
  • Version 3.22.0
  • Published
  • 1.3 MB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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pnpm add fast-check


Property based testing framework for JavaScript (like QuickCheck)







Type Aliases



variable asyncToStringMethod

const asyncToStringMethod: Symbol;
  • Use this symbol to define a custom serializer for your instances. Serializer must be a function returning a promise of string (see WithAsyncToStringMethod).

    Please note that: 1. It will only be useful for asynchronous properties. 2. It has to return barely instantly.


    Since 2.17.0


    • @public

variable cloneMethod

const cloneMethod: Symbol;
  • Generated instances having a method [cloneMethod] will be automatically cloned whenever necessary

    This is pretty useful for statefull generated values. For instance, whenever you use a Stream you directly impact it. Implementing [cloneMethod] on the generated Stream would force the framework to clone it whenever it has to re-use it (mainly required for chrinking process)


    Since 1.8.0


    • @public

variable toStringMethod

const toStringMethod: Symbol;
  • Use this symbol to define a custom serializer for your instances. Serializer must be a function returning a string (see WithToStringMethod).


    Since 2.17.0


    • @public


function anything

anything: {
(): Arbitrary<unknown>;
(constraints: ObjectConstraints): Arbitrary<unknown>;
  • For any type of values

    You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated


    Since 0.0.7

    Example 1

    null, undefined, 42, 6.5, 'Hello', {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


    • @public
  • For any type of values following the constraints defined by settings

    You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 0.0.7

    Example 1

    null, undefined, 42, 6.5, 'Hello', {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}

    Example 2

    // Using custom settings
    key: fc.char(),
    values: [fc.integer(10,20), fc.constant(42)],
    maxDepth: 2
    // Can build entries such as:
    // - 19
    // - [{"2":12,"k":15,"A":42}]
    // - {"4":[19,13,14,14,42,11,20,11],"6":42,"7":16,"L":10,"'":[20,11],"e":[42,20,42,14,13,17]}
    // - [42,42,42]...


    • @public

function array

array: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, constraints?: ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
  • For arrays of values coming from arb

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the array

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function ascii

ascii: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single ascii characters - char code between 0x00 (included) and 0x7f (included)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'binary-ascii', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

function asciiString

asciiString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of ascii

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'binary-ascii', ...constraints }) instead

function assert

assert: {
<Ts>(property: IAsyncProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): Promise<void>;
<Ts>(property: IProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): void;
property: IRawProperty<Ts, boolean>,
params?: Parameters<Ts>
): void | Promise<void>;
  • Run the property, throw in case of failure

    It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

    WARNING: Has to be awaited

    Parameter property

    Asynchronous property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public
  • Run the property, throw in case of failure

    It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

    Parameter property

    Synchronous property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public
  • Run the property, throw in case of failure

    It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

    WARNING: Returns a promise to be awaited if the property is asynchronous

    Parameter property

    Synchronous or asynchronous property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

function asyncDefaultReportMessage

asyncDefaultReportMessage: {
<Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts> & { failed: false }): Promise<undefined>;
| (RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> & { failed: true })
| (RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> & { failed: true })
| (RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> & { failed: true })
): Promise<string>;
<Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts>): Promise<string>;
  • Format output of check using the default error reporting of assert

    Produce a string containing the formated error in case of failed run, undefined otherwise.


    Since 2.17.0


    • @public

function asyncModelRun

asyncModelRun: <
Model extends object,
CheckAsync extends boolean,
InitialModel extends Model
s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real> | ModelRunAsyncSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
cmds: Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>
) => Promise<void>;
  • Run asynchronous commands over a Model and the Real system

    Throw in case of inconsistency

    Parameter s

    Initial state provider

    Parameter cmds

    Asynchronous commands to be executed


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public

function asyncProperty

asyncProperty: <Ts extends [unknown, ...unknown[]]>(
...args: [
...arbitraries: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> },
predicate: (...args: Ts) => Promise<boolean | void>
) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
  • Instantiate a new fast-check#IAsyncProperty

    Parameter predicate

    Assess the success of the property. Would be considered falsy if it throws or if its output evaluates to false


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

function asyncStringify

asyncStringify: <Ts>(value: Ts) => Promise<string>;
  • Convert any value to its fast-check string representation

    This asynchronous version is also able to dig into the status of Promise

    Parameter value

    Value to be converted into a string


    Since 2.17.0


    • @public

function base64

base64: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single base64 characters - A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + or /


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Prefer using fc.constantFrom(...'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/')

function base64String

base64String: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For base64 strings

    A base64 string will always have a length multiple of 4 (padded with =)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function bigInt

bigInt: {
(): Arbitrary<bigint>;
(min: bigint, max: bigint): Arbitrary<bigint>;
(constraints: BigIntConstraints): Arbitrary<bigint>;
  • For bigint


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public
  • For bigint between min (included) and max (included)

    Parameter min

    Lower bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -5n, 0n, BigInt(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER))

    Parameter max

    Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -2n, 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public
  • For bigint between min (included) and max (included)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 2.6.0


    • @public

function bigInt64Array

bigInt64Array: (
constraints?: BigIntArrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<BigInt64Array>;
  • For BigInt64Array


    Since 3.0.0


    • @public

function bigIntN

bigIntN: (n: number) => Arbitrary<bigint>;
  • For signed bigint of n bits

    Generated values will be between -2^(n-1) (included) and 2^(n-1) (excluded)

    Parameter n

    Maximal number of bits of the generated bigint


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public


    Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: -2n**(n-1n), max: 2n**(n-1n)-1n }) instead

function bigUint

bigUint: {
(): Arbitrary<bigint>;
(max: bigint): Arbitrary<bigint>;
(constraints: BigUintConstraints): Arbitrary<bigint>;
  • For positive bigint


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public


    Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n }) instead

  • For positive bigint between 0 (included) and max (included)

    Parameter max

    Upper bound for the generated bigint


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public


    Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max }) instead

  • For positive bigint between 0 (included) and max (included)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 2.6.0


    • @public


    Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max }) instead

function bigUint64Array

bigUint64Array: (
constraints?: BigIntArrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<BigUint64Array>;
  • For BigUint64Array


    Since 3.0.0


    • @public

function bigUintN

bigUintN: (n: number) => Arbitrary<bigint>;
  • For unsigned bigint of n bits

    Generated values will be between 0 (included) and 2^n (excluded)

    Parameter n

    Maximal number of bits of the generated bigint


    Since 1.9.0


    • @public


    Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max: 2n**n-1n }) instead

function boolean

boolean: () => Arbitrary<boolean>;
  • For boolean values - true or false


    Since 0.0.6


    • @public

function char

char: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single printable ascii characters - char code between 0x20 (included) and 0x7e (included)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

function char16bits

char16bits: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single characters - all values in 0x0000-0xffff can be generated


    Some generated characters might appear invalid regarding UCS-2 and UTF-16 encoding. Indeed values within 0xd800 and 0xdfff constitute surrogate pair characters and are illegal without their paired character.


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

function check

check: {
<Ts>(property: IAsyncProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): Promise<
<Ts>(property: IProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): RunDetails<Ts>;
<Ts>(property: IRawProperty<Ts, boolean>, params?: Parameters<Ts>):
| RunDetails<Ts>
| Promise<RunDetails<Ts>>;
  • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

    WARNING: Has to be awaited

    Parameter property

    Asynchronous property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Test status and other useful details


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public
  • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

    Parameter property

    Synchronous property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Test status and other useful details


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public
  • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

    WARNING: Has to be awaited if the property is asynchronous

    Parameter property

    Property to be checked

    Parameter params

    Optional parameters to customize the execution


    Test status and other useful details


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

function clone

clone: <T, N extends number>(
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
numValues: N
) => Arbitrary<CloneValue<T, N>>;
  • Clone the values generated by arb in order to produce fully equal values (might not be equal in terms of === or ==)

    Parameter arb

    Source arbitrary

    Parameter numValues

    Number of values to produce


    Since 2.5.0


    • @public

function cloneIfNeeded

cloneIfNeeded: <T>(instance: T) => T;
  • Clone an instance if needed


    Since 2.15.0


    • @public

function commands

commands: {
<Model extends object, Real, CheckAsync extends boolean>(
commandArbs: Arbitrary<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>[],
constraints?: CommandsContraints
): Arbitrary<Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>>;
<Model extends object, Real>(
commandArbs: Arbitrary<Command<Model, Real>>[],
constraints?: CommandsContraints
): Arbitrary<Iterable<Command<Model, Real>>>;
  • For arrays of AsyncCommand to be executed by asyncModelRun

    This implementation comes with a shrinker adapted for commands. It should shrink more efficiently than array for AsyncCommand arrays.

    Parameter commandArbs

    Arbitraries responsible to build commands

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied when generating the commands (since 1.11.0)


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public
  • For arrays of Command to be executed by modelRun

    This implementation comes with a shrinker adapted for commands. It should shrink more efficiently than array for Command arrays.

    Parameter commandArbs

    Arbitraries responsible to build commands

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied when generating the commands (since 1.11.0)


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public

function compareBooleanFunc

compareBooleanFunc: <T>() => Arbitrary<(a: T, b: T) => boolean>;
  • For comparison boolean functions

    A comparison boolean function returns: - true whenever a < b - false otherwise (ie. a = b or a > b)


    Since 1.6.0


    • @public

function compareFunc

compareFunc: <T>() => Arbitrary<(a: T, b: T) => number>;
  • For comparison functions

    A comparison function returns: - negative value whenever a < b - positive value whenever a > b - zero whenever a and b are equivalent

    Comparison functions are transitive: a < b and b < c => a < c

    They also satisfy: a < b <=> b > a and a = b <=> b = a


    Since 1.6.0


    • @public

function configureGlobal

configureGlobal: (parameters: GlobalParameters) => void;
  • Define global parameters that will be used by all the runners

    Parameter parameters

    Global parameters


    Since 1.18.0

    Example 1

    fc.configureGlobal({ numRuns: 10 });
    fc.nat(), fc.nat(),
    (a, b) => a + b === b + a
    ), { seed: 42 }
    ) // equivalent to { numRuns: 10, seed: 42 }


    • @public

function constant

constant: <T>(value: T) => Arbitrary<T>;
  • For value

    Parameter value

    The value to produce


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function constantFrom

constantFrom: {
<T = never>(...values: T[]): Arbitrary<T>;
<TArgs extends any[] | [any]>(...values: TArgs): Arbitrary<TArgs[number]>;
  • For one ...values values - all equiprobable

    **WARNING**: It expects at least one value, otherwise it should throw

    Parameter values

    Constant values to be produced (all values shrink to the first one)


    Since 0.0.12


    • @public

function context

context: () => Arbitrary<ContextValue>;
  • Produce a ContextValue instance


    Since 1.8.0


    • @public

function createDepthIdentifier

createDepthIdentifier: () => DepthIdentifier;
  • Create a new and unique instance of DepthIdentifier that can be shared across multiple arbitraries if needed


    • @public

function date

date: (constraints?: DateConstraints) => Arbitrary<Date>;
  • For date between constraints.min or new Date(-8640000000000000) (included) and constraints.max or new Date(8640000000000000) (included)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 1.17.0


    • @public

function defaultReportMessage

defaultReportMessage: {
<Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts> & { failed: false }): undefined;
| (RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> & { failed: true })
| (RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> & { failed: true })
| (RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> & { failed: true })
): string;
<Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts>): string;
  • Format output of check using the default error reporting of assert

    Produce a string containing the formated error in case of failed run, undefined otherwise.


    Since 1.25.0


    • @public

function dictionary

dictionary: <T>(
keyArb: Arbitrary<string>,
valueArb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints?: DictionaryConstraints
) => Arbitrary<Record<string, T>>;
  • For dictionaries with keys produced by keyArb and values from valueArb

    Parameter keyArb

    Arbitrary used to generate the keys of the object

    Parameter valueArb

    Arbitrary used to generate the values of the object


    Since 1.0.0


    • @public

function domain

domain: (constraints?: DomainConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For domains having an extension with at least two lowercase characters

    According to RFC 1034, RFC 1035, RFC 1123 and WHATWG URL Standard

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function double

double: (constraints?: DoubleConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
  • For 64-bit floating point numbers: - sign: 1 bit - significand: 52 bits - exponent: 11 bits

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.8.0)


    Since 0.0.6


    • @public

function emailAddress

emailAddress: (constraints?: EmailAddressConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For email address

    According to RFC 2821, RFC 3696 and RFC 5322

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function falsy

falsy: <TConstraints extends FalsyContraints>(
constraints?: TConstraints
) => Arbitrary<FalsyValue<TConstraints>>;
  • For falsy values: - '' - 0 - NaN - false - null - undefined - 0n (whenever withBigInt: true)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 1.26.0


    • @public

function float

float: (constraints?: FloatConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
  • For 32-bit floating point numbers: - sign: 1 bit - significand: 23 bits - exponent: 8 bits

    The smallest non-zero value (in absolute value) that can be represented by such float is: 2 ** -126 * 2 ** -23. And the largest one is: 2 ** 127 * (1 + (2 ** 23 - 1) / 2 ** 23).

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.8.0)


    Since 0.0.6


    • @public

function float32Array

float32Array: (constraints?: Float32ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Float32Array>;
  • For Float32Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function float64Array

float64Array: (constraints?: Float64ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Float64Array>;
  • For Float64Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function fullUnicode

fullUnicode: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single unicode characters - any of the code points defined in the unicode standard

    WARNING: Generated values can have a length greater than 1.


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'grapheme', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) or fc.string({ unit: 'binary', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

function fullUnicodeString

fullUnicodeString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of fullUnicode

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'grapheme', ...constraints }) or fc.string({ unit: 'binary', ...constraints }) instead

function func

func: <TArgs extends any[], TOut>(
arb: Arbitrary<TOut>
) => Arbitrary<(...args: TArgs) => TOut>;
  • For pure functions

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary responsible to produce the values


    Since 1.6.0


    • @public

function gen

gen: () => Arbitrary<GeneratorValue>;
  • Generate values within the test execution itself by leveraging the strength of gen


    Since 3.8.0

    Example 1

    fc.assert(, gen => {
    const size = gen(fc.nat, {max: 10});
    const array = [];
    for (let index = 0 ; index !== size ; ++index) {
    // Here is an array!
    // Note: Prefer fc.array(fc.integer(), {maxLength: 10}) if you want to produce such array

    ⚠️ WARNING: While gen is easy to use, it may not shrink as well as tailored arbitraries based on filter or map.

    ⚠️ WARNING: Additionally it cannot run back the test properly when attempting to replay based on a seed and a path. You'll need to limit yourself to the seed and drop the path from the options if you attempt to replay something implying it. More precisely, you may keep the very first part of the path but have to drop anything after the first ":".

    ⚠️ WARNING: It also does not support custom examples.


    • @public

function getDepthContextFor

getDepthContextFor: (
contextMeta: DepthContext | DepthIdentifier | string | undefined
) => DepthContext;
  • Get back the requested DepthContext


    Since 2.25.0


    • @public

function hasAsyncToStringMethod

hasAsyncToStringMethod: <T>(
instance: T
) => instance is T & WithAsyncToStringMethod;

function hasCloneMethod

hasCloneMethod: <T>(
instance: T | WithCloneMethod<T>
) => instance is WithCloneMethod<T>;
  • Check if an instance has to be clone


    Since 2.15.0


    • @public

function hash

hash: (repr: string) => number;
  • CRC-32 based hash function

    Used internally by fast-check in func, compareFunc or even compareBooleanFunc.

    Parameter repr

    String value to be hashed


    Since 2.1.0


    • @public

function hasToStringMethod

hasToStringMethod: <T>(instance: T) => instance is T & WithToStringMethod;

function hexa

hexa: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single hexadecimal characters - 0-9 or a-f


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Prefer using fc.constantFrom(...'0123456789abcdef')

function hexaString

hexaString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of hexa

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: fc.constantFrom(...'0123456789abcdef'), ...constraints }) instead

function infiniteStream

infiniteStream: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<Stream<T>>;
  • Produce an infinite stream of values

    WARNING: Requires Object.assign

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary used to generate the values


    Since 1.8.0


    • @public

function int16Array

int16Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int16Array>;
  • For Int16Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function int32Array

int32Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int32Array>;
  • For Int32Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function int8Array

int8Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int8Array>;
  • For Int8Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function integer

integer: (constraints?: IntegerConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
  • For integers between min (included) and max (included)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.6.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function ipV4

ipV4: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For valid IP v4

    Following RFC 3986


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function ipV4Extended

ipV4Extended: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For valid IP v4 according to WhatWG

    Following WhatWG, the specification for web-browsers

    There is no equivalent for IP v6 according to the IP v6 parser


    Since 1.17.0


    • @public

function ipV6

ipV6: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For valid IP v6

    Following RFC 3986


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function json

json: (constraints?: JsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For any JSON strings

    Keys and string values rely on string

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance (since 2.5.0)


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

function jsonValue

jsonValue: (constraints?: JsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<JsonValue>;
  • For any JSON compliant values

    Keys and string values rely on string

    As JSON.parse preserves -0, jsonValue can also have -0 as a value. jsonValue must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a JSON.parse on a given string.

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance


    Since 2.20.0


    • @public

function letrec

letrec: {
builder: T extends Record<string, unknown> ? LetrecTypedBuilder<T> : never
): LetrecValue<T>;
<T>(builder: LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T>): LetrecValue<T>;
  • For mutually recursive types

    Parameter builder

    Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through tie)


    Since 1.16.0

    Example 1

    type Leaf = number;
    type Node = [Tree, Tree];
    type Tree = Node | Leaf;
    const { tree } = fc.letrec<{ tree: Tree, node: Node, leaf: Leaf }>(tie => ({
    tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
    node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
    leaf: fc.nat()
    // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
    // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)


    • @public
  • For mutually recursive types

    Parameter builder

    Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through tie)


    Since 1.16.0

    Example 1

    const { tree } = fc.letrec(tie => ({
    tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
    node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
    leaf: fc.nat()
    // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
    // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)


    • @public

function limitShrink

limitShrink: <T>(arbitrary: Arbitrary<T>, maxShrinks: number) => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Create another Arbitrary with a limited (or capped) number of shrink values

    Parameter arbitrary

    Instance of arbitrary responsible to generate and shrink values

    Parameter maxShrinks

    Maximal number of shrunk values that can be pulled from the resulting arbitrary


    Create another arbitrary with limited number of shrink values


    Since 3.20.0

    Example 1

    const dataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = ...;
    const limitedShrinkableDataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = fc.limitShrink(dataGenerator, 10);
    // up to 10 shrunk values could be extracted from the resulting arbitrary

    NOTE: Although limiting the shrinking capabilities can speed up your CI when failures occur, we do not recommend this approach. Instead, if you want to reduce the shrinking time for automated jobs or local runs, consider using endOnFailure or interruptAfterTimeLimit.


    • @public

function lorem

lorem: (constraints?: LoremConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For lorem ipsum string of words or sentences with maximal number of words or sentences

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied onto the generated value (since 2.5.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function mapToConstant

mapToConstant: <T>(
...entries: { num: number; build: (idInGroup: number) => T }[]
) => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Generate non-contiguous ranges of values by mapping integer values to constant

    Parameter options

    Builders to be called to generate the values


    Since 1.14.0

    Example 1

    // generate alphanumeric values (a-z0-9)
    { num: 26, build: v => String.fromCharCode(v + 0x61) },
    { num: 10, build: v => String.fromCharCode(v + 0x30) },


    • @public

function maxSafeInteger

maxSafeInteger: () => Arbitrary<number>;
  • For integers between Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER (included) and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (included)


    Since 1.11.0


    • @public

function maxSafeNat

maxSafeNat: () => Arbitrary<number>;
  • For positive integers between 0 (included) and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (included)


    Since 1.11.0


    • @public

function memo

memo: <T>(builder: (maxDepth: number) => Arbitrary<T>) => Memo<T>;
  • For mutually recursive types

    Parameter builder

    Arbitrary builder taken the maximal depth allowed as input (parameter n)


    Since 1.16.0

    Example 1

    // tree is 1 / 3 of node, 2 / 3 of leaf
    const tree: fc.Memo<Tree> = fc.memo(n => fc.oneof(node(n), leaf(), leaf()));
    const node: fc.Memo<Tree> = fc.memo(n => {
    if (n <= 1) return fc.record({ left: leaf(), right: leaf() });
    return fc.record({ left: tree(), right: tree() }); // tree() is equivalent to tree(n-1)
    const leaf = fc.nat;


    • @public

function mixedCase

mixedCase: (
stringArb: Arbitrary<string>,
constraints?: MixedCaseConstraints
) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • Randomly switch the case of characters generated by stringArb (upper/lower)

    WARNING: Require bigint support. Under-the-hood the arbitrary relies on bigint to compute the flags that should be toggled or not.

    Parameter stringArb

    Arbitrary able to build string values

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied when computing upper/lower case version


    Since 1.17.0


    • @public

function modelRun

modelRun: <Model extends object, Real, InitialModel extends Model>(
s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
cmds: Iterable<Command<Model, Real>>
) => void;
  • Run synchronous commands over a Model and the Real system

    Throw in case of inconsistency

    Parameter s

    Initial state provider

    Parameter cmds

    Synchronous commands to be executed


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public

function nat

nat: {
(): Arbitrary<number>;
(max: number): Arbitrary<number>;
(constraints: NatConstraints): Arbitrary<number>;
  • For positive integers between 0 (included) and 2147483647 (included)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public
  • For positive integers between 0 (included) and max (included)

    Parameter max

    Upper bound for the generated integers


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public
  • For positive integers between 0 (included) and max (included)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 2.6.0


    • @public

function noBias

noBias: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Build an arbitrary without any bias.

    Parameter arb

    The original arbitrary used for generating values. This arbitrary remains unchanged.


    Since 3.20.0


    • @public

function noShrink

noShrink: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Build an arbitrary without shrinking capabilities.

    NOTE: In most cases, users should avoid disabling shrinking capabilities. If the concern is the shrinking process taking too long or being unnecessary in CI environments, consider using alternatives like endOnFailure or interruptAfterTimeLimit instead.

    Parameter arb

    The original arbitrary used for generating values. This arbitrary remains unchanged, but its shrinking capabilities will not be included in the new arbitrary.


    Since 3.20.0


    • @public

function object

object: {
(): Arbitrary<Record<string, unknown>>;
(constraints: ObjectConstraints): Arbitrary<Record<string, unknown>>;
  • For any objects

    You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated


    Since 0.0.7

    Example 1

    {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


    • @public
  • For any objects following the constraints defined by settings

    You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 0.0.7

    Example 1

    {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


    • @public

function oneof

oneof: {
<Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]>(...arbs: Ts): Arbitrary<
<Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]>(
constraints: OneOfConstraints,
...arbs: Ts
): Arbitrary<OneOfValue<Ts>>;
  • For one of the values generated by ...arbs - with all ...arbs equiprobable

    **WARNING**: It expects at least one arbitrary

    Parameter arbs

    Arbitraries that might be called to produce a value


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public
  • For one of the values generated by ...arbs - with all ...arbs equiprobable

    **WARNING**: It expects at least one arbitrary

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied when generating the values

    Parameter arbs

    Arbitraries that might be called to produce a value


    Since 2.14.0


    • @public

function option

option: <T, TNil = null>(
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints?: OptionConstraints<TNil>
) => Arbitrary<T | TNil>;
  • For either nil or a value coming from arb with custom frequency

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary that will be called to generate a non nil value

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints on the option(since 1.17.0)


    Since 0.0.6


    • @public

function pre

pre: (expectTruthy: boolean) => asserts expectTruthy;
  • Add pre-condition checks inside a property execution

    Parameter expectTruthy

    cancel the run whenever this value is falsy


    Since 1.3.0


    • @public

function property

property: <Ts extends [unknown, ...unknown[]]>(
...args: [
...arbitraries: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> },
predicate: (...args: Ts) => boolean | void
) => IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
  • Instantiate a new fast-check#IProperty

    Parameter predicate

    Assess the success of the property. Would be considered falsy if it throws or if its output evaluates to false


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function readConfigureGlobal

readConfigureGlobal: () => GlobalParameters;
  • Read global parameters that will be used by runners


    Since 1.18.0


    • @public

function record

record: {
<T>(recordModel: { [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]> }): Arbitrary<{
[K in keyof T]: T[K];
<T, TConstraints extends RecordConstraints<keyof T>>(
recordModel: { [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]> },
constraints: TConstraints
): Arbitrary<RecordValue<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] }, TConstraints>>;
  • For records following the recordModel schema

    Parameter recordModel

    Schema of the record


    Since 0.0.12

    Example 1

    record({ x: someArbitraryInt, y: someArbitraryInt }): Arbitrary<{x:number,y:number}>
    // merge two integer arbitraries to produce a {x, y} record


    • @public
  • For records following the recordModel schema

    Parameter recordModel

    Schema of the record

    Parameter constraints

    Contraints on the generated record


    Since 0.0.12

    Example 1

    record({ x: someArbitraryInt, y: someArbitraryInt }, {withDeletedKeys: true}): Arbitrary<{x?:number,y?:number}>
    // merge two integer arbitraries to produce a {x, y}, {x}, {y} or {} record


    • @public

function resetConfigureGlobal

resetConfigureGlobal: () => void;
  • Reset global parameters


    Since 1.18.0


    • @public

function sample

sample: <Ts>(
generator: IRawProperty<Ts> | Arbitrary<Ts>,
params?: Parameters<Ts> | number
) => Ts[];
  • Generate an array containing all the values that would have been generated during assert or check

    Parameter generator

    IProperty or Arbitrary to extract the values from

    Parameter params

    Integer representing the number of values to generate or Parameters as in assert


    Since 0.0.6

    Example 1

    fc.sample(fc.nat(), 10); // extract 10 values from fc.nat() Arbitrary
    fc.sample(fc.nat(), {seed: 42}); // extract values from fc.nat() as if we were running fc.assert with seed=42


    • @public

function scheduledModelRun

scheduledModelRun: <
Model extends object,
CheckAsync extends boolean,
InitialModel extends Model
scheduler: Scheduler,
s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real> | ModelRunAsyncSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
cmds: Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>
) => Promise<void>;
  • Run asynchronous and scheduled commands over a Model and the Real system

    Throw in case of inconsistency

    Parameter scheduler


    Parameter s

    Initial state provider

    Parameter cmds

    Asynchronous commands to be executed


    Since 1.24.0


    • @public

function scheduler

scheduler: <TMetaData = unknown>(
constraints?: SchedulerConstraints
) => Arbitrary<Scheduler<TMetaData>>;
  • For scheduler of promises


    Since 1.20.0


    • @public

function schedulerFor

schedulerFor: {
<TMetaData = unknown>(constraints?: SchedulerConstraints): (
_strs: TemplateStringsArray,
...ordering: number[]
) => Scheduler<TMetaData>;
<TMetaData = unknown>(
customOrdering: number[],
constraints?: SchedulerConstraints
): Scheduler<TMetaData>;
  • For custom scheduler with predefined resolution order

    Ordering is defined by using a template string like the one generated in case of failure of a scheduler

    It may be something like:


    Since 1.25.0

    Example 1

    -> [task\${2}] promise pending
    -> [task\${3}] promise pending
    -> [task\${1}] promise pending

    Or more generally:

    This scheduler will resolve task ${2} first
    followed by ${3} and only then task ${1}

    WARNING: Custom scheduler will neither check that all the referred promises have been scheduled nor that they resolved with the same status and value.

    WARNING: If one the promises is wrongly defined it will fail - for instance asking to resolve 5 while 5 does not exist.


    • @public
  • For custom scheduler with predefined resolution order

    WARNING: Custom scheduler will not check that all the referred promises have been scheduled.

    WARNING: If one the promises is wrongly defined it will fail - for instance asking to resolve 5 while 5 does not exist.

    Parameter customOrdering

    Array defining in which order the promises will be resolved. Id of the promises start at 1. 1 means first scheduled promise, 2 second scheduled promise and so on.


    Since 1.25.0


    • @public

function shuffledSubarray

shuffledSubarray: <T>(
originalArray: T[],
constraints?: ShuffledSubarrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
  • For subarrays of originalArray

    Parameter originalArray

    Original array

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public

function sparseArray

sparseArray: <T>(
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints?: SparseArrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
  • For sparse arrays of values coming from arb

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the sparse array

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 2.13.0


    • @public

function statistics

statistics: <Ts>(
generator: IRawProperty<Ts> | Arbitrary<Ts>,
classify: (v: Ts) => string | string[],
params?: Parameters<Ts> | number
) => void;
  • Gather useful statistics concerning generated values

    Print the result in console.log or params.logger (if defined)

    Parameter generator

    IProperty or Arbitrary to extract the values from

    Parameter classify

    Classifier function that can classify the generated value in zero, one or more categories (with free labels)

    Parameter params

    Integer representing the number of values to generate or Parameters as in assert


    Since 0.0.6

    Example 1

    v => v < 100 ? 'Less than 100' : 'More or equal to 100',
    {numRuns: 1000, logger: console.log});
    // Classify 1000 values generated by fc.nat(999) into two categories:
    // - Less than 100
    // - More or equal to 100
    // The output will be sent line by line to the logger


    • @public

function stream

stream: <T>(g: IterableIterator<T>) => Stream<T>;
  • Create a Stream based on g

    Parameter g

    Underlying data of the Stream


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

function string

string: (constraints?: StringConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of char

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function string16bits

string16bits: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of char16bits

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, ...constraints }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

function stringify

stringify: <Ts>(value: Ts) => string;
  • Convert any value to its fast-check string representation

    Parameter value

    Value to be converted into a string


    Since 1.15.0


    • @public

function stringMatching

stringMatching: (
regex: RegExp,
constraints?: StringMatchingConstraints
) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings matching the provided regex

    Parameter regex

    Arbitrary able to generate random strings (possibly multiple characters)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 3.10.0


    • @public

function stringOf

stringOf: (
charArb: Arbitrary<string>,
constraints?: StringSharedConstraints
) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings using the characters produced by charArb

    Parameter charArb

    Arbitrary able to generate random strings (possibly multiple characters)

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 1.1.3


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: charArb, ...constraints }) instead

function subarray

subarray: <T>(
originalArray: T[],
constraints?: SubarrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
  • For subarrays of originalArray (keeps ordering)

    Parameter originalArray

    Original array

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 1.5.0


    • @public

function tuple

tuple: <Ts extends unknown[]>(
...arbs: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> }
) => Arbitrary<Ts>;
  • For tuples produced using the provided arbs

    Parameter arbs

    Ordered list of arbitraries


    Since 0.0.1


    • @public

function uint16Array

uint16Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint16Array>;
  • For Uint16Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function uint32Array

uint32Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint32Array>;
  • For Uint32Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function uint8Array

uint8Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint8Array>;
  • For Uint8Array


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function uint8ClampedArray

uint8ClampedArray: (
constraints?: IntArrayConstraints
) => Arbitrary<Uint8ClampedArray>;
  • For Uint8ClampedArray


    Since 2.9.0


    • @public

function ulid

ulid: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For ulid

    According to ulid spec

    No mixed case, only upper case digits (0-9A-Z except for: I,L,O,U)


    Since 3.11.0


    • @public

function unicode

unicode: () => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For single unicode characters defined in the BMP plan - char code between 0x0000 (included) and 0xffff (included) and without the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff (surrogate pair characters)


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

function unicodeJson

unicodeJson: (constraints?: UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For any JSON strings with unicode support

    Keys and string values rely on unicode

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance (since 2.5.0)


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public


    Prefer using json with noUnicodeString: false, it will generate even more unicode strings: includings some having characters outside of BMP plan

function unicodeJsonValue

unicodeJsonValue: (
constraints?: UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints
) => Arbitrary<JsonValue>;
  • For any JSON compliant values with unicode support

    Keys and string values rely on unicode

    As JSON.parse preserves -0, unicodeJsonValue can also have -0 as a value. unicodeJsonValue must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a JSON.parse on a given string.

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance


    Since 2.20.0


    • @public


    Prefer using jsonValue with noUnicodeString: false, it will generate even more unicode strings: includings some having characters outside of BMP plan

function unicodeString

unicodeString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For strings of unicode

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


    Since 0.0.11


    • @public


    Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, ...constraints }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

function uniqueArray

uniqueArray: {
<T, U>(
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints?: UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U>
): Arbitrary<T[]>;
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints: UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T>
): Arbitrary<T[]>;
<T, U>(
arb: Arbitrary<T>,
constraints: UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U>
): Arbitrary<T[]>;
<T, U>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, constraints: UniqueArrayConstraints<T, U>): Arbitrary<
  • For arrays of unique values coming from arb

    Parameter arb

    Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the array

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 2.23.0


    • @public

function uuid

uuid: (constraints?: UuidConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For UUID from v1 to v5

    According to RFC 4122

    No mixed case, only lower case digits (0-9a-f)


    Since 1.17.0


    • @public

function uuidV

uuidV: (
versionNumber: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For UUID of a given version (in v1 to v15)

    According to RFC 4122 and RFC 9562 any version between 1 and 15 is valid even if only the ones from 1 to 8 have really been leveraged for now.

    No mixed case, only lower case digits (0-9a-f)


    Since 1.17.0


    • @public


    Prefer using uuid

function webAuthority

webAuthority: (constraints?: WebAuthorityConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For web authority

    According to RFC 3986 - authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function webFragments

webFragments: (constraints?: WebFragmentsConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For fragments of an URI (web included)

    According to RFC 3986

    eg.: In the url https://domain/plop?page=1#hello=1&world=2, ?hello=1&world=2 are query parameters

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function webPath

webPath: (constraints?: WebPathConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For web path

    According to RFC 3986 and WHATWG URL Standard

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 3.3.0


    • @public

function webQueryParameters

webQueryParameters: (
constraints?: WebQueryParametersConstraints
) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For query parameters of an URI (web included)

    According to RFC 3986

    eg.: In the url https://domain/plop/?hello=1&world=2, ?hello=1&world=2 are query parameters

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function webSegment

webSegment: (constraints?: WebSegmentConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For internal segment of an URI (web included)

    According to RFC 3986

    eg.: In the url, dubzzz and fast-check are segments

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public

function webUrl

webUrl: (constraints?: WebUrlConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
  • For web url

    According to RFC 3986 and WHATWG URL Standard

    Parameter constraints

    Constraints to apply when building instances


    Since 1.14.0


    • @public


class Arbitrary

abstract class Arbitrary<T> {}
  • Abstract class able to generate values on type T

    The values generated by an instance of Arbitrary can be previewed - with sample - or classified - with statistics.


    Since 0.0.7


    • @public

method canShrinkWithoutContext

abstract canShrinkWithoutContext: (value: unknown) => value is T;
  • Check if a given value could be pass to shrink without providing any context.

    In general, canShrinkWithoutContext is not designed to be called for each shrink but rather on very special cases. Its usage must be restricted to canShrinkWithoutContext or in the rare* contexts of a shrink method being called without any context. In this ill-formed case of shrink, canShrinkWithoutContext could be used or called if needed.

    *we fall in that case when fast-check is asked to shrink a value that has been provided manually by the user, in other words: a value not coming from a call to generate or a normal shrink with context.

    Parameter value

    Value to be assessed


    true if and only if the value could have been generated by this instance


    Since 3.0.0

method chain

chain: <U>(chainer: (t: T) => Arbitrary<U>) => Arbitrary<U>;
  • Create another arbitrary by mapping a value from a base Arbirary using the provided fmapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of the arbitrary generated by applying fmapper to a value

    Parameter chainer

    Chain function, to produce a new Arbitrary using a value from another Arbitrary


    New arbitrary of new type


    Since 1.2.0

    Example 1

    const arrayAndLimitArbitrary = fc.nat().chain((c: number) => fc.tuple( fc.array(fc.nat(c)), fc.constant(c)));

method filter

filter: {
<U extends T>(refinement: (t: T) => t is U): Arbitrary<U>;
(predicate: (t: T) => boolean): Arbitrary<T>;
  • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

    All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

    Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry

    Parameter refinement

    Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise


    New arbitrary filtered using predicate


    Since 1.23.0

    Example 1

    const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
    const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
    // new Arbitrary only keeps even values

  • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

    All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

    Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry

    Parameter predicate

    Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise


    New arbitrary filtered using predicate


    Since 0.0.1

    Example 1

    const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
    const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
    // new Arbitrary only keeps even values

method generate

abstract generate: (mrng: Random, biasFactor: number | undefined) => Value<T>;
  • Generate a value of type T along with its context (if any) based on the provided random number generator

    Parameter mrng

    Random number generator

    Parameter biasFactor

    If taken into account 1 value over biasFactor must be biased. Either integer value greater or equal to 2 (bias) or undefined (no bias)


    Random value of type T and its context


    Since 0.0.1 (return type changed in 3.0.0)

method map

map: <U>(
mapper: (t: T) => U,
unmapper?: (possiblyU: unknown) => T
) => Arbitrary<U>;
  • Create another arbitrary by mapping all produced values using the provided mapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of applying mapper value by value

    Parameter mapper

    Map function, to produce a new element based on an old one

    Parameter unmapper

    Optional unmap function, it will never be used except when shrinking user defined values. Must throw if value is not compatible (since 3.0.0)


    New arbitrary with mapped elements


    Since 0.0.1

    Example 1

    const rgbChannels: Arbitrary<{r:number,g:number,b:number}> = ...;
    const color: Arbitrary<string> = => `#${(ch.r*65536 + ch.g*256 + ch.b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`);
    // transform an Arbitrary producing {r,g,b} integers into an Arbitrary of '#rrggbb'

method noBias

noBias: () => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Create another Arbitrary that cannot be biased

    Parameter freq

    The biased version will be used one time over freq - if it exists


    Since 1.1.0

method noShrink

noShrink: () => Arbitrary<T>;
  • Create another Arbitrary with no shrink values


    Create another arbitrary with no shrink values


    Since 0.0.9

    Example 1

    const dataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = ...;
    const unshrinkableDataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = dataGenerator.noShrink();
    // same values no shrink

method shrink

abstract shrink: (value: T, context: unknown | undefined) => Stream<Value<T>>;
  • Shrink a value of type T, may rely on the context previously provided to shrink efficiently

    Must never be called with possibly invalid values and no context without ensuring that such call is legal by calling canShrinkWithoutContext first on the value.

    Parameter value

    The value to shrink

    Parameter context

    Its associated context (the one returned by generate) or undefined if no context but canShrinkWithoutContext(value) === true


    Stream of shrinks for value based on context (if provided)


    Since 3.0.0

class PreconditionFailure

class PreconditionFailure extends Error {}
  • Error type produced whenever a precondition fails


    Since 2.2.0


    • @public


constructor(interruptExecution?: boolean);

    property interruptExecution

    readonly interruptExecution: boolean;

      method isFailure

      static isFailure: (err: unknown) => err is PreconditionFailure;

        class Random

        class Random {}
        • Wrapper around an instance of a pure-rand's random number generator offering a simpler interface to deal with random with impure patterns


          • @public


        constructor(sourceRng: RandomGenerator);
        • Create a mutable random number generator by cloning the passed one and mutate it

          Parameter sourceRng

          Immutable random generator from pure-rand library, will not be altered (a clone will be)

        method clone

        clone: () => Random;
        • Clone the random number generator

        method getState

        getState: () => readonly number[] | undefined;
        • Extract the internal state of the internal RandomGenerator backing the current instance of Random

        method next

        next: (bits: number) => number;
        • Generate an integer having bits random bits

          Parameter bits

          Number of bits to generate

        method nextArrayInt

        nextArrayInt: (
        min: { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] },
        max: { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] }
        ) => { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] };
        • Generate a random ArrayInt between min (included) and max (included)

          Parameter min

          Minimal ArrayInt value

          Parameter max

          Maximal ArrayInt value

        method nextBigInt

        nextBigInt: (min: bigint, max: bigint) => bigint;
        • Generate a random bigint between min (included) and max (included)

          Parameter min

          Minimal bigint value

          Parameter max

          Maximal bigint value

        method nextBoolean

        nextBoolean: () => boolean;
        • Generate a random boolean

        method nextDouble

        nextDouble: () => number;
        • Generate a random floating point number between 0.0 (included) and 1.0 (excluded)

        method nextInt

        nextInt: { (): number; (min: number, max: number): number };
        • Generate a random integer (32 bits)

        • Generate a random integer between min (included) and max (included)

          Parameter min

          Minimal integer value

          Parameter max

          Maximal integer value

        class Stream

        class Stream<T> implements IterableIterator<T> {}
        • Wrapper around IterableIterator interface offering a set of helpers to deal with iterations in a simple way


          Since 0.0.7


          • @public


        constructor(g: IterableIterator<T>);
        • Create a Stream based on g

          Parameter g

          Underlying data of the Stream

        method [Symbol.iterator]

        [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<T>;

          method drop

          drop: (n: number) => Stream<T>;
          • Drop n first elements of the Stream

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter n

            Number of elements to drop


            Since 0.0.1

          method dropWhile

          dropWhile: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => Stream<T>;
          • Drop elements from the Stream while f(element) === true

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Drop condition


            Since 0.0.1

          method every

          every: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => boolean;
          • Check whether all elements of the Stream are successful for f

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Condition to check


            Since 0.0.1

          method filter

          filter: {
          <U extends T>(f: (v: T) => v is U): Stream<U>;
          (f: (v: T) => boolean): Stream<T>;
          • Filter elements of the Stream

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Elements to keep


            Since 1.23.0

          • Filter elements of the Stream

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Elements to keep


            Since 0.0.1

          method flatMap

          flatMap: <U>(f: (v: T) => IterableIterator<U>) => Stream<U>;
          • Flat map all elements of the Stream using f

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Mapper function


            Since 0.0.1

          method getNthOrLast

          getNthOrLast: (nth: number) => T | null;
          • Take the nth element of the Stream of the last (if it does not exist)

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter nth

            Position of the element to extract


            Since 0.0.12

          method has

          has: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => [boolean, T | null];
          • Check whether one of the elements of the Stream is successful for f

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Condition to check


            Since 0.0.1

          method join

          join: (...others: IterableIterator<T>[]) => Stream<T>;
          • Join others Stream to the current Stream

            WARNING: It closes the current stream and the other ones (as soon as it iterates over them)

            Parameter others

            Streams to join to the current Stream


            Since 0.0.1

          method map

          map: <U>(f: (v: T) => U) => Stream<U>;
          • Map all elements of the Stream using f

            WARNING: It closes the current stream

            Parameter f

            Mapper function


            Since 0.0.1

          method next

          next: () => IteratorResult<T>;

            method nil

            static nil: <T>() => Stream<T>;
            • Create an empty stream of T


              Since 0.0.1

            method of

            static of: <T>(...elements: T[]) => Stream<T>;
            • Create a stream of T from a variable number of elements

              Parameter elements

              Elements used to create the Stream


              Since 2.12.0

            method take

            take: (n: number) => Stream<T>;
            • Take n first elements of the Stream

              WARNING: It closes the current stream

              Parameter n

              Number of elements to take


              Since 0.0.1

            method takeWhile

            takeWhile: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => Stream<T>;
            • Take elements from the Stream while f(element) === true

              WARNING: It closes the current stream

              Parameter f

              Take condition


              Since 0.0.1

            class Value

            class Value<T> {}
            • A Value<T, TShrink = T> holds an internal value of type T and its associated context


              Since 3.0.0 (previously called NextValue in 2.15.0)


              • @public


            constructor(value_: {}, context: {}, customGetValue?: () => T);
            • Parameter value_

              Internal value of the shrinkable

              Parameter context

              Context associated to the generated value (useful for shrink)

              Parameter customGetValue

              Limited to internal usages (to ease migration to next), it will be removed on next major

            property context

            readonly context: {};
            • Context for the generated value TODO - Do we want to clone it too?



            property hasToBeCloned

            readonly hasToBeCloned: boolean;
            • State storing the result of hasCloneMethod If true the value will be cloned each time it gets accessed


              Since 2.15.0

            property value

            readonly value: {};
            • Safe value of the shrinkable Depending on hasToBeCloned it will either be value_ or a clone of it


              Since 2.15.0

            property value_

            readonly value_: {};
            • Internal value of the shrinkable


              Since 2.15.0


            interface ArrayConstraints

            interface ArrayConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on array


              Since 2.4.0


              • @public

            property depthIdentifier

            depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
            • When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.

              In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot larger than expected.

              For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.


              Since 2.25.0

            property maxLength

            maxLength?: number;
            • Upper bound of the generated array size


              Since 2.4.0

            property minLength

            minLength?: number;
            • Lower bound of the generated array size


              Since 2.4.0

            property size

            size?: SizeForArbitrary;
            • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)

              When used in conjonction with maxLength, size will be used to define the upper bound of the generated array size while maxLength will be used to define and document the general maximal length allowed for this case.


              Since 2.22.0

            interface AsyncCommand

            interface AsyncCommand<
            Model extends object,
            CheckAsync extends boolean = false
            > extends ICommand<Model, Real, Promise<void>, CheckAsync> {}
            • Interface that should be implemented in order to define an asynchronous command


              Since 1.5.0


              • @public

            interface BigIntConstraints

            interface BigIntConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on bigInt


              Since 2.6.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: bigint;
            • Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -2n, 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


              Since 2.6.0

            property min

            min?: bigint;
            • Lower bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -5n, 0n, BigInt(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER))


              Since 2.6.0

            interface BigUintConstraints

            interface BigUintConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on bigUint


              Since 2.6.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: bigint;
            • Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


              Since 2.6.0

            interface Command

            interface Command<Model extends object, Real> extends ICommand<Model, Real, void> {}
            • Interface that should be implemented in order to define a synchronous command


              Since 1.5.0


              • @public

            interface CommandsContraints

            interface CommandsContraints {}
            • Parameters for commands


              Since 2.2.0


              • @public

            property disableReplayLog

            disableReplayLog?: boolean;
            • Do not show replayPath in the output


              Since 1.11.0

            property maxCommands

            maxCommands?: number;
            • Maximal number of commands to generate per run

              You probably want to use size instead.


              Since 1.11.0

            property replayPath

            replayPath?: string;
            • Hint for replay purposes only

              Should be used in conjonction with { seed, path } of assert


              Since 1.11.0

            property size

            size?: SizeForArbitrary;
            • Define how large the generated values (number of commands) should be (at max)


              Since 2.22.0

            interface ContextValue

            interface ContextValue {}
            • Execution context attached to one predicate run


              Since 2.2.0


              • @public

            method log

            log: (data: string) => void;
            • Log execution details during a test. Very helpful when troubleshooting failures

              Parameter data

              Data to be logged into the current context


              Since 1.8.0

            method size

            size: () => number;
            • Number of logs already logged into current context


              Since 1.8.0

            interface DateConstraints

            interface DateConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on date


              Since 3.3.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: Date;
            • Upper bound of the range (included)


              Since 1.17.0

            property min

            min?: Date;
            • Lower bound of the range (included)


              Since 1.17.0

            property noInvalidDate

            noInvalidDate?: boolean;
            • When set to true, no more "Invalid Date" can be generated.


              Since 3.13.0

            interface DictionaryConstraints

            interface DictionaryConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on dictionary


              Since 2.22.0


              • @public

            property depthIdentifier

            depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
            • Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.

              By default, if not specified, each instance of dictionary will have its own depth. In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.


              Since 3.15.0

            property maxKeys

            maxKeys?: number;
            • Lower bound for the number of keys defined into the generated instance


              Since 2.22.0

            property minKeys

            minKeys?: number;
            • Lower bound for the number of keys defined into the generated instance


              Since 2.22.0

            property noNullPrototype

            noNullPrototype?: boolean;
            • Do not generate objects with null prototype


              Since 3.13.0

            property size

            size?: SizeForArbitrary;
            • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


              Since 2.22.0

            interface DomainConstraints

            interface DomainConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on domain


              Since 2.22.0


              • @public

            property size

            size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
            • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


              Since 2.22.0

            interface DoubleConstraints

            interface DoubleConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on double


              Since 2.6.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: number;
            • Upper bound for the generated 64-bit floats (included, see maxExcluded to exclude it)


              Since 2.8.0

            property maxExcluded

            maxExcluded?: boolean;
            • Should the upper bound (aka max) be excluded? Note: Excluding max=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY would result into having max set to Number.MAX_VALUE.


              Since 3.12.0

            property min

            min?: number;
            • Lower bound for the generated 64-bit floats (included, see minExcluded to exclude it)


              Since 2.8.0

            property minExcluded

            minExcluded?: boolean;
            • Should the lower bound (aka min) be excluded? Note: Excluding min=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY would result into having min set to -Number.MAX_VALUE.


              Since 3.12.0

            property noDefaultInfinity

            noDefaultInfinity?: boolean;
            • By default, lower and upper bounds are -infinity and +infinity. By setting noDefaultInfinity to true, you move those defaults to minimal and maximal finite values.


              Since 2.8.0

            property noInteger

            noInteger?: boolean;
            • When set to true, Number.isInteger(value) will be false for any generated value. Note: -infinity and +infinity, or NaN can stil be generated except if you rejected them via another constraint.


              Since 3.18.0

            property noNaN

            noNaN?: boolean;
            • When set to true, no more Number.NaN can be generated.


              Since 2.8.0

            interface EmailAddressConstraints

            interface EmailAddressConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on emailAddress


              Since 2.22.0


              • @public

            property size

            size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
            • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


              Since 2.22.0

            interface ExecutionTree

            interface ExecutionTree<Ts> {}
            • Summary of the execution process


              Since 1.9.0


              • @public

            property children

            children: ExecutionTree<Ts>[];
            • Values derived from this value


              Since 1.9.0

            property status

            status: ExecutionStatus;
            • Status of the property


              Since 1.9.0

            property value

            value: Ts;
            • Generated value


              Since 1.9.0

            interface FalsyContraints

            interface FalsyContraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on falsy


              Since 1.26.0


              • @public

            property withBigInt

            withBigInt?: boolean;
            • Enable falsy bigint value


              Since 1.26.0

            interface FloatConstraints

            interface FloatConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on float


              Since 2.6.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: number;
            • Upper bound for the generated 32-bit floats (included)


              Since 2.8.0

            property maxExcluded

            maxExcluded?: boolean;
            • Should the upper bound (aka max) be excluded? Note: Excluding max=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY would result into having max set to 3.4028234663852886e+38.


              Since 3.12.0

            property min

            min?: number;
            • Lower bound for the generated 32-bit floats (included)


              Since 2.8.0

            property minExcluded

            minExcluded?: boolean;
            • Should the lower bound (aka min) be excluded? Note: Excluding min=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY would result into having min set to -3.4028234663852886e+38.


              Since 3.12.0

            property noDefaultInfinity

            noDefaultInfinity?: boolean;
            • By default, lower and upper bounds are -infinity and +infinity. By setting noDefaultInfinity to true, you move those defaults to minimal and maximal finite values.


              Since 2.8.0

            property noInteger

            noInteger?: boolean;
            • When set to true, Number.isInteger(value) will be false for any generated value. Note: -infinity and +infinity, or NaN can stil be generated except if you rejected them via another constraint.


              Since 3.18.0

            property noNaN

            noNaN?: boolean;
            • When set to true, no more Number.NaN can be generated.


              Since 2.8.0

            interface IAsyncProperty

            interface IAsyncProperty<Ts> extends IRawProperty<Ts, true> {}
            • Interface for asynchronous property, see IRawProperty


              Since 1.19.0


              • @public

            interface IAsyncPropertyWithHooks

            interface IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts> extends IAsyncProperty<Ts> {}
            • Interface for asynchronous property defining hooks, see IAsyncProperty


              Since 2.2.0


              • @public

            method afterEach

            afterEach: (
            hookFunction: AsyncPropertyHookFunction
            ) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
            • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

              Parameter hookFunction

              Function to be called


              Since 1.6.0

            method beforeEach

            beforeEach: (
            hookFunction: AsyncPropertyHookFunction
            ) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
            • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

              Parameter hookFunction

              Function to be called


              Since 1.6.0

            interface ICommand

            interface ICommand<
            Model extends object,
            CheckAsync extends boolean = false
            > {}
            • Interface that should be implemented in order to define a command


              Since 1.5.0


              • @public

            method check

            check: (
            m: Readonly<Model>
            ) => CheckAsync extends false ? boolean : Promise<boolean>;
            • Check if the model is in the right state to apply the command

              WARNING: does not change the model

              Parameter m

              Model, simplified or schematic representation of real system


              Since 1.5.0

            method run

            run: (m: Model, r: Real) => RunResult;
            • Receive the non-updated model and the real or system under test. Perform the checks post-execution - Throw in case of invalid state. Update the model accordingly

              Parameter m

              Model, simplified or schematic representation of real system

              Parameter r

              Sytem under test


              Since 1.5.0

            method toString

            toString: () => string;
            • Name of the command


              Since 1.5.0

            interface IntegerConstraints

            interface IntegerConstraints {}
            • Constraints to be applied on integer


              Since 2.6.0


              • @public

            property max

            max?: number;
            • Upper bound for the generated integers (included)


              Since 2.6.0

            property min

            min?: number;
            • Lower bound for the generated integers (included)


              Since 2.6.0

            interface IProperty

            interface IProperty<Ts> extends IRawProperty<Ts, false> {}
            • Interface for synchronous property, see IRawProperty


              Since 1.19.0


              • @public

            interface IPropertyWithHooks

            interface IPropertyWithHooks<Ts> extends IProperty<Ts> {}
            • Interface for synchronous property defining hooks, see IProperty


              Since 2.2.0


              • @public

            method afterEach

            afterEach: {
            invalidHookFunction: (
            hookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction
            ) => Promise<unknown>
            ): 'afterEach expects a synchronous function but was given a function returning a Promise';
            (hookFunction: PropertyHookFunction): IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
            • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

              Parameter invalidHookFunction

              Function to be called, please provide a valid hook function


              Since 1.6.0

            • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

              Parameter hookFunction

              Function to be called


              Since 1.6.0

            method beforeEach

            beforeEach: {
            invalidHookFunction: (
            hookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction
            ) => Promise<unknown>
            ): 'beforeEach expects a synchronous function but was given a function returning a Promise';
            (hookFunction: PropertyHookFunction): IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
            • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

              Parameter invalidHookFunction

              Function to be called, please provide a valid hook function


              Since 1.6.0

            • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

              Parameter hookFunction

              Function to be called


              Since 1.6.0

            interface IRawProperty

            interface IRawProperty<Ts, IsAsync extends boolean = boolean> {}
            • Property

              A property is the combination of: - Arbitraries: how to generate the inputs for the algorithm - Predicate: how to confirm the algorithm succeeded?


              Since 1.19.0


              • @public

            property runAfterEach

            runAfterEach?: () =>
            | (IsAsync extends true ? Promise<void> : never)
            | (IsAsync extends false ? void : never);
            • Run after each hook


              Since 3.4.0

            property runBeforeEach

            runBeforeEach?: () =>
            | (IsAsync extends true ? Promise<void> : never)
            | (IsAsync extends false ? void : never);
            • Run before each hook


              Since 3.4.0

            method generate

            generate: (mrng: Random, runId?: number) => Value<Ts>;
            • Generate values of type Ts

              Parameter mrng

              Random number generator

              Parameter runId

              Id of the generation, starting at 0 - if set the generation might be biased


              Since 0.0.7 (return type changed in 3.0.0)

            method isAsync

            isAsync: () => IsAsync;
            • Is the property asynchronous?

              true in case of asynchronous property, false otherwise


              Since 0.0.7

            method run

            run: (
            v: Ts,
            dontRunHook?: boolean
            ) =>
            | (IsAsync extends true
            ? Promise<PreconditionFailure | PropertyFailure | null>
            : never)
            | (IsAsync extends false
            ? PreconditionFailure | PropertyFailure | null
            : never);
            • Check the predicate for v

              Parameter v

              Value of which we want to check the predicate

              Parameter dontRunHook

              Do not run beforeEach and afterEach hooks within run


              Since 0.0.7

            method shrink

            shrink: (value: Value<Ts>) => Stream<Value<Ts>>;
            • Shrink value of type Ts

              Parameter value

              The value to be shrunk, it can be context-less


              Since 3.0.0

            interface JsonSharedConstraints

            interface JsonSharedConstraints {}
            • Shared constraints for: - json, - jsonValue,


              Since 2.5.0


              • @public

            property depthSize

            depthSize?: DepthSize;
            • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


              Since 2.20.0

            property maxDepth

            maxDepth?: number;
            • Maximal depth allowed


              Since 2.5.0

            property noUnicodeString

            noUnicodeString?: boolean;
            • Only generate instances having keys and values made of ascii strings (when true)


              Since 3.19.0

            interface LetrecTypedTie

            interface LetrecTypedTie<T> {}
            • Strongly typed type for the tie function passed by letrec to the builder function we pass to it. You may want also want to use its loosely typed version LetrecLooselyTypedTie.


              Since 3.0.0


              • @public

            call signature

            <K extends keyof T>(key: K): Arbitrary<T[K]>;

              call signature

              (key: string): Arbitrary<unknown>;

                interface LoremConstraints

                interface LoremConstraints {}
                • Constraints to be applied on lorem


                  Since 2.5.0


                  • @public

                property maxCount

                maxCount?: number;
                • Maximal number of entities: - maximal number of words in case mode is 'words' - maximal number of sentences in case mode is 'sentences'


                  Since 2.5.0

                property mode

                mode?: 'words' | 'sentences';
                • Type of strings that should be produced by lorem: - words: multiple words - sentences: multiple sentences


                  Since 2.5.0

                property size

                size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                  Since 2.22.0

                interface MixedCaseConstraints

                interface MixedCaseConstraints {}
                • Constraints to be applied on mixedCase


                  Since 1.17.0


                  • @public

                property toggleCase

                toggleCase?: (rawChar: string) => string;
                • Transform a character to its upper and/or lower case version


                  Since 1.17.0

                property untoggleAll

                untoggleAll?: (toggledString: string) => string;
                • In order to be fully reversable (only in case you want to shrink user definable values) you should provide a function taking a string containing possibly toggled items and returning its untoggled version.

                interface NatConstraints

                interface NatConstraints {}
                • Constraints to be applied on nat


                  Since 2.6.0


                  • @public

                property max

                max?: number;
                • Upper bound for the generated postive integers (included)


                  Since 2.6.0

                interface ObjectConstraints

                interface ObjectConstraints {}

                property depthSize

                depthSize?: DepthSize;
                • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


                  Since 2.20.0

                property key

                key?: Arbitrary<string>;
                • Arbitrary for keys


                  Since 0.0.7

                property maxDepth

                maxDepth?: number;
                • Maximal depth allowed


                  Since 0.0.7

                property maxKeys

                maxKeys?: number;
                • Maximal number of keys


                  Since 1.13.0

                property size

                size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                  Since 2.22.0

                property values

                values?: Arbitrary<unknown>[];
                • Arbitrary for values


                  Since 0.0.7

                property withBigInt

                withBigInt?: boolean;
                • Also generate BigInt


                  Since 1.26.0

                property withBoxedValues

                withBoxedValues?: boolean;
                • Also generate boxed versions of values


                  Since 1.11.0

                property withDate

                withDate?: boolean;
                • Also generate Date


                  Since 2.5.0

                property withMap

                withMap?: boolean;
                • Also generate Map


                  Since 1.11.0

                property withNullPrototype

                withNullPrototype?: boolean;
                • Also generate object with null prototype


                  Since 1.23.0

                property withObjectString

                withObjectString?: boolean;
                • Also generate string representations of object instances


                  Since 1.17.0

                property withSet

                withSet?: boolean;
                • Also generate Set


                  Since 1.11.0

                property withSparseArray

                withSparseArray?: boolean;
                • Also generate sparse arrays (arrays with holes)


                  Since 2.13.0

                property withTypedArray

                withTypedArray?: boolean;
                • Also generate typed arrays in: (Uint|Int)(8|16|32)Array and Float(32|64)Array Remark: no typed arrays made of bigint


                  Since 2.9.0

                property withUnicodeString

                withUnicodeString?: boolean;
                • Replace the arbitrary of strings defaulted for key and values by one able to generate unicode strings with non-ascii characters. If you override key and/or values constraint, this flag will not apply to your override.


                  Since 3.19.0

                interface OptionConstraints

                interface OptionConstraints<TNil = null> {}
                • Constraints to be applied on option


                  Since 2.2.0


                  • @public

                property depthIdentifier

                depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                • Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.

                  By default, if not specified, each instance of option will have its own depth. In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.


                  Since 2.14.0

                property depthSize

                depthSize?: DepthSize;
                • While going deeper and deeper within a recursive structure (see letrec), this factor will be used to increase the probability to generate nil.


                  Since 2.14.0

                property freq

                freq?: number;
                • The probability to build a nil value is of 1 / freq


                  Since 1.17.0

                property maxDepth

                maxDepth?: number;
                • Maximal authorized depth. Once this depth has been reached only nil will be used.


                  Since 2.14.0

                property nil

                nil?: TNil;
                • The nil value


                  Since 1.17.0

                interface Parameters

                interface Parameters<T = void> {}
                • Customization of the parameters used to run the properties


                  Since 0.0.6


                  • @public

                property asyncReporter

                asyncReporter?: (runDetails: RunDetails<T>) => Promise<void>;
                • Replace the default reporter handling errors by a custom one

                  Reporter is responsible to throw in case of failure: default one throws whenever runDetails.failed is true. But you may want to change this behaviour in yours.

                  Only used when calling assert Cannot be defined in conjonction with reporter Not compatible with synchronous properties: runner will throw


                  Since 1.25.0

                property endOnFailure

                endOnFailure?: boolean;
                • Stop run on failure

                  It makes the run stop at the first encountered failure without shrinking.

                  When used in complement to seed and path, it replays only the minimal counterexample.


                  Since 1.11.0

                property errorWithCause

                errorWithCause?: boolean;
                • Should the thrown Error include a cause leading to the original Error?

                  In such case the original Error will disappear from the message of the Error thrown by fast-check and only appear within the cause part of it.

                  Remark: At the moment, only node (≥16.14.0) and vitest seem to properly display such errors. Others will just discard the cause at display time.

                property examples

                examples?: T[];
                • Custom values added at the beginning of generated ones

                  It enables users to come with examples they want to test at every run


                  Since 1.4.0

                property ignoreEqualValues

                ignoreEqualValues?: boolean;
                • Discard runs corresponding to already tried values.

                  WARNING: Discarded runs will not be replaced. In other words, if you ask for 100 runs and have 2 discarded runs you will only have 98 effective runs.

                  NOTE: Relies on fc.stringify to check the equality.


                  Since 2.14.0

                property interruptAfterTimeLimit

                interruptAfterTimeLimit?: number;
                • Interrupt test execution after a given time limit: disabled by default

                  NOTE: Relies on

                  NOTE: Useful to avoid having too long running processes in your CI. Replay capability (see seed, path) can still be used if needed.

                  WARNING: If the test got interrupted before any failure occured and before it reached the requested number of runs specified by numRuns it will be marked as success. Except if markInterruptAsFailure has been set to true


                  Since 1.19.0

                property markInterruptAsFailure

                markInterruptAsFailure?: boolean;
                • Mark interrupted runs as failed runs if preceded by one success or more: disabled by default Interrupted with no success at all always defaults to failure whatever the value of this flag.


                  Since 1.19.0

                property maxSkipsPerRun

                maxSkipsPerRun?: number;
                • Maximal number of skipped values per run

                  Skipped is considered globally, so this value is used to compute maxSkips = maxSkipsPerRun * numRuns. Runner will consider a run to have failed if it skipped maxSkips+1 times before having generated numRuns valid entries.

                  See pre for more details on pre-conditions


                  Since 1.3.0

                property numRuns

                numRuns?: number;
                • Number of runs before success: 100 by default


                  Since 1.0.0

                property path

                path?: string;
                • Way to replay a failing property directly with the counterexample. It can be fed with the counterexamplePath returned by the failing test (requires seed too).


                  Since 1.0.0

                property randomType

                randomType?: RandomType | ((seed: number) => RandomGenerator);
                • Random number generator: xorshift128plus by default

                  Random generator is the core element behind the generation of random values - changing it might directly impact the quality and performances of the generation of random values. It can be one of: 'mersenne', 'congruential', 'congruential32', 'xorshift128plus', 'xoroshiro128plus' Or any function able to build a RandomGenerator based on a seed

                  As required since pure-rand v6.0.0, when passing a builder for RandomGenerator, the random number generator must generate values between -0x80000000 and 0x7fffffff.


                  Since 1.6.0

                property reporter

                reporter?: (runDetails: RunDetails<T>) => void;
                • Replace the default reporter handling errors by a custom one

                  Reporter is responsible to throw in case of failure: default one throws whenever runDetails.failed is true. But you may want to change this behaviour in yours.

                  Only used when calling assert Cannot be defined in conjonction with asyncReporter


                  Since 1.25.0

                property seed

                seed?: number;
                • Initial seed of the generator: by default

                  It can be forced to replay a failed run.

                  In theory, seeds are supposed to be 32-bit integers. In case of double value, the seed will be rescaled into a valid 32-bit integer (eg.: values between 0 and 1 will be evenly spread into the range of possible seeds).


                  Since 0.0.6

                property skipAllAfterTimeLimit

                skipAllAfterTimeLimit?: number;
                • Skip all runs after a given time limit: disabled by default

                  NOTE: Relies on

                  NOTE: Useful to stop too long shrinking processes. Replay capability (see seed, path) can resume the shrinking.

                  WARNING: It skips runs. Thus test might be marked as failed. Indeed, it might not reached the requested number of successful runs.


                  Since 1.15.0

                property skipEqualValues

                skipEqualValues?: boolean;
                • Skip runs corresponding to already tried values.

                  WARNING: Discarded runs will be retried. Under the hood they are simple calls to fc.pre. In other words, if you ask for 100 runs but your generator can only generate 10 values then the property will fail as 100 runs will never be reached. Contrary to ignoreEqualValues you always have the number of runs you requested.

                  NOTE: Relies on fc.stringify to check the equality.


                  Since 2.14.0

                property timeout

                timeout?: number;
                • Maximum time in milliseconds for the predicate to answer: disabled by default

                  WARNING: Only works for async code (see asyncProperty), will not interrupt a synchronous code.


                  Since 0.0.11

                property unbiased

                unbiased?: boolean;
                • Force the use of unbiased arbitraries: biased by default


                  Since 1.1.0

                property verbose

                verbose?: boolean | VerbosityLevel;
                • Enable verbose mode: VerbosityLevel.None by default

                  Using verbose: true is equivalent to verbose: VerbosityLevel.Verbose

                  It can prove very useful to troubleshoot issues. See VerbosityLevel for more details on each level.


                  Since 1.1.0

                method logger

                logger: (v: string) => void;
                • Logger (see statistics): console.log by default


                  Since 0.0.6

                interface RunDetailsCommon

                interface RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                • Shared part between variants of RunDetails


                  Since 2.2.0


                  • @public

                property counterexample

                counterexample: Ts | null;
                • In case of failure: the counterexample contains the minimal failing case (first failure after shrinking)


                  Since 0.0.7

                property counterexamplePath

                counterexamplePath: string | null;
                • In case of failure: path to the counterexample

                  For replay purposes, it can be forced in assert, check, sample and statistics using Parameters


                  Since 1.0.0

                property error

                error: string | null;
                • In case of failure: it contains the reason of the failure


                  Since 0.0.7

                property errorInstance

                errorInstance: unknown | null;
                • In case of failure: it contains the error that has been thrown if any


                  Since 3.0.0

                property executionSummary

                executionSummary: ExecutionTree<Ts>[];
                • Execution summary of the run

                  Traces the origin of each value encountered during the test and its execution status. Can help to diagnose shrinking issues.

                  You must enable verbose with at least Verbosity.Verbose in Parameters in order to have values in it: - Verbose: Only failures - VeryVerbose: Failures, Successes and Skipped


                  Since 1.9.0

                property failed

                failed: boolean;
                • Does the property failed during the execution of check?


                  Since 0.0.7

                property failures

                failures: Ts[];
                • List all failures that have occurred during the run

                  You must enable verbose with at least Verbosity.Verbose in Parameters in order to have values in it


                  Since 1.1.0

                property interrupted

                interrupted: boolean;
                • Was the execution interrupted?


                  Since 1.19.0

                property numRuns

                numRuns: number;
                • Number of runs

                  - In case of failed property: Number of runs up to the first failure (including the failure run) - Otherwise: Number of successful executions


                  Since 1.0.0

                property numShrinks

                numShrinks: number;
                • Number of shrinks required to get to the minimal failing case (aka counterexample)


                  Since 1.0.0

                property numSkips

                numSkips: number;
                • Number of skipped entries due to failed pre-condition

                  As numRuns it only takes into account the skipped values that occured before the first failure. Refer to pre to add such pre-conditions.


                  Since 1.3.0

                property runConfiguration

                runConfiguration: Parameters<Ts>;
                • Configuration of the run

                  It includes both local parameters set on check or assert and global ones specified using configureGlobal


                  Since 1.25.0

                property seed

                seed: number;

                property verbose

                verbose: VerbosityLevel;
                • Verbosity level required by the user


                  Since 1.9.0

                interface RunDetailsFailureInterrupted

                interface RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                • Run reported as failed because it took too long and thus has been interrupted

                  Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                  Since 1.25.0


                  • @public

                property counterexample

                counterexample: null;

                  property counterexamplePath

                  counterexamplePath: null;

                    property error

                    error: null;

                      property errorInstance

                      errorInstance: null;

                        property failed

                        failed: true;

                          property interrupted

                          interrupted: true;

                            interface RunDetailsFailureProperty

                            interface RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                            • Run reported as failed because the property failed

                              Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                              Since 1.25.0


                              • @public

                            property counterexample

                            counterexample: Ts;

                              property counterexamplePath

                              counterexamplePath: string;

                                property error

                                error: string;

                                  property errorInstance

                                  errorInstance: unknown;

                                    property failed

                                    failed: true;

                                      property interrupted

                                      interrupted: boolean;

                                        interface RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips

                                        interface RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                        • Run reported as failed because too many retries have been attempted to generate valid values

                                          Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                          Since 1.25.0


                                          • @public

                                        property counterexample

                                        counterexample: null;

                                          property counterexamplePath

                                          counterexamplePath: null;

                                            property error

                                            error: null;

                                              property errorInstance

                                              errorInstance: null;

                                                property failed

                                                failed: true;

                                                  property interrupted

                                                  interrupted: false;

                                                    interface RunDetailsSuccess

                                                    interface RunDetailsSuccess<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                    • Run reported as success

                                                      Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                                      Since 1.25.0


                                                      • @public

                                                    property counterexample

                                                    counterexample: null;

                                                      property counterexamplePath

                                                      counterexamplePath: null;

                                                        property error

                                                        error: null;

                                                          property errorInstance

                                                          errorInstance: null;

                                                            property failed

                                                            failed: false;

                                                              property interrupted

                                                              interrupted: boolean;

                                                                interface Scheduler

                                                                interface Scheduler<TMetaData = unknown> {}
                                                                • Instance able to reschedule the ordering of promises for a given app


                                                                  Since 1.20.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property report

                                                                report: () => SchedulerReportItem<TMetaData>[];
                                                                • Produce an array containing all the scheduled tasks so far with their execution status. If the task has been executed, it includes a string representation of the associated output or error produced by the task if any.

                                                                  Tasks will be returned in the order they get executed by the scheduler.


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property schedule

                                                                schedule: <T>(
                                                                task: Promise<T>,
                                                                label?: string,
                                                                metadata?: TMetaData,
                                                                customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                ) => Promise<T>;
                                                                • Wrap a new task using the Scheduler


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                property scheduleFunction

                                                                scheduleFunction: <TArgs extends any[], T>(
                                                                asyncFunction: (...args: TArgs) => Promise<T>,
                                                                customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                ) => (...args: TArgs) => Promise<T>;
                                                                • Automatically wrap function output using the Scheduler


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                property waitAll

                                                                waitAll: (customAct?: SchedulerAct) => Promise<void>;
                                                                • Wait all scheduled tasks, including the ones that might be created by one of the resolved task


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                property waitFor

                                                                waitFor: <T>(
                                                                unscheduledTask: Promise<T>,
                                                                customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                ) => Promise<T>;
                                                                • Wait as many scheduled tasks as need to resolve the received Promise

                                                                  Some tests frameworks like supertest are not triggering calls to subsequent queries in a synchronous way, some are waiting an explicit call to then to trigger them (either synchronously or asynchronously)... As a consequence, none of waitOne or waitAll cannot wait for them out-of-the-box.

                                                                  This helper is responsible to wait as many scheduled tasks as needed (but the bare minimal) to get unscheduledTask resolved. Once resolved it returns its output either success or failure.

                                                                  Be aware that while this helper will wait eveything to be ready for unscheduledTask to resolve, having uncontrolled tasks triggering stuff required for unscheduledTask might be a source a uncontrollable and not reproducible randomness as those triggers cannot be handled and scheduled by fast-check.


                                                                  Since 2.24.0

                                                                property waitOne

                                                                waitOne: (customAct?: SchedulerAct) => Promise<void>;
                                                                • Wait one scheduled task to be executed


                                                                  Whenever there is no task scheduled


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                method count

                                                                count: () => number;
                                                                • Count of pending scheduled tasks


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                method scheduleSequence

                                                                scheduleSequence: (
                                                                sequenceBuilders: SchedulerSequenceItem<TMetaData>[],
                                                                customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                ) => {
                                                                done: boolean;
                                                                faulty: boolean;
                                                                task: Promise<{ done: boolean; faulty: boolean }>;
                                                                • Schedule a sequence of Promise to be executed sequencially. Items within the sequence might be interleaved by other scheduled operations.

                                                                  Please note that whenever an item from the sequence has started, the scheduler will wait until its end before moving to another scheduled task.

                                                                  A handle is returned by the function in order to monitor the state of the sequence. Sequence will be marked: - done if all the promises have been executed properly - faulty if one of the promises within the sequence throws


                                                                  Since 1.20.0

                                                                interface SchedulerConstraints

                                                                interface SchedulerConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on scheduler


                                                                  Since 2.2.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property act

                                                                act: (f: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<unknown>;
                                                                • Ensure that all scheduled tasks will be executed in the right context (for instance it can be the act of React)


                                                                  Since 1.21.0

                                                                interface SchedulerReportItem

                                                                interface SchedulerReportItem<TMetaData = unknown> {}
                                                                • Describe a task for the report produced by the scheduler


                                                                  Since 1.25.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property label

                                                                label: string;
                                                                • Label of the task


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property metadata

                                                                metadata?: TMetaData;
                                                                • Metadata linked when scheduling the task


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property outputValue

                                                                outputValue?: string;
                                                                • Stringified version of the output or error computed using fc.stringify


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property schedulingType

                                                                schedulingType: 'promise' | 'function' | 'sequence';
                                                                • How was this task scheduled? - promise: schedule - function: scheduleFunction - sequence: scheduleSequence


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property status

                                                                status: 'resolved' | 'rejected' | 'pending';
                                                                • Execution status for this task - resolved: task released by the scheduler and successful - rejected: task released by the scheduler but with errors - pending: task still pending in the scheduler, not released yet


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                property taskId

                                                                taskId: number;
                                                                • Incremental id for the task, first received task has taskId = 1


                                                                  Since 1.25.0

                                                                interface ShuffledSubarrayConstraints

                                                                interface ShuffledSubarrayConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on shuffledSubarray


                                                                  Since 2.18.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property maxLength

                                                                maxLength?: number;
                                                                • Upper bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                property minLength

                                                                minLength?: number;
                                                                • Lower bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                interface SparseArrayConstraints

                                                                interface SparseArrayConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on sparseArray


                                                                  Since 2.13.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property depthIdentifier

                                                                depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                • When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.

                                                                  In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot larger than expected.

                                                                  For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.


                                                                  Since 2.25.0

                                                                property maxLength

                                                                maxLength?: number;
                                                                • Upper bound of the generated array size (maximal size: 4294967295)


                                                                  Since 2.13.0

                                                                property maxNumElements

                                                                maxNumElements?: number;
                                                                • Upper bound of the number of non-hole elements


                                                                  Since 2.13.0

                                                                property minNumElements

                                                                minNumElements?: number;
                                                                • Lower bound of the number of non-hole elements


                                                                  Since 2.13.0

                                                                property noTrailingHole

                                                                noTrailingHole?: boolean;
                                                                • When enabled, all generated arrays will either be the empty array or end by a non-hole


                                                                  Since 2.13.0

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                interface StringSharedConstraints

                                                                interface StringSharedConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on arbitraries for strings


                                                                  Since 2.4.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property maxLength

                                                                maxLength?: number;
                                                                • Upper bound of the generated string length (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                property minLength

                                                                minLength?: number;
                                                                • Lower bound of the generated string length (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                interface SubarrayConstraints

                                                                interface SubarrayConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on subarray


                                                                  Since 2.4.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property maxLength

                                                                maxLength?: number;
                                                                • Upper bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                property minLength

                                                                minLength?: number;
                                                                • Lower bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                  Since 2.4.0

                                                                interface UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints

                                                                interface UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints {}

                                                                property depthSize

                                                                depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


                                                                  Since 2.20.0

                                                                property maxDepth

                                                                maxDepth?: number;
                                                                • Maximal depth allowed


                                                                  Since 2.5.0

                                                                interface UuidConstraints

                                                                interface UuidConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on uuid


                                                                  Since 3.21.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property version

                                                                | (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15)
                                                                | (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15)[];
                                                                • Define accepted versions in the [1-15] according to RFC 9562


                                                                  Since 3.21.0

                                                                interface WebAuthorityConstraints

                                                                interface WebAuthorityConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on webAuthority


                                                                  Since 1.14.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                property withIPv4

                                                                withIPv4?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable IPv4 in host


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                property withIPv4Extended

                                                                withIPv4Extended?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable extended IPv4 format


                                                                  Since 1.17.0

                                                                property withIPv6

                                                                withIPv6?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable IPv6 in host


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                property withPort

                                                                withPort?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable port suffix


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                property withUserInfo

                                                                withUserInfo?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable user information prefix


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                interface WebFragmentsConstraints

                                                                interface WebFragmentsConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on webFragments


                                                                  Since 2.22.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                interface WebPathConstraints

                                                                interface WebPathConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on webPath


                                                                  Since 3.3.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 3.3.0

                                                                interface WebQueryParametersConstraints

                                                                interface WebQueryParametersConstraints {}

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                interface WebSegmentConstraints

                                                                interface WebSegmentConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on webSegment


                                                                  Since 2.22.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                interface WebUrlConstraints

                                                                interface WebUrlConstraints {}
                                                                • Constraints to be applied on webUrl


                                                                  Since 1.14.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property authoritySettings

                                                                authoritySettings?: WebAuthorityConstraints;

                                                                property size

                                                                size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                  Since 2.22.0

                                                                property validSchemes

                                                                validSchemes?: string[];
                                                                • Enforce specific schemes, eg.: http, https


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                property withFragments

                                                                withFragments?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable fragments in the generated url


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                property withQueryParameters

                                                                withQueryParameters?: boolean;
                                                                • Enable query parameters in the generated url


                                                                  Since 1.14.0

                                                                interface WeightedArbitrary

                                                                interface WeightedArbitrary<T> {}
                                                                • Conjonction of a weight and an arbitrary used by oneof in order to generate values


                                                                  Since 1.18.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property arbitrary

                                                                arbitrary: Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                • Instance of Arbitrary


                                                                  Since 0.0.7

                                                                property weight

                                                                weight: number;
                                                                • Weight to be applied when selecting which arbitrary should be used


                                                                  Since 0.0.7

                                                                interface WithCloneMethod

                                                                interface WithCloneMethod<T> {}
                                                                • Object instance that should be cloned from one generation/shrink to another


                                                                  Since 2.15.0


                                                                  • @public

                                                                property [cloneMethod]

                                                                [cloneMethod]: () => T;


                                                                  enum ExecutionStatus

                                                                  enum ExecutionStatus {
                                                                  Success = 0,
                                                                  Skipped = -1,
                                                                  Failure = 1,
                                                                  • Status of the execution of the property


                                                                    Since 1.9.0


                                                                    • @public

                                                                  member Failure

                                                                  Failure = 1

                                                                    member Skipped

                                                                    Skipped = -1

                                                                      member Success

                                                                      Success = 0

                                                                        enum VerbosityLevel

                                                                        enum VerbosityLevel {
                                                                        None = 0,
                                                                        Verbose = 1,
                                                                        VeryVerbose = 2,
                                                                        • Verbosity level


                                                                          Since 1.9.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        member None

                                                                        None = 0
                                                                        • Level 0 (default)

                                                                          Minimal reporting: - minimal failing case - error log corresponding to the minimal failing case


                                                                          Since 1.9.1

                                                                        member Verbose

                                                                        Verbose = 1
                                                                        • Level 1

                                                                          Failures reporting: - same as VerbosityLevel.None - list all the failures encountered during the shrinking process


                                                                          Since 1.9.1

                                                                        member VeryVerbose

                                                                        VeryVerbose = 2
                                                                        • Level 2

                                                                          Execution flow reporting: - same as VerbosityLevel.None - all runs with their associated status displayed as a tree


                                                                          Since 1.9.1

                                                                        Type Aliases

                                                                        type AsyncPropertyHookFunction

                                                                        type AsyncPropertyHookFunction =
                                                                        | ((previousHookFunction: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction) => Promise<unknown>)
                                                                        | ((previousHookFunction: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction) => void);
                                                                        • Type of legal hook function that can be used to call beforeEach or afterEach on a IAsyncPropertyWithHooks


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type BigIntArrayConstraints

                                                                        type BigIntArrayConstraints = {
                                                                        * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        minLength?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        maxLength?: number;
                                                                        * Lower bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                        * @defaultValue smallest possible value for this type
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        min?: bigint;
                                                                        * Upper bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                        * @defaultValue highest possible value for this type
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        max?: bigint;
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on typed arrays for big int values


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type CloneValue

                                                                        type CloneValue<T, N extends number, Rest extends T[] = []> = [number] extends [N]
                                                                        ? T[]
                                                                        : Rest['length'] extends N
                                                                        ? Rest
                                                                        : CloneValue<T, N, [T, ...Rest]>;
                                                                        • Type of the value produced by clone


                                                                          Since 2.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type DepthContext

                                                                        type DepthContext = {
                                                                        * Current depth (starts at 0, continues with 1, 2...).
                                                                        * Only made of integer values superior or equal to 0.
                                                                        * Remark: Whenever altering the `depth` during a `generate`, please make sure to ALWAYS
                                                                        * reset it to its original value before you leave the `generate`. Otherwise the execution
                                                                        * will imply side-effects that will potentially impact the following runs and make replay
                                                                        * of the issue barely impossible.
                                                                        depth: number;
                                                                        • Instance of depth, can be used to alter the depth perceived by an arbitrary or to bias your own arbitraries based on the current depth


                                                                          Since 2.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type DepthIdentifier

                                                                        type DepthIdentifier = {} & DepthContext;
                                                                        • Type used to strongly type instances of depth identifier while keeping internals what they contain internally


                                                                          Since 2.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type DepthSize

                                                                        type DepthSize = RelativeSize | Size | 'max' | number | undefined;
                                                                        • Superset of Size to override the default defined for size. It can either be based on a numeric value manually selected by the user (not recommended) or rely on presets based on size (recommended).

                                                                          This size will be used to infer a bias to limit the depth, used as follow within recursive structures: While going deeper, the bias on depth will increase the probability to generate small instances.

                                                                          When used with Size, the larger the size the deeper the structure. When used with numeric values, the larger the number (floating point number &gt;= 0), the deeper the structure. +0 means extremelly biased depth meaning barely impossible to generate deep structures, while Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY means "depth has no impact".

                                                                          Using max or Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY is fully equivalent.


                                                                          Since 2.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type FalsyValue

                                                                        type FalsyValue<TConstraints extends FalsyContraints = {}> =
                                                                        | false
                                                                        | null
                                                                        | 0
                                                                        | ''
                                                                        | typeof NaN
                                                                        | undefined
                                                                        | (TConstraints extends {
                                                                        withBigInt: true;
                                                                        ? 0n
                                                                        : never);
                                                                        • Typing for values generated by falsy


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type Float32ArrayConstraints

                                                                        type Float32ArrayConstraints = {
                                                                        * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        minLength?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        maxLength?: number;
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        } & FloatConstraints;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on float32Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type Float64ArrayConstraints

                                                                        type Float64ArrayConstraints = {
                                                                        * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        minLength?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        maxLength?: number;
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        } & DoubleConstraints;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on float64Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type GeneratorValue

                                                                        type GeneratorValue = GeneratorValueFunction & GeneratorValueMethods;
                                                                        • An instance of GeneratorValue can be leveraged within predicates themselves to produce extra random values while preserving part of the shrinking capabilities on the produced values.

                                                                          It can be seen as a way to start property based testing within something looking closer from what users will think about when thinking about random in tests. But contrary to raw random, it comes with many useful strengths such as: ability to re-run the test (seeded), shrinking...


                                                                          Since 3.8.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction

                                                                        type GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction = (() => Promise<unknown>) | (() => void);
                                                                        • Type of legal hook function that can be used in the global parameter asyncBeforeEach and/or asyncAfterEach


                                                                          Since 2.3.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type GlobalParameters

                                                                        type GlobalParameters = Pick<
                                                                        Exclude<keyof Parameters<unknown>, 'path' | 'examples'>
                                                                        > & {
                                                                        * Specify a function that will be called before each execution of a property.
                                                                        * It behaves as-if you manually called `beforeEach` method on all the properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                        * The function will be used for both {@link fast-check#property} and {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}.
                                                                        * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `asyncBeforeEach`.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                        beforeEach?: GlobalPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                        * Specify a function that will be called after each execution of a property.
                                                                        * It behaves as-if you manually called `afterEach` method on all the properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                        * The function will be used for both {@link fast-check#property} and {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}.
                                                                        * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `asyncAfterEach`.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                        afterEach?: GlobalPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                        * Specify a function that will be called before each execution of an asynchronous property.
                                                                        * It behaves as-if you manually called `beforeEach` method on all the asynchronous properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                        * The function will be used only for {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}. It makes synchronous properties created by {@link fast-check#property} unable to run.
                                                                        * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `beforeEach`.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                        asyncBeforeEach?: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                        * Specify a function that will be called after each execution of an asynchronous property.
                                                                        * It behaves as-if you manually called `afterEach` method on all the asynchronous properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                        * The function will be used only for {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}. It makes synchronous properties created by {@link fast-check#property} unable to run.
                                                                        * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `afterEach`.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                        asyncAfterEach?: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                        * Define the base size to be used by arbitraries.
                                                                        * By default arbitraries not specifying any size will default to it (except in some cases when used defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified is true).
                                                                        * For some arbitraries users will want to override the default and either define another size relative to this one,
                                                                        * or a fixed one.
                                                                        * @defaultValue `"small"`
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                        baseSize?: Size;
                                                                        * When set to `true` and if the size has not been defined for this precise instance,
                                                                        * it will automatically default to `"max"` if the user specified a upper bound for the range
                                                                        * (applies to length and to depth).
                                                                        * When `false`, the size will be defaulted to `baseSize` even if the user specified
                                                                        * a upper bound for the range.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                        defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified?: boolean;
                                                                        • Type describing the global overrides


                                                                          Since 1.18.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type GlobalPropertyHookFunction

                                                                        type GlobalPropertyHookFunction = () => void;
                                                                        • Type of legal hook function that can be used in the global parameter beforeEach and/or afterEach


                                                                          Since 2.3.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type IntArrayConstraints

                                                                        type IntArrayConstraints = {
                                                                        * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        minLength?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        maxLength?: number;
                                                                        * Lower bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                        * @defaultValue smallest possible value for this type
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        min?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                        * @defaultValue highest possible value for this type
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                        max?: number;
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on typed arrays for integer values


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type JsonValue

                                                                        type JsonValue = boolean | number | string | null | JsonArray | JsonObject;
                                                                        • Typings for a Json value


                                                                          Since 2.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder

                                                                        type LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecLooselyTypedTie) => LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                        • Loosely typed type for the builder function passed to letrec. You may want also want to use its strongly typed version LetrecTypedBuilder.


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type LetrecLooselyTypedTie

                                                                        type LetrecLooselyTypedTie = (key: string) => Arbitrary<unknown>;
                                                                        • Loosely typed type for the tie function passed by letrec to the builder function we pass to it. You may want also want to use its strongly typed version LetrecTypedTie.


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type LetrecTypedBuilder

                                                                        type LetrecTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecTypedTie<T>) => LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                        • Strongly typed type for the builder function passed to letrec. You may want also want to use its loosely typed version LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder.


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type LetrecValue

                                                                        type LetrecValue<T> = {
                                                                        [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]>;
                                                                        • Type of the value produced by letrec


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type MaybeWeightedArbitrary

                                                                        type MaybeWeightedArbitrary<T> = Arbitrary<T> | WeightedArbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Either an Arbitrary<T> or a WeightedArbitrary<T>


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type Memo

                                                                        type Memo<T> = (maxDepth?: number) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Output type for memo


                                                                          Since 1.16.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type ModelRunAsyncSetup

                                                                        type ModelRunAsyncSetup<Model, Real> = () => Promise<{
                                                                        model: Model;
                                                                        real: Real;
                                                                        • Asynchronous definition of model and real


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type ModelRunSetup

                                                                        type ModelRunSetup<Model, Real> = () => {
                                                                        model: Model;
                                                                        real: Real;
                                                                        • Synchronous definition of model and real


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type OneOfConstraints

                                                                        type OneOfConstraints = {
                                                                        * When set to true, the shrinker of oneof will try to check if the first arbitrary
                                                                        * could have been used to discover an issue. It allows to shrink trees.
                                                                        * Warning: First arbitrary must be the one resulting in the smallest structures
                                                                        * for usages in deep tree-like structures.
                                                                        * @defaultValue false
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                        withCrossShrink?: boolean;
                                                                        * While going deeper and deeper within a recursive structure (see {@link letrec}),
                                                                        * this factor will be used to increase the probability to generate instances
                                                                        * of the first passed arbitrary.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                        depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                        * Maximal authorized depth.
                                                                        * Once this depth has been reached only the first arbitrary will be used.
                                                                        * @defaultValue Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                        maxDepth?: number;
                                                                        * Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.
                                                                        * By default, if not specified, each instance of oneof will have its own depth.
                                                                        * In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                        depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on oneof


                                                                          Since 2.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type OneOfValue

                                                                        type OneOfValue<Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]> = {
                                                                        [K in keyof Ts]: Ts[K] extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<infer U> ? U : never;
                                                                        • Infer the type of the Arbitrary produced by oneof given the type of the source arbitraries


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type PropertyFailure

                                                                        type PropertyFailure = {
                                                                        * The original error that has been intercepted.
                                                                        * Possibly not an instance Error as users can throw anything.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        error: unknown;
                                                                        * The error message extracted from the error
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                        errorMessage: string;
                                                                        • Represent failures of the property


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type PropertyHookFunction

                                                                        type PropertyHookFunction = (globalHookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction) => void;
                                                                        • Type of legal hook function that can be used to call beforeEach or afterEach on a IPropertyWithHooks


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type RandomType

                                                                        type RandomType =
                                                                        | 'mersenne'
                                                                        | 'congruential'
                                                                        | 'congruential32'
                                                                        | 'xorshift128plus'
                                                                        | 'xoroshiro128plus';
                                                                        • Random generators automatically recognized by the framework without having to pass a builder function


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type RecordConstraints

                                                                        type RecordConstraints<T = unknown> = (
                                                                        | {
                                                                        * List keys that should never be deleted.
                                                                        * Remark:
                                                                        * You might need to use an explicit typing in case you need to declare symbols as required (not needed when required keys are simple strings).
                                                                        * With something like `{ requiredKeys: [mySymbol1, 'a'] as [typeof mySymbol1, 'a'] }` when both `mySymbol1` and `a` are required.
                                                                        * Warning: Cannot be used in conjunction with withDeletedKeys.
                                                                        * @defaultValue Array containing all keys of recordModel
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.11.0
                                                                        requiredKeys?: T[];
                                                                        | {
                                                                        * Allow to remove keys from the generated record.
                                                                        * Warning: Cannot be used in conjunction with requiredKeys.
                                                                        * Prefer: `requiredKeys: []` over `withDeletedKeys: true`
                                                                        * @defaultValue false
                                                                        * @remarks Since 1.0.0
                                                                        * @deprecated Prefer using `requiredKeys: []` instead of `withDeletedKeys: true` as the flag will be removed in the next major
                                                                        withDeletedKeys?: boolean;
                                                                        ) & {
                                                                        * Do not generate records with null prototype
                                                                        * @defaultValue true
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.13.0
                                                                        noNullPrototype?: boolean;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on record


                                                                          Since 0.0.12


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type RecordValue

                                                                        type RecordValue<T, TConstraints = {}> = TConstraints extends {
                                                                        withDeletedKeys: boolean;
                                                                        requiredKeys: any[];
                                                                        ? never
                                                                        : TConstraints extends {
                                                                        withDeletedKeys: true;
                                                                        ? Partial<T>
                                                                        : TConstraints extends {
                                                                        requiredKeys: (infer TKeys)[];
                                                                        ? Partial<T> & Pick<T, TKeys & keyof T>
                                                                        : T;
                                                                        • Infer the type of the Arbitrary produced by record given the type of the source arbitrary and constraints to be applied


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type RunDetails

                                                                        type RunDetails<Ts> =
                                                                        | RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts>
                                                                        | RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts>
                                                                        | RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts>
                                                                        | RunDetailsSuccess<Ts>;
                                                                        • Post-run details produced by check

                                                                          A failing property can easily detected by checking the failed flag of this structure


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type SchedulerAct

                                                                        type SchedulerAct = (f: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                                                        • Function responsible to run the passed function and surround it with whatever needed. The name has been inspired from the act function coming with React.

                                                                          This wrapper function is not supposed to throw. The received function f will never throw.

                                                                          Wrapping order in the following:

                                                                          - global act defined on fc.scheduler wraps wait level one - wait act defined on s.waitX wraps local one - local act defined on s.scheduleX(...) wraps the trigger function


                                                                          Since 3.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type SchedulerSequenceItem

                                                                        type SchedulerSequenceItem<TMetaData = unknown> =
                                                                        | {
                                                                        * Builder to start the task
                                                                        * @remarks Since 1.20.0
                                                                        builder: () => Promise<any>;
                                                                        * Label
                                                                        * @remarks Since 1.20.0
                                                                        label: string;
                                                                        * Metadata to be attached into logs
                                                                        * @remarks Since 1.25.0
                                                                        metadata?: TMetaData;
                                                                        | (() => Promise<any>);
                                                                        • Define an item to be passed to scheduleSequence


                                                                          Since 1.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type Size

                                                                        type Size = 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
                                                                        • The size parameter defines how large the generated values could be.

                                                                          The default in fast-check is 'small' but it could be increased (resp. decreased) to ask arbitraries for larger (resp. smaller) values.


                                                                          Since 2.22.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type SizeForArbitrary

                                                                        type SizeForArbitrary = RelativeSize | Size | 'max' | undefined;
                                                                        • Superset of Size to override the default defined for size


                                                                          Since 2.22.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type StringConstraints

                                                                        type StringConstraints = StringSharedConstraints & {
                                                                        * A string results from the join between several unitary strings produced by the Arbitrary instance defined by `unit`.
                                                                        * The `minLength` and `maxLength` refers to the number of these units composing the string. In other words it does not have to be confound with `.length` on an instance of string.
                                                                        * A unit can either be a fully custom Arbitrary or one of the pre-defined options:
                                                                        * - `'grapheme'` - Any printable grapheme as defined by the Unicode standard. This unit includes graphemes that may:
                                                                        * - Span multiple code points (e.g., `'\u{0061}\u{0300}'`)
                                                                        * - Consist of multiple characters (e.g., `'\u{1f431}'`)
                                                                        * - Include non-European and non-ASCII characters.
                                                                        * - **Note:** Graphemes produced by this unit are designed to remain visually distinct when joined together.
                                                                        * - `'grapheme-composite'` - Any printable grapheme limited to a single code point. This option produces graphemes limited to a single code point.
                                                                        * - **Note:** Graphemes produced by this unit are designed to remain visually distinct when joined together.
                                                                        * - `'grapheme-ascii'` - Any printable ASCII character.
                                                                        * - `'binary'` - Any possible code point (except half surrogate pairs), regardless of how it may combine with subsequent code points in the produced string. This unit produces a single code point within the full Unicode range (0000-10FFFF).
                                                                        * - `'binary-ascii'` - Any possible ASCII character, including control characters. This unit produces any code point in the range 0000-00FF.
                                                                        * @defaultValue 'grapheme-ascii'
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.22.0
                                                                        | 'grapheme'
                                                                        | 'grapheme-composite'
                                                                        | 'grapheme-ascii'
                                                                        | 'binary'
                                                                        | 'binary-ascii'
                                                                        | Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on arbitrary string


                                                                          Since 3.22.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type StringMatchingConstraints

                                                                        type StringMatchingConstraints = {
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 3.10.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        • Constraints to be applied on the arbitrary stringMatching


                                                                          Since 3.10.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraints

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraints<T, U> =
                                                                        | UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U>
                                                                        | UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T>
                                                                        | UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U>;

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T> = UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                        * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        comparator: (a: T, b: T) => boolean;
                                                                        * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        selector?: undefined;
                                                                        • Constraints implying a fully custom comparison function to be applied on uniqueArray

                                                                          WARNING - Imply an extra performance cost whenever you want to generate large arrays


                                                                          Since 2.23.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U> =
                                                                        UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                        * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        comparator: (a: U, b: U) => boolean;
                                                                        * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        selector: (v: T) => U;
                                                                        • Constraints implying fully custom comparison function and selector to be applied on uniqueArray

                                                                          WARNING - Imply an extra performance cost whenever you want to generate large arrays


                                                                          Since 2.23.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended

                                                                        type UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U> = UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                        * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any):
                                                                        * - SameValue behaves like `` — {@link}
                                                                        * - SameValueZero behaves like `Set` or `Map` — {@link}
                                                                        * - IsStrictlyEqual behaves like `===` — {@link}
                                                                        * - Fully custom comparison function: it implies performance costs for large arrays
                                                                        * @defaultValue 'SameValue'
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        comparator?: 'SameValue' | 'SameValueZero' | 'IsStrictlyEqual';
                                                                        * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                        * @defaultValue (v =&gt; v)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        selector?: (v: T) => U;
                                                                        • Constraints implying known and optimized comparison function to be applied on uniqueArray


                                                                          Since 2.23.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type UniqueArraySharedConstraints

                                                                        type UniqueArraySharedConstraints = {
                                                                        * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        minLength?: number;
                                                                        * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                        * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        maxLength?: number;
                                                                        * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                        size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                        * When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth
                                                                        * attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.
                                                                        * In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large
                                                                        * then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot
                                                                        * larger than expected.
                                                                        * For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to
                                                                        * define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.
                                                                        * @remarks Since 2.25.0
                                                                        depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                        • Shared constraints to be applied on uniqueArray


                                                                          Since 2.23.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        type WithAsyncToStringMethod

                                                                        type WithAsyncToStringMethod = {
                                                                        [asyncToStringMethod]: () => Promise<string>;

                                                                        type WithToStringMethod

                                                                        type WithToStringMethod = {
                                                                        [toStringMethod]: () => string;
                                                                        • Interface to implement for toStringMethod


                                                                          Since 2.17.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                        namespace default

                                                                        module 'lib/types/fast-check-default.d.ts' {}
                                                                        • Type of module (commonjs or module)


                                                                          Since 1.22.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        variable asyncToStringMethod

                                                                        const asyncToStringMethod: Symbol;
                                                                        • Use this symbol to define a custom serializer for your instances. Serializer must be a function returning a promise of string (see WithAsyncToStringMethod).

                                                                          Please note that: 1. It will only be useful for asynchronous properties. 2. It has to return barely instantly.


                                                                          Since 2.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        variable cloneMethod

                                                                        const cloneMethod: Symbol;
                                                                        • Generated instances having a method [cloneMethod] will be automatically cloned whenever necessary

                                                                          This is pretty useful for statefull generated values. For instance, whenever you use a Stream you directly impact it. Implementing [cloneMethod] on the generated Stream would force the framework to clone it whenever it has to re-use it (mainly required for chrinking process)


                                                                          Since 1.8.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        variable toStringMethod

                                                                        const toStringMethod: Symbol;
                                                                        • Use this symbol to define a custom serializer for your instances. Serializer must be a function returning a string (see WithToStringMethod).


                                                                          Since 2.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function anything

                                                                        anything: {
                                                                        (): Arbitrary<unknown>;
                                                                        (constraints: ObjectConstraints): Arbitrary<unknown>;
                                                                        • For any type of values

                                                                          You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated


                                                                          Since 0.0.7

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          null, undefined, 42, 6.5, 'Hello', {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For any type of values following the constraints defined by settings

                                                                          You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 0.0.7

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          null, undefined, 42, 6.5, 'Hello', {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}

                                                                          Example 2

                                                                          // Using custom settings
                                                                          key: fc.char(),
                                                                          values: [fc.integer(10,20), fc.constant(42)],
                                                                          maxDepth: 2
                                                                          // Can build entries such as:
                                                                          // - 19
                                                                          // - [{"2":12,"k":15,"A":42}]
                                                                          // - {"4":[19,13,14,14,42,11,20,11],"6":42,"7":16,"L":10,"'":[20,11],"e":[42,20,42,14,13,17]}
                                                                          // - [42,42,42]...


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function array

                                                                        array: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, constraints?: ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        • For arrays of values coming from arb

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the array

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function ascii

                                                                        ascii: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single ascii characters - char code between 0x00 (included) and 0x7f (included)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'binary-ascii', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

                                                                        function asciiString

                                                                        asciiString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of ascii

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'binary-ascii', ...constraints }) instead

                                                                        function assert

                                                                        assert: {
                                                                        <Ts>(property: IAsyncProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): Promise<void>;
                                                                        <Ts>(property: IProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): void;
                                                                        property: IRawProperty<Ts, boolean>,
                                                                        params?: Parameters<Ts>
                                                                        ): void | Promise<void>;
                                                                        • Run the property, throw in case of failure

                                                                          It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

                                                                          WARNING: Has to be awaited

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Asynchronous property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • Run the property, throw in case of failure

                                                                          It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Synchronous property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • Run the property, throw in case of failure

                                                                          It can be called directly from describe/it blocks of Mocha. No meaningful results are produced in case of success.

                                                                          WARNING: Returns a promise to be awaited if the property is asynchronous

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Synchronous or asynchronous property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function asyncDefaultReportMessage

                                                                        asyncDefaultReportMessage: {
                                                                        <Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts> & { failed: false }): Promise<undefined>;
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        ): Promise<string>;
                                                                        <Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts>): Promise<string>;
                                                                        • Format output of check using the default error reporting of assert

                                                                          Produce a string containing the formated error in case of failed run, undefined otherwise.


                                                                          Since 2.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function asyncModelRun

                                                                        asyncModelRun: <
                                                                        Model extends object,
                                                                        CheckAsync extends boolean,
                                                                        InitialModel extends Model
                                                                        s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real> | ModelRunAsyncSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
                                                                        cmds: Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>
                                                                        ) => Promise<void>;
                                                                        • Run asynchronous commands over a Model and the Real system

                                                                          Throw in case of inconsistency

                                                                          Parameter s

                                                                          Initial state provider

                                                                          Parameter cmds

                                                                          Asynchronous commands to be executed


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function asyncProperty

                                                                        asyncProperty: <Ts extends [unknown, ...unknown[]]>(
                                                                        ...args: [
                                                                        ...arbitraries: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> },
                                                                        predicate: (...args: Ts) => Promise<boolean | void>
                                                                        ) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                        • Instantiate a new fast-check#IAsyncProperty

                                                                          Parameter predicate

                                                                          Assess the success of the property. Would be considered falsy if it throws or if its output evaluates to false


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function asyncStringify

                                                                        asyncStringify: <Ts>(value: Ts) => Promise<string>;
                                                                        • Convert any value to its fast-check string representation

                                                                          This asynchronous version is also able to dig into the status of Promise

                                                                          Parameter value

                                                                          Value to be converted into a string


                                                                          Since 2.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function base64

                                                                        base64: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single base64 characters - A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + or /


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Prefer using fc.constantFrom(...'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/')

                                                                        function base64String

                                                                        base64String: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For base64 strings

                                                                          A base64 string will always have a length multiple of 4 (padded with =)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function bigInt

                                                                        bigInt: {
                                                                        (): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        (min: bigint, max: bigint): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        (constraints: BigIntConstraints): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        • For bigint


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For bigint between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter min

                                                                          Lower bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -5n, 0n, BigInt(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER))

                                                                          Parameter max

                                                                          Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -2n, 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For bigint between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 2.6.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function bigInt64Array

                                                                        bigInt64Array: (
                                                                        constraints?: BigIntArrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<BigInt64Array>;
                                                                        • For BigInt64Array


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function bigIntN

                                                                        bigIntN: (n: number) => Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        • For signed bigint of n bits

                                                                          Generated values will be between -2^(n-1) (included) and 2^(n-1) (excluded)

                                                                          Parameter n

                                                                          Maximal number of bits of the generated bigint


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: -2n**(n-1n), max: 2n**(n-1n)-1n }) instead

                                                                        function bigUint

                                                                        bigUint: {
                                                                        (): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        (max: bigint): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        (constraints: BigUintConstraints): Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        • For positive bigint


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n }) instead

                                                                        • For positive bigint between 0 (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter max

                                                                          Upper bound for the generated bigint


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max }) instead

                                                                        • For positive bigint between 0 (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 2.6.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max }) instead

                                                                        function bigUint64Array

                                                                        bigUint64Array: (
                                                                        constraints?: BigIntArrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<BigUint64Array>;
                                                                        • For BigUint64Array


                                                                          Since 3.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function bigUintN

                                                                        bigUintN: (n: number) => Arbitrary<bigint>;
                                                                        • For unsigned bigint of n bits

                                                                          Generated values will be between 0 (included) and 2^n (excluded)

                                                                          Parameter n

                                                                          Maximal number of bits of the generated bigint


                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $bigInt with fc.bigInt({ min: 0n, max: 2n**n-1n }) instead

                                                                        function boolean

                                                                        boolean: () => Arbitrary<boolean>;
                                                                        • For boolean values - true or false


                                                                          Since 0.0.6


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function char

                                                                        char: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single printable ascii characters - char code between 0x20 (included) and 0x7e (included)



                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

                                                                        function char16bits

                                                                        char16bits: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single characters - all values in 0x0000-0xffff can be generated


                                                                          Some generated characters might appear invalid regarding UCS-2 and UTF-16 encoding. Indeed values within 0xd800 and 0xdfff constitute surrogate pair characters and are illegal without their paired character.


                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

                                                                        function check

                                                                        check: {
                                                                        <Ts>(property: IAsyncProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): Promise<
                                                                        <Ts>(property: IProperty<Ts>, params?: Parameters<Ts>): RunDetails<Ts>;
                                                                        <Ts>(property: IRawProperty<Ts, boolean>, params?: Parameters<Ts>):
                                                                        | RunDetails<Ts>
                                                                        | Promise<RunDetails<Ts>>;
                                                                        • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

                                                                          WARNING: Has to be awaited

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Asynchronous property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Test status and other useful details


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Synchronous property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Test status and other useful details


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • Run the property, do not throw contrary to assert

                                                                          WARNING: Has to be awaited if the property is asynchronous

                                                                          Parameter property

                                                                          Property to be checked

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Optional parameters to customize the execution


                                                                          Test status and other useful details


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function clone

                                                                        clone: <T, N extends number>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        numValues: N
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<CloneValue<T, N>>;
                                                                        • Clone the values generated by arb in order to produce fully equal values (might not be equal in terms of === or ==)

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Source arbitrary

                                                                          Parameter numValues

                                                                          Number of values to produce


                                                                          Since 2.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function cloneIfNeeded

                                                                        cloneIfNeeded: <T>(instance: T) => T;
                                                                        • Clone an instance if needed


                                                                          Since 2.15.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function commands

                                                                        commands: {
                                                                        <Model extends object, Real, CheckAsync extends boolean>(
                                                                        commandArbs: Arbitrary<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>[],
                                                                        constraints?: CommandsContraints
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>>;
                                                                        <Model extends object, Real>(
                                                                        commandArbs: Arbitrary<Command<Model, Real>>[],
                                                                        constraints?: CommandsContraints
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<Iterable<Command<Model, Real>>>;
                                                                        • For arrays of AsyncCommand to be executed by asyncModelRun

                                                                          This implementation comes with a shrinker adapted for commands. It should shrink more efficiently than array for AsyncCommand arrays.

                                                                          Parameter commandArbs

                                                                          Arbitraries responsible to build commands

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied when generating the commands (since 1.11.0)


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For arrays of Command to be executed by modelRun

                                                                          This implementation comes with a shrinker adapted for commands. It should shrink more efficiently than array for Command arrays.

                                                                          Parameter commandArbs

                                                                          Arbitraries responsible to build commands

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied when generating the commands (since 1.11.0)


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function compareBooleanFunc

                                                                        compareBooleanFunc: <T>() => Arbitrary<(a: T, b: T) => boolean>;
                                                                        • For comparison boolean functions

                                                                          A comparison boolean function returns: - true whenever a < b - false otherwise (ie. a = b or a > b)


                                                                          Since 1.6.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function compareFunc

                                                                        compareFunc: <T>() => Arbitrary<(a: T, b: T) => number>;
                                                                        • For comparison functions

                                                                          A comparison function returns: - negative value whenever a < b - positive value whenever a > b - zero whenever a and b are equivalent

                                                                          Comparison functions are transitive: a < b and b < c => a < c

                                                                          They also satisfy: a < b <=> b > a and a = b <=> b = a


                                                                          Since 1.6.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function configureGlobal

                                                                        configureGlobal: (parameters: GlobalParameters) => void;
                                                                        • Define global parameters that will be used by all the runners

                                                                          Parameter parameters

                                                                          Global parameters


                                                                          Since 1.18.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          fc.configureGlobal({ numRuns: 10 });
                                                                          fc.nat(), fc.nat(),
                                                                          (a, b) => a + b === b + a
                                                                          ), { seed: 42 }
                                                                          ) // equivalent to { numRuns: 10, seed: 42 }


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function constant

                                                                        constant: <T>(value: T) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • For value

                                                                          Parameter value

                                                                          The value to produce


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function constantFrom

                                                                        constantFrom: {
                                                                        <T = never>(...values: T[]): Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        <TArgs extends any[] | [any]>(...values: TArgs): Arbitrary<TArgs[number]>;
                                                                        • For one ...values values - all equiprobable

                                                                          **WARNING**: It expects at least one value, otherwise it should throw

                                                                          Parameter values

                                                                          Constant values to be produced (all values shrink to the first one)


                                                                          Since 0.0.12


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function context

                                                                        context: () => Arbitrary<ContextValue>;
                                                                        • Produce a ContextValue instance


                                                                          Since 1.8.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function createDepthIdentifier

                                                                        createDepthIdentifier: () => DepthIdentifier;
                                                                        • Create a new and unique instance of DepthIdentifier that can be shared across multiple arbitraries if needed


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function date

                                                                        date: (constraints?: DateConstraints) => Arbitrary<Date>;
                                                                        • For date between constraints.min or new Date(-8640000000000000) (included) and constraints.max or new Date(8640000000000000) (included)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 1.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function defaultReportMessage

                                                                        defaultReportMessage: {
                                                                        <Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts> & { failed: false }): undefined;
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        | (RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> & { failed: true })
                                                                        ): string;
                                                                        <Ts>(out: RunDetails<Ts>): string;
                                                                        • Format output of check using the default error reporting of assert

                                                                          Produce a string containing the formated error in case of failed run, undefined otherwise.


                                                                          Since 1.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function dictionary

                                                                        dictionary: <T>(
                                                                        keyArb: Arbitrary<string>,
                                                                        valueArb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints?: DictionaryConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<Record<string, T>>;
                                                                        • For dictionaries with keys produced by keyArb and values from valueArb

                                                                          Parameter keyArb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the keys of the object

                                                                          Parameter valueArb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the values of the object


                                                                          Since 1.0.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function domain

                                                                        domain: (constraints?: DomainConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For domains having an extension with at least two lowercase characters

                                                                          According to RFC 1034, RFC 1035, RFC 1123 and WHATWG URL Standard

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function double

                                                                        double: (constraints?: DoubleConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For 64-bit floating point numbers: - sign: 1 bit - significand: 52 bits - exponent: 11 bits

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.8.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.6


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function emailAddress

                                                                        emailAddress: (constraints?: EmailAddressConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For email address

                                                                          According to RFC 2821, RFC 3696 and RFC 5322

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function falsy

                                                                        falsy: <TConstraints extends FalsyContraints>(
                                                                        constraints?: TConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<FalsyValue<TConstraints>>;
                                                                        • For falsy values: - '' - 0 - NaN - false - null - undefined - 0n (whenever withBigInt: true)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 1.26.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function float

                                                                        float: (constraints?: FloatConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For 32-bit floating point numbers: - sign: 1 bit - significand: 23 bits - exponent: 8 bits

                                                                          The smallest non-zero value (in absolute value) that can be represented by such float is: 2 ** -126 * 2 ** -23. And the largest one is: 2 ** 127 * (1 + (2 ** 23 - 1) / 2 ** 23).

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.8.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.6


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function float32Array

                                                                        float32Array: (constraints?: Float32ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Float32Array>;
                                                                        • For Float32Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function float64Array

                                                                        float64Array: (constraints?: Float64ArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Float64Array>;
                                                                        • For Float64Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function fullUnicode

                                                                        fullUnicode: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single unicode characters - any of the code points defined in the unicode standard

                                                                          WARNING: Generated values can have a length greater than 1.



                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'grapheme', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) or fc.string({ unit: 'binary', minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }) instead

                                                                        function fullUnicodeString

                                                                        fullUnicodeString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of fullUnicode

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: 'grapheme', ...constraints }) or fc.string({ unit: 'binary', ...constraints }) instead

                                                                        function func

                                                                        func: <TArgs extends any[], TOut>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<TOut>
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<(...args: TArgs) => TOut>;
                                                                        • For pure functions

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary responsible to produce the values


                                                                          Since 1.6.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function gen

                                                                        gen: () => Arbitrary<GeneratorValue>;
                                                                        • Generate values within the test execution itself by leveraging the strength of gen


                                                                          Since 3.8.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                , gen => {
                                                                          const size = gen(fc.nat, {max: 10});
                                                                          const array = [];
                                                                          for (let index = 0 ; index !== size ; ++index) {
                                                                          // Here is an array!
                                                                          // Note: Prefer fc.array(fc.integer(), {maxLength: 10}) if you want to produce such array

                                                                          ⚠️ WARNING: While gen is easy to use, it may not shrink as well as tailored arbitraries based on filter or map.

                                                                          ⚠️ WARNING: Additionally it cannot run back the test properly when attempting to replay based on a seed and a path. You'll need to limit yourself to the seed and drop the path from the options if you attempt to replay something implying it. More precisely, you may keep the very first part of the path but have to drop anything after the first ":".

                                                                          ⚠️ WARNING: It also does not support custom examples.


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function getDepthContextFor

                                                                        getDepthContextFor: (
                                                                        contextMeta: DepthContext | DepthIdentifier | string | undefined
                                                                        ) => DepthContext;
                                                                        • Get back the requested DepthContext


                                                                          Since 2.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function hasAsyncToStringMethod

                                                                        hasAsyncToStringMethod: <T>(
                                                                        instance: T
                                                                        ) => instance is T & WithAsyncToStringMethod;

                                                                        function hasCloneMethod

                                                                        hasCloneMethod: <T>(
                                                                        instance: T | WithCloneMethod<T>
                                                                        ) => instance is WithCloneMethod<T>;
                                                                        • Check if an instance has to be clone


                                                                          Since 2.15.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function hash

                                                                        hash: (repr: string) => number;
                                                                        • CRC-32 based hash function

                                                                          Used internally by fast-check in func, compareFunc or even compareBooleanFunc.

                                                                          Parameter repr

                                                                          String value to be hashed


                                                                          Since 2.1.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function hasToStringMethod

                                                                        hasToStringMethod: <T>(instance: T) => instance is T & WithToStringMethod;

                                                                        function hexa

                                                                        hexa: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single hexadecimal characters - 0-9 or a-f


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Prefer using fc.constantFrom(...'0123456789abcdef')

                                                                        function hexaString

                                                                        hexaString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of hexa

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: fc.constantFrom(...'0123456789abcdef'), ...constraints }) instead

                                                                        function infiniteStream

                                                                        infiniteStream: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<Stream<T>>;
                                                                        • Produce an infinite stream of values

                                                                          WARNING: Requires Object.assign

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the values


                                                                          Since 1.8.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function int16Array

                                                                        int16Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int16Array>;
                                                                        • For Int16Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function int32Array

                                                                        int32Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int32Array>;
                                                                        • For Int32Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function int8Array

                                                                        int8Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Int8Array>;
                                                                        • For Int8Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function integer

                                                                        integer: (constraints?: IntegerConstraints) => Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For integers between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.6.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function ipV4

                                                                        ipV4: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For valid IP v4

                                                                          Following RFC 3986


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function ipV4Extended

                                                                        ipV4Extended: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For valid IP v4 according to WhatWG

                                                                          Following WhatWG, the specification for web-browsers

                                                                          There is no equivalent for IP v6 according to the IP v6 parser


                                                                          Since 1.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function ipV6

                                                                        ipV6: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For valid IP v6

                                                                          Following RFC 3986


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function json

                                                                        json: (constraints?: JsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For any JSON strings

                                                                          Keys and string values rely on string

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance (since 2.5.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function jsonValue

                                                                        jsonValue: (constraints?: JsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<JsonValue>;
                                                                        • For any JSON compliant values

                                                                          Keys and string values rely on string

                                                                          As JSON.parse preserves -0, jsonValue can also have -0 as a value. jsonValue must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a JSON.parse on a given string.

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance


                                                                          Since 2.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function letrec

                                                                        letrec: {
                                                                        builder: T extends Record<string, unknown> ? LetrecTypedBuilder<T> : never
                                                                        ): LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                        <T>(builder: LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T>): LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                        • For mutually recursive types

                                                                          Parameter builder

                                                                          Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through tie)


                                                                          Since 1.16.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          type Leaf = number;
                                                                          type Node = [Tree, Tree];
                                                                          type Tree = Node | Leaf;
                                                                          const { tree } = fc.letrec<{ tree: Tree, node: Node, leaf: Leaf }>(tie => ({
                                                                          tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
                                                                          node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
                                                                          leaf: fc.nat()
                                                                          // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
                                                                          // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For mutually recursive types

                                                                          Parameter builder

                                                                          Arbitraries builder based on themselves (through tie)


                                                                          Since 1.16.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const { tree } = fc.letrec(tie => ({
                                                                          tree: fc.oneof({depthSize: 'small'}, tie('leaf'), tie('node')),
                                                                          node: fc.tuple(tie('tree'), tie('tree')),
                                                                          leaf: fc.nat()
                                                                          // tree is 50% of node, 50% of leaf
                                                                          // the ratio goes in favor of leaves as we go deeper in the tree (thanks to depthSize)


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function limitShrink

                                                                        limitShrink: <T>(arbitrary: Arbitrary<T>, maxShrinks: number) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Create another Arbitrary with a limited (or capped) number of shrink values

                                                                          Parameter arbitrary

                                                                          Instance of arbitrary responsible to generate and shrink values

                                                                          Parameter maxShrinks

                                                                          Maximal number of shrunk values that can be pulled from the resulting arbitrary


                                                                          Create another arbitrary with limited number of shrink values


                                                                          Since 3.20.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const dataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = ...;
                                                                          const limitedShrinkableDataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = fc.limitShrink(dataGenerator, 10);
                                                                          // up to 10 shrunk values could be extracted from the resulting arbitrary

                                                                          NOTE: Although limiting the shrinking capabilities can speed up your CI when failures occur, we do not recommend this approach. Instead, if you want to reduce the shrinking time for automated jobs or local runs, consider using endOnFailure or interruptAfterTimeLimit.


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function lorem

                                                                        lorem: (constraints?: LoremConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For lorem ipsum string of words or sentences with maximal number of words or sentences

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied onto the generated value (since 2.5.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function mapToConstant

                                                                        mapToConstant: <T>(
                                                                        ...entries: { num: number; build: (idInGroup: number) => T }[]
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Generate non-contiguous ranges of values by mapping integer values to constant

                                                                          Parameter options

                                                                          Builders to be called to generate the values


                                                                          Since 1.14.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          // generate alphanumeric values (a-z0-9)
                                                                          { num: 26, build: v => String.fromCharCode(v + 0x61) },
                                                                          { num: 10, build: v => String.fromCharCode(v + 0x30) },


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function maxSafeInteger

                                                                        maxSafeInteger: () => Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For integers between Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER (included) and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (included)


                                                                          Since 1.11.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function maxSafeNat

                                                                        maxSafeNat: () => Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For positive integers between 0 (included) and Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (included)


                                                                          Since 1.11.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function memo

                                                                        memo: <T>(builder: (maxDepth: number) => Arbitrary<T>) => Memo<T>;
                                                                        • For mutually recursive types

                                                                          Parameter builder

                                                                          Arbitrary builder taken the maximal depth allowed as input (parameter n)


                                                                          Since 1.16.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          // tree is 1 / 3 of node, 2 / 3 of leaf
                                                                          const tree: fc.Memo<Tree> = fc.memo(n => fc.oneof(node(n), leaf(), leaf()));
                                                                          const node: fc.Memo<Tree> = fc.memo(n => {
                                                                          if (n <= 1) return fc.record({ left: leaf(), right: leaf() });
                                                                          return fc.record({ left: tree(), right: tree() }); // tree() is equivalent to tree(n-1)
                                                                          const leaf = fc.nat;


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function mixedCase

                                                                        mixedCase: (
                                                                        stringArb: Arbitrary<string>,
                                                                        constraints?: MixedCaseConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • Randomly switch the case of characters generated by stringArb (upper/lower)

                                                                          WARNING: Require bigint support. Under-the-hood the arbitrary relies on bigint to compute the flags that should be toggled or not.

                                                                          Parameter stringArb

                                                                          Arbitrary able to build string values

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied when computing upper/lower case version


                                                                          Since 1.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function modelRun

                                                                        modelRun: <Model extends object, Real, InitialModel extends Model>(
                                                                        s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
                                                                        cmds: Iterable<Command<Model, Real>>
                                                                        ) => void;
                                                                        • Run synchronous commands over a Model and the Real system

                                                                          Throw in case of inconsistency

                                                                          Parameter s

                                                                          Initial state provider

                                                                          Parameter cmds

                                                                          Synchronous commands to be executed


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function nat

                                                                        nat: {
                                                                        (): Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        (max: number): Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        (constraints: NatConstraints): Arbitrary<number>;
                                                                        • For positive integers between 0 (included) and 2147483647 (included)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For positive integers between 0 (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter max

                                                                          Upper bound for the generated integers


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For positive integers between 0 (included) and max (included)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 2.6.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function noBias

                                                                        noBias: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Build an arbitrary without any bias.

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          The original arbitrary used for generating values. This arbitrary remains unchanged.


                                                                          Since 3.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function noShrink

                                                                        noShrink: <T>(arb: Arbitrary<T>) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Build an arbitrary without shrinking capabilities.

                                                                          NOTE: In most cases, users should avoid disabling shrinking capabilities. If the concern is the shrinking process taking too long or being unnecessary in CI environments, consider using alternatives like endOnFailure or interruptAfterTimeLimit instead.

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          The original arbitrary used for generating values. This arbitrary remains unchanged, but its shrinking capabilities will not be included in the new arbitrary.


                                                                          Since 3.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function object

                                                                        object: {
                                                                        (): Arbitrary<Record<string, unknown>>;
                                                                        (constraints: ObjectConstraints): Arbitrary<Record<string, unknown>>;
                                                                        • For any objects

                                                                          You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated


                                                                          Since 0.0.7

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For any objects following the constraints defined by settings

                                                                          You may use sample to preview the values that will be generated

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 0.0.7

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          {}, {k: [{}, 1, 2]}


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function oneof

                                                                        oneof: {
                                                                        <Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]>(...arbs: Ts): Arbitrary<
                                                                        <Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]>(
                                                                        constraints: OneOfConstraints,
                                                                        ...arbs: Ts
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<OneOfValue<Ts>>;
                                                                        • For one of the values generated by ...arbs - with all ...arbs equiprobable

                                                                          **WARNING**: It expects at least one arbitrary

                                                                          Parameter arbs

                                                                          Arbitraries that might be called to produce a value


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For one of the values generated by ...arbs - with all ...arbs equiprobable

                                                                          **WARNING**: It expects at least one arbitrary

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied when generating the values

                                                                          Parameter arbs

                                                                          Arbitraries that might be called to produce a value


                                                                          Since 2.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function option

                                                                        option: <T, TNil = null>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints?: OptionConstraints<TNil>
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<T | TNil>;
                                                                        • For either nil or a value coming from arb with custom frequency

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary that will be called to generate a non nil value

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints on the option(since 1.17.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.6


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function pre

                                                                        pre: (expectTruthy: boolean) => asserts expectTruthy;
                                                                        • Add pre-condition checks inside a property execution

                                                                          Parameter expectTruthy

                                                                          cancel the run whenever this value is falsy


                                                                          Since 1.3.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function property

                                                                        property: <Ts extends [unknown, ...unknown[]]>(
                                                                        ...args: [
                                                                        ...arbitraries: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> },
                                                                        predicate: (...args: Ts) => boolean | void
                                                                        ) => IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                        • Instantiate a new fast-check#IProperty

                                                                          Parameter predicate

                                                                          Assess the success of the property. Would be considered falsy if it throws or if its output evaluates to false


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function readConfigureGlobal

                                                                        readConfigureGlobal: () => GlobalParameters;
                                                                        • Read global parameters that will be used by runners


                                                                          Since 1.18.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function record

                                                                        record: {
                                                                        <T>(recordModel: { [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]> }): Arbitrary<{
                                                                        [K in keyof T]: T[K];
                                                                        <T, TConstraints extends RecordConstraints<keyof T>>(
                                                                        recordModel: { [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]> },
                                                                        constraints: TConstraints
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<RecordValue<{ [K in keyof T]: T[K] }, TConstraints>>;
                                                                        • For records following the recordModel schema

                                                                          Parameter recordModel

                                                                          Schema of the record


                                                                          Since 0.0.12

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          record({ x: someArbitraryInt, y: someArbitraryInt }): Arbitrary<{x:number,y:number}>
                                                                          // merge two integer arbitraries to produce a {x, y} record


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For records following the recordModel schema

                                                                          Parameter recordModel

                                                                          Schema of the record

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Contraints on the generated record


                                                                          Since 0.0.12

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          record({ x: someArbitraryInt, y: someArbitraryInt }, {withDeletedKeys: true}): Arbitrary<{x?:number,y?:number}>
                                                                          // merge two integer arbitraries to produce a {x, y}, {x}, {y} or {} record


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function resetConfigureGlobal

                                                                        resetConfigureGlobal: () => void;
                                                                        • Reset global parameters


                                                                          Since 1.18.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function sample

                                                                        sample: <Ts>(
                                                                        generator: IRawProperty<Ts> | Arbitrary<Ts>,
                                                                        params?: Parameters<Ts> | number
                                                                        ) => Ts[];
                                                                        • Generate an array containing all the values that would have been generated during assert or check

                                                                          Parameter generator

                                                                          IProperty or Arbitrary to extract the values from

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Integer representing the number of values to generate or Parameters as in assert


                                                                          Since 0.0.6

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          fc.sample(fc.nat(), 10); // extract 10 values from fc.nat() Arbitrary
                                                                          fc.sample(fc.nat(), {seed: 42}); // extract values from fc.nat() as if we were running fc.assert with seed=42


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function scheduledModelRun

                                                                        scheduledModelRun: <
                                                                        Model extends object,
                                                                        CheckAsync extends boolean,
                                                                        InitialModel extends Model
                                                                        scheduler: Scheduler,
                                                                        s: ModelRunSetup<InitialModel, Real> | ModelRunAsyncSetup<InitialModel, Real>,
                                                                        cmds: Iterable<AsyncCommand<Model, Real, CheckAsync>>
                                                                        ) => Promise<void>;
                                                                        • Run asynchronous and scheduled commands over a Model and the Real system

                                                                          Throw in case of inconsistency

                                                                          Parameter scheduler


                                                                          Parameter s

                                                                          Initial state provider

                                                                          Parameter cmds

                                                                          Asynchronous commands to be executed


                                                                          Since 1.24.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function scheduler

                                                                        scheduler: <TMetaData = unknown>(
                                                                        constraints?: SchedulerConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<Scheduler<TMetaData>>;
                                                                        • For scheduler of promises


                                                                          Since 1.20.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function schedulerFor

                                                                        schedulerFor: {
                                                                        <TMetaData = unknown>(constraints?: SchedulerConstraints): (
                                                                        _strs: TemplateStringsArray,
                                                                        ...ordering: number[]
                                                                        ) => Scheduler<TMetaData>;
                                                                        <TMetaData = unknown>(
                                                                        customOrdering: number[],
                                                                        constraints?: SchedulerConstraints
                                                                        ): Scheduler<TMetaData>;
                                                                        • For custom scheduler with predefined resolution order

                                                                          Ordering is defined by using a template string like the one generated in case of failure of a scheduler

                                                                          It may be something like:


                                                                          Since 1.25.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          -> [task\${2}] promise pending
                                                                          -> [task\${3}] promise pending
                                                                          -> [task\${1}] promise pending

                                                                          Or more generally:

                                                                          This scheduler will resolve task ${2} first
                                                                          followed by ${3} and only then task ${1}

                                                                          WARNING: Custom scheduler will neither check that all the referred promises have been scheduled nor that they resolved with the same status and value.

                                                                          WARNING: If one the promises is wrongly defined it will fail - for instance asking to resolve 5 while 5 does not exist.


                                                                          • @public
                                                                        • For custom scheduler with predefined resolution order

                                                                          WARNING: Custom scheduler will not check that all the referred promises have been scheduled.

                                                                          WARNING: If one the promises is wrongly defined it will fail - for instance asking to resolve 5 while 5 does not exist.

                                                                          Parameter customOrdering

                                                                          Array defining in which order the promises will be resolved. Id of the promises start at 1. 1 means first scheduled promise, 2 second scheduled promise and so on.


                                                                          Since 1.25.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function shuffledSubarray

                                                                        shuffledSubarray: <T>(
                                                                        originalArray: T[],
                                                                        constraints?: ShuffledSubarrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        • For subarrays of originalArray

                                                                          Parameter originalArray

                                                                          Original array

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function sparseArray

                                                                        sparseArray: <T>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints?: SparseArrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        • For sparse arrays of values coming from arb

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the sparse array

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 2.13.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function statistics

                                                                        statistics: <Ts>(
                                                                        generator: IRawProperty<Ts> | Arbitrary<Ts>,
                                                                        classify: (v: Ts) => string | string[],
                                                                        params?: Parameters<Ts> | number
                                                                        ) => void;
                                                                        • Gather useful statistics concerning generated values

                                                                          Print the result in console.log or params.logger (if defined)

                                                                          Parameter generator

                                                                          IProperty or Arbitrary to extract the values from

                                                                          Parameter classify

                                                                          Classifier function that can classify the generated value in zero, one or more categories (with free labels)

                                                                          Parameter params

                                                                          Integer representing the number of values to generate or Parameters as in assert


                                                                          Since 0.0.6

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          v => v < 100 ? 'Less than 100' : 'More or equal to 100',
                                                                          {numRuns: 1000, logger: console.log});
                                                                          // Classify 1000 values generated by fc.nat(999) into two categories:
                                                                          // - Less than 100
                                                                          // - More or equal to 100
                                                                          // The output will be sent line by line to the logger


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function stream

                                                                        stream: <T>(g: IterableIterator<T>) => Stream<T>;
                                                                        • Create a Stream based on g

                                                                          Parameter g

                                                                          Underlying data of the Stream


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function string

                                                                        string: (constraints?: StringConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of char

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function string16bits

                                                                        string16bits: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of char16bits

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, ...constraints }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

                                                                        function stringify

                                                                        stringify: <Ts>(value: Ts) => string;
                                                                        • Convert any value to its fast-check string representation

                                                                          Parameter value

                                                                          Value to be converted into a string


                                                                          Since 1.15.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function stringMatching

                                                                        stringMatching: (
                                                                        regex: RegExp,
                                                                        constraints?: StringMatchingConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings matching the provided regex

                                                                          Parameter regex

                                                                          Arbitrary able to generate random strings (possibly multiple characters)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 3.10.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function stringOf

                                                                        stringOf: (
                                                                        charArb: Arbitrary<string>,
                                                                        constraints?: StringSharedConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings using the characters produced by charArb

                                                                          Parameter charArb

                                                                          Arbitrary able to generate random strings (possibly multiple characters)

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 1.1.3


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit: charArb, ...constraints }) instead

                                                                        function subarray

                                                                        subarray: <T>(
                                                                        originalArray: T[],
                                                                        constraints?: SubarrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        • For subarrays of originalArray (keeps ordering)

                                                                          Parameter originalArray

                                                                          Original array

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 1.5.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function tuple

                                                                        tuple: <Ts extends unknown[]>(
                                                                        ...arbs: { [K in keyof Ts]: Arbitrary<Ts[K]> }
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<Ts>;
                                                                        • For tuples produced using the provided arbs

                                                                          Parameter arbs

                                                                          Ordered list of arbitraries


                                                                          Since 0.0.1


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uint16Array

                                                                        uint16Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint16Array>;
                                                                        • For Uint16Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uint32Array

                                                                        uint32Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint32Array>;
                                                                        • For Uint32Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uint8Array

                                                                        uint8Array: (constraints?: IntArrayConstraints) => Arbitrary<Uint8Array>;
                                                                        • For Uint8Array


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uint8ClampedArray

                                                                        uint8ClampedArray: (
                                                                        constraints?: IntArrayConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<Uint8ClampedArray>;
                                                                        • For Uint8ClampedArray


                                                                          Since 2.9.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function ulid

                                                                        ulid: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For ulid

                                                                          According to ulid spec

                                                                          No mixed case, only upper case digits (0-9A-Z except for: I,L,O,U)


                                                                          Since 3.11.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function unicode

                                                                        unicode: () => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For single unicode characters defined in the BMP plan - char code between 0x0000 (included) and 0xffff (included) and without the range 0xd800 to 0xdfff (surrogate pair characters)


                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, minLength: 1, maxLength: 1 }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

                                                                        function unicodeJson

                                                                        unicodeJson: (constraints?: UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For any JSON strings with unicode support

                                                                          Keys and string values rely on unicode

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance (since 2.5.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Prefer using json with noUnicodeString: false, it will generate even more unicode strings: includings some having characters outside of BMP plan

                                                                        function unicodeJsonValue

                                                                        unicodeJsonValue: (
                                                                        constraints?: UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<JsonValue>;
                                                                        • For any JSON compliant values with unicode support

                                                                          Keys and string values rely on unicode

                                                                          As JSON.parse preserves -0, unicodeJsonValue can also have -0 as a value. unicodeJsonValue must be seen as: any value that could have been built by doing a JSON.parse on a given string.

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to be applied onto the generated instance


                                                                          Since 2.20.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Prefer using jsonValue with noUnicodeString: false, it will generate even more unicode strings: includings some having characters outside of BMP plan

                                                                        function unicodeString

                                                                        unicodeString: (constraints?: StringSharedConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For strings of unicode

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.4.0)


                                                                          Since 0.0.11


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Please use $string with fc.string({ unit, ...constraints }), utilizing one of its unit variants instead

                                                                        function uniqueArray

                                                                        uniqueArray: {
                                                                        <T, U>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints?: UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U>
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints: UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T>
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        <T, U>(
                                                                        arb: Arbitrary<T>,
                                                                        constraints: UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U>
                                                                        ): Arbitrary<T[]>;
                                                                        <T, U>(arb: Arbitrary<T>, constraints: UniqueArrayConstraints<T, U>): Arbitrary<
                                                                        • For arrays of unique values coming from arb

                                                                          Parameter arb

                                                                          Arbitrary used to generate the values inside the array

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 2.23.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uuid

                                                                        uuid: (constraints?: UuidConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For UUID from v1 to v5

                                                                          According to RFC 4122

                                                                          No mixed case, only lower case digits (0-9a-f)


                                                                          Since 1.17.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function uuidV

                                                                        uuidV: (
                                                                        versionNumber: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For UUID of a given version (in v1 to v15)

                                                                          According to RFC 4122 and RFC 9562 any version between 1 and 15 is valid even if only the ones from 1 to 8 have really been leveraged for now.

                                                                          No mixed case, only lower case digits (0-9a-f)


                                                                          Since 1.17.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                          Prefer using uuid

                                                                        function webAuthority

                                                                        webAuthority: (constraints?: WebAuthorityConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For web authority

                                                                          According to RFC 3986 - authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function webFragments

                                                                        webFragments: (constraints?: WebFragmentsConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For fragments of an URI (web included)

                                                                          According to RFC 3986

                                                                          eg.: In the url https://domain/plop?page=1#hello=1&world=2, ?hello=1&world=2 are query parameters

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function webPath

                                                                        webPath: (constraints?: WebPathConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For web path

                                                                          According to RFC 3986 and WHATWG URL Standard

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 3.3.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function webQueryParameters

                                                                        webQueryParameters: (
                                                                        constraints?: WebQueryParametersConstraints
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For query parameters of an URI (web included)

                                                                          According to RFC 3986

                                                                          eg.: In the url https://domain/plop/?hello=1&world=2, ?hello=1&world=2 are query parameters

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function webSegment

                                                                        webSegment: (constraints?: WebSegmentConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For internal segment of an URI (web included)

                                                                          According to RFC 3986

                                                                          eg.: In the url, dubzzz and fast-check are segments

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances (since 2.22.0)


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        function webUrl

                                                                        webUrl: (constraints?: WebUrlConstraints) => Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                        • For web url

                                                                          According to RFC 3986 and WHATWG URL Standard

                                                                          Parameter constraints

                                                                          Constraints to apply when building instances


                                                                          Since 1.14.0


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        class Arbitrary

                                                                        abstract class Arbitrary<T> {}
                                                                        • Abstract class able to generate values on type T

                                                                          The values generated by an instance of Arbitrary can be previewed - with sample - or classified - with statistics.


                                                                          Since 0.0.7


                                                                          • @public

                                                                        method canShrinkWithoutContext

                                                                        abstract canShrinkWithoutContext: (value: unknown) => value is T;
                                                                        • Check if a given value could be pass to shrink without providing any context.

                                                                          In general, canShrinkWithoutContext is not designed to be called for each shrink but rather on very special cases. Its usage must be restricted to canShrinkWithoutContext or in the rare* contexts of a shrink method being called without any context. In this ill-formed case of shrink, canShrinkWithoutContext could be used or called if needed.

                                                                          *we fall in that case when fast-check is asked to shrink a value that has been provided manually by the user, in other words: a value not coming from a call to generate or a normal shrink with context.

                                                                          Parameter value

                                                                          Value to be assessed


                                                                          true if and only if the value could have been generated by this instance


                                                                          Since 3.0.0

                                                                        method chain

                                                                        chain: <U>(chainer: (t: T) => Arbitrary<U>) => Arbitrary<U>;
                                                                        • Create another arbitrary by mapping a value from a base Arbirary using the provided fmapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of the arbitrary generated by applying fmapper to a value

                                                                          Parameter chainer

                                                                          Chain function, to produce a new Arbitrary using a value from another Arbitrary


                                                                          New arbitrary of new type


                                                                          Since 1.2.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const arrayAndLimitArbitrary = fc.nat().chain((c: number) => fc.tuple( fc.array(fc.nat(c)), fc.constant(c)));

                                                                        method filter

                                                                        filter: {
                                                                        <U extends T>(refinement: (t: T) => t is U): Arbitrary<U>;
                                                                        (predicate: (t: T) => boolean): Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

                                                                          All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

                                                                          Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry

                                                                          Parameter refinement

                                                                          Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise


                                                                          New arbitrary filtered using predicate


                                                                          Since 1.23.0

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
                                                                          const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
                                                                          // new Arbitrary only keeps even values

                                                                        • Create another arbitrary by filtering values against predicate

                                                                          All the values produced by the resulting arbitrary satisfy predicate(value) == true

                                                                          Be aware that using filter may highly impact the time required to generate a valid entry

                                                                          Parameter predicate

                                                                          Predicate, to test each produced element. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise


                                                                          New arbitrary filtered using predicate


                                                                          Since 0.0.1

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const integerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = ...;
                                                                          const evenIntegerGenerator: Arbitrary<number> = integerGenerator.filter(e => e % 2 === 0);
                                                                          // new Arbitrary only keeps even values

                                                                        method generate

                                                                        abstract generate: (mrng: Random, biasFactor: number | undefined) => Value<T>;
                                                                        • Generate a value of type T along with its context (if any) based on the provided random number generator

                                                                          Parameter mrng

                                                                          Random number generator

                                                                          Parameter biasFactor

                                                                          If taken into account 1 value over biasFactor must be biased. Either integer value greater or equal to 2 (bias) or undefined (no bias)


                                                                          Random value of type T and its context


                                                                          Since 0.0.1 (return type changed in 3.0.0)

                                                                        method map

                                                                        map: <U>(
                                                                        mapper: (t: T) => U,
                                                                        unmapper?: (possiblyU: unknown) => T
                                                                        ) => Arbitrary<U>;
                                                                        • Create another arbitrary by mapping all produced values using the provided mapper Values produced by the new arbitrary are the result of applying mapper value by value

                                                                          Parameter mapper

                                                                          Map function, to produce a new element based on an old one

                                                                          Parameter unmapper

                                                                          Optional unmap function, it will never be used except when shrinking user defined values. Must throw if value is not compatible (since 3.0.0)


                                                                          New arbitrary with mapped elements


                                                                          Since 0.0.1

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const rgbChannels: Arbitrary<{r:number,g:number,b:number}> = ...;
                                                                          const color: Arbitrary<string> = => `#${(ch.r*65536 + ch.g*256 + ch.b).toString(16).padStart(6, '0')}`);
                                                                          // transform an Arbitrary producing {r,g,b} integers into an Arbitrary of '#rrggbb'

                                                                        method noBias

                                                                        noBias: () => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Create another Arbitrary that cannot be biased

                                                                          Parameter freq

                                                                          The biased version will be used one time over freq - if it exists


                                                                          Since 1.1.0

                                                                        method noShrink

                                                                        noShrink: () => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                        • Create another Arbitrary with no shrink values


                                                                          Create another arbitrary with no shrink values


                                                                          Since 0.0.9

                                                                          Example 1

                                                                          const dataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = ...;
                                                                          const unshrinkableDataGenerator: Arbitrary<string> = dataGenerator.noShrink();
                                                                          // same values no shrink

                                                                        method shrink

                                                                        abstract shrink: (value: T, context: unknown | undefined) => Stream<Value<T>>;
                                                                        • Shrink a value of type T, may rely on the context previously provided to shrink efficiently

                                                                          Must never be called with possibly invalid values and no context without ensuring that such call is legal by calling canShrinkWithoutContext first on the value.

                                                                          Parameter value

                                                                          The value to shrink

                                                                          Parameter context

                                                                          Its associated context (the one returned by generate) or undefined if no context but canShrinkWithoutContext(value) === true


                                                                          Stream of shrinks for value based on context (if provided)


                                                                          Since 3.0.0

                                                                        class PreconditionFailure

                                                                        class PreconditionFailure extends Error {}
                                                                        • Error type produced whenever a precondition fails


                                                                          Since 2.2.0


                                                                          • @public


                                                                        constructor(interruptExecution?: boolean);

                                                                          property interruptExecution

                                                                          readonly interruptExecution: boolean;

                                                                            method isFailure

                                                                            static isFailure: (err: unknown) => err is PreconditionFailure;

                                                                              class Random

                                                                              class Random {}
                                                                              • Wrapper around an instance of a pure-rand's random number generator offering a simpler interface to deal with random with impure patterns


                                                                                • @public


                                                                              constructor(sourceRng: RandomGenerator);
                                                                              • Create a mutable random number generator by cloning the passed one and mutate it

                                                                                Parameter sourceRng

                                                                                Immutable random generator from pure-rand library, will not be altered (a clone will be)

                                                                              method clone

                                                                              clone: () => Random;
                                                                              • Clone the random number generator

                                                                              method getState

                                                                              getState: () => readonly number[] | undefined;
                                                                              • Extract the internal state of the internal RandomGenerator backing the current instance of Random

                                                                              method next

                                                                              next: (bits: number) => number;
                                                                              • Generate an integer having bits random bits

                                                                                Parameter bits

                                                                                Number of bits to generate

                                                                              method nextArrayInt

                                                                              nextArrayInt: (
                                                                              min: { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] },
                                                                              max: { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] }
                                                                              ) => { sign: 1 | -1; data: number[] };
                                                                              • Generate a random ArrayInt between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                                Parameter min

                                                                                Minimal ArrayInt value

                                                                                Parameter max

                                                                                Maximal ArrayInt value

                                                                              method nextBigInt

                                                                              nextBigInt: (min: bigint, max: bigint) => bigint;
                                                                              • Generate a random bigint between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                                Parameter min

                                                                                Minimal bigint value

                                                                                Parameter max

                                                                                Maximal bigint value

                                                                              method nextBoolean

                                                                              nextBoolean: () => boolean;
                                                                              • Generate a random boolean

                                                                              method nextDouble

                                                                              nextDouble: () => number;
                                                                              • Generate a random floating point number between 0.0 (included) and 1.0 (excluded)

                                                                              method nextInt

                                                                              nextInt: { (): number; (min: number, max: number): number };
                                                                              • Generate a random integer (32 bits)

                                                                              • Generate a random integer between min (included) and max (included)

                                                                                Parameter min

                                                                                Minimal integer value

                                                                                Parameter max

                                                                                Maximal integer value

                                                                              class Stream

                                                                              class Stream<T> implements IterableIterator<T> {}
                                                                              • Wrapper around IterableIterator interface offering a set of helpers to deal with iterations in a simple way


                                                                                Since 0.0.7


                                                                                • @public


                                                                              constructor(g: IterableIterator<T>);
                                                                              • Create a Stream based on g

                                                                                Parameter g

                                                                                Underlying data of the Stream

                                                                              method [Symbol.iterator]

                                                                              [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<T>;

                                                                                method drop

                                                                                drop: (n: number) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                • Drop n first elements of the Stream

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter n

                                                                                  Number of elements to drop


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method dropWhile

                                                                                dropWhile: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                • Drop elements from the Stream while f(element) === true

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Drop condition


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method every

                                                                                every: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => boolean;
                                                                                • Check whether all elements of the Stream are successful for f

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Condition to check


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method filter

                                                                                filter: {
                                                                                <U extends T>(f: (v: T) => v is U): Stream<U>;
                                                                                (f: (v: T) => boolean): Stream<T>;
                                                                                • Filter elements of the Stream

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Elements to keep


                                                                                  Since 1.23.0

                                                                                • Filter elements of the Stream

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Elements to keep


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method flatMap

                                                                                flatMap: <U>(f: (v: T) => IterableIterator<U>) => Stream<U>;
                                                                                • Flat map all elements of the Stream using f

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Mapper function


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method getNthOrLast

                                                                                getNthOrLast: (nth: number) => T | null;
                                                                                • Take the nth element of the Stream of the last (if it does not exist)

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter nth

                                                                                  Position of the element to extract


                                                                                  Since 0.0.12

                                                                                method has

                                                                                has: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => [boolean, T | null];
                                                                                • Check whether one of the elements of the Stream is successful for f

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Condition to check


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method join

                                                                                join: (...others: IterableIterator<T>[]) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                • Join others Stream to the current Stream

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream and the other ones (as soon as it iterates over them)

                                                                                  Parameter others

                                                                                  Streams to join to the current Stream


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method map

                                                                                map: <U>(f: (v: T) => U) => Stream<U>;
                                                                                • Map all elements of the Stream using f

                                                                                  WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                  Parameter f

                                                                                  Mapper function


                                                                                  Since 0.0.1

                                                                                method next

                                                                                next: () => IteratorResult<T>;

                                                                                  method nil

                                                                                  static nil: <T>() => Stream<T>;
                                                                                  • Create an empty stream of T


                                                                                    Since 0.0.1

                                                                                  method of

                                                                                  static of: <T>(...elements: T[]) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                  • Create a stream of T from a variable number of elements

                                                                                    Parameter elements

                                                                                    Elements used to create the Stream


                                                                                    Since 2.12.0

                                                                                  method take

                                                                                  take: (n: number) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                  • Take n first elements of the Stream

                                                                                    WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                    Parameter n

                                                                                    Number of elements to take


                                                                                    Since 0.0.1

                                                                                  method takeWhile

                                                                                  takeWhile: (f: (v: T) => boolean) => Stream<T>;
                                                                                  • Take elements from the Stream while f(element) === true

                                                                                    WARNING: It closes the current stream

                                                                                    Parameter f

                                                                                    Take condition


                                                                                    Since 0.0.1

                                                                                  class Value

                                                                                  class Value<T> {}
                                                                                  • A Value<T, TShrink = T> holds an internal value of type T and its associated context


                                                                                    Since 3.0.0 (previously called NextValue in 2.15.0)


                                                                                    • @public


                                                                                  constructor(value_: {}, context: {}, customGetValue?: () => T);
                                                                                  • Parameter value_

                                                                                    Internal value of the shrinkable

                                                                                    Parameter context

                                                                                    Context associated to the generated value (useful for shrink)

                                                                                    Parameter customGetValue

                                                                                    Limited to internal usages (to ease migration to next), it will be removed on next major

                                                                                  property context

                                                                                  readonly context: {};
                                                                                  • Context for the generated value TODO - Do we want to clone it too?



                                                                                  property hasToBeCloned

                                                                                  readonly hasToBeCloned: boolean;
                                                                                  • State storing the result of hasCloneMethod If true the value will be cloned each time it gets accessed


                                                                                    Since 2.15.0

                                                                                  property value

                                                                                  readonly value: {};
                                                                                  • Safe value of the shrinkable Depending on hasToBeCloned it will either be value_ or a clone of it


                                                                                    Since 2.15.0

                                                                                  property value_

                                                                                  readonly value_: {};
                                                                                  • Internal value of the shrinkable


                                                                                    Since 2.15.0

                                                                                  interface ArrayConstraints

                                                                                  interface ArrayConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on array


                                                                                    Since 2.4.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property depthIdentifier

                                                                                  depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                  • When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.

                                                                                    In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot larger than expected.

                                                                                    For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.


                                                                                    Since 2.25.0

                                                                                  property maxLength

                                                                                  maxLength?: number;
                                                                                  • Upper bound of the generated array size


                                                                                    Since 2.4.0

                                                                                  property minLength

                                                                                  minLength?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound of the generated array size


                                                                                    Since 2.4.0

                                                                                  property size

                                                                                  size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                  • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)

                                                                                    When used in conjonction with maxLength, size will be used to define the upper bound of the generated array size while maxLength will be used to define and document the general maximal length allowed for this case.


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  interface AsyncCommand

                                                                                  interface AsyncCommand<
                                                                                  Model extends object,
                                                                                  CheckAsync extends boolean = false
                                                                                  > extends ICommand<Model, Real, Promise<void>, CheckAsync> {}
                                                                                  • Interface that should be implemented in order to define an asynchronous command


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  interface BigIntConstraints

                                                                                  interface BigIntConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on bigInt


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: bigint;
                                                                                  • Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -2n, 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0

                                                                                  property min

                                                                                  min?: bigint;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the generated bigints (eg.: -5n, 0n, BigInt(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER))


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0

                                                                                  interface BigUintConstraints

                                                                                  interface BigUintConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on bigUint


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: bigint;
                                                                                  • Upper bound for the generated bigints (eg.: 2147483647n, BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0

                                                                                  interface Command

                                                                                  interface Command<Model extends object, Real> extends ICommand<Model, Real, void> {}
                                                                                  • Interface that should be implemented in order to define a synchronous command


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  interface CommandsContraints

                                                                                  interface CommandsContraints {}
                                                                                  • Parameters for commands


                                                                                    Since 2.2.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property disableReplayLog

                                                                                  disableReplayLog?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Do not show replayPath in the output


                                                                                    Since 1.11.0

                                                                                  property maxCommands

                                                                                  maxCommands?: number;
                                                                                  • Maximal number of commands to generate per run

                                                                                    You probably want to use size instead.


                                                                                    Since 1.11.0

                                                                                  property replayPath

                                                                                  replayPath?: string;
                                                                                  • Hint for replay purposes only

                                                                                    Should be used in conjonction with { seed, path } of assert


                                                                                    Since 1.11.0

                                                                                  property size

                                                                                  size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                  • Define how large the generated values (number of commands) should be (at max)


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  interface ContextValue

                                                                                  interface ContextValue {}
                                                                                  • Execution context attached to one predicate run


                                                                                    Since 2.2.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  method log

                                                                                  log: (data: string) => void;
                                                                                  • Log execution details during a test. Very helpful when troubleshooting failures

                                                                                    Parameter data

                                                                                    Data to be logged into the current context


                                                                                    Since 1.8.0

                                                                                  method size

                                                                                  size: () => number;
                                                                                  • Number of logs already logged into current context


                                                                                    Since 1.8.0

                                                                                  interface DateConstraints

                                                                                  interface DateConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on date


                                                                                    Since 3.3.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: Date;
                                                                                  • Upper bound of the range (included)


                                                                                    Since 1.17.0

                                                                                  property min

                                                                                  min?: Date;
                                                                                  • Lower bound of the range (included)


                                                                                    Since 1.17.0

                                                                                  property noInvalidDate

                                                                                  noInvalidDate?: boolean;
                                                                                  • When set to true, no more "Invalid Date" can be generated.


                                                                                    Since 3.13.0

                                                                                  interface DictionaryConstraints

                                                                                  interface DictionaryConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on dictionary


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property depthIdentifier

                                                                                  depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                  • Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.

                                                                                    By default, if not specified, each instance of dictionary will have its own depth. In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.


                                                                                    Since 3.15.0

                                                                                  property maxKeys

                                                                                  maxKeys?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the number of keys defined into the generated instance


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  property minKeys

                                                                                  minKeys?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the number of keys defined into the generated instance


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  property noNullPrototype

                                                                                  noNullPrototype?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Do not generate objects with null prototype


                                                                                    Since 3.13.0

                                                                                  property size

                                                                                  size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                  • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  interface DomainConstraints

                                                                                  interface DomainConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on domain


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property size

                                                                                  size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                  • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  interface DoubleConstraints

                                                                                  interface DoubleConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on double


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: number;
                                                                                  • Upper bound for the generated 64-bit floats (included, see maxExcluded to exclude it)


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property maxExcluded

                                                                                  maxExcluded?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Should the upper bound (aka max) be excluded? Note: Excluding max=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY would result into having max set to Number.MAX_VALUE.


                                                                                    Since 3.12.0

                                                                                  property min

                                                                                  min?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the generated 64-bit floats (included, see minExcluded to exclude it)


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property minExcluded

                                                                                  minExcluded?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Should the lower bound (aka min) be excluded? Note: Excluding min=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY would result into having min set to -Number.MAX_VALUE.


                                                                                    Since 3.12.0

                                                                                  property noDefaultInfinity

                                                                                  noDefaultInfinity?: boolean;
                                                                                  • By default, lower and upper bounds are -infinity and +infinity. By setting noDefaultInfinity to true, you move those defaults to minimal and maximal finite values.


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property noInteger

                                                                                  noInteger?: boolean;
                                                                                  • When set to true, Number.isInteger(value) will be false for any generated value. Note: -infinity and +infinity, or NaN can stil be generated except if you rejected them via another constraint.


                                                                                    Since 3.18.0

                                                                                  property noNaN

                                                                                  noNaN?: boolean;
                                                                                  • When set to true, no more Number.NaN can be generated.


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  interface EmailAddressConstraints

                                                                                  interface EmailAddressConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on emailAddress


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property size

                                                                                  size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                  • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                    Since 2.22.0

                                                                                  interface ExecutionTree

                                                                                  interface ExecutionTree<Ts> {}
                                                                                  • Summary of the execution process


                                                                                    Since 1.9.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property children

                                                                                  children: ExecutionTree<Ts>[];
                                                                                  • Values derived from this value


                                                                                    Since 1.9.0

                                                                                  property status

                                                                                  status: ExecutionStatus;
                                                                                  • Status of the property


                                                                                    Since 1.9.0

                                                                                  property value

                                                                                  value: Ts;
                                                                                  • Generated value


                                                                                    Since 1.9.0

                                                                                  interface FalsyContraints

                                                                                  interface FalsyContraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on falsy


                                                                                    Since 1.26.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property withBigInt

                                                                                  withBigInt?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Enable falsy bigint value


                                                                                    Since 1.26.0

                                                                                  interface FloatConstraints

                                                                                  interface FloatConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on float


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: number;
                                                                                  • Upper bound for the generated 32-bit floats (included)


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property maxExcluded

                                                                                  maxExcluded?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Should the upper bound (aka max) be excluded? Note: Excluding max=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY would result into having max set to 3.4028234663852886e+38.


                                                                                    Since 3.12.0

                                                                                  property min

                                                                                  min?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the generated 32-bit floats (included)


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property minExcluded

                                                                                  minExcluded?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Should the lower bound (aka min) be excluded? Note: Excluding min=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY would result into having min set to -3.4028234663852886e+38.


                                                                                    Since 3.12.0

                                                                                  property noDefaultInfinity

                                                                                  noDefaultInfinity?: boolean;
                                                                                  • By default, lower and upper bounds are -infinity and +infinity. By setting noDefaultInfinity to true, you move those defaults to minimal and maximal finite values.


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  property noInteger

                                                                                  noInteger?: boolean;
                                                                                  • When set to true, Number.isInteger(value) will be false for any generated value. Note: -infinity and +infinity, or NaN can stil be generated except if you rejected them via another constraint.


                                                                                    Since 3.18.0

                                                                                  property noNaN

                                                                                  noNaN?: boolean;
                                                                                  • When set to true, no more Number.NaN can be generated.


                                                                                    Since 2.8.0

                                                                                  interface IAsyncProperty

                                                                                  interface IAsyncProperty<Ts> extends IRawProperty<Ts, true> {}
                                                                                  • Interface for asynchronous property, see IRawProperty


                                                                                    Since 1.19.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  interface IAsyncPropertyWithHooks

                                                                                  interface IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts> extends IAsyncProperty<Ts> {}
                                                                                  • Interface for asynchronous property defining hooks, see IAsyncProperty


                                                                                    Since 2.2.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  method afterEach

                                                                                  afterEach: (
                                                                                  hookFunction: AsyncPropertyHookFunction
                                                                                  ) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter hookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  method beforeEach

                                                                                  beforeEach: (
                                                                                  hookFunction: AsyncPropertyHookFunction
                                                                                  ) => IAsyncPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter hookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  interface ICommand

                                                                                  interface ICommand<
                                                                                  Model extends object,
                                                                                  CheckAsync extends boolean = false
                                                                                  > {}
                                                                                  • Interface that should be implemented in order to define a command


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  method check

                                                                                  check: (
                                                                                  m: Readonly<Model>
                                                                                  ) => CheckAsync extends false ? boolean : Promise<boolean>;
                                                                                  • Check if the model is in the right state to apply the command

                                                                                    WARNING: does not change the model

                                                                                    Parameter m

                                                                                    Model, simplified or schematic representation of real system


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0

                                                                                  method run

                                                                                  run: (m: Model, r: Real) => RunResult;
                                                                                  • Receive the non-updated model and the real or system under test. Perform the checks post-execution - Throw in case of invalid state. Update the model accordingly

                                                                                    Parameter m

                                                                                    Model, simplified or schematic representation of real system

                                                                                    Parameter r

                                                                                    Sytem under test


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0

                                                                                  method toString

                                                                                  toString: () => string;
                                                                                  • Name of the command


                                                                                    Since 1.5.0

                                                                                  interface IntegerConstraints

                                                                                  interface IntegerConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Constraints to be applied on integer


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property max

                                                                                  max?: number;
                                                                                  • Upper bound for the generated integers (included)


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0

                                                                                  property min

                                                                                  min?: number;
                                                                                  • Lower bound for the generated integers (included)


                                                                                    Since 2.6.0

                                                                                  interface IProperty

                                                                                  interface IProperty<Ts> extends IRawProperty<Ts, false> {}
                                                                                  • Interface for synchronous property, see IRawProperty


                                                                                    Since 1.19.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  interface IPropertyWithHooks

                                                                                  interface IPropertyWithHooks<Ts> extends IProperty<Ts> {}
                                                                                  • Interface for synchronous property defining hooks, see IProperty


                                                                                    Since 2.2.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  method afterEach

                                                                                  afterEach: {
                                                                                  invalidHookFunction: (
                                                                                  hookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction
                                                                                  ) => Promise<unknown>
                                                                                  ): 'afterEach expects a synchronous function but was given a function returning a Promise';
                                                                                  (hookFunction: PropertyHookFunction): IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter invalidHookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called, please provide a valid hook function


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called after all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter hookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  method beforeEach

                                                                                  beforeEach: {
                                                                                  invalidHookFunction: (
                                                                                  hookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction
                                                                                  ) => Promise<unknown>
                                                                                  ): 'beforeEach expects a synchronous function but was given a function returning a Promise';
                                                                                  (hookFunction: PropertyHookFunction): IPropertyWithHooks<Ts>;
                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter invalidHookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called, please provide a valid hook function


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  • Define a function that should be called before all calls to the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter hookFunction

                                                                                    Function to be called


                                                                                    Since 1.6.0

                                                                                  interface IRawProperty

                                                                                  interface IRawProperty<Ts, IsAsync extends boolean = boolean> {}
                                                                                  • Property

                                                                                    A property is the combination of: - Arbitraries: how to generate the inputs for the algorithm - Predicate: how to confirm the algorithm succeeded?


                                                                                    Since 1.19.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property runAfterEach

                                                                                  runAfterEach?: () =>
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends true ? Promise<void> : never)
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends false ? void : never);
                                                                                  • Run after each hook


                                                                                    Since 3.4.0

                                                                                  property runBeforeEach

                                                                                  runBeforeEach?: () =>
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends true ? Promise<void> : never)
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends false ? void : never);
                                                                                  • Run before each hook


                                                                                    Since 3.4.0

                                                                                  method generate

                                                                                  generate: (mrng: Random, runId?: number) => Value<Ts>;
                                                                                  • Generate values of type Ts

                                                                                    Parameter mrng

                                                                                    Random number generator

                                                                                    Parameter runId

                                                                                    Id of the generation, starting at 0 - if set the generation might be biased


                                                                                    Since 0.0.7 (return type changed in 3.0.0)

                                                                                  method isAsync

                                                                                  isAsync: () => IsAsync;
                                                                                  • Is the property asynchronous?

                                                                                    true in case of asynchronous property, false otherwise


                                                                                    Since 0.0.7

                                                                                  method run

                                                                                  run: (
                                                                                  v: Ts,
                                                                                  dontRunHook?: boolean
                                                                                  ) =>
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends true
                                                                                  ? Promise<PreconditionFailure | PropertyFailure | null>
                                                                                  : never)
                                                                                  | (IsAsync extends false
                                                                                  ? PreconditionFailure | PropertyFailure | null
                                                                                  : never);
                                                                                  • Check the predicate for v

                                                                                    Parameter v

                                                                                    Value of which we want to check the predicate

                                                                                    Parameter dontRunHook

                                                                                    Do not run beforeEach and afterEach hooks within run


                                                                                    Since 0.0.7

                                                                                  method shrink

                                                                                  shrink: (value: Value<Ts>) => Stream<Value<Ts>>;
                                                                                  • Shrink value of type Ts

                                                                                    Parameter value

                                                                                    The value to be shrunk, it can be context-less


                                                                                    Since 3.0.0

                                                                                  interface JsonSharedConstraints

                                                                                  interface JsonSharedConstraints {}
                                                                                  • Shared constraints for: - json, - jsonValue,


                                                                                    Since 2.5.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  property depthSize

                                                                                  depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                                  • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


                                                                                    Since 2.20.0

                                                                                  property maxDepth

                                                                                  maxDepth?: number;
                                                                                  • Maximal depth allowed


                                                                                    Since 2.5.0

                                                                                  property noUnicodeString

                                                                                  noUnicodeString?: boolean;
                                                                                  • Only generate instances having keys and values made of ascii strings (when true)


                                                                                    Since 3.19.0

                                                                                  interface LetrecTypedTie

                                                                                  interface LetrecTypedTie<T> {}
                                                                                  • Strongly typed type for the tie function passed by letrec to the builder function we pass to it. You may want also want to use its loosely typed version LetrecLooselyTypedTie.


                                                                                    Since 3.0.0


                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                  call signature

                                                                                  <K extends keyof T>(key: K): Arbitrary<T[K]>;

                                                                                    call signature

                                                                                    (key: string): Arbitrary<unknown>;

                                                                                      interface LoremConstraints

                                                                                      interface LoremConstraints {}
                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on lorem


                                                                                        Since 2.5.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property maxCount

                                                                                      maxCount?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximal number of entities: - maximal number of words in case mode is 'words' - maximal number of sentences in case mode is 'sentences'


                                                                                        Since 2.5.0

                                                                                      property mode

                                                                                      mode?: 'words' | 'sentences';
                                                                                      • Type of strings that should be produced by lorem: - words: multiple words - sentences: multiple sentences


                                                                                        Since 2.5.0

                                                                                      property size

                                                                                      size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                      interface MixedCaseConstraints

                                                                                      interface MixedCaseConstraints {}
                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on mixedCase


                                                                                        Since 1.17.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property toggleCase

                                                                                      toggleCase?: (rawChar: string) => string;
                                                                                      • Transform a character to its upper and/or lower case version


                                                                                        Since 1.17.0

                                                                                      property untoggleAll

                                                                                      untoggleAll?: (toggledString: string) => string;
                                                                                      • In order to be fully reversable (only in case you want to shrink user definable values) you should provide a function taking a string containing possibly toggled items and returning its untoggled version.

                                                                                      interface NatConstraints

                                                                                      interface NatConstraints {}
                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on nat


                                                                                        Since 2.6.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property max

                                                                                      max?: number;
                                                                                      • Upper bound for the generated postive integers (included)


                                                                                        Since 2.6.0

                                                                                      interface ObjectConstraints

                                                                                      interface ObjectConstraints {}

                                                                                      property depthSize

                                                                                      depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                                      • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


                                                                                        Since 2.20.0

                                                                                      property key

                                                                                      key?: Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                                      • Arbitrary for keys


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property maxDepth

                                                                                      maxDepth?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximal depth allowed


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property maxKeys

                                                                                      maxKeys?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximal number of keys


                                                                                        Since 1.13.0

                                                                                      property size

                                                                                      size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                      property values

                                                                                      values?: Arbitrary<unknown>[];
                                                                                      • Arbitrary for values


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property withBigInt

                                                                                      withBigInt?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate BigInt


                                                                                        Since 1.26.0

                                                                                      property withBoxedValues

                                                                                      withBoxedValues?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate boxed versions of values


                                                                                        Since 1.11.0

                                                                                      property withDate

                                                                                      withDate?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate Date


                                                                                        Since 2.5.0

                                                                                      property withMap

                                                                                      withMap?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate Map


                                                                                        Since 1.11.0

                                                                                      property withNullPrototype

                                                                                      withNullPrototype?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate object with null prototype


                                                                                        Since 1.23.0

                                                                                      property withObjectString

                                                                                      withObjectString?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate string representations of object instances


                                                                                        Since 1.17.0

                                                                                      property withSet

                                                                                      withSet?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate Set


                                                                                        Since 1.11.0

                                                                                      property withSparseArray

                                                                                      withSparseArray?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate sparse arrays (arrays with holes)


                                                                                        Since 2.13.0

                                                                                      property withTypedArray

                                                                                      withTypedArray?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Also generate typed arrays in: (Uint|Int)(8|16|32)Array and Float(32|64)Array Remark: no typed arrays made of bigint


                                                                                        Since 2.9.0

                                                                                      property withUnicodeString

                                                                                      withUnicodeString?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Replace the arbitrary of strings defaulted for key and values by one able to generate unicode strings with non-ascii characters. If you override key and/or values constraint, this flag will not apply to your override.


                                                                                        Since 3.19.0

                                                                                      interface OptionConstraints

                                                                                      interface OptionConstraints<TNil = null> {}
                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on option


                                                                                        Since 2.2.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property depthIdentifier

                                                                                      depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                      • Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.

                                                                                        By default, if not specified, each instance of option will have its own depth. In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.


                                                                                        Since 2.14.0

                                                                                      property depthSize

                                                                                      depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                                      • While going deeper and deeper within a recursive structure (see letrec), this factor will be used to increase the probability to generate nil.


                                                                                        Since 2.14.0

                                                                                      property freq

                                                                                      freq?: number;
                                                                                      • The probability to build a nil value is of 1 / freq


                                                                                        Since 1.17.0

                                                                                      property maxDepth

                                                                                      maxDepth?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximal authorized depth. Once this depth has been reached only nil will be used.


                                                                                        Since 2.14.0

                                                                                      property nil

                                                                                      nil?: TNil;
                                                                                      • The nil value


                                                                                        Since 1.17.0

                                                                                      interface Parameters

                                                                                      interface Parameters<T = void> {}
                                                                                      • Customization of the parameters used to run the properties


                                                                                        Since 0.0.6


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property asyncReporter

                                                                                      asyncReporter?: (runDetails: RunDetails<T>) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                      • Replace the default reporter handling errors by a custom one

                                                                                        Reporter is responsible to throw in case of failure: default one throws whenever runDetails.failed is true. But you may want to change this behaviour in yours.

                                                                                        Only used when calling assert Cannot be defined in conjonction with reporter Not compatible with synchronous properties: runner will throw


                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                      property endOnFailure

                                                                                      endOnFailure?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Stop run on failure

                                                                                        It makes the run stop at the first encountered failure without shrinking.

                                                                                        When used in complement to seed and path, it replays only the minimal counterexample.


                                                                                        Since 1.11.0

                                                                                      property errorWithCause

                                                                                      errorWithCause?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Should the thrown Error include a cause leading to the original Error?

                                                                                        In such case the original Error will disappear from the message of the Error thrown by fast-check and only appear within the cause part of it.

                                                                                        Remark: At the moment, only node (≥16.14.0) and vitest seem to properly display such errors. Others will just discard the cause at display time.

                                                                                      property examples

                                                                                      examples?: T[];
                                                                                      • Custom values added at the beginning of generated ones

                                                                                        It enables users to come with examples they want to test at every run


                                                                                        Since 1.4.0

                                                                                      property ignoreEqualValues

                                                                                      ignoreEqualValues?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Discard runs corresponding to already tried values.

                                                                                        WARNING: Discarded runs will not be replaced. In other words, if you ask for 100 runs and have 2 discarded runs you will only have 98 effective runs.

                                                                                        NOTE: Relies on fc.stringify to check the equality.


                                                                                        Since 2.14.0

                                                                                      property interruptAfterTimeLimit

                                                                                      interruptAfterTimeLimit?: number;
                                                                                      • Interrupt test execution after a given time limit: disabled by default

                                                                                        NOTE: Relies on

                                                                                        NOTE: Useful to avoid having too long running processes in your CI. Replay capability (see seed, path) can still be used if needed.

                                                                                        WARNING: If the test got interrupted before any failure occured and before it reached the requested number of runs specified by numRuns it will be marked as success. Except if markInterruptAsFailure has been set to true


                                                                                        Since 1.19.0

                                                                                      property markInterruptAsFailure

                                                                                      markInterruptAsFailure?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Mark interrupted runs as failed runs if preceded by one success or more: disabled by default Interrupted with no success at all always defaults to failure whatever the value of this flag.


                                                                                        Since 1.19.0

                                                                                      property maxSkipsPerRun

                                                                                      maxSkipsPerRun?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximal number of skipped values per run

                                                                                        Skipped is considered globally, so this value is used to compute maxSkips = maxSkipsPerRun * numRuns. Runner will consider a run to have failed if it skipped maxSkips+1 times before having generated numRuns valid entries.

                                                                                        See pre for more details on pre-conditions


                                                                                        Since 1.3.0

                                                                                      property numRuns

                                                                                      numRuns?: number;
                                                                                      • Number of runs before success: 100 by default


                                                                                        Since 1.0.0

                                                                                      property path

                                                                                      path?: string;
                                                                                      • Way to replay a failing property directly with the counterexample. It can be fed with the counterexamplePath returned by the failing test (requires seed too).


                                                                                        Since 1.0.0

                                                                                      property randomType

                                                                                      randomType?: RandomType | ((seed: number) => RandomGenerator);
                                                                                      • Random number generator: xorshift128plus by default

                                                                                        Random generator is the core element behind the generation of random values - changing it might directly impact the quality and performances of the generation of random values. It can be one of: 'mersenne', 'congruential', 'congruential32', 'xorshift128plus', 'xoroshiro128plus' Or any function able to build a RandomGenerator based on a seed

                                                                                        As required since pure-rand v6.0.0, when passing a builder for RandomGenerator, the random number generator must generate values between -0x80000000 and 0x7fffffff.


                                                                                        Since 1.6.0

                                                                                      property reporter

                                                                                      reporter?: (runDetails: RunDetails<T>) => void;
                                                                                      • Replace the default reporter handling errors by a custom one

                                                                                        Reporter is responsible to throw in case of failure: default one throws whenever runDetails.failed is true. But you may want to change this behaviour in yours.

                                                                                        Only used when calling assert Cannot be defined in conjonction with asyncReporter


                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                      property seed

                                                                                      seed?: number;
                                                                                      • Initial seed of the generator: by default

                                                                                        It can be forced to replay a failed run.

                                                                                        In theory, seeds are supposed to be 32-bit integers. In case of double value, the seed will be rescaled into a valid 32-bit integer (eg.: values between 0 and 1 will be evenly spread into the range of possible seeds).


                                                                                        Since 0.0.6

                                                                                      property skipAllAfterTimeLimit

                                                                                      skipAllAfterTimeLimit?: number;
                                                                                      • Skip all runs after a given time limit: disabled by default

                                                                                        NOTE: Relies on

                                                                                        NOTE: Useful to stop too long shrinking processes. Replay capability (see seed, path) can resume the shrinking.

                                                                                        WARNING: It skips runs. Thus test might be marked as failed. Indeed, it might not reached the requested number of successful runs.


                                                                                        Since 1.15.0

                                                                                      property skipEqualValues

                                                                                      skipEqualValues?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Skip runs corresponding to already tried values.

                                                                                        WARNING: Discarded runs will be retried. Under the hood they are simple calls to fc.pre. In other words, if you ask for 100 runs but your generator can only generate 10 values then the property will fail as 100 runs will never be reached. Contrary to ignoreEqualValues you always have the number of runs you requested.

                                                                                        NOTE: Relies on fc.stringify to check the equality.


                                                                                        Since 2.14.0

                                                                                      property timeout

                                                                                      timeout?: number;
                                                                                      • Maximum time in milliseconds for the predicate to answer: disabled by default

                                                                                        WARNING: Only works for async code (see asyncProperty), will not interrupt a synchronous code.


                                                                                        Since 0.0.11

                                                                                      property unbiased

                                                                                      unbiased?: boolean;
                                                                                      • Force the use of unbiased arbitraries: biased by default


                                                                                        Since 1.1.0

                                                                                      property verbose

                                                                                      verbose?: boolean | VerbosityLevel;
                                                                                      • Enable verbose mode: VerbosityLevel.None by default

                                                                                        Using verbose: true is equivalent to verbose: VerbosityLevel.Verbose

                                                                                        It can prove very useful to troubleshoot issues. See VerbosityLevel for more details on each level.


                                                                                        Since 1.1.0

                                                                                      method logger

                                                                                      logger: (v: string) => void;
                                                                                      • Logger (see statistics): console.log by default


                                                                                        Since 0.0.6

                                                                                      interface RunDetailsCommon

                                                                                      interface RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                                                      • Shared part between variants of RunDetails


                                                                                        Since 2.2.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property counterexample

                                                                                      counterexample: Ts | null;
                                                                                      • In case of failure: the counterexample contains the minimal failing case (first failure after shrinking)


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property counterexamplePath

                                                                                      counterexamplePath: string | null;
                                                                                      • In case of failure: path to the counterexample

                                                                                        For replay purposes, it can be forced in assert, check, sample and statistics using Parameters


                                                                                        Since 1.0.0

                                                                                      property error

                                                                                      error: string | null;
                                                                                      • In case of failure: it contains the reason of the failure


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property errorInstance

                                                                                      errorInstance: unknown | null;
                                                                                      • In case of failure: it contains the error that has been thrown if any


                                                                                        Since 3.0.0

                                                                                      property executionSummary

                                                                                      executionSummary: ExecutionTree<Ts>[];
                                                                                      • Execution summary of the run

                                                                                        Traces the origin of each value encountered during the test and its execution status. Can help to diagnose shrinking issues.

                                                                                        You must enable verbose with at least Verbosity.Verbose in Parameters in order to have values in it: - Verbose: Only failures - VeryVerbose: Failures, Successes and Skipped


                                                                                        Since 1.9.0

                                                                                      property failed

                                                                                      failed: boolean;
                                                                                      • Does the property failed during the execution of check?


                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                      property failures

                                                                                      failures: Ts[];
                                                                                      • List all failures that have occurred during the run

                                                                                        You must enable verbose with at least Verbosity.Verbose in Parameters in order to have values in it


                                                                                        Since 1.1.0

                                                                                      property interrupted

                                                                                      interrupted: boolean;
                                                                                      • Was the execution interrupted?


                                                                                        Since 1.19.0

                                                                                      property numRuns

                                                                                      numRuns: number;
                                                                                      • Number of runs

                                                                                        - In case of failed property: Number of runs up to the first failure (including the failure run) - Otherwise: Number of successful executions


                                                                                        Since 1.0.0

                                                                                      property numShrinks

                                                                                      numShrinks: number;
                                                                                      • Number of shrinks required to get to the minimal failing case (aka counterexample)


                                                                                        Since 1.0.0

                                                                                      property numSkips

                                                                                      numSkips: number;
                                                                                      • Number of skipped entries due to failed pre-condition

                                                                                        As numRuns it only takes into account the skipped values that occured before the first failure. Refer to pre to add such pre-conditions.


                                                                                        Since 1.3.0

                                                                                      property runConfiguration

                                                                                      runConfiguration: Parameters<Ts>;
                                                                                      • Configuration of the run

                                                                                        It includes both local parameters set on check or assert and global ones specified using configureGlobal


                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                      property seed

                                                                                      seed: number;

                                                                                      property verbose

                                                                                      verbose: VerbosityLevel;
                                                                                      • Verbosity level required by the user


                                                                                        Since 1.9.0

                                                                                      interface RunDetailsFailureInterrupted

                                                                                      interface RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                                                      • Run reported as failed because it took too long and thus has been interrupted

                                                                                        Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                                                                        Since 1.25.0


                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                      property counterexample

                                                                                      counterexample: null;

                                                                                        property counterexamplePath

                                                                                        counterexamplePath: null;

                                                                                          property error

                                                                                          error: null;

                                                                                            property errorInstance

                                                                                            errorInstance: null;

                                                                                              property failed

                                                                                              failed: true;

                                                                                                property interrupted

                                                                                                interrupted: true;

                                                                                                  interface RunDetailsFailureProperty

                                                                                                  interface RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                                                                  • Run reported as failed because the property failed

                                                                                                    Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                                                                                    Since 1.25.0


                                                                                                    • @public

                                                                                                  property counterexample

                                                                                                  counterexample: Ts;

                                                                                                    property counterexamplePath

                                                                                                    counterexamplePath: string;

                                                                                                      property error

                                                                                                      error: string;

                                                                                                        property errorInstance

                                                                                                        errorInstance: unknown;

                                                                                                          property failed

                                                                                                          failed: true;

                                                                                                            property interrupted

                                                                                                            interrupted: boolean;

                                                                                                              interface RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips

                                                                                                              interface RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                                                                              • Run reported as failed because too many retries have been attempted to generate valid values

                                                                                                                Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                                                                                                Since 1.25.0


                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                              property counterexample

                                                                                                              counterexample: null;

                                                                                                                property counterexamplePath

                                                                                                                counterexamplePath: null;

                                                                                                                  property error

                                                                                                                  error: null;

                                                                                                                    property errorInstance

                                                                                                                    errorInstance: null;

                                                                                                                      property failed

                                                                                                                      failed: true;

                                                                                                                        property interrupted

                                                                                                                        interrupted: false;

                                                                                                                          interface RunDetailsSuccess

                                                                                                                          interface RunDetailsSuccess<Ts> extends RunDetailsCommon<Ts> {}
                                                                                                                          • Run reported as success

                                                                                                                            Refer to RunDetailsCommon for more details


                                                                                                                            Since 1.25.0


                                                                                                                            • @public

                                                                                                                          property counterexample

                                                                                                                          counterexample: null;

                                                                                                                            property counterexamplePath

                                                                                                                            counterexamplePath: null;

                                                                                                                              property error

                                                                                                                              error: null;

                                                                                                                                property errorInstance

                                                                                                                                errorInstance: null;

                                                                                                                                  property failed

                                                                                                                                  failed: false;

                                                                                                                                    property interrupted

                                                                                                                                    interrupted: boolean;

                                                                                                                                      interface Scheduler

                                                                                                                                      interface Scheduler<TMetaData = unknown> {}
                                                                                                                                      • Instance able to reschedule the ordering of promises for a given app


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property report

                                                                                                                                      report: () => SchedulerReportItem<TMetaData>[];
                                                                                                                                      • Produce an array containing all the scheduled tasks so far with their execution status. If the task has been executed, it includes a string representation of the associated output or error produced by the task if any.

                                                                                                                                        Tasks will be returned in the order they get executed by the scheduler.


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property schedule

                                                                                                                                      schedule: <T>(
                                                                                                                                      task: Promise<T>,
                                                                                                                                      label?: string,
                                                                                                                                      metadata?: TMetaData,
                                                                                                                                      customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                                                                                      ) => Promise<T>;
                                                                                                                                      • Wrap a new task using the Scheduler


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      property scheduleFunction

                                                                                                                                      scheduleFunction: <TArgs extends any[], T>(
                                                                                                                                      asyncFunction: (...args: TArgs) => Promise<T>,
                                                                                                                                      customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                                                                                      ) => (...args: TArgs) => Promise<T>;
                                                                                                                                      • Automatically wrap function output using the Scheduler


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      property waitAll

                                                                                                                                      waitAll: (customAct?: SchedulerAct) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                                                      • Wait all scheduled tasks, including the ones that might be created by one of the resolved task


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      property waitFor

                                                                                                                                      waitFor: <T>(
                                                                                                                                      unscheduledTask: Promise<T>,
                                                                                                                                      customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                                                                                      ) => Promise<T>;
                                                                                                                                      • Wait as many scheduled tasks as need to resolve the received Promise

                                                                                                                                        Some tests frameworks like supertest are not triggering calls to subsequent queries in a synchronous way, some are waiting an explicit call to then to trigger them (either synchronously or asynchronously)... As a consequence, none of waitOne or waitAll cannot wait for them out-of-the-box.

                                                                                                                                        This helper is responsible to wait as many scheduled tasks as needed (but the bare minimal) to get unscheduledTask resolved. Once resolved it returns its output either success or failure.

                                                                                                                                        Be aware that while this helper will wait eveything to be ready for unscheduledTask to resolve, having uncontrolled tasks triggering stuff required for unscheduledTask might be a source a uncontrollable and not reproducible randomness as those triggers cannot be handled and scheduled by fast-check.


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.24.0

                                                                                                                                      property waitOne

                                                                                                                                      waitOne: (customAct?: SchedulerAct) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                                                      • Wait one scheduled task to be executed


                                                                                                                                        Whenever there is no task scheduled


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      method count

                                                                                                                                      count: () => number;
                                                                                                                                      • Count of pending scheduled tasks


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      method scheduleSequence

                                                                                                                                      scheduleSequence: (
                                                                                                                                      sequenceBuilders: SchedulerSequenceItem<TMetaData>[],
                                                                                                                                      customAct?: SchedulerAct
                                                                                                                                      ) => {
                                                                                                                                      done: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      faulty: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      task: Promise<{ done: boolean; faulty: boolean }>;
                                                                                                                                      • Schedule a sequence of Promise to be executed sequencially. Items within the sequence might be interleaved by other scheduled operations.

                                                                                                                                        Please note that whenever an item from the sequence has started, the scheduler will wait until its end before moving to another scheduled task.

                                                                                                                                        A handle is returned by the function in order to monitor the state of the sequence. Sequence will be marked: - done if all the promises have been executed properly - faulty if one of the promises within the sequence throws


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.20.0

                                                                                                                                      interface SchedulerConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface SchedulerConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on scheduler


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property act

                                                                                                                                      act: (f: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<unknown>;
                                                                                                                                      • Ensure that all scheduled tasks will be executed in the right context (for instance it can be the act of React)


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.21.0

                                                                                                                                      interface SchedulerReportItem

                                                                                                                                      interface SchedulerReportItem<TMetaData = unknown> {}
                                                                                                                                      • Describe a task for the report produced by the scheduler


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property label

                                                                                                                                      label: string;
                                                                                                                                      • Label of the task


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property metadata

                                                                                                                                      metadata?: TMetaData;
                                                                                                                                      • Metadata linked when scheduling the task


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property outputValue

                                                                                                                                      outputValue?: string;
                                                                                                                                      • Stringified version of the output or error computed using fc.stringify


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property schedulingType

                                                                                                                                      schedulingType: 'promise' | 'function' | 'sequence';
                                                                                                                                      • How was this task scheduled? - promise: schedule - function: scheduleFunction - sequence: scheduleSequence


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property status

                                                                                                                                      status: 'resolved' | 'rejected' | 'pending';
                                                                                                                                      • Execution status for this task - resolved: task released by the scheduler and successful - rejected: task released by the scheduler but with errors - pending: task still pending in the scheduler, not released yet


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property taskId

                                                                                                                                      taskId: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Incremental id for the task, first received task has taskId = 1


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.25.0

                                                                                                                                      interface ShuffledSubarrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface ShuffledSubarrayConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on shuffledSubarray


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.18.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property maxLength

                                                                                                                                      maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Upper bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      property minLength

                                                                                                                                      minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Lower bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      interface SparseArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface SparseArrayConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on sparseArray


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.13.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property depthIdentifier

                                                                                                                                      depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                                                                      • When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.

                                                                                                                                        In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot larger than expected.

                                                                                                                                        For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.25.0

                                                                                                                                      property maxLength

                                                                                                                                      maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Upper bound of the generated array size (maximal size: 4294967295)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.13.0

                                                                                                                                      property maxNumElements

                                                                                                                                      maxNumElements?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Upper bound of the number of non-hole elements


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.13.0

                                                                                                                                      property minNumElements

                                                                                                                                      minNumElements?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Lower bound of the number of non-hole elements


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.13.0

                                                                                                                                      property noTrailingHole

                                                                                                                                      noTrailingHole?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • When enabled, all generated arrays will either be the empty array or end by a non-hole


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.13.0

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      interface StringSharedConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface StringSharedConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on arbitraries for strings


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property maxLength

                                                                                                                                      maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Upper bound of the generated string length (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      property minLength

                                                                                                                                      minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Lower bound of the generated string length (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      interface SubarrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface SubarrayConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on subarray


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property maxLength

                                                                                                                                      maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Upper bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      property minLength

                                                                                                                                      minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Lower bound of the generated subarray size (included)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.4.0

                                                                                                                                      interface UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface UnicodeJsonSharedConstraints {}

                                                                                                                                      property depthSize

                                                                                                                                      depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                                                                                      • Limit the depth of the object by increasing the probability to generate simple values (defined via values) as we go deeper in the object.


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.20.0

                                                                                                                                      property maxDepth

                                                                                                                                      maxDepth?: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Maximal depth allowed


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.5.0

                                                                                                                                      interface UuidConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface UuidConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on uuid


                                                                                                                                        Since 3.21.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property version

                                                                                                                                      | (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15)
                                                                                                                                      | (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15)[];
                                                                                                                                      • Define accepted versions in the [1-15] according to RFC 9562


                                                                                                                                        Since 3.21.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebAuthorityConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebAuthorityConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on webAuthority


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      property withIPv4

                                                                                                                                      withIPv4?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable IPv4 in host


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      property withIPv4Extended

                                                                                                                                      withIPv4Extended?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable extended IPv4 format


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.17.0

                                                                                                                                      property withIPv6

                                                                                                                                      withIPv6?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable IPv6 in host


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      property withPort

                                                                                                                                      withPort?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable port suffix


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      property withUserInfo

                                                                                                                                      withUserInfo?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable user information prefix


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebFragmentsConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebFragmentsConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on webFragments


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebPathConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebPathConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on webPath


                                                                                                                                        Since 3.3.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 3.3.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebQueryParametersConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebQueryParametersConstraints {}

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebSegmentConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebSegmentConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on webSegment


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WebUrlConstraints

                                                                                                                                      interface WebUrlConstraints {}
                                                                                                                                      • Constraints to be applied on webUrl


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property authoritySettings

                                                                                                                                      authoritySettings?: WebAuthorityConstraints;

                                                                                                                                      property size

                                                                                                                                      size?: Exclude<SizeForArbitrary, 'max'>;
                                                                                                                                      • Define how large the generated values should be (at max)


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.22.0

                                                                                                                                      property validSchemes

                                                                                                                                      validSchemes?: string[];
                                                                                                                                      • Enforce specific schemes, eg.: http, https


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      property withFragments

                                                                                                                                      withFragments?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable fragments in the generated url


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      property withQueryParameters

                                                                                                                                      withQueryParameters?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                      • Enable query parameters in the generated url


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.14.0

                                                                                                                                      interface WeightedArbitrary

                                                                                                                                      interface WeightedArbitrary<T> {}
                                                                                                                                      • Conjonction of a weight and an arbitrary used by oneof in order to generate values


                                                                                                                                        Since 1.18.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property arbitrary

                                                                                                                                      arbitrary: Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                                                                                      • Instance of Arbitrary


                                                                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                                                                      property weight

                                                                                                                                      weight: number;
                                                                                                                                      • Weight to be applied when selecting which arbitrary should be used


                                                                                                                                        Since 0.0.7

                                                                                                                                      interface WithCloneMethod

                                                                                                                                      interface WithCloneMethod<T> {}
                                                                                                                                      • Object instance that should be cloned from one generation/shrink to another


                                                                                                                                        Since 2.15.0


                                                                                                                                        • @public

                                                                                                                                      property [cloneMethod]

                                                                                                                                      [cloneMethod]: () => T;

                                                                                                                                        enum ExecutionStatus

                                                                                                                                        enum ExecutionStatus {
                                                                                                                                        Success = 0,
                                                                                                                                        Skipped = -1,
                                                                                                                                        Failure = 1,
                                                                                                                                        • Status of the execution of the property


                                                                                                                                          Since 1.9.0


                                                                                                                                          • @public

                                                                                                                                        member Failure

                                                                                                                                        Failure = 1

                                                                                                                                          member Skipped

                                                                                                                                          Skipped = -1

                                                                                                                                            member Success

                                                                                                                                            Success = 0

                                                                                                                                              enum VerbosityLevel

                                                                                                                                              enum VerbosityLevel {
                                                                                                                                              None = 0,
                                                                                                                                              Verbose = 1,
                                                                                                                                              VeryVerbose = 2,
                                                                                                                                              • Verbosity level


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.9.1


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              member None

                                                                                                                                              None = 0
                                                                                                                                              • Level 0 (default)

                                                                                                                                                Minimal reporting: - minimal failing case - error log corresponding to the minimal failing case


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.9.1

                                                                                                                                              member Verbose

                                                                                                                                              Verbose = 1
                                                                                                                                              • Level 1

                                                                                                                                                Failures reporting: - same as VerbosityLevel.None - list all the failures encountered during the shrinking process


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.9.1

                                                                                                                                              member VeryVerbose

                                                                                                                                              VeryVerbose = 2
                                                                                                                                              • Level 2

                                                                                                                                                Execution flow reporting: - same as VerbosityLevel.None - all runs with their associated status displayed as a tree


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.9.1

                                                                                                                                              type AsyncPropertyHookFunction

                                                                                                                                              type AsyncPropertyHookFunction =
                                                                                                                                              | ((previousHookFunction: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction) => Promise<unknown>)
                                                                                                                                              | ((previousHookFunction: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction) => void);
                                                                                                                                              • Type of legal hook function that can be used to call beforeEach or afterEach on a IAsyncPropertyWithHooks


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type BigIntArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type BigIntArrayConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue smallest possible value for this type
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              min?: bigint;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue highest possible value for this type
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              max?: bigint;
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on typed arrays for big int values


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type CloneValue

                                                                                                                                              type CloneValue<T, N extends number, Rest extends T[] = []> = [number] extends [N]
                                                                                                                                              ? T[]
                                                                                                                                              : Rest['length'] extends N
                                                                                                                                              ? Rest
                                                                                                                                              : CloneValue<T, N, [T, ...Rest]>;
                                                                                                                                              • Type of the value produced by clone


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.5.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type DepthContext

                                                                                                                                              type DepthContext = {
                                                                                                                                              * Current depth (starts at 0, continues with 1, 2...).
                                                                                                                                              * Only made of integer values superior or equal to 0.
                                                                                                                                              * Remark: Whenever altering the `depth` during a `generate`, please make sure to ALWAYS
                                                                                                                                              * reset it to its original value before you leave the `generate`. Otherwise the execution
                                                                                                                                              * will imply side-effects that will potentially impact the following runs and make replay
                                                                                                                                              * of the issue barely impossible.
                                                                                                                                              depth: number;
                                                                                                                                              • Instance of depth, can be used to alter the depth perceived by an arbitrary or to bias your own arbitraries based on the current depth


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.25.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type DepthIdentifier

                                                                                                                                              type DepthIdentifier = {} & DepthContext;
                                                                                                                                              • Type used to strongly type instances of depth identifier while keeping internals what they contain internally


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.25.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type DepthSize

                                                                                                                                              type DepthSize = RelativeSize | Size | 'max' | number | undefined;
                                                                                                                                              • Superset of Size to override the default defined for size. It can either be based on a numeric value manually selected by the user (not recommended) or rely on presets based on size (recommended).

                                                                                                                                                This size will be used to infer a bias to limit the depth, used as follow within recursive structures: While going deeper, the bias on depth will increase the probability to generate small instances.

                                                                                                                                                When used with Size, the larger the size the deeper the structure. When used with numeric values, the larger the number (floating point number &gt;= 0), the deeper the structure. +0 means extremelly biased depth meaning barely impossible to generate deep structures, while Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY means "depth has no impact".

                                                                                                                                                Using max or Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY is fully equivalent.


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.25.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type FalsyValue

                                                                                                                                              type FalsyValue<TConstraints extends FalsyContraints = {}> =
                                                                                                                                              | false
                                                                                                                                              | null
                                                                                                                                              | 0
                                                                                                                                              | ''
                                                                                                                                              | typeof NaN
                                                                                                                                              | undefined
                                                                                                                                              | (TConstraints extends {
                                                                                                                                              withBigInt: true;
                                                                                                                                              ? 0n
                                                                                                                                              : never);
                                                                                                                                              • Typing for values generated by falsy


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type Float32ArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type Float32ArrayConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              } & FloatConstraints;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on float32Array


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.9.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type Float64ArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type Float64ArrayConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              } & DoubleConstraints;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on float64Array


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.9.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type GeneratorValue

                                                                                                                                              type GeneratorValue = GeneratorValueFunction & GeneratorValueMethods;
                                                                                                                                              • An instance of GeneratorValue can be leveraged within predicates themselves to produce extra random values while preserving part of the shrinking capabilities on the produced values.

                                                                                                                                                It can be seen as a way to start property based testing within something looking closer from what users will think about when thinking about random in tests. But contrary to raw random, it comes with many useful strengths such as: ability to re-run the test (seeded), shrinking...


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.8.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction = (() => Promise<unknown>) | (() => void);
                                                                                                                                              • Type of legal hook function that can be used in the global parameter asyncBeforeEach and/or asyncAfterEach


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.3.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalParameters

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalParameters = Pick<
                                                                                                                                              Exclude<keyof Parameters<unknown>, 'path' | 'examples'>
                                                                                                                                              > & {
                                                                                                                                              * Specify a function that will be called before each execution of a property.
                                                                                                                                              * It behaves as-if you manually called `beforeEach` method on all the properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                                                                                              * The function will be used for both {@link fast-check#property} and {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}.
                                                                                                                                              * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `asyncBeforeEach`.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                                                                                              beforeEach?: GlobalPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                                                                                              * Specify a function that will be called after each execution of a property.
                                                                                                                                              * It behaves as-if you manually called `afterEach` method on all the properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                                                                                              * The function will be used for both {@link fast-check#property} and {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}.
                                                                                                                                              * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `asyncAfterEach`.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                                                                                              afterEach?: GlobalPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                                                                                              * Specify a function that will be called before each execution of an asynchronous property.
                                                                                                                                              * It behaves as-if you manually called `beforeEach` method on all the asynchronous properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                                                                                              * The function will be used only for {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}. It makes synchronous properties created by {@link fast-check#property} unable to run.
                                                                                                                                              * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `beforeEach`.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                                                                                              asyncBeforeEach?: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                                                                                              * Specify a function that will be called after each execution of an asynchronous property.
                                                                                                                                              * It behaves as-if you manually called `afterEach` method on all the asynchronous properties you execute with fast-check.
                                                                                                                                              * The function will be used only for {@link fast-check#asyncProperty}. It makes synchronous properties created by {@link fast-check#property} unable to run.
                                                                                                                                              * This global override should never be used in conjunction with `afterEach`.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.3.0
                                                                                                                                              asyncAfterEach?: GlobalAsyncPropertyHookFunction;
                                                                                                                                              * Define the base size to be used by arbitraries.
                                                                                                                                              * By default arbitraries not specifying any size will default to it (except in some cases when used defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified is true).
                                                                                                                                              * For some arbitraries users will want to override the default and either define another size relative to this one,
                                                                                                                                              * or a fixed one.
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue `"small"`
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                                                                                              baseSize?: Size;
                                                                                                                                              * When set to `true` and if the size has not been defined for this precise instance,
                                                                                                                                              * it will automatically default to `"max"` if the user specified a upper bound for the range
                                                                                                                                              * (applies to length and to depth).
                                                                                                                                              * When `false`, the size will be defaulted to `baseSize` even if the user specified
                                                                                                                                              * a upper bound for the range.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                                                                                              defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                              • Type describing the global overrides


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.18.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalPropertyHookFunction

                                                                                                                                              type GlobalPropertyHookFunction = () => void;
                                                                                                                                              • Type of legal hook function that can be used in the global parameter beforeEach and/or afterEach


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.3.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type IntArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type IntArrayConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue smallest possible value for this type
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              min?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound for the generated int (included)
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue highest possible value for this type
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.9.0
                                                                                                                                              max?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.22.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on typed arrays for integer values


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.9.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type JsonValue

                                                                                                                                              type JsonValue = boolean | number | string | null | JsonArray | JsonObject;
                                                                                                                                              • Typings for a Json value


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.20.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecLooselyTypedTie) => LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                                                                                              • Loosely typed type for the builder function passed to letrec. You may want also want to use its strongly typed version LetrecTypedBuilder.


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecLooselyTypedTie

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecLooselyTypedTie = (key: string) => Arbitrary<unknown>;
                                                                                                                                              • Loosely typed type for the tie function passed by letrec to the builder function we pass to it. You may want also want to use its strongly typed version LetrecTypedTie.


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecTypedBuilder

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecTypedBuilder<T> = (tie: LetrecTypedTie<T>) => LetrecValue<T>;
                                                                                                                                              • Strongly typed type for the builder function passed to letrec. You may want also want to use its loosely typed version LetrecLooselyTypedBuilder.


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecValue

                                                                                                                                              type LetrecValue<T> = {
                                                                                                                                              [K in keyof T]: Arbitrary<T[K]>;
                                                                                                                                              • Type of the value produced by letrec


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type MaybeWeightedArbitrary

                                                                                                                                              type MaybeWeightedArbitrary<T> = Arbitrary<T> | WeightedArbitrary<T>;
                                                                                                                                              • Either an Arbitrary<T> or a WeightedArbitrary<T>


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type Memo

                                                                                                                                              type Memo<T> = (maxDepth?: number) => Arbitrary<T>;
                                                                                                                                              • Output type for memo


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.16.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type ModelRunAsyncSetup

                                                                                                                                              type ModelRunAsyncSetup<Model, Real> = () => Promise<{
                                                                                                                                              model: Model;
                                                                                                                                              real: Real;
                                                                                                                                              • Asynchronous definition of model and real


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type ModelRunSetup

                                                                                                                                              type ModelRunSetup<Model, Real> = () => {
                                                                                                                                              model: Model;
                                                                                                                                              real: Real;
                                                                                                                                              • Synchronous definition of model and real


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type OneOfConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type OneOfConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * When set to true, the shrinker of oneof will try to check if the first arbitrary
                                                                                                                                              * could have been used to discover an issue. It allows to shrink trees.
                                                                                                                                              * Warning: First arbitrary must be the one resulting in the smallest structures
                                                                                                                                              * for usages in deep tree-like structures.
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue false
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                                                                                              withCrossShrink?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                              * While going deeper and deeper within a recursive structure (see {@link letrec}),
                                                                                                                                              * this factor will be used to increase the probability to generate instances
                                                                                                                                              * of the first passed arbitrary.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                                                                                              depthSize?: DepthSize;
                                                                                                                                              * Maximal authorized depth.
                                                                                                                                              * Once this depth has been reached only the first arbitrary will be used.
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                                                                                              maxDepth?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Depth identifier can be used to share the current depth between several instances.
                                                                                                                                              * By default, if not specified, each instance of oneof will have its own depth.
                                                                                                                                              * In other words: you can have depth=1 in one while you have depth=100 in another one.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.14.0
                                                                                                                                              depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on oneof


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.14.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type OneOfValue

                                                                                                                                              type OneOfValue<Ts extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<unknown>[]> = {
                                                                                                                                              [K in keyof Ts]: Ts[K] extends MaybeWeightedArbitrary<infer U> ? U : never;
                                                                                                                                              • Infer the type of the Arbitrary produced by oneof given the type of the source arbitraries


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type PropertyFailure

                                                                                                                                              type PropertyFailure = {
                                                                                                                                              * The original error that has been intercepted.
                                                                                                                                              * Possibly not an instance Error as users can throw anything.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              error: unknown;
                                                                                                                                              * The error message extracted from the error
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.0.0
                                                                                                                                              errorMessage: string;
                                                                                                                                              • Represent failures of the property


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.0.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type PropertyHookFunction

                                                                                                                                              type PropertyHookFunction = (globalHookFunction: GlobalPropertyHookFunction) => void;
                                                                                                                                              • Type of legal hook function that can be used to call beforeEach or afterEach on a IPropertyWithHooks


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type RandomType

                                                                                                                                              type RandomType =
                                                                                                                                              | 'mersenne'
                                                                                                                                              | 'congruential'
                                                                                                                                              | 'congruential32'
                                                                                                                                              | 'xorshift128plus'
                                                                                                                                              | 'xoroshiro128plus';
                                                                                                                                              • Random generators automatically recognized by the framework without having to pass a builder function


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type RecordConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type RecordConstraints<T = unknown> = (
                                                                                                                                              | {
                                                                                                                                              * List keys that should never be deleted.
                                                                                                                                              * Remark:
                                                                                                                                              * You might need to use an explicit typing in case you need to declare symbols as required (not needed when required keys are simple strings).
                                                                                                                                              * With something like `{ requiredKeys: [mySymbol1, 'a'] as [typeof mySymbol1, 'a'] }` when both `mySymbol1` and `a` are required.
                                                                                                                                              * Warning: Cannot be used in conjunction with withDeletedKeys.
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue Array containing all keys of recordModel
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.11.0
                                                                                                                                              requiredKeys?: T[];
                                                                                                                                              | {
                                                                                                                                              * Allow to remove keys from the generated record.
                                                                                                                                              * Warning: Cannot be used in conjunction with requiredKeys.
                                                                                                                                              * Prefer: `requiredKeys: []` over `withDeletedKeys: true`
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue false
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 1.0.0
                                                                                                                                              * @deprecated Prefer using `requiredKeys: []` instead of `withDeletedKeys: true` as the flag will be removed in the next major
                                                                                                                                              withDeletedKeys?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                              ) & {
                                                                                                                                              * Do not generate records with null prototype
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue true
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.13.0
                                                                                                                                              noNullPrototype?: boolean;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on record


                                                                                                                                                Since 0.0.12


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type RecordValue

                                                                                                                                              type RecordValue<T, TConstraints = {}> = TConstraints extends {
                                                                                                                                              withDeletedKeys: boolean;
                                                                                                                                              requiredKeys: any[];
                                                                                                                                              ? never
                                                                                                                                              : TConstraints extends {
                                                                                                                                              withDeletedKeys: true;
                                                                                                                                              ? Partial<T>
                                                                                                                                              : TConstraints extends {
                                                                                                                                              requiredKeys: (infer TKeys)[];
                                                                                                                                              ? Partial<T> & Pick<T, TKeys & keyof T>
                                                                                                                                              : T;
                                                                                                                                              • Infer the type of the Arbitrary produced by record given the type of the source arbitrary and constraints to be applied


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.2.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type RunDetails

                                                                                                                                              type RunDetails<Ts> =
                                                                                                                                              | RunDetailsFailureProperty<Ts>
                                                                                                                                              | RunDetailsFailureTooManySkips<Ts>
                                                                                                                                              | RunDetailsFailureInterrupted<Ts>
                                                                                                                                              | RunDetailsSuccess<Ts>;
                                                                                                                                              • Post-run details produced by check

                                                                                                                                                A failing property can easily detected by checking the failed flag of this structure


                                                                                                                                                Since 0.0.7


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type SchedulerAct

                                                                                                                                              type SchedulerAct = (f: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>;
                                                                                                                                              • Function responsible to run the passed function and surround it with whatever needed. The name has been inspired from the act function coming with React.

                                                                                                                                                This wrapper function is not supposed to throw. The received function f will never throw.

                                                                                                                                                Wrapping order in the following:

                                                                                                                                                - global act defined on fc.scheduler wraps wait level one - wait act defined on s.waitX wraps local one - local act defined on s.scheduleX(...) wraps the trigger function


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.9.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type SchedulerSequenceItem

                                                                                                                                              type SchedulerSequenceItem<TMetaData = unknown> =
                                                                                                                                              | {
                                                                                                                                              * Builder to start the task
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 1.20.0
                                                                                                                                              builder: () => Promise<any>;
                                                                                                                                              * Label
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 1.20.0
                                                                                                                                              label: string;
                                                                                                                                              * Metadata to be attached into logs
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 1.25.0
                                                                                                                                              metadata?: TMetaData;
                                                                                                                                              | (() => Promise<any>);
                                                                                                                                              • Define an item to be passed to scheduleSequence


                                                                                                                                                Since 1.20.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type Size

                                                                                                                                              type Size = 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
                                                                                                                                              • The size parameter defines how large the generated values could be.

                                                                                                                                                The default in fast-check is 'small' but it could be increased (resp. decreased) to ask arbitraries for larger (resp. smaller) values.


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.22.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type SizeForArbitrary

                                                                                                                                              type SizeForArbitrary = RelativeSize | Size | 'max' | undefined;
                                                                                                                                              • Superset of Size to override the default defined for size


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.22.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type StringConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type StringConstraints = StringSharedConstraints & {
                                                                                                                                              * A string results from the join between several unitary strings produced by the Arbitrary instance defined by `unit`.
                                                                                                                                              * The `minLength` and `maxLength` refers to the number of these units composing the string. In other words it does not have to be confound with `.length` on an instance of string.
                                                                                                                                              * A unit can either be a fully custom Arbitrary or one of the pre-defined options:
                                                                                                                                              * - `'grapheme'` - Any printable grapheme as defined by the Unicode standard. This unit includes graphemes that may:
                                                                                                                                              * - Span multiple code points (e.g., `'\u{0061}\u{0300}'`)
                                                                                                                                              * - Consist of multiple characters (e.g., `'\u{1f431}'`)
                                                                                                                                              * - Include non-European and non-ASCII characters.
                                                                                                                                              * - **Note:** Graphemes produced by this unit are designed to remain visually distinct when joined together.
                                                                                                                                              * - `'grapheme-composite'` - Any printable grapheme limited to a single code point. This option produces graphemes limited to a single code point.
                                                                                                                                              * - **Note:** Graphemes produced by this unit are designed to remain visually distinct when joined together.
                                                                                                                                              * - `'grapheme-ascii'` - Any printable ASCII character.
                                                                                                                                              * - `'binary'` - Any possible code point (except half surrogate pairs), regardless of how it may combine with subsequent code points in the produced string. This unit produces a single code point within the full Unicode range (0000-10FFFF).
                                                                                                                                              * - `'binary-ascii'` - Any possible ASCII character, including control characters. This unit produces any code point in the range 0000-00FF.
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 'grapheme-ascii'
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.22.0
                                                                                                                                              | 'grapheme'
                                                                                                                                              | 'grapheme-composite'
                                                                                                                                              | 'grapheme-ascii'
                                                                                                                                              | 'binary'
                                                                                                                                              | 'binary-ascii'
                                                                                                                                              | Arbitrary<string>;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on arbitrary string


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.22.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type StringMatchingConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type StringMatchingConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 3.10.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints to be applied on the arbitrary stringMatching


                                                                                                                                                Since 3.10.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraints<T, U> =
                                                                                                                                              | UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U>
                                                                                                                                              | UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T>
                                                                                                                                              | UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U>;

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompare<T> = UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                                                                                              * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              comparator: (a: T, b: T) => boolean;
                                                                                                                                              * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              selector?: undefined;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints implying a fully custom comparison function to be applied on uniqueArray

                                                                                                                                                WARNING - Imply an extra performance cost whenever you want to generate large arrays


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.23.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsCustomCompareSelect<T, U> =
                                                                                                                                              UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                                                                                              * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              comparator: (a: U, b: U) => boolean;
                                                                                                                                              * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              selector: (v: T) => U;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints implying fully custom comparison function and selector to be applied on uniqueArray

                                                                                                                                                WARNING - Imply an extra performance cost whenever you want to generate large arrays


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.23.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArrayConstraintsRecommended<T, U> = UniqueArraySharedConstraints & {
                                                                                                                                              * The operator to be used to compare the values after having applied the selector (if any):
                                                                                                                                              * - SameValue behaves like `` — {@link}
                                                                                                                                              * - SameValueZero behaves like `Set` or `Map` — {@link}
                                                                                                                                              * - IsStrictlyEqual behaves like `===` — {@link}
                                                                                                                                              * - Fully custom comparison function: it implies performance costs for large arrays
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 'SameValue'
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              comparator?: 'SameValue' | 'SameValueZero' | 'IsStrictlyEqual';
                                                                                                                                              * How we should project the values before comparing them together
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue (v =&gt; v)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              selector?: (v: T) => U;
                                                                                                                                              • Constraints implying known and optimized comparison function to be applied on uniqueArray


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.23.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArraySharedConstraints

                                                                                                                                              type UniqueArraySharedConstraints = {
                                                                                                                                              * Lower bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              minLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Upper bound of the generated array size
                                                                                                                                              * @defaultValue 0x7fffffff — _defaulting seen as "max non specified" when `defaultSizeToMaxWhenMaxSpecified=true`_
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              maxLength?: number;
                                                                                                                                              * Define how large the generated values should be (at max)
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.23.0
                                                                                                                                              size?: SizeForArbitrary;
                                                                                                                                              * When receiving a depth identifier, the arbitrary will impact the depth
                                                                                                                                              * attached to it to avoid going too deep if it already generated lots of items.
                                                                                                                                              * In other words, if the number of generated values within the collection is large
                                                                                                                                              * then the generated items will tend to be less deep to avoid creating structures a lot
                                                                                                                                              * larger than expected.
                                                                                                                                              * For the moment, the depth is not taken into account to compute the number of items to
                                                                                                                                              * define for a precise generate call of the array. Just applied onto eligible items.
                                                                                                                                              * @remarks Since 2.25.0
                                                                                                                                              depthIdentifier?: DepthIdentifier | string;
                                                                                                                                              • Shared constraints to be applied on uniqueArray


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.23.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              type WithAsyncToStringMethod

                                                                                                                                              type WithAsyncToStringMethod = {
                                                                                                                                              [asyncToStringMethod]: () => Promise<string>;

                                                                                                                                              type WithToStringMethod

                                                                                                                                              type WithToStringMethod = {
                                                                                                                                              [toStringMethod]: () => string;
                                                                                                                                              • Interface to implement for toStringMethod


                                                                                                                                                Since 2.17.0


                                                                                                                                                • @public

                                                                                                                                              Package Files (128)

                                                                                                                                              Dependencies (1)

                                                                                                                                              Dev Dependencies (13)

                                                                                                                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                                                                                                                              No peer dependencies.


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