
  • Version 4.2.0
  • Published
  • 40.3 MB
  • 2 dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


npm i google-proto-files
yarn add google-proto-files
pnpm add google-proto-files


All of the Google API's protocol buffer files



variable appengine

const appengine: { v1: string };

    variable bigtable

    const bigtable: {
    v1: string;
    v2: string;
    admin: { v1: string; v2: { instance: string; table: string } };

      variable cloudtrace

      const cloudtrace: { v1: string };

        variable container

        const container: { v1: string };

          variable datastore

          const datastore: { v1: string; v1beta3: string };

            variable dlp

            const dlp: { v2beta1: string };

              variable embeddedAssistant

              const embeddedAssistant: { v1alpha1: string; v1alpha2: string };

                variable firestore

                const firestore: { v1beta1: string; admin: { v1beta1: string } };

                  variable functions

                  const functions: { v1beta2: string };

                    variable iam

                    const iam: { v1: string; admin: { v1: string } };

                      variable language

                      const language: { v1beta1: string; v1: string };

                        variable load

                        const load: (
                        filename: string,
                        options?: protobuf.IParseOptions
                        ) => Promise<protobuf.Root>;

                          variable loadSync

                          const loadSync: (
                          filename: string,
                          options?: protobuf.IParseOptions
                          ) => protobuf.Root;

                            variable logging

                            const logging: { v2: string };

                              variable monitoring

                              const monitoring: { v3: { group: string; metric: string } };

                                variable pubsub

                                const pubsub: { v1: string; v1beta2: string };

                                  variable spanner

                                  const spanner: { v1: string; admin: { v1: { database: string; instance: string } } };

                                    variable speech

                                    const speech: { v1beta1: string; v1: string; v2: string };

                                      variable storagetransfer

                                      const storagetransfer: { v1: string };

                                        variable videointelligence

                                        const videointelligence: { v1beta1: string };

                                          variable vision

                                          const vision: { v1: string };


                                            function getProtoPath

                                            getProtoPath: (...paths: string[]) => string;

                                              Package Files (1)

                                              Dependencies (2)

                                              Dev Dependencies (15)

                                              Peer Dependencies (0)

                                              No peer dependencies.


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