- Version 3.0.0
- Published
- 65.2 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i draft-js-plugins-editor
yarn add draft-js-plugins-editor
pnpm add draft-js-plugins-editor
Editor for DraftJS Plugins
- blockRendererFn()
- blockStyleFn()
- customStyleFn
- decorators
- getAccessibilityProps
- handleBeforeInput()
- handleDrop()
- handleDroppedFiles()
- handleKeyCommand()
- handlePastedFiles()
- handlePastedText()
- handleReturn()
- initialize
- keyBindingFn()
- onBlur()
- onChange
- onDownArrow()
- onEscape()
- onFocus()
- onLeftArrow()
- onRightArrow()
- onTab()
- onUpArrow()
- willUnmount
function composeDecorators
composeDecorators: (...decorators: DraftDecorator[]) => DraftDecorator;
class PluginEditor
class PluginEditor extends Component<PluginEditorProps> {}
method blur
blur: () => void;
method focus
focus: () => void;
method getEditorRef
getEditorRef: () => Editor | undefined;
method getPluginMethods
getPluginMethods: () => PluginFunctions;
method getPlugins
getPlugins: () => EditorPlugin[];
interface EditorPlugin
interface EditorPlugin {}
property customStyleFn
customStyleFn?: ( style: DraftInlineStyle, block: ContentBlock, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftStyleMap;
property decorators
decorators?: DraftDecorator[];
property getAccessibilityProps
getAccessibilityProps?: () => { ariaHasPopup: string; ariaExpanded: string;};
property initialize
initialize?: (pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
property onChange
onChange?: ( editorState: EditorState, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => EditorState;
property willUnmount
willUnmount?: (pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method blockRendererFn
blockRendererFn: (block: ContentBlock, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => any;
method blockStyleFn
blockStyleFn: (block: ContentBlock, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => string;
method handleBeforeInput
handleBeforeInput: ( chars: string, editorState: EditorState, eventTimeStamp: number, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handleDrop
handleDrop: ( selection: SelectionState, dataTransfer: Object, isInternal: DraftDragType, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handleDroppedFiles
handleDroppedFiles: ( selection: SelectionState, files: Array<Blob>, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handleKeyCommand
handleKeyCommand: ( command: DraftEditorCommand, editorState: EditorState, eventTimeStamp: number, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handlePastedFiles
handlePastedFiles: ( files: Array<Blob>, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handlePastedText
handlePastedText: ( text: string, html: string | undefined, editorState: EditorState, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method handleReturn
handleReturn: ( e: KeyboardEvent, editorState: EditorState, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftHandleValue;
method keyBindingFn
keyBindingFn: ( e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => DraftEditorCommand | null;
method onBlur
onBlur: (e: SyntheticEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onDownArrow
onDownArrow: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onEscape
onEscape: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onFocus
onFocus: (e: SyntheticEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onLeftArrow
onLeftArrow: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onRightArrow
onRightArrow: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onTab
onTab: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
method onUpArrow
onUpArrow: (e: KeyboardEvent, pluginFunctions: PluginFunctions) => void;
interface PluginEditorProps
interface PluginEditorProps extends EditorProps {}
property decorators
decorators?: DraftDecorator[];
property defaultBlockRenderMap
defaultBlockRenderMap?: boolean;
property defaultKeyBindings
defaultKeyBindings?: boolean;
property defaultKeyCommands
defaultKeyCommands?: boolean;
property plugins
plugins?: EditorPlugin[];
interface PluginFunctions
interface PluginFunctions {}
method getEditorRef
getEditorRef: () => Ref<any>;
method getEditorState
getEditorState: () => EditorState;
method getPlugins
getPlugins: () => EditorPlugin[];
method getProps
getProps: () => any;
method getReadOnly
getReadOnly: () => boolean;
method setEditorState
setEditorState: (editorState: EditorState) => void;
method setReadOnly
setReadOnly: (readOnly: boolean) => void;
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Peer Dependencies (3)
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