
  • Version 2.3.0
  • Published
  • 11.4 kB
  • No dependencies
  • BSD-2-Clause license


npm i domelementtype
yarn add domelementtype
pnpm add domelementtype


all the types of nodes in htmlparser2's dom



variable CDATA

const CDATA: string;
  • Type for <![CDATA[ ... ]]>

variable Comment

const Comment: string;
  • Type for <!-- ... -->

variable Directive

const Directive: string;
  • Type for <? ... ?>

variable Doctype

const Doctype: string;
  • Type for <!doctype ...>

variable Root

const Root: string;
  • Type for the root element of a document

variable Script

const Script: string;
  • Type for tags

variable Style

const Style: string;
  • Type for tags

variable Tag

const Tag: string;
  • Type for Any tag

variable Text

const Text: string;
  • Type for Text


function isTag

isTag: (elem: { type: ElementType }) => boolean;
  • Tests whether an element is a tag or not.

    Parameter elem

    Element to test


enum ElementType

enum ElementType {
Root = 'root',
Text = 'text',
Directive = 'directive',
Comment = 'comment',
Script = 'script',
Style = 'style',
Tag = 'tag',
CDATA = 'cdata',
Doctype = 'doctype',
  • Types of elements found in htmlparser2's DOM

member CDATA

CDATA = 'cdata'
  • Type for <![CDATA[ ... ]]>

member Comment

Comment = 'comment'
  • Type for <!-- ... -->

member Directive

Directive = 'directive'
  • Type for <? ... ?>

member Doctype

Doctype = 'doctype'
  • Type for <!doctype ...>

member Root

Root = 'root'
  • Type for the root element of a document

member Script

Script = 'script'
  • Type for tags

member Style

Style = 'style'
  • Type for tags

member Tag

Tag = 'tag'
  • Type for Any tag

member Text

Text = 'text'
  • Type for Text

Package Files (1)

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Dev Dependencies (6)

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No peer dependencies.


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