- Version 12.3.3
- Published
- 1.42 MB
- 37 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i danger
yarn add danger
pnpm add danger
Unit tests for Team Culture
Type Aliases
variable danger
const danger: DangerDSLType;
The root Danger object. This contains all of the metadata you will be looking for in order to generate useful rules.
variable peril
const peril: PerilDSL;
When Peril is running your Dangerfile, the Danger DSL is extended with additional options.
variable results
const results: DangerRuntimeContainer;
The current results of a Danger run, this can be useful if you are wanting to introspect on whether a build has already failed.
function fail
fail: (message: MarkdownString, file?: string, line?: number) => void;
Highlights critical issues. Message is shown inside a HTML table.
Parameter message
the String to output
Parameter file
a file which this message should be attached to
Parameter line
the line which this message should be attached to
function markdown
markdown: (message: MarkdownString, file?: string, line?: number) => void;
Adds raw markdown into the Danger comment, under the table
Parameter message
the String to output
Parameter file
a file which this message should be attached to
Parameter line
the line which this message should be attached to
function message
message: { (message: MarkdownString, file?: string, line?: number): void; (message: string, opts?: { file?: string; line?: number; icon?: string }): void;};
Adds a message to the Danger table, the only difference between this and warn is the emoji which shows in the table.
Parameter message
the String to output
Parameter file
a file which this message should be attached to
Parameter line
the line which this message should be attached to
Adds a message to the Danger table, the only difference between this and warn is the default emoji which shows in the table. You can also specifiy a custom emoji to show in the table for each message
Parameter message
the String to output
Parameter opts
opts.file a file which this message should be attached to
opts.line the line which this message should be attached to
opts.icon icon string or image to show in table, take care not to break table formatting
function schedule
schedule: (asyncFunction: Scheduleable) => void;
A Dangerfile, in Peril, is evaluated as a script, and so async code does not work out of the box. By using the
function you can now register a section of code to evaluate across multiple tick cycles.schedule
currently handles two types of arguments, either a promise or a function with a resolve arg.Parameter asyncFunction
the function to run asynchronously
function warn
warn: (message: MarkdownString, file?: string, line?: number) => void;
Highlights low-priority issues. Message is shown inside a HTML table.
Parameter message
the String to output
Parameter file
a file which this message should be attached to
Parameter line
the line which this message should be attached to
interface BitBucketCloudAPIDSL
interface BitBucketCloudAPIDSL {}
method delete
delete: (path: string, headers: any, body: any) => Promise<any>;
Make a delete call against the bitbucket server API
method get
get: (path: string, headers: any, suppressErrors?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Make a get call against the bitbucket server API
method getFileContents
getFileContents: ( filePath: string, repoSlug?: string, refspec?: string) => Promise<string>;
Gets the contents of a file from a repo (defaults to yours)
method post
post: ( path: string, headers: any, body: any, suppressErrors?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Make a post call against the bitbucket server API
method put
put: (path: string, headers: any, body: any) => Promise<any>;
Make a put call against the bitbucket server API
interface BitBucketCloudCommit
interface BitBucketCloudCommit {}
A BitBucketCloud specific implementation of a git commit.
property author
author: { /** Format: `Foo Bar <foo@bar.com>` */ raw: string; user: BitBucketCloudUser;};
The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who wrote the code.
property date
date: string;
When the commit was committed to the project, in ISO 8601 format
property hash
hash: string;
The SHA for the commit
property links
links: BitBucketCloudLinks<'html'>;
The commit's links
property message
message: string;
The commit's message
property parents
parents: { /** The full SHA */ hash: string;}[];
The commit's parents
interface BitBucketCloudContent
interface BitBucketCloudContent {}
interface BitBucketCloudDSL
interface BitBucketCloudDSL extends BitBucketCloudJSONDSL {}
property api
api: BitBucketCloudAPIDSL;
An authenticated API so you can extend danger's behavior.
interface BitBucketCloudJSONDSL
interface BitBucketCloudJSONDSL {}
property activities
activities: BitBucketCloudPRActivity[];
The activities such as OPENING, CLOSING, MERGING or UPDATING a pull request
property comments
comments: BitBucketCloudPRComment[];
The comments on the pull request
property commits
commits: BitBucketCloudCommit[];
The commits associated with the pull request
property metadata
metadata: RepoMetaData;
The pull request and repository metadata
property pr
pr: BitBucketCloudPRDSL;
The PR metadata
interface BitBucketCloudMergeRef
interface BitBucketCloudMergeRef {}
property branch
branch: { name: string;};
property commit
commit: { hash: string;};
property repository
repository: BitBucketCloudRepo;
interface BitBucketCloudPagedResponse
interface BitBucketCloudPagedResponse<T> {}
interface BitBucketCloudPRActivity
interface BitBucketCloudPRActivity {}
property comment
comment?: BitBucketCloudPRComment;
property pull_request
pull_request: { id: number; title: string;};
interface BitBucketCloudPRComment
interface BitBucketCloudPRComment {}
property content
content: BitBucketCloudContent;
property created_on
created_on: string;
When the comment was created, in ISO 8601 format
property deleted
deleted: boolean;
property id
id: number;
property inline
inline?: { to: number | null; from: number; path: string;};
property links
links: BitBucketCloudLinks<'self' | 'html'>;
property pullrequest
pullrequest: { id: number; links: BitBucketCloudLinks<'self' | 'html'>; title: string;};
property type
type: string;
property updated_on
updated_on: string;
When the comment was updated, in ISO 8601 format
property user
user: BitBucketCloudUser;
interface BitBucketCloudPRDSL
interface BitBucketCloudPRDSL {}
property author
author: BitBucketCloudUser;
The creator of the PR
property created_on
created_on: string;
When the pr was created, in ISO 8601 format
property description
description: string;
The text describing the PR
property destination
destination: BitBucketCloudMergeRef;
The PR's destination
property id
id: number;
The PR's ID
property links
links: BitBucketCloudLinks< | 'decline' | 'commits' | 'self' | 'comments' | 'merge' | 'html' | 'activity' | 'diff' | 'approve' | 'statuses'>;
Misc links for hypermedia conformance
property participants
participants: BitBucketCloudPRParticipant[];
People who have participated in the PR
property reviewers
reviewers: BitBucketCloudUser[];
People requested as reviewers
property source
source: BitBucketCloudMergeRef;
The PR's source, The repo Danger is running on
property state
The pull request's current status.
property title
title: string;
Title of the pull request.
property updated_on
updated_on: string;
When the pr was updated, in ISO 8601 format
interface BitBucketCloudPRParticipant
interface BitBucketCloudPRParticipant {}
interface BitBucketCloudRepo
interface BitBucketCloudRepo {}
interface BitBucketCloudUser
interface BitBucketCloudUser {}
property account_id
account_id: string;
The acount id of the commit author
property display_name
display_name: string;
The display name of the commit author
property nickname
nickname: string;
The nick name of the commit author
property uuid
uuid: string;
The uuid of the commit author
interface BitBucketServerAPIDSL
interface BitBucketServerAPIDSL {}
method delete
delete: (path: string, headers: any, body: any) => Promise<any>;
Make a delete call against the bitbucket server API
method get
get: (path: string, headers: any, suppressErrors?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Make a get call against the bitbucket server API
method getFileContents
getFileContents: ( filePath: string, repoSlug?: string, refspec?: string) => Promise<string>;
Gets the contents of a file from a repo (defaults to yours)
method post
post: ( path: string, headers: any, body: any, suppressErrors?: boolean) => Promise<any>;
Make a post call against the bitbucket server API
method put
put: (path: string, headers: any, body: any) => Promise<any>;
Make a put call against the bitbucket server API
interface BitBucketServerChangesValueAddCopyModifyDelete
interface BitBucketServerChangesValueAddCopyModifyDelete {}
interface BitBucketServerChangesValueMove
interface BitBucketServerChangesValueMove {}
interface BitBucketServerCommit
interface BitBucketServerCommit {}
A BitBucketServer specific implementation of a git commit.
property author
author: { /** The id of the commit author */ name: string; /** The display name of the commit author */ displayName: string; /** The email of the commit author */ emailAddress: string;};
The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who wrote the code.
property authorTimestamp
authorTimestamp: number;
The UNIX timestamp for when the commit was authored
property committer
committer: { /** The id of the commit committer */ name: string; /** The display name of the commit committer */ displayName: string; /** The email of the commit committer */ emailAddress: string;};
The author of the commit, assumed to be the person who committed/merged the code into a project.
property committerTimestamp
committerTimestamp: number;
When the commit was committed to the project
property displayId
displayId: string;
The shortened SHA for the commit
property id
id: string;
The SHA for the commit
property message
message: string;
The commit's message
property parents
parents: { /** The full SHA */ id: string; /** The simplified sha */ displayId: string;}[];
The commit's parents
interface BitBucketServerDiff
interface BitBucketServerDiff {}
property destination
destination?: BitBucketServerFile;
The file reference when moved
property fromHash
fromHash: string;
Last SHA where this hunk was changed
property hunks
hunks: BitBucketServerHunk[];
A set of diff changes
property source
source?: BitBucketServerFile;
The original file reference
property toHash
toHash: string;
The commit SHA which changed this hunk
property truncated
truncated: boolean;
If the hunk is massive, then it will be truncated
property whitespace
whitespace: 'SHOW' | 'IGNORE_ALL';
The settings for the whitespace
interface BitBucketServerDSL
interface BitBucketServerDSL extends BitBucketServerJSONDSL {}
The BitBucketServer metadata for your PR
property api
api: BitBucketServerAPIDSL;
An authenticated API so you can extend danger's behavior.
interface BitBucketServerFile
interface BitBucketServerFile {}
property components
components: string[];
property name
name: string;
property parent
parent: string;
property toString
toString: string;
interface BitBucketServerHunk
interface BitBucketServerHunk {}
property destinationLine
destinationLine: number;
property destinationSpan
destinationSpan: number;
property segments
segments: BitBucketServerSegment[];
property sourceLine
sourceLine: number;
property sourceSpan
sourceSpan: number;
property truncated
truncated: boolean;
interface BitBucketServerJSONDSL
interface BitBucketServerJSONDSL {}
property activities
activities: BitBucketServerPRActivity[];
The activities such as OPENING, CLOSING, MERGING or UPDATING a pull request
property comments
comments: BitBucketServerPRActivity[];
The comments on the pull request
property commits
commits: BitBucketServerCommit[];
The commits associated with the pull request
property issues
issues: JIRAIssue[];
The related JIRA issues
property metadata
metadata: RepoMetaData;
The pull request and repository metadata
property pr
pr: BitBucketServerPRDSL;
The PR metadata
interface BitBucketServerLine
interface BitBucketServerLine {}
property commentIds
commentIds?: number[];
property conflictMarker
conflictMarker?: 'OURS';
property destination
destination: number;
property line
line: string;
property source
source: number;
property truncated
truncated: boolean;
interface BitBucketServerMergeRef
interface BitBucketServerMergeRef {}
property displayId
displayId: string;
property id
id: string;
property latestCommit
latestCommit: string;
property repository
repository: BitBucketServerRepo;
interface BitBucketServerPagedResponse
interface BitBucketServerPagedResponse<T> {}
property filter
filter: never | null;
property isLastPage
isLastPage: boolean;
property limit
limit: number;
property nextPageStart
nextPageStart: number | null;
property size
size: number;
property start
start: number;
property values
values: T;
interface BitBucketServerPRActivity
interface BitBucketServerPRActivity {}
property action
property comment
comment?: BitBucketServerPRComment;
property commentAction
commentAction?: 'ADDED' | 'UPDATED';
property commentAnchor
commentAnchor?: { diffType: 'COMMIT' | 'EFFECTIVE' | 'REQUIRED' | 'RANGE'; line: number; lineType: 'CONTEXT' | 'ADDED' | 'REMOVED'; fileType: 'FROM' | 'TO'; fromHash: string; path: string; srcPath: string; toHash: string;};
property createdDate
createdDate: number;
property id
id: number;
property user
user: BitBucketServerUser;
interface BitBucketServerPRComment
interface BitBucketServerPRComment {}
property author
author: BitBucketServerUser;
property comments
comments: BitBucketServerPRActivity[];
property createdDate
createdDate: number;
property id
id: number;
property parent
parent?: { id: number;};
property permittedOperations
permittedOperations: { deletable: boolean; editable: boolean;};
property text
text: string;
property updatedDate
updatedDate: number;
property version
version: number;
interface BitBucketServerPRDSL
interface BitBucketServerPRDSL {}
An exact copy of the PR's reference JSON. This interface has type'd the majority of it for tooling's sake, but any extra metadata which BitBucket Server send will still be inside the JS object.
property author
author: BitBucketServerPRParticipant & { role: 'AUTHOR' };
The creator of the PR
property closed
closed: boolean;
Is the PR closed?
property createdDate
createdDate: number;
Date PR created as number of milliseconds since the unix epoch
property description
description: string;
The text describing the PR
property fromRef
fromRef: BitBucketServerMergeRef;
The PR submitter's reference
property id
id: number;
The PR's ID
property links
links: BitBucketServerLinks<'self'>;
Misc links for hypermedia conformance
property locked
locked: boolean;
Was this PR locked?
property open
open: boolean;
Is the PR open?
property participants
participants: (BitBucketServerPRParticipant & { role: 'PARTICIPANT' })[];
People who have participated in the PR
property reviewers
reviewers: (BitBucketServerPRParticipant & { role: 'REVIEWER' })[];
People requested as reviewers
property state
The pull request's current status.
property title
title: string;
Title of the pull request.
property toRef
toRef: BitBucketServerMergeRef;
The repo Danger is running on
property updatedDate
updatedDate: number;
Date PR updated as number of milliseconds since the unix epoch
property version
version: number;
The API version
interface BitBucketServerPRParticipant
interface BitBucketServerPRParticipant {}
interface BitBucketServerRepo
interface BitBucketServerRepo {}
A BitBucket Server Repo
property forkable
forkable: boolean;
Can someone fork this repo?
property links
links: BitBucketServerLinks<'self' | 'clone'>;
Links for the projects
property name
name?: string;
The repo name
property project
project: { /** The project unique id */ id: number; /** The project's human readable project key */ key: string; /** Is the project publicly available */ public: boolean; /** The name of the project */ name: string; /** The project's type */ type: string; /** Hyperlinks for the project */ links: BitBucketServerLinks<'self'>;};
An abstraction for grouping repos
property public
public: boolean;
Is the repo public?
property scmId
scmId: string;
The type of SCM tool, probably "git"
property slug
slug: string;
The slug for the repo
interface BitBucketServerSegment
interface BitBucketServerSegment {}
interface BitBucketServerUser
interface BitBucketServerUser {}
A BitBucketServer user account.
property active
active: boolean;
Is the account active
property displayName
displayName: string;
The name to use when referencing the user
property emailAddress
emailAddress: string;
The email for the user
property id
id: number;
The unique user ID
property name
name: string;
The name of the user
property slug
slug: string;
The user's slug for URLs
property type
type: 'NORMAL' | 'SERVICE';
The type of a user, "NORMAL" being a typical user3
interface CliArgs
interface CliArgs {}
Describes the possible arguments that could be used when calling the CLI
property base
base: string;
The base reference used by danger PR (e.g. not master)
property dangerfile
dangerfile: string;
A custom path for the dangerfile (can also be a remote reference)
property externalCiProvider
externalCiProvider: string;
Used by danger-js o allow having a custom CI
property id
id: string;
So you can have many danger runs in one code review
property staging
staging?: boolean;
Use staged changes
property textOnly
textOnly: string;
Use SDTOUT instead of posting to the code review side
property verbose
verbose: string;
For debugging
interface DangerDSLJSONType
interface DangerDSLJSONType {}
The root of the Danger JSON DSL.
property bitbucket_cloud
bitbucket_cloud?: BitBucketCloudJSONDSL;
The data only version of BitBucket Cloud DSL
property bitbucket_server
bitbucket_server?: BitBucketServerJSONDSL;
The data only version of BitBucket Server DSL
property git
git: GitJSONDSL;
The data only version of Git DSL
property github
github?: GitHubDSL;
The data only version of GitHub DSL
property gitlab
gitlab?: GitLabDSL;
The data only version of GitLab DSL
property settings
settings: { /** * Saves each client re-implementing logic to grab these vars * for their API clients */ github: { /** API token for the GitHub client to use */ accessToken: string; /** Optional URL for enterprise GitHub */ baseURL: string | undefined; /** Optional headers to add to a request */ additionalHeaders: any; }; /** * This is still a bit of a WIP, but this should * pass args/opts from the original CLI call through * to the process. */ cliArgs: CliArgs;};
Used in the Danger JSON DSL to pass metadata between processes. It will be undefined when used inside the Danger DSL
interface DangerDSLType
interface DangerDSLType {}
The Danger DSL provides the metadata for introspection in order to create your own rules.
property bitbucket_cloud
readonly bitbucket_cloud: BitBucketCloudDSL;
The BitBucket Cloud metadata. This covers things like PR info, comments and reviews on the PR, commits, comments, and activities.
Strictly speaking,
is a nullable type, if you are not using BitBucket Cloud then it will be undefined. For the DSL convenience sake though, it is classed as non-nullable
property bitbucket_server
readonly bitbucket_server: BitBucketServerDSL;
The BitBucket Server metadata. This covers things like PR info, comments and reviews on the PR, related issues, commits, comments and activities.
Strictly speaking,
is a nullable type, if you are not using BitBucket Server then it will be undefined. For the DSL convenience sake though, it is classed as non-nullable
property git
readonly git: GitDSL;
Details specific to the git changes within the code changes. Currently, this is just the raw file paths that have been added, removed or modified.
property github
readonly github: GitHubDSL;
The GitHub metadata. This covers things like PR info, comments and reviews on the PR, label metadata, commits with GitHub user identities and some useful utility functions for displaying links to files.
Strictly speaking,
is a nullable type, if you are not using GitHub then it will be undefined. For the DSL convenience sake though, it is classed as non-nullableProvides an authenticated API so you can work directly with the GitHub API. This is an instance of the "@octokit/rest" npm module.
Finally, if running through Peril on an event other than a PR this is the full JSON from the webhook. [github-webhook-event-types](https://github.com/orta/github-webhook-event-types) has the full typings for those webhooks.
property gitlab
readonly gitlab: GitLabDSL;
The GitLab metadata. This covers things like PR info, comments and reviews on the MR, commits, comments and activities.
Strictly speaking,
is a nullable type, if you are not using GitLab then it will be undefined. For the DSL convenience sake though, it is classed as non-nullable
property utils
readonly utils: DangerUtilsDSL;
Functions which are globally useful in most Dangerfiles. Right now, these functions are around making sentences of arrays, or for making a like of href links easily.
interface DangerInlineResults
interface DangerInlineResults {}
property fails
fails: string[];
Failed messages
property file
file: string;
Path to the file
property line
line: number;
Line in the file
property markdowns
markdowns: string[];
Markdown messages to attach at the bottom of the comment
property messages
messages: string[];
A set of messages to show inline
property warnings
warnings: string[];
Messages for info
interface DangerJSON
interface DangerJSON {}
The shape of the JSON passed between Danger and a subprocess. It's built to be expanded in the future.
property danger
danger: DangerDSLJSONType;
interface DangerResults
interface DangerResults {}
The representation of what running a Dangerfile generates. This needs to be passed between processes, so data only please.
property fails
fails: Violation[];
Failed messages
property github
github?: { /** * Markdown text which gets added as a summary in the first * page which you see when you click through to the PR results. * * https://github.blog/2022-05-09-supercharging-github-actions-with-job-summaries/ */ stepSummary?: string;};
property markdowns
markdowns: Violation[];
Markdown messages to attach at the bottom of the comment
property messages
messages: Violation[];
A set of messages to show inline
property meta
meta?: { /** E.g. "dangerJS", or "Danger Swift" */ runtimeName: string; /** e.g. "https://danger.systems/js" */ runtimeHref: string;};
Meta information about the runtime evaluation
property warnings
warnings: Violation[];
Messages for info
interface DangerRuntimeContainer
interface DangerRuntimeContainer extends DangerResults {}
property scheduled
scheduled?: any[];
Asynchronous functions to be run after parsing
interface DangerUtilsDSL
interface DangerUtilsDSL {}
The Danger Utils DSL contains utility functions that are specific to universal Danger use-cases.
method href
href: (href: string, text: string) => string | null;
Creates a link using HTML.
are falsy, null is returned. Ifhref
is falsy andtext
is truthy,text
is returned. Ifhref
is truthy andtext
is falsy, an tag is returned withhref
as its href and text value. Otherwise, ifhref
are truthy, an tag is returned with thehref
inserted as expected.Parameter href
The HTML link's destination.
Parameter text
The HTML link's text.
{string|null} The HTML tag.
method sentence
sentence: (array: string[]) => string;
Converts an array of strings into a sentence.
Parameter array
The array of strings.
{string} The sentence.
interface GitCommit
interface GitCommit {}
A platform agnostic reference to a Git commit
property author
author: GitCommitAuthor;
Who wrote the commit
property committer
committer: GitCommitAuthor;
Who deployed the commit
property message
message: string;
The commit message
property parents
parents?: string[];
SHAs for the commit's parents
property sha
sha: string;
The SHA for the commit
property tree
tree: any;
Potential parent commits, and other assorted metadata
property url
url: string;
Link to the commit
interface GitCommitAuthor
interface GitCommitAuthor {}
An author of a commit
interface GitDSL
interface GitDSL extends GitJSONDSL {}
The git specific metadata for a PR
property base
base: string;
The git commit Danger is comparing from.
property fileMatch
fileMatch: Chainsmoker<GitMatchResult>;
A Chainsmoker object to help match paths as an elegant DSL. It lets you write a globbed string and then get booleans on whether there are matches within a certain part of the git DSL.
Use this to create an object which has booleans set on 4 keys
(created + modified) anddeleted
.Example 1
const packageJSON = danger.git.fileMatch("package.json") const lockfile = danger.git.fileMatch("yarn.lock")
if (packageJSON.modified && !lockfile.modified) { warn("You might have forgotten to run
.") }Example 2
const needsSchemaChange = danger.git.fileMatch("src/app/analytics/*.ts") const schema = danger.git.fileMatch("src/app/analytics/schema.ts")
if (needsSchemaChange.edited && !schema.modified) { fail("Changes to the analytics files need to edit update the schema.") }
property head
head: string;
The git commit Danger is comparing to.
method diffForFile
diffForFile: (filename: string) => Promise<TextDiff | null>;
Offers the diff for a specific file
Parameter filename
the path to the json file
method JSONDiffForFile
JSONDiffForFile: (filename: string) => Promise<JSONDiff>;
Provides a simplified JSON diff between the two versions of a JSON file. This will always be an object whose keys represent what has changed inside a JSON file.
Any changed values will be represented with the same path, but with a different object instead. This object will always show a
for the changes. If both values are arrays or objects thebefore
, then there will also beadded
inside the object.In the case of two objects, the
will be an array of keys rather than the values.This object is represented as
but I don't know how to make TypeScript force declare that kind of type structure.This should make it really easy to do work when specific keypaths have changed inside a JSON file.
Parameter filename
the path to the json file
method JSONPatchForFile
JSONPatchForFile: (filename: string) => Promise<JSONPatch | null>;
Provides a JSON patch (rfc6902) between the two versions of a JSON file, returns null if you don't have any changes for the file in the diff.
Note that if you are looking to just see changes like: before, after, added or removed - you should use
instead, as this can be a bit unwieldy for a Dangerfile.Parameter filename
the path to the json file
method linesOfCode
linesOfCode: (pattern?: string) => Promise<number | null>;
Offers the overall lines of code added/removed in the diff
Parameter pattern
an option glob pattern to filer files that will considered for lines of code.
method structuredDiffForFile
structuredDiffForFile: (filename: string) => Promise<StructuredDiff | null>;
Offers the structured diff for a specific file
Parameter filename
the path to the json file
interface GitHubAPIPR
interface GitHubAPIPR {}
Provides the current PR in an easily used way for params in
property number
number: number;
The PR number
property owner
owner: string;
The repo owner
property pull_number
pull_number: number;
The PR number
property repo
repo: string;
The repo name
interface GitHubCommit
interface GitHubCommit {}
A GitHub specific implementation of a git commit, it has GitHub user names instead of an email.
property author
author: GitHubUser;
The GitHub user who wrote the code
property commit
commit: GitCommit;
The raw commit metadata
property committer
committer: GitHubUser;
The GitHub user who shipped the code
property parents
parents: any[];
An array of parent commit shas
property sha
sha: string;
The SHA for the commit
property url
url: string;
the url for the commit on GitHub
interface GitHubDSL
interface GitHubDSL extends GitHubJSONDSL {}
The GitHub metadata for your PR
property api
api: GitHub;
An authenticated API so you can extend danger's behavior by using the [GitHub v3 API](https://developer.github.com/v3/).
A set up instance of the "github" npm module. You can get the full [API here](https://octokit.github.io/node-github/).
property setSummaryMarkdown
setSummaryMarkdown: (markdown: string) => void;
Sets a markdown summary which shows on the overview page for the results of all steps in your CI job.
See: https://github.blog/2022-05-09-supercharging-github-actions-with-job-summaries/
property utils
utils: GitHubUtilsDSL;
A scope for useful functions related to GitHub
interface GitHubIssue
interface GitHubIssue {}
This is
It refers to the issue that makes up the Pull Request. GitHub treats all pull requests as a special type of issue. This DSL contains only parts of the issue that are not found in the PR DSL, however it does contain the full JSON structure.A GitHub Issue
property labels
labels: GitHubIssueLabel[];
The labels associated with this issue
interface GitHubIssueComment
interface GitHubIssueComment {}
interface GitHubIssueLabel
interface GitHubIssueLabel {}
interface GitHubJSONDSL
interface GitHubJSONDSL {}
property commits
commits: GitHubCommit[];
The github commit metadata for a code review session
property issue
issue: GitHubIssue;
The issue metadata for a code review session
property pr
pr: GitHubPRDSL;
The PR metadata for a code review session
property requested_reviewers
requested_reviewers: GitHubReviewers;
The people/teams requested to review this PR
property reviews
reviews: GitHubReview[];
The reviews left on this pull request
property thisPR
thisPR: GitHubAPIPR;
The PR metadata specifically formatted for using with the GitHub API client
interface GitHubMergeRef
interface GitHubMergeRef {}
property label
label: string;
The human display name for the merge reference, e.g. "artsy:master"
property ref
ref: string;
The reference point for the merge, e.g. "master"
property repo
repo: GitHubRepo;
The repo from whch the reference comes from
property sha
sha: string;
The reference point for the merge, e.g. "704dc55988c6996f69b6873c2424be7d1de67bbe"
property user
user: GitHubUser;
The user that owns the merge reference e.g. "artsy"
interface GitHubPRDSL
interface GitHubPRDSL {}
An exact copy of the PR's reference JSON. This interface has type'd the majority of it for tooling's sake, but any extra metadata which GitHub send will still be inside the JS object.
property additions
additions: number;
The number of additional lines in the PR
property assignee
assignee: GitHubUser;
The User who is assigned the PR
property assignees
assignees: GitHubUser[];
The Users who are assigned to the PR
property author_association
How does the PR author relate to this repo/org?
property base
base: GitHubMergeRef;
Merge reference for _this_ repo.
property body
body: string;
The markdown body message of the PR
property changed_files
changed_files: number;
The number of changed files in the PR
property closed_at
closed_at: string | null;
optional ISO6801 Date string for when PR was closed
property comments
comments: number;
The number of comments on the PR
property commits
commits: number;
The number of commits in the PR
property created_at
created_at: string;
ISO6801 Date string for when PR was created
property deletions
deletions: number;
The number of deleted lines in the PR
property draft
draft: boolean;
Is in draft state?
property head
head: GitHubMergeRef;
Merge reference for the _other_ repo.
property html_url
html_url: string;
The link back to this PR as user-facing
property locked
locked: boolean;
Has the PR been locked to contributors only?
property merged
merged: boolean;
Has the PR been merged yet?
property merged_at
merged_at: string | null;
Optional ISO6801 Date string for when PR was merged. Danger probably shouldn't be running in this state.
property number
number: number;
The UUID for the PR
property review_comments
review_comments: number;
The number of review-specific comments on the PR
property state
state: 'closed' | 'open' | 'locked' | 'merged';
The state for the PR
property title
title: string;
The title of the PR
property updated_at
updated_at: string;
ISO6801 Date string for when PR was updated
property user
user: GitHubUser;
The User who submitted the PR
interface GitHubRepo
interface GitHubRepo {}
A GitHub Repo
property assignee
assignee: GitHubUser;
Is someone assigned to this PR?
property assignees
assignees: GitHubUser[];
Are there people assigned to this PR?
property description
description: string;
The textual description of the repo
property fork
fork: boolean;
Is the repo a fork?
property full_name
full_name: string;
The full name of the owner + repo, e.g. "Danger/Danger-JS"
property html_url
html_url: string;
The root web URL for the repo, e.g. https://github.com/artsy/emission
property id
id: number;
Generic UUID
property name
name: string;
The name of the repo, e.g. "Danger-JS"
property owner
owner: GitHubUser;
The owner of the repo
property private
private: boolean;
Is the repo publicly accessible?
interface GitHubReview
interface GitHubReview {}
GitHubReview While a review is pending, it will only have a user. Once a review is complete, the rest of the review attributes will be present GitHubReview
property body
body?: string;
If there is a review, the body of the review
property commit_id
commit_id?: string;
If there is a review, the commit ID this review was made on
property id
id?: number;
If there is a review, this provides the ID for it
property state
property user
user: GitHubUser;
The user requested to review, or the user who has completed the review
interface GitHubReviewers
interface GitHubReviewers {}
interface GitHubUser
interface GitHubUser {}
A GitHub user account.
property avatar_url
avatar_url: string;
The url for a users's image
property href
href: string;
The href for a users's page
property id
id: number;
Generic UUID
property login
login: string;
The handle for the user/org
property type
type: 'User' | 'Organization' | 'Bot';
Whether the user is an org, or a user
interface GitHubUtilsDSL
interface GitHubUtilsDSL {}
Useful functions for GitHub related work
property createOrAddLabel
createOrAddLabel: ( labelConfig: { name: string; color: string; description: string }, repoConfig?: { owner: string; repo: string; id: number }) => Promise<void>;
An API for creating, or setting a label to an issue. Usable from Peril by adding an additional param for settings about a repo.
Parameter labelConfig
The config for the label
Parameter Optional
: the config for the issue
{Promise} No return value.
property createOrUpdatePR
createOrUpdatePR: ( config: { /** PR title */ title: string; /** PR body */ body: string; /** The danger in danger/danger-js - defaults to the PR base name if undefined */ owner?: string; /** The danger-js in danger/danger-js - defaults to the PR base repo if undefined */ repo?: string; /** A message for the commit */ commitMessage: string; /** The name of the branch on the repo */ newBranchName: string; /** Base branch for the new branch e.g. what should Danger create the new branch from */ baseBranch: string; }, fileMap: any) => Promise<any>;
property createUpdatedIssueWithID
createUpdatedIssueWithID: ( id: string, content: string, config: { title: string; open: boolean; owner: string; repo: string }) => Promise<string>;
An API for creating, updating and closing an issue. Basically this is really useful for reporting back via a separate issue that you may want to keep up to date at all times.
Parameter id
The unique ID for the message to create, close
Parameter content
the content of the message
Parameter config
settings for the issue
{string} A HTML string of 's built as a sentence.
method fileContents
fileContents: (path: string, repoSlug?: string, ref?: string) => Promise<string>;
Downloads a file's contents via the GitHub API. You'll want to use this instead of
when aiming to support working with Peril.Parameter path
The path fo the file that exists
Parameter repoSlug
An optional reference to the repo's slug: e.g. danger/danger-js
Parameter ref
An optional reference to a branch/sha
method fileLinks
fileLinks: ( paths: string[], useBasename?: boolean, repoSlug?: string, branch?: string) => string;
Creates HTML for a sentence of clickable links for an array of paths. This uses the source of the PR as the target, not the destination repo. You can manually set the target repo and branch however, to make it work how you want.
Parameter paths
A list of strings representing file paths
Parameter useBasename
Show either the file name, or the full path - defaults to just file name e.g. true.
Parameter repoSlug
An optional override for the repo slug, ex: "orta/ORStackView"
Parameter branch
An optional override for the branch, ex: "v3"
{string} A HTML string of 's built as a sentence.
interface GitJSONDSL
interface GitJSONDSL {}
The Git Related Metadata which is available inside the Danger DSL JSON
property commits
readonly commits: GitCommit[];
The Git commit metadata
property created_files
readonly created_files: string[];
Newly created filepaths relative to the git root
property deleted_files
readonly deleted_files: string[];
Removed filepaths relative to the git root
property modified_files
readonly modified_files: string[];
Filepaths with changes relative to the git root
interface GitLabDSL
interface GitLabDSL extends GitLabJSONDSL {}
The GitLab metadata for your MR
interface GitLabJSONDSL
interface GitLabJSONDSL {}
property approvals
approvals: Types.MergeRequestLevelMergeRequestApprovalSchema;
Merge Request-level MR approvals Configuration
property commits
commits: Types.CommitSchema[];
All the individual commits in the merge request
property metadata
metadata: RepoMetaData;
Info about the repo
property mr
mr: Types.ExpandedMergeRequestSchema;
Info about the merge request
interface JIRAIssue
interface JIRAIssue {}
This is
It refers to the issues that are linked to the Pull Request.
interface JSONDiff
interface JSONDiff {}
A map of string keys to JSONDiffValue
index signature
[name: string]: JSONDiffValue;
interface JSONDiffValue
interface JSONDiffValue {}
All JSON diff values will be this shape
property added
added?: any[];
If both before & after are arrays, then you optionally get what is added. Empty if no additional objects.
property after
after: any;
The value after the PR's applied changes
property before
before: any;
The value before the PR's applied changes
property removed
removed?: any[];
If both before & after are arrays, then you optionally get what is removed. Empty if no removed objects.
interface JSONPatch
interface JSONPatch {}
The results of running a JSON patch
interface JSONPatchOperation
interface JSONPatchOperation {}
An individual operation inside an rfc6902 JSON Patch
interface PerilDSL
interface PerilDSL {}
The available Peril interface, it is possible that this is not always up to date with true DSL in Peril, but I'll be giving it a good shot.
property data
data?: any;
When running a task, the data passed in when the task was originally scheduled, you can also get this as the first argument in a default function. Deprecated, use a default export function. I'll remove this sometime.
property env
env: any;
A set of key:value string based on ENV vars that have been set to be exposed to your Peril config
property runTask
runTask: (taskName: string, time: string, data: any) => void;
Allows you to schedule a task declared in your Peril config to run in a certain time-frame, e.g
runTask("reminder_pr_merge", "in 2 days", { number: 2 })
. For more details on how this works, see the Peril documentation.Parameter taskName
the name found in your Peril config
Parameter time
the time interval (uses human-internal module)
Parameter data
data which will be passed through to the script
interface RepoMetaData
interface RepoMetaData {}
Key details about a repo
property pullRequestID
pullRequestID: string;
The ID for the pull/merge request "11"
property repoSlug
repoSlug: string;
A path like "artsy/eigen"
interface StructuredDiff
interface StructuredDiff {}
Git diff sliced into chunks
interface TextDiff
interface TextDiff {}
All Text diff values will be this shape
property added
added: string;
A string containing just the added lines
property after
after: string;
The value after the PR's applied changes
property before
before: string;
The value before the PR's applied changes
property diff
diff: string;
A string containing the full set of changes
property removed
removed: string;
A string containing just the removed lines
interface Violation
interface Violation {}
The result of user doing warn, message or fail, built this way for expansion later.
Type Aliases
type BitBucketCloudLinks
type BitBucketCloudLinks<Names extends string> = { [key in Names]: { href: string; };};
type BitBucketServerChangesValue
type BitBucketServerChangesValue = | BitBucketServerChangesValueAddCopyModifyDelete | BitBucketServerChangesValueMove;
type BitBucketServerLinks
type BitBucketServerLinks<Names> = { [key in keyof Names]: { href: string; name?: string; }[];};
type CallbackableFn
type CallbackableFn = (callback: (done: any) => void) => void;
A function with a callback function, which Danger wraps in a Promise
type Chainsmoker
type Chainsmoker<T> = (...patterns: Pattern[]) => MatchResult<T>;
A vendored copy of the Chainsmoker module on NPM
type GitMatchResult
type GitMatchResult = { /** Did any file paths match from the git modified list? */ modified: any; /** Did any file paths match from the git created list? */ created: any; /** Did any file paths match from the combination of the git modified and created list? */ edited: any; /** Did any file paths match from the git deleted list? */ deleted: any;};
The shape of the Chainsmoker response
type KeyedPaths
type KeyedPaths<T> = { readonly [K in keyof T]: Path[];};
type KeyedPatterns
type KeyedPatterns<T> = { readonly [K in keyof T]: Pattern[];};
type MarkdownString
type MarkdownString = string;
type MatchResult
type MatchResult<T> = _MatchResult<T> & { /** Returns an object containing arrays of matched files instead of the usual boolean values. */ getKeyedPaths(): KeyedPaths<T>;};
type Path
type Path = string;
type Pattern
type Pattern = string;
type Scheduleable
type Scheduleable = Promise<any> | Promise<void> | CallbackableFn;
Types of things which Danger will schedule for you, it's recommended that you just throw in an
async () => { [...] }
function. Can also handle a function that has a single 'done' arg.
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (37)
- @gitbeaker/rest
- @octokit/rest
- async-retry
- chalk
- commander
- core-js
- debug
- fast-json-patch
- get-stdin
- http-proxy-agent
- https-proxy-agent
- hyperlinker
- json5
- jsonpointer
- jsonwebtoken
- lodash.find
- lodash.includes
- lodash.isobject
- lodash.keys
- lodash.mapvalues
- lodash.memoize
- memfs-or-file-map-to-github-branch
- micromatch
- node-cleanup
- node-fetch
- override-require
- p-limit
- parse-diff
- parse-git-config
- parse-github-url
- parse-link-header
- pinpoint
- prettyjson
- readline-sync
- regenerator-runtime
- require-from-string
- supports-hyperlinks
Dev Dependencies (49)
- @babel/cli
- @babel/core
- @babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types
- @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/traverse
- @octokit/openapi-types
- @types/async-retry
- @types/debug
- @types/get-stdin
- @types/jest
- @types/json5
- @types/jsonpointer
- @types/jsonwebtoken
- @types/lodash.includes
- @types/lodash.mapvalues
- @types/lodash.memoize
- @types/micromatch
- @types/node
- @types/node-fetch
- @types/p-limit
- @types/prettier
- @types/readline-sync
- @types/voca
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- danger-plugin-jest
- danger-plugin-yarn
- date-fns
- eslint
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-plugin-jest
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc
- flow-bin
- husky
- jest
- jest-json-reporter
- lint-staged
- madge
- nock
- pkg
- prettier
- release-it
- shx
- ts-jest
- ts-node
- typedoc
- typescript
- typescript-json-schema
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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