
  • Version 3.1.0
  • Published
  • 162 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • BSD-2-Clause license


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Utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom



function append

append: (elem: ChildNode, next: ChildNode) => void;
  • Append an element after another.


    Parameter elem

    The element to append after.

    Parameter next

    The element be added.

function appendChild

appendChild: (parent: ParentNode, child: ChildNode) => void;
  • Append a child to an element.


    Parameter parent

    The element to append to.

    Parameter child

    The element to be added as a child.

function compareDocumentPosition

compareDocumentPosition: (nodeA: AnyNode, nodeB: AnyNode) => number;
  • Compare the position of one node against another node in any other document, returning a bitmask with the values from DocumentPosition.

    Document order: > There is an ordering, document order, defined on all the nodes in the > document corresponding to the order in which the first character of the > XML representation of each node occurs in the XML representation of the > document after expansion of general entities. Thus, the document element > node will be the first node. Element nodes occur before their children. > Thus, document order orders element nodes in order of the occurrence of > their start-tag in the XML (after expansion of entities). The attribute > nodes of an element occur after the element and before its children. The > relative order of attribute nodes is implementation-dependent.



    Parameter nodeA

    The first node to use in the comparison

    Parameter nodeB

    The second node to use in the comparison


    A bitmask describing the input nodes' relative position.

    See for a description of these values.

function existsOne

existsOne: (test: (elem: Element) => boolean, nodes: AnyNode[]) => boolean;
  • Checks if a tree of nodes contains at least one node passing a test.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter nodes

    Array of nodes to search.


    Whether a tree of nodes contains at least one node passing the test.

function filter

filter: (
test: (elem: AnyNode) => boolean,
node: AnyNode | AnyNode[],
recurse?: boolean,
limit?: number
) => AnyNode[];
  • Search a node and its children for nodes passing a test function. If node is not an array, it will be wrapped in one.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter node

    Node to search. Will be included in the result set if it matches.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.

    Parameter limit

    Maximum number of nodes to return.


    All nodes passing test.

function find

find: (
test: (elem: AnyNode) => boolean,
nodes: AnyNode[],
recurse: boolean,
limit: number
) => AnyNode[];
  • Search an array of nodes and their children for nodes passing a test function.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter nodes

    Array of nodes to search.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.

    Parameter limit

    Maximum number of nodes to return.


    All nodes passing test.

function findAll

findAll: (test: (elem: Element) => boolean, nodes: AnyNode[]) => Element[];
  • Search an array of nodes and their children for elements passing a test function.

    Same as find, but limited to elements and with less options, leading to reduced complexity.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter nodes

    Array of nodes to search.


    All nodes passing test.

function findOne

findOne: (
test: (elem: Element) => boolean,
nodes: AnyNode[],
recurse?: boolean
) => Element | null;
  • Finds one element in a tree that passes a test.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter nodes

    Node or array of nodes to search.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.


    The first node that passes test.

function findOneChild

findOneChild: <T>(test: (elem: T) => boolean, nodes: T[]) => T | undefined;
  • Finds the first element inside of an array that matches a test function. This is an alias for Array.prototype.find.


    Parameter test

    Function to test nodes on.

    Parameter nodes

    Array of nodes to search.


    The first node in the array that passes test.


    Use Array.prototype.find directly.

function getAttributeValue

getAttributeValue: (elem: Element, name: string) => string | undefined;
  • Gets an attribute from an element.


    Parameter elem

    Element to check.

    Parameter name

    Attribute name to retrieve.


    The element's attribute value, or undefined.

function getChildren

getChildren: (elem: AnyNode) => ChildNode[];
  • Get a node's children.


    Parameter elem

    Node to get the children of.


    elem's children, or an empty array.

function getElementById

getElementById: (
id: string | ((id: string) => boolean),
nodes: AnyNode | AnyNode[],
recurse?: boolean
) => Element | null;
  • Returns the node with the supplied ID.

    Legacy Query Functions

    Parameter id

    The unique ID attribute value to look for.

    Parameter nodes

    Nodes to search through.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.


    The node with the supplied ID.

function getElements

getElements: (
options: TestElementOpts,
nodes: AnyNode | AnyNode[],
recurse: boolean,
limit?: number
) => AnyNode[];
  • Returns all nodes that match options.

    Legacy Query Functions

    Parameter options

    An object describing nodes to look for.

    Parameter nodes

    Nodes to search through.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.

    Parameter limit

    Maximum number of nodes to return.


    All nodes that match options.

function getElementsByTagName

getElementsByTagName: (
tagName: string | ((name: string) => boolean),
nodes: AnyNode | AnyNode[],
recurse?: boolean,
limit?: number
) => Element[];
  • Returns all nodes with the supplied tagName.

    Legacy Query Functions

    Parameter tagName

    Tag name to search for.

    Parameter nodes

    Nodes to search through.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.

    Parameter limit

    Maximum number of nodes to return.


    All nodes with the supplied tagName.

function getElementsByTagType

getElementsByTagType: (
type: any,
nodes: AnyNode | AnyNode[],
recurse?: boolean,
limit?: number
) => AnyNode[];
  • Returns all nodes with the supplied type.

    Legacy Query Functions

    Parameter type

    Element type to look for.

    Parameter nodes

    Nodes to search through.

    Parameter recurse

    Also consider child nodes.

    Parameter limit

    Maximum number of nodes to return.


    All nodes with the supplied type.

function getFeed

getFeed: (doc: AnyNode[]) => Feed | null;
  • Get the feed object from the root of a DOM tree.


    Parameter doc

    The DOM to to extract the feed from.


    The feed.

function getInnerHTML

getInnerHTML: (node: AnyNode, options?: DomSerializerOptions) => string;
  • Stringify

    Parameter node

    Node to get the inner HTML of.

    Parameter options

    Options for serialization.


    node's inner HTML.


    Use the dom-serializer module directly.

function getName

getName: (elem: Element) => string;
  • Get the tag name of an element.


    Parameter elem

    The element to get the name for.


    The tag name of elem.

function getOuterHTML

getOuterHTML: (
node: AnyNode | ArrayLike<AnyNode>,
options?: DomSerializerOptions
) => string;
  • Stringify

    Parameter node

    Node to get the outer HTML of.

    Parameter options

    Options for serialization.


    node's outer HTML.


    Use the dom-serializer module directly.

function getParent

getParent: (elem: AnyNode) => ParentNode | null;

    function getSiblings

    getSiblings: (elem: AnyNode) => AnyNode[];
    • Gets an elements siblings, including the element itself.

      Attempts to get the children through the element's parent first. If we don't have a parent (the element is a root node), we walk the element's prev & next to get all remaining nodes.


      Parameter elem

      Element to get the siblings of.


      elem's siblings, including elem.

    function getText

    getText: (node: AnyNode | AnyNode[]) => string;
    • Get a node's inner text. Same as textContent, but inserts newlines for <br> tags. Ignores comments.


      Parameter node

      Node to get the inner text of.


      node's inner text.


      Use textContent instead.

    function hasAttrib

    hasAttrib: (elem: Element, name: string) => boolean;
    • Checks whether an element has an attribute.


      Parameter elem

      Element to check.

      Parameter name

      Attribute name to look for.


      Returns whether elem has the attribute name.

    function innerText

    innerText: (node: AnyNode | AnyNode[]) => string;

    function nextElementSibling

    nextElementSibling: (elem: AnyNode) => Element | null;
    • Returns the next element sibling of a node.


      Parameter elem

      The element to get the next sibling of.


      elem's next sibling that is a tag, or null if there is no next sibling.

    function prepend

    prepend: (elem: ChildNode, prev: ChildNode) => void;
    • Prepend an element before another.


      Parameter elem

      The element to prepend before.

      Parameter prev

      The element be added.

    function prependChild

    prependChild: (parent: ParentNode, child: ChildNode) => void;
    • Prepend a child to an element.


      Parameter parent

      The element to prepend before.

      Parameter child

      The element to be added as a child.

    function prevElementSibling

    prevElementSibling: (elem: AnyNode) => Element | null;
    • Returns the previous element sibling of a node.


      Parameter elem

      The element to get the previous sibling of.


      elem's previous sibling that is a tag, or null if there is no previous sibling.

    function removeElement

    removeElement: (elem: ChildNode) => void;
    • Remove an element from the dom


      Parameter elem

      The element to be removed

    function removeSubsets

    removeSubsets: (nodes: AnyNode[]) => AnyNode[];
    • Given an array of nodes, remove any member that is contained by another member.


      Parameter nodes

      Nodes to filter.


      Remaining nodes that aren't contained by other nodes.

    function replaceElement

    replaceElement: (elem: ChildNode, replacement: ChildNode) => void;
    • Replace an element in the dom


      Parameter elem

      The element to be replaced

      Parameter replacement

      The element to be added

    function testElement

    testElement: (options: TestElementOpts, node: AnyNode) => boolean;
    • Checks whether a node matches the description in options.

      Legacy Query Functions

      Parameter options

      An object describing nodes to look for.

      Parameter node

      The element to test.


      Whether the element matches the description in options.

    function textContent

    textContent: (node: AnyNode | AnyNode[]) => string;

    function uniqueSort

    uniqueSort: <T extends AnyNode>(nodes: T[]) => T[];
    • Sort an array of nodes based on their relative position in the document, removing any duplicate nodes. If the array contains nodes that do not belong to the same document, sort order is unspecified.


      Parameter nodes

      Array of DOM nodes.


      Collection of unique nodes, sorted in document order.


    interface Feed

    interface Feed {}
    • The root of a feed.


    property author

    author?: string;

      property description

      description?: string;

        property id

        id?: string;

          property items

          items: FeedItem[];
            link?: string;

              property title

              title?: string;

                property type

                type: string;

                  property updated

                  updated?: Date;

                    interface FeedItem

                    interface FeedItem {}
                    • An entry of a feed.


                    property description

                    description?: string;

                      property id

                      id?: string;
                        link?: string;

                          property media

                          media: FeedItemMedia[];

                            property pubDate

                            pubDate?: Date;

                              property title

                              title?: string;

                                interface FeedItemMedia

                                interface FeedItemMedia {}
                                • A media item of a feed entry.


                                property bitrate

                                bitrate?: number;

                                  property channels

                                  channels?: number;

                                    property duration

                                    duration?: number;

                                      property expression

                                      expression?: FeedItemMediaExpression;

                                        property fileSize

                                        fileSize?: number;

                                          property framerate

                                          framerate?: number;

                                            property height

                                            height?: number;

                                              property isDefault

                                              isDefault: boolean;

                                                property lang

                                                lang?: string;

                                                  property medium

                                                  medium: FeedItemMediaMedium | undefined;

                                                    property samplingrate

                                                    samplingrate?: number;

                                                      property type

                                                      type?: string;

                                                        property url

                                                        url?: string;

                                                          property width

                                                          width?: number;

                                                            interface TestElementOpts

                                                            interface TestElementOpts {}
                                                            • An object with keys to check elements against. If a key is tag_name, tag_type or tag_contains, it will check the value against that specific value. Otherwise, it will check an attribute with the key's name.

                                                              Legacy Query Functions

                                                            property tag_contains

                                                            tag_contains?: string | ((data?: string) => boolean);

                                                              property tag_name

                                                              tag_name?: string | ((name: string) => boolean);

                                                                property tag_type

                                                                tag_type?: string | ((name: string) => boolean);

                                                                  index signature

                                                                  [attributeName: string]:
                                                                  | undefined
                                                                  | string
                                                                  | ((attributeValue: string) => boolean);


                                                                    enum DocumentPosition

                                                                    const enum DocumentPosition {
                                                                    DISCONNECTED = 1,
                                                                    PRECEDING = 2,
                                                                    FOLLOWING = 4,
                                                                    CONTAINS = 8,
                                                                    CONTAINED_BY = 16,

                                                                    member CONTAINED_BY

                                                                    CONTAINED_BY = 16

                                                                      member CONTAINS

                                                                      CONTAINS = 8

                                                                        member DISCONNECTED

                                                                        DISCONNECTED = 1

                                                                          member FOLLOWING

                                                                          FOLLOWING = 4

                                                                            member PRECEDING

                                                                            PRECEDING = 2

                                                                              Type Aliases

                                                                              type FeedItemMediaExpression

                                                                              type FeedItemMediaExpression = 'sample' | 'full' | 'nonstop';
                                                                              • The type of a media item.


                                                                              type FeedItemMediaMedium

                                                                              type FeedItemMediaMedium = 'image' | 'audio' | 'video' | 'document' | 'executable';
                                                                              • The medium of a media item.


                                                                              Package Files (8)

                                                                              Dependencies (3)

                                                                              Dev Dependencies (13)

                                                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                              No peer dependencies.


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