
  • Version 0.4.14
  • Published
  • 151 kB
  • 9 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Flexible JavaScript documentation generator used by both AngularJS and Angular



class Dgeni

class Dgeni {}
  • Create an instance of the Dgeni documentation generator, loading any packages passed in as a parameter.

    Parameter packages

    A collection of packages to load


constructor(packages?: Package[]);

    property handlerMap

    handlerMap: { [key: string]: Function[] };

      property injector

      injector: Injector;

        property Package

        static Package: typeof Package;

          property packages

          packages: Package[] | Record<string, Package>;

            property processors

            processors: Processor[];

              property stopOnProcessingError

              stopOnProcessingError: boolean;

                method configureInjector

                configureInjector: () => Injector;
                • Configure the injector using the loaded packages.

                  The injector is assigned to the injector property on this, which is used by the generate() method. Subsequent calls to this method will just return the same injector.

                  This method is useful in unit testing services and processors as it gives an easy way to get hold of an instance of a ready instantiated component without having to load in all the potential dependencies manually:

                  const Dgeni = require('dgeni');
                  function getInjector() {
                  const dgeni = new Dgeni();
                  dgeni.package('testPackage', [require('dgeni-packages/base')])
                  .factory('templateEngine', function dummyTemplateEngine() {});
                  return dgeni.configureInjector();
                  describe('someService', function() {
                  const someService;
                  beforeEach(function() {
                  const injector = getInjector();
                  someService = injector.get('someService');
                  it("should do something", function() {

                method generate

                generate: () => Promise<any[]>;
                • Generate the documentation using the loaded packages {Promise} A promise to the generated documents

                method info

                info: () => void;

                  method package

                  package: (pkg: PackageRef, dependencies?: PackageRef[]) => Package;
                  • Load a package into dgeni

                    Parameter package

                    The package to load or the name of a new package to create.

                    Parameter dependencies

                    A collection of dependencies for this package The package that was loaded, to allow chaining

                  method runProcessor

                  runProcessor: (processor: any, docs: any) => Promise<any>;

                    method triggerEvent

                    triggerEvent: (eventName: string, ...extras: any[]) => Promise<any[]>;
                    • Trigger a dgeni event and run all the registered handlers All the arguments to this call are passed through to each handler

                      Parameter eventName

                      The event being triggered {Promise} A promise to an array of the results from each of the handlers

                    method triggerProcessorEvent

                    triggerProcessorEvent: (
                    eventName: string,
                    processor: any,
                    docs: any
                    ) => Promise<any>;

                      class Package

                      class Package {}
                      • A Dgeni Package containing processors, services and config blocks.

                        Parameter name

                        The name of the package

                        Parameter dependencies

                        The names of packages (or the actual packages) that this package depends upon


                      constructor(name: string, dependencies?: PackageRef[]);

                        property configFns

                        configFns: any[];

                          property dependencies

                          dependencies: PackageRef[];

                            property handlers

                            handlers: { [key: string]: string[] };

                              property module

                              module: Module;

                                property name

                                name: string;

                                  property namedDependencies

                                  namedDependencies: string[];

                                    property processors

                                    processors: any[];

                                      method config

                                      config: (configFn: Function) => this;
                                      • Add a new config block to the package. Config blocks are run at the beginning of the doc generation before the processors are run. They can be injected with services and processors to allow you access to their properties so that you can configure them.

                                        Parameter configFn

                                        The config block function to run

                                        {Package} "This" package, to allow methods to be chained.

                                      method eventHandler

                                      eventHandler: (eventName: string, handlerFactory: FactoryDef) => this;
                                      • Add an event handler to this package

                                        Parameter eventName

                                        The name of the event to handle

                                        Parameter handlerFactory

                                        An injectable factory function that will return the handler {Package} This package for chaining

                                      method factory

                                      factory: (
                                      serviceFactoryOrName: string | FactoryDef,
                                      serviceFactory?: FactoryDef
                                      ) => this;
                                      • Add a new service, defined by a factory function, to the package

                                        Parameter serviceFactoryOrName

                                        If a string then this is the name of the service, otherwise it is assumed to be the serviceFactory.

                                        Parameter serviceFactory

                                        The factory function that will be used by the injector to create the service. The function must not be anonymous - it must have a name, e.g. function myService() { ... } - since the name of the service is taken from the name of the factory function.

                                        {Package} "This" package, to allow methods to be chained.

                                      method isPackage

                                      static isPackage: (pkg: any) => pkg is Package;

                                        method processor

                                        processor: (
                                        processorDefOrName: string | ProcessorDef,
                                        processorDef?: ProcessorDef
                                        ) => this;
                                        • Add a new processor to the package. The processor can be defined by a processor definition object or a factory function, which can be injected with services and will return the processor definition object. The following properties of a processor definition object have special meaning to Dgeni:

                                          * name : {string}: The name of the processor - if the processor is defined by a factory function or a name is explicitly provided as the first parameter, then this is ignored * $process(docs : {string}) : {Array|Promise|undefined}: The method that will be called to process the documents. If it is async then it should return a Promise. * $runAfter : {string[]}: Dgeni will ensure that this processor runs after those named here. * $runBefore : {string[]}: Dgeni will ensure that this processor runs before those named here. * $validate: {Object}: Dgeni will check that the properties of the processor, which match the keys of this object, pass the validation rules provided as the values of this object. See http://validatejs.org

                                          Parameter processorDefOrName

                                          If this parameter is a string then it will be used as the processor's name, otherwise it is assumed that it used as the processorDef

                                          Parameter processorDef

                                          The factory function or object that will be used by the injector to create the processor. * If a function then it is a factory and it must not be anonymous - it must have a name, e.g. function myProcessor(dep1, dep2) { ... } - since the name of the processor is taken from the name of the factory function. * If an object, then it is the actual processor and must have a name property. In this case, you cannot inject services into this processor.

                                          {Package} this package, to allow methods to be chained.

                                        method type

                                        type: (ServiceTypeOrName: string | TypeDef, ServiceType?: TypeDef) => this;
                                        • Add a new service, defined as a Type to instantiated, to the package

                                          Parameter ServiceTypeOrName

                                          If a string then this is the name of the service, otherwise it is assumed to be the ServiceType.

                                          Parameter ServiceType

                                          The constructor function that will be used by the injector to create the processor. The function must not be anonymous - it must have a name, e.g. function MyType() { ... } - since the name of the service is taken from the name of the constructor function.

                                          {Package} "This" package, to allow methods to be chained.


                                        interface Module

                                        interface Module {}

                                          index signature

                                          [token: string]: [InjectionType, any];

                                            interface Processor

                                            interface Processor {}

                                              property $enabled

                                              $enabled?: boolean;

                                                property $package

                                                $package?: string;

                                                  property $runAfter

                                                  $runAfter?: string[];

                                                    property $runBefore

                                                    $runBefore?: string[];

                                                      property description

                                                      description?: string;

                                                        property name

                                                        name?: string;

                                                          method $process

                                                          $process: (
                                                          docs: DocCollection
                                                          ) => DocCollection | PromiseLike<DocCollection> | void;

                                                            Type Aliases

                                                            type DocCollection

                                                            type DocCollection = Document[];

                                                              type Document

                                                              type Document = any;

                                                                Package Files (7)

                                                                Dependencies (9)

                                                                Dev Dependencies (11)

                                                                Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                No peer dependencies.


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