
  • Version 2.3.0
  • Published
  • 137 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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pnpm add hashids


Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use Hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.



class Hashids

class Hashids {}


    constructor(salt?: string, minLength?: number, alphabet?: string, seps?: string);

      method decode

      decode: (id: string) => NumberLike[];

        method decodeHex

        decodeHex: (id: string) => string;

          method encode

          encode: {
          (numbers: string | NumberLike[] | string[]): string;
          (...numbers: NumberLike[]): string;
          (...numbers: string[]): string;

            method encodeHex

            encodeHex: (inputHex: bigint | string) => string;
            • Splits a hex string into groups of 12-digit hexadecimal numbers, then prefixes each with '1' and encodes the resulting array of numbers

              Encoding '00000000000f00000000000f000f' would be the equivalent of: Hashids.encode([0x100000000000f, 0x100000000000f, 0x1000f])

              This means that if your environment supports BigInts, you will get different (shorter) results if you provide a BigInt representation of your hex and use encode directly, e.g.: Hashids.encode(BigInt(0x${hex}))

              To decode such a representation back to a hex string, use the following snippet: Hashids.decode(id)[0].toString(16)

            method isValidId

            isValidId: (id: string) => boolean;


              namespace nodemark

              module 'nodemark' {}

                variable benchmark

                const benchmark: {
                subject: () => any,
                setup?: () => any,
                durationMillis?: number
                ): BenchmarkResult;
                subject: (callback: (...args: unknown[]) => void) => any,
                setup?: () => any,
                durationMillis?: number
                ): Promise<BenchmarkResult>;

                  namespace require-from-web

                  module 'require-from-web' {}

                    function requireFromWeb

                    requireFromWeb: <T>(url: string) => Promise<T>;

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