- Version 6.7.1
- Published
- 115 kB
- 5 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i gaxios
yarn add gaxios
pnpm add gaxios
A simple common HTTP client specifically for Google APIs and services.
Type Aliases
variable instance
const instance: Gaxios;
The default instance used when the
method is directly invoked.
function request
request: <T>( opts: GaxiosOptions) => Promise<import('./common').GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Make an HTTP request using the given options.
Parameter opts
Options for the request
class Gaxios
class Gaxios {}
constructor(defaults?: GaxiosOptions);
The Gaxios class is responsible for making HTTP requests.
Parameter defaults
The default set of options to be used for this instance.
property agentCache
protected agentCache: Map<any, any>;
property defaults
defaults: GaxiosOptions;
Default HTTP options that will be used for every HTTP request.
property interceptors
interceptors: { request: GaxiosInterceptorManager<GaxiosOptions>; response: GaxiosInterceptorManager<GaxiosResponse>;};
method request
request: <T = any>(opts?: GaxiosOptions) => GaxiosPromise<T>;
Perform an HTTP request with the given options.
Parameter opts
Set of HTTP options that will be used for this HTTP request.
class GaxiosError
class GaxiosError<T = any> extends Error {}
constructor( message: string, config: GaxiosOptions, response?: GaxiosResponse<T>, error?: any);
operator forGaxiosError
across builds/duplicated files.See Also
property code
code?: string;
An Error code. See
Example 1
property config
config: GaxiosOptions;
property error
error?: any;
property response
response?: GaxiosResponse<T>;
property status
status?: number;
An HTTP Status code. See
Example 1
method [Symbol.hasInstance]
static [Symbol.hasInstance]: (instance: unknown) => boolean;
operator forGaxiosError
across builds/duplicated files.See Also
class GaxiosInterceptorManager
class GaxiosInterceptorManager< T extends GaxiosOptions | GaxiosResponse> extends Set<GaxiosInterceptor<T> | null> {}
Class to manage collections of GaxiosInterceptors for both requests and responses.
interface GaxiosInterceptor
interface GaxiosInterceptor<T extends GaxiosOptions | GaxiosResponse> {}
Interceptors that can be run for requests or responses. These interceptors run asynchronously.
property rejected
rejected?: (err: GaxiosError) => void;
Function to be run if the previous call to resolved throws / rejects or the request results in an invalid status as determined by the call to validateStatus.
Parameter err
The error thrown from the previously called resolved function.
property resolved
resolved?: (configOrResponse: T) => Promise<T>;
Function to be run when applying an interceptor.
Parameter configOrResponse
The current configuration or response.
{Promise} Promise that resolves to the modified set of options or response.
interface GaxiosOptions
interface GaxiosOptions {}
Request options that are used to form the request.
property adapter
adapter?: <T = any>( options: GaxiosOptions, defaultAdapter: (options: GaxiosOptions) => GaxiosPromise<T>) => GaxiosPromise<T>;
Optional method to override making the actual HTTP request. Useful for writing tests.
property agent
agent?: Agent | ((parsedUrl: URL) => Agent);
property baseUrl
baseUrl?: string;
property baseURL
baseURL?: string | URL;
property body
body?: any;
property cert
cert?: string;
property data
data?: any;
property errorRedactor
errorRedactor?: typeof defaultErrorRedactor | false;
An experimental error redactor.
This does not replace the requirement for an active Data Loss Prevention (DLP) provider. For DLP suggestions, see: - -
property fetchImplementation
fetchImplementation?: FetchImplementation;
Implementation of
to use when making the API call. By default, will use the browser context if available, and fall back tonode-fetch
in node.js otherwise.
property follow
follow?: number;
property headers
headers?: Headers;
property key
key?: string;
property maxContentLength
maxContentLength?: number;
The maximum size of the http response content in bytes allowed.
property maxRedirects
maxRedirects?: number;
The maximum number of redirects to follow. Defaults to 20.
property method
method?: | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PUT' | 'CONNECT' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE' | 'PATCH';
property multipart
multipart?: GaxiosMultipartOptions[];
A collection of parts to send as a
Content-Type: multipart/related
property noProxy
noProxy?: (string | URL | RegExp)[];
A list for excluding traffic for proxies. Available via
as well as a common-separated list of strings - merged with any localnoProxy
rules.- When provided a string, it is matched by - Wildcard
matching are available. (
) - When provided a URL, it is matched by the.origin
property. - For example, requesting
with the followingnoProxy
s would result in a no proxy use: - new URL('') - new URL('') - The following would be used with a proxy: - new URL('') - new URL('') - When provided a regular expression it is used to match the stringified URLSee Also
property onUploadProgress
onUploadProgress?: (progressEvent: any) => void;
property params
params?: any;
property paramsSerializer
paramsSerializer?: (params: { [index: string]: string | number }) => string;
property proxy
proxy?: string | URL;
An optional proxy to use for requests. Available via
as well - with a preference for the this config option when multiple are available. The option overrides this.See Also
property responseType
responseType?: 'arraybuffer' | 'blob' | 'json' | 'text' | 'stream' | 'unknown';
property retry
retry?: boolean;
property retryConfig
retryConfig?: RetryConfig;
property signal
signal?: any;
property size
size?: number;
property timeout
timeout?: number;
property url
url?: string | URL;
property validateStatus
validateStatus?: (status: number) => boolean;
interface GaxiosResponse
interface GaxiosResponse<T = any> {}
interface Headers
interface Headers {}
index signature
[index: string]: any;
interface RetryConfig
interface RetryConfig {}
Configuration for the Gaxios
property currentRetryAttempt
currentRetryAttempt?: number;
The number of retries already attempted.
property httpMethodsToRetry
httpMethodsToRetry?: string[];
The HTTP Methods that will be automatically retried. Defaults to ['GET','PUT','HEAD','OPTIONS','DELETE']
property maxRetryDelay
maxRetryDelay?: number;
property noResponseRetries
noResponseRetries?: number;
When there is no response, the number of retries to attempt. Defaults to 2.
property onRetryAttempt
onRetryAttempt?: (err: GaxiosError) => Promise<void> | void;
Function to invoke when a retry attempt is made.
property retry
retry?: number;
The number of times to retry the request. Defaults to 3.
property retryBackoff
retryBackoff?: (err: GaxiosError, defaultBackoffMs: number) => Promise<void>;
Function to invoke which returns a promise. After the promise resolves, the retry will be triggered. If provided, this will be used in-place of the
property retryDelay
retryDelay?: number;
The amount of time to initially delay the retry, in ms. Defaults to 100ms.
property retryDelayMultiplier
retryDelayMultiplier?: number;
property shouldRetry
shouldRetry?: (err: GaxiosError) => Promise<boolean> | boolean;
Function to invoke which determines if you should retry
property statusCodesToRetry
statusCodesToRetry?: number[][];
The HTTP response status codes that will automatically be retried. Defaults to: [[100, 199], [408, 408], [429, 429], [500, 599]]
property timeOfFirstRequest
timeOfFirstRequest?: number;
Time that the initial request was made. Users should not set this directly.
property totalTimeout
totalTimeout?: number;
The length of time to keep retrying in ms. The last sleep period will be shortened as necessary, so that the last retry runs at deadline (and not considerably beyond it). The total time starting from when the initial request is sent, after which an error will be returned, regardless of the retrying attempts made meanwhile. Defaults to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER indicating to effectively ignore totalTimeout.
Type Aliases
type GaxiosPromise
type GaxiosPromise<T = any> = Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Package Files (4)
Dependencies (5)
Dev Dependencies (48)
- @babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods
- @compodoc/compodoc
- @types/cors
- @types/express
- @types/extend
- @types/mocha
- @types/multiparty
- @types/mv
- @types/ncp
- @types/node
- @types/node-fetch
- @types/sinon
- @types/tmp
- @types/uuid
- abort-controller
- assert
- browserify
- c8
- cheerio
- cors
- execa
- express
- form-data
- gts
- is-docker
- karma
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-coverage
- karma-firefox-launcher
- karma-mocha
- karma-remap-coverage
- karma-sourcemap-loader
- karma-webpack
- linkinator
- mocha
- multiparty
- mv
- ncp
- nock
- null-loader
- puppeteer
- sinon
- stream-browserify
- tmp
- ts-loader
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-cli
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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