
  • Version 0.7.0
  • Published
  • 191 kB
  • No dependencies
  • Apache-2.0 license


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An in-place virtual DOM library



variable attributes

const attributes: AttrMutatorConfig;
  • A publicly mutable object to provide custom mutators for attributes. NB: The result of createMap() has to be recast since closure compiler will just assume attributes is "any" otherwise and throws away the type annotation set by tsickle.

variable notifications

const notifications: Notifications;

    variable symbols

    const symbols: { default: string };
    • Copyright 2018 The Incremental DOM Authors. All Rights Reserved.

      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


    function alignWithDOM

    alignWithDOM: (nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef, key: Key) => void;
    • Aligns the virtual Node definition with the actual DOM, moving the corresponding DOM node to the correct location or creating it if necessary.

      Parameter nameOrCtor

      The name or constructor for the Node.

      Parameter key

      The key used to identify the Node.

    function applyAttr

    applyAttr: (el: Element, name: string, value: unknown) => void;
    • Applies an attribute or property to a given Element. If the value is null or undefined, it is removed from the Element. Otherwise, the value is set as an attribute.

      Parameter el

      The element to apply the attribute to.

      Parameter name

      The attribute's name.

      Parameter value

      The attribute's value.

    function applyAttrs

    applyAttrs: () => void;
    • Applies the currently buffered attrs to the currently open element. This clears the buffered attributes.

    function applyProp

    applyProp: (el: Element, name: string, value: unknown) => void;
    • Applies a property to a given Element.

      Parameter el

      The element to apply the property to.

      Parameter name

      The property's name.

      Parameter value

      The property's value.

    function applyStatics

    applyStatics: (statics: {}[]) => void;
    • Applies the current static attributes to the currently open element. Note: statics should be applied before calling applyAtrs.

      Parameter statics

      The statics to apply to the current element.

    function attr

    attr: (name: string, value: any) => void;
    • Buffers an attribute, which will get applied during the next call to elementOpen, elementOpenEnd or applyAttrs.

      Parameter name

      The of the attribute to buffer.

      Parameter value

      The value of the attribute to buffer.

    function clearCache

    clearCache: (node: Node) => void;
    • Clears all caches from a node and all of its children.

      Parameter node

      The Node to clear the cache for.

    function close

    close: () => Element;
    • Closes the currently open Element, removing any unvisited children if necessary.


      The Element that was just closed.

    function createPatchInner

    createPatchInner: <T>(patchConfig?: PatchConfig) => PatchFunction<T, Node>;
    • Creates a patcher that patches the document starting at node with a provided function. This function may be called during an existing patch operation.

      Parameter patchConfig

      The config to use for the patch.


      The created function for patching an Element's children.

    function createPatchOuter

    createPatchOuter: <T>(
    patchConfig?: PatchConfig
    ) => PatchFunction<T, Node | null>;
    • Creates a patcher that patches an Element with the the provided function. Exactly one top level element call should be made corresponding to node.

      Parameter patchConfig

      The config to use for the patch.


      The created function for patching an Element.

    function currentElement

    currentElement: () => Element;
    • Returns

      The current Element being patched.

    function currentPointer

    currentPointer: () => Node;
    • The Node that will be evaluated for the next instruction.

    function elementClose

    elementClose: (nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef) => Element;
    • Closes an open virtual Element.

      Parameter nameOrCtor

      The Element's tag or constructor. The corresponding Element.

    function elementOpen

    elementOpen: (
    nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef,
    key?: Key,
    statics?: {}[],
    ...varArgs: Array<any>
    ) => HTMLElement;
    • Parameter nameOrCtor

      The Element's tag or constructor.

      Parameter key

      The key used to identify this element. This can be an empty string, but performance may be better if a unique value is used when iterating over an array of items.

      Parameter statics

      An array of attribute name/value pairs of the static attributes for the Element. Attributes will only be set once when the Element is created.

      Parameter varArgs

      , Attribute name/value pairs of the dynamic attributes for the Element. The corresponding Element.

    function elementOpenEnd

    elementOpenEnd: () => HTMLElement;
    • Closes an open tag started with elementOpenStart. The corresponding Element.

    function elementOpenStart

    elementOpenStart: (nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef, key?: Key, statics?: {}[]) => void;
    • Declares a virtual Element at the current location in the document. This corresponds to an opening tag and a elementClose tag is required. This is like elementOpen, but the attributes are defined using the attr function rather than being passed as arguments. Must be folllowed by 0 or more calls to attr, then a call to elementOpenEnd.

      Parameter nameOrCtor

      The Element's tag or constructor.

      Parameter key

      The key used to identify this element. This can be an empty string, but performance may be better if a unique value is used when iterating over an array of items.

      Parameter statics

      An array of attribute name/value pairs of the static attributes for the Element. Attributes will only be set once when the Element is created.

    function elementVoid

    elementVoid: (
    nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef,
    key?: Key,
    statics?: {}[],
    ...varArgs: Array<any>
    ) => Element;
    • Declares a virtual Element at the current location in the document that has no children.

      Parameter nameOrCtor

      The Element's tag or constructor.

      Parameter key

      The key used to identify this element. This can be an empty string, but performance may be better if a unique value is used when iterating over an array of items.

      Parameter statics

      An array of attribute name/value pairs of the static attributes for the Element. Attributes will only be set once when the Element is created.

      Parameter varArgs

      Attribute name/value pairs of the dynamic attributes for the Element. The corresponding Element.

    function getKey

    getKey: (node: Node) => Key;
    • Gets the key for a Node. note that the Node should have been imported by now.

      Parameter node

      The node to check.


      The key used to create the node.

    function importNode

    importNode: (node: Node) => void;
    • Imports node and its subtree, initializing caches.

      Parameter node

      The Node to import.

    function isDataInitialized

    isDataInitialized: (node: Node) => boolean;
    • Parameter node

      The node to check.


      True if the NodeData already exists, false otherwise.

    function key

    key: (key: string) => void;
    • Allows you to define a key after an elementOpenStart. This is useful in templates that define key after an element has been opened ie <div key('foo')></div>.

      Parameter key

      The key to use for the next call.

    function open

    open: (nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef, key?: Key) => HTMLElement;
    • Makes sure that the current node is an Element with a matching nameOrCtor and key.

      Parameter nameOrCtor

      The tag or constructor for the Element.

      Parameter key

      The key used to identify this element. This can be an empty string, but performance may be better if a unique value is used when iterating over an array of items. The corresponding Element.

    function patch

    patch: <T>(
    node: Element | DocumentFragment,
    template: (a: T) => void,
    data?: T
    ) => Node;

      function patchInner

      patchInner: <T>(
      node: Element | DocumentFragment,
      template: (a: T) => void,
      data?: T
      ) => Node;

        function patchOuter

        patchOuter: <T>(
        node: Element | DocumentFragment,
        template: (a: T) => void,
        data?: T
        ) => Node | null;

          function setKeyAttributeName

          setKeyAttributeName: (name: string | null) => void;

            function skip

            skip: () => void;
            • Skips the children in a subtree, allowing an Element to be closed without clearing out the children.

            function skipNode

            skipNode: () => void;
            • Changes to the next sibling of the current node.

            function text

            text: (
            value: string | number | boolean,
            ...varArgs: ((a: {}) => string)[]
            ) => Text;
            • Declares a virtual Text at this point in the document.

              Parameter value

              The value of the Text.

              Parameter varArgs

              Functions to format the value which are called only when the value has changed. The corresponding text node.


            interface AttrMutatorConfig

            interface AttrMutatorConfig {}

              index signature

              [x: string]: AttrMutator;

                interface ElementConstructor

                interface ElementConstructor {}
                • Copyright 2018 The Incremental DOM Authors. All Rights Reserved.

                  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


                  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

                construct signature

                new (): Element;

                  interface PatchConfig

                  interface PatchConfig {}

                    property matches

                    matches?: MatchFnDef;

                      Type Aliases

                      type AttrMutator

                      type AttrMutator = (a: Element, b: string, c: any) => void;

                        type Key

                        type Key = string | number | null | undefined;

                          type MatchFnDef

                          type MatchFnDef = (
                          matchNode: Node,
                          nameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef,
                          expectedNameOrCtor: NameOrCtorDef,
                          key: Key,
                          expectedKey: Key
                          ) => boolean;

                            type NameOrCtorDef

                            type NameOrCtorDef = string | ElementConstructor;

                              type PatchFunction

                              type PatchFunction<T, R> = (
                              node: Element | DocumentFragment,
                              template: (a: T | undefined) => void,
                              data?: T | undefined
                              ) => R;

                                type Statics

                                type Statics = Array<{}> | null | undefined;

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