
  • Version 7.1.0
  • Published
  • 13.7 kB
  • 8 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i del
yarn add del
pnpm add del


Delete files and directories



function deleteAsync

deleteAsync: (
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: Options
) => Promise<string[]>;
  • Delete files and directories using glob patterns.

    Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes. Windows file paths can use backward-slashes as long as the path does not contain any glob-like characters, otherwise use path.posix.join() instead of path.join().

    Parameter patterns

    See the supported [glob patterns]( - [Pattern examples with expected matches]( - [Quick globbing pattern overview](

    Parameter options

    You can specify any of the [globby options]( in addition to the del options. In contrast to the globby defaults, expandDirectories, onlyFiles, and followSymbolicLinks are false by default.


    The deleted paths.

    Example 1

    import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
    const deletedPaths = await deleteAsync(['temp/*.js', '!temp/unicorn.js']);
    console.log('Deleted files and directories:\n', deletedPaths.join('\n'));

function deleteSync

deleteSync: (
patterns: string | readonly string[],
options?: Options
) => string[];
  • Synchronously delete files and directories using glob patterns.

    Note that glob patterns can only contain forward-slashes, not backward-slashes. Windows file paths can use backward-slashes as long as the path does not contain any glob-like characters, otherwise use path.posix.join() instead of path.join().

    Parameter patterns

    See the supported [glob patterns]( - [Pattern examples with expected matches]( - [Quick globbing pattern overview](

    Parameter options

    You can specify any of the [globby options]( in addition to the del options. In contrast to the globby defaults, expandDirectories, onlyFiles, and followSymbolicLinks are false by default.


    The deleted paths.

Type Aliases

type Options

type Options = {
Allow deleting the current working directory and outside.
@default false
readonly force?: boolean;
See what would be deleted.
@default false
import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
const deletedPaths = await deleteAsync(['temp/*.js'], {dryRun: true});
console.log('Files and directories that would be deleted:\n', deletedPaths.join('\n'));
readonly dryRun?: boolean;
Concurrency limit. Minimum: `1`.
@default Infinity
readonly concurrency?: number;
Called after each file or directory is deleted.
import {deleteAsync} from 'del';
await deleteAsync(patterns, {
onProgress: progress => {
// …
readonly onProgress?: (progress: ProgressData) => void;
} & GlobbyOptions;

    type ProgressData

    type ProgressData = {
    Deleted files and directories count.
    readonly deletedCount: number;
    Total files and directories count.
    readonly totalCount: number;
    Completed percentage. A value between `0` and `1`.
    readonly percent: number;
    The absolute path of the deleted file or directory.
    It will not be present if nothing was deleted.
    readonly path?: string;

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