- Version 1.1.0
- Published
- 2.35 MB
- 10 dependencies
- Apache-2.0 license
npm i hap-nodejs
yarn add hap-nodejs
pnpm add hap-nodejs
HAP-NodeJS is a Node.js implementation of HomeKit Accessory Server.
- clone()
- decode()
- decodeList()
- decodeWithLists()
- encode()
- epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01()
- epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01Buffer()
- HAPLibraryVersion()
- IsKnownHAPStatusError()
- isSerializableController()
- once()
- readUInt16()
- readUInt32()
- readUInt64LE()
- readVariableUIntLE()
- writeFloat32LE()
- writeUInt16()
- writeUInt32()
- writeVariableUIntLE()
- addBridgedAccessories()
- addBridgedAccessory()
- addService()
- aid
- bridge
- bridged
- bridgedAccessories
- category
- cleanupAccessoryData()
- configureController()
- controllerStorage
- deserialize()
- destroy()
- disableUnusedIDPurge()
- displayName
- enableUnusedIDPurge()
- findCharacteristic()
- getAccessoryByAID()
- getPrimaryAccessory
- getService()
- getServiceById()
- lastKnownUsername
- publish()
- purgeUnusedIDs()
- reachable
- removeAllBridgedAccessories()
- removeBridgedAccessories()
- removeBridgedAccessory()
- removeController()
- removeService()
- serialize()
- services
- setupURI()
- shouldPurgeUnusedIDs
- unpublish()
- addPairedClient()
- assertValidUsername()
- category
- checkForCurrentConfigurationNumberIncrement()
- create()
- deviceIdPattern
- displayName
- getClientPublicKey()
- getConfigVersion()
- hasAdminPermissions()
- isPaired()
- listPairings()
- load()
- model
- paired
- pairedAdminClients
- pairedClients
- persistKey()
- pincode
- remove()
- removePairedClient()
- save()
- setupID
- signPk
- signSk
- updatePermission()
- username
- configureServices()
- constructServices()
- controllerId()
- deserialize()
- disableAdaptiveLighting()
- getAdaptiveLightingBrightnessMultiplierRange()
- getAdaptiveLightingNotifyIntervalThreshold()
- getAdaptiveLightingStartTimeOfTransition()
- getAdaptiveLightingTimeOffset()
- getAdaptiveLightingTransitionCurve()
- getAdaptiveLightingUpdateInterval()
- getCurrentAdaptiveLightingTransitionPoint()
- handleControllerRemoved()
- handleFactoryReset()
- initWithServices()
- isAdaptiveLightingActive()
- serialize()
- setupStateChangeDelegate()
- configureServices()
- constructServices()
- controllerId()
- deserialize()
- forceStopStreamingSession()
- generateSynchronisationSource()
- handleControllerRemoved()
- handleFactoryReset()
- handleSnapshotRequest()
- initWithServices()
- migrateFromDoorbell()
- motionService
- occupancyService
- recordingManagement
- retrieveEventTriggerOptions()
- serialize()
- setMicrophoneMuted()
- setMicrophoneVolume()
- setSpeakerMuted()
- setSpeakerVolume()
- setupStateChangeDelegate()
- streamManagements
- AccessCodeControlPoint
- AccessCodeSupportedConfiguration
- AccessControlLevel
- AccessoryFlags
- AccessoryIdentifier
- Active
- ActiveIdentifier
- ActivityInterval
- additionalAuthorizationHandler
- AdministratorOnlyAccess
- AirParticulateDensity
- AirParticulateSize
- AirPlayEnable
- AirQuality
- AppMatchingIdentifier
- AssetUpdateReadiness
- AudioFeedback
- BatteryLevel
- Brightness
- ButtonEvent
- CameraOperatingModeIndicator
- CarbonDioxideDetected
- CarbonDioxideLevel
- CarbonDioxidePeakLevel
- CarbonMonoxideDetected
- CarbonMonoxideLevel
- CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel
- CCAEnergyDetectThreshold
- CCASignalDetectThreshold
- CharacteristicValueActiveTransitionCount
- CharacteristicValueTransitionControl
- ChargingState
- ClosedCaptions
- ColorTemperature
- ConfigurationState
- ConfiguredName
- ContactSensorState
- CoolingThresholdTemperature
- CryptoHash
- CurrentAirPurifierState
- CurrentAmbientLightLevel
- CurrentDoorState
- CurrentFanState
- CurrentHeaterCoolerState
- CurrentHeatingCoolingState
- CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle
- CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState
- CurrentMediaState
- CurrentPosition
- CurrentRelativeHumidity
- CurrentSlatState
- CurrentTemperature
- CurrentTiltAngle
- CurrentTransport
- CurrentVerticalTiltAngle
- CurrentVisibilityState
- DataStreamHAPTransport
- DataStreamHAPTransportInterrupt
- deserialize()
- DiagonalFieldOfView
- DigitalZoom
- displayName
- DisplayOrder
- EventRetransmissionMaximum
- EventSnapshotsActive
- EventTransmissionCounters
- FilterChangeIndication
- FilterLifeLevel
- FirmwareRevision
- FirmwareUpdateReadiness
- FirmwareUpdateStatus
- getDefaultValue()
- handleGetRequest()
- handleSetRequest()
- HardwareFinish
- HardwareRevision
- HeartBeat
- HeatingThresholdTemperature
- HoldPosition
- HomeKitCameraActive
- Hue
- Identifier
- Identify
- iid
- ImageMirroring
- ImageRotation
- InputDeviceType
- InputSourceType
- internalHAPRepresentation()
- InUse
- IsConfigured
- LeakDetected
- ListPairings
- LockControlPoint
- LockCurrentState
- LockLastKnownAction
- LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout
- LockPhysicalControls
- LockTargetState
- Logs
- MACRetransmissionMaximum
- MACTransmissionCounters
- ManagedNetworkEnable
- ManuallyDisabled
- Manufacturer
- MaximumTransmitPower
- MetricsBufferFullState
- Model
- MotionDetected
- MultifunctionButton
- Mute
- Name
- NetworkAccessViolationControl
- NetworkClientProfileControl
- NetworkClientStatusControl
- NFCAccessControlPoint
- NFCAccessSupportedConfiguration
- NightVision
- NitrogenDioxideDensity
- ObstructionDetected
- OccupancyDetected
- On
- onGet()
- onSet()
- OperatingStateResponse
- OpticalZoom
- OutletInUse
- OzoneDensity
- PairingFeatures
- PairSetup
- PairVerify
- PasswordSetting
- PeriodicSnapshotsActive
- PictureMode
- Ping
- PM10Density
- PM2_5Density
- PositionState
- PowerModeSelection
- ProductData
- ProgrammableSwitchEvent
- ProgrammableSwitchOutputState
- ProgramMode
- props
- ReceivedSignalStrengthIndication
- ReceiverSensitivity
- RecordingAudioActive
- RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold
- RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold
- RelayControlPoint
- RelayEnabled
- RelayState
- RemainingDuration
- RemoteKey
- removeAllListeners()
- removeOnGet()
- removeOnSet()
- replaceBy()
- ResetFilterIndication
- RotationDirection
- RotationSpeed
- RouterStatus
- Saturation
- SecuritySystemAlarmType
- SecuritySystemCurrentState
- SecuritySystemTargetState
- SelectedAudioStreamConfiguration
- SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration
- SelectedDiagnosticsModes
- SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration
- SelectedSleepConfiguration
- sendEventNotification()
- serialize()
- SerialNumber
- ServiceLabelIndex
- ServiceLabelNamespace
- SetDuration
- setProps()
- setupAdditionalAuthorization()
- SetupDataStreamTransport
- SetupEndpoints
- SetupTransferTransport
- setValue()
- SignalToNoiseRatio
- SiriEnable
- SiriEndpointSessionStatus
- SiriEngineVersion
- SiriInputType
- SiriLightOnUse
- SiriListening
- SiriTouchToUse
- SlatType
- SleepDiscoveryMode
- SleepInterval
- SmokeDetected
- SoftwareRevision
- StagedFirmwareVersion
- StatusActive
- statusCode
- StatusFault
- StatusJammed
- StatusLowBattery
- StatusTampered
- StreamingStatus
- subscribe()
- SulphurDioxideDensity
- SupportedAssetTypes
- SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration
- SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration
- SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration
- SupportedCharacteristicValueTransitionConfiguration
- SupportedDataStreamTransportConfiguration
- SupportedDiagnosticsModes
- SupportedDiagnosticsSnapshot
- SupportedFirmwareUpdateConfiguration
- SupportedMetrics
- SupportedRouterConfiguration
- SupportedRTPConfiguration
- SupportedSleepConfiguration
- SupportedTransferTransportConfiguration
- SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration
- SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration
- SwingMode
- TapType
- TargetAirPurifierState
- TargetControlList
- TargetControlSupportedConfiguration
- TargetDoorState
- TargetFanState
- TargetHeaterCoolerState
- TargetHeatingCoolingState
- TargetHorizontalTiltAngle
- TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState
- TargetMediaState
- TargetPosition
- TargetRelativeHumidity
- TargetTemperature
- TargetTiltAngle
- TargetVerticalTiltAngle
- TargetVisibilityState
- TemperatureDisplayUnits
- ThirdPartyCameraActive
- ThreadControlPoint
- ThreadNodeCapabilities
- ThreadOpenThreadVersion
- ThreadStatus
- toHAP()
- Token
- TransmitPower
- TunnelConnectionTimeout
- TunneledAccessoryAdvertising
- TunneledAccessoryConnected
- TunneledAccessoryStateNumber
- unsubscribe()
- updateValue()
- validValuesIterator()
- value
- ValveType
- Version
- VideoAnalysisActive
- VOCDensity
- Volume
- VolumeControlType
- VolumeSelector
- WakeConfiguration
- WANConfigurationList
- WANStatusList
- WaterLevel
- WiFiCapabilities
- WiFiConfigurationControl
- WiFiSatelliteStatus
- decompressData()
- finished()
- readData()
- readData_Length16LE()
- readData_Length32LE()
- readData_Length64LE()
- readData_Length8()
- readData_terminated()
- readerIndex
- readFalse()
- readFloat32LE()
- readFloat64LE()
- readInt16LE()
- readInt32LE()
- readInt64LE()
- readInt8()
- readIntRange()
- readNegOne()
- readSecondsSince2001_01_01()
- readTag()
- readTrue()
- readUTF8()
- readUTF8_Length16LE()
- readUTF8_Length32LE()
- readUTF8_Length64LE()
- readUTF8_Length8()
- readUTF8_NULL_terminated()
- readUUID()
- addListener()
- clearRegisteredEvents()
- close()
- closeConnectionAsOfUnpair()
- connectionAuthenticated()
- disableEventNotifications()
- enableEventNotifications()
- encryption
- getLocalAddress()
- getRegisteredEvents()
- hasEventNotifications()
- isAuthenticated()
- lastSocketOperation
- localAddress
- networkInterface
- off()
- remoteAddress
- remotePort
- removeListener()
- sendEvent()
- server
- sessionID
- srpServer
- timedWritePid
- timedWriteTimeout
- username
- activeIdentifier
- configureServices()
- constructServices()
- constructSupportedAudioConfiguration()
- constructSupportedConfiguration()
- controllerId()
- deserialize()
- eventHandler
- getTargetIdentifierByName()
- handleControllerRemoved()
- handleFactoryReset()
- initWithServices()
- isActive()
- isConfigured()
- pushAndReleaseButton()
- pushButton()
- releaseButton()
- requestHandler
- serialize()
- setActiveIdentifier()
- setupStateChangeDelegate()
- targetConfigurations
- audioProxy
- deserialize()
- destroy()
- disableAudioProxy
- forceStop()
- getService()
- handleFactoryReset()
- requireProxy
- selectedConfiguration
- serialize()
- service
- sessionIdentifier
- setupEndpointsResponse
- setupStateChangeDelegate()
- streamStatus
- supportedAudioStreamConfiguration
- supportedCryptoSuites
- supportedRTPConfiguration
- supportedVideoStreamConfiguration
- videoOnly
- videoProxy
- AccessCode
- AccessControl
- AccessoryInformation
- AccessoryMetrics
- AccessoryRuntimeInformation
- addCharacteristic()
- addLinkedService()
- addOptionalCharacteristic()
- AirPurifier
- AirQualitySensor
- AssetUpdate
- Assistant
- AudioStreamManagement
- Battery
- CameraOperatingMode
- CameraRecordingManagement
- CameraRTPStreamManagement
- CarbonDioxideSensor
- CarbonMonoxideSensor
- characteristics
- CloudRelay
- ContactSensor
- DataStreamTransportManagement
- deserialize()
- Diagnostics
- displayName
- Door
- Doorbell
- Fan
- Fanv2
- Faucet
- FilterMaintenance
- FirmwareUpdate
- GarageDoorOpener
- getCharacteristic()
- getCharacteristicByIID()
- getServiceId()
- HeaterCooler
- HumidifierDehumidifier
- HumiditySensor
- iid
- InputSource
- internalHAPRepresentation()
- IrrigationSystem
- isHiddenService
- isPrimaryService
- LeakSensor
- Lightbulb
- LightSensor
- linkedServices
- LockManagement
- LockMechanism
- Microphone
- MotionSensor
- name
- NFCAccess
- OccupancySensor
- optionalCharacteristics
- Outlet
- Pairing
- PowerManagement
- ProtocolInformation
- removeCharacteristic()
- removeLinkedService()
- replaceCharacteristicsFromService()
- SecuritySystem
- serialize()
- ServiceLabel
- setCharacteristic()
- setHiddenService()
- setPrimaryService()
- Siri
- SiriEndpoint
- Slats
- SmartSpeaker
- SmokeSensor
- Speaker
- StatefulProgrammableSwitch
- StatelessProgrammableSwitch
- subtype
- Switch
- TapManagement
- TargetControl
- TargetControlManagement
- Television
- TelevisionSpeaker
- TemperatureSensor
- testCharacteristic()
- Thermostat
- ThreadTransport
- toHAP()
- TransferTransportManagement
- Tunnel
- updateCharacteristic()
- Valve
- WiFiRouter
- WiFiSatellite
- WiFiTransport
- Window
- WindowCovering
- INT8
Type Aliases
- AccessoriesCallback
- AccessoryCharacteristicChange
- AdditionalAuthorizationHandler
- AddPairingCallback
- AudioCodecConfiguration
- AudioCodecParameters
- AudioFrame
- AudioInfo
- AudioRecordingCodec
- AudioRecordingOptions
- AudioStreamingCodec
- AudioStreamingOptions
- ButtonConfiguration
- CameraStreamingOptions
- CharacteristicChange
- CharacteristicContext
- CharacteristicGetCallback
- CharacteristicGetHandler
- CharacteristicReadData
- CharacteristicSetCallback
- CharacteristicSetHandler
- CharacteristicValue
- CharacteristicWriteData
- ConstructorArgs
- ControllerIdentifier
- ControllerType
- DataStreamMessage
- ErrorHandler
- EventHandler
- EventName
- FrameHandler
- GlobalEventHandler
- GlobalRequestHandler
- HAPHttpError
- HAPPincode
- HAPUsername
- HDSFrame
- IdentificationCallback
- IdentifyCallback
- InterfaceName
- IPAddress
- IPv4Address
- IPv6Address
- ListPairingsCallback
- MacAddress
- NodeCallback
- Nullable
- PairCallback
- PairingsCallback
- PartialAllowingNull
- PartialCharacteristicReadData
- PartialCharacteristicWriteData
- PreparedDataStreamSession
- PrepareSessionCallback
- PrepareStreamCallback
- PrepareStreamRequest
- PrepareStreamResponse
- PrepareWriteRequest
- PrimitiveTypes
- ReadCharacteristicsCallback
- ReconfiguredVideoInfo
- ReconfigureStreamRequest
- RemovePairingCallback
- RequestHandler
- Resolution
- ResourceRequestCallback
- ResponseHandler
- RTPTime
- SerializedServiceMap
- ServiceCharacteristicChange
- ServiceId
- SessionIdentifier
- SnapshotRequest
- SnapshotRequestCallback
- Source
- StartStreamRequest
- StateChangeDelegate
- StopStreamRequest
- StreamingRequest
- StreamRequestCallback
- StreamSessionIdentifier
- SupportedButtonConfiguration
- SupportedConfiguration
- TargetConfiguration
- TLVEncodable
- VideoInfo
- VideoStreamingOptions
- VoidCallback
- WithUUID
- WriteCharacteristicsCallback
function clone
clone: <T extends object, U>(object: T, extend?: U) => T & U;
A simple clone function that also allows you to pass an "extend" object whose properties will be added to the cloned copy of the original object passed. Utils
function decode
decode: (buffer: Buffer) => Record<number, Buffer>;
This method is the legacy way of decoding tlv data. It will not properly decode multiple list of the same id. Should the decoder encounter multiple instances of the same id, it will just concatenate the buffer data.
Parameter buffer
TLV8 data
Note: Please use decodeWithLists which properly decodes list elements.
function decodeList
decodeList: (data: Buffer, entryStartId: number) => Record<number, Buffer>[];
This method can be used to parse a TLV8 encoded list that was concatenated.
If you are thinking about using this method, try to refactor the code to use decodeWithLists instead of decode. The single reason of this method's existence are the shortcomings decode, as it concatenates multiple tlv8 list entries into a single Buffer. This method can be used to undo that, by specifying the concatenated buffer and the tlv id of the element that should mark the beginning of a new tlv8 list entry.
Parameter data
The concatenated tlv8 list entries (probably output of decode).
Parameter entryStartId
The tlv id that marks the beginning of a new tlv8 entry.
function decodeWithLists
decodeWithLists: (buffer: Buffer) => Record<number, Buffer | Buffer[]>;
Decode a buffer coding TLV8 encoded entries.
This method decodes multiple entries split by a TLV delimiter properly into Buffer arrays. It properly reassembles tlv entries if they were split across multiple entries due to exceeding the max tlv entry size of 255 bytes.
Parameter buffer
The Buffer containing TLV8 encoded data.
function encode
encode: ( type: number, data: TLVEncodable | TLVEncodable[], ...args: any[]) => Buffer;
function epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01
epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01: (millis: number) => number;
function epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01Buffer
epochMillisFromMillisSince2001_01_01Buffer: (millis: Buffer) => number;
function HAPLibraryVersion
HAPLibraryVersion: () => string;
This method can be used to retrieve the current running library version of the HAP-NodeJS framework.
The SemVer version string.
function IsKnownHAPStatusError
IsKnownHAPStatusError: (status: HAPStatus) => boolean;
Determines if the given status code is a known HAPStatus error code.
HAP Accessory Server
function isSerializableController
isSerializableController: ( controller: Controller) => controller is SerializableController<ControllerServiceMap, any>;
Parameter controller
Controller API
function once
once: <T extends Function>(func: T) => T;
Function wrapper to ensure a function/callback is only called once.
function readUInt16
readUInt16: (buffer: Buffer) => number;
function readUInt32
readUInt32: (buffer: Buffer) => number;
function readUInt64LE
readUInt64LE: (buffer: Buffer, offset?: number) => number;
function readVariableUIntLE
readVariableUIntLE: (buffer: Buffer) => number;
Reads variable size unsigned integer writeVariableUIntLE.
Parameter buffer
The buffer to read from. It must have exactly the size of the given integer. TLV8
function writeFloat32LE
writeFloat32LE: (value: number) => Buffer;
function writeUInt16
writeUInt16: (value: number) => Buffer;
function writeUInt32
writeUInt32: (value: number) => Buffer;
function writeVariableUIntLE
writeVariableUIntLE: (number: number) => Buffer;
Writes variable size unsigned integer. Either: -
Parameter number
class AccessControlManagement
class AccessControlManagement extends EventEmitter {}
constructor(password?: boolean);
Instantiates a new AccessControlManagement.
Parameter password
if set to true the service will listen for password settings
constructor(password?: boolean, service?: AccessControl);
Instantiates a new AccessControlManagement.
Parameter password
if set to true the service will listen for password settings
Parameter service
supply your own instance to sideload the AccessControl service
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
This destroys the AccessControlManagement. It unregisters all GET or SET handler it has associated with the given AccessControl service. It removes all event handlers which were registered to this object.
method getAccessLevel
getAccessLevel: () => AccessLevel;
the current AccessLevel configured for the Home
method getPassword
getPassword: () => string | undefined;
the current password configured for the Home or
if no password is required.
method getService
getService: () => AccessControl;
the AccessControl service
class Accessory
class Accessory extends EventEmitter {}
Accessory is a virtual HomeKit device. It can publish an associated HAP server for iOS devices to communicate with - or it can run behind another "Bridge" Accessory server.
Bridged Accessories in this implementation must have a UUID that is unique among all other Accessories that are hosted by the Bridge. This UUID must be "stable" and unchanging, even when the server is restarted. This is required so that the Bridge can provide consistent "Accessory IDs" (aid) and "Instance IDs" (iid) for all Accessories, Services, and Characteristics for iOS clients to reference later.
constructor(displayName: string, UUID: string);
property aid
aid: number;
property bridge
bridge?: Accessory;
property bridged
bridged: boolean;
property bridgedAccessories
bridgedAccessories: Accessory[];
property category
category: Categories;
property controllerStorage
controllerStorage: ControllerStorage;
Private API.
property displayName
displayName: string;
property getPrimaryAccessory
getPrimaryAccessory: () => Accessory;
Returns the bridging accessory if this accessory is bridged. Otherwise, returns itself.
the primary accessory
property lastKnownUsername
lastKnownUsername?: string;
property reachable
reachable: boolean;
property services
services: Service[];
property shouldPurgeUnusedIDs
shouldPurgeUnusedIDs: boolean;
property UUID
UUID: string;
method addBridgedAccessories
addBridgedAccessories: (accessories: Accessory[]) => void;
method addBridgedAccessory
addBridgedAccessory: (accessory: Accessory, deferUpdate?: boolean) => Accessory;
method addService
addService: { (service: Service): Service; <S extends typeof Service>( serviceConstructor: S, ...constructorArgs: ConstructorArgs<S> ): Service;};
Add the given service instance to the Accessory.
Parameter service
A Service instance.
Returns the service instance passed to the method call.
Adds a given service by calling the provided Service constructor with the provided constructor arguments.
Parameter serviceConstructor
A Service service constructor (e.g. Service.Switch).
Parameter constructorArgs
The arguments passed to the given constructor.
Returns the constructed service instance.
method cleanupAccessoryData
static cleanupAccessoryData: (username: MacAddress) => void;
method configureController
configureController: ( controllerConstructor: Controller | ControllerConstructor) => void;
This method is used to set up a new Controller for this accessory. See Controller for a more detailed explanation what a Controller is and what it is capable of.
The controller can be passed as an instance of the class or as a constructor (without any necessary parameters) for a new Controller. Only one Controller of a given ControllerIdentifier can be configured for a given Accessory.
When called, it will be checked if there are any services and persistent data the Controller (for the given ControllerIdentifier) can be restored from. Otherwise, the Controller will be created with new services.
Parameter controllerConstructor
The Controller instance or constructor to the Controller with no required arguments.
method deserialize
static deserialize: (json: SerializedAccessory) => Accessory;
method destroy
destroy: () => Promise<void>;
Removes this Accessory from the local network Accessory object will no longer valid after invoking this method Trying to invoke publish() on the object will result undefined behavior
method disableUnusedIDPurge
disableUnusedIDPurge: () => void;
method enableUnusedIDPurge
enableUnusedIDPurge: () => void;
method findCharacteristic
protected findCharacteristic: ( aid: number, iid: number) => Characteristic | undefined;
method getAccessoryByAID
protected getAccessoryByAID: (aid: number) => Accessory | undefined;
method getService
getService: <T extends WithUUID<typeof Service>>( name: string | T) => Service | undefined;
method getServiceById
getServiceById: <T extends WithUUID<typeof Service>>( uuid: string | T, subType: string) => Service | undefined;
method publish
publish: (info: PublishInfo, allowInsecureRequest?: boolean) => Promise<void>;
Publishes this accessory on the local network for iOS clients to communicate with. -
- formatted as a MAC address, likeCC:22:3D:E3:CE:F6
, of this accessory. Must be globally unique from all Accessories on your local network. -info.pincode
- the 8-digit pin code for clients to use when pairing this Accessory. Must be formatted as a string like031-45-154
. -info.category
- one of the values of theAccessory.Category
enum, likeAccessory.Category.SWITCH
. This is a hint to iOS clients about what "type" of Accessory this represents, so that for instance an appropriate icon can be drawn for the user while adding a new Accessory.Parameter info
Required info for publishing.
Parameter allowInsecureRequest
Will allow unencrypted and unauthenticated access to the http server
method purgeUnusedIDs
purgeUnusedIDs: () => void;
Manually purge the unused ids if you like, comes handy when you have disabled auto purge, so you can do it manually
method removeAllBridgedAccessories
removeAllBridgedAccessories: () => void;
method removeBridgedAccessories
removeBridgedAccessories: (accessories: Accessory[]) => void;
method removeBridgedAccessory
removeBridgedAccessory: (accessory: Accessory, deferUpdate?: boolean) => void;
method removeController
removeController: (controller: Controller) => void;
This method will remove a given Controller from this accessory. The controller object will be restored to its initial state. This also means that any event handlers setup for the controller will be removed.
Parameter controller
The controller which should be removed from the accessory.
method removeService
removeService: (service: Service) => void;
method serialize
static serialize: (accessory: Accessory) => SerializedAccessory;
method setupURI
setupURI: () => string;
method unpublish
unpublish: () => Promise<void>;
class AccessoryInfo
class AccessoryInfo {}
AccessoryInfo is a model class containing a subset of Accessory data relevant to the internal HAP server, such as encryption keys and username. It is persisted to disk. Model
property category
category: Categories;
property deviceIdPattern
static readonly deviceIdPattern: RegExp;
property displayName
displayName: string;
property model
model: string;
property paired
paired: () => boolean;
property pairedAdminClients
pairedAdminClients: number;
property pairedClients
pairedClients: Record<string, PairingInformation>;
property pincode
pincode: string;
property setupID
setupID: string;
property signPk
signPk: Buffer;
property signSk
signSk: Buffer;
property username
username: string;
method addPairedClient
addPairedClient: ( username: HAPUsername, publicKey: Buffer, permission: PermissionTypes) => void;
Add a paired client to memory.
Parameter username
Parameter publicKey
Parameter permission
method assertValidUsername
static assertValidUsername: (username: MacAddress) => void;
method checkForCurrentConfigurationNumberIncrement
checkForCurrentConfigurationNumberIncrement: ( configuration: AccessoryJsonObject[], checkFirmwareIncrement?: boolean) => boolean;
Checks based on the current accessory configuration if the current configuration number needs to be incremented. Additionally, if desired, it checks if the firmware version was incremented (aka the HAP-NodeJS) version did grow.
Parameter configuration
The current accessory configuration.
Parameter checkFirmwareIncrement
True if the current configuration number was incremented and thus a new TXT must be advertised.
method create
static create: (username: MacAddress) => AccessoryInfo;
method getClientPublicKey
getClientPublicKey: (username: HAPUsername) => Buffer | undefined;
method getConfigVersion
getConfigVersion: () => number;
method hasAdminPermissions
hasAdminPermissions: (username: HAPUsername) => boolean;
method isPaired
isPaired: (username: HAPUsername) => boolean;
Check if username is paired
Parameter username
method listPairings
listPairings: () => PairingInformation[];
method load
static load: (username: MacAddress) => AccessoryInfo | null;
method persistKey
static persistKey: (username: MacAddress) => string;
method remove
static remove: (username: MacAddress) => void;
method removePairedClient
removePairedClient: (connection: HAPConnection, username: HAPUsername) => void;
Remove a paired client from memory.
Parameter connection
the session of the connection initiated the removal of the pairing
Parameter username
method save
save: () => void;
method updatePermission
updatePermission: (username: HAPUsername, permission: PermissionTypes) => void;
class AdaptiveLightingController
class AdaptiveLightingController extends EventEmitter implements SerializableController< ControllerServiceMap, SerializedAdaptiveLightingControllerState > {}
This class allows adding Adaptive Lighting support to Lightbulb services. The Lightbulb service MUST have the Characteristic.ColorTemperature characteristic AND the Characteristic.Brightness characteristic added. The light may also expose Characteristic.Hue and Characteristic.Saturation characteristics (though additional work is required to keep them in sync with the color temperature characteristic. see below)
How Adaptive Lighting works: When enabling AdaptiveLighting the iDevice will send a transition schedule for the next 24 hours. This schedule will be renewed all 24 hours by a HomeHub in your home (updating the schedule according to your current day/night situation). Once enabled the lightbulb will execute the provided transitions. The color temperature value set is always dependent on the current brightness value. Meaning brighter light will be colder and darker light will be warmer. HomeKit considers Adaptive Lighting to be disabled as soon a write happens to either the Hue/Saturation or the ColorTemperature characteristics. The AdaptiveLighting state must persist across reboots.
The AdaptiveLightingController can be operated in two modes: AdaptiveLightingControllerMode.AUTOMATIC and AdaptiveLightingControllerMode.MANUAL with AUTOMATIC being the default. The goal would be that the color transition is done DIRECTLY on the light itself, thus not creating any additional/heavy traffic on the network. So if your light hardware/API supports transitions please go the extra mile and use MANUAL mode.
Below is an overview what you need to or consider when enabling AdaptiveLighting (categorized by mode). The AdaptiveLightingControllerMode can be defined with the second constructor argument.
AUTOMATIC (Default mode):
This is the easiest mode to setup and needs less to no work form your side for AdaptiveLighting to work. The AdaptiveLightingController will go through setup procedure with HomeKit and automatically update the color temperature characteristic base on the current transition schedule. It is also adjusting the color temperature when a write to the brightness characteristic happens. Additionally, it will also handle turning off AdaptiveLighting, when it detects a write happening to the ColorTemperature, Hue or Saturation characteristic (though it can only detect writes coming from HomeKit and can't detect changes done to the physical devices directly! See below).
So what do you need to consider in automatic mode: - Brightness and ColorTemperature characteristics MUST be set up. Hue and Saturation may be added for color support. - Color temperature will be updated all 60 seconds by calling the SET handler of the ColorTemperature characteristic. So every transition behaves like a regular write to the ColorTemperature characteristic. - Every transition step is dependent on the current brightness value. Try to keep the internal cache updated as the controller won't call the GET handler every 60 seconds. (The cached brightness value is updated on SET/GET operations or by manually calling Characteristic.updateValue on the brightness characteristic). - Detecting changes on the lightbulb side: Any manual change to ColorTemperature or Hue/Saturation is considered as a signal to turn AdaptiveLighting off. In order to notify the AdaptiveLightingController of such an event happening OUTSIDE of HomeKit you must call disableAdaptiveLighting manually! - Be aware that even when the light is turned off the transition will continue to call the SET handler of the ColorTemperature characteristic. - When using Hue/Saturation: When using Hue/Saturation in combination with the ColorTemperature characteristic you need to update the respective other in a particular way depending on if being in "color mode" or "color temperature mode". When a write happens to Hue/Saturation characteristic in is advised to set the internal value of the ColorTemperature to the minimal (NOT RAISING an event). When a write happens to the ColorTemperature characteristic just MUST convert to a proper representation in hue and saturation values, with RAISING an event. As noted above you MUST NOT call the Characteristic.setValue method for this, as this will be considered a write to the characteristic and will turn off AdaptiveLighting. Instead, you should use Characteristic.updateValue for this. You can and SHOULD use the supplied utility method ColorUtils.colorTemperatureToHueAndSaturation for converting mired to hue and saturation values.
MANUAL mode:
Manual mode is recommended for any accessories which support transitions natively on the devices end. Like for example ZigBee lights which support sending transitions directly to the lightbulb which then get executed ON the lightbulb itself reducing unnecessary network traffic. Here is a quick overview what you have to consider to successfully implement AdaptiveLighting support. The AdaptiveLightingController will also in manual mode do all the setup procedure. It will also save the transition schedule to disk to keep AdaptiveLighting enabled across reboots. The "only" thing you have to do yourself is handling the actual transitions, check that event notifications are only sent in the defined interval threshold, adjust the color temperature when brightness is changed and signal that Adaptive Lighting should be disabled if ColorTemperature, Hue or Saturation is changed manually.
First step is to setup up an event handler for the AdaptiveLightingControllerEvents.UPDATE, which is called when AdaptiveLighting is enabled, the HomeHub updates the schedule for the next 24 hours or AdaptiveLighting is restored from disk on startup. In the event handler you can get the current schedule via AdaptiveLightingController.getAdaptiveLightingTransitionCurve, retrieve current intervals like AdaptiveLightingController.getAdaptiveLightingUpdateInterval or AdaptiveLightingController.getAdaptiveLightingNotifyIntervalThreshold and get the date in epoch millis when the current transition curve started using AdaptiveLightingController.getAdaptiveLightingStartTimeOfTransition. Additionally AdaptiveLightingController.getAdaptiveLightingBrightnessMultiplierRange can be used to get the valid range for the brightness value to calculate the brightness adjustment factor. The method AdaptiveLightingController.isAdaptiveLightingActive can be used to check if AdaptiveLighting is enabled. Besides, actually running the transition (see AdaptiveLightingTransitionCurveEntry) you must correctly update the color temperature when the brightness of the lightbulb changes (see AdaptiveLightingTransitionCurveEntry.brightnessAdjustmentFactor), and signal when AdaptiveLighting got disabled by calling AdaptiveLightingController.disableAdaptiveLighting when ColorTemperature, Hue or Saturation where changed manually. Lastly you should set up a event handler for the AdaptiveLightingControllerEvents.DISABLED event. In yet unknown circumstances HomeKit may also send a dedicated disable command via the control point characteristic. Be prepared to handle that.
Adaptive Lighting
constructor(service: Lightbulb, options?: AdaptiveLightingOptions);
Creates a new instance of the AdaptiveLightingController. Refer to the AdaptiveLightingController documentation on how to use it.
Parameter service
The lightbulb to which Adaptive Lighting support should be added.
Parameter options
Optional options to define the operating mode (automatic vs manual).
method configureServices
configureServices: () => void;
method constructServices
constructServices: () => ControllerServiceMap;
method controllerId
controllerId: () => ControllerIdentifier;
method deserialize
deserialize: (serialized: SerializedAdaptiveLightingControllerState) => void;
method disableAdaptiveLighting
disableAdaptiveLighting: () => void;
This method can be called to manually disable the current active Adaptive Lighting transition. When using AdaptiveLightingControllerMode.AUTOMATIC you won't need to call this method. In AdaptiveLightingControllerMode.MANUAL you must call this method when Adaptive Lighting should be disabled. This is the case when the user manually changes the value of Hue, Saturation or ColorTemperature characteristics (or if any of those values is changed by physical interaction with the lightbulb).
method getAdaptiveLightingBrightnessMultiplierRange
getAdaptiveLightingBrightnessMultiplierRange: () => BrightnessAdjustmentMultiplierRange;
method getAdaptiveLightingNotifyIntervalThreshold
getAdaptiveLightingNotifyIntervalThreshold: () => number;
Returns the minimum interval threshold (in milliseconds) a accessory may notify HomeKit controllers about a new color temperature value via event notifications (what happens when you call Characteristic.updateValue). Meaning the accessory should only send event notifications to subscribed HomeKit controllers at the specified interval.
Typically this evaluates to 600000 milliseconds (10 minutes).
method getAdaptiveLightingStartTimeOfTransition
getAdaptiveLightingStartTimeOfTransition: () => number;
Returns the time where the current transition curve was started in epoch time millis. A transition curves is active for 24 hours typically and is renewed every 24 hours by a HomeHub. Additionally see getAdaptiveLightingTimeOffset.
method getAdaptiveLightingTimeOffset
getAdaptiveLightingTimeOffset: () => number;
It is not necessarily given, that we have the same time (or rather the correct time) as the HomeKit controller who set up the transition schedule. Thus we record the delta between our current time and the the time send with the setup request. timeOffset is defined as Date.now() - getAdaptiveLightingStartTimeOfTransition();. So in the case were we actually have a correct local time, it most likely will be positive (due to network latency). But of course it can also be negative.
method getAdaptiveLightingTransitionCurve
getAdaptiveLightingTransitionCurve: () => AdaptiveLightingTransitionCurveEntry[];
method getAdaptiveLightingUpdateInterval
getAdaptiveLightingUpdateInterval: () => number;
This method returns the interval (in milliseconds) in which the light should update its internal color temperature (aka changes it physical color). A lightbulb should ideally change this also when turned of in oder to have a smooth transition when turning the light on.
Typically this evaluates to 60000 milliseconds (60 seconds).
method getCurrentAdaptiveLightingTransitionPoint
getCurrentAdaptiveLightingTransitionPoint: () => | AdaptiveLightingTransitionPoint | undefined;
Retrieve the AdaptiveLightingTransitionPoint for the current timestamp. Returns undefined if the current transition schedule reached its end.
method handleControllerRemoved
handleControllerRemoved: () => void;
method handleFactoryReset
handleFactoryReset: () => void;
method initWithServices
initWithServices: ( serviceMap: ControllerServiceMap) => void | ControllerServiceMap;
method isAdaptiveLightingActive
isAdaptiveLightingActive: () => boolean;
Returns if a Adaptive Lighting transition is currently active.
method serialize
serialize: () => SerializedAdaptiveLightingControllerState | undefined;
method setupStateChangeDelegate
setupStateChangeDelegate: (delegate?: StateChangeDelegate) => void;
class Bridge
class Bridge extends Accessory {}
Bridge is a special type of HomeKit Accessory that hosts other Accessories "behind" it. This way you can simply publish() the Bridge (with a single HAPServer on a single port) and all bridged Accessories will be hosted automatically, instead of needed to publish() every single Accessory as a separate server.
constructor(displayName: string, UUID: string);
class CameraController
class CameraController extends EventEmitter implements SerializableController<CameraControllerServiceMap, CameraControllerState> {}
Everything needed to expose a HomeKit Camera.
constructor(options: CameraControllerOptions, legacyMode?: boolean);
property motionService
motionService?: MotionSensor;
property occupancyService
occupancyService?: OccupancySensor;
property recordingManagement
recordingManagement?: RecordingManagement;
The RecordingManagement which is responsible for handling HomeKit Secure Video. This property is only present if recording was configured.
property streamManagements
streamManagements: RTPStreamManagement[];
method configureServices
configureServices: () => void;
method constructServices
constructServices: () => CameraControllerServiceMap;
method controllerId
controllerId: () => ControllerIdentifier;
method deserialize
deserialize: (serialized: CameraControllerState) => void;
method forceStopStreamingSession
forceStopStreamingSession: (sessionId: SessionIdentifier) => void;
Call this method if you want to forcefully suspend an ongoing streaming session. This would be adequate if the rtp server or media encoding encountered an unexpected error.
Parameter sessionId
id of the current ongoing streaming session
method generateSynchronisationSource
static generateSynchronisationSource: () => number;
method handleControllerRemoved
handleControllerRemoved: () => void;
method handleFactoryReset
handleFactoryReset: () => void;
method handleSnapshotRequest
handleSnapshotRequest: ( height: number, width: number, accessoryName?: string, reason?: ResourceRequestReason) => Promise<Buffer>;
method initWithServices
initWithServices: ( serviceMap: CameraControllerServiceMap) => void | CameraControllerServiceMap;
method migrateFromDoorbell
protected migrateFromDoorbell: (serviceMap: ControllerServiceMap) => boolean;
method retrieveEventTriggerOptions
protected retrieveEventTriggerOptions: () => Set<EventTriggerOption>;
method serialize
serialize: () => CameraControllerState | undefined;
method setMicrophoneMuted
setMicrophoneMuted: (muted?: boolean) => void;
method setMicrophoneVolume
setMicrophoneVolume: (volume: number) => void;
method setSpeakerMuted
setSpeakerMuted: (muted?: boolean) => void;
method setSpeakerVolume
setSpeakerVolume: (volume: number) => void;
method setupStateChangeDelegate
setupStateChangeDelegate: (delegate?: StateChangeDelegate) => void;
class Characteristic
class Characteristic extends EventEmitter {}
Characteristic represents a particular typed variable that can be assigned to a Service. For instance, a "Hue" Characteristic might store a 'float' value of type 'arcdegrees'. You could add the Hue Characteristic to a Service in order to store that value. A particular Characteristic is distinguished from others by its UUID. HomeKit provides a set of known Characteristic UUIDs defined in HomeKit.ts along with a corresponding concrete subclass.
You can also define custom Characteristics by providing your own UUID. Custom Characteristics can be added to any native or custom Services, but Siri will likely not be able to work with these.
constructor(displayName: string, UUID: string, props: CharacteristicProps);
property AccessCodeControlPoint
static AccessCodeControlPoint: typeof AccessCodeControlPoint;
Characteristic Definitions
property AccessCodeSupportedConfiguration
static AccessCodeSupportedConfiguration: typeof AccessCodeSupportedConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property AccessControlLevel
static AccessControlLevel: typeof AccessControlLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property AccessoryFlags
static AccessoryFlags: typeof AccessoryFlags;
Characteristic Definitions
property AccessoryIdentifier
static AccessoryIdentifier: typeof AccessoryIdentifier;
Characteristic Definitions
property Active
static Active: typeof Active;
Characteristic Definitions
property ActiveIdentifier
static ActiveIdentifier: typeof ActiveIdentifier;
Characteristic Definitions
property ActivityInterval
static ActivityInterval: typeof ActivityInterval;
Characteristic Definitions
property additionalAuthorizationHandler
additionalAuthorizationHandler?: AdditionalAuthorizationHandler;
property AdministratorOnlyAccess
static AdministratorOnlyAccess: typeof AdministratorOnlyAccess;
Characteristic Definitions
property AirParticulateDensity
static AirParticulateDensity: typeof AirParticulateDensity;
Characteristic Definitions
property AirParticulateSize
static AirParticulateSize: typeof AirParticulateSize;
Characteristic Definitions
property AirPlayEnable
static AirPlayEnable: typeof AirPlayEnable;
Characteristic Definitions
property AirQuality
static AirQuality: typeof AirQuality;
Characteristic Definitions
property AppMatchingIdentifier
static AppMatchingIdentifier: typeof AppMatchingIdentifier;
Characteristic Definitions
property AssetUpdateReadiness
static AssetUpdateReadiness: typeof AssetUpdateReadiness;
Characteristic Definitions
property AudioFeedback
static AudioFeedback: typeof AudioFeedback;
Characteristic Definitions
property BatteryLevel
static BatteryLevel: typeof BatteryLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property Brightness
static Brightness: typeof Brightness;
Characteristic Definitions
property ButtonEvent
static ButtonEvent: typeof ButtonEvent;
Characteristic Definitions
property CameraOperatingModeIndicator
static CameraOperatingModeIndicator: typeof CameraOperatingModeIndicator;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonDioxideDetected
static CarbonDioxideDetected: typeof CarbonDioxideDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonDioxideLevel
static CarbonDioxideLevel: typeof CarbonDioxideLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonDioxidePeakLevel
static CarbonDioxidePeakLevel: typeof CarbonDioxidePeakLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonMonoxideDetected
static CarbonMonoxideDetected: typeof CarbonMonoxideDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonMonoxideLevel
static CarbonMonoxideLevel: typeof CarbonMonoxideLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel
static CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel: typeof CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property CCAEnergyDetectThreshold
static CCAEnergyDetectThreshold: typeof CCAEnergyDetectThreshold;
Characteristic Definitions
property CCASignalDetectThreshold
static CCASignalDetectThreshold: typeof CCASignalDetectThreshold;
Characteristic Definitions
property CharacteristicValueActiveTransitionCount
static CharacteristicValueActiveTransitionCount: typeof CharacteristicValueActiveTransitionCount;
Characteristic Definitions
property CharacteristicValueTransitionControl
static CharacteristicValueTransitionControl: typeof CharacteristicValueTransitionControl;
Characteristic Definitions
property ChargingState
static ChargingState: typeof ChargingState;
Characteristic Definitions
property ClosedCaptions
static ClosedCaptions: typeof ClosedCaptions;
Characteristic Definitions
property ColorTemperature
static ColorTemperature: typeof ColorTemperature;
Characteristic Definitions
property ConfigurationState
static ConfigurationState: typeof ConfigurationState;
Characteristic Definitions
property ConfiguredName
static ConfiguredName: typeof ConfiguredName;
Characteristic Definitions
property ContactSensorState
static ContactSensorState: typeof ContactSensorState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CoolingThresholdTemperature
static CoolingThresholdTemperature: typeof CoolingThresholdTemperature;
Characteristic Definitions
property CryptoHash
static CryptoHash: typeof CryptoHash;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentAirPurifierState
static CurrentAirPurifierState: typeof CurrentAirPurifierState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentAmbientLightLevel
static CurrentAmbientLightLevel: typeof CurrentAmbientLightLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentDoorState
static CurrentDoorState: typeof CurrentDoorState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentFanState
static CurrentFanState: typeof CurrentFanState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentHeaterCoolerState
static CurrentHeaterCoolerState: typeof CurrentHeaterCoolerState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentHeatingCoolingState
static CurrentHeatingCoolingState: typeof CurrentHeatingCoolingState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle
static CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle: typeof CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState
static CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState: typeof CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentMediaState
static CurrentMediaState: typeof CurrentMediaState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentPosition
static CurrentPosition: typeof CurrentPosition;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentRelativeHumidity
static CurrentRelativeHumidity: typeof CurrentRelativeHumidity;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentSlatState
static CurrentSlatState: typeof CurrentSlatState;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentTemperature
static CurrentTemperature: typeof CurrentTemperature;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentTiltAngle
static CurrentTiltAngle: typeof CurrentTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentTransport
static CurrentTransport: typeof CurrentTransport;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentVerticalTiltAngle
static CurrentVerticalTiltAngle: typeof CurrentVerticalTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property CurrentVisibilityState
static CurrentVisibilityState: typeof CurrentVisibilityState;
Characteristic Definitions
property DataStreamHAPTransport
static DataStreamHAPTransport: typeof DataStreamHAPTransport;
Characteristic Definitions
property DataStreamHAPTransportInterrupt
static DataStreamHAPTransportInterrupt: typeof DataStreamHAPTransportInterrupt;
Characteristic Definitions
property DiagonalFieldOfView
static DiagonalFieldOfView: typeof DiagonalFieldOfView;
Characteristic Definitions
property DigitalZoom
static DigitalZoom: typeof DigitalZoom;
Characteristic Definitions
property displayName
displayName: string;
property DisplayOrder
static DisplayOrder: typeof DisplayOrder;
Characteristic Definitions
property EventRetransmissionMaximum
static EventRetransmissionMaximum: typeof EventRetransmissionMaximum;
Characteristic Definitions
property EventSnapshotsActive
static EventSnapshotsActive: typeof EventSnapshotsActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property EventTransmissionCounters
static EventTransmissionCounters: typeof EventTransmissionCounters;
Characteristic Definitions
property FilterChangeIndication
static FilterChangeIndication: typeof FilterChangeIndication;
Characteristic Definitions
property FilterLifeLevel
static FilterLifeLevel: typeof FilterLifeLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property FirmwareRevision
static FirmwareRevision: typeof FirmwareRevision;
Characteristic Definitions
property FirmwareUpdateReadiness
static FirmwareUpdateReadiness: typeof FirmwareUpdateReadiness;
Characteristic Definitions
property FirmwareUpdateStatus
static FirmwareUpdateStatus: typeof FirmwareUpdateStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
property HardwareFinish
static HardwareFinish: typeof HardwareFinish;
Characteristic Definitions
property HardwareRevision
static HardwareRevision: typeof HardwareRevision;
Characteristic Definitions
property HeartBeat
static HeartBeat: typeof HeartBeat;
Characteristic Definitions
property HeatingThresholdTemperature
static HeatingThresholdTemperature: typeof HeatingThresholdTemperature;
Characteristic Definitions
property HoldPosition
static HoldPosition: typeof HoldPosition;
Characteristic Definitions
property HomeKitCameraActive
static HomeKitCameraActive: typeof HomeKitCameraActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property Hue
static Hue: typeof Hue;
Characteristic Definitions
property Identifier
static Identifier: typeof Identifier;
Characteristic Definitions
property Identify
static Identify: typeof Identify;
Characteristic Definitions
property iid
iid: number;
property ImageMirroring
static ImageMirroring: typeof ImageMirroring;
Characteristic Definitions
property ImageRotation
static ImageRotation: typeof ImageRotation;
Characteristic Definitions
property InputDeviceType
static InputDeviceType: typeof InputDeviceType;
Characteristic Definitions
property InputSourceType
static InputSourceType: typeof InputSourceType;
Characteristic Definitions
property InUse
static InUse: typeof InUse;
Characteristic Definitions
property IsConfigured
static IsConfigured: typeof IsConfigured;
Characteristic Definitions
property LeakDetected
static LeakDetected: typeof LeakDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property ListPairings
static ListPairings: typeof ListPairings;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockControlPoint
static LockControlPoint: typeof LockControlPoint;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockCurrentState
static LockCurrentState: typeof LockCurrentState;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockLastKnownAction
static LockLastKnownAction: typeof LockLastKnownAction;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout
static LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout: typeof LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockPhysicalControls
static LockPhysicalControls: typeof LockPhysicalControls;
Characteristic Definitions
property LockTargetState
static LockTargetState: typeof LockTargetState;
Characteristic Definitions
property Logs
static Logs: typeof Logs;
Characteristic Definitions
property MACRetransmissionMaximum
static MACRetransmissionMaximum: typeof MACRetransmissionMaximum;
Characteristic Definitions
property MACTransmissionCounters
static MACTransmissionCounters: typeof MACTransmissionCounters;
Characteristic Definitions
property ManagedNetworkEnable
static ManagedNetworkEnable: typeof ManagedNetworkEnable;
Characteristic Definitions
property ManuallyDisabled
static ManuallyDisabled: typeof ManuallyDisabled;
Characteristic Definitions
property Manufacturer
static Manufacturer: typeof Manufacturer;
Characteristic Definitions
property MaximumTransmitPower
static MaximumTransmitPower: typeof MaximumTransmitPower;
Characteristic Definitions
property MetricsBufferFullState
static MetricsBufferFullState: typeof MetricsBufferFullState;
Characteristic Definitions
property Model
static Model: typeof Model;
Characteristic Definitions
property MotionDetected
static MotionDetected: typeof MotionDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property MultifunctionButton
static MultifunctionButton: typeof MultifunctionButton;
Characteristic Definitions
property Mute
static Mute: typeof Mute;
Characteristic Definitions
property Name
static Name: typeof Name;
Characteristic Definitions
property NetworkAccessViolationControl
static NetworkAccessViolationControl: typeof NetworkAccessViolationControl;
Characteristic Definitions
property NetworkClientProfileControl
static NetworkClientProfileControl: typeof NetworkClientProfileControl;
Characteristic Definitions
property NetworkClientStatusControl
static NetworkClientStatusControl: typeof NetworkClientStatusControl;
Characteristic Definitions
property NFCAccessControlPoint
static NFCAccessControlPoint: typeof NFCAccessControlPoint;
Characteristic Definitions
property NFCAccessSupportedConfiguration
static NFCAccessSupportedConfiguration: typeof NFCAccessSupportedConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property NightVision
static NightVision: typeof NightVision;
Characteristic Definitions
property NitrogenDioxideDensity
static NitrogenDioxideDensity: typeof NitrogenDioxideDensity;
Characteristic Definitions
property ObstructionDetected
static ObstructionDetected: typeof ObstructionDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property OccupancyDetected
static OccupancyDetected: typeof OccupancyDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property On
static On: typeof On;
Characteristic Definitions
property OperatingStateResponse
static OperatingStateResponse: typeof OperatingStateResponse;
Characteristic Definitions
property OpticalZoom
static OpticalZoom: typeof OpticalZoom;
Characteristic Definitions
property OutletInUse
static OutletInUse: typeof OutletInUse;
Characteristic Definitions
property OzoneDensity
static OzoneDensity: typeof OzoneDensity;
Characteristic Definitions
property PairingFeatures
static PairingFeatures: typeof PairingFeatures;
Characteristic Definitions
property PairSetup
static PairSetup: typeof PairSetup;
Characteristic Definitions
property PairVerify
static PairVerify: typeof PairVerify;
Characteristic Definitions
property PasswordSetting
static PasswordSetting: typeof PasswordSetting;
Characteristic Definitions
property PeriodicSnapshotsActive
static PeriodicSnapshotsActive: typeof PeriodicSnapshotsActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property PictureMode
static PictureMode: typeof PictureMode;
Characteristic Definitions
property Ping
static Ping: typeof Ping;
Characteristic Definitions
property PM10Density
static PM10Density: typeof PM10Density;
Characteristic Definitions
property PM2_5Density
static PM2_5Density: typeof PM2_5Density;
Characteristic Definitions
property PositionState
static PositionState: typeof PositionState;
Characteristic Definitions
property PowerModeSelection
static PowerModeSelection: typeof PowerModeSelection;
Characteristic Definitions
property ProductData
static ProductData: typeof ProductData;
Characteristic Definitions
property ProgrammableSwitchEvent
static ProgrammableSwitchEvent: typeof ProgrammableSwitchEvent;
Characteristic Definitions
property ProgrammableSwitchOutputState
static ProgrammableSwitchOutputState: typeof ProgrammableSwitchOutputState;
Characteristic Definitions
property ProgramMode
static ProgramMode: typeof ProgramMode;
Characteristic Definitions
property props
props: CharacteristicProps;
property ReceivedSignalStrengthIndication
static ReceivedSignalStrengthIndication: typeof ReceivedSignalStrengthIndication;
Characteristic Definitions
property ReceiverSensitivity
static ReceiverSensitivity: typeof ReceiverSensitivity;
Characteristic Definitions
property RecordingAudioActive
static RecordingAudioActive: typeof RecordingAudioActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold
static RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold: typeof RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold;
Characteristic Definitions
property RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold
static RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold: typeof RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold;
Characteristic Definitions
property RelayControlPoint
static RelayControlPoint: typeof RelayControlPoint;
Characteristic Definitions
property RelayEnabled
static RelayEnabled: typeof RelayEnabled;
Characteristic Definitions
property RelayState
static RelayState: typeof RelayState;
Characteristic Definitions
property RemainingDuration
static RemainingDuration: typeof RemainingDuration;
Characteristic Definitions
property RemoteKey
static RemoteKey: typeof RemoteKey;
Characteristic Definitions
property ResetFilterIndication
static ResetFilterIndication: typeof ResetFilterIndication;
Characteristic Definitions
property RotationDirection
static RotationDirection: typeof RotationDirection;
Characteristic Definitions
property RotationSpeed
static RotationSpeed: typeof RotationSpeed;
Characteristic Definitions
property RouterStatus
static RouterStatus: typeof RouterStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
property Saturation
static Saturation: typeof Saturation;
Characteristic Definitions
property SecuritySystemAlarmType
static SecuritySystemAlarmType: typeof SecuritySystemAlarmType;
Characteristic Definitions
property SecuritySystemCurrentState
static SecuritySystemCurrentState: typeof SecuritySystemCurrentState;
Characteristic Definitions
property SecuritySystemTargetState
static SecuritySystemTargetState: typeof SecuritySystemTargetState;
Characteristic Definitions
property SelectedAudioStreamConfiguration
static SelectedAudioStreamConfiguration: typeof SelectedAudioStreamConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration
static SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration: typeof SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SelectedDiagnosticsModes
static SelectedDiagnosticsModes: typeof SelectedDiagnosticsModes;
Characteristic Definitions
property SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration
static SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration: typeof SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SelectedSleepConfiguration
static SelectedSleepConfiguration: typeof SelectedSleepConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SerialNumber
static SerialNumber: typeof SerialNumber;
Characteristic Definitions
property ServiceLabelIndex
static ServiceLabelIndex: typeof ServiceLabelIndex;
Characteristic Definitions
property ServiceLabelNamespace
static ServiceLabelNamespace: typeof ServiceLabelNamespace;
Characteristic Definitions
property SetDuration
static SetDuration: typeof SetDuration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SetupDataStreamTransport
static SetupDataStreamTransport: typeof SetupDataStreamTransport;
Characteristic Definitions
property SetupEndpoints
static SetupEndpoints: typeof SetupEndpoints;
Characteristic Definitions
property SetupTransferTransport
static SetupTransferTransport: typeof SetupTransferTransport;
Characteristic Definitions
property SignalToNoiseRatio
static SignalToNoiseRatio: typeof SignalToNoiseRatio;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriEnable
static SiriEnable: typeof SiriEnable;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriEndpointSessionStatus
static SiriEndpointSessionStatus: typeof SiriEndpointSessionStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriEngineVersion
static SiriEngineVersion: typeof SiriEngineVersion;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriInputType
static SiriInputType: typeof SiriInputType;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriLightOnUse
static SiriLightOnUse: typeof SiriLightOnUse;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriListening
static SiriListening: typeof SiriListening;
Characteristic Definitions
property SiriTouchToUse
static SiriTouchToUse: typeof SiriTouchToUse;
Characteristic Definitions
property SlatType
static SlatType: typeof SlatType;
Characteristic Definitions
property SleepDiscoveryMode
static SleepDiscoveryMode: typeof SleepDiscoveryMode;
Characteristic Definitions
property SleepInterval
static SleepInterval: typeof SleepInterval;
Characteristic Definitions
property SmokeDetected
static SmokeDetected: typeof SmokeDetected;
Characteristic Definitions
property SoftwareRevision
static SoftwareRevision: typeof SoftwareRevision;
Characteristic Definitions
property StagedFirmwareVersion
static StagedFirmwareVersion: typeof StagedFirmwareVersion;
Characteristic Definitions
property StatusActive
static StatusActive: typeof StatusActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property statusCode
statusCode: HAPStatus;
property StatusFault
static StatusFault: typeof StatusFault;
Characteristic Definitions
property StatusJammed
static StatusJammed: typeof StatusJammed;
Characteristic Definitions
property StatusLowBattery
static StatusLowBattery: typeof StatusLowBattery;
Characteristic Definitions
property StatusTampered
static StatusTampered: typeof StatusTampered;
Characteristic Definitions
property StreamingStatus
static StreamingStatus: typeof StreamingStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
property SulphurDioxideDensity
static SulphurDioxideDensity: typeof SulphurDioxideDensity;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedAssetTypes
static SupportedAssetTypes: typeof SupportedAssetTypes;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration
static SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration: typeof SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration
static SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration: typeof SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration
static SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration: typeof SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedCharacteristicValueTransitionConfiguration
static SupportedCharacteristicValueTransitionConfiguration: typeof SupportedCharacteristicValueTransitionConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedDataStreamTransportConfiguration
static SupportedDataStreamTransportConfiguration: typeof SupportedDataStreamTransportConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedDiagnosticsModes
static SupportedDiagnosticsModes: typeof SupportedDiagnosticsModes;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedDiagnosticsSnapshot
static SupportedDiagnosticsSnapshot: typeof SupportedDiagnosticsSnapshot;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedFirmwareUpdateConfiguration
static SupportedFirmwareUpdateConfiguration: typeof SupportedFirmwareUpdateConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedMetrics
static SupportedMetrics: typeof SupportedMetrics;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedRouterConfiguration
static SupportedRouterConfiguration: typeof SupportedRouterConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedRTPConfiguration
static SupportedRTPConfiguration: typeof SupportedRTPConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedSleepConfiguration
static SupportedSleepConfiguration: typeof SupportedSleepConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedTransferTransportConfiguration
static SupportedTransferTransportConfiguration: typeof SupportedTransferTransportConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration
static SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration: typeof SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration
static SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration: typeof SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property SwingMode
static SwingMode: typeof SwingMode;
Characteristic Definitions
property TapType
static TapType: typeof TapType;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetAirPurifierState
static TargetAirPurifierState: typeof TargetAirPurifierState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetControlList
static TargetControlList: typeof TargetControlList;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetControlSupportedConfiguration
static TargetControlSupportedConfiguration: typeof TargetControlSupportedConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetDoorState
static TargetDoorState: typeof TargetDoorState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetFanState
static TargetFanState: typeof TargetFanState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetHeaterCoolerState
static TargetHeaterCoolerState: typeof TargetHeaterCoolerState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetHeatingCoolingState
static TargetHeatingCoolingState: typeof TargetHeatingCoolingState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetHorizontalTiltAngle
static TargetHorizontalTiltAngle: typeof TargetHorizontalTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState
static TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState: typeof TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetMediaState
static TargetMediaState: typeof TargetMediaState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetPosition
static TargetPosition: typeof TargetPosition;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetRelativeHumidity
static TargetRelativeHumidity: typeof TargetRelativeHumidity;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetTemperature
static TargetTemperature: typeof TargetTemperature;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetTiltAngle
static TargetTiltAngle: typeof TargetTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetVerticalTiltAngle
static TargetVerticalTiltAngle: typeof TargetVerticalTiltAngle;
Characteristic Definitions
property TargetVisibilityState
static TargetVisibilityState: typeof TargetVisibilityState;
Characteristic Definitions
property TemperatureDisplayUnits
static TemperatureDisplayUnits: typeof TemperatureDisplayUnits;
Characteristic Definitions
property ThirdPartyCameraActive
static ThirdPartyCameraActive: typeof ThirdPartyCameraActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property ThreadControlPoint
static ThreadControlPoint: typeof ThreadControlPoint;
Characteristic Definitions
property ThreadNodeCapabilities
static ThreadNodeCapabilities: typeof ThreadNodeCapabilities;
Characteristic Definitions
property ThreadOpenThreadVersion
static ThreadOpenThreadVersion: typeof ThreadOpenThreadVersion;
Characteristic Definitions
property ThreadStatus
static ThreadStatus: typeof ThreadStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
property Token
static Token: typeof Token;
Characteristic Definitions
property TransmitPower
static TransmitPower: typeof TransmitPower;
Characteristic Definitions
property TunnelConnectionTimeout
static TunnelConnectionTimeout: typeof TunnelConnectionTimeout;
Characteristic Definitions
property TunneledAccessoryAdvertising
static TunneledAccessoryAdvertising: typeof TunneledAccessoryAdvertising;
Characteristic Definitions
property TunneledAccessoryConnected
static TunneledAccessoryConnected: typeof TunneledAccessoryConnected;
Characteristic Definitions
property TunneledAccessoryStateNumber
static TunneledAccessoryStateNumber: typeof TunneledAccessoryStateNumber;
Characteristic Definitions
property UUID
UUID: string;
property value
value: CharacteristicValue;
property ValveType
static ValveType: typeof ValveType;
Characteristic Definitions
property Version
static Version: typeof Version;
Characteristic Definitions
property VideoAnalysisActive
static VideoAnalysisActive: typeof VideoAnalysisActive;
Characteristic Definitions
property VOCDensity
static VOCDensity: typeof VOCDensity;
Characteristic Definitions
property Volume
static Volume: typeof Volume;
Characteristic Definitions
property VolumeControlType
static VolumeControlType: typeof VolumeControlType;
Characteristic Definitions
property VolumeSelector
static VolumeSelector: typeof VolumeSelector;
Characteristic Definitions
property WakeConfiguration
static WakeConfiguration: typeof WakeConfiguration;
Characteristic Definitions
property WANConfigurationList
static WANConfigurationList: typeof WANConfigurationList;
Characteristic Definitions
property WANStatusList
static WANStatusList: typeof WANStatusList;
Characteristic Definitions
property WaterLevel
static WaterLevel: typeof WaterLevel;
Characteristic Definitions
property WiFiCapabilities
static WiFiCapabilities: typeof WiFiCapabilities;
Characteristic Definitions
property WiFiConfigurationControl
static WiFiConfigurationControl: typeof WiFiConfigurationControl;
Characteristic Definitions
property WiFiSatelliteStatus
static WiFiSatelliteStatus: typeof WiFiSatelliteStatus;
Characteristic Definitions
method deserialize
static deserialize: (json: SerializedCharacteristic) => Characteristic;
Deserialize characteristic from json string.
Parameter json
Json string representing a characteristic. used to recreate characteristic from disk
method getDefaultValue
protected getDefaultValue: () => Nullable<CharacteristicValue>;
method handleGetRequest
handleGetRequest: ( connection?: HAPConnection, context?: CharacteristicContext) => Promise<Nullable<CharacteristicValue>>;
Called when a HAP requests wants to know the current value of the characteristic.
Parameter connection
The HAP connection from which the request originated from.
Parameter context
Deprecated parameter. There for backwards compatibility. Used by the Accessory to load the characteristic value
method handleSetRequest
handleSetRequest: ( value: CharacteristicValue, connection?: HAPConnection, context?: CharacteristicContext) => Promise<CharacteristicValue | void>;
Called when a HAP requests update the current value of the characteristic.
Parameter value
The updated value
Parameter connection
The connection from which the request originated from
Parameter context
Deprecated parameter. There for backwards compatibility.
Promise resolve to void in normal operation. When characteristic supports write-response, HAP requests a write-response and the set handler returns a write-response value, the respective write response value is resolved.
method internalHAPRepresentation
internalHAPRepresentation: () => CharacteristicJsonObject;
Returns a JSON representation of this characteristic without the value. used to generate the config hash
method onGet
onGet: (handler: CharacteristicGetHandler) => Characteristic;
Accepts a function that will be called to retrieve the current value of a Characteristic. The function must return a valid Characteristic value for the Characteristic type. May optionally return a promise.
Parameter handler
Example 1
Characteristic.onGet(async () => {return true;});
method onSet
onSet: (handler: CharacteristicSetHandler) => Characteristic;
Accepts a function that will be called when setting the value of a Characteristic. If the characteristic supports Perms.WRITE_RESPONSE and the request requests a write-response value, the returned value will be used. May optionally return a promise.
Parameter handler
Example 1
Characteristic.onSet(async (value: CharacteristicValue) => {console.log(value);});
method removeAllListeners
removeAllListeners: (event?: string | symbol) => this;
Parameter event
method removeOnGet
removeOnGet: () => Characteristic;
Removes the CharacteristicGetHandler handler which was configured using onGet.
method removeOnSet
removeOnSet: () => Characteristic;
Removes the CharacteristicSetHandler which was configured using onSet.
method replaceBy
replaceBy: (characteristic: Characteristic) => void;
Parameter characteristic
method sendEventNotification
sendEventNotification: ( value: CharacteristicValue, context?: CharacteristicContext) => Characteristic;
This method acts similarly to updateValue by setting the current value of the characteristic without calling any CharacteristicEventTypes.SET or onSet handlers. The difference is that this method forces an event notification sent (updateValue only sends one if the value changed). This is especially useful for characteristics like Characteristic.ButtonEvent or Characteristic.ProgrammableSwitchEvent.
Parameter value
The new value.
Parameter context
Passed to the CharacteristicEventTypes.CHANGE event handler.
method serialize
static serialize: (characteristic: Characteristic) => SerializedCharacteristic;
Serialize characteristic into json string.
Parameter characteristic
Characteristic object. used to store characteristic on disk
method setProps
setProps: (props: PartialAllowingNull<CharacteristicProps>) => Characteristic;
Updates the properties of this characteristic. Properties passed via the parameter will be set. Any parameter set to null will be deleted. See CharacteristicProps.
Parameter props
Partial properties object with the desired updates.
method setupAdditionalAuthorization
setupAdditionalAuthorization: (handler: AdditionalAuthorizationHandler) => void;
This method can be used to set up additional authorization for a characteristic. For one, it adds the Perms.ADDITIONAL_AUTHORIZATION permission to the characteristic (if it wasn't already) to signal support for additional authorization to HomeKit. Additionally, an AdditionalAuthorizationHandler is set up which is called before a write request is performed.
Additional Authorization Data can be added to SET request via a custom iOS App. Before hap-nodejs executes a write request it will call the AdditionalAuthorizationHandler with 'authData' supplied in the write request. The 'authData' is a base64 encoded string (or undefined if no authData was supplied). The AdditionalAuthorizationHandler must then return true or false to indicate if the write request is authorized and should be accepted.
Parameter handler
Handler called to check additional authorization data.
method setValue
setValue: { (value: CharacteristicValue): Characteristic; (error: HapStatusError | Error): Characteristic; (value: CharacteristicValue, context?: any): Characteristic;};
This updates the value by calling the CharacteristicEventTypes.SET event handler associated with the characteristic. This acts the same way as when a HomeKit controller sends a
request to update the characteristic. An event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.This method behaves like a updateValue call with the addition that the own CharacteristicEventTypes.SET event handler is called.
Parameter value
The new value.
Note: If you don't want the CharacteristicEventTypes.SET to be called, refer to updateValue.
Sets the state of the characteristic to an errored state.
If a onGet or CharacteristicEventTypes.GET handler is set up, the errored state will be ignored and the characteristic will always query the latest state by calling the provided handler.
If a generic error object is supplied, the characteristic tries to extract a HAPStatus code from the error message string. If not possible a generic HAPStatus.SERVICE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE will be used. If the supplied error object is an instance of HapStatusError the corresponding status will be used.
This doesn't call any registered onSet or CharacteristicEventTypes.SET handlers.
Have a look at the guide for more information on how to present erroneous state to the user.
Parameter error
The error object
Note: Erroneous state is never **pushed** to the client side. Only, if the HomeKit client requests the current state of the Characteristic, the corresponding HapStatusError is returned. As described above, any onGet or CharacteristicEventTypes.GET handlers have precedence.
This updates the value by calling the CharacteristicEventTypes.SET event handler associated with the characteristic. This acts the same way as when a HomeKit controller sends a
request to update the characteristic. An event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.This method behaves like a updateValue call with the addition that the own CharacteristicEventTypes.SET event handler is called.
Parameter value
The new value.
Parameter context
Passed to the CharacteristicEventTypes.SET and CharacteristicEventTypes.CHANGE event handler.
Note: If you don't want the CharacteristicEventTypes.SET to be called, refer to updateValue.
method subscribe
subscribe: () => void;
Called once a HomeKit controller subscribes to events of this characteristic.
method toHAP
toHAP: ( connection: HAPConnection, contactGetHandlers?: boolean) => Promise<CharacteristicJsonObject>;
Returns a JSON representation of this characteristic suitable for delivering to HAP clients. used to generate response to /accessories query
method unsubscribe
unsubscribe: () => void;
Called once a HomeKit controller unsubscribe to events of this characteristic or a HomeKit controller which was subscribed to this characteristic disconnects.
method updateValue
updateValue: { ( value: Nullable<CharacteristicValue> | Error | HapStatusError ): Characteristic; (value: CharacteristicValue): Characteristic; (error: HapStatusError | Error): Characteristic; (value: CharacteristicValue, context?: any): Characteristic;};
This updates the value of the characteristic. If the value changed, an event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.
Parameter value
The new value or a
or HapStatusError.Note: Refer to the respective overloads for CharacteristicValue or HapStatusError for respective documentation.
This updates the value of the characteristic. If the value changed, an event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.
Parameter value
The new value.
Sets the state of the characteristic to an errored state. If a onGet or CharacteristicEventTypes.GET handler is set up, the errored state will be ignored and the characteristic will always query the latest state by calling the provided handler.
If a generic error object is supplied, the characteristic tries to extract a HAPStatus code from the error message string. If not possible a generic HAPStatus.SERVICE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE will be used. If the supplied error object is an instance of HapStatusError the corresponding status will be used.
Have a look at the guide for more information on how to present erroneous state to the user.
Parameter error
The error object
Note: Erroneous state is never **pushed** to the client side. Only, if the HomeKit client requests the current state of the Characteristic, the corresponding HapStatusError is returned. As described above, any onGet or CharacteristicEventTypes.GET handlers have precedence.
This updates the value of the characteristic. If the value changed, an event notification will be sent to all connected HomeKit controllers which are registered to receive event notifications for this characteristic.
Parameter value
The new value.
Parameter context
Passed to the CharacteristicEventTypes.CHANGE event handler.
method validValuesIterator
validValuesIterator: () => Iterable<number>;
This method can be used to gain an Iterator to loop over all valid values defined for this characteristic.
The range of valid values can be defined using three different ways via the CharacteristicProps object (set via the setProps method): * First method is to specifically list every valid value inside CharacteristicProps.validValues * Second you can specify a range via CharacteristicProps.minValue and CharacteristicProps.maxValue (with optionally defining CharacteristicProps.minStep) * And lastly you can specify a range via CharacteristicProps.validValueRanges * Implicitly a valid value range is predefined for characteristics with Format Formats.UINT8, Formats.UINT16, Formats.UINT32 and Formats.UINT64: starting by zero to their respective maximum number
The method will automatically detect which type of valid values definition is used and provide the correct Iterator for that case.
Note: This method is (obviously) only valid for numeric characteristics.
Example 1
// use the iterator to loop over every valid value...for (const value of characteristic.validValuesIterator()) {// Insert logic to run for every}// ... or collect them in an array for storage or manipulationconst validValues = Array.from(characteristic.validValuesIterator());
class ColorUtils
class ColorUtils {}
method colorTemperatureToHueAndSaturation
static colorTemperatureToHueAndSaturation: ( colorTemperature: number, roundResults?: boolean) => { saturation: number; hue: number };
Returns the Hue and Saturation representation of the given color temperature in mired.
Parameter colorTemperature
The color temperature in mired.
Parameter roundResults
The lookup table has a precision of .1 decimal places. The given characteristics only have a step value of 1. Thus, the method will round the results by default to an integer value. This can be turned off using this option.
An number array of length 2 with the first element being the saturation and the second argument being the hue.
class DataStreamConnection
class DataStreamConnection extends EventEmitter {}
DataStream connection which holds any necessary state information, encryption and decryption keys, manages protocol handlers and also handles sending and receiving of data stream frames.
HomeKit Data Streams (HDS)
constructor(socket: Socket);
property remoteAddress
readonly remoteAddress: string;
method addProtocolHandler
addProtocolHandler: ( protocol: string | Protocols, protocolHandler: DataStreamProtocolHandler) => boolean;
Registers a new protocol handler to handle incoming messages. The same protocol cannot be registered multiple times.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol to register the handler for
Parameter protocolHandler
object to be registered as protocol handler
method close
close: () => void;
method decryptHDSFrame
decryptHDSFrame: (frame: HDSFrame, keyOverwrite?: Buffer) => boolean;
file-private API
method isConsideredClosed
isConsideredClosed: () => boolean;
method removeProtocolHandler
removeProtocolHandler: ( protocol: string | Protocols, protocolHandler: DataStreamProtocolHandler) => void;
Removes a protocol handler if it is registered.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol to unregister the handler for
Parameter protocolHandler
object which will be unregistered
method sendEvent
sendEvent: ( protocol: string | Protocols, event: string | Topics, message?: Record<any, any>) => void;
Sends a new event message to the connected client.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol
Parameter event
name of the event (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter message
message dictionary which gets sent along the event
method sendRequest
sendRequest: ( protocol: string | Protocols, request: string | Topics, message: Record<any, any> | undefined, callback: ResponseHandler) => void;
Sends a new request message to the connected client.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol
Parameter request
name of the request (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter message
message dictionary which gets sent along the request
Parameter callback
handler which gets supplied with an error object if the response didn't arrive in time or the status and the message dictionary from the response
method sendResponse
sendResponse: ( protocol: string | Protocols, response: string | Topics, id: number, status?: HDSStatus, message?: Record<any, any>) => void;
Send a new response message to a received request message to the client.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol
Parameter response
name of the response (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter id
id from the request, to associate the response to the request
Parameter status
status indication if the request was successful. A status of zero indicates success.
Parameter message
message dictionary which gets sent along the response
class DataStreamManagement
class DataStreamManagement {}
HomeKit Data Streams (HDS)
constructor(service?: DataStreamTransportManagement);
method destroy
destroy: () => void;
method getService
getService: () => DataStreamTransportManagement;
the DataStreamTransportManagement service
method onEventMessage
onEventMessage: ( protocol: string | Protocols, event: string | Topics, handler: GlobalEventHandler) => this;
Registers a new event handler to handle incoming event messages. The handler is only called for a connection if for the give protocol no ProtocolHandler was registered on the connection level.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol to register the handler for
Parameter event
name of the event (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter handler
function to be called for every occurring event
method onRequestMessage
onRequestMessage: ( protocol: string | Protocols, request: string | Topics, handler: GlobalRequestHandler) => this;
Registers a new request handler to handle incoming request messages. The handler is only called for a connection if for the give protocol no ProtocolHandler was registered on the connection level.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol to register the handler for
Parameter request
name of the request (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter handler
function to be called for every occurring request
method onServerEvent
onServerEvent: ( event: DataStreamServerEvent, listener: (connection: DataStreamConnection) => void) => this;
Forwards any event listener for an DataStreamServer event to the DataStreamServer instance
Parameter event
the event to register for
Parameter listener
the event handler
method removeEventHandler
removeEventHandler: ( protocol: string | Protocols, event: string | Topics, handler: GlobalEventHandler) => this;
Removes a registered event handler.
Parameter protocol
name of the protocol to unregister the handler for
Parameter event
name of the event (also referred to as topic. See Topics for some known ones)
Parameter handler
registered event handler