
  • Version 5.1.0
  • Published
  • 224 kB
  • 5 dependencies
  • BSD-2-Clause license


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a CSS selector compiler/engine



variable aliases

const aliases: Record<string, string>;
  • Aliases are pseudos that are expressed as selectors.

variable filters

const filters: Record<string, Filter>;

    variable pseudos

    const pseudos: Record<string, Pseudo>;


      function compile

      compile: <Node, ElementNode extends Node>(
      selector: string | import('css-what').Selector[][],
      options?: Options<Node, ElementNode>,
      context?: Node | Node[]
      ) => CompiledQuery<Node>;
      • Compiles the query, returns a function.

      function is

      is: <Node, ElementNode extends Node>(
      elem: ElementNode,
      query: Query<ElementNode>,
      options?: Options<Node, ElementNode>
      ) => boolean;
      • Tests whether or not an element is matched by query.

        Node The generic Node type for the DOM adapter being used. ElementNode The Node type for elements for the DOM adapter being used.

        Parameter elem

        The element to test if it matches the query.

        Parameter query

        can be either a CSS selector string or a compiled query function.

        Parameter options

        options for querying the document.


        See Also

        • compile for supported selector queries.

      function prepareContext

      prepareContext: <Node, ElementNode extends Node>(
      elems: Node | Node[],
      adapter: Adapter<Node, ElementNode>,
      shouldTestNextSiblings?: boolean
      ) => Node[];

        function selectAll

        selectAll: <Node, ElementNode extends Node>(
        query: Query<ElementNode>,
        elements: Node | Node[],
        options?: Options<Node, ElementNode>
        ) => ElementNode[];
        • Node The generic Node type for the DOM adapter being used. ElementNode The Node type for elements for the DOM adapter being used.

          Parameter elems

          Elements to query. If it is an element, its children will be queried..

          Parameter query

          can be either a CSS selector string or a compiled query function.

          Parameter options

          options for querying the document.


          All matching elements.

          See Also

          • compile for supported selector queries.

        function selectOne

        selectOne: <Node, ElementNode extends Node>(
        query: Query<ElementNode>,
        elements: Node | Node[],
        options?: Options<Node, ElementNode>
        ) => ElementNode;
        • Node The generic Node type for the DOM adapter being used. ElementNode The Node type for elements for the DOM adapter being used.

          Parameter elems

          Elements to query. If it is an element, its children will be queried..

          Parameter query

          can be either a CSS selector string or a compiled query function.

          Parameter options

          options for querying the document.


          the first match, or null if there was no match.

          See Also

          • compile for supported selector queries.


        interface Options

        interface Options<Node, ElementNode extends Node> {}

          property adapter

          adapter?: Adapter<Node, ElementNode>;
          • The adapter to use when interacting with the backing DOM structure. By default it uses the domutils module.

          property cacheResults

          cacheResults?: boolean;
          • Allow css-select to cache results for some selectors, sometimes greatly improving querying performance. Disable this if your document can change in between queries with the same compiled selector.


          property context

          context?: Node | Node[];
          • The context of the current query. Used to limit the scope of searches. Can be matched directly using the :scope pseudo-class.

          property lowerCaseAttributeNames

          lowerCaseAttributeNames?: boolean;
          • Lower-case attribute names.


          property lowerCaseTags

          lowerCaseTags?: boolean;
          • Lower-case tag names.


          property pseudos

          | Record<
          string | ((elem: ElementNode, value?: string | null) => boolean)
          | undefined;
          • Pseudo-classes that override the default ones.

            Maps from names to either strings of functions. - A string value is a selector that the element must match to be selected. - A function is called with the element as its first argument, and optional parameters second. If it returns true, the element is selected.

          property quirksMode

          quirksMode?: boolean;
          • Is the document in quirks mode?

            This will lead to .className and #id being case-insensitive.


          property relativeSelector

          relativeSelector?: boolean;
          • Indicates whether to consider the selector as a relative selector.

            Relative selectors that don't include a :scope pseudo-class behave as if they have a :scope prefix (a :scope pseudo-class, followed by a descendant selector).

            If relative selectors are disabled, selectors starting with a traversal will lead to an error.


            See Also

          property rootFunc

          rootFunc?: (element: ElementNode) => boolean;
          • The last function in the stack, will be called with the last element that's looked at.

          property xmlMode

          xmlMode?: boolean;
          • When enabled, tag names will be case-sensitive.


          Package Files (5)

          Dependencies (5)

          Dev Dependencies (13)

          Peer Dependencies (0)

          No peer dependencies.


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