- Version 9.15.1
- Published
- 612 kB
- 6 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i google-auth-library
yarn add google-auth-library
pnpm add google-auth-library
Google APIs Authentication Client Library for Node.js
- apiKey
- authorizeRequest()
- cachedCredential
- defaultScopes
- defaultServicePath
- DefaultTransporter
- fromAPIKey()
- fromImpersonatedJSON()
- fromJSON()
- fromStream()
- getAccessToken()
- getApplicationDefault()
- getClient()
- getCredentials()
- getEnv()
- getIdTokenClient()
- getProjectId()
- getRequestHeaders()
- getUniverseDomain()
- getUniverseDomainFromMetadataServer()
- isGCE
- jsonContent
- request()
- setGapicJWTValues()
- sign()
- transporter
- useJWTAccessWithScope
- clientAuthentication
- endpoints
- generateAuthUrl()
- generateCodeVerifier()
- generateCodeVerifierAsync()
- getAccessToken()
- getFederatedSignonCerts()
- getFederatedSignonCertsAsync()
- getIapPublicKeys()
- getIapPublicKeysAsync()
- getRequestHeaders()
- getRequestMetadataAsync()
- getRevokeTokenUrl()
- getRevokeTokenURL()
- getToken()
- getTokenInfo()
- issuers
- isTokenExpiring()
- refreshAccessToken()
- refreshHandler
- refreshToken()
- refreshTokenNoCache()
- refreshTokenPromises
- request()
- requestAsync()
- revokeCredentials()
- revokeToken()
- verifyIdToken()
- verifySignedJwtWithCerts()
- verifySignedJwtWithCertsAsync()
Type Aliases
variable auth
const auth: GoogleAuth<JSONClient>;
const DEFAULT_UNIVERSE: string;
The default cloud universe
See Also
class AuthClient
abstract class AuthClient extends EventEmitter implements CredentialsClient {}
constructor(opts?: AuthClientOptions);
property apiKey
apiKey?: string;
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
property eagerRefreshThresholdMillis
eagerRefreshThresholdMillis: number;
property forceRefreshOnFailure
forceRefreshOnFailure: boolean;
property gaxios
readonly gaxios: any;
Return the instance from the AuthClient.transporter.
property projectId
projectId?: string;
property quotaProjectId
quotaProjectId?: string;
The quota project ID. The quota project can be used by client libraries for the billing purpose. See
static readonly RETRY_CONFIG: GaxiosOptions;
Retry config for Auth-related requests.
This is not a part of the default config as some downstream APIs would prefer if customers explicitly enable retries, such as GCS.
property transporter
transporter: Transporter;
property universeDomain
universeDomain: string;
method addSharedMetadataHeaders
protected addSharedMetadataHeaders: (headers: Headers) => Headers;
Append additional headers, e.g., x-goog-user-project, shared across the classes inheriting AuthClient. This method should be used by any method that overrides getRequestMetadataAsync(), which is a shared helper for setting request information in both gRPC and HTTP API calls.
Parameter headers
object to append additional headers to.
method getAccessToken
abstract getAccessToken: () => Promise<{ token?: string | null; res?: GaxiosResponse | null;}>;
A promise that resolves with the current GCP access token response. If the current credential is expired, a new one is retrieved.
method getRequestHeaders
abstract getRequestHeaders: (url?: string) => Promise<Headers>;
The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when present is the endpoint being accessed, and returns a Promise which resolves with authorization header fields.
The result has the form: { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
Parameter url
The URI being authorized.
method request
abstract request: <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions) => GaxiosPromise<T>;
Provides an alternative Gaxios request implementation with auth credentials
method setCredentials
setCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => void;
Sets the auth credentials.
class AwsClient
class AwsClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient {}
AWS external account client. This is used for AWS workloads, where AWS STS GetCallerIdentity serialized signed requests are exchanged for GCP access token.
constructor( options: AwsClientOptions | SnakeToCamelObject<AwsClientOptions>, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
Instantiates an AwsClient instance using the provided JSON object loaded from an external account credentials file. An error is thrown if the credential is not a valid AWS credential.
Parameter options
The external account options object typically loaded from the external account JSON credential file.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors.
AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.
AWS client no validates the EC2 metadata address.
method retrieveSubjectToken
retrieveSubjectToken: () => Promise<string>;
Triggered when an external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. This will call the AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier to retrieve an AWS region and AWS Security Credentials, then use them to create a signed AWS STS request that can be exchanged for a GCP access token. A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
class AwsRequestSigner
class AwsRequestSigner {}
Implements an AWS API request signer based on the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
constructor( getCredentials: () => Promise<AwsSecurityCredentials>, region: string);
Instantiates an AWS API request signer used to send authenticated signed requests to AWS APIs based on the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process. This also provides a mechanism to generate the signed request without sending it.
Parameter getCredentials
A mechanism to retrieve AWS security credentials when needed.
Parameter region
The AWS region to use.
method getRequestOptions
getRequestOptions: (amzOptions: GaxiosOptions) => Promise<GaxiosOptions>;
Generates the signed request for the provided HTTP request for calling an AWS API. This follows the steps described at:
Parameter amzOptions
The AWS request options that need to be signed. A promise that resolves with the GaxiosOptions containing the signed HTTP request parameters.
class BaseExternalAccountClient
abstract class BaseExternalAccountClient extends AuthClient {}
Base external account client. This is used to instantiate AuthClients for exchanging external account credentials for GCP access token and authorizing requests to GCP APIs. The base class implements common logic for exchanging various type of external credentials for GCP access token. The logic of determining and retrieving the external credential based on the environment and credential_source will be left for the subclasses.
constructor( options: | BaseExternalAccountClientOptions | SnakeToCamelObject<BaseExternalAccountClientOptions>, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
Instantiate a BaseExternalAccountClient instance using the provided JSON object loaded from an external account credentials file.
Parameter options
The external account options object typically loaded from the external account JSON credential file. The camelCased options are aliases for the snake_cased options.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors.
property audience
protected readonly audience: string;
property cloudResourceManagerURL
protected cloudResourceManagerURL: string | URL;
Example 1
new URL('');
property credentialSourceType
protected credentialSourceType?: string;
property projectNumber
projectNumber: string;
property scopes
scopes?: string | string[];
OAuth scopes for the GCP access token to use. When not provided, the default is used.
property subjectTokenType
protected readonly subjectTokenType: string;
property supplierContext
protected supplierContext: ExternalAccountSupplierContext;
method getAccessToken
getAccessToken: () => Promise<GetAccessTokenResponse>;
A promise that resolves with the current GCP access token response. If the current credential is expired, a new one is retrieved.
method getProjectId
getProjectId: () => Promise<string | null>;
A promise that resolves with the project ID corresponding to the current workload identity pool or current workforce pool if determinable. For workforce pool credential, it returns the project ID corresponding to the workforcePoolUserProject. This is introduced to match the current pattern of using the Auth library: const projectId = await auth.getProjectId(); const url =${projectId}
; const res = await client.request({ url }); The resource may not have permission (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required scopes may not be selected:
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: () => Promise<Headers>;
The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when present is the endpoint being accessed, and returns a Promise which resolves with authorization header fields.
The result has the form: { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
method getServiceAccountEmail
getServiceAccountEmail: () => string | null;
The service account email to be impersonated, if available.
method refreshAccessTokenAsync
protected refreshAccessTokenAsync: () => Promise<CredentialsWithResponse>;
Forces token refresh, even if unexpired tokens are currently cached. External credentials are exchanged for GCP access tokens via the token exchange endpoint and other settings provided in the client options object. If the service_account_impersonation_url is provided, an additional step to exchange the external account GCP access token for a service account impersonated token is performed. A promise that resolves with the fresh GCP access tokens.
method request
request: { <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions): GaxiosPromise<T>; <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback<T>): void;};
Provides a request implementation with OAuth 2.0 flow. In cases of HTTP 401 and 403 responses, it automatically asks for a new access token and replays the unsuccessful request.
Parameter opts
Request options.
Parameter callback
callback. A promise that resolves with the HTTP response when no callback is provided.
method requestAsync
protected requestAsync: <T>( opts: GaxiosOptions, reAuthRetried?: boolean) => Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Authenticates the provided HTTP request, processes it and resolves with the returned response.
Parameter opts
The HTTP request options.
Parameter reAuthRetried
Whether the current attempt is a retry after a failed attempt due to an auth failure. A promise that resolves with the successful response.
method retrieveSubjectToken
abstract retrieveSubjectToken: () => Promise<string>;
Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. This abstract method needs to be implemented by subclasses depending on the type of external credential used. A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
method setCredentials
setCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => void;
Provides a mechanism to inject GCP access tokens directly. When the provided credential expires, a new credential, using the external account options, is retrieved.
Parameter credentials
The Credentials object to set on the current client.
class Compute
class Compute extends OAuth2Client {}
constructor(options?: ComputeOptions);
Google Compute Engine service account credentials.
Retrieve access token from the metadata server. See:
property scopes
scopes: string[];
property serviceAccountEmail
readonly serviceAccountEmail: string;
method fetchIdToken
fetchIdToken: (targetAudience: string) => Promise<string>;
Fetches an ID token.
Parameter targetAudience
the audience for the fetched ID token.
method refreshTokenNoCache
protected refreshTokenNoCache: ( refreshToken?: string | null) => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
Refreshes the access token.
Parameter refreshToken
Unused parameter
method wrapError
protected wrapError: (e: GaxiosError) => void;
class DefaultTransporter
class DefaultTransporter implements Transporter {}
property defaults
defaults: GaxiosOptions;
property instance
instance: Gaxios;
A configurable, replacable
property USER_AGENT
static readonly USER_AGENT: string;
Default user agent.
method configure
configure: (opts?: GaxiosOptions) => GaxiosOptions;
Configures request options before making a request.
Parameter opts
GaxiosOptions options. Configured options.
method request
request: <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions) => GaxiosPromise<T>;
Makes a request using Gaxios with given options.
Parameter opts
GaxiosOptions options.
Parameter callback
optional callback that contains GaxiosResponse object. GaxiosPromise, assuming no callback is passed.
class DownscopedClient
class DownscopedClient extends AuthClient {}
Defines a set of Google credentials that are downscoped from an existing set of Google OAuth2 credentials. This is useful to restrict the Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions that a short-lived credential can use. The common pattern of usage is to have a token broker with elevated access generate these downscoped credentials from higher access source credentials and pass the downscoped short-lived access tokens to a token consumer via some secure authenticated channel for limited access to Google Cloud Storage resources.
constructor( authClient: AuthClient, credentialAccessBoundary: CredentialAccessBoundary, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions, quotaProjectId?: string);
Instantiates a downscoped client object using the provided source AuthClient and credential access boundary rules. To downscope permissions of a source AuthClient, a Credential Access Boundary that specifies which resources the new credential can access, as well as an upper bound on the permissions that are available on each resource, has to be defined. A downscoped client can then be instantiated using the source AuthClient and the Credential Access Boundary.
Parameter authClient
The source AuthClient to be downscoped based on the provided Credential Access Boundary rules.
Parameter credentialAccessBoundary
The Credential Access Boundary which contains a list of access boundary rules. Each rule contains information on the resource that the rule applies to, the upper bound of the permissions that are available on that resource and an optional condition to further restrict permissions.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, set this in the provided
.** Optional additional behavior customization options.Parameter quotaProjectId
**DEPRECATED, set this in the provided
.** Optional quota project id for setting up in the x-goog-user-project header.
method getAccessToken
getAccessToken: () => Promise<DownscopedAccessTokenResponse>;
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: () => Promise<Headers>;
The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when present is the endpoint being accessed, and returns a Promise which resolves with authorization header fields.
The result has the form: { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
method refreshAccessTokenAsync
protected refreshAccessTokenAsync: () => Promise<CredentialsWithResponse>;
Forces token refresh, even if unexpired tokens are currently cached. GCP access tokens are retrieved from authclient object/source credential. Then GCP access tokens are exchanged for downscoped access tokens via the token exchange endpoint. A promise that resolves with the fresh downscoped access token.
method request
request: { <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions): GaxiosPromise<T>; <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback<T>): void;};
Provides a request implementation with OAuth 2.0 flow. In cases of HTTP 401 and 403 responses, it automatically asks for a new access token and replays the unsuccessful request.
Parameter opts
Request options.
Parameter callback
callback. A promise that resolves with the HTTP response when no callback is provided.
method requestAsync
protected requestAsync: <T>( opts: GaxiosOptions, reAuthRetried?: boolean) => Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Authenticates the provided HTTP request, processes it and resolves with the returned response.
Parameter opts
The HTTP request options.
Parameter reAuthRetried
Whether the current attempt is a retry after a failed attempt due to an auth failure A promise that resolves with the successful response.
method setCredentials
setCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => void;
Provides a mechanism to inject Downscoped access tokens directly. The expiry_date field is required to facilitate determination of the token expiration which would make it easier for the token consumer to handle.
Parameter credentials
The Credentials object to set on the current client.
class ExecutableError
class ExecutableError extends Error {}
Error thrown from the executable run by PluggableAuthClient.
constructor(message: string, code: string);
property code
readonly code: string;
The exit code returned by the executable.
class ExternalAccountClient
class ExternalAccountClient {}
Dummy class with no constructor. Developers are expected to use fromJSON.
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: ( options: ExternalAccountClientOptions, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions) => BaseExternalAccountClient | null;
This static method will instantiate the corresponding type of external account credential depending on the underlying credential source.
Parameter options
The external account options object typically loaded from the external account JSON credential file.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors. A BaseExternalAccountClient instance or null if the options provided do not correspond to an external account credential.
class GoogleAuth
class GoogleAuth<T extends AuthClient = JSONClient> {}
constructor(opts?: GoogleAuthOptions<T>);
Configuration is resolved in the following order of precedence: - - -
are passed to the .
Parameter opts
property apiKey
apiKey: string;
property cachedCredential
cachedCredential: any;
property defaultScopes
defaultScopes?: string | string[];
Scopes populated by the client library by default. We differentiate between these and user defined scopes when deciding whether to use a self-signed JWT.
property defaultServicePath
defaultServicePath?: string;
property DefaultTransporter
static DefaultTransporter: typeof DefaultTransporter;
Export DefaultTransporter as a static property of the class.
property isGCE
readonly isGCE: boolean;
property jsonContent
jsonContent: JWTInput | ExternalAccountClientOptions;
property transporter
transporter?: Transporter;
property useJWTAccessWithScope
useJWTAccessWithScope?: boolean;
method authorizeRequest
authorizeRequest: (opts: { url?: string; uri?: string; headers?: Headers;}) => Promise<{ url?: string; uri?: string; headers?: Headers }>;
Obtain credentials for a request, then attach the appropriate headers to the request options.
Parameter opts
Axios or Request options on which to attach the headers
method fromAPIKey
fromAPIKey: (apiKey: string, options?: AuthClientOptions) => JWT;
Create a credentials instance using the given API key string. The created client is not cached. In order to create and cache it use the method after first providing an .
Parameter apiKey
The API key string
Parameter options
An optional options object.
A JWT loaded from the key
method fromImpersonatedJSON
fromImpersonatedJSON: (json: ImpersonatedJWTInput) => Impersonated;
Create a credentials instance using a given impersonated input options.
Parameter json
The impersonated input object.
JWT or UserRefresh Client with data
method fromJSON
fromJSON: ( json: JWTInput | ImpersonatedJWTInput, options?: AuthClientOptions) => JSONClient;
Create a credentials instance using the given input options. This client is not cached.
**Important**: If you accept a credential configuration (credential JSON/File/Stream) from an external source for authentication to Google Cloud, you must validate it before providing it to any Google API or library. Providing an unvalidated credential configuration to Google APIs can compromise the security of your systems and data. For more information, refer to .
Parameter json
The input object.
Parameter options
The JWT or UserRefresh options for the client
JWT or UserRefresh Client with data
method fromStream
fromStream: { (inputStream: stream.Readable): Promise<JSONClient>; (inputStream: stream.Readable, callback: CredentialCallback): void; ( inputStream: stream.Readable, options: AuthClientOptions ): Promise<JSONClient>; ( inputStream: stream.Readable, options: AuthClientOptions, callback: CredentialCallback ): void;};
Create a credentials instance using the given input stream.
Parameter inputStream
The input stream.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
method getAccessToken
getAccessToken: () => Promise<string | null | undefined>;
Automatically obtain application default credentials, and return an access token for making requests.
method getApplicationDefault
getApplicationDefault: { (): Promise<ADCResponse>; (callback: ADCCallback): void; (options: AuthClientOptions): Promise<ADCResponse>; (options: AuthClientOptions, callback: ADCCallback): void;};
Obtains the default service-level credentials for the application.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
Promise that resolves with the ADCResponse (if no callback was passed).
method getClient
getClient: () => Promise<AnyAuthClient | T>;
Automatically obtain an based on the provided configuration. If no options were passed, use Application Default Credentials.
method getCredentials
getCredentials: { (): Promise<CredentialBody>; (callback: (err: Error, credentials?: CredentialBody) => void): void;};
The callback function handles a credential object that contains the client_email and private_key (if exists). getCredentials first checks if the client is using an external account and uses the service account email in place of client_email. If that doesn't exist, it checks for these values from the user JSON. If the user JSON doesn't exist, and the environment is on GCE, it gets the client_email from the cloud metadata server.
Parameter callback
Callback that handles the credential object that contains a client_email and optional private key, or the error. returned
method getEnv
getEnv: () => Promise<GCPEnv>;
Determine the compute environment in which the code is running.
method getIdTokenClient
getIdTokenClient: (targetAudience: string) => Promise<IdTokenClient>;
Creates a client which will fetch an ID token for authorization.
Parameter targetAudience
the audience for the fetched ID token.
IdTokenClient for making HTTP calls authenticated with ID tokens.
method getProjectId
getProjectId: { (): Promise<string>; (callback: ProjectIdCallback): void };
Obtains the default project ID for the application.
Retrieves in the following order of precedence: - The
provided in this object's construction - GCLOUD_PROJECT or GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable - GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS JSON file - Cloud SDK:gcloud config config-helper --format json
- GCE project ID from metadata server
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: (url?: string) => Promise<Headers>;
Obtain the HTTP headers that will provide authorization for a given request.
method getUniverseDomain
getUniverseDomain: () => Promise<string>;
Retrieves, caches, and returns the universe domain in the following order of precedence: - The universe domain in GoogleAuth.clientOptions - An existing or ADC AuthClient's universe domain - gcpMetadata.universe, if Compute client
The universe domain
method getUniverseDomainFromMetadataServer
getUniverseDomainFromMetadataServer: () => Promise<string>;
Retrieves a universe domain from the metadata server via gcpMetadata.universe.
a universe domain
method request
request: <T = any>(opts: GaxiosOptions) => Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Automatically obtain application default credentials, and make an HTTP request using the given options.
Parameter opts
Axios request options for the HTTP request.
method setGapicJWTValues
setGapicJWTValues: (client: JWT) => void;
method sign
sign: (data: string, endpoint?: string) => Promise<string>;
Sign the given data with the current private key, or go out to the IAM API to sign it.
Parameter data
The data to be signed.
Parameter endpoint
A custom endpoint to use.
Example 1
sign('data', '');
class IAMAuth
class IAMAuth {}
constructor(selector: string, token: string);
IAM credentials.
Parameter selector
the iam authority selector
Parameter token
the token
property selector
selector: string;
property token
token: string;
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: () => { 'x-goog-iam-authority-selector': string; 'x-goog-iam-authorization-token': string;};
Acquire the HTTP headers required to make an authenticated request.
class IdentityPoolClient
class IdentityPoolClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient {}
Defines the Url-sourced and file-sourced external account clients mainly used for K8s and Azure workloads.
constructor( options: | IdentityPoolClientOptions | SnakeToCamelObject<IdentityPoolClientOptions>, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
Instantiate an IdentityPoolClient instance using the provided JSON object loaded from an external account credentials file. An error is thrown if the credential is not a valid file-sourced or url-sourced credential or a workforce pool user project is provided with a non workforce audience.
Parameter options
The external account options object typically loaded from the external account JSON credential file. The camelCased options are aliases for the snake_cased options.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors.
method retrieveSubjectToken
retrieveSubjectToken: () => Promise<string>;
Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. Gets a subject token by calling the configured SubjectTokenSupplier A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
class IdTokenClient
class IdTokenClient extends OAuth2Client {}
constructor(options: IdTokenOptions);
Google ID Token client
Retrieve ID token from the metadata server. See:
property idTokenProvider
idTokenProvider: IdTokenProvider;
property targetAudience
targetAudience: string;
method getRequestMetadataAsync
protected getRequestMetadataAsync: ( url?: string | null) => Promise<RequestMetadataResponse>;
class Impersonated
class Impersonated extends OAuth2Client implements IdTokenProvider {}
constructor(options?: ImpersonatedOptions);
Impersonated service account credentials.
Create a new access token by impersonating another service account.
Impersonated Credentials allowing credentials issued to a user or service account to impersonate another. The source project using Impersonated Credentials must enable the "IAMCredentials" API. Also, the target service account must grant the orginating principal the "Service Account Token Creator" IAM role.
Parameter options
The configuration object.
{object} [options.sourceClient] the source credential used as to acquire the impersonated credentials.
{string} [options.targetPrincipal] the service account to impersonate.
{string[]} [options.delegates] the chained list of delegates required to grant the final access_token. If set, the sequence of identities must have "Service Account Token Creator" capability granted to the preceding identity. For example, if set to [serviceAccountB, serviceAccountC], the sourceCredential must have the Token Creator role on serviceAccountB. serviceAccountB must have the Token Creator on serviceAccountC. Finally, C must have Token Creator on target_principal. If left unset, sourceCredential must have that role on targetPrincipal.
{string[]} [options.targetScopes] scopes to request during the authorization grant.
{number} [options.lifetime] number of seconds the delegated credential should be valid for up to 3600 seconds by default, or 43,200 seconds by extending the token's lifetime, see:
{string} [options.endpoint] api endpoint override.
method fetchIdToken
fetchIdToken: ( targetAudience: string, options?: FetchIdTokenOptions) => Promise<string>;
Generates an OpenID Connect ID token for a service account.
Parameter targetAudience
the audience for the fetched ID token.
Parameter options
the for the request an OpenID Connect ID token
method getTargetPrincipal
getTargetPrincipal: () => string;
The service account email to be impersonated.
method refreshToken
protected refreshToken: () => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
Refreshes the access token.
method sign
sign: (blobToSign: string) => Promise<SignBlobResponse>;
Signs some bytes.
Parameter blobToSign
String to sign.
A SignBlobResponse denoting the keyID and signedBlob in base64 string
class JWT
class JWT extends OAuth2Client implements IdTokenProvider {}
constructor(options: JWTOptions);
JWT service account credentials.
Retrieve access token using gtoken.
Parameter email
service account email address.
Parameter keyFile
path to private key file.
Parameter key
value of key
Parameter scopes
list of requested scopes or a single scope.
Parameter subject
impersonated account's email address.
Parameter key_id
the ID of the key
constructor( email?: string, keyFile?: string, key?: string, scopes?: string | string[], subject?: string, keyId?: string);
property additionalClaims
additionalClaims?: {};
property defaultScopes
defaultScopes?: string | string[];
property defaultServicePath
defaultServicePath?: string;
property email
email?: string;
property gtoken
gtoken?: GoogleToken;
property key
key?: string;
property keyFile
keyFile?: string;
property keyId
keyId?: string;
property scope
scope?: string;
property scopes
scopes?: string | string[];
property subject
subject?: string;
property useJWTAccessWithScope
useJWTAccessWithScope?: boolean;
method authorize
authorize: { (): Promise<Credentials>; (callback: (err: Error, result?: Credentials) => void): void;};
Get the initial access token using gToken.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
Promise that resolves with credentials
method createScoped
createScoped: (scopes?: string | string[]) => JWT;
Creates a copy of the credential with the specified scopes.
Parameter scopes
List of requested scopes or a single scope. The cloned instance.
method fetchIdToken
fetchIdToken: (targetAudience: string) => Promise<string>;
Fetches an ID token.
Parameter targetAudience
the audience for the fetched ID token.
method fromAPIKey
fromAPIKey: (apiKey: string) => void;
Creates a JWT credentials instance using an API Key for authentication.
Parameter apiKey
The API Key in string form.
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: JWTInput) => void;
Create a JWT credentials instance using the given input options.
Parameter json
The input object.
**Important**: If you accept a credential configuration (credential JSON/File/Stream) from an external source for authentication to Google Cloud, you must validate it before providing it to any Google API or library. Providing an unvalidated credential configuration to Google APIs can compromise the security of your systems and data. For more information, refer to .
method fromStream
fromStream: { (inputStream: stream.Readable): Promise<void>; (inputStream: stream.Readable, callback: (err?: Error) => void): void;};
Create a JWT credentials instance using the given input stream.
Parameter inputStream
The input stream.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
**Important**: If you accept a credential configuration (credential JSON/File/Stream) from an external source for authentication to Google Cloud, you must validate it before providing it to any Google API or library. Providing an unvalidated credential configuration to Google APIs can compromise the security of your systems and data. For more information, refer to .
method getCredentials
getCredentials: () => Promise<CredentialBody>;
Using the key or keyFile on the JWT client, obtain an object that contains the key and the client email.
method getRequestMetadataAsync
protected getRequestMetadataAsync: ( url?: string | null) => Promise<RequestMetadataResponse>;
Obtains the metadata to be sent with the request.
Parameter url
the URI being authorized.
method refreshTokenNoCache
protected refreshTokenNoCache: ( refreshToken?: string | null) => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
Refreshes the access token.
Parameter refreshToken
class JWTAccess
class JWTAccess {}
constructor( email?: string, key?: string, keyId?: string, eagerRefreshThresholdMillis?: number);
JWTAccess service account credentials.
Create a new access token by using the credential to create a new JWT token that's recognized as the access token.
Parameter email
the service account email address.
Parameter key
the private key that will be used to sign the token.
Parameter keyId
the ID of the private key used to sign the token.
property eagerRefreshThresholdMillis
eagerRefreshThresholdMillis: number;
property email
email?: string;
property key
key?: string;
property keyId
keyId?: string;
property projectId
projectId?: string;
method fromJSON
fromJSON: (json: JWTInput) => void;
Create a JWTAccess credentials instance using the given input options.
Parameter json
The input object.
method fromStream
fromStream: { (inputStream: stream.Readable): Promise<void>; (inputStream: stream.Readable, callback: (err?: Error) => void): void;};
Create a JWTAccess credentials instance using the given input stream.
Parameter inputStream
The input stream.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
method getCachedKey
getCachedKey: (url?: string, scopes?: string | string[]) => string;
Ensures that we're caching a key appropriately, giving precedence to scopes vs. url
Parameter url
The URI being authorized.
Parameter scopes
The scope or scopes being authorized
A string that returns the cached key.
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: ( url?: string, additionalClaims?: Claims, scopes?: string | string[]) => Headers;
Get a non-expired access token, after refreshing if necessary.
Parameter url
The URI being authorized.
Parameter additionalClaims
An object with a set of additional claims to include in the payload.
An object that includes the authorization header.
class LoginTicket
class LoginTicket {}
constructor(env?: string, pay?: TokenPayload);
Create a simple class to extract user ID from an ID Token
Parameter env
Envelope of the jwt
Parameter pay
Payload of the jwt
method getAttributes
getAttributes: () => { envelope: string | undefined; payload: TokenPayload | undefined;};
Returns attributes from the login ticket. This can contain various information about the user session.
The envelope and payload
method getEnvelope
getEnvelope: () => string | undefined;
method getPayload
getPayload: () => TokenPayload | undefined;
method getUserId
getUserId: () => string | null;
Create a simple class to extract user ID from an ID Token
The user ID
class OAuth2Client
class OAuth2Client extends AuthClient {}
constructor(options?: OAuth2ClientOptions);
Handles OAuth2 flow for Google APIs.
Parameter clientId
The authentication client ID.
Parameter clientSecret
The authentication client secret.
Parameter redirectUri
The URI to redirect to after completing the auth request.
Parameter opts
optional options for overriding the given parameters.
constructor(clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string, redirectUri?: string);
property clientAuthentication
readonly clientAuthentication: ClientAuthentication;
property endpoints
readonly endpoints: Readonly<OAuth2ClientEndpoints>;
protected static readonly GOOGLE_TOKEN_INFO_URL: string;
use instance's OAuth2Client.endpoints
property issuers
readonly issuers: string[];
property refreshHandler
refreshHandler?: GetRefreshHandlerCallback;
property refreshTokenPromises
protected refreshTokenPromises: Map<string, Promise<GetTokenResponse>>;
method generateAuthUrl
generateAuthUrl: (opts?: GenerateAuthUrlOpts) => string;
Generates URL for consent page landing.
Parameter opts
Options. URL to consent page.
method generateCodeVerifier
generateCodeVerifier: () => void;
method generateCodeVerifierAsync
generateCodeVerifierAsync: () => Promise<CodeVerifierResults>;
Convenience method to automatically generate a code_verifier, and its resulting SHA256. If used, this must be paired with a S256 code_challenge_method.
For a full example see:
method getAccessToken
getAccessToken: { (): Promise<GetAccessTokenResponse>; (callback: GetAccessTokenCallback): void;};
Get a non-expired access token, after refreshing if necessary
Parameter callback
Callback to call with the access token
method getFederatedSignonCerts
getFederatedSignonCerts: { (): Promise<FederatedSignonCertsResponse>; (callback: GetFederatedSignonCertsCallback): void;};
Gets federated sign-on certificates to use for verifying identity tokens. Returns certs as array structure, where keys are key ids, and values are certificates in either PEM or JWK format.
Parameter callback
Callback supplying the certificates
method getFederatedSignonCertsAsync
getFederatedSignonCertsAsync: () => Promise<FederatedSignonCertsResponse>;
method getIapPublicKeys
getIapPublicKeys: { (): Promise<IapPublicKeysResponse>; (callback: GetIapPublicKeysCallback): void;};
Gets federated sign-on certificates to use for verifying identity tokens. Returns certs as array structure, where keys are key ids, and values are certificates in either PEM or JWK format.
Parameter callback
Callback supplying the certificates
method getIapPublicKeysAsync
getIapPublicKeysAsync: () => Promise<IapPublicKeysResponse>;
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: (url?: string) => Promise<Headers>;
The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when present is the endpoint being accessed, and returns a Promise which resolves with authorization header fields.
In OAuth2Client, the result has the form: { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
Parameter url
The optional url being authorized
method getRequestMetadataAsync
protected getRequestMetadataAsync: ( url?: string | URL | null) => Promise<RequestMetadataResponse>;
method getRevokeTokenUrl
static getRevokeTokenUrl: (token: string) => string;
Generates an URL to revoke the given token.
Parameter token
The existing token to be revoked.
use instance method OAuth2Client.getRevokeTokenURL
method getRevokeTokenURL
getRevokeTokenURL: (token: string) => URL;
Generates a URL to revoke the given token.
Parameter token
The existing token to be revoked.
method getToken
getToken: { (code: string): Promise<GetTokenResponse>; (options: GetTokenOptions): Promise<GetTokenResponse>; (code: string, callback: GetTokenCallback): void; (options: GetTokenOptions, callback: GetTokenCallback): void;};
Gets the access token for the given code.
Parameter code
The authorization code.
Parameter callback
Optional callback fn.
method getTokenInfo
getTokenInfo: (accessToken: string) => Promise<TokenInfo>;
Obtains information about the provisioned access token. Especially useful if you want to check the scopes that were provisioned to a given token.
Parameter accessToken
Required. The Access Token for which you want to get user info.
method isTokenExpiring
protected isTokenExpiring: () => boolean;
Returns true if a token is expired or will expire within eagerRefreshThresholdMillismilliseconds. If there is no expiry time, assumes the token is not expired or expiring.
method refreshAccessToken
refreshAccessToken: { (): Promise<RefreshAccessTokenResponse>; (callback: RefreshAccessTokenCallback): void;};
Retrieves the access token using refresh token
Parameter callback
method refreshToken
protected refreshToken: ( refreshToken?: string | null) => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
Refreshes the access token.
Parameter refresh_token
Existing refresh token.
method refreshTokenNoCache
protected refreshTokenNoCache: ( refreshToken?: string | null) => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
method request
request: { <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions): GaxiosPromise<T>; <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback<T>): void;};
Provides a request implementation with OAuth 2.0 flow. If credentials have a refresh_token, in cases of HTTP 401 and 403 responses, it automatically asks for a new access token and replays the unsuccessful request.
Parameter opts
Request options.
Parameter callback
callback. Request object
method requestAsync
protected requestAsync: <T>( opts: GaxiosOptions, reAuthRetried?: boolean) => Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
method revokeCredentials
revokeCredentials: { (): GaxiosPromise<RevokeCredentialsResult>; (callback: BodyResponseCallback<RevokeCredentialsResult>): void;};
Revokes access token and clears the credentials object
Parameter callback
method revokeToken
revokeToken: { (token: string): GaxiosPromise<RevokeCredentialsResult>; ( token: string, callback: BodyResponseCallback<RevokeCredentialsResult> ): void;};
Revokes the access given to token.
Parameter token
The existing token to be revoked.
Parameter callback
Optional callback fn.
method verifyIdToken
verifyIdToken: { (options: VerifyIdTokenOptions): Promise<LoginTicket>; ( options: VerifyIdTokenOptions, callback: (err: Error, login?: LoginTicket) => void ): void;};
Verify id token is token by checking the certs and audience
Parameter options
that contains all options.
Parameter callback
Callback supplying GoogleLogin if successful
method verifySignedJwtWithCerts
verifySignedJwtWithCerts: () => void;
method verifySignedJwtWithCertsAsync
verifySignedJwtWithCertsAsync: ( jwt: string, certs: Certificates | PublicKeys, requiredAudience?: string | string[], issuers?: string[], maxExpiry?: number) => Promise<LoginTicket>;
Verify the id token is signed with the correct certificate and is from the correct audience.
Parameter jwt
The jwt to verify (The ID Token in this case).
Parameter certs
The array of certs to test the jwt against.
Parameter requiredAudience
The audience to test the jwt against.
Parameter issuers
The allowed issuers of the jwt (Optional).
Parameter maxExpiry
The max expiry the certificate can be (Optional). Returns a promise resolving to LoginTicket on verification.
class PassThroughClient
class PassThroughClient extends AuthClient {}
An AuthClient without any Authentication information. Useful for: - Anonymous access - Local Emulators - Testing Environments
method getAccessToken
getAccessToken: () => Promise<GetAccessTokenResponse>;
A required method of the base class. Always will return an empty object.
method getRequestHeaders
getRequestHeaders: () => Promise<Headers>;
A required method of the base class. Always will return an empty object.
method request
request: <T>(opts: GaxiosOptions) => Promise<import('gaxios').GaxiosResponse<T>>;
Creates a request without any authentication headers or checks.
Parameter opts
The response of the request.
In testing environments it may be useful to change the provided AuthClient.transporter for any desired request overrides/handling.
class PluggableAuthClient
class PluggableAuthClient extends BaseExternalAccountClient {}
PluggableAuthClient enables the exchange of workload identity pool external credentials for Google access tokens by retrieving 3rd party tokens through a user supplied executable. These scripts/executables are completely independent of the Google Cloud Auth libraries. These credentials plug into ADC and will call the specified executable to retrieve the 3rd party token to be exchanged for a Google access token.
To use these credentials, the GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES environment variable must be set to '1'. This is for security reasons.
Both OIDC and SAML are supported. The executable must adhere to a specific response format defined below.
The executable must print out the 3rd party token to STDOUT in JSON format. When an output_file is specified in the credential configuration, the executable must also handle writing the JSON response to this file.
OIDC response sample: { "version": 1, "success": true, "token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token", "id_token": "HEADER.PAYLOAD.SIGNATURE", "expiration_time": 1620433341 }
SAML2 response sample: { "version": 1, "success": true, "token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2", "saml_response": "...", "expiration_time": 1620433341 }
Error response sample: { "version": 1, "success": false, "code": "401", "message": "Error message." }
The "expiration_time" field in the JSON response is only required for successful responses when an output file was specified in the credential configuration
Please see this repositories README for a complete executable request/response specification.
constructor( options: PluggableAuthClientOptions, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
Instantiates a PluggableAuthClient instance using the provided JSON object loaded from an external account credentials file. An error is thrown if the credential is not a valid pluggable auth credential.
Parameter options
The external account options object typically loaded from the external account JSON credential file.
Parameter additionalOptions
**DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options. These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry on 401/403 API request errors.
method retrieveSubjectToken
retrieveSubjectToken: () => Promise<string>;
Triggered when an external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP access token via GCP STS endpoint. This uses the
object to figure out how to retrieve the token using the current environment. In this case, this calls a user provided executable which returns the subject token. The logic is summarized as: 1. Validated that the executable is allowed to run. The GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES environment must be set to 1 for security reasons. 2. If an output file is specified by the user, check the file location for a response. If the file exists and contains a valid response, return the subject token from the file. 3. Call the provided executable and return response. A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
class UserRefreshClient
class UserRefreshClient extends OAuth2Client {}
constructor(clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string, refreshToken?: string);
User Refresh Token credentials.
Parameter clientId
The authentication client ID.
Parameter clientSecret
The authentication client secret.
Parameter refreshToken
The authentication refresh token.
constructor(options: UserRefreshClientOptions);
constructor(clientId?: string, clientSecret?: string, refreshToken?: string);
method fetchIdToken
fetchIdToken: (targetAudience: string) => Promise<string>;
method fromJSON
static fromJSON: (json: JWTInput) => UserRefreshClient;
Create a UserRefreshClient credentials instance using the given input options.
Parameter json
The input object.
method fromStream
fromStream: { (inputStream: stream.Readable): Promise<void>; (inputStream: stream.Readable, callback: (err?: Error) => void): void;};
Create a UserRefreshClient credentials instance using the given input stream.
Parameter inputStream
The input stream.
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
method refreshTokenNoCache
protected refreshTokenNoCache: ( refreshToken?: string | null) => Promise<GetTokenResponse>;
Refreshes the access token.
Parameter refreshToken
An ignored refreshToken..
Parameter callback
Optional callback.
interface AuthClient
interface AuthClient {}
method on
on: (event: 'tokens', listener: (tokens: Credentials) => void) => this;
interface AwsClientOptions
interface AwsClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {}
AWS credentials JSON interface. This is used for AWS workloads.
property aws_security_credentials_supplier
aws_security_credentials_supplier?: AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier;
The AWS security credentials supplier to call to retrieve the AWS region and AWS security credentials. Either this or a valid credential source must be specified.
property credential_source
credential_source?: { /** * AWS environment ID. Currently only 'AWS1' is supported. */ environment_id: string; /** * The EC2 metadata URL to retrieve the current AWS region from. If this is * not provided, the region should be present in the AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION * environment variables. */ region_url?: string; /** * The EC2 metadata URL to retrieve AWS security credentials. If this is not provided, * the credentials should be present in the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, * and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables. */ url?: string; /** * The regional GetCallerIdentity action URL, used to determine the account * ID and its roles. */ regional_cred_verification_url: string; /** * The imdsv2 session token url is used to fetch session token from AWS * which is later sent through headers for metadata requests. If the * field is missing, then session token won't be fetched and sent with * the metadata requests. * The session token is required for IMDSv2 but optional for IMDSv1 */ imdsv2_session_token_url?: string;};
Object containing options to retrieve AWS security credentials. A valid credential source or a aws security credentials supplier should be specified.
interface AwsSecurityCredentials
interface AwsSecurityCredentials {}
Interface defining AWS security credentials. These are either determined from AWS security_credentials endpoint or AWS environment variables.
property accessKeyId
accessKeyId: string;
property secretAccessKey
secretAccessKey: string;
property token
token?: string;
interface AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier
interface AwsSecurityCredentialsSupplier {}
Supplier interface for AWS security credentials. This can be implemented to return an AWS region and AWS security credentials. These credentials can then be exchanged for a GCP token by an AwsClient.
property getAwsRegion
getAwsRegion: (context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<string>;
Gets the active AWS region.
Parameter context
ExternalAccountSupplierContext from the calling AwsClient, contains the requested audience and subject token type for the external account identity as well as the transport from the calling client to use for requests. A promise that resolves with the AWS region string.
property getAwsSecurityCredentials
getAwsSecurityCredentials: ( context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<AwsSecurityCredentials>;
Gets valid AWS security credentials for the requested external account identity. Note that these are not cached by the calling AwsClient, so caching should be including in the implementation.
Parameter context
ExternalAccountSupplierContext from the calling AwsClient, contains the requested audience and subject token type for the external account identity as well as the transport from the calling client to use for requests. A promise that resolves with the requested AwsSecurityCredentials.
interface BaseExternalAccountClientOptions
interface BaseExternalAccountClientOptions extends SharedExternalAccountClientOptions {}
Base external account credentials json interface.
property client_id
client_id?: string;
Client ID of the service account from the console.
property client_secret
client_secret?: string;
Client secret of the service account from the console.
property cloud_resource_manager_url
cloud_resource_manager_url?: string | URL;
Example 1
property scopes
scopes?: string[];
The scopes to request during the authorization grant.
property service_account_impersonation
service_account_impersonation?: { /** * The desired lifetime of the impersonated service account access token. * If not provided, the default lifetime will be 3600 seconds. */ token_lifetime_seconds?: number;};
Object containing additional options for service account impersonation.
property service_account_impersonation_url
service_account_impersonation_url?: string;
The URL for the service account impersonation request. This URL is required for some APIs. If this URL is not available, the access token from the Security Token Service is used directly.
property subject_token_type
subject_token_type: string;
The Security Token Service subject token type based on the OAuth 2.0 token exchange spec. Expected values include: * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt' * 'urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request' * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2' * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token'
property token_info_url
token_info_url?: string;
The endpoint used to retrieve account related information.
property type
type?: string;
Credential type, should always be 'external_account'.
property workforce_pool_user_project
workforce_pool_user_project?: string;
The workforce pool user project. Required when using a workforce identity pool.
interface Certificates
interface Certificates {}
index signature
[index: string]: string | JwkCertificate;
interface Claims
interface Claims {}
index signature
[index: string]: string;
interface CodeVerifierResults
interface CodeVerifierResults {}
The results from the
method. To learn more, See the sample:
property codeChallenge
codeChallenge?: string;
The code_challenge that should be sent with the
call to obtain a verifiable authentication url.
property codeVerifier
codeVerifier: string;
The code verifier that will be used when calling
to obtain a new access token.
interface ComputeOptions
interface ComputeOptions extends OAuth2ClientOptions {}
property scopes
scopes?: string | string[];
The scopes that will be requested when acquiring service account credentials. Only applicable to modern App Engine and Cloud Function runtimes as of March 2019.
property serviceAccountEmail
serviceAccountEmail?: string;
The service account email to use, or 'default'. A Compute Engine instance may have multiple service accounts.
interface CredentialAccessBoundary
interface CredentialAccessBoundary {}
Defines an upper bound of permissions available for a GCP credential.
property accessBoundary
accessBoundary: { accessBoundaryRules: AccessBoundaryRule[];};
interface CredentialBody
interface CredentialBody {}
property client_email
client_email?: string;
property private_key
private_key?: string;
property universe_domain
universe_domain?: string;
interface CredentialRequest
interface CredentialRequest {}
property access_token
access_token?: string;
A token that can be sent to a Google API.
property expires_in
expires_in?: number;
The remaining lifetime of the access token in seconds.
property id_token
id_token?: string;
A JWT that contains identity information about the user that is digitally signed by Google.
property refresh_token
refresh_token?: string;
This field is only present if the access_type parameter was set to offline in the authentication request. For details, see Refresh tokens.
property scope
scope?: string;
The scopes of access granted by the access_token expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings.
property token_type
token_type?: string;
Identifies the type of token returned. At this time, this field always has the value Bearer.
interface Credentials
interface Credentials {}
property access_token
access_token?: string | null;
A token that can be sent to a Google API.
property expiry_date
expiry_date?: number | null;
The time in ms at which this token is thought to expire.
property id_token
id_token?: string | null;
A JWT that contains identity information about the user that is digitally signed by Google.
property refresh_token
refresh_token?: string | null;
This field is only present if the access_type parameter was set to offline in the authentication request. For details, see Refresh tokens.
property scope
scope?: string;
The scopes of access granted by the access_token expressed as a list of space-delimited, case-sensitive strings.
property token_type
token_type?: string | null;
Identifies the type of token returned. At this time, this field always has the value Bearer.
interface ExternalAccountSupplierContext
interface ExternalAccountSupplierContext {}
Interface containing context about the requested external identity. This is passed on all requests from external account clients to external identity suppliers.
property audience
audience: string;
The requested external account audience. For example: * "//$WORKFORCE_POOL_ID/providers/$PROVIDER_ID" * "//"
property subjectTokenType
subjectTokenType: string;
The requested subject token type. Expected values include: * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt" * "urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request" * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2" * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"
property transporter
transporter: Transporter | Gaxios;
The Gaxios or Transporter instance from the calling external account to use for requests.
interface GenerateAuthUrlOpts
interface GenerateAuthUrlOpts {}
property access_type
access_type?: string;
Recommended. Indicates whether your application can refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. Valid parameter values are 'online', which is the default value, and 'offline'. Set the value to 'offline' if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. This value instructs the Google authorization server to return a refresh token and an access token the first time that your application exchanges an authorization code for tokens.
property client_id
client_id?: string;
The client ID for your application. The value passed into the constructor will be used if not provided. You can find this value in the API Console.
property code_challenge
code_challenge?: string;
Recommended. Specifies an encoded 'code_verifier' that will be used as a server-side challenge during authorization code exchange. This parameter must be used with the 'code_challenge' parameter described above.
property code_challenge_method
code_challenge_method?: CodeChallengeMethod;
Recommended. Specifies what method was used to encode a 'code_verifier' that will be used during authorization code exchange. This parameter must be used with the 'code_challenge' parameter. The value of the 'code_challenge_method' defaults to "plain" if not present in the request that includes a 'code_challenge'. The only supported values for this parameter are "S256" or "plain".
property hd
hd?: string;
The hd (hosted domain) parameter streamlines the login process for G Suite hosted accounts. By including the domain of the G Suite user (for example,, you can indicate that the account selection UI should be optimized for accounts at that domain. To optimize for G Suite accounts generally instead of just one domain, use an asterisk: hd=*. Don't rely on this UI optimization to control who can access your app, as client-side requests can be modified. Be sure to validate that the returned ID token has an hd claim value that matches what you expect (e.g. Unlike the request parameter, the ID token claim is contained within a security token from Google, so the value can be trusted.
property include_granted_scopes
include_granted_scopes?: boolean;
Optional. Enables applications to use incremental authorization to request access to additional scopes in context. If you set this parameter's value to true and the authorization request is granted, then the new access token will also cover any scopes to which the user previously granted the application access. See the incremental authorization section for examples.
property login_hint
login_hint?: string;
Optional. If your application knows which user is trying to authenticate, it can use this parameter to provide a hint to the Google Authentication Server. The server uses the hint to simplify the login flow either by prefilling the email field in the sign-in form or by selecting the appropriate multi-login session. Set the parameter value to an email address or sub identifier, which is equivalent to the user's Google ID.
property prompt
prompt?: string;
Optional. A space-delimited, case-sensitive list of prompts to present the user. If you don't specify this parameter, the user will be prompted only the first time your app requests access. Possible values are:
'none' - Donot display any authentication or consent screens. Must not be specified with other values. 'consent' - Prompt the user for consent. 'select_account' - Prompt the user to select an account.
property redirect_uri
redirect_uri?: string;
Determines where the API server redirects the user after the user completes the authorization flow. The value must exactly match one of the 'redirect_uri' values listed for your project in the API Console. Note that the http or https scheme, case, and trailing slash ('/') must all match. The value passed into the constructor will be used if not provided.
property response_type
response_type?: string;
The 'response_type' will always be set to 'CODE'.
property scope
scope?: string[] | string;
Required. A space-delimited list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could access on the user's behalf. These values inform the consent screen that Google displays to the user. Scopes enable your application to only request access to the resources that it needs while also enabling users to control the amount of access that they grant to your application. Thus, there is an inverse relationship between the number of scopes requested and the likelihood of obtaining user consent. The OAuth 2.0 API Scopes document provides a full list of scopes that you might use to access Google APIs. We recommend that your application request access to authorization scopes in context whenever possible. By requesting access to user data in context, via incremental authorization, you help users to more easily understand why your application needs the access it is requesting.
property state
state?: string;
Recommended. Specifies any string value that your application uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the authorization server's response. The server returns the exact value that you send as a name=value pair in the hash (#) fragment of the 'redirect_uri' after the user consents to or denies your application's access request. You can use this parameter for several purposes, such as directing the user to the correct resource in your application, sending nonces, and mitigating cross-site request forgery. Since your redirect_uri can be guessed, using a state value can increase your assurance that an incoming connection is the result of an authentication request. If you generate a random string or encode the hash of a cookie or another value that captures the client's state, you can validate the response to additionally ensure that the request and response originated in the same browser, providing protection against attacks such as cross-site request forgery. See the OpenID Connect documentation for an example of how to create and confirm a state token.
index signature
[ key: string]: querystring.ParsedUrlQueryInput[keyof querystring.ParsedUrlQueryInput];
A way for developers and/or the auth team to provide a set of key value pairs to be added as query parameters to the authorization url.
interface GetTokenOptions
interface GetTokenOptions {}
property client_id
client_id?: string;
The client ID for your application. The value passed into the constructor will be used if not provided. Must match any client_id option passed to a corresponding call to generateAuthUrl.
property code
code: string;
property codeVerifier
codeVerifier?: string;
property redirect_uri
redirect_uri?: string;
Determines where the API server redirects the user after the user completes the authorization flow. The value passed into the constructor will be used if not provided. Must match any redirect_uri option passed to a corresponding call to generateAuthUrl.
interface GoogleAuthOptions
interface GoogleAuthOptions<T extends AuthClient = JSONClient> {}
property apiKey
apiKey?: string;
An API key to use, optional. Cannot be used with .
property authClient
authClient?: T;
to use
property clientOptions
clientOptions?: | JWTOptions | OAuth2ClientOptions | UserRefreshClientOptions | ImpersonatedOptions;
Options object passed to the constructor of the client
property credentials
credentials?: JWTInput | ExternalAccountClientOptions;
Object containing client_email and private_key properties, or the external account client options. Cannot be used with .
**Important**: If you accept a credential configuration (credential JSON/File/Stream) from an external source for authentication to Google Cloud, you must validate it before providing it to any Google API or library. Providing an unvalidated credential configuration to Google APIs can compromise the security of your systems and data. For more information, refer to .
property keyFile
keyFile?: string;
Path to a .json, .pem, or .p12 key file
property keyFilename
keyFilename?: string;
Path to a .json, .pem, or .p12 key file
property projectId
projectId?: string;
Your project ID.
property scopes
scopes?: string | string[];
Required scopes for the desired API request
property universeDomain
universeDomain?: string;
The default service domain for a given Cloud universe.
This is an ergonomic equivalent to clientOptions's
property and will be set for all generated AuthClients.
interface IamGenerateAccessTokenResponse
interface IamGenerateAccessTokenResponse {}
Interface defining the successful response for iamcredentials generateAccessToken API.
property accessToken
accessToken: string;
property expireTime
expireTime: string;
ISO format used for expiration time.
Example 1
interface IdentityPoolClientOptions
interface IdentityPoolClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {}
Url-sourced/file-sourced credentials json interface. This is used for K8s and Azure workloads.
property credential_source
credential_source?: { /** * The file location to read the subject token from. Either this or a URL * should be specified. */ file?: string; /** * The URL to call to retrieve the subject token. Either this or a file * location should be specified. */ url?: string; /** * Optional headers to send on the request to the specified URL. */ headers?: { [key: string]: string; }; /** * The format that the subject token is in the file or the URL response. * If not provided, will default to reading the text string directly. */ format?: { /** * The format type. Can either be 'text' or 'json'. */ type: SubjectTokenFormatType; /** * The field name containing the subject token value if the type is 'json'. */ subject_token_field_name?: string; };};
Object containing options to retrieve identity pool credentials. A valid credential source or a subject token supplier must be specified.
property subject_token_supplier
subject_token_supplier?: SubjectTokenSupplier;
The subject token supplier to call to retrieve the subject token to exchange for a GCP access token. Either this or a valid credential source should be specified.
interface IdTokenProvider
interface IdTokenProvider {}
property fetchIdToken
fetchIdToken: (targetAudience: string) => Promise<string>;
interface ImpersonatedOptions
interface ImpersonatedOptions extends OAuth2ClientOptions {}
property delegates
delegates?: string[];
The chained list of delegates required to grant the final access_token.
property endpoint
endpoint?: string;
API endpoint to fetch token from.
property lifetime
lifetime?: number | 3600;
Number of seconds the delegated credential should be valid.
property sourceClient
sourceClient?: AuthClient;
Client used to perform exchange for impersonated client.
property targetPrincipal
targetPrincipal?: string;
The service account to impersonate.
property targetScopes
targetScopes?: string[];
Scopes to request during the authorization grant.
interface JWTInput
interface JWTInput {}
property client_email
client_email?: string;
property client_id
client_id?: string;
property client_secret
client_secret?: string;
property private_key
private_key?: string;
property private_key_id
private_key_id?: string;
property project_id
project_id?: string;
property quota_project_id
quota_project_id?: string;
property refresh_token
refresh_token?: string;
property type
type?: string;
property universe_domain
universe_domain?: string;
interface JWTOptions
interface JWTOptions extends OAuth2ClientOptions {}
interface OAuth2ClientOptions
interface OAuth2ClientOptions extends AuthClientOptions {}
property clientAuthentication
clientAuthentication?: ClientAuthentication;
The client authentication type. Supported values are basic, post, and none. Defaults to post if not provided.
property clientId
clientId?: string;
property clientSecret
clientSecret?: string;
property endpoints
endpoints?: Partial<OAuth2ClientEndpoints>;
Customizable endpoints.
property issuers
issuers?: string[];
The allowed OAuth2 token issuers.
property redirectUri
redirectUri?: string;
interface PluggableAuthClientOptions
interface PluggableAuthClientOptions extends BaseExternalAccountClientOptions {}
Defines the credential source portion of the configuration for PluggableAuthClient.
Command is the only required field. If timeout_millis is not specified, the library will default to a 30-second timeout.
Sample credential source for Pluggable Auth Client: { ... "credential_source": { "executable": { "command": "/path/to/get/ --arg1=value1 --arg2=value2", "timeout_millis": 5000, "output_file": "/path/to/generated/cached/credentials" } } }
property credential_source
credential_source: { executable: { /** * The command used to retrieve the 3rd party token. */ command: string; /** * The timeout for executable to run in milliseconds. If none is provided it * will be set to the default timeout of 30 seconds. */ timeout_millis?: number; /** * An optional output file location that will be checked for a cached response * from a previous run of the executable. */ output_file?: string; };};
interface ProjectIdCallback
interface ProjectIdCallback {}
call signature
(err?: Error | null, projectId?: string | null): void;
interface RequestMetadata
interface RequestMetadata {}
property 'x-goog-iam-authority-selector'
'x-goog-iam-authority-selector': string;
property 'x-goog-iam-authorization-token'
'x-goog-iam-authorization-token': string;
interface SharedExternalAccountClientOptions
interface SharedExternalAccountClientOptions extends AuthClientOptions {}
Shared options used to build ExternalAccountClient and ExternalAccountAuthorizedUserClient.
property audience
audience: string;
The Security Token Service audience, which is usually the fully specified resource name of the workload or workforce pool provider.
property token_url
token_url?: string;
The Security Token Service token URL used to exchange the third party token for a GCP access token. If not provided, will default to ''
interface SubjectTokenSupplier
interface SubjectTokenSupplier {}
Supplier interface for subject tokens. This can be implemented to return a subject token which can then be exchanged for a GCP token by an IdentityPoolClient.
property getSubjectToken
getSubjectToken: (context: ExternalAccountSupplierContext) => Promise<string>;
Gets a valid subject token for the requested external account identity. Note that these are not cached by the calling IdentityPoolClient, so caching should be including in the implementation.
Parameter context
ExternalAccountSupplierContext from the calling IdentityPoolClient, contains the requested audience and subject token type for the external account identity as well as the transport from the calling client to use for requests. A promise that resolves with the requested subject token string.
interface TokenInfo
interface TokenInfo {}
property access_type
access_type?: string;
Indicates whether your application can refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. Valid parameter values are 'online', which is the default value, and 'offline'. Set the value to 'offline' if your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser. This value instructs the Google authorization server to return a refresh token and an access token the first time that your application exchanges an authorization code for tokens.
property aud
aud: string;
The application that is the intended user of the access token.
property azp
azp?: string;
The client_id of the authorized presenter. This claim is only needed when the party requesting the ID token is not the same as the audience of the ID token. This may be the case at Google for hybrid apps where a web application and Android app have a different client_id but share the same project.
property email
email?: string;
The user's email address. This value may not be unique to this user and is not suitable for use as a primary key. Provided only if your scope included the email scope value.
property email_verified
email_verified?: boolean;
True if the user's e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false.
property expiry_date
expiry_date: number;
The datetime when the token becomes invalid.
property scopes
scopes: string[];
An array of scopes that the user granted access to.
property sub
sub?: string;
An identifier for the user, unique among all Google accounts and never reused. A Google account can have multiple emails at different points in time, but the sub value is never changed. Use sub within your application as the unique-identifier key for the user.
property user_id
user_id?: string;
This value lets you correlate profile information from multiple Google APIs. It is only present in the response if you included the profile scope in your request in step 1. The field value is an immutable identifier for the logged-in user that can be used to create and manage user sessions in your application. The identifier is the same regardless of which client ID is used to retrieve it. This enables multiple applications in the same organization to correlate profile information.
interface TokenPayload
interface TokenPayload {}
property at_hash
at_hash?: string;
Access token hash. Provides validation that the access token is tied to the identity token. If the ID token is issued with an access token in the server flow, this is always included. This can be used as an alternate mechanism to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks, but if you follow Step 1 and Step 3 it is not necessary to verify the access token.
property aud
aud: string;
Identifies the audience that this ID token is intended for. It must be one of the OAuth 2.0 client IDs of your application.
property azp
azp?: string;
The client_id of the authorized presenter. This claim is only needed when the party requesting the ID token is not the same as the audience of the ID token. This may be the case at Google for hybrid apps where a web application and Android app have a different client_id but share the same project.
property email
email?: string;
The user's email address. This may not be unique and is not suitable for use as a primary key. Provided only if your scope included the string "email".
property email_verified
email_verified?: boolean;
True if the user's e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false.
property exp
exp: number;
The time the ID token expires, represented in Unix time (integer seconds).
property family_name
family_name?: string;
The user's family name, in a displayable form. Might be provided when: - The request scope included the string "profile" - The ID token is returned from a token refresh - When name claims are present, you can use them to update your app's user records. Note that this claim is never guaranteed to be present.
property given_name
given_name?: string;
The user's given name, in a displayable form. Might be provided when: - The request scope included the string "profile" - The ID token is returned from a token refresh - When name claims are present, you can use them to update your app's user records. Note that this claim is never guaranteed to be present.
property hd
hd?: string;
The hosted G Suite domain of the user. Provided only if the user belongs to a hosted domain.
property iat
iat: number;
The time the ID token was issued, represented in Unix time (integer seconds).
property iss
iss: string;
The Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response. Always or for Google ID tokens.
property locale
locale?: string;
The user's locale, represented by a BCP 47 language tag. Might be provided when a name claim is present.
property name
name?: string;
The user's full name, in a displayable form. Might be provided when: - The request scope included the string "profile" - The ID token is returned from a token refresh - When name claims are present, you can use them to update your app's user records. Note that this claim is never guaranteed to be present.
property nonce
nonce?: string;
The value of the nonce supplied by your app in the authentication request. You should enforce protection against replay attacks by ensuring it is presented only once.
property picture
picture?: string;
The URL of the user's profile picture. Might be provided when: - The request scope included the string "profile" - The ID token is returned from a token refresh - When picture claims are present, you can use them to update your app's user records. Note that this claim is never guaranteed to be present.
property profile
profile?: string;
The URL of the user's profile page. Might be provided when: - The request scope included the string "profile" - The ID token is returned from a token refresh - When profile claims are present, you can use them to update your app's user records. Note that this claim is never guaranteed to be present.
property sub
sub: string;
An identifier for the user, unique among all Google accounts and never reused. A Google account can have multiple emails at different points in time, but the sub value is never changed. Use sub within your application as the unique-identifier key for the user.
interface UserRefreshClientOptions
interface UserRefreshClientOptions extends OAuth2ClientOptions {}
property clientId
clientId?: string;
property clientSecret
clientSecret?: string;
property refreshToken
refreshToken?: string;
interface VerifyIdTokenOptions
interface VerifyIdTokenOptions {}
enum ClientAuthentication
enum ClientAuthentication { ClientSecretPost = 'ClientSecretPost', ClientSecretBasic = 'ClientSecretBasic', None = 'None',}
The client authentication type. Supported values are basic, post, and none.
member ClientSecretBasic
ClientSecretBasic = 'ClientSecretBasic'
member ClientSecretPost
ClientSecretPost = 'ClientSecretPost'
member None
None = 'None'
enum CodeChallengeMethod
enum CodeChallengeMethod { Plain = 'plain', S256 = 'S256',}
enum GCPEnv
member CLOUD_RUN
member NONE
Type Aliases
type AnyAuthClient
type AnyAuthClient = InstanceType<Extract<ALL_EXPORTS, typeof AuthClient>>;
A union type for all s.
type ExternalAccountClientOptions
type ExternalAccountClientOptions = | IdentityPoolClientOptions | AwsClientOptions | PluggableAuthClientOptions;
type RefreshOptions
type RefreshOptions = Pick< AuthClientOptions, 'eagerRefreshThresholdMillis' | 'forceRefreshOnFailure'>;
Package Files (23)
- build/src/auth/authclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/awsclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/awsrequestsigner.d.ts
- build/src/auth/baseexternalclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/computeclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/credentials.d.ts
- build/src/auth/downscopedclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/envDetect.d.ts
- build/src/auth/externalclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/googleauth.d.ts
- build/src/auth/iam.d.ts
- build/src/auth/identitypoolclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/idtokenclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/impersonated.d.ts
- build/src/auth/jwtaccess.d.ts
- build/src/auth/jwtclient.d.ts
- build/src/auth/loginticket.d.ts
- build/src/auth/oauth2client.d.ts
- build/src/auth/passthrough.d.ts
- build/src/auth/pluggable-auth-client.d.ts
- build/src/auth/refreshclient.d.ts
- build/src/index.d.ts
- build/src/transporters.d.ts
Dependencies (6)
Dev Dependencies (40)
- @types/base64-js
- @types/chai
- @types/jws
- @types/mocha
- @types/mv
- @types/ncp
- @types/node
- @types/sinon
- assert-rejects
- c8
- chai
- cheerio
- codecov
- gts
- is-docker
- jsdoc
- jsdoc-fresh
- jsdoc-region-tag
- karma
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-coverage
- karma-firefox-launcher
- karma-mocha
- karma-sourcemap-loader
- karma-webpack
- keypair
- linkinator
- mocha
- mv
- ncp
- nock
- null-loader
- pdfmake
- puppeteer
- sinon
- ts-loader
- typescript
- webpack
- webpack-cli
Peer Dependencies (0)
No peer dependencies.
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