- Version 2.4.6
- Published
- 583 kB
- 8 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
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Build forms in React, without the tears
- connect()
- Field()
- Formik()
- getActiveElement()
- getIn()
- insert()
- isEmptyArray()
- isEmptyChildren()
- isFunction()
- isInputEvent()
- isInteger()
- isNaN()
- isObject()
- isPromise()
- isString()
- move()
- prepareDataForValidation()
- replace()
- setIn()
- setNestedObjectValues()
- swap()
- useField()
- useFormik()
- useFormikContext()
- validateYupSchema()
- withFormik()
- yupToFormErrors()
Type Aliases
variable ErrorMessage
const ErrorMessage: any;
variable FastField
const FastField: any;
variable FieldArray
const FieldArray: any;
variable Form
const Form: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;
variable FormikConsumer
const FormikConsumer: React.Consumer<FormikContextType<any>>;
variable FormikContext
const FormikContext: React.Context<FormikContextType<any>>;
variable FormikProvider
const FormikProvider: React.Provider<FormikContextType<any>>;
function connect
connect: <OuterProps, Values = {}>( Comp: React.ComponentType<OuterProps & { formik: FormikContextType<Values> }>) => React.FC<OuterProps> & hoistNonReactStatics.NonReactStatics< React.ComponentClass< OuterProps & { formik: FormikContextType<Values> }, any >, {} >;
Connect any component to Formik context, and inject as a prop called
;Parameter Comp
React Component
function Field
Field: ({ validate, name, render, children, as: is, component, className, ...props}: FieldAttributes<any>) => any;
function Formik
Formik: <Values extends FormikValues = FormikValues, ExtraProps = {}>( props: FormikConfig<Values> & ExtraProps) => React.JSX.Element;
function getActiveElement
getActiveElement: (doc?: Document) => Element | null;
Same as document.activeElement but wraps in a try-catch block. In IE it is not safe to call document.activeElement if there is nothing focused.
The activeElement will be null only if the document or document body is not yet defined.
Parameter doc
Defaults to current document. {Element | null}
See Also
function getIn
getIn: (obj: any, key: string | string[], def?: any, p?: number) => any;
Deeply get a value from an object via its path.
function insert
insert: <T>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>, index: number, value: T) => unknown[];
function isEmptyArray
isEmptyArray: (value?: any) => boolean;
is the value an empty array?
function isEmptyChildren
isEmptyChildren: (children: any) => boolean;
Does a React component have exactly 0 children?
function isFunction
isFunction: (obj: any) => obj is Function;
is the given object a Function?
function isInputEvent
isInputEvent: (value: any) => value is React.SyntheticEvent<any, Event>;
is the given object/value a type of synthetic event?
function isInteger
isInteger: (obj: any) => boolean;
is the given object an integer?
function isNaN
isNaN: (obj: any) => boolean;
is the given object a NaN?
function isObject
isObject: (obj: any) => obj is Object;
is the given object an Object?
function isPromise
isPromise: (value: any) => value is PromiseLike<any>;
is the given object/value a promise?
function isString
isString: (obj: any) => obj is string;
is the given object a string?
function move
move: <T>(array: T[], from: number, to: number) => unknown[];
Some array helpers!
function prepareDataForValidation
prepareDataForValidation: <T extends FormikValues>(values: T) => FormikValues;
Recursively prepare values.
function replace
replace: <T>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>, index: number, value: T) => unknown[];
function setIn
setIn: (obj: any, path: string, value: any) => any;
Deeply set a value from in object via it's path. If the value at
has changed, return a shallow copy of obj withvalue
set atpath
. Ifvalue
has not changed, return the originalobj
.Existing objects / arrays along
are also shallow copied. Sibling objects along path retain the same internal js reference. Since new objects / arrays are only created alongpath
, we can test if anything changed in a nested structure by comparing the object's reference in the old and new object, similar to how russian doll cache invalidation works.In earlier versions of this function, which used cloneDeep, there were issues whereby settings a nested value would mutate the parent instead of creating a new object.
avoids that bug making a shallow copy of the objects along the update path so no object is mutated in place.Before changing this function, please read through the following discussions.
See Also
function setNestedObjectValues
setNestedObjectValues: <T>( object: any, value: any, visited?: any, response?: any) => T;
Recursively a set the same value for all keys and arrays nested object, cloning
Parameter object
Parameter value
Parameter visited
Parameter response
function swap
swap: <T>(arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>, indexA: number, indexB: number) => unknown[];
function useField
useField: <Val = any>( propsOrFieldName: string | FieldHookConfig<Val>) => [FieldInputProps<Val>, FieldMetaProps<Val>, FieldHelperProps<Val>];
function useFormik
useFormik: <Values extends FormikValues = FormikValues>({ validateOnChange, validateOnBlur, validateOnMount, isInitialValid, enableReinitialize, onSubmit,}: FormikConfig<Values>) => { initialValues: Values; initialErrors: FormikErrors<unknown>; initialTouched: FormikTouched<unknown>; initialStatus: any; handleBlur: { (e: React.FocusEvent<any, Element>): void; <T = any>(fieldOrEvent: T): T extends string ? (e: any) => void : void; }; handleChange: { (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>): void; <T_1 = any>(field: T_1): T_1 extends React.ChangeEvent<any> ? void : (e: string | React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void; }; handleReset: (e: any) => void; handleSubmit: (e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => void; resetForm: (nextState?: Partial<FormikState<Values>>) => void; setErrors: (errors: FormikErrors<Values>) => void; setFormikState: ( stateOrCb: | FormikState<Values> | ((state: FormikState<Values>) => FormikState<Values>) ) => void; setFieldTouched: ( field: string, touched?: boolean, shouldValidate?: boolean ) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>> | Promise<void>; setFieldValue: ( field: string, value: any, shouldValidate?: boolean ) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>> | Promise<void>; setFieldError: (field: string, value: string | undefined) => void; setStatus: (status: any) => void; setSubmitting: (isSubmitting: boolean) => void; setTouched: ( touched: FormikTouched<Values>, shouldValidate?: boolean ) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>> | Promise<void>; setValues: ( values: React.SetStateAction<Values>, shouldValidate?: boolean ) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>> | Promise<void>; submitForm: () => Promise<any>; validateForm: (values?: Values) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>>; validateField: (name: string) => Promise<void> | Promise<string | undefined>; isValid: boolean; dirty: boolean; unregisterField: (name: string) => void; registerField: (name: string, { validate }: any) => void; getFieldProps: ( nameOrOptions: string | FieldConfig<any> ) => FieldInputProps<any>; getFieldMeta: (name: string) => FieldMetaProps<any>; getFieldHelpers: (name: string) => FieldHelperProps<any>; validateOnBlur: boolean; validateOnChange: boolean; validateOnMount: boolean; values: Values; errors: FormikErrors<Values>; touched: FormikTouched<Values>; isSubmitting: boolean; isValidating: boolean; status?: any; submitCount: number;};
function useFormikContext
useFormikContext: <Values>() => FormikContextType<Values>;
function validateYupSchema
validateYupSchema: <T extends FormikValues>( values: T, schema: any, sync?: boolean, context?: any) => Promise<Partial<T>>;
Validate a yup schema.
function withFormik
withFormik: < OuterProps extends object, Values extends FormikValues, Payload = Values>({ mapPropsToValues, ...config}: WithFormikConfig<OuterProps, Values, Payload>) => ComponentDecorator< OuterProps, OuterProps & FormikProps<Values>>;
A public higher-order component to access the imperative API
function yupToFormErrors
yupToFormErrors: <Values>(yupError: any) => FormikErrors<Values>;
Transform Yup ValidationError to a more usable object
interface ArrayHelpers
interface ArrayHelpers<T extends any[] = any[]> {}
property handleMove
handleMove: (from: number, to: number) => () => void;
Imperatively move an element in an array to another index
property handlePop
handlePop: () => () => void;
Curried fn to remove a value from the end of the array
property handleRemove
handleRemove: (index: number) => () => void;
Curried fn to remove an element at an index of an array
property handleSwap
handleSwap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => () => void;
Curried fn to swap two values in an array
property move
move: (from: number, to: number) => void;
Imperatively move an element in an array to another index
property swap
swap: (indexA: number, indexB: number) => void;
Imperatively swap two values in an array
method handleInsert
handleInsert: <X = T[number]>(index: number, value: X) => () => void;
Curried fn to insert an element at a given index into the array
method handlePush
handlePush: <X = T[number]>(obj: X) => () => void;
Curried fn to add a value to the end of an array
method handleReplace
handleReplace: <X = T[number]>(index: number, value: X) => () => void;
Curried fn to replace an element at a given index into the array
method handleUnshift
handleUnshift: <X = T[number]>(value: X) => () => void;
Curried fn to add an element to the beginning of an array
method insert
insert: <X = T[number]>(index: number, value: X) => void;
Imperatively insert an element at a given index into the array
method pop
pop: <X = T[number]>() => X | undefined;
Imperatively remove and return value from the end of the array
method push
push: <X = T[number]>(obj: X) => void;
Imperatively add a value to the end of an array
method remove
remove: <X = T[number]>(index: number) => X | undefined;
Imperatively remove and element at an index of an array
method replace
replace: <X = T[number]>(index: number, value: X) => void;
Imperatively replace a value at an index of an array
method unshift
unshift: <X = T[number]>(value: X) => number;
Imperatively add an element to the beginning of an array and return its length
interface ComponentDecorator
interface ComponentDecorator<TOwnProps, TMergedProps> {}
call signature
(component: CompositeComponent<TMergedProps>): React.ComponentType<TOwnProps>;
interface ErrorMessageProps
interface ErrorMessageProps {}
interface FastFieldProps
interface FastFieldProps<V = any> {}
interface FieldConfig
interface FieldConfig<V = any> {}
property as
as?: | React.ComponentType<FieldProps<V>['field']> | string | React.ComponentType | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;
Component to render. Can either be a string e.g. 'select', 'input', or 'textarea', or a component.
property children
children?: ((props: FieldProps<V>) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode;
Children render function <Field name>{props => ...})
property component
component?: | string | React.ComponentType<FieldProps<V>> | React.ComponentType | React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>;
Field component to render. Can either be a string like 'select' or a component.
property innerRef
innerRef?: (instance: any) => void;
Inner ref
property multiple
multiple?: boolean;
Used for 'select' and related input types.
property name
name: string;
Field name
property render
render?: (props: FieldProps<V>) => React.ReactNode;
Render prop (works like React router's <Route render={props =>} />)
property type
type?: string;
HTML input type
property validate
validate?: FieldValidator;
Validate a single field value independently
property value
value?: any;
Field value
interface FieldHelperProps
interface FieldHelperProps<Value> {}
Imperative handles to change a field's value, error and touched
property setError
setError: (value: string | undefined) => void;
Set the field's error value
property setTouched
setTouched: ( value: boolean, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Value>>;
Set the field's touched value
property setValue
setValue: ( value: Value, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Value>>;
Set the field's value
interface FieldInputProps
interface FieldInputProps<Value> {}
Field input value, name, and event handlers
property checked
checked?: boolean;
Is the field checked?
property multiple
multiple?: boolean;
Multiple select?
property name
name: string;
Name of the field
property onBlur
onBlur: FormikHandlers['handleBlur'];
Blur event handler
property onChange
onChange: FormikHandlers['handleChange'];
Change event handler
property value
value: Value;
Value of the field
interface FieldMetaProps
interface FieldMetaProps<Value> {}
Field metadata
property error
error?: string;
Error message of the field
property initialError
initialError?: string;
Initial error message of the field
property initialTouched
initialTouched: boolean;
Initial touched state of the field
property initialValue
initialValue?: Value;
Initial value of the field
property touched
touched: boolean;
Has the field been visited?
property value
value: Value;
Value of the field
interface FieldProps
interface FieldProps<V = any, FormValues = any> {}
interface FormikComputedProps
interface FormikComputedProps<Values> {}
Formik computed properties. These are read-only.
property dirty
readonly dirty: boolean;
True if any input has been touched. False otherwise.
property initialErrors
readonly initialErrors: FormikErrors<Values>;
The initial errors of the form
property initialStatus
readonly initialStatus?: any;
The initial status of the form
property initialTouched
readonly initialTouched: FormikTouched<Values>;
The initial visited fields of the form
property initialValues
readonly initialValues: Values;
The initial values of the form
property isValid
readonly isValid: boolean;
True if state.errors is empty
interface FormikConfig
interface FormikConfig<Values> extends FormikSharedConfig {}
property children
children?: ((props: FormikProps<Values>) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactNode;
React children or child render callback
property component
component?: React.ComponentType<FormikProps<Values>>;
Form component to render
property initialErrors
initialErrors?: FormikErrors<Values>;
Initial object map of field names to specific error for that field
property initialStatus
initialStatus?: any;
Initial status
property initialTouched
initialTouched?: FormikTouched<Values>;
Initial object map of field names to whether the field has been touched
property initialValues
initialValues: Values;
Initial values of the form
property innerRef
innerRef?: React.Ref<FormikProps<Values>>;
Inner ref
property onReset
onReset?: (values: Values, formikHelpers: FormikHelpers<Values>) => void;
Reset handler
property onSubmit
onSubmit: ( values: Values, formikHelpers: FormikHelpers<Values>) => void | Promise<any>;
Submission handler
property render
render?: (props: FormikProps<Values>) => React.ReactNode;
Render prop (works like React router's <Route render={props =>} />)
property validate
validate?: (values: Values) => void | object | Promise<FormikErrors<Values>>;
Validation function. Must return an error object or promise that throws an error object where that object keys map to corresponding value.
property validationSchema
validationSchema?: any | (() => any);
A Yup Schema or a function that returns a Yup schema
interface FormikHandlers
interface FormikHandlers {}
Formik form event handlers
property getFieldHelpers
getFieldHelpers: <Value = any>(name: string) => FieldHelperProps<Value>;
property getFieldMeta
getFieldMeta: <Value>(name: string) => FieldMetaProps<Value>;
property getFieldProps
getFieldProps: <Value = any>( props: string | FieldConfig<Value>) => FieldInputProps<Value>;
property handleBlur
handleBlur: { /** Classic React blur handler, keyed by input name */ (e: React.FocusEvent<any>): void; /** Preact-like linkState. Will return a handleBlur function. */ <T = string | any>(fieldOrEvent: T): T extends string ? (e: any) => void : void;};
property handleChange
handleChange: { /** Classic React change handler, keyed by input name */ (e: React.ChangeEvent<any>): void; /** Preact-like linkState. Will return a handleChange function. */ <T = string | React.ChangeEvent<any>>( field: T ): T extends React.ChangeEvent<any> ? void : (e: string | React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void;};
property handleReset
handleReset: (e?: React.SyntheticEvent<any>) => void;
Reset form event handler
property handleSubmit
handleSubmit: (e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => void;
Form submit handler
interface FormikHelpers
interface FormikHelpers<Values> {}
Formik state helpers
property resetForm
resetForm: (nextState?: Partial<FormikState<Values>>) => void;
Reset form
property setErrors
setErrors: (errors: FormikErrors<Values>) => void;
Manually set errors object
property setFieldError
setFieldError: (field: string, message: string | undefined) => void;
Set error message of a form field directly
property setFieldTouched
setFieldTouched: ( field: string, isTouched?: boolean, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Values>>;
Set whether field has been touched directly
property setFieldValue
setFieldValue: ( field: string, value: any, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Values>>;
Set value of form field directly
property setFormikState
setFormikState: ( f: | FormikState<Values> | ((prevState: FormikState<Values>) => FormikState<Values>), cb?: () => void) => void;
Set Formik state, careful!
property setStatus
setStatus: (status?: any) => void;
Manually set top level status.
property setSubmitting
setSubmitting: (isSubmitting: boolean) => void;
Manually set isSubmitting
property setTouched
setTouched: ( touched: FormikTouched<Values>, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Values>>;
Manually set touched object
property setValues
setValues: ( values: React.SetStateAction<Values>, shouldValidate?: boolean) => Promise<void | FormikErrors<Values>>;
Manually set values object
property submitForm
submitForm: () => Promise<void>;
Submit the form imperatively
property validateField
validateField: (field: string) => Promise<void> | Promise<string | undefined>;
Validate field value
property validateForm
validateForm: (values?: any) => Promise<FormikErrors<Values>>;
Validate form values
interface FormikRegistration
interface FormikRegistration {}
Internal Formik registration methods that get passed down as props
property registerField
registerField: ( name: string, fns: { validate?: FieldValidator; }) => void;
property unregisterField
unregisterField: (name: string) => void;
interface FormikSharedConfig
interface FormikSharedConfig<Props = {}> {}
Base formik configuration/props shared between the HoC and Component.
property enableReinitialize
enableReinitialize?: boolean;
Should Formik reset the form when new initialValues change
property isInitialValid
isInitialValid?: boolean | ((props: Props) => boolean);
Tell Formik if initial form values are valid or not on first render
property validateOnBlur
validateOnBlur?: boolean;
Tells Formik to validate the form on each input's onBlur event
property validateOnChange
validateOnChange?: boolean;
Tells Formik to validate the form on each input's onChange event
property validateOnMount
validateOnMount?: boolean;
Tells Formik to validate upon mount
interface FormikState
interface FormikState<Values> {}
Formik state tree
property errors
errors: FormikErrors<Values>;
map of field names to specific error for that field
property isSubmitting
isSubmitting: boolean;
whether the form is currently submitting
property isValidating
isValidating: boolean;
whether the form is currently validating (prior to submission)
property status
status?: any;
Top level status state, in case you need it
property submitCount
submitCount: number;
Number of times user tried to submit the form
property touched
touched: FormikTouched<Values>;
map of field names to whether the field has been touched
property values
values: Values;
Form values
interface FormikValues
interface FormikValues {}
Values of fields in the form
index signature
[field: string]: any;
interface InferableComponentDecorator
interface InferableComponentDecorator<TOwnProps> {}
call signature
<T extends CompositeComponent<TOwnProps>>(component: T): T;
interface SharedRenderProps
interface SharedRenderProps<T> {}
property children
children?: (props: T) => React.ReactNode;
Children render function <Field name>{props => ...})
property component
component?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType<T | void>;
Field component to render. Can either be a string like 'select' or a component.
property render
render?: (props: T) => React.ReactNode;
Render prop (works like React router's <Route render={props =>} />)
interface WithFormikConfig
interface WithFormikConfig< Props, Values extends FormikValues = FormikValues, DeprecatedPayload = Values> extends FormikSharedConfig<Props> {}
withFormik() configuration options. Backwards compatible.
property displayName
displayName?: string;
Set the display name of the component. Useful for React DevTools.
property handleSubmit
handleSubmit: (values: Values, formikBag: FormikBag<Props, Values>) => void;
Submission handler
property mapPropsToErrors
mapPropsToErrors?: (props: Props) => FormikErrors<Values>;
Map props to the form errors state
property mapPropsToStatus
mapPropsToStatus?: (props: Props) => any;
Map props to the form status
property mapPropsToTouched
mapPropsToTouched?: (props: Props) => FormikTouched<Values>;
Map props to the form touched state
property mapPropsToValues
mapPropsToValues?: (props: Props) => Values;
Map props to the form values
property mapValuesToPayload
mapValuesToPayload?: (values: Values) => DeprecatedPayload;
in 0.9.0 (but needed to break TS types)
property validate
validate?: (values: Values, props: Props) => void | object | Promise<any>;
Validation function. Must return an error object or promise that throws an error object where that object keys map to corresponding value.
property validationSchema
validationSchema?: any | ((props: Props) => any);
A Yup Schema or a function that returns a Yup schema
Type Aliases
type CompositeComponent
type CompositeComponent<P> = React.ComponentClass<P> | React.FunctionComponent<P>;
type FastFieldAttributes
type FastFieldAttributes<T> = GenericFieldHTMLAttributes & FastFieldConfig<T> & T;
type FastFieldConfig
type FastFieldConfig<T> = FieldConfig & { /** Override FastField's default shouldComponentUpdate */ shouldUpdate?: (nextProps: T & GenericFieldHTMLAttributes, props: {}) => boolean;};
type FieldArrayConfig
type FieldArrayConfig = { /** Really the path to the array field to be updated */ name: string; /** Should field array validate the form AFTER array updates/changes? */ validateOnChange?: boolean;} & SharedRenderProps<FieldArrayRenderProps>;
type FieldArrayRenderProps
type FieldArrayRenderProps = ArrayHelpers & { form: FormikProps<any>; name: string;};
type FieldAttributes
type FieldAttributes<T> = { className?: string;} & GenericFieldHTMLAttributes & FieldConfig<T> & T & { name: string; };
type FieldHookConfig
type FieldHookConfig<T> = GenericFieldHTMLAttributes & FieldConfig<T>;
type FieldValidator
type FieldValidator = (value: any) => string | void | Promise<string | void>;
type FormikBag
type FormikBag<P, V> = { props: P;} & FormikHelpers<V>;
Formik helpers + { props }
type FormikContextType
type FormikContextType<Values> = FormikProps<Values> & Pick<FormikConfig<Values>, 'validate' | 'validationSchema'>;
State, handlers, and helpers made available to Formik's primitive components through context.
type FormikErrors
type FormikErrors<Values> = { [K in keyof Values]?: Values[K] extends any[] ? Values[K][number] extends object ? FormikErrors<Values[K][number]>[] | string | string[] : string | string[] : Values[K] extends object ? FormikErrors<Values[K]> : string;};
An object containing error messages whose keys correspond to FormikValues. Should always be an object of strings, but any is allowed to support i18n libraries.
type FormikFormProps
type FormikFormProps = Pick< React.FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>, Exclude<keyof React.FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>, 'onReset' | 'onSubmit'>>;
type FormikProps
type FormikProps<Values> = FormikSharedConfig & FormikState<Values> & FormikHelpers<Values> & FormikHandlers & FormikComputedProps<Values> & FormikRegistration & { submitForm: () => Promise<any>; };
State, handlers, and helpers made available to form component or render prop of .
type FormikTouched
type FormikTouched<Values> = { [K in keyof Values]?: Values[K] extends any[] ? Values[K][number] extends object ? FormikTouched<Values[K][number]>[] : boolean : Values[K] extends object ? FormikTouched<Values[K]> : boolean;};
An object containing touched state of the form whose keys correspond to FormikValues.
type GenericFieldHTMLAttributes
type GenericFieldHTMLAttributes = | JSX.IntrinsicElements['input'] | JSX.IntrinsicElements['select'] | JSX.IntrinsicElements['textarea'];
type InjectedFormikProps
type InjectedFormikProps<Props, Values> = Props & FormikProps<Values>;
State, handlers, and helpers injected as props into the wrapped form component. Used with withFormik()
OuterProps & FormikProps<Values>
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