  The N1QL statement to execute.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method queryIndexes

                                queryIndexes: () => QueryIndexManager;
                                • Returns a QueryIndexManager which can be used to manage the query indexes of this cluster.

                                method search

                                search: (
                                indexName: string,
                                request: SearchRequest,
                                options?: SearchQueryOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<SearchResult>
                                ) => StreamableRowPromise<SearchResult, SearchRow, SearchMetaData>;
                                • Executes a search query against the cluster.

                                  Parameter indexName

                                  The name of the index to query.

                                  Parameter request

                                  The SearchRequest describing the search to execute.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method searchIndexes

                                searchIndexes: () => SearchIndexManager;
                                • Returns a SearchIndexManager which can be used to manage the search indexes of this cluster.

                                method searchQuery

                                searchQuery: (
                                indexName: string,
                                query: SearchQuery,
                                options?: SearchQueryOptions,
                                callback?: NodeCallback<SearchResult>
                                ) => StreamableRowPromise<SearchResult, SearchRow, SearchMetaData>;
                                • Executes a search query against the cluster.

                                  Parameter indexName

                                  The name of the index to query.

                                  Parameter query

                                  The SearchQuery describing the query to execute.

                                  Parameter options

                                  Optional parameters for this operation.

                                  Parameter callback

                                  A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                method transactions

                                transactions: () => Transactions;
                                • Returns a Transactions object which can be used to perform transactions on this cluster.

                                method users

                                users: () => UserManager;
                                • Returns a UserManager which can be used to manage the users of this cluster.

                                class ClusterClosedError

                                class ClusterClosedError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                • Indicates that an operation was performed after the cluster object was explicitly closed by the user.

                                  Error Handling



                                  class Collection

                                  class Collection {}
                                  • Exposes the operations which are available to be performed against a collection. Namely the ability to perform KV operations.


                                  property name

                                  readonly name: string;
                                  • The name of the collection this Collection object references.

                                  method binary

                                  binary: () => BinaryCollection;
                                  • Returns a BinaryCollection object reference, allowing access to various binary operations possible against a collection.

                                  method exists

                                  exists: (
                                  key: string,
                                  options?: ExistsOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<ExistsResult>
                                  ) => Promise<ExistsResult>;
                                  • Checks whether a specific document exists or not.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to check for existence.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method get

                                  get: (
                                  key: string,
                                  options?: GetOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<GetResult>
                                  ) => Promise<GetResult>;
                                  • Retrieves the value of a document from the collection.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to retrieve.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method getAllReplicas

                                  getAllReplicas: (
                                  key: string,
                                  options?: GetAllReplicasOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<GetReplicaResult[]>
                                  ) => Promise<GetReplicaResult[]>;
                                  • Retrieves the value of the document from all available replicas. Note that as replication is asynchronous, each node may return a different value.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to retrieve.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method getAndLock

                                  getAndLock: (
                                  key: string,
                                  lockTime: number,
                                  options?: GetAndLockOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<GetResult>
                                  ) => Promise<GetResult>;
                                  • Locks a document and retrieves the value of that document at the time it is locked.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to retrieve and lock.

                                    Parameter lockTime

                                    The amount of time to lock the document for, specified in seconds.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method getAndTouch

                                  getAndTouch: (
                                  key: string,
                                  expiry: number,
                                  options?: GetAndTouchOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<GetResult>
                                  ) => Promise<GetResult>;
                                  • Retrieves the value of the document and simultanously updates the expiry time for the same document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document to fetch and touch.

                                    Parameter expiry

                                    The new expiry to apply to the document, specified in seconds.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method getAnyReplica

                                  getAnyReplica: (
                                  key: string,
                                  options?: GetAnyReplicaOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<GetReplicaResult>
                                  ) => Promise<GetReplicaResult>;
                                  • Retrieves the value of the document from any of the available replicas. This will return as soon as the first response is received from any replica node.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to retrieve.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method insert

                                  insert: (
                                  key: string,
                                  value: any,
                                  options?: InsertOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
                                  • Inserts a new document to the collection, failing if the document already exists.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to insert.

                                    Parameter value

                                    The value of the document to insert.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method list

                                  list: (key: string) => CouchbaseList;
                                  • Returns a CouchbaseList permitting simple list storage in a document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key the data-structure resides in.

                                  method lookupIn

                                  lookupIn: (
                                  key: string,
                                  specs: LookupInSpec[],
                                  options?: LookupInOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<LookupInResult>
                                  ) => Promise<LookupInResult>;
                                  • Performs a lookup-in operation against a document, fetching individual fields or information about specific fields inside the document value.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to look in.

                                    Parameter specs

                                    A list of specs describing the data to fetch from the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method lookupInAllReplicas

                                  lookupInAllReplicas: (
                                  key: string,
                                  specs: LookupInSpec[],
                                  options?: LookupInOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<LookupInReplicaResult[]>
                                  ) => Promise<LookupInReplicaResult[]>;
                                  • Performs a lookup-in operation against a document, fetching individual fields or information about specific fields inside the document value from all available replicas. Note that as replication is asynchronous, each node may return a different value.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to look in.

                                    Parameter specs

                                    A list of specs describing the data to fetch from the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method lookupInAnyReplica

                                  lookupInAnyReplica: (
                                  key: string,
                                  specs: LookupInSpec[],
                                  options?: LookupInOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<LookupInReplicaResult>
                                  ) => Promise<LookupInReplicaResult>;
                                  • Performs a lookup-in operation against a document, fetching individual fields or information about specific fields inside the document value from any of the available replicas in the cluster.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to look in.

                                    Parameter specs

                                    A list of specs describing the data to fetch from the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method map

                                  map: (key: string) => CouchbaseMap;
                                  • Returns a CouchbaseMap permitting simple map storage in a document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key the data-structure resides in.

                                  method mutateIn

                                  mutateIn: (
                                  key: string,
                                  specs: MutateInSpec[],
                                  options?: MutateInOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutateInResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutateInResult>;
                                  • Performs a mutate-in operation against a document. Allowing atomic modification of specific fields within a document. Also enables access to document extended-attributes.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to mutate.

                                    Parameter specs

                                    A list of specs describing the operations to perform on the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method queryIndexes

                                  queryIndexes: () => CollectionQueryIndexManager;
                                  • Returns a CollectionQueryIndexManager which can be used to manage the query indexes of this collection.

                                  method queue

                                  queue: (key: string) => CouchbaseQueue;
                                  • Returns a CouchbaseQueue permitting simple queue storage in a document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key the data-structure resides in.

                                  method remove

                                  remove: (
                                  key: string,
                                  options?: RemoveOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
                                  • Remove an existing document from the collection.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to remove.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method replace

                                  replace: (
                                  key: string,
                                  value: any,
                                  options?: ReplaceOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
                                  • Replaces the value of an existing document. Failing if the document does not exist.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to replace.

                                    Parameter value

                                    The new value for the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method scan

                                  scan: (
                                  scanType: RangeScan | SamplingScan | PrefixScan,
                                  options?: ScanOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<ScanResult[]>
                                  ) => Promise<ScanResult[]>;
                                  • Performs a key-value scan operation.

                                    Use this API for low concurrency batch queries where latency is not a critical as the system may have to scan a lot of documents to find the matching documents. For low latency range queries, it is recommended that you use SQL++ with the necessary indexes.

                                    Parameter scanType

                                    The type of scan to execute.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for the scan operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method set

                                  set: (key: string) => CouchbaseSet;
                                  • Returns a CouchbaseSet permitting simple set storage in a document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key the data-structure resides in.

                                  method touch

                                  touch: (
                                  key: string,
                                  expiry: number,
                                  options?: TouchOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
                                  • Updates the expiry on an existing document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to touch.

                                    Parameter expiry

                                    The new expiry to set for the document, specified in seconds.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method unlock

                                  unlock: (
                                  key: string,
                                  cas: CasInput,
                                  options?: UnlockOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                  ) => Promise<void>;
                                  • Unlocks a previously locked document.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to unlock.

                                    Parameter cas

                                    The CAS of the document, used to validate lock ownership.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  method upsert

                                  upsert: (
                                  key: string,
                                  value: any,
                                  options?: UpsertOptions,
                                  callback?: NodeCallback<MutationResult>
                                  ) => Promise<MutationResult>;
                                  • Upserts a document to the collection. This operation succeeds whether or not the document already exists.

                                    Parameter key

                                    The document key to upsert.

                                    Parameter value

                                    The new value for the document.

                                    Parameter options

                                    Optional parameters for this operation.

                                    Parameter callback

                                    A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                  class CollectionExistsError

                                  class CollectionExistsError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                  • Indicates that the referenced collection already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.

                                    Error Handling


                                  constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                    class CollectionManager

                                    class CollectionManager {}
                                    • CollectionManager allows the management of collections within a Bucket.


                                    method createCollection

                                    createCollection: {
                                    collectionSpec: ICollectionSpec,
                                    options?: CreateCollectionOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ): Promise<void>;
                                    collectionName: string,
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    options?: CreateCollectionOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ): Promise<void>;
                                    collectionName: string,
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    settings?: CreateCollectionSettings,
                                    options?: CreateCollectionOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ): Promise<void>;
                                    • Creates a collection in a scope.

                                      Parameter collectionSpec

                                      Specifies the settings for the new collection.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.


                                      Use the other overload instead.

                                    • Creates a collection in a scope.

                                    • Creates a collection in a scope.

                                      Parameter collectionName

                                      The name of the collection.

                                      Parameter scopeName

                                      The name of the scope containing this collection.

                                      Parameter settings

                                      The settings to use on creating the collection.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    method createScope

                                    createScope: (
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    options?: CreateScopeOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ) => Promise<void>;
                                    • Creates a new scope.

                                      Parameter scopeName

                                      The name of the new scope to create.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    method dropCollection

                                    dropCollection: (
                                    collectionName: string,
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    options?: DropCollectionOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ) => Promise<void>;
                                    • Drops a collection from a scope.

                                      Parameter collectionName

                                      The name of the collection to drop.

                                      Parameter scopeName

                                      The name of the scope containing the collection to drop.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    method dropScope

                                    dropScope: (
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    options?: DropScopeOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ) => Promise<void>;
                                    • Drops a scope.

                                      Parameter scopeName

                                      The name of the scope to drop.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    method getAllScopes

                                    getAllScopes: (
                                    options?: GetAllScopesOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<ScopeSpec[]>
                                    ) => Promise<ScopeSpec[]>;
                                    • Returns all configured scopes along with their collections.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    method updateCollection

                                    updateCollection: (
                                    collectionName: string,
                                    scopeName: string,
                                    settings: UpdateCollectionSettings,
                                    options?: UpdateCollectionOptions,
                                    callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                    ) => Promise<void>;
                                    • Updates a collection in a scope.

                                      Parameter collectionName

                                      The name of the collection to update.

                                      Parameter scopeName

                                      The name of the scope containing the collection.

                                      Parameter settings

                                      The settings to update on the collection.

                                      Parameter options

                                      Optional parameters for this operation.

                                      Parameter callback

                                      A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                    class CollectionNotFoundError

                                    class CollectionNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                    • Indicates that the collection being referenced does not exist.

                                      Error Handling


                                    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                      class CollectionQueryIndexManager

                                      class CollectionQueryIndexManager {}
                                      • CollectionQueryIndexManager provides an interface for managing the query indexes on the collection.


                                      method buildDeferredIndexes

                                      buildDeferredIndexes: (
                                      options?: BuildQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<string[]>
                                      ) => Promise<string[]>;
                                      • Starts building any indexes which were previously created with deferred=true.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method createIndex

                                      createIndex: (
                                      indexName: string,
                                      keys: string[],
                                      options?: CreateQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                      • Creates a new query index.

                                        Parameter indexName

                                        The name of the new index.

                                        Parameter keys

                                        The keys which this index should cover.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method createPrimaryIndex

                                      createPrimaryIndex: (
                                      options?: CreatePrimaryQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                      • Creates a new primary query index.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method dropIndex

                                      dropIndex: (
                                      indexName: string,
                                      options?: DropQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                      • Drops an existing query index.

                                        Parameter indexName

                                        The name of the index to drop.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method dropPrimaryIndex

                                      dropPrimaryIndex: (
                                      options?: DropPrimaryQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                      • Drops an existing primary index.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method getAllIndexes

                                      getAllIndexes: (
                                      options?: GetAllQueryIndexesOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<QueryIndex[]>
                                      ) => Promise<QueryIndex[]>;
                                      • Returns a list of indexes for a specific bucket.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      method watchIndexes

                                      watchIndexes: (
                                      indexNames: string[],
                                      timeout: number,
                                      options?: WatchQueryIndexOptions,
                                      callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                      ) => Promise<void>;
                                      • Waits for a number of indexes to finish creation and be ready to use.

                                        Parameter indexNames

                                        The names of the indexes to watch.

                                        Parameter timeout

                                        The maximum time to wait for the index, expressed in milliseconds.

                                        Parameter options

                                        Optional parameters for this operation.

                                        Parameter callback

                                        A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                      class CollectionSpec

                                      class CollectionSpec {}
                                      • Contains information about a collection.


                                      property history

                                      history?: boolean;
                                      • The history retention override setting in this collection. Only supported on Magma Buckets.

                                        See Also

                                      property maxExpiry

                                      maxExpiry: number;

                                      property name

                                      name: string;
                                      • The name of the collection.

                                      property scopeName

                                      scopeName: string;
                                      • The name of the scope this collection exists in.

                                      class CompilationFailureError

                                      class CompilationFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                      • Indicates that an error occurred while compiling a query.

                                        Error Handling


                                      constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                        class ConjunctionSearchQuery

                                        class ConjunctionSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
                                        • Represents a conjunction search query.

                                          Full Text Search

                                        method and

                                        and: {
                                        (queries: SearchQuery[]): ConjunctionSearchQuery;
                                        (...queries: SearchQuery[]): ConjunctionSearchQuery;
                                        • Adds additional queries to this conjunction query.


                                          Use the multi-argument overload instead.

                                        • Adds additional queries to this conjunction query.

                                        method boost

                                        boost: (boost: number) => ConjunctionSearchQuery;

                                          class ConnectionClosedError

                                          class ConnectionClosedError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                          • Indicates that an operation was performed after a connection was closed.

                                            Error Handling



                                            class CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings

                                            class CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings
                                            implements ICouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings {}
                                            • Includes information about an analytics remote links encryption.

                                            property certificate

                                            certificate?: Buffer;
                                            • Provides a certificate to use for connecting when encryption level is set to full. Required when encryptionLevel is set to Full.

                                            property clientCertificate

                                            clientCertificate?: Buffer;
                                            • Provides a client certificate to use for connecting when encryption level is set to full. Cannot be set if a username/password are used.

                                            property clientKey

                                            clientKey?: Buffer;
                                            • Provides a client key to use for connecting when encryption level is set to full. Cannot be set if a username/password are used.

                                            property encryptionLevel

                                            encryptionLevel: AnalyticsEncryptionLevel;
                                            • Specifies what level of encryption should be used.

                                            class CouchbaseError

                                            class CouchbaseError extends Error {}
                                            • A generic base error that all errors inherit. Exposes the cause and context of the error to enable easier debugging.

                                              Error Handling


                                            constructor(message: string, cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                              property cause

                                              cause: Error;
                                              • Specifies the underlying cause of this error, if one is available.

                                              property context

                                              | KeyValueErrorContext
                                              | ViewErrorContext
                                              | QueryErrorContext
                                              | SearchErrorContext
                                              | AnalyticsErrorContext
                                              | HttpErrorContext;
                                              • Specifies additional contextual information which is available for this error. Depending on the service that generated it.

                                              class CouchbaseList

                                              class CouchbaseList {}
                                              • CouchbaseList provides a simplified interface for storing lists within a Couchbase document.

                                                See Also

                                              method [Symbol.asyncIterator]

                                              [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => AsyncIterator<any>;
                                              • Provides the ability to async-for loop this object.

                                              method forEach

                                              forEach: (
                                              rowCallback: (value: any, index: number, array: CouchbaseList) => void,
                                              callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                              ) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Iterates each item in the list.

                                                Parameter rowCallback

                                                A callback invoked for each item in the list.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method getAll

                                              getAll: (callback?: NodeCallback<any[]>) => Promise<any[]>;
                                              • Returns the entire list of items in this list.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method getAt

                                              getAt: (index: number, callback?: NodeCallback<any>) => Promise<any>;
                                              • Retrieves the item at a specific index in the list.

                                                Parameter index

                                                The index to retrieve.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method indexOf

                                              indexOf: (value: any, callback?: NodeCallback<number>) => Promise<number>;
                                              • Returns the index of a specific value from the list.

                                                Parameter value

                                                The value to search for.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method push

                                              push: (value: any, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Adds a new item to the end of the list.

                                                Parameter value

                                                The value to add.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method removeAt

                                              removeAt: (index: number, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Removes an item at a specific index from the list.

                                                Parameter index

                                                The index to remove.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method size

                                              size: (callback?: NodeCallback<number>) => Promise<number>;
                                              • Returns the number of items in the list.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method unshift

                                              unshift: (value: any, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Adds a new item to the beginning of the list.

                                                Parameter value

                                                The value to add.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              class CouchbaseMap

                                              class CouchbaseMap {}
                                              • CouchbaseMap provides a simplified interface for storing a map within a Couchbase document.

                                                See Also

                                              method [Symbol.asyncIterator]

                                              [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => AsyncIterator<[any, string]>;
                                              • Provides the ability to async-for loop this object.

                                              method exists

                                              exists: (item: string, callback?: NodeCallback<boolean>) => Promise<boolean>;
                                              • Checks whether a specific key exists in the map.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The key in the map to search for.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method forEach

                                              forEach: (
                                              rowCallback: (value: any, key: string, map: CouchbaseMap) => void,
                                              callback?: NodeCallback<void>
                                              ) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Iterates through every item in the map.

                                                Parameter rowCallback

                                                A callback invoked for each item in the list.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method get

                                              get: (item: string, callback?: NodeCallback<any>) => Promise<any>;
                                              • Fetches a specific key from the map.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The key in the map to retrieve.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method getAll

                                              getAll: (
                                              callback?: NodeCallback<{ [key: string]: any }>
                                              ) => Promise<{ [key: string]: any }>;
                                              • Returns an object representing all items in the map.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method keys

                                              keys: (callback?: NodeCallback<string[]>) => Promise<string[]>;
                                              • Returns a list of all the keys which exist in the map.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method remove

                                              remove: (item: string, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Removes a specific key from the map.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The key in the map to remove.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method set

                                              set: (item: string, value: any, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Sets a specific to the specified value in the map.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The key in the map to set.

                                                Parameter value

                                                The new value to set.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method size

                                              size: (callback?: NodeCallback<number>) => Promise<number>;
                                              • Returns the number of items that exist in the map.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method values

                                              values: (callback?: NodeCallback<any[]>) => Promise<any[]>;
                                              • Returns a list of all the values which exist in the map.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              class CouchbaseQueue

                                              class CouchbaseQueue {}
                                              • CouchbaseQueue provides a simplified interface for storing a queue within a Couchbase document.

                                                See Also

                                              method pop

                                              pop: (callback?: NodeCallback<any>) => Promise<any>;
                                              • Removes an item from the front of the queue.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method push

                                              push: (value: any, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Adds a new item to the back of the queue.

                                                Parameter value

                                                The value to add.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method size

                                              size: (callback?: NodeCallback<number>) => Promise<number>;
                                              • Returns the number of items in the queue.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              class CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink
                                              extends AnalyticsLink
                                              implements ICouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink {}
                                              • Provides information about a analytics remote Couchbase link.

                                              property dataverse

                                              dataverse: string;
                                              • The dataverse that this link belongs to.

                                              property encryption

                                              encryption?: CouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings;
                                              • The encryption settings to be used for the link.

                                              property hostname

                                              hostname: string;
                                              • The hostname of the target Couchbase cluster.

                                              property linkType

                                              linkType: string;
                                              • Specifies what type of analytics link this represents.

                                              property name

                                              name: string;
                                              • The name of this link.

                                              property password

                                              password?: string;
                                              • The password to use for authentication with the remote cluster. Optional if client-certificate authentication (@see ICouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings.clientCertificate) is being used.

                                              property username

                                              username?: string;
                                              • The username to use for authentication with the remote cluster. Optional if client-certificate authentication (@see ICouchbaseAnalyticsEncryptionSettings.clientCertificate) is being used.

                                              method validate

                                              validate: () => void;
                                              • Validates the CouchbaseRemoteAnalyticsLink.

                                              class CouchbaseSet

                                              class CouchbaseSet {}
                                              • CouchbaseSet provides a simplified interface for storing a set within a Couchbase document.

                                                See Also

                                              method add

                                              add: (item: any, callback?: NodeCallback<boolean>) => Promise<boolean>;
                                              • Adds a new item to the set. Returning whether the item already existed in the set or not.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The item to add.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method contains

                                              contains: (item: any, callback?: NodeCallback<boolean>) => Promise<boolean>;
                                              • Returns whether a specific value already exists in the set.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The value to search for.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method remove

                                              remove: (item: any, callback?: NodeCallback<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                              • Removes a specific value from the set.

                                                Parameter item

                                                The value to remove.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method size

                                              size: (callback?: NodeCallback<number>) => Promise<number>;
                                              • Returns the number of elements in this set.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              method values

                                              values: (callback?: NodeCallback<any[]>) => Promise<any[]>;
                                              • Returns a list of all values in the set.

                                                Parameter callback

                                                A node-style callback to be invoked after execution.

                                              class CounterResult

                                              class CounterResult {}
                                              • Contains the results of a counter operation (binary increment/decrement).


                                              property cas

                                              cas: Cas;
                                              • The updated CAS for the document.

                                              property token

                                              token?: MutationToken;
                                              • The token representing the mutation performed.

                                              property value

                                              value: number;
                                              • The new value of the document after the operation completed.

                                              class DatasetExistsError

                                              class DatasetExistsError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                              • Indicates that the referenced dataset already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.

                                                Error Handling


                                              constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                class DatasetNotFoundError

                                                class DatasetNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                • Indicates that the referenced dataset does not exist.

                                                  Error Handling


                                                constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                  class DataverseExistsError

                                                  class DataverseExistsError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                  • Indicates that the referenced dataverse already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.

                                                    Error Handling


                                                  constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                    class DataverseNotFoundError

                                                    class DataverseNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                    • Indicates that the referenced dataverse does not exist.

                                                      Error Handling


                                                    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                      class DateRangeSearchQuery

                                                      class DateRangeSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
                                                      • Represents a date-range search query.

                                                        Full Text Search

                                                      method boost

                                                      boost: (boost: number) => DateRangeSearchQuery;

                                                        method dateTimeParser

                                                        dateTimeParser: (parser: string) => DateRangeSearchQuery;

                                                          method end

                                                          end: (end: Date | string, inclusive?: boolean) => DateRangeSearchQuery;

                                                            method field

                                                            field: (field: string) => DateRangeSearchQuery;

                                                              method start

                                                              start: (start: Date | string, inclusive?: boolean) => DateRangeSearchQuery;

                                                                class DateSearchFacet

                                                                class DateSearchFacet extends SearchFacet {}
                                                                • Provides ability to request a date facet.

                                                                  Full Text Search

                                                                method addRange

                                                                addRange: (name: string, start?: Date, end?: Date) => DateSearchFacet;

                                                                  class DecodingFailureError

                                                                  class DecodingFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                  • Indicates that there was a failure during decoding.

                                                                    Error Handling


                                                                  constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                    class DefaultTranscoder

                                                                    class DefaultTranscoder implements Transcoder {}
                                                                    • The default transcoder implements cross-sdk transcoding capabilities by taking advantage of the common flags specification to ensure compatibility. This transcoder is capable of encoding/decoding any value which is encodable to JSON, and additionally has special-case handling for Buffer objects.


                                                                    method decode

                                                                    decode: (bytes: Buffer, flags: number) => any;
                                                                    • Decodes a buffer and flags tuple back to the original type of the document.

                                                                      Parameter bytes

                                                                      The bytes that were previously encoded.

                                                                      Parameter flags

                                                                      The flags associated with the data.

                                                                    method encode

                                                                    encode: (value: any) => [Buffer, number];
                                                                    • Encodes the specified value, returning a buffer and flags that are stored to the server and later used for decoding.

                                                                      Parameter value

                                                                      The value to encode.

                                                                    class DeltaInvalidError

                                                                    class DeltaInvalidError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                    • Indicates that the delta specified is invalid.

                                                                      Error Handling


                                                                    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                      class DesignDocument

                                                                      class DesignDocument {}
                                                                      • Contains information about a design document.



                                                                      constructor(data: {
                                                                      name: string;
                                                                      views?: { [viewName: string]: DesignDocumentView };
                                                                      namespace?: DesignDocumentNamespace;
                                                                      rev?: string;


                                                                        constructor(name: string, views: { [viewName: string]: DesignDocumentView });
                                                                        • Deprecated

                                                                        property name

                                                                        name: string;
                                                                        • The name of the design document.

                                                                        property namespace

                                                                        namespace: DesignDocumentNamespace;
                                                                        • The namespace for this design document.

                                                                        property rev

                                                                        rev: string;
                                                                        • The revision of the design document.

                                                                        property View

                                                                        static readonly View: any;

                                                                        property views

                                                                        views: { [viewName: string]: DesignDocumentView };
                                                                        • A map of the views that exist in this design document.

                                                                        class DesignDocumentNotFoundError

                                                                        class DesignDocumentNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                        • Indicates that the referenced design document does not exist.

                                                                          Error Handling


                                                                        constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                          class DesignDocumentView

                                                                          class DesignDocumentView {}
                                                                          • Contains information about a view in a design document.



                                                                          constructor(data: { map?: string; reduce?: string });


                                                                            constructor(map?: string, reduce?: string);
                                                                            • Deprecated

                                                                            property map

                                                                            map: string;
                                                                            • The mapping function to use for this view.

                                                                            property reduce

                                                                            reduce: string;
                                                                            • The reduction function to use for this view.

                                                                            class DiagnosticsEndpoint

                                                                            class DiagnosticsEndpoint {}
                                                                            • DiagnosticsEndpoint represents a single endpoint in a diagnostics result.


                                                                            property bucket

                                                                            bucket?: string;
                                                                            • The name of the bucket this endpoint is connected to.

                                                                            property details

                                                                            details?: any;
                                                                            • Various additional details about the endpoint.

                                                                            property id

                                                                            id: string;
                                                                            • The unique identifier for this endpoint.

                                                                            property lastActivity

                                                                            lastActivity: number;
                                                                            • The time in milliseconds since the last activity.

                                                                            property local

                                                                            local: string;
                                                                            • The local address of this endpoint.

                                                                            property remote

                                                                            remote: string;
                                                                            • The remote address of this endpoint.

                                                                            property state

                                                                            state: EndpointState;
                                                                            • The current state of this endpoint.

                                                                            property type

                                                                            type: ServiceType;
                                                                            • The type of service this entry represents.

                                                                            class DiagnosticsResult

                                                                            class DiagnosticsResult {}
                                                                            • DiagnosticsResult represents the output of a operation result.


                                                                            property id

                                                                            id: string;
                                                                            • The unique identifier for this report.

                                                                            property sdk

                                                                            sdk: string;
                                                                            • The name of the SDK which generated this report.

                                                                            property services

                                                                            services: { [serviceType: string]: DiagnosticsEndpoint[] };
                                                                            • A list of service endpoints and their diagnostic status.

                                                                            property version

                                                                            version: number;
                                                                            • The version number of this report.

                                                                            method toJSON

                                                                            toJSON: () => JsonDiagnosticsReport;
                                                                            • Returns a JSON formatted diagnostics report.

                                                                            class DisjunctionSearchQuery

                                                                            class DisjunctionSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
                                                                            • Represents a disjunction search query.

                                                                              Full Text Search

                                                                            method boost

                                                                            boost: (boost: number) => DisjunctionSearchQuery;

                                                                              method or

                                                                              or: {
                                                                              (queries: SearchQuery[]): DisjunctionSearchQuery;
                                                                              (...queries: SearchQuery[]): DisjunctionSearchQuery;
                                                                              • Adds additional queries to this disjunction query.


                                                                                Use the multi-argument overload instead.

                                                                              • Adds additional queries to this disjunction query.

                                                                              class DmlFailureError

                                                                              class DmlFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                              • Indicates that a generic DML error occurred with a query.

                                                                                Error Handling


                                                                              constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                class DocIdSearchQuery

                                                                                class DocIdSearchQuery extends SearchQuery {}
                                                                                • Represents a document-id search query.

                                                                                  Full Text Search

                                                                                method addDocIds

                                                                                addDocIds: {
                                                                                (ids: string[]): DocIdSearchQuery;
                                                                                (...ids: string[]): DocIdSearchQuery;
                                                                                • Adds additional document-id's to this query.


                                                                                  Use the multi-argument overload instead.

                                                                                • Adds additional document-id's to this query.

                                                                                method boost

                                                                                boost: (boost: number) => DocIdSearchQuery;

                                                                                  method field

                                                                                  field: (field: string) => DocIdSearchQuery;

                                                                                    class DocumentExistsError

                                                                                    class DocumentExistsError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                    • Indicates that the referenced document exists already, but the operation was not expecting it to exist.

                                                                                      Error Handling


                                                                                    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                      class DocumentId

                                                                                      class DocumentId {}
                                                                                      • Represents the path to a document.




                                                                                        property bucket

                                                                                        bucket: string;
                                                                                        • The name of the bucket containing the document.

                                                                                        property collection

                                                                                        collection: string;
                                                                                        • The name of the collection containing the document.

                                                                                        property key

                                                                                        key: string;
                                                                                        • The key of the docuemnt.

                                                                                        property scope

                                                                                        scope: string;
                                                                                        • The name of the scope containing the document.

                                                                                        class DocumentLockedError

                                                                                        class DocumentLockedError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                        • Indicates that the referenced document could not be used as it is currently locked, likely by another actor in the system.

                                                                                          Error Handling


                                                                                        constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                          class DocumentNotFoundError

                                                                                          class DocumentNotFoundError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                          • Indicates that the referenced document does not exist.

                                                                                            Error Handling


                                                                                          constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                            class DocumentNotJsonError

                                                                                            class DocumentNotJsonError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                            • Indicates that an operation expecting JSON was performed against a document which is not JSON.

                                                                                              Error Handling


                                                                                            constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                              class DocumentNotLockedError

                                                                                              class DocumentNotLockedError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                              • Indicates that the referenced document is not locked. Generally raised when an unlock operation is performed.

                                                                                                Error Handling


                                                                                              constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                class DocumentUnretrievableError

                                                                                                class DocumentUnretrievableError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                • Indicates that the referenced document could not be retrieved.

                                                                                                  Error Handling


                                                                                                constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                  class DurabilityAmbiguousError

                                                                                                  class DurabilityAmbiguousError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                  • Indicates that the durable operation that was performed has failed ambiguously and may or may not have completed, or may complete in the future.

                                                                                                    Error Handling


                                                                                                  constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                    class DurabilityImpossibleError

                                                                                                    class DurabilityImpossibleError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                    • Indicates that a durability level which is impossible to achieve was specified. This can occur when you try to use Majority but there is less than the majority of nodes available.

                                                                                                      Error Handling


                                                                                                    constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                      class DurabilityLevelNotAvailableError

                                                                                                      class DurabilityLevelNotAvailableError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                      • Indicates that a durability level which is not available was specified.

                                                                                                        Error Handling


                                                                                                      constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                        class DurableWriteInProgressError

                                                                                                        class DurableWriteInProgressError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                        • Indicates that a write was failed as an existing durable write against that key is already in progress.

                                                                                                          Error Handling


                                                                                                        constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                          class DurableWriteReCommitInProgressError

                                                                                                          class DurableWriteReCommitInProgressError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                          • Indicates that a write was failed as the server is currently reconstructing it's durable data following a failover.

                                                                                                            Error Handling


                                                                                                          constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                            class EncodingFailureError

                                                                                                            class EncodingFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                            • Indicates that there was a failure during encoding.

                                                                                                              Error Handling


                                                                                                            constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                              class ErrorContext

                                                                                                              class ErrorContext {}
                                                                                                              • Generic base class for all known error context types.

                                                                                                                Error Handling

                                                                                                              class EventingFunction

                                                                                                              class EventingFunction {}
                                                                                                              • Describes an eventing function.



                                                                                                              constructor(v: EventingFunction);

                                                                                                                property bucketBindings

                                                                                                                bucketBindings: EventingFunctionBucketBinding[];
                                                                                                                • The buckets to bind to the function.

                                                                                                                property code

                                                                                                                code: string;
                                                                                                                • The code for this eventing function.

                                                                                                                property constantBindings

                                                                                                                constantBindings: EventingFunctionConstantBinding[];
                                                                                                                • The constants to bind to the function.

                                                                                                                property enforceSchema

                                                                                                                enforceSchema?: boolean;
                                                                                                                • Whether to enable stricter validation of settings and configuration.

                                                                                                                property functionInstanceId

                                                                                                                functionInstanceId?: string;
                                                                                                                • The unique id for the deployment of the handler.

                                                                                                                property handlerUuid

                                                                                                                handlerUuid?: number;
                                                                                                                • The unique ID for this eventing function.

                                                                                                                property metadataKeyspace

                                                                                                                metadataKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace;
                                                                                                                • The keyspace to store the functions metadata.

                                                                                                                property name

                                                                                                                name: string;
                                                                                                                • The name of the eventing function.

                                                                                                                property settings

                                                                                                                settings: EventingFunctionSettings;
                                                                                                                • The settings for this function.

                                                                                                                property sourceKeyspace

                                                                                                                sourceKeyspace: EventingFunctionKeyspace;
                                                                                                                • The keyspace that the function should operate on.

                                                                                                                property urlBindings

                                                                                                                urlBindings: EventingFunctionUrlBinding[];
                                                                                                                • The URLs to bind to the function.

                                                                                                                property version

                                                                                                                version?: string;
                                                                                                                • The authoring version of this eventing function.

                                                                                                                class EventingFunctionBucketBinding

                                                                                                                class EventingFunctionBucketBinding {}
                                                                                                                • Specifies a bucket binding for an eventing function.



                                                                                                                constructor(v: EventingFunctionBucketBinding);

                                                                                                                  property access

                                                                                                                  access: EventingFunctionBucketAccess;
                                                                                                                  • The level of access configured for this binding.

                                                                                                                  property alias

                                                                                                                  alias: string;
                                                                                                                  • The alias to use for referring to this binding.

                                                                                                                  property name

                                                                                                                  name: EventingFunctionKeyspace;
                                                                                                                  • The keyspace that this binding refers to.

                                                                                                                  class EventingFunctionCompilationFailureError

                                                                                                                  class EventingFunctionCompilationFailureError extends CouchbaseError {}
                                                                                                                  • Indicates that the eventing function was not able to be compiled.

                                                                                                                    Error Handling


                                                                                                                  constructor(cause?: Error, context?: ErrorContext);

                                                                                                                    class EventingFunctionConstantBinding

                                                                                                                    class EventingFunctionConstantBinding {}
                                                                                                                    • Specifies a constant binding for an eventing function.
