
  • Version 10.7.14
  • Published
  • 223 kB
  • 4 dependencies
  • BSD-3-Clause license


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pnpm add intl-messageformat


Formats ICU Message strings with number, date, plural, and select placeholders to create localized messages.



function formatToParts

formatToParts: <T>(
els: MessageFormatElement[],
locales: string | string[],
formatters: Formatters,
formats: Formats,
values?: Record<string, PrimitiveType | T | FormatXMLElementFn<T>>,
currentPluralValue?: number,
originalMessage?: string
) => MessageFormatPart<T>[];

    function isFormatXMLElementFn

    isFormatXMLElementFn: <T>(
    el: PrimitiveType | T | FormatXMLElementFn<T>
    ) => el is FormatXMLElementFn<T, string | T | (string | T)[]>;


      class FormatError

      class FormatError extends Error {}


        constructor(msg: string, code: ErrorCode, originalMessage?: string);

          property code

          readonly code: ErrorCode;

            property originalMessage

            readonly originalMessage: string;
            • Original message we're trying to format undefined if we're only dealing w/ AST

              {(string | undefined)} FormatError

            method toString

            toString: () => string;

              class IntlMessageFormat

              class IntlMessageFormat {}


                message: string | MessageFormatElement[],
                locales?: string | string[],
                overrideFormats?: Partial<Formats>,
                opts?: Options

                  property defaultLocale

                  static readonly defaultLocale: string;

                    property format

                    format: <T = void>(
                    values?: Record<
                    T | PrimitiveType | FormatXMLElementFn<T, string | T | (string | T)[]>
                    ) => string | T | (string | T)[];

                      property formats

                      static formats: Formats;

                        property formatToParts

                        formatToParts: <T>(
                        values?: Record<
                        PrimitiveType | T | FormatXMLElementFn<T, string | T | (string | T)[]>
                        ) => MessageFormatPart<T>[];

                          property getAst

                          getAst: () => MessageFormatElement[];

                            property resolvedOptions

                            resolvedOptions: () => { locale: string };

                              property resolveLocale

                              static resolveLocale: (locales: string | string[]) => Intl.Locale | undefined;

                                class InvalidValueError

                                class InvalidValueError extends FormatError {}


                                  variableId: string,
                                  value: any,
                                  options: string[],
                                  originalMessage?: string

                                    class InvalidValueTypeError

                                    class InvalidValueTypeError extends FormatError {}


                                      constructor(value: any, type: string, originalMessage?: string);

                                        class MissingValueError

                                        class MissingValueError extends FormatError {}


                                          constructor(variableId: string, originalMessage?: string);


                                            interface Formats

                                            interface Formats {}

                                              property date

                                              date: Record<Format<'date'>, Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions>;

                                                property number

                                                number: Record<Format<'number'>, NumberFormatOptions>;

                                                  property time

                                                  time: Record<Format<'time'>, Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions>;

                                                    interface FormatterCache

                                                    interface FormatterCache {}

                                                      property dateTime

                                                      dateTime: Record<string, Intl.DateTimeFormat>;

                                                        property number

                                                        number: Record<string, NumberFormatOptions>;

                                                          property pluralRules

                                                          pluralRules: Record<string, Intl.PluralRules>;

                                                            interface Formatters

                                                            interface Formatters {}

                                                              method getDateTimeFormat

                                                              getDateTimeFormat: (
                                                              locales?: string | string[],
                                                              options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions
                                                              ) => Intl.DateTimeFormat;

                                                                method getNumberFormat

                                                                getNumberFormat: (
                                                                locals?: string | string[],
                                                                opts?: NumberFormatOptions
                                                                ) => Intl.NumberFormat;

                                                                  method getPluralRules

                                                                  getPluralRules: (
                                                                  locales?: string | string[],
                                                                  options?: Intl.PluralRulesOptions
                                                                  ) => Intl.PluralRules;

                                                                    interface LiteralPart

                                                                    interface LiteralPart {}

                                                                      property type

                                                                      type: PART_TYPE.literal;

                                                                        property value

                                                                        value: string;

                                                                          interface ObjectPart

                                                                          interface ObjectPart<T = any> {}

                                                                            property type

                                                                            type: PART_TYPE.object;

                                                                              property value

                                                                              value: T;

                                                                                interface Options

                                                                                interface Options extends Omit<ParserOptions, 'locale'> {}

                                                                                  property formatters

                                                                                  formatters?: Formatters;


                                                                                    enum ErrorCode

                                                                                    enum ErrorCode {
                                                                                    MISSING_VALUE = 'MISSING_VALUE',
                                                                                    INVALID_VALUE = 'INVALID_VALUE',
                                                                                    MISSING_INTL_API = 'MISSING_INTL_API',

                                                                                      member INVALID_VALUE

                                                                                      INVALID_VALUE = 'INVALID_VALUE'

                                                                                        member MISSING_INTL_API

                                                                                        MISSING_INTL_API = 'MISSING_INTL_API'

                                                                                          member MISSING_VALUE

                                                                                          MISSING_VALUE = 'MISSING_VALUE'

                                                                                            enum PART_TYPE

                                                                                            enum PART_TYPE {
                                                                                            literal = 0,
                                                                                            object = 1,

                                                                                              member literal

                                                                                              literal = 0

                                                                                                member object

                                                                                                object = 1

                                                                                                  Type Aliases

                                                                                                  type FormatXMLElementFn

                                                                                                  type FormatXMLElementFn<T, R = string | T | (string | T)[]> = (
                                                                                                  parts: Array<string | T>
                                                                                                  ) => R;

                                                                                                    type MessageFormatPart

                                                                                                    type MessageFormatPart<T> = LiteralPart | ObjectPart<T>;

                                                                                                      type PrimitiveType

                                                                                                      type PrimitiveType = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | Date;

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