- Version 2.5.2
- Published
- 150 kB
- 8 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i graphql-binding
yarn add graphql-binding
pnpm add graphql-binding
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- getPayloadType()
- getTypeNames()
- graphqlRenderers
- render()
- renderDescription()
- renderExports()
- renderFieldName()
- renderFieldType()
- renderImports()
- renderInputFieldType()
- renderInterfaceOrObject()
- renderInterfaceWrapper()
- renderMainMethodFields()
- renderMutations()
- renderObjectWrapper()
- renderQueries()
- renderSubscriptions()
- renderTypes()
- renderTypeWrapper()
- scalarMapping
- getPayloadType()
- getTypeNames()
- graphqlRenderers
- render()
- renderDescription()
- renderExports()
- renderFieldName()
- renderFieldType()
- renderImports()
- renderInputFieldType()
- renderInterfaceOrObject()
- renderInterfaceWrapper()
- renderMainMethodFields()
- renderMutations()
- renderQueries()
- renderSubscriptions()
- renderTypes()
- renderTypeWrapper()
- scalarMapping
function addFragmentToInfo
addFragmentToInfo: ( info: GraphQLResolveInfo, fragment: string) => GraphQLResolveInfo;
function buildInfo
buildInfo: ( rootFieldName: string, operation: Operation, schema: GraphQLSchema, info?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string | DocumentNode) => GraphQLResolveInfo;
function extractFragmentReplacements
extractFragmentReplacements: (resolvers: IResolvers) => FragmentReplacement[];
function forwardTo
forwardTo: ( bindingName: string) => <PARENT, ARGS, CONTEXT>( parent: PARENT, args: ARGS, context: CONTEXT, info: GraphQLResolveInfo) => any;
function makeBindingClass
makeBindingClass: <T>({ schema }: { schema: GraphQLSchema }) => T;
class Binding
class Binding extends Delegate {}
constructor({ schema, fragmentReplacements, before, disableCache,}: BindingOptions);
property mutation
mutation: QueryMap;
property query
query: QueryMap;
property subscription
subscription: SubscriptionMap;
method buildMethods
buildMethods: () => any;
method buildQueryMethods
buildQueryMethods: (operation: QueryOrMutation) => QueryMap;
method buildSubscriptionMethods
buildSubscriptionMethods: () => SubscriptionMap;
class Delegate
class Delegate {}
constructor({ schema, fragmentReplacements, before, disableCache,}: BindingOptions);
property before
before: () => void;
property disableCache
disableCache: boolean;
property schema
schema: GraphQLSchema;
method delegate
delegate: ( operation: QueryOrMutation, fieldName: string, args: { [key: string]: any }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<any>;
method delegateSubscription
delegateSubscription: ( fieldName: string, args?: { [key: string]: any }, infoOrQuery?: GraphQLResolveInfo | string, options?: Options) => Promise<AsyncIterator<any>>;
method getAbstractResolvers
getAbstractResolvers: (filterSchema?: GraphQLSchema | string) => IResolvers;
method request
request: <T = any>( query: string, variables?: { [key: string]: any }) => Promise<T>;
class FlowGenerator
class FlowGenerator extends Generator {}
constructor({ schema, inputSchemaPath, outputBindingPath, isDefaultExport,}: { schema: GraphQLSchema; inputSchemaPath: string; outputBindingPath: string; isDefaultExport: boolean;});
property graphqlRenderers
graphqlRenderers: { GraphQLUnionType: (type: GraphQLUnionType) => string; GraphQLObjectType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLInterfaceType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLInputObjectType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLScalarType: (type: GraphQLScalarType) => string; GraphQLIDType: (type: GraphQLScalarType) => string; GraphQLEnumType: (type: GraphQLEnumType) => string;};
property scalarMapping
scalarMapping: { Int: string; String: string; ID: string; Float: string; Boolean: string; DateTime: string;};
method getPayloadType
getPayloadType: (operation: string, type: string) => string;
method getTypeNames
getTypeNames: () => string[];
method render
render: () => string;
method renderDescription
renderDescription: (description: Maybe<string>) => string;
method renderExports
renderExports: () => string;
method renderFieldName
renderFieldName: (field: GraphQLInputField | GraphQLField<any, any>) => string;
method renderFieldType
renderFieldType: (type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) => string;
method renderImports
renderImports: () => string;
method renderInputFieldType
renderInputFieldType: (type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) => any;
method renderInterfaceOrObject
renderInterfaceOrObject: ( type: GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType) => string;
method renderInterfaceWrapper
renderInterfaceWrapper: ( typeName: string, typeDescription: Maybe<string>, interfaces: GraphQLInterfaceType[], fieldDefinition: string) => string;
method renderMainMethodFields
renderMainMethodFields: ( operation: string, fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>) => string;
method renderMutations
renderMutations: () => string;
method renderObjectWrapper
renderObjectWrapper: ( typeName: string, typeDescription: Maybe<string>, objects: GraphQLObjectType[], fieldDefinition: string) => string;
method renderQueries
renderQueries: () => string;
method renderSubscriptions
renderSubscriptions: () => string;
method renderTypes
renderTypes: () => string;
method renderTypeWrapper
renderTypeWrapper: ( typeName: string, typeDescription: Maybe<string>, fieldDefinition: string) => string;
class Generator
class Generator {}
constructor({ schema, inputSchemaPath, outputBindingPath, isDefaultExport,}: { schema: GraphQLSchema; inputSchemaPath: string; outputBindingPath: string; isDefaultExport: boolean;});
property inputSchemaPath
inputSchemaPath: string;
property isDefaultExport
isDefaultExport: boolean;
property outputBindingPath
outputBindingPath: string;
property schema
schema: GraphQLSchema;
method compile
compile: ( strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: Interpolation<Generator>[]) => string;
method getRelativeSchemaPath
getRelativeSchemaPath: () => string;
method render
render: () => string;
method renderExports
renderExports: () => string;
method renderImports
renderImports: () => string;
class TypescriptGenerator
class TypescriptGenerator extends Generator {}
constructor({ schema, inputSchemaPath, outputBindingPath, isDefaultExport,}: { schema: GraphQLSchema; inputSchemaPath: string; outputBindingPath: string; isDefaultExport: boolean;});
property graphqlRenderers
graphqlRenderers: { GraphQLUnionType: (type: GraphQLUnionType) => string; GraphQLObjectType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLInterfaceType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLInputObjectType: (type: any) => string; GraphQLScalarType: (type: GraphQLScalarType) => string; GraphQLIDType: (type: GraphQLScalarType) => string; GraphQLEnumType: (type: GraphQLEnumType) => string;};
property scalarMapping
scalarMapping: { Int: string; String: string; ID: string; Float: string; Boolean: string; DateTime: string; Json: string;};
method getPayloadType
getPayloadType: (operation: string, nonNullType: boolean) => string;
method getTypeNames
getTypeNames: () => string[];
method render
render: () => string;
method renderDescription
renderDescription: (description: Maybe<string>) => string;
method renderExports
renderExports: () => string;
method renderFieldName
renderFieldName: (field: GraphQLInputField | GraphQLField<any, any>) => string;
method renderFieldType
renderFieldType: (type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) => string;
method renderImports
renderImports: () => string;
method renderInputFieldType
renderInputFieldType: (type: GraphQLInputType | GraphQLOutputType) => string;
method renderInterfaceOrObject
renderInterfaceOrObject: ( type: GraphQLObjectType | GraphQLInputObjectType | GraphQLInterfaceType) => string;
method renderInterfaceWrapper
renderInterfaceWrapper: ( typeName: string, typeDescription: Maybe<string>, interfaces: GraphQLInterfaceType[], fieldDefinition: string) => string;
method renderMainMethodFields
renderMainMethodFields: ( operation: string, fields: GraphQLFieldMap<any, any>) => string;
method renderMutations
renderMutations: () => string;
method renderQueries
renderQueries: () => string;
method renderSubscriptions
renderSubscriptions: () => string;
method renderTypes
renderTypes: () => string;
method renderTypeWrapper
renderTypeWrapper: ( typeName: string, typeDescription: Maybe<string>, fieldDefinition: string) => string;
interface BindingOptions
interface BindingOptions {}
property before
before?: () => void;
property disableCache
disableCache?: boolean;
property fragmentReplacements
fragmentReplacements?: FragmentReplacement[];
property schema
schema: GraphQLSchema;
interface FragmentReplacement
interface FragmentReplacement {}
interface Options
interface Options {}
property context
context?: Context;
property transforms
transforms?: Transform[];
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