
  • Version 6.6.2
  • Published
  • 862 kB
  • 5 dependencies
  • MIT license


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Client for the realtime Engine



variable protocol

const protocol: number;

    variable transports

    const transports: {
    websocket: typeof WS;
    webtransport: typeof WT;
    polling: typeof XHR;


      function installTimerFunctions

      installTimerFunctions: (obj: any, opts: any) => void;

        function nextTick

        nextTick: (callback: Function, ...args: any[]) => void;

          function parse

          parse: (str: string) => any;


            class Fetch

            class Fetch extends Polling {}
            • HTTP long-polling based on the built-in fetch() method.

              Usage: browser, Node.js (since v18), Deno, Bun

              See Also

              • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch

              • https://caniuse.com/fetch

              • https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html#fetch

            method doPoll

            doPoll: () => void;

              method doWrite

              doWrite: (data: string, callback: () => void) => void;

                class NodeWebSocket

                class WS extends BaseWS {}
                • WebSocket transport based on the WebSocket object provided by the ws package.

                  Usage: Node.js, Deno (compat), Bun (compat)

                  See Also

                  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket

                  • https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_websocket

                method createSocket

                createSocket: (
                uri: string,
                protocols: string | string[] | undefined,
                opts: Record<string, any>
                ) => any;

                  method doWrite

                  doWrite: (packet: Packet, data: RawData) => void;

                    class NodeXHR

                    class XHR extends BaseXHR {}
                    • HTTP long-polling based on the XMLHttpRequest object provided by the xmlhttprequest-ssl package.

                      Usage: Node.js, Deno (compat), Bun (compat)

                      See Also

                      • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest

                    method request

                    request: (opts?: Record<string, any>) => Request;

                      class Socket

                      class Socket extends SocketWithUpgrade {}
                      • This class provides a WebSocket-like interface to connect to an Engine.IO server. The connection will be established with one of the available low-level transports, like HTTP long-polling, WebSocket or WebTransport.

                        This class comes with an upgrade mechanism, which means that once the connection is established with the first low-level transport, it will try to upgrade to a better transport.

                        Example 1

                        import { Socket } from "engine.io-client";

                        const socket = new Socket();

                        socket.on("open", () => { socket.send("hello"); });

                        See Also

                        • SocketWithoutUpgrade

                        • SocketWithUpgrade


                      constructor(uri?: string, opts?: SocketOptions);


                        constructor(opts: SocketOptions);

                          class SocketWithoutUpgrade

                          class SocketWithoutUpgrade extends Emitter<
                          Record<never, never>,
                          Record<never, never>,
                          > {}
                          • This class provides a WebSocket-like interface to connect to an Engine.IO server. The connection will be established with one of the available low-level transports, like HTTP long-polling, WebSocket or WebTransport.

                            This class comes without upgrade mechanism, which means that it will keep the first low-level transport that successfully establishes the connection.

                            In order to allow tree-shaking, there are no transports included, that's why the transports option is mandatory.

                            Example 1

                            import { SocketWithoutUpgrade, WebSocket } from "engine.io-client";

                            const socket = new SocketWithoutUpgrade({ transports: [WebSocket] });

                            socket.on("open", () => { socket.send("hello"); });

                            See Also

                            • SocketWithUpgrade

                            • Socket


                          constructor(uri: string | BaseSocketOptions, opts: BaseSocketOptions);
                          • Socket constructor.

                            Parameter uri

                            uri or options

                            Parameter opts


                          property binaryType

                          binaryType: BinaryType;

                            property id

                            id: string;

                              property opts

                              protected readonly opts: BaseSocketOptions;

                                property priorWebsocketSuccess

                                static priorWebsocketSuccess: boolean;

                                  property protocol

                                  static protocol: number;

                                    property readyState

                                    readyState: SocketState;

                                      property setTimeoutFn

                                      protected setTimeoutFn: (
                                      handler: TimerHandler,
                                      timeout?: number,
                                      ...arguments: any[]
                                      ) => number;

                                        property transport

                                        transport: Transport;

                                          property transports

                                          protected readonly transports: string[];

                                            property upgrading

                                            protected upgrading: boolean;

                                              property writeBuffer

                                              writeBuffer: Packet[];

                                                method close

                                                close: () => this;
                                                • Closes the connection.

                                                method createTransport

                                                protected createTransport: (name: string) => Transport;
                                                • Creates transport of the given type.

                                                  Parameter name

                                                  transport name {Transport}

                                                method flush

                                                protected flush: () => void;
                                                • Flush write buffers.

                                                method onHandshake

                                                protected onHandshake: (data: HandshakeData) => void;
                                                • Called upon handshake completion.

                                                  Parameter data

                                                  handshake obj

                                                method onOpen

                                                protected onOpen: () => void;
                                                • Called when connection is deemed open.

                                                method send

                                                send: (msg: RawData, options?: WriteOptions, fn?: () => void) => this;
                                                • Sends a message. Alias of Socket#write.

                                                  Parameter msg



                                                  {Object} options.

                                                  Parameter fn

                                                  callback function. {Socket} for chaining.

                                                method setTransport

                                                protected setTransport: (transport: Transport) => void;
                                                • Sets the current transport. Disables the existing one (if any).

                                                method write

                                                write: (msg: RawData, options?: WriteOptions, fn?: () => void) => this;
                                                • Sends a message.

                                                  Parameter msg



                                                  {Object} options.

                                                  Parameter fn

                                                  callback function. {Socket} for chaining.

                                                class SocketWithUpgrade

                                                class SocketWithUpgrade extends SocketWithoutUpgrade {}
                                                • This class provides a WebSocket-like interface to connect to an Engine.IO server. The connection will be established with one of the available low-level transports, like HTTP long-polling, WebSocket or WebTransport.

                                                  This class comes with an upgrade mechanism, which means that once the connection is established with the first low-level transport, it will try to upgrade to a better transport.

                                                  In order to allow tree-shaking, there are no transports included, that's why the transports option is mandatory.

                                                  Example 1

                                                  import { SocketWithUpgrade, WebSocket } from "engine.io-client";

                                                  const socket = new SocketWithUpgrade({ transports: [WebSocket] });

                                                  socket.on("open", () => { socket.send("hello"); });

                                                  See Also

                                                  • SocketWithoutUpgrade

                                                  • Socket

                                                method onHandshake

                                                onHandshake: (data: HandshakeData) => void;

                                                  method onOpen

                                                  onOpen: () => void;

                                                    class Transport

                                                    abstract class Transport extends Emitter<
                                                    Record<never, never>,
                                                    Record<never, never>,
                                                    > {}


                                                      constructor(opts: any);
                                                      • Transport abstract constructor.

                                                        Parameter opts


                                                      property name

                                                      readonly name: string;
                                                      • The name of the transport

                                                      property opts

                                                      protected opts: SocketOptions;

                                                        property query

                                                        query: Record<string, string>;

                                                          property readyState

                                                          protected readyState: TransportState;

                                                            property setTimeoutFn

                                                            protected setTimeoutFn: (
                                                            handler: TimerHandler,
                                                            timeout?: number,
                                                            ...arguments: any[]
                                                            ) => number;

                                                              property socket

                                                              protected socket: Socket;

                                                                property supportsBinary

                                                                protected supportsBinary: boolean;

                                                                  property writable

                                                                  writable: boolean;

                                                                    method close

                                                                    close: () => this;
                                                                    • Closes the transport.

                                                                    method createUri

                                                                    protected createUri: (schema: string, query?: Record<string, unknown>) => string;

                                                                      method doClose

                                                                      protected abstract doClose: () => any;

                                                                        method doOpen

                                                                        protected abstract doOpen: () => any;

                                                                          method onClose

                                                                          protected onClose: (details?: CloseDetails) => void;
                                                                          • Called upon close.

                                                                          method onData

                                                                          protected onData: (data: RawData) => void;
                                                                          • Called with data.

                                                                            Parameter data

                                                                          method onError

                                                                          protected onError: (reason: string, description: any, context?: any) => this;
                                                                          • Emits an error.

                                                                            Parameter reason

                                                                            Parameter description

                                                                            Parameter context

                                                                            the error context {Transport} for chaining

                                                                          method onOpen

                                                                          protected onOpen: () => void;
                                                                          • Called upon open

                                                                          method onPacket

                                                                          protected onPacket: (packet: Packet) => void;
                                                                          • Called with a decoded packet.

                                                                          method open

                                                                          open: () => this;
                                                                          • Opens the transport.

                                                                          method pause

                                                                          pause: (onPause: () => void) => void;
                                                                          • Pauses the transport, in order not to lose packets during an upgrade.

                                                                            Parameter onPause

                                                                          method send

                                                                          send: (packets: any) => void;
                                                                          • Sends multiple packets.

                                                                            Parameter packets

                                                                          method write

                                                                          protected abstract write: (packets: Packet[]) => any;

                                                                            class TransportError

                                                                            class TransportError extends Error {}


                                                                              constructor(reason: string, description: any, context: any);

                                                                                property context

                                                                                readonly context: any;

                                                                                  property description

                                                                                  readonly description: any;

                                                                                    property type

                                                                                    readonly type: string;

                                                                                      class WebSocket

                                                                                      class WS extends BaseWS {}
                                                                                      • WebSocket transport based on the built-in WebSocket object.

                                                                                        Usage: browser, Node.js (since v21), Deno, Bun

                                                                                        See Also

                                                                                        • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket

                                                                                        • https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_websocket

                                                                                        • https://nodejs.org/api/globals.html#websocket

                                                                                      method createSocket

                                                                                      createSocket: (
                                                                                      uri: string,
                                                                                      protocols: string | string[] | undefined,
                                                                                      opts: Record<string, any>
                                                                                      ) => any;

                                                                                        method doWrite

                                                                                        doWrite: (_packet: Packet, data: RawData) => void;

                                                                                          class WebTransport

                                                                                          class WT extends Transport {}
                                                                                          • WebTransport transport based on the built-in WebTransport object.

                                                                                            Usage: browser, Node.js (with the @fails-components/webtransport package)

                                                                                            See Also

                                                                                            • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebTransport

                                                                                            • https://caniuse.com/webtransport

                                                                                          property name

                                                                                          readonly name: string;

                                                                                            method doClose

                                                                                            protected doClose: () => void;

                                                                                              method doOpen

                                                                                              protected doOpen: () => this;

                                                                                                method write

                                                                                                protected write: (packets: Packet[]) => void;

                                                                                                  class XHR

                                                                                                  class XHR extends BaseXHR {}
                                                                                                  • HTTP long-polling based on the built-in XMLHttpRequest object.

                                                                                                    Usage: browser

                                                                                                    See Also

                                                                                                    • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest


                                                                                                  constructor(opts: any);

                                                                                                    method request

                                                                                                    request: (opts?: Record<string, any>) => Request;


                                                                                                      interface SocketOptions

                                                                                                      interface SocketOptions {}

                                                                                                        property addTrailingSlash

                                                                                                        addTrailingSlash?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether we should add a trailing slash to the request path. true

                                                                                                        property agent

                                                                                                        agent?: string | boolean;
                                                                                                        • http.Agent to use, defaults to false (NodeJS only)

                                                                                                          Note: the type should be "undefined | http.Agent | https.Agent | false", but this would break browser-only clients.

                                                                                                          See Also

                                                                                                          • https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#httprequestoptions-callback

                                                                                                        property autoUnref

                                                                                                        autoUnref?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether the heartbeat timer should be unref'ed, in order not to keep the Node.js event loop active.

                                                                                                          See Also

                                                                                                          • https://nodejs.org/api/timers.html#timeoutunref false

                                                                                                        property ca

                                                                                                        ca?: string | string[];
                                                                                                        • (SSL) An authority certificate or array of authority certificates to check the remote host against.. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property cert

                                                                                                        cert?: string;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) Public x509 certificate to use. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property ciphers

                                                                                                        ciphers?: string;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) A string describing the ciphers to use or exclude. Consult the [cipher format list] (http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#CIPHER_LIST_FORMAT) for details on the format.. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property closeOnBeforeunload

                                                                                                        closeOnBeforeunload?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to automatically close the connection whenever the beforeunload event is received. false

                                                                                                        property extraHeaders

                                                                                                        extraHeaders?: {
                                                                                                        [header: string]: string;
                                                                                                        • Headers that will be passed for each request to the server (via xhr-polling and via websockets). These values then can be used during handshake or for special proxies.

                                                                                                        property forceBase64

                                                                                                        forceBase64?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Forces base 64 encoding for polling transport even when XHR2 responseType is available and WebSocket even if the used standard supports binary.

                                                                                                        property host

                                                                                                        host?: string;
                                                                                                        • The host that we're connecting to. Set from the URI passed when connecting

                                                                                                        property hostname

                                                                                                        hostname?: string;
                                                                                                        • The hostname for our connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting

                                                                                                        property key

                                                                                                        key?: string;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) Private key to use for SSL. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property passphrase

                                                                                                        passphrase?: string;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) A string or passphrase for the private key or pfx. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property path

                                                                                                        path?: string;
                                                                                                        • The path to get our client file from, in the case of the server serving it '/engine.io'

                                                                                                        property perMessageDeflate

                                                                                                        perMessageDeflate?: {
                                                                                                        threshold: number;
                                                                                                        • parameters of the WebSocket permessage-deflate extension (see ws module api docs). Set to false to disable. false

                                                                                                        property pfx

                                                                                                        pfx?: string;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) Certificate, Private key and CA certificates to use for SSL. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property port

                                                                                                        port?: string | number;
                                                                                                        • The port for our connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting

                                                                                                        property protocols

                                                                                                        protocols?: string | string[];
                                                                                                        • Either a single protocol string or an array of protocol strings. These strings are used to indicate sub-protocols, so that a single server can implement multiple WebSocket sub-protocols (for example, you might want one server to be able to handle different types of interactions depending on the specified protocol) []

                                                                                                        property query

                                                                                                        query?: {
                                                                                                        [key: string]: any;
                                                                                                        • Any query parameters in our uri. Set from the URI passed when connecting

                                                                                                        property rejectUnauthorized

                                                                                                        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • (SSL) If true, the server certificate is verified against the list of supplied CAs. An 'error' event is emitted if verification fails. Verification happens at the connection level, before the HTTP request is sent. Can be used in Node.js client environment to manually specify certificate information.

                                                                                                        property rememberUpgrade

                                                                                                        rememberUpgrade?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • If true and if the previous websocket connection to the server succeeded, the connection attempt will bypass the normal upgrade process and will initially try websocket. A connection attempt following a transport error will use the normal upgrade process. It is recommended you turn this on only when using SSL/TLS connections, or if you know that your network does not block websockets. false

                                                                                                        property requestTimeout

                                                                                                        requestTimeout?: number;
                                                                                                        • Timeout for xhr-polling requests in milliseconds (0) (only for polling transport)

                                                                                                        property secure

                                                                                                        secure?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • If this is a secure connection. Set from the URI passed when connecting

                                                                                                        property timestampParam

                                                                                                        timestampParam?: string;
                                                                                                        • The param name to use as our timestamp key 't'

                                                                                                        property timestampRequests

                                                                                                        timestampRequests?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to add the timestamp with each transport request. Note: this is ignored if the browser is IE or Android, in which case requests are always stamped false

                                                                                                        property transportOptions

                                                                                                        transportOptions?: Object;
                                                                                                        • Transport options for Node.js client (headers etc)

                                                                                                        property transports

                                                                                                        | ('polling' | 'websocket' | 'webtransport' | string)[]
                                                                                                        | TransportCtor[];
                                                                                                        • A list of transports to try (in order). Engine.io always attempts to connect directly with the first one, provided the feature detection test for it passes.

                                                                                                          ['polling','websocket', 'webtransport']

                                                                                                        property tryAllTransports

                                                                                                        tryAllTransports?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether all the transports should be tested, instead of just the first one.

                                                                                                          If set to true, the client will first try to connect with HTTP long-polling, and then with WebSocket in case of failure, and finally with WebTransport if the previous attempts have failed.

                                                                                                          If set to false (default), if the connection with HTTP long-polling fails, then the client will not test the other transports and will abort the connection.


                                                                                                        property upgrade

                                                                                                        upgrade?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether the client should try to upgrade the transport from long-polling to something better. true

                                                                                                        property useNativeTimers

                                                                                                        useNativeTimers?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to always use the native timeouts. This allows the client to reconnect when the native timeout functions are overridden, such as when mock clocks are installed. false

                                                                                                        property withCredentials

                                                                                                        withCredentials?: boolean;
                                                                                                        • Whether to include credentials (cookies, authorization headers, TLS client certificates, etc.) with cross-origin XHR polling requests false

                                                                                                        Package Files (13)

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                                                                                                        No peer dependencies.


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