
  • Version 5.2.1
  • Published
  • 127 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i dom-helpers
yarn add dom-helpers
pnpm add dom-helpers


tiny modular DOM lib for ie9+



variable _default

const _default: {
addEventListener: typeof addEventListener;
removeEventListener: typeof removeEventListener;
triggerEvent: typeof triggerEvent;
animate: typeof animate;
filter: typeof filter;
listen: typeof listen;
style: typeof style;
getComputedStyle: typeof getComputedStyle;
attribute: typeof attribute;
activeElement: typeof activeElement;
ownerDocument: typeof ownerDocument;
ownerWindow: typeof ownerWindow;
requestAnimationFrame: typeof globalThis.requestAnimationFrame;
cancelAnimationFrame: (id: number) => void;
matches: typeof matches;
height: typeof height;
width: typeof width;
offset: typeof offset;
offsetParent: typeof offsetParent;
position: typeof position;
contains: typeof contains;
scrollbarSize: typeof scrollbarSize;
scrollLeft: { (node: Element): number; (node: Element, val: number): undefined };
scrollParent: typeof scrollParent;
scrollTo: typeof scrollTo;
scrollTop: { (node: Element): number; (node: Element, val: number): undefined };
querySelectorAll: typeof querySelectorAll;
closest: typeof closest;
addClass: typeof addClass;
removeClass: typeof removeClass;
hasClass: typeof hasClass;
toggleClass: typeof toggleClass;
transitionEnd: typeof transitionEnd;
childNodes: typeof childNodes;
childElements: typeof childElements;
nextUntil: typeof nextUntil;
parents: typeof parents;
siblings: typeof siblings;
clear: typeof clear;
insertAfter: typeof insertAfter;
isInput: typeof isInput;
isVisible: typeof isVisible;
prepend: typeof prepend;
remove: typeof remove;
text: typeof text;

    variable requestAnimationFrame

    const requestAnimationFrame: (callback: FrameRequestCallback) => number;

      variable scrollLeft

      const scrollLeft: {
      (node: Element): number;
      (node: Element, val: number): undefined;

        variable scrollTop

        const scrollTop: {
        (node: Element): number;
        (node: Element, val: number): undefined;


          function activeElement

          activeElement: (doc?: Document) => Element | null;
          • Returns the actively focused element safely.

            Parameter doc

            the document to check

          function addClass

          addClass: (element: Element | SVGElement, className: string) => void;
          • Adds a CSS class to a given element.

            Parameter element

            the element

            Parameter className

            the CSS class name

          function addEventListener

          addEventListener: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
          node: HTMLElement,
          eventName: K,
          handler: TaggedEventHandler<K>,
          options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
          ) => void;
          • An addEventListener ponyfill, supports the once option

            Parameter node

            the element

            Parameter eventName

            the event name

            Parameter handle

            the handler

            Parameter options

            event options

          function animate

          animate: {
          (options: Options): Cancel;
          (node: HTMLElement, properties: AnimateProperties, duration: number): Cancel;
          node: HTMLElement,
          properties: AnimateProperties,
          duration: number,
          callback: EventHandler<'transitionend'>
          ): Cancel;
          node: HTMLElement,
          properties: AnimateProperties,
          duration: number,
          easing: string,
          callback: EventHandler<'transitionend'>
          ): Cancel;

            function attribute

            attribute: (
            node: Element | null,
            attr: string,
            val?: string | boolean | null
            ) => string | null | undefined;
            • Gets or sets an attribute of a given element.

              Parameter node

              the element

              Parameter attr

              the attribute to get or set

              Parameter val

              the attribute value

            function cancelAnimationFrame

            cancelAnimationFrame: (id: number) => void;

              function childElements

              childElements: (node: Element | null) => Element[];
              • Collects all child elements of an element.

                Parameter node

                the element

              function childNodes

              childNodes: (node: Element | null) => Node[];
              • Collects all child nodes of an element.

                Parameter node

                the node

              function clear

              clear: (node: Node | null) => Node | null;
              • Removes all child nodes from a given node.

                Parameter node

                the node to clear

              function closest

              closest: (node: Element, selector: string, stopAt?: Element) => Element | null;
              • Returns the closest parent element that matches a given selector.

                Parameter node

                the reference element

                Parameter selector

                the selector to match

                Parameter stopAt

                stop traversing when this element is found

              function contains

              contains: (context: Element, node: Element) => boolean | undefined;
              • Checks if an element contains another given element.

                Parameter context

                the context element

                Parameter node

                the element to check

              function filter

              filter: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
              selector: string,
              handler: EventHandler<K>
              ) => EventHandler<K>;

                function getComputedStyle

                getComputedStyle: (
                node: HTMLElement,
                psuedoElement?: string
                ) => CSSStyleDeclaration;
                • Returns one or all computed style properties of an element.

                  Parameter node

                  the element

                  Parameter psuedoElement

                  the style property

                function hasClass

                hasClass: (element: Element | SVGElement, className: string) => boolean;
                • Checks if a given element has a CSS class.

                  Parameter element

                  the element

                  Parameter className

                  the CSS class name

                function height

                height: (node: HTMLElement, client?: boolean) => number;
                • Returns the height of a given element.

                  Parameter node

                  the element

                  Parameter client

                  whether to use clientHeight if possible

                function insertAfter

                insertAfter: (node: Node | null, refNode: Node | null) => Node | null;
                • Inserts a node after a given reference node.

                  Parameter node

                  the node to insert

                  Parameter refNode

                  the reference node

                function isInput

                isInput: (node: Element | null) => boolean;
                • Checks if a given element is an input (input, select, textarea or button).

                  Parameter node

                  the element to check

                function isVisible

                isVisible: (node: HTMLElement | null) => boolean;
                • Checks if a given element is currently visible.

                  Parameter node

                  the element to check

                function listen

                listen: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
                node: HTMLElement,
                eventName: K,
                handler: EventHandler<K>,
                options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions
                ) => () => void;

                  function matches

                  matches: (node: Element, selector: string) => boolean;
                  • Checks if a given element matches a selector.

                    Parameter node

                    the element

                    Parameter selector

                    the selector

                  function nextUntil

                  nextUntil: (node: Element | null, selector: string) => Element[];
                  • Collects all next sibling elements of an element until a given selector is matched.

                    Parameter node

                    the referene node

                    Parameter selector

                    the selector to match

                  function offset

                  offset: (node: HTMLElement) => {
                  top: number;
                  left: number;
                  height: number;
                  width: number;
                  • Returns the offset of a given element, including top and left positions, width and height.

                    Parameter node

                    the element

                  function offsetParent

                  offsetParent: (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;

                    function ownerDocument

                    ownerDocument: (node?: Element) => Document;
                    • Returns the owner document of a given element.

                      Parameter node

                      the element

                    function ownerWindow

                    ownerWindow: (node?: Element) => Window;
                    • Returns the owner window of a given element.

                      Parameter node

                      the element

                    function parents

                    parents: (node: Element | null) => Element[];
                    • Collects all parent elements of a given element.

                      Parameter node

                      the element

                    function position

                    position: (
                    node: HTMLElement,
                    offsetParent?: HTMLElement
                    ) => { top: number; left: number; height: number; width: number };
                    • Returns the relative position of a given element.

                      Parameter node

                      the element

                      Parameter offsetParent

                      the offset parent

                    function prepend

                    prepend: (node: Element | null, parent: Element | null) => Element | null;
                    • Insert a given element as the first child of a parent element.

                      Parameter node

                      the element to prepend

                      Parameter parent

                      the parent element

                    function querySelectorAll

                    querySelectorAll: (
                    element: HTMLElement | Document,
                    selector: string
                    ) => HTMLElement[];
                    • Runs querySelectorAll on a given element.

                      Parameter element

                      the element

                      Parameter selector

                      the selector

                    function remove

                    remove: (node: Node | null) => Node | null;
                    • Removes a given node from the DOM.

                      Parameter node

                      the node to remove

                    function removeClass

                    removeClass: (element: Element | SVGElement, className: string) => void;
                    • Removes a CSS class from a given element.

                      Parameter element

                      the element

                      Parameter className

                      the CSS class name

                    function removeEventListener

                    removeEventListener: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
                    node: HTMLElement,
                    eventName: K,
                    handler: TaggedEventHandler<K>,
                    options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions
                    ) => void;
                    • A removeEventListener ponyfill

                      Parameter node

                      the element

                      Parameter eventName

                      the event name

                      Parameter handle

                      the handler

                      Parameter options

                      event options

                    function scrollbarSize

                    scrollbarSize: (recalc?: boolean) => number;

                      function scrollParent

                      scrollParent: (
                      element: HTMLElement,
                      firstPossible?: boolean
                      ) => Document | HTMLElement;
                      • Find the first scrollable parent of an element.

                        Parameter element

                        Starting element

                        Parameter firstPossible

                        Stop at the first scrollable parent, even if it's not currently scrollable

                      function scrollTo

                      scrollTo: (
                      selected: HTMLElement,
                      scrollParent?: HTMLElement
                      ) => (() => void) | undefined;

                        function siblings

                        siblings: (node: Element | null) => Element[];
                        • Collects all previous and next sibling elements of a given element.

                          Parameter node

                          the element

                        function style

                        style: {
                        (node: HTMLElement, property: Partial<Record<Property, string>>): void;
                        <T extends string | number | symbol>(
                        node: HTMLElement,
                        property: T
                        ): CSS.PropertiesHyphen;
                        <T extends string | number | symbol>(
                        node: HTMLElement,
                        property: T
                        ): CSS.Properties;

                          function text

                          text: (
                          node: HTMLElement | null,
                          trim?: boolean,
                          singleSpaces?: boolean
                          ) => string;
                          • Collects the text content of a given element.

                            Parameter node

                            the element

                            Parameter trim

                            whether to remove trailing whitespace chars

                            Parameter singleSpaces

                            whether to convert multiple whitespace chars into a single space character

                          function toggleClass

                          toggleClass: (element: Element | SVGElement, className: string) => void;
                          • Toggles a CSS class on a given element.

                            Parameter element

                            the element

                            Parameter className

                            the CSS class name

                          function transitionEnd

                          transitionEnd: (
                          element: HTMLElement,
                          handler: Listener,
                          duration?: number | null,
                          padding?: number
                          ) => () => void;

                            function triggerEvent

                            triggerEvent: <K extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(
                            node: HTMLElement | null,
                            eventName: K,
                            bubbles?: boolean,
                            cancelable?: boolean
                            ) => void;
                            • Triggers an event on a given element.

                              Parameter node

                              the element

                              Parameter eventName

                              the event name to trigger

                              Parameter bubbles

                              whether the event should bubble up

                              Parameter cancelable

                              whether the event should be cancelable

                            function width

                            width: (node: HTMLElement, client?: boolean) => number;
                            • Returns the width of a given element.

                              Parameter node

                              the element

                              Parameter client

                              whether to use clientWidth if possible

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