
  • Version 5.11.0
  • Published
  • 270 kB
  • 11 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i graphql-yoga
yarn add graphql-yoga
pnpm add graphql-yoga


<div align="center"><img src="./website/public/cover.png" width="720" /></div>



variable createLRUCache

const createLRUCache: <T extends {}>({
}?: _LRUCacheOptions) => LRU<string, T, unknown>;
  • Deprecated

    In the next major, createLRUCache will be renamed to _createLRUCache, and the current createLRUCache will be removed.

variable maskError

const maskError: MaskError;


    function createSchema

    createSchema: <TContext = {}>(
    opts: IExecutableSchemaDefinition<TContext & YogaInitialContext>
    ) => GraphQLSchemaWithContext<TContext & YogaInitialContext>;

      function createYoga

      createYoga: <
      TServerContext extends Record<string, any> = {},
      TUserContext extends Record<string, any> = {}
      options: YogaServerOptions<TServerContext, TUserContext>
      ) => ServerAdapter<TServerContext, YogaServer<TServerContext, TUserContext>>;

        function getSSEProcessor

        getSSEProcessor: () => ResultProcessor;

          function processRegularResult

          processRegularResult: (
          executionResult: ResultProcessorInput,
          fetchAPI: FetchAPI,
          acceptedHeader: string
          ) => Response;

            function renderGraphiQL

            renderGraphiQL: (opts: GraphiQLOptions) => string;

              function shouldRenderGraphiQL

              shouldRenderGraphiQL: ({ headers, method }: Request) => boolean;

                function useExecutionCancellation

                useExecutionCancellation: () => Plugin;
                • Enables experimental support for request cancelation.

                function useReadinessCheck

                useReadinessCheck: ({ endpoint, check }: ReadinessCheckPluginOptions) => Plugin;
                • Adds a readiness check for Yoga by simply implementing the check option.

                function useSchema

                useSchema: <TServerContext = {}, TUserContext = {}>(schemaDef?: any) => any;


                  interface FetchEvent

                  interface FetchEvent extends Event {}

                    property request

                    request: Request;

                      method respondWith

                      respondWith: (response: PromiseOrValue<Response>) => void;

                        interface GraphQLHTTPExtensions

                        interface GraphQLHTTPExtensions {}

                          property headers

                          headers?: Record<string, string>;

                            property spec

                            spec?: boolean;

                              property status

                              status?: number;

                                interface GraphQLParams

                                interface GraphQLParams<
                                TVariables = Record<string, any>,
                                TExtensions = Record<string, any>
                                > {}

                                  property extensions

                                  extensions?: TExtensions;

                                    property operationName

                                    operationName?: string;

                                      property query

                                      query?: string;

                                        property variables

                                        variables?: TVariables;

                                          interface LandingPageRendererOpts

                                          interface LandingPageRendererOpts {}

                                            property fetchAPI

                                            fetchAPI: FetchAPI;

                                              property graphqlEndpoint

                                              graphqlEndpoint: string;

                                                property request

                                                request: Request;

                                                  property url

                                                  url: URL;

                                                    property urlPattern

                                                    urlPattern: InstanceType<FetchAPI['URLPattern']>;

                                                      interface OnParamsEventPayload

                                                      interface OnParamsEventPayload<TServerContext = Record<string, unknown>> {}

                                                        property context

                                                        context: TServerContext;

                                                          property fetchAPI

                                                          fetchAPI: FetchAPI;

                                                            property params

                                                            params: GraphQLParams;

                                                              property paramsHandler

                                                              paramsHandler: ParamsHandler<TServerContext>;

                                                                property request

                                                                request: Request;

                                                                  property setParams

                                                                  setParams: (params: GraphQLParams) => void;

                                                                    property setParamsHandler

                                                                    setParamsHandler: (handler: ParamsHandler<TServerContext>) => void;

                                                                      property setResult

                                                                      setResult: (result: ExecutionResult | AsyncIterable<ExecutionResult>) => void;

                                                                        interface YogaInitialContext

                                                                        interface YogaInitialContext extends ServerAdapterInitialContext {}

                                                                          property params

                                                                          params: GraphQLParams;
                                                                          • GraphQL Parameters

                                                                          property request

                                                                          request: Request;
                                                                          • An object describing the HTTP request.

                                                                          Type Aliases

                                                                          type BatchingOptions

                                                                          type BatchingOptions =
                                                                          | boolean
                                                                          | {
                                                                          * You can limit the number of batched operations per request.
                                                                          * @default 10
                                                                          limit?: number;

                                                                            type CORSOptions

                                                                            type CORSOptions =
                                                                            | {
                                                                            origin?: string[] | string;
                                                                            methods?: string[];
                                                                            allowedHeaders?: string[];
                                                                            exposedHeaders?: string[];
                                                                            credentials?: boolean;
                                                                            maxAge?: number;
                                                                            | false;

                                                                              type FetchAPI

                                                                              type FetchAPI = ReturnType<typeof createFetch>;

                                                                                type GraphiQLOptions

                                                                                type GraphiQLOptions = {
                                                                                * Headers to be set when opening a new tab
                                                                                defaultHeaders?: string;
                                                                                * An optional GraphQL string to use when no query is provided and no stored
                                                                                * query exists from a previous session. If undefined is provided, GraphiQL
                                                                                * will use its own default query.
                                                                                defaultQuery?: string;
                                                                                * This prop can be used to define the default set of tabs, with their
                                                                                * queries, variables, and headers. It will be used as default only if there
                                                                                * is no tab state persisted in storage.
                                                                                defaultTabs?: TabDefinition[];
                                                                                * The initial headers to render inside the header editor. Defaults to `"{}"`.
                                                                                * The value should be a JSON encoded string, for example:
                                                                                * `headers: JSON.stringify({Authorization: "Bearer your-auth-key"})`
                                                                                headers?: string;
                                                                                * This prop toggles if the contents of the headers editor are persisted in
                                                                                * storage.
                                                                                shouldPersistHeaders?: boolean | undefined;
                                                                                * More info there:
                                                                                credentials?: RequestCredentials;
                                                                                * The title to display at the top of the page. Defaults to `"Yoga GraphiQL"`.
                                                                                title?: string;
                                                                                * Protocol for subscriptions
                                                                                subscriptionsProtocol?: 'SSE' | 'GRAPHQL_SSE' | 'WS' | 'LEGACY_WS';
                                                                                * Extra headers you always want to pass with users' headers input
                                                                                additionalHeaders?: Record<string, string>;
                                                                                * HTTP method to use when querying the original schema.
                                                                                method?: 'GET' | 'POST';
                                                                                * Whether to use the GET HTTP method for queries when querying the original schema
                                                                                useGETForQueries?: boolean;
                                                                                * "external" fragments that will be included in the query document (depending on usage)
                                                                                externalFragments?: string;
                                                                                * The maximum number of executed operations to store.
                                                                                * @default 20
                                                                                maxHistoryLength?: number;
                                                                                * Whether target GraphQL server support deprecation of input values.
                                                                                * @default false
                                                                                inputValueDeprecation?: boolean;
                                                                                * Custom operation name for the introspection query.
                                                                                introspectionQueryName?: string;
                                                                                * Whether to include schema description in introspection query.
                                                                                * @default false
                                                                                schemaDescription?: boolean;
                                                                                * Editor theme
                                                                                * @default "graphiql"
                                                                                editorTheme?: string;
                                                                                * Sets the key map to use when using the editor.
                                                                                * @default 'sublime'
                                                                                keyMap?: 'sublime' | 'emacs' | 'vim';
                                                                                defaultEditorToolsVisibility?: boolean | 'variables' | 'headers';
                                                                                isHeadersEditorEnabled?: boolean;
                                                                                disableTabs?: boolean;
                                                                                * Whether to include `isRepeatable` flag on directives.
                                                                                * @default false
                                                                                directiveIsRepeatable?: boolean;
                                                                                experimentalFragmentVariables?: boolean;
                                                                                * Set to `true` in order to convert all GraphQL comments (marked with # sign) to descriptions (""")
                                                                                * GraphQL has built-in support for transforming descriptions to comments (with `print`), but not while
                                                                                * parsing. Turning the flag on will support the other way as well (`parse`)
                                                                                commentDescriptions?: boolean;
                                                                                * Timeout in milliseconds
                                                                                timeout?: number;
                                                                                * Retry attempts
                                                                                retry?: number;
                                                                                * The endpoint requests should be sent.
                                                                                * Defaults to the graphql endpoint ("/graphql" by default).
                                                                                endpoint?: string;

                                                                                  type GraphQLSchemaWithContext

                                                                                  type GraphQLSchemaWithContext<TContext> = GraphQLSchema & {
                                                                                  _context?: TContext;

                                                                                    type LandingPageRenderer

                                                                                    type LandingPageRenderer = (
                                                                                    opts: LandingPageRendererOpts
                                                                                    ) => PromiseOrValue<Response>;

                                                                                      type MaskError

                                                                                      type MaskError = (error: unknown, message: string, isDev?: boolean) => Error;

                                                                                        type MaybeArray

                                                                                        type MaybeArray<T> = T | T[];

                                                                                          type Plugin

                                                                                          type Plugin<
                                                                                          PluginContext extends Record<string, any> = {},
                                                                                          TServerContext extends Record<string, any> = {},
                                                                                          TUserContext = {}
                                                                                          > = EnvelopPlugin<YogaInitialContext & PluginContext> &
                                                                                          ServerAdapterPlugin<TServerContext> & {
                                                                                          * onExecute hook that is invoked before the execute function is invoked.
                                                                                          onExecute?: OnExecuteHook<YogaInitialContext & PluginContext & TUserContext>;
                                                                                          * onSubscribe hook that is invoked before the subscribe function is called.
                                                                                          * Return a OnSubscribeHookResult for hooking into phase after the subscribe function has been called.
                                                                                          onSubscribe?: OnSubscribeHook<
                                                                                          YogaInitialContext & PluginContext & TUserContext
                                                                                          * Invoked when a plugin is initialized. You can use this hook to add other plugin you may depend on.
                                                                                          onPluginInit?: OnPluginInitHook<
                                                                                          YogaInitialContext & PluginContext & TUserContext
                                                                                          } & {
                                                                                          * This hook is invoked at Yoga Server initialization, before it starts.
                                                                                          * Here you can setup long running resources (like monitoring or caching clients)
                                                                                          * or customize the Yoga instance.
                                                                                          onYogaInit?: OnYogaInitHook<TServerContext>;
                                                                                          * This hook is invoked for any incoming GraphQL HTTP request and is invoked before attempting
                                                                                          * to parse the GraphQL parameters. Here you can manipulate the request, set a custom request
                                                                                          * parser or apply security measures such as checking for access tokens etc.
                                                                                          onRequestParse?: OnRequestParseHook<TServerContext>;
                                                                                          * This hook is invoked for an incoming GraphQL request after the GraphQL parameters
                                                                                          * (query, variables, extensions and operationName) have been ATTEMPTED to be parsed.
                                                                                          * Within this hook you can manipulate and customize the parameters or even implement a whole
                                                                                          * new way of parsing the parameters.
                                                                                          * In addition to that you could also short-circuit and skip the GraphQL execution.
                                                                                          onParams?: OnParamsHook<TServerContext>;
                                                                                          * This hook is invoked for each result produced for GraphQL operation, before it is processed
                                                                                          * to be sent to client.
                                                                                          * In particular, if a request contains batched operations, this hook is called once of each
                                                                                          * operation.
                                                                                          * Here, you can modify the result, to add monitoring or instrumentation extensions for example.
                                                                                          onExecutionResult?: OnExecutionResultHook<TServerContext>;
                                                                                          * This hook is invoked after a GraphQL request has been processed and before the response is
                                                                                          * forwarded to the client. Here you can customize what transport/response processor format
                                                                                          * should be used for sending the result over the wire.
                                                                                          onResultProcess?: OnResultProcess<TServerContext>;

                                                                                            type YogaMaskedErrorOpts

                                                                                            type YogaMaskedErrorOpts = {
                                                                                            maskError: MaskError;
                                                                                            errorMessage: string;
                                                                                            isDev?: boolean;

                                                                                              type YogaSchemaDefinition

                                                                                              type YogaSchemaDefinition<TServerContext, TUserContext> =
                                                                                              | PromiseOrValue<
                                                                                              TServerContext & YogaInitialContext & TUserContext
                                                                                              | ((
                                                                                              context: TServerContext & {
                                                                                              request: YogaInitialContext['request'];
                                                                                              ) => PromiseOrValue<
                                                                                              TServerContext & YogaInitialContext & TUserContext

                                                                                                type YogaServerInstance

                                                                                                type YogaServerInstance<
                                                                                                TServerContext extends Record<string, any>,
                                                                                                TUserContext extends Record<string, any>
                                                                                                > = ServerAdapter<TServerContext, YogaServer<TServerContext, TUserContext>>;

                                                                                                  type YogaServerOptions

                                                                                                  type YogaServerOptions<TServerContext, TUserContext> = Omit<
                                                                                                  > & {
                                                                                                  * Enable/disable logging or provide a custom logger.
                                                                                                  * @default true
                                                                                                  logging?: boolean | YogaLogger | LogLevel | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Prevent leaking unexpected errors to the client. We highly recommend enabling this in production.
                                                                                                  * If you throw `EnvelopError`/`GraphQLError` within your GraphQL resolvers then that error will be sent back to the client.
                                                                                                  * You can lean more about this here:
                                                                                                  * @see
                                                                                                  * @default true
                                                                                                  maskedErrors?: boolean | Partial<YogaMaskedErrorOpts> | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Context
                                                                                                  | ((
                                                                                                  initialContext: YogaInitialContext & TServerContext
                                                                                                  ) => Promise<TUserContext> | TUserContext)
                                                                                                  | Promise<TUserContext>
                                                                                                  | TUserContext
                                                                                                  | undefined;
                                                                                                  cors?: Parameters<typeof useCORS>[0] | undefined;
                                                                                                  * GraphQL endpoint
                                                                                                  * So you need to define it explicitly if GraphQL API lives in a different path other than `/graphql`
                                                                                                  * @default "/graphql"
                                                                                                  graphqlEndpoint?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Readiness check endpoint
                                                                                                  * @default "/health"
                                                                                                  healthCheckEndpoint?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Whether the landing page should be shown.
                                                                                                  landingPage?: boolean | LandingPageRenderer | undefined;
                                                                                                  * GraphiQL options
                                                                                                  * @default true
                                                                                                  graphiql?: GraphiQLOptionsOrFactory<TServerContext> | undefined;
                                                                                                  | ((options?: GraphiQLOptions) => PromiseOrValue<BodyInit>)
                                                                                                  | undefined;
                                                                                                  schema?: YogaSchemaDefinition<TServerContext, TUserContext> | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Envelop Plugins
                                                                                                  * @see
                                                                                                  | Array<
                                                                                                  | Plugin<TUserContext & TServerContext & YogaInitialContext>
                                                                                                  | Plugin
                                                                                                  | {}
                                                                                                  | undefined;
                                                                                                  parserAndValidationCache?: boolean | ParserAndValidationCacheOptions | undefined;
                                                                                                  fetchAPI?: Partial<Record<keyof FetchAPI, any>> | undefined;
                                                                                                  * GraphQL Multipart Request spec support
                                                                                                  * @see
                                                                                                  * @default true
                                                                                                  multipart?: boolean | undefined;
                                                                                                  id?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                  * Batching RFC Support configuration
                                                                                                  * @see
                                                                                                  * @default false
                                                                                                  batching?: BatchingOptions | undefined;
                                                                                                  * By default, GraphQL Yoga does not allow parameters in the request body except `query`, `variables`, `extensions`, and `operationName`.
                                                                                                  * This option allows you to specify additional parameters that are allowed in the request body.
                                                                                                  * @default []
                                                                                                  * @example ['doc_id', 'id']
                                                                                                  extraParamNames?: string[] | undefined;
                                                                                                  • Configuration options for the server

                                                                                                  Package Files (14)

                                                                                                  Dependencies (11)

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                                                                                                  No dev dependencies.

                                                                                                  Peer Dependencies (1)


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