
  • Version 3.1.7
  • Published
  • 92 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i cron
yarn add cron
pnpm add cron


Cron jobs for your node



function sendAt

sendAt: (cronTime: string | Date | DateTime) => DateTime;

    function timeout

    timeout: (cronTime: string | Date | DateTime) => number;


      class CronJob

      class CronJob<OC extends CronOnCompleteCommand | null = null, C = null> {}


        cronTime: any,
        onTick: CronCommand<C, WithOnComplete<OC>>,
        onComplete?: CronOnCompleteCommand,
        start?: boolean,
        timeZone?: string,
        context?: {},
        runOnInit?: boolean,
        utcOffset?: null,
        unrefTimeout?: boolean


          cronTime: any,
          onTick: CronCommand<C, WithOnComplete<OC>>,
          onComplete?: CronOnCompleteCommand,
          start?: boolean,
          timeZone?: null,
          context?: {},
          runOnInit?: boolean,
          utcOffset?: number,
          unrefTimeout?: boolean

            property context

            context: {};

              property cronTime

              cronTime: CronTime;

                property lastExecution

                lastExecution: Date;

                  property onComplete

                  onComplete?: CronOnCompleteCallback;

                    property running

                    running: boolean;

                      property runOnce

                      runOnce: boolean;

                        property unrefTimeout

                        unrefTimeout: boolean;

                          method addCallback

                          addCallback: (callback: CronCallback<C, WithOnComplete<OC>>) => void;

                            method fireOnTick

                            fireOnTick: () => void;

                              method from

                              static from: <OC extends CronOnCompleteCommand = null, C = null>(
                              params: CronJobParams<OC, C>
                              ) => CronJob<OC, C>;

                                method lastDate

                                lastDate: () => Date | null;

                                  method nextDate

                                  nextDate: () => any;

                                    method nextDates

                                    nextDates: (i?: number) => import('luxon').DateTime<boolean>[];

                                      method setTime

                                      setTime: (time: CronTime) => void;

                                        method start

                                        start: () => void;

                                          method stop

                                          stop: () => void;

                                            class CronTime

                                            class CronTime {}


                                              constructor(source: any, timeZone?: string, utcOffset?: null);


                                                constructor(source: any, timeZone?: null, utcOffset?: number);

                                                  property realDate

                                                  realDate: boolean;

                                                    property source

                                                    source: any;

                                                      property timeZone

                                                      timeZone?: string;

                                                        property utcOffset

                                                        utcOffset?: number;

                                                          method getNextDateFrom

                                                          getNextDateFrom: (
                                                          start: Date | DateTime,
                                                          timeZone?: string | Zone
                                                          ) => DateTime<boolean>;

                                                            method getTimeout

                                                            getTimeout: () => number;

                                                              method sendAt

                                                              sendAt: { (): DateTime; (i: number): DateTime[] };

                                                                method toJSON

                                                                toJSON: () => string[];

                                                                  method toString

                                                                  toString: () => string;


                                                                    interface Ranges

                                                                    interface Ranges {}

                                                                      property dayOfMonth

                                                                      dayOfMonth: DayOfMonthRange;

                                                                        property dayOfWeek

                                                                        dayOfWeek: DayOfWeekRange;

                                                                          property hour

                                                                          hour: HourRange;

                                                                            property minute

                                                                            minute: MinuteRange;

                                                                              property month

                                                                              month: MonthRange;

                                                                                property second

                                                                                second: SecondRange;

                                                                                  Type Aliases

                                                                                  type CronCallback

                                                                                  type CronCallback<C, WithOnCompleteBool extends boolean = false> = (
                                                                                  this: CronContext<C>,
                                                                                  onComplete: WithOnCompleteBool extends true ? CronOnCompleteCallback : never
                                                                                  ) => void | Promise<void>;

                                                                                    type CronCommand

                                                                                    type CronCommand<C, WithOnCompleteBool extends boolean = false> =
                                                                                    | CronCallback<C, WithOnCompleteBool>
                                                                                    | CronSystemCommand;

                                                                                      type CronContext

                                                                                      type CronContext<C> = C extends null ? CronJob : NonNullable<C>;

                                                                                        type CronJobParams

                                                                                        type CronJobParams<
                                                                                        OC extends CronOnCompleteCommand | null = null,
                                                                                        C = null
                                                                                        > = BaseCronJobParams<OC, C> &
                                                                                        | {
                                                                                        timeZone?: string | null;
                                                                                        utcOffset?: never;
                                                                                        | {
                                                                                        timeZone?: never;
                                                                                        utcOffset?: number | null;

                                                                                          type CronOnCompleteCallback

                                                                                          type CronOnCompleteCallback = () => void | Promise<void>;

                                                                                            type CronOnCompleteCommand

                                                                                            type CronOnCompleteCommand = CronOnCompleteCallback | CronSystemCommand;

                                                                                              type TimeUnit

                                                                                              type TimeUnit = (typeof TIME_UNITS_MAP)[keyof typeof TIME_UNITS_MAP];

                                                                                                Package Files (4)

                                                                                                Dependencies (2)

                                                                                                Dev Dependencies (26)

                                                                                                Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                No peer dependencies.


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