- Version 0.6.0
- Published
- 77.7 kB
- 2 dependencies
- MIT license
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Framework for TypeScript applications
function contract
contract: < Properties extends string, Page extends Record<Properties, unknown>>(config: { page: Page; model: Pick<Page, KeysOfEffectorApi<Page>>;}) => void;
function createBrowserApplication
createBrowserApplication: (config: { ready: Event<void>; routes: RouteConfig[]; domain?: Domain;}) => { navigation: { history: history.History<unknown>; historyPush: effector.Effect<string, void, Error>; historyPushSearch: effector.Effect<string, void, Error>; historyReplace: effector.Effect<string, void, Error>; historyChanged: Event<HistoryChange>; historyEmitCurrent: Event<void>; $redirectTo: effector.Store<string>; };};
function createHatch
createHatch: (config_?: Config | Domain) => Hatch;
Events here is an input signal, history should call them when route enters, updates, and exits. Stores is derived from this events and holds specific parameters
holds current state of page, if user visited page but not left, it istrue
function createPages
createPages: (routes: RouteConfig[]) => JSX.Element;
function getHatch
getHatch: <T extends React.ComponentType<any>>( component: T) => Hatch | undefined;
function lookupHatch
lookupHatch: <P>(match: MatchedRoute<P>) => Hatch | undefined;
function withHatch
withHatch: <C extends React.ComponentType>(hatch: Hatch, component: C) => C;
interface Hatch
interface Hatch {}
Hatch is like a Gate, but just for models
property $opened
$opened: Store<boolean>;
property $params
$params: Store<Record<string, string>>;
property $props
$props: Store<HatchParams>;
property $query
$query: Store<Record<string, string>>;
property enter
enter: Event<HatchParams>;
property exit
exit: Event<void>;
property update
update: Event<HatchParams>;
interface HatchParams
interface HatchParams {}
Package Files (1)
Dependencies (2)
Dev Dependencies (60)
- @babel/cli
- @babel/core
- @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator
- @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
- @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
- @babel/plugin-transform-react-constant-elements
- @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react
- @babel/preset-typescript
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- @eslint-kit/eslint-config-base
- @eslint-kit/eslint-config-node
- @eslint-kit/eslint-config-prettier
- @eslint-kit/eslint-config-react
- @eslint-kit/eslint-config-typescript
- @rollup/plugin-babel
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs
- @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
- @testing-library/dom
- @testing-library/react
- @testing-library/user-event
- @types/debug
- @types/history
- @types/jest
- @types/loadable__component
- @types/node
- @types/react
- @types/react-dom
- @types/react-router
- @types/react-router-config
- @types/react-router-dom
- @typescript-eslint/parser
- babel-jest
- babel-plugin-module-resolver
- commitizen
- cz-conventional-changelog
- effector
- eslint
- history
- husky
- import-sort-style-sova
- jest
- lint-staged
- patronum
- prettier
- prettier-plugin-import-sort
- react
- react-dom
- react-is
- react-router
- react-router-config
- react-router-dom
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-dts
- rollup-plugin-terser
- ts-node
- typescript
Peer Dependencies (5)
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